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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1007. s J. L STOCKTON " THE OLD WHITE CORNER Preparing for Another Busy Month Wn nro turnlnc tho dull suramor days Into busy ones by offer- It Ing to tho public such Inducements as will bring them to our store, desplto tho burning suji. Our store, Is cool all day long, and our customers say It 1b a very pleasnt placo to spend an nfternoon. K Greater bargains will bo offered on account of tho approaching fall season being closo at hand. Only two more months for us to close out our ltnmonse stock of summer goods. Our Clearance Will Continue Until the Fourth ANOTHER GRAND ASSORTMENT OP SKIRTS Drummers' Samples-One of a Kind Tho New York travelors are now touring homeward. Those who finish their work In Portland or Salem closo out their sample's at great sacrifices, rather than carry .thorn back honio Being in closo touch with many of them, wo havo secured several good lines at a reduction of one-third. They nro now on salo at prices much loss than you expect. New Long Coats for the Coast SIxty-fivo samplo coats, no two alike, Just received from our Eastern representative. They aro tho advanced fail styles sont on Eearly especially for vacation trade. SUITS REDUCED ;Somo half-price. Somo reduced one-third. Somo reduced one-fourth. rSomo $15 to $30 values. $5.00 a Suit SHORT COATS REDUCED, Our ontiro stock Is on salo at n reduction of One-third :ADY FOR THE FOURTH -Mr. nn out to see tho fun. Watt Shlpp and those helping him havo been work ing night and day for the past week to make this part of tho program a success, and It will only bo up ,to the contestants to mako It so. In tho lino of baseball the fans can havo an all-day run. In the morning, at 10 o'clock, the first gamo will be plnyod between .tho Falrmounts and Albany with an ad mission of 25 cents. This will prob ably bo a good contest, and a sort of warmer up for tho afternoon game. At 3:30 the big Tri-Clty League game will bo called between tho Trunkmnker3, of Portlnnd, and tho Woodburn team. This is one of tho regulnr Tri-Clty games In the race for tho pennant, and Is apt to bo an Important one, as tho teams nro tied, and If tho Trunknmkors should happen to win here It would put Woodburn in a Bort of bad way. In tho sporting department Lute Savage proposes to pull off a grand handicap race with somo of Salem's most likely colts entered. M. Kllng- or and Qus Schroibor will start ovon, and Dill Anderson will start 10 sec onds after the pistol shot Is heard. Water Baseball. In tho evening, at 7 o'clock, a lit tlo different kind of-baseball will bo tackled by 18 Y. M. C. A. mon. Tho .game is known as water basoball, .and will bo played on tho river at tho foot of State street. Tho gnmo Ib pJnyed on tho water, and Is simi lar to Indoor baseball. Each player ,has a float just largo enough to hold him up, whero ho' docs his playing, (unless, when a ball goos wild, ho lhas to tako to tho water and got it. I Tho battors havo to swin tho bases, d Mrs. Wesley Ed- d lt w,n bo t rt to SQQ tho duckings tho playors will got tomor row night. A good owlmmor counts ALL HAIL PE-RU-NA. A Case of STOMACH CATARRH. (Tmarv odrieh jm I Miss Mary O'Brlon, COO Myrtlo Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., wrltes: "Peruna cured me In five weeks of catarrh of the stomach, after suffering for four years and doctor ing without effect. In common with other gratofur onos who havo boon benefited by your discovery, 1 eny, All hall to Peruna." f (Continued from pago ono). Tho States. lualrman Frank Dorby.iof tho itcs" committee has been busy tplctlng his list of rcprcsontn- ts, and .they aro given bolow as 17 iia iiuisuuu. iiuiiiumuur uiu i itos" headquarters will bo ropre- itod by flngs grouped in tho form 'the map, and tho respective names 11 bo printed on snmo. Evorybody flnvltcd to register under his or propor banner. I Tim CmiiiiilffpM. )rogon Mr. nnd Mrs. A.' Lewis, nnd Mrs. II. A. Johnson. Indiana F. A. Rndcllff and wife, hi), Minton nnd wife. Ohio Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lan- Mr. and Mrs. O. Stelner. flseonsln Mr. and Mrs. Wm. sh, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Marsh. NebraskaMr. nnd Mrs. O. F. fo, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. TUIson. Colorado Mr. and Mrs. M. L. jgs, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. S. Rndcllff. Missouri' Mr. and Mrs. M. O. ren, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rouch. Michigan George Grlswold, J. C. )dnlo . California Mr. nnd Mrs. J. R. in, Mr. nnd Mrs. B. O. Schucking. 