Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 03, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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n miiatrAl'htrKrn nfrn fnrlaf
J, IV muoftWi.atiien,) vb .ui
ewelght. 24 pounds 2 ounces, Is
3d at presont to bo terrorizing
leh of the Pacific ocean from
h Monica down to San Diego,
ig all comers at his weight
irovlng himself master of all
lonoy lighters of tho satty sea.
pn Camornlans, wno scout tno
that Caso is to blame, admit
Suddenly, shortly after tho first
h'year, tho yellow tall, tho surf
bio soles, tho great sea bats,
tho proud tuna have grown
and that fishermen all along
9t are bowaillng tho fact.
tadmlt that tho famoiiB fishing
of Santa Cntalina have been
It to abandon their midwinter
icnts because even sharks
George Howard Snood of
isin declares, nssorvates and
loudly thnt Caso has driven
flsh miles to sea. and uphold
jnor of fresh water and above
t' Wisconsin.
tdcntly Snood is just finishing
wting tho victory of Cnso in
f tho strangest battles over
tt, and loudly proclnims that if
urnia thinks it can tio Wlocon-
nnythlng or at any gamo, ho
tack tho other end of tho bet.
limber King in California.
.'J is a lumberman from upper
insln, which proves that ho hns
Ho was rnlsed In tho wooJb
Ived nil his life along tho won-
trout strenma and muskol-
blnkos of upper Wisconsin and
lpcr peninsula of Michigan.
st fall ho caught cold by tip-
ut of a ennoo in tho Mani-
whilo fishing, and although
fall-on out of canoes dozens of
' hnfnrn nrwl Annnnml vt.lf limit
"V ""'"" ...u VUUHH.U ""uvuu
, chill, this tlmo it was difforont
is tho fact thnt ho kopt on
ig in wot clothos all aftornoon,
thrco or four miles through
jwoods to enmp, took off his
stuck his feet to tho wood
and thon q'nyod hearts until
ght with out changing rai-
redwoods." If he spoke of tho beauty
of Wisconsin's lakes thoy called his
attention to the surprising loveliness
of theirs. Theso things irritated
Fishing nt Snntn Cntnlinn.
Just before Christmas tho rain
stopped for a few days, tho sun camo
out, and Snecd hungry for a chance
at some of tho wondorful fish about
which ho had been told, and outfit
ted under tho direction of a native
sportsman ho had mot, went to
Avalon, on Santa Catalin, and flshod
for three days for bass and tuna. Ho
caught some.
Now It happened that on tho even
ing of tho third dny tho entire party
of sportsmen adjourned over to Long
Beach on tho mainland and Indulged
in a little social session. During tho
evening when overybody was fooling
pretty good and telling fish stories
Sneod tried to tell about some good
catches ho had made in Wisconsin
and tho upper peninsula.
Ho never got to finish oven ono
slory. Nobody paid any attention,
and all woro bored. Finally ono
said: "O, that's all right, Sneod.
It's alp right for fresh water fishing,
but It Isn't really fishing."
This was too much. Sneod nroso
in wrath and said:
"By tho big log Jam in tho Flam
beau, I'vo listened to you Califor-
nlniw brag until I'm tired. I've
stood for your sunshino through
wooks of pouring rnln, your big
trees, when I wno freezing for want
of wood, your flowers whon roses
cost $C a dozen, your oranges whon
every ono I buy 13 too darned sour
to eat, but I'll be blamed If I'll stand
for your fish. I'll bet a healthy mus
klo could lick any fish of twico its
weight you hnvo got, and I'll bo d
if I bnr shnrks."
WiiRer of 9000 Is Much-.
Sneod was mad. Ho was bo mad
that ho wo ready to back up all his
statements with cash. Most of tho
follows tried to smooth over tho sit
uation, but In tho party was Ron
talk they decided that tho temper- another to Sneod, and uncounted
aturo of tho water should bo at 5C ones to tho muskelluilge.
Snced hod out for fresh wator, and ' Snced announced his Intention of
Jackson for salt, and finally they 'taking his champion back to Wlscon
agrecd to use half sea water and ,sln and turning him lopso in Stono
half fresh wator, ns being tho near- Lake again, but tho attendants at the
est possible to fairness to both fLh. iVenlco bathhouse, in ronowing tho
Meantime Sneed was training Caso wator In tho pool, lot Caso escapo
for tho battle. On tho way out in an through tho plpo Into tho ocean,
express car the big musklo had been And now Sneed vows that -his cham
fod liberally, but after arrival ho pion muskellungo lias gono on tho
was placed in a metal lined tank on warpath and driven ail tho salt wator
tho pier, Sneed fed him but llttlo, (flsh along tho California .coast out
giving him a few scraps of bacon to sea which may or may not bo
rind, a piece of clam, and a few soft(tho true condition, most probably
shell' sand crabs each day. Ho tried not.
