1Sai'trar'' &Xtz:,tixz:.'-&triiZ'-z- .. CA.-.TAL IDWtt SALBM, 0-"- Wr' ,PL' '""- .- . iw, " r" " miuujiuK. ;v. HI "..aO iaio AH Lines Positively 1 HAS3 fFIRFsALE ENDS JULY 4th L wu m LjOau I wvu maw"--" Ladies Suits Ladies' Skirts Ladies' Waists Furnishings Lace Curtains I CITY NEWS ! X IT! I I ."rJr-H'l 1I",I Will1 ill". I A Collection of Important 1'ar. X mcrp?Mi nw xoar uonaiaexawiH a gettYenlr l'ontal New subject! today, at Patton'. 8mvt Cream Always- For sale by tho Townsond Groam ery Co., 187 Commercial atreot. . . G-29-U It In Approprlat During thlo btkry season, It la good to know that you cntt always buy ewoot cream In any quantity, of the Townaond Creamory Co., 137 Commercial etreot, 0-20-4t . .. .. - . W. II. Hiirriiian Flncl W. II. Sliornmn, who wna'arreatod sevoral days ngo on thu chnrgo of awwultlng Conutublo Johnson wax arraigned In Juatlco Wobnlor'a court Monday and llnud IB. Tho troublo wiui tho result of a dtnputo botweon Johnson and Bhorman ovor n cow which tho former guntlomnti attach ed. It was shown thnt tho row was x- ompt from attachment and over thin affair tho constnblo nnd Mr. Sher man havo boon nt outa. It nppoarn that on ono of Mr. JohnHon'a recent vlalta to Jefferuon, hu weut over to Bhorman'u atoro and told tho gentle man whom he lind offoudod that It would bo best to ehuko handa and umko up, or w'orda to that offcot but tljo veteran atoro keeper thinking of tho InJiiHtlco that had boon done to himself and his Innouont IiimsIo rfuiKsl to oxtuud thu glad limul. Some cruel words were spoken and Mr. Johnson wnu amltteu by some thing, w tho complaint allege, In the shape of u list. Will Fnliirgo Building ' Tho Western Nlootrlc Manufactur ing Company held n meeting Mon day ovonlng of all Its stockholders, and ratified tho notion of tho board of directors In buying the property that the linn oeouploa. It was de cided to build Immediately a two story addition on tho proaout build ing to umko room for tin Inrgo stoek of fixture, eupplle and mnohlnery. Appolut-d Stato Veterinarian ' Dr. C J Corlufk. of this ell), was appointed state veterinarian at n meeting of the Oregon Domestic An- ITSALL RIGHT mwmmmmmwmmwmmmmmwmwmwmwmmmmmmwmwmm The Salem Shoe Store PRICES ALL RIGHT QUALITY ALL RIGHT Ami the pooplo treat us all rlnht. fir they keep coining In num ber that moro than satUfy our expectation. Wo mast bo mak ing good, eht Salem Shoe Store EYRE & MAPLETHORPE i lami aiseee - imal Commission, held yesterday In tho oxocutlvo oinco. Dr. Corlnck, who will micccod Dr. William Mc Lean, Ib a graduato of tho votcrlnnry colloiro In Ontario. Canada, and has boon a resident of Salem for several years. fieo Hiuiwr 110)1. , Show window today, now. Somothlng I'liinclnir Hdvd You will see many bwoII turnouts Ion tho Fourth, and whon you look nt thorn romombor tho nnoBt nnrnoss is turned out by F. B. Shnfor, In thu Turner block. Keo Iliiuser IlroH.' Show window today. Something now. , o GYPSIES HUNTING TROUBLE Sovornl swarthy- looking gontlo moii, said to bo Kyimlos, camo Into town yestordny afternoon, nnd nfler partaking aullo fro"ly of firowntor and othor Intoxicating Juicos pro ceeded to go on tho warpath. Thoy visited August Schrolbor'a placo of biiHliuis on Stnto atreot, but pre sumably thinking that August wuh too big a proposition for them thoy turned to loave tho place, and upon going out camo In contact with I'oto Grnbor. who waH standing nonr tho sidewalk. Now, l'oto would be no small proposition, elthor, when It cornea to a rough and tumble, If ho woh given nu opportunity to got his pinions In position, but, In I'oto'a language, tho ruttlans Just camo up and "poked" him before ho fnlrly realised that lio was bit. Tho bunch of tougliH then vlsltod Jack Cooper's barroom, where they oon succeed ed