;W!agiWiwwiiww" '' '" .six. ;4J-,3W -- nsSES;3Jr3x!?KJEJi ' ro -v e DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL ,. BALEM. OMOON WBXKSAV, JULY 3, 1007. Hm as Well as Men Ai Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dlscourflgcsandlcsseiiBaniultion; beauty, Vigor nnu ciiccnui licss booh disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dls cased. Kidne-trouble hns become so prevalent that it is not unconi ' non for n child to bo born afflicted with venk kidne vs. If the .rz .. .... ...r.... .- Child urinates toooitcn, it me urine ncnius the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an cce when it should be able to control the passngc, it is yet nOHctcd witlt bod-wet-tinjr, depend upon it, the cause of thedlili culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards tne iroaiinom. these imtwrtaiit organs. This unnlcasant trouble is due to n diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people supjwse. Women nn well as men arc made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild ami the immediate effect of witin.tJnot in soon realized It is sold hy druggists, in Miy cent and one-dollar size bottles. Yon may have a sample bottle by mall free, also a Hon of swunp-Rooi, pamphlet telling nil about Swamp-Root, including many of tho thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., UliiKhamton, N. Y., be sure nnd mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Uoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Dliighamton, N. Y on every bottle. GIRLS NEED THE TRAINING JUST AS WELL AS TIIEJ BOYS In Industrial Lines Is the Opinion of Dr. Harvey Vacation Season Will hoon bo hero nnd if your stom ach is In bad shape It enn be restored to its normal condition very prompt ly tiv the Hitter. You will then be able to enjoy your trip without suf- fering any iii-ouwuu"" ttiu .... eating and drinking. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Will promptly relieve Cramps, Diarrhoea or Costlvencss nnd also ouro l'oor Appetite, Headache, Indi gestion, Dynpepslu or Miilurinl Fever. X-RAYS u.. STEER THIS WAY Tho second day' program In eluded it great deal of earnest work in nil department of the Stato Teachor's Association. Stat Supt. Ackernmn and County Supt. Moore woro tho husloeti men In town from early until Into. Tuesday Afternoon. The sections all completed their work nnd at 2:40 p. m. nwwnblod nt tho Christian church to hoar Dr. Harvey In his nccond argument for industrial training. Industrial education wis not for boys alono. It was Jutit n8 necoseary for glrlH. Thoro was four times as much demand for toachors to glvo days. How does history of Rome and Greece compare with knowledge of tho proper cure of a babe? Se lection of food mntorlal, right utiliz ation of tho same, purchase of samo, knowledge of how It fihall ho sorvod nro all as Important as geometry. Tho coloring and decorations of- the home, worked out and put into effect, was applied art. Floor coverings, curtains and draperies, aolectlon of wall paper, and to do It well with tho monns nt command, woro things worth toachlng and well worth learn ing. To know how to buy thing3 rlght.to ubo thorn right, to learn to muoii (icman. tor .... - - , ,, m Wft9 worth manual training to hoya on to girls. ,! An ducatod brain was now regarded , Qf tho organizer, tho administrator of ,1". W lc choo. Tl ud o chl Id UlU MVO iVI"U llw vm "- ,-.-- -- education. Wero not Ideals for tho tho liomu. Tho wolfaro or socioiy - ti it... n1tlrnl ffnAd rrntwl zrrz ;,:: a ,; -v "" The school ma'nm ralgnod dsys, nnd then IT rained. two for your Boof, Fork, Lnmb, Mutton nnd YcaI nnd you will got tho flnout Meat over killed. Tho tasty, Juicy, Hppetlzlng kind that mnkoa you .want moro aftor the first holplng. Only tho best fed oattlo nro ovor killed for our trade, and our cus tomers may always roly upon tho very host quality of moat, oloonly and proporly drosjod, nnd In uvory wny lit for tho boat tables, e F. A. Kurtz PImhic 205 277 N. Com. St. for uncle ham'h hirturay (oast wo will have the cholooat breads, plea and orttnmeulnl and fnncy cuktw, plea and pastry. On tho