Caso carefully In aalt wator. Tho
big musklo plainly want distressed.
Ho thrashed and fought as If In
agony. Then ho tried diluting tho salt
water and found that sea wator di
luted to half strength seomed to
havo no ill offects on him.
For three days boforo tho battle
tho big muskellungo practically got
nothing to eat and was kept in water
about GB degrees In temperature.
Ho was sluggish and slow, but tho
flash of speed ho Bhowod whon food
was dropped into tho zinc-lined tank
showed how hungry ho was, and
how ready to battlo for food.
Contest In Veiutflnn Baths.
On tho aftornoon of tho battlo
fourteen men all fishermen, gather
ed in the big swimming room of tho
beautiful Venetian baths. Tho water
had boon prepared, and its tompora
turo was exactly nccordlng to (tho
conditions. Tho water was limpid
Bnlkcd nt His Own Medicine.
A tramp was ono day a strolling
through a wood that belonged to tho
Duko of Norfolk.
Tho duko happened to moot him,
and said:
"Do you know you'ro walking on
my land?"
"Your land?" said tho tramp.
"Woll I'vo got no land of my own,
so I'm obliged to walk on some
body's. Whore, though, did you got
this lnnd?"
"I go' It from my ancestors," oald
tho duke.
"And wheno did thoy got It from?"
wont on tho tramp.
. . "From tholr ancestors," said tho
"And whoro did their ancestors
got it from?"
"They fought for It."
"Como on, thon," said tho itrnmp,
nnd against tho whlto bottom of itho .fiorcoly, as ho pulled off his coat,
pool oven a pin could bo seen. Tho "and I'll fight you for it."
fish woro brought in In their tanks. nut tin. duko retreating hastily, do
Nobody, oxcopt Jackson, know what cllned to accept this fair offor.
kind of a finny champion ho would .Washington Star.
produco until tho hoipors prepared
to woight tho contestants. A cloth
attached to a hanging
Jackson, ono of tho host rod and
havo oomothing to do reel fishermen along tho coast, a rich
tit. At nnv rnto ho clinch t a ninn. nid nn Invotnrjitn liottnr.
cold. Ho did not lot tho cold Boforo tho nrgumont was ended
&!. . -,. i .. . . ..... ...
(iu usiung. rivo unys mior .mo sirnngost mntcu in tno History
IbrouKht him out of tho woods of tho sonrtlnc world wns nrrnnend.
hospital nt Hurley, and thoro !.TnckBon nnd Snced wagered $500
Ingcred botweon Ufo and donth nnd n bnnquot for tho crowd, nnd
Loup; Llvo tlio King!
real was ,is tho popular cry throughout Eu-
piacod undor tho body of tho blgropoan countries; whllo In Amorlcn,
muskie, and ho wns lifted clear of tho cry of tho prosont day is "Long
tho tank, tho Judge announcing his Llvo Dr. King's Now Discovery, King
weight as 21 pounds 2 ounces. of Throat and Lung Remedies!" of
Tho nnnouncor Jestingly pro-.which Mrs. Julia Rydor Pnlno, Tru
nouncod him champion of tho froBh ro, Mass., says: "It never falls to
wators of Amorlca and heavyweight glvo Immcdlnto roliof and to quickly
champion of Wisconsin. Thon tho euro a cough or cold." Mrs. Palno's
scaler woro moved to the opposlto opinion la shnrod by a majority of
cornor, and tho cloth pns3od undor ,tho Inhabitants of this country. Now
Do You Think , )
For Yoursalf ?
Or. da you open rour mouth like a youn
bird ami trulp down whatever food or tnrvli-
kino max bo offered you 1
tft tjt ifi tjf
Intelligent thlnWInc woman.