In making troublo. Jack Green was onught on the walk In front of tho saloon, and pounded about the fnco nnd body. The bunch of bullies then took Mr. Green's hat and wont around the blook, where they hnd their team bitched. In a blinding ralaetorm tho party drove around sev era I blocks In detlftiire of any of Salem's puglllsU, and started out Stattt street. A warrant wa sworn out last nlxbt lu Judue Moore'4 -nun for tlii' arrest of the man who hit Mr Graber. and It U probable thi wuudi'ting Willies will boon be PACIFIC COAST SALES brought to Justice. At the time of tho nBsault Mr. Schrelbor says that ho blow n police whistle, but there hnppenoJ. to bo no officers In hear ing dlBtnncc. Nolthor of tlr- gentlemen assault ed nro fiorlouBly hurt, but Mr. Grab er would llko to boo tho man thnt "poked" htm, while Jack would bo Batlsflod If ho could recover his hat. The gypfllos oro said to bo camped near Salem on tho Turner road. TAKES ANOTHER SCALP Won. Lost. Pet. Y. M. C. A 3 1 .750 Merchants 3 2 .GOO Woolen Mills 2 3 .400 Falrmounta 1 3 ,2G0 Tho Y. M. C. A. brought their stndnlng up nnother notch last night lu a City League game against tho Woolen Mills, winning by the scofo of 3 to 2. '' Up to tho fourth Inning it was a pretty exhibition of good bull, but In thu first of the fourth Inning tho Woolen Mills wont up In tho air, and tho Association mon bunchod In tbroo runs in quick succession. Noth ing more happonod until tho last of tho tlfth, when tho mill mon had their streak of luck. Fry and Sheri dan oach got a run, but tho toam failed to get tho third, giving tho game to tho Y. M. C. A. In tho absenco of Forbos, South wick pitched a good game for the Y. M. C. A., wnlklng but fow mon, and Jnnco of tho oaarntinl roqulromonts of holding tho number of hits down to this most wholesomo law guarantoe ii low margin. ing tho right of the Initiative and King, at tho Morcbants, uniplrod. ,Tho naxt gnmo Is botwuun tho Y. M. C. A. nnd tho FalrmounU, next Frl- day. !Mrs. W. W. Sklnnor, left yesterday Torrlbly Distressing. i for hor homo In Novnda. Sho was Nothing can causo moro pain and jnceompnnlod by her brothor, W. V. moro dlstroaa than I'llos. Skinner. Thoy will visit Portland No wonder many Pllo sufferers say! ... .. .. ' ,, . T , l.nl llvna nro l.nr.lmiH tn Mim. t til llftOr tllO Fourth Of July, Olid Oolntmont nnd local treatments may rollevo but cannot euro. Dr. Loonhnrdt's llom-ltold Is guar nntood to euro any case of Piles. If Hem-Hold doosn't euro you, you gut your monoy back Horn-Hold Is a tablet takon Inter- nnlly, thus removing tho cause. $1.00 nt druggists, or Dr. Leon- hardt Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y., Pro- prlotors. Sold by Dr. S. C. Stone, Sftlom. Tho Hike. Huelanl Klmo Mllee had tUa wtsfortuuf to subiatn a bad full wUlla rUltug hl bl-eM'le- Ut Monday, wear the I'ahrsl- tv KMimaehim. Ills wheel struck a ral.d plank wltk such force as to throw the rider several feet. No tmifti were broken, but Mr. Mile sus tuiued several painful UruUes. I o The Doctor Away from Home When I .Most Xivtletl, ' People, are vory maeh diappolat el to flud that thMr family pUklan U away from home whon they most need his eervlcos. Diseases like cramp oolio and eliolora morbus requlro prompt treatment, aad have In many lntauoa provon fatal betor medl clno could bo pioourod from or n physician summouoj. Tho right way U to keop on band a bottle of Chaniborlalu'd Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rompdy. No physician cau pnvorlbi bettor madlclno for theeo dlsoasoa. By having It In tho houso you oecapo much pain and rufferlng and all risk. Buy U now; It may ravo life. For lo by Dr, Stono'a Drug Store. PROMOTERS IN CHARGE PETITIONS KNOCKED OVERBOARD Judge Galloway Holds Petitions Filed For