glorious 4th you cnu regale yourself with tho most delicious bakosturf It It U oliossn at Capital Bakery. CAPITAL IIAKKIIY, U. UltUhM, Prop. gggggggggggggggggggggggggggmggggggggy tho homo was ordinarily tho man. Tho builder nnd orgnnlzor of tho homo, tho economist and mnnagor of oxpondlturos was tho woman. Somo moMioro had not tho time, somo dnughtorfl not tho Inclination to lonrn th odutloH of homo building. Tho children aro to bo ronrod In tho homo. Should not thla caro and roar ing bo conducted Bclontlflcally. Lack of knowlodgo nnd preparation woh tho causo of sonaratlons. Train tho young girls In tho duty of homo life. Literature, science, art, wer taught, but not homo building. Tho ability to make tho homo what It ought to ho was not a mnttor It pub lic concorn, yet wo expect women to bo tho vory centor, tho vital llfo and breath of tho homo ait an institution. What Is tho kind of work Hint will bo of most ubo to womon to mako thorn most) of llclont In tho home? Whnt Uvea shall wo follow? Thoro Is tho houuo and Ita caro and furnishings. Planning of tho houuo with refor- cuco to onsler porfoimanco of house hold duties, wmHary nrrangomontfi, led to tho ncod of knowing nomo thing of nrohltecturo, ohomlstry and physics. Clothing of tho family was tho caro of woman. Bowing, selec tion of nmtorlnl, ltu utility und nr tlstlo quality, propuiing und caring for clothing, wan Important. Wero tho bunuty or ugliness of tho homo of no consequouco? Useable knowlivlgo wan what was wanted. Another activity of tho homo was lt nourishment, tho food lug, and that was umlur tho caro of woman entirely. Was not n hnlnucod riilliui UK Imnnrtniil for rhllil mil and t : : ; ,, . igon lor grown-uiwr nan kuiiiuk iu jieu- ii,iy pit) wan not eoimiiuivu mi kuihi uiui' ivls. Und rookery drove man to tuku stlmulnnta as much a Inherited up- The Charming Woman iii'uio. nu Human iit-viimH nun trt not 0cpssarll.v ouo of perfect form MWHninlo factor In the homo. ,. ,ntrnil ,nnv ii ,..mnt, Should not tho puliHo sehool timlttr- who C0Ml(l uovor 80rve ftg ftU nrtut.B Uk to do something to h of prao- moAo, Vomm thoto rare qualities Ileal u to tho pMpIe? Tli.ro wwo ;t,mt ftU ,ha worUl admroi. neto8, thlrti- dlfrvnt wa)-. of propamlng onr eyes, clean, smooth skin and th oQw-iMR for MlraUflr fiwd. ,tmt BirlghtHn8M of 8Up nnd act,0n An Alabama girl bad put up the lUmt nooonin ny RouJ ll9aUh iA ph,,8. wild plum in twlv ,llffrwit way. M,, WOftk wouuu u MVr ftUrno. 8U. u only a n.gro iHlumtwl In an t nol oym Q hor-olf R,wlr,0 HgHoMlturnl colltm. Tht neonomlo lllllJkM rM,ra wa-v wnm- ,.lvn M , . 4 . . A i. t.VW.M f ..' V .. VOT. !., n'W ih wiitl'Hry. lropr itourUhmeut of Infant was woith while for any Ulrl to know Tlu im of dUlnftM- itMUta wa- rIuum? a n vit in tuo worthy to bo taught? Ho sought to impross tho ono fact that tho homo was tho centor of things. Put Into education tho things that mnko men and womon moro cfllclont as the componont fac tors of tho homo. It was educators who saw tho possibilities of Indus trial training for girls ns woll as for boyH. Aftor vocal music Congressman Hnwloy, onco a prominent educator, was Introduced. . o- Had Hum Quickly Healed. "I am bo dollghtod with what Chamborlntn'fl Salvo has dono for mo that I feel bound to wrlto nnd tell you so," says Mrs. Ilohort Mytton, 157 John St., Hamilton, Ontnrlo. "My llttlo dnughtor had a bad burn on her knoo. I npplled Chamber lain's Salvo and It healed beautiful ly." Thla salvo allays tho pain of a burn nlmoot Instantly. It Is for salo by Dr. Stono'a Drug Storo. Sllverton Items Mtb. Uyron Donny who has been vory low with pneumonia for tho past month U Improving slowly. Mrs. Kdwln Wagnor of Claston, Oro., Mrs. Gordon Hull of Portland, ami Mra. S. llnyloss of Myrtlo Crook, Ore, who attondod tho funoral of Armlnta Phllls and who liavo boon visiting rolatlvos horo for tho past weok returned to tholr rospuctlvo homes today. Miss Kiln Wllllama of Portland, roturnod to hor homo at Sublimity to upoud tho Hummw with hor parents. Allan Phillips of Hood Itlvor, Or - la visiting his parents at Sub- Hoston Is going to have a hllnr ious time tomorrow. Thore