In need orxcftcf from weakness, ncrTOusnevs,
pain and lulMdntr. then it meant much to
rou that therbsfy.nii triad anil tpim hrme
medicine nf gsmr TOWrQgiTjftfogold ,h7
druggists for Ihc cure of woman's illT
b tit J $ H'
Tho makers of Dr. Plerco'a Farorlte Pre
scription, for tho euro of woak. norrous, run
down, ovor-worked. debilitated, pain-racked
women, knowing this mcdlclno to bo mado up
ot ingredients, every ono of which has tho
strongest rosslblo lndorsomont of tho loading
and standard authorities of tlio several
schools of practice, arc perfectly willing, and
in fact, are only too glad to print, as thoy do.
tho formula, or list of Ingredients, of which
It Is composed, r plain EnolUh, on every
t(t tfr 4,
Tho formula of Dr. Plerco's Farorlte Pro
scription will bear tho most critical examina
tion of modlcal exports, for It contains no
alcohol, narcotics, harmful, or hablt-formlng
drugs, and no agent enters into It that is not
highly recommended by tho moat adrancod
and leading trodlcal teachers and author
ltlta of their several schools of practice.
Thcao authorities recommend the ingredients
of" Dr. l'leRer Vh o'rltn rtcxrlpUc-n for tho
euro of ex"?"' the, same ailments for whn
this world-famed medicine l wdvlipil.
ffi tft
No other modlclno for woman's Ills has any
such professional endorsement as Dr. Plorco's
Fa vorlto Prescription has received. In tho un
qualified recommendation ot each ot 1U
seroral ingredients by scores ot loading modl
cal men or all tho Bchools of practice Is
such an endorsement not worthy of your
consideration r
4t lt tft tt tt ,
A booklot of lncrcdlonts, with numerous
authoratlvo proteslonal oncorsctnonts by tho
leading medical authorities of this country,
will bo mailed rro to any ono Bonding amo
and address with request for same, Addrest
Dr. E. V. Plorco. nuilalo, N. Y.
Send the Family
Washing To Us
and you'll never pother with having
it done at homo again. Time was
whon evory family could not afford
to Bend the washing to a laundry,
but times havo changed so, too,
have the methods and prices. Today
you can bettor afford to Bend the
family washing here than not to.
Ask about our prices on family wash
ing, rough dry, or finished.
The Salem
Steam Laundry
Plume JKJ. 188-1041 S. Liberty g.
tlio occupant of tho othor tank.
Whon itho cloth was -aioed thoro was
struggle, a fllorco lungo,
spontsmon saw n hideous shark .It's tho only suro euro.
squirming In tho cloth. The Judges by J. C. Perry, druggist.
Discovery cures wen': lungs and sore
thront3 after all otl.or romedlo3 havo
coughs and colds
GOc and
and tho failed; and for
consulted nnd announced tho woight .$1.00.
of tho shark at G2 pounds 10 ounces.
Jackson's champion wns ovor-
wclght. Tho Judges offorod to lot
Snced withdraw his bet, but ho ro-
Trlal bottlo free,
The Watchful Wife.
Tho agont stopped briskly up to
Mr. Hownrd'a desk nnd inld a small
rooks with pneumonia.
jod was angry about It whon ho
to recovor, That ho should
(had pnoumonla Roomed boyond
rstnndlng. Besides, ho was nn-
ecauso his fishing trip hnd been
d. Ho was angrier still whon
loctor told him ho would havo
Bt out of Wisconsin for tho
ir and urged him to go to Cnll-
Snocd absolutely refused to
fctll after tho deer hunting Bea
ms over. Ho started door liunt-
vombor 1, nnd two days lator
carried out of tho woods
land stayed two wooks morV in
mndo tho following ngreoment:
Sneod was to produco a Hvo,
hoalthy muskellungo, of any woight
ho chose, at Venice, Cnl.
Jackson agrood to produco a fish
from tho Pacific Ocoan, caught with
in twolvo miles of land off tho Cali
fornia const on rod nnd rool, dottblo
tho woight of tho mu3klo from Wis
consin, nnd thoy woro to bo permit
ted to fight to a finish, or until ono
flod from tlio other.
Tho crowd regarded all na a great
Joke, but not so with Snced. Ho be
gan wiring East that night, and the
next day continued to send tolo-
spltal, Thon ho surrendered grams. His messnges created some ox-
sreed to go to California. Tho
that itho doctor brought him a
tolling about tho wondorful
off th California coast
a stronger argument than
ilth Keeking one.
! of tho Iviulicss Rfagglng.
Wisconsin man, heralded as a
Iti-milllonarle lumber king," nr-
at Los Acgolo3 in December.
srop of multl-railllonarlo lumber
tourists was short, and much
cltomont at Flfiold, Wis. After their
purport was fully understood Abe
Wiloy, who keeps tho hotel, and who
received tho monsnges, set out word
to some guides and thon telephoned
out to Plko Lake to aeo If Uncle Dan
McDermott was there.