Referendum Arc Defective Judgo Gnlloway today overruled tho domurrors in tho two Injunction suits against tho ofllclal free pass referendum, nnd tho referendum to submit tho bill for nllowlng tho sheriff of Multnomah county to board prisoners, and dismissed tho nltornatlvo writ of mnndnmus naked against tho Stato University tax bill. This mcnnB that, In tho opinion of Judgo Galloway, tho failure to print tho wnrnlng ngnlnst Illegal signa tures at tho head of each sheet of 20 names Is fntnl to tho first two named potltlonB filed with tho secretary of Btate, and tho failure to copy tho full and correct title of tho Univer sity tnx bill Is fatal to that petition. This virtually knocks out all tho referendum petitions thnt havo been fllod this year with tho socrotarjt of state, as tho $100,000 bill for armor los Is Just the snmo In having a de fective title. In conclusion of his decision Judgo Gnlloway snys: "Thoso suits nro uniquo in tho Jurisprudence of tho Btuto and wo bcllovo tho court should bo most liberal In construing tho law In tho lnteroit of tho public woal; but wo also bellovo tho evont tual welfaro of all tho pooplo will bo bast conserved by n strict perform referendum to tho pooplo." Mrs. Thomas II. O'Noll, who ha3 i boon visiting hor paronts, Mr. and will bo Joined today by tholr father. o A Wonderful Happening. Port Byrou, N. Y has witnessed one of tho moit romarkablo c.asas of hoallne ever rooordinL Amn P. Kng of tlmt plnoo B k. ,, . , t , , Ion 8 Arnl balv cure'J soro on my log with which I sad suffjrod over SO jtMrs, I am now olghty- fivo." Guara.it ovd to euro all sores, by J. C. Pony, druggist. 25c. Just Received A Shipment of Fine Limberger and Cream Brick Cheese Try Them and Be Convinced Moir Grocery Company -IIIIIIIMIMIII'fr f DPDCArVI A I Q tn i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i m n 1 1 1 n 1 1 Mr3. Gray, of Portland, Is visiting Salem relatives. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. R. Utterback loft today for a visit in Eugene. Harry Adklns, of Scotts Mills, ar rived this morning to visit relatives. MrB. O. Lunn has gone to Sllvor ton for n visit to friends. B. Lesley has gone to Eugene to visit his brother, Montio Lesley. Ralph Donhnm of Portland, Is vis iting relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Erickson havo gono to Orants Pass to spend tho Fourth. Miss Lillian Sellwood returned last cvonlng from a visit in Port land. Mrs. Earl, who has been visiting In this city, has returned to her homo in Turner. Miss Anna E. Dakcr, of Scio, has returned to her home, after attend ing tho teachers' convention. James Crawford and his cousin, Suo Wntson, are in Southern Oregon, whero thoy will spend tho summer. Philip Kolzor left this morning for Newport, whore ho will spend tho summer. Mrs. Mary Campbell left yestor day morning for a visit to frlonds lu Stnyton. Miss Anna Hnzon, of Lebanon, who hns beon visiting In tho city has roturned to hor home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Poe, after a visit hore, hnvo roturned to their homo In Roseburg. I Miss Flora Jones of Potnluma, Cal is tho guest of Miss Mary .iTance, or soutn sniom. i Miss Jessie Daley and Mis, Vesta ! . . ........ France, of South Snlom. jjaiscnwoiu lort this morning for a visit to Portland. II. H. Ling loft Monday for Eure ka, Ca., whoro ho has accopted a pos ition In the Wolls-Fargo office. Mrs. Idn Hammond left today for Hillings, Montana, to remain there pormanontly. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Benedict loft this morning for nn oxtonded visit to relatives at Tonlno, Washington. Mra. Frank Durbin and daughter, Miets Maud and son Frnnk, loft yes terday for a two wooks' visit In East- oi n Orogon. Mrs. Frank Toboy, Miss Hall and Mlas France of Eastern Orogon, nro .tho gueeu of Miss Mary France of South Salem. MUs Hilda Olson, of Sllvorton, has rnurnwi. arter vlaltlng Salora friends, and attending the teachers' meeting. Governor Chamberlain left todav for Jacksonville, where ho will do liver the Fourth of July oration. I Miss Clayte Burrow, of Baker City, arrived in the city Inst oenlng ti vUlt Mrs. R. B. Houston. I Attorney and Mrs. A. M. Cannon went to Albany this morning, where tney will spam! tho Fourth. I Miss Cowan and Miss Welltr, of Albany, havo roturned to their homes after visiting Salem friends. Miss Harriott Craghead. of Brlg jham City, Utah, Is the guest of her i brothor, J. W. Craghead, of The Cap- uai journal rorce. Miss Lizzie Cornelius, who has beon attending the toaohors' conven tion, has returned to he home In Turner. A. M. Crawford left this morning for Roseburg. where ho will deliver au auuress tomorrow. He was ac companied by Mrs. Crawford. Mrs. B. F. Snelllng and daughters, Miss Laura and Mis Euzenla, are tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. James E Godfrey, of East Salem. Dress Goods Suitings, Silks Buy them now at ONE. HALF. Make them up dur ing the summer months for next fall. TV nml, Afro. W. TT Tlvrd lefi evening for Portland to meet t daughter, Miss Wlnnlfrcd, wholly! turning from Bo3ton. Tho MIbscb Hammond, SpooteJ Butler nnd Lambert hnvo returned their homes in Portland, after yM Ing hero nnd attending ,tho teaci-i ers convention. Mrs. Robor,t Gardner and Httil Bon, who havo beon visiting Mr. till MrB. A. D. Gardner, havo roturncdtij their homo In Portland. Miss June DoWitt loft this moul Ing for a Bummer's vtelt In Chlapj Sho was accompanied as far as Ml land by her brothor, Holden DeWltJ Miss Nina McNary loft today tar j Spoknno to attend tho convention cfj BaptlBt Young People Sho iM then go to Senttlo to attend theCEJ convention. Mrs. W. C. Dent loft this mornbj for Portland, whoro sho will Joints husband, who 1b omployed on ontrf tho vessels now anchored at the tropolls. Mrs. G. II. Carter and con, ChwUfj and daughter, Wann, of Santa Bl bara, Cal., who havo boon vblth Mra. W. B. Warner loft yeslerdan for tholr homo. Mrs. Carter te lH tor of Mrs. Warner. Mrs. C. L. Watt, who has been III Spokano In tho interest of the Unit ed Artisans for tho nnst thml months, and has recently been Tid ing relatives In Seattlo, will retw to her homo In this city this event A Memorable Day. Ono of tho days wo romomber t pleasure, as woll as with profit our health on which wo became it qaulntod with Dr. King's Now Ufc Pills, tho painless purifiers tW euro headnAhQ nnd bllllOUSDOSS, l - ' , ,"", ,. r. . i Ccp ,tho, bowe 8 r,eht- 2G Bt J iPftrrv'n ilnif ntrtrn. Perry's drug store. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Sockttl Frank Meredith, ReBldent Agl Office with Win. Brown & Co., ft 129 Commercial street ..M0NFY TO LOAN, THOMAS K. FOWi Over Ladd & Bush's Bank. Salem, &j NEW TODAY Notice On and after July 1. &. H Ryan's real estate, loan, losur and employment office will 9 Commercial Hall, corner of Coej merclal and Contor stroots. 6-29-tf- For flalfw-RAvornl hnllBGfi In Sl on, f..m 1 .l . havVllln. trlj iUl NaUonal Bank. 6-1-eoa- For Snle Soven-room, hard flnls house, two lots. barn, fruit, water and crnn 1 cellar. Also 01! single ton carriage, and1 spring wagon. Enquire of j Uati.it, x'-v. i7tn ! until., LU11IUI .UHU . "A" streets, Salora, Or. 7-3-1 Wanted Goorl twimster for ranch. Annlv tn T. A. Livesiej' Co. Phono Main 109 or Far41! 1C1. 7-3- For Sale Logau berries 100 JH Pflll ft r am RAa Tnt riifO. i them yourself. J. M. Howell, mllo south of depot. y. Lost Coming over big bridge up Court street, July 1st, J cane, with alligator carved Bfimo tu.in. i... u Tmirnal for reward. T-J-V