will ho Wagnerian music by a brass band, and the reading of nn Bmeraon poem This Is Boston's Idea of giving tho young Ralph Waldo's (thore are no hoys) the time of their lives, and yet Hoston thinks It, Is tho only place that know beans. About the mot humorous thing Mark Twain ever took part In Is his recent hob-nobbing with Englnnd's king, which he follows tomorrow by celebrating the D.claratlon of In dependence, under King Edward'3 nose. Marshfleld I? contemplating paving hor streets. Nothing like it, sister. Snlom never know what real comfort was until she tried asphalt. The weather clork Is entitled to leather medal. He guessed It right yesterday. a The gontlo rnln made rainbows out of somo of the bunting, the col ors were nil so fast that they ran to gether. Tho woathor clerk has ordered showers for tonight and tomorrow, but as ho guossed It right yesterdny, It Is not probable ho will hit It today. o- A FAMILY AFFAIK. .Marriage Iliireau Plays n Prank on Old Man. Little -o- strong nervo. bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, beautiful couiplexlou, Guaranteed at J. C Perry, dntglgst, 50c. U School In fwiloH throughout the HUMUMr. Plan now to euUr. StudMiU may eutr at any Him. Th aoouer you begin, lb ooar you will bo ready fur a plaoa. UTO.NK'U ILAK HHOP8. (lrvatot kuown remedy tor heAve Vrleo . To expre offices away from Balam I pay 35 cnts vi oxprcM charge. r m1 by drugKltts. lltthlauJ, Oresou, Oct. SI, 103 TliU U to citify that 1 gave ray want oil bottle of "Btouo's Hav Proivs" and curd bar oi heTM. TkU vra but wlntr and stio ha sot Imm UVnI 4ihm.-Q. Wallas IW, b). C. HTQ.NK, ilouj, Ot. Of ttuu and money lu a buslne mluoatlon la not a vwtture. The b n rtu to Im derived from such a courso last for llf aad pay sub stantial dividends ovory day. Ttuvw facta aro amply ahowa by tho uniform uocwa of tho graduated of tho CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Our itudenta aro ottorod tho advantage of a soliool wolUknjQwa for Ita thorough work, pleasant rooms, skillful taohora aad molra iue4h(kls. Claaa and Individual Instruotlon. Living expas low. Bead for cataloguo J, W, I. Stalcy, Principal, Salem, Ore. Wo have poverol calls tor toach wa ot shortharid, Publlo echool t04caem alvtkuld laveaUsaia. Wo ront or soil typowrlters, Havo oovoral bargulna In boo-on-hand tuachlaM, Quaraatoed ErnsttiB Slnlgor, who hns lived near Ivorton, Wyo., a number of yoars, recently boeamo engngel to his own dnughtor, .Mrs. Nettle Fnrm oi', and did not find out his flnnncoo was his own daughter until a day or two before tho time apolntcd for their marriage. Slnlgor was believed to bo a bachelor. A matrimonial ngoncy In the East put him In corre spondence with Mrs. Fanner, who was then stnying temporarily with a friend near Anaconda, Mont., though her homo, alio snld, was In Portlnnd, Ore. In hor letters to Slnlgor she told him alio was a widow, young and good-looking. In hit) letters ho mis represented his ago. They agreed to meet and bo married at tho homo of hor frlond in Montana, nnd when he wont the'ro ho discovered sho wnB his own daughter, whom ho had not soon nor honrd from slnco she was a llttlo child, whon, on tho doath of hor mother, sho was adopted by a man nnmod Cooper. o Your Liver Is out or ordor. You go to bed In a bad humor nnd got up with a bad taato In your mouth. You want something to stlmulnto your llvor. Just try Horblno, tho llvor rogular- tor. A poaltlvo euro for Constipa tion, Dy3popsla and all llvor com plaints. Mra. F , Ft. Worth, Tex as, wrltes: "Havo used Horblno In my fnmlly for years. Words can't express what I think about It. Evirbody In my household aro hap py and woll, and wo owo It to lUr blue. Sold by D. J, Fry. Notice ltegnnllng Parade. All persons or firm wishing places lu tho morning parade will b takon caro of if they report or appwr on Fronti street between Ferry and Cho mokU street bfor 10:30 o'clock. Marshals ar requested to report, monntwj at tho City Hall not later than 10 o'clock to reoclva their saahea and badgw. Parade will form ou Front street and mcv east on Ferry to Commercial promptly at 10:80 o'clock. Tuenee