Sends to Wisconsin for MuskellunRe.
"George Snood wants tho biggest
llvo musklo wo can catch" was tho
word he sent around.
Everything wa3 undor snow, but
tlon was paid to him by real ( if George Sneed wants anything In
juuu, juimuB ciuiui jiruiuiuur mni ipan or tno country ho can havo
it. So Uncle Dan and Jack tho Rip
per and Forgy went noross tho
woods and lakes on snowshoo.3 from
Plko into the Sprlngstend region,
and throiich the ico on Stnnn, T.nlrn
of flowers, ita orange grovoa and tho best muskollungo lako In the ro-
ir-capped peaks, its great hunting Bion, they draggol Caso, after catch-
v, fishing. line several smaller muskie. Thn
r tho first fow weeks ho stood next day. carrying tho Klcantlc fish
. - r
fused nnd agreed to glvo tho salt nrtlclo down closo to his busy right
wator champion 4 pounds C onccs. hand. '
Ilnttlh Iletwooii Shark nnd Musklo. "I linvo hero a now letter ononor."
At tho word from tho roforco tho ho snid, "a hnndsomonrtiolo, to bo
tanks woro overturned in tho big 'put on tho tablo in 'your library,
swimming tank, and aftor tho bub- nnd "
bios subsided tho ciowd saw tho an-I "I havo tho best loiter oponor and
tngonlsts. Tho big musklo was tho qulokost," Interrupted Mr. How
standing almost still, Blowly moving ard, without turning his bond,
his fins as ho sank jbwer and lower "How long havo you had It?" por
ln tho water. ElglftyMeot away, at slated tho ngont. "You know thoro
tho opposlto Bldo ofjjtlio tnnk, tho are constant improvements."
shark wn3 swimming' slowly, In al "Thoro's no need for Improving
small circle, around nnd around, mlno," responded tho wrltor. "Ivo
For perhaps half a minute not a hnd hor about two yeara annlvor-
move was mndo.
Thon, llko two flashes of lightning
rnslilng togethor tho lhh toro through
tho water. Tho whlto holly of tho
shark showed for a trice, and abovo
him tho wator broko as tho suporb
body of tho champion of Wisconsin
flashed through tho sunlight that
snry comes
noxt month." Youth's
lU'idgo Proceeding Slowly.
Thnti magnificent Improvement
known as tlio North Commorclnl
street concrcto bridgo is proceeding
Blowly. Chnlrmnu Gosnor of tho
Dridgo Committco has also boon ap
pointed to tho most Important posi
tion in tho revision of tho Snlutn
city charter. Thoro lo not much pro
grots being mado on tho fills. It is
posslblo thnt tho work may bo drag
ged on till tho fall raltiB nnd tho
bridgo mayyogo out boforo It is
over used.
'.T.. 'W'v "
t-v .
But no ono nood worry about mutton
this tlmo ot tho year, If thoy can set
dainty and dollclous Spring lamb on
an appotlzlng and nourishing Sum
mor meal. Wo' havo ovoryehlng la
choico moats, and nil the delicacies
of tho soason In both fresh and
nmoked moats that will please
tho most critical oplcuro.
States Street Market Phone 901
The Fashion Stables
Formerly Mmpeoo'e Stable.
Up-to-date livery and eab Ha.
Funeral turnout a specialty. Tally
ho for picnic and excursions. Phoa
44. OHAfl. W. YANNKS, Prj.
247 aad 240 Riga Street.
O C. T. Co.
Excursion RnteH.
Round trip tlckctst botwoon nil
points on tho linos In Oregon, Wod
necvlay and Thursday, July 3 and 4,
1907, at rato of a faro and a third.
streamed through tho glass sides and iTickots must bo used for going trip
top of tho Inciosuro.
r weeks ho heard nothing but
braises of California. He. heard
wealth, its beauty, its prospor-
its perpetual sunshine, its 3C5
retty woll. Being a Wisconsin
ho know something of stato
le, but when tho Callfornlans bo-
to make odious comparisons ho
in to lose his temper. Bealdes.
had poured most of tho tlmo
fng his -stay, tho streets were
ilng rivers of mud and wator.
fog and cloud hid everything
itlful. Ho made acquaintances
nd tho sporting resorts of the
, attended a fow prize fights,
to the races, and picked up In
out Christmas time he began
lose his temper every time he
fd Califorlans boastine ahnnr
state. If ho modestly remark-
iout Wisconsin's great timber
is some California would say.
h1 you wait watll yow se or
in a half barrel of water lashed to a
a5ed, thoy camo down the river to
Fifiold, and Caso started westward
In charge of Leon Greubor in an ex
tomporled aquarium.
January 20, Sneed sent out woVd
that ho had his fish at Venice await
ing tho coming of any Pacific Ocean
fish weighing 48 pounds that any ono
wanted to bring, Ron Jackson ac
knowledged the receipt of tho noto
and two dayp later appeared at Ven
ice with tho unknown.
Word was sent out to tho crowd
that the battle would take place in
the beautiful marble pool in the
bathhouse at Venice on the follow
ing Friday attersooa.
Mg Articles for Figitt.
Jackaoa asd 8e4 dleum4 th
artlel of ayraMtt, aad after o
Boforo tho spectators could reaHzo
It tho antagonists rushed each othor
again. Again tho shark turnod,
again tho muskk broko wator and
arched back, diving deep, and, like
a flash, shooting up undor his foe as
ho turned. A itroco of blood showed
in tho clear water, and tho shark,
with a scratch Bhowing deep on his
side, clrclod around.
Wisconsin FLsii Wins Easily.
Like wresnlors sparring for nn
opening, tho fish circled around and
around each othor In a ton-foot ring,
first sjowly, then llko flashes. Twico
tho whit- of tho shark's belly show
ed, but ito mado no direct attack.
Again slowly they wont around and
around and, with a maddened rush,
the shark shot upward from tho
deepest part of the pood, turned
Ion day of Bale. Final limit July 5.
Stop-over privileges not Included,
Minimum rato, 35 conls. Children 5
yearB of ago and undor 12, half faro.
Inquire for full particulars.
C-29-td Agont.
Special Eastern Excursion rate.
May 20, 21, June 6, 7, 8, July S,
4, G, August 8, 9, 10, September 11,
12, 13. To Chicago and return,
173.15. St. Louis and return, $09.15
St. Paul and return, Omaha, Council
Bluffs, Sioux City, St. Joe, Kansas
City and return $01.05.
5-21-tf Gen. Pas, Agt.
P. M.
Putting In ModernXPIumbing
Chance to Prove Himself.
She I would nover marry a man
who was a coward.
He About how hravn would It bo
Bhowing his open mouth nnd cruel nocessary for nIm to bo In ordor to
teeth, while tho muskellungo broke'..,,. annroval?
wuiur iiRt) a raiuuuw jjuuu uuu b She Well lio'd JiaVQ
uuacKeu irom unuerncaui. im
time his teeth toro awny a chunk of
meat from tho shark's side and crip
pled him,
Tho shark circled rapidly, rushed
as If maddened, and again the teeth
of the musklo ripped his body. Ho
turned to flee, but tho relentless
champion of Wisconsin was aftor
him, and insldo ot two mlnutos part
of tho shark's mangled body roso
nean the top, while sulking in victory
at tho bottom, the muskellungo sat
isfied the hunger bora of his fast.
Jaoksoa paid the feet, and there
waa a graad dlaaer la Lo Angeles
that evaalag at which, tke Caltfor-
afaUM thraak a toaat to W
to havo
courage enought to or-'-proposeu
Chicago News.
Be Cheerful
Worry and gloomy thoughts wear
en the nerves and injure the digestion.
When vou feel blue, try to look on
the bright side of things, cultivate
health-thoughts and correct the sys
tern by taking
UlJ mna rimiL aoii m M LasiaM m& 9MmM 9m
JW Wl MJ IV AVI ft M ifWil J MM PPVfc
tttf I
Tho Aristocrat among the
Whlsklca of tlio Old School
Without a Peer
For sale by
Cherries Wanted!
Highest Market Price Paid
Also Other Canning Fruit
H. S. Gile & Co.
Corner Trade and high Sis.
Salem, Oregon
In now houdos and buildings, na
woll as refitting old house, keep
us pretty busy in the spring, when
building la at flood tide. Our facili
ties are always equal to the occa
sion, and wo would Invite builder
and contractors to get estimate from
us on plumbing, gas fitting, steam
fitting and roofing before going elie
whoro, as we do export work at rea
sonable pricos.
308 SUte Street.
Phone 188.
r5U I I'i v. iff fin
ajp 6MU.mtv atralaA a.kjJUr V
MINptwikf pB
We can supply yoa with the ltm
ber you aeed at the prlee that will
materially eoaocabe la the oot.
Jat sobs aad sea as aad took orr
our yard,
vrv-: YaMi Kr 0e.