on Commer cial to Court, ean oh Court to Cot tage south ou Cottage to State. wt on Stato to Commercial, north ou Commervlal to Marlon square, where they will dUbaml o iwrtklnw n the exercise. All murtlenlara re garding the parade abould be r -frred to iwl Dlsamore, who Is chclimaa of tho parade committer. - o ' ., llest .Medicine in tho World for Colic and Diarrhoea. I find Chamberlain's Colle, Chol era aud Diarrhoea Remedy to bo the be&t remedy In the world." says Mr C. L, Carter of Sklrum. Ala. j am sub J.ct to colic and diarrhoea. Loot spring u soomed as though I would die, and I think I would If I hadn't taken Chamberlain's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy. I haven't been troubled with It since uutll this weok, when I had a very eevero at tack and took half a bottlo of twenty-five, cot alio Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and thla morning I fool like- a new man." For sal by Dr. Stono'a Drug Storo. RACKACHE AND DESPONDENCY women oi "u, ,;,.ni Cr CScSwoKvomcn sar at seems although my back would i. Iv it Yet they continue to draff Thev uo not rvuu - . ..L"i".infrnfvoman'sorgnn- ia i.nn iiiiiiii-oi'o "- . ..!-. tsm nnd auickly it fiBl tho maln-Bprlngof womnnjorjan. MSS LENA NAG and pains will continue nni .-.-. Lvdia E. Finknam s veciauic vumpuuna , mm tiativo roots and herbs has been for many years tho rnoit 'fiStfmnmSy' No other mcdiclno fias such nrecorj of ffl!!2' WAl 117 Morgan St., Buffalo, N.Y., writer.--.'U, iu,aa """ '"-- ' n(1 on tho vergo oi norvous prosiranon. wyback CW, lIeinlTtime ThaTdreadfuf periods of pain, was subjecto fi nehed aU the time, i u nd wQg alwttys wcalc Bnfl t of crying Aix3V?Botablo Compound completely cured me.- Itf4la J n,ra i i-tni.i Comnound cures Fcmnlo Comnlalri. i y - ?tf;if nSTfl FnlTlnH Snd Displacements, and oil Organic DlscaeT Bticli as Backache. ' g'ggj nt lan cariy stago. It Btrongthcns aaj SEtto StlaT Curlc?neadachoandyindlge8tion and Ugortli the whofemlnc system. Tnvltat?on to WomPn Women Buffering from any form of female weakness aro Invited tc writoKp?nkhBm,LynnfMosa. flcr advice Is free. m 4th of July Excursion Rates TIIK SOUTIII3RN TACrFIO WILD SELL ROUND TRIP TICK. 17TS HFrWKEN ALL POINTS ON THE LINES IN OREGON Wednesday and Thursday, July 3d and 4th, 1907 AT RATE OF A FARE AND A THIRD TICKETS MUST RE USED FOR GOING TRIP ON DAY OF SALE. FINAL RETURN LIMIT JULY 5T1I. STOP OVER PRIV ILEGIiS NOT INCLUDED. MINIMUM RATE, 35c. CIM DREN 5 YEARS OF AGI AND UNDER 12, ILVLF FARE. I.V QUIRE OF O. L. DARLING, AGENT, FOR FULL FARTICT LARS. Wm. McMurray, John ML Scott, Gen. 1'n.vi Agt, Portland, Or. AshU Gon. Fas. Agent use SELF RISING B. B. B. Flout For Boston Drown Bread, Griddle Cakes, Muffins and Tlum Puddls. ALLEN'S n. n. U. FIX)UR CO., INC., 8AN Joso, Cal. mWeih m I A SQUARE DEAL AND A FAIR TRIAL OF OUR FARM IMPLEMENTS AW MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH A FAIR TRIAL YOU NEED NOT RUY. 1 SELL TRACTION AND STATIONERY ENGINES, NIClIOL'S AND SIIKPARD'S RED RIVER SEPARATORS, HAY BALEfA STREET AND ROAD GRADING MACHINERY. WE HANDLE THE HURG WAGONS, ENGER DUGGIB8, HACKS AND CARRIAGES. AVE ARE AGENTS FOR THE ADRIANCE, BUCKEYE BIO ERS, CLIPPER PLOWS AND BLUE RIBBON GULTIVAT01 ALSO SOME SECOND HAND FARM IMPLEMENTS & WAGONS VERY CHEAP. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES AT WHOLESALE AND I TAIL, GLASS AND STAINS OF ALL KINDS, AND PAINTE J i- i -lit I O t BUGGY TOPS, DASHBOARDS, WHIPS, ROBES, ETC, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, CIRCULARS AND DESCBff TIVE CATALOGUES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. GEO. B. JACOB, Pop. 1 HONE -101 MUN COR. FRONT AND PINE STREF ' " ii l-'Jl'i.l'j f't'fcjiTgmramiwMg ! r? yrsaiy. esAA -rL J I M. LAWRENCE Formerly Raker, Lavrenco & Baker. RelUbk Grocer, At the Old MEALS i5c AT THE Salem Restaurant 830 COURT STREET. Call and try them. 15c. Board per also furnished room V IHIll. " .ek JJ'1' T Stand nHlP.HFQTFR'fi Pll W A " THK UHMONW.nUAS i lAISIiVA I'NU.Ia K f KEil mi & ii t wmj --j ZZLjZkicia-! V gf Pif4 ifJSTiiil lll I A aw. lit -". i,tl .Miuusiii.awii"": j ! !- - mcmm SOUIYMWMilSTStn