'onnsylvnnla Dr. and Mrs. W. S. tt, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Hoover; Hnne3ota Mr. and Mrs, Herman L Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Boyer. bw York Mr. and Mrs. Louis imund, Mr. and Mrs. Brewer. wa Col. E. Hofor and wife, F. burner nnd wifo. uth Dakota Mr. and Mrs. G. G. tor, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Lathy. Drth Dakota Mr. and Mrs.' M. lugglos, Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Ru- Texas wards. Montana Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mc- Evoy. Tennessee Mr. and Mrs. E. Ir win. South Carolina Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Norwood. Alaska Tracy Hatch. Vermont Z. C. Bnttoy. In stntcs and territories whero del egates nro not named persons from Buch plnccs aro Invited to represont them. "Comic Parade. In tho nfternoon tho Plug Ugllcs will form on Front street, botweon Court and Chomoketn streets, prompt ily at 1:15. Tho lino of march will bo practically tho snmo ns tho morn ing parade. Tho comic parado' will bo. in charge of Fred Kurtz, and promlsos to bo a great fun-makor. 'lim Baby Show. Tho baby show, under tho direc tion of tho commlttoo, Charley Par mentor and Hal D. Patton, will be gin Immediately after tho plug ugly parade placo to bo named later and prizes will bo given as follews: Prottlcst girl baby, a loving cup. Prottloat boy baby, cup. Baby with longest hair, knlfo set. Fnttcst baby, spoon and pushor. Smallost baby, ring.. Oldost baby, prlzo. Tho following prizes will awarded after tho shew: Largest family In attendance. Nowcst married couplo presont. Young lady with tho largost foot. Best comic recitation. First prlzo, $5. Second prlzo, $1. for moro thnn a good basoball play or in this game. Street Sports. Tlio slroot sports will bo com menced at 2 o'clock, and will bo hold on Stato and Commercial stroots. Tho first ovont on tho program will be a 400-yard relay raco, open to Sa lem lodgos, nenrly nil of which havo ontorod "loams. Somo of tho mom bors will probably run hardor than they havo for somo tlmo, nnd bo good nnd soro for a couplo of wooks. A 100-yard raco will domo noxt, followed by a free-for-all blcyclo raco for tho "kids." Tho threo-log-gcd raco and other comical ovonts will como next,, ending tho strcot sports at about 3 o'clock, and ovory body will havo plenty of tlmo to go to either t'ho ball game, bnby show show or .tlio homo racos. Tho pony races will bo hold on Liberty streot about 3 o'clock. This will bo n froo-for-nll ovent, for any one who has a horso ho thinks can win. Along with tho wator basobnll In , tlio ovonlng tho launch nnd all witor racos will como off. Tho launch rnces will bo tho principal ovont, ns thoro nro now somo pretty spoody boats In tho city. Jack Rogers has j ontorod his now "Englo," and It Is Bam mat no ims a goou ennnco or winning, although Spauldlng's fnst llttlo boat will bo entered against him. Thoro will bo tub rnces in tho ov- Mr. II, J, llcnncmau, Oakland, Nob., wrlles: "I waited boforo writing to you about my sickness, catarrh of the stomach, which 1 had over n year ago. "Thoro woro puoplo who told mo it would not stay cured, but 1 am euro t lint I am cured, for I do not fool any moro ill effects, havo n good appotito and am gottiug fat. "So 1 nm, and will say to all, I am cured for good. "1 thank you for your kindness. "Peruna wilt be our house medicine hereafter." Catarrh of tho stomach is also known In common parlanco as dyspepsia, gas tritis and indlgostion. No modiclno will bo of any pdrmauout benefit oxcopt lt rotnovos tho catarrhal condition. Nervous Debility, Miss Irono Smith, 10 Minnesota Ave, Randlo Highlands, Washington, D. O., writes: "Poruna cured mo of catarrh of tho hoad and stomach and norvous dobillty from which 1 Buffered for two years." Unols Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Mc- lald, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Eyre. Cansns Mr. and Mrs. C. F. An- leon, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hamilton. Hrglnla Mr, and Mrs. C. N, Mc- Pter. Washington Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ssloy. IssUslppI Win. Warner. Kentucky Mr. and Mrs. J. irner. lalno Mr .and Mrs. W. thby, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Given. Dklahonia Mr. and Mrs. J. A. terson, George Brown. oiling, If nny boys can bo found to Best Patriotic Recitntlon. First ,? ,nto thom prlzo, $5. Second prlzo, $1. N Prottlost pair of twins, two high chairs. Donated by Duron & Ham-' lltnn l ., . . . , , . I technics, which will bo among tho Youngest baby, a pair of shoes. I ... t , . . , ... .. ' ot .most olaborato that has over been Donated by tho Oregon Shoo Com-1 . . . , , iBhown bore. Bon Taylor, who nan- There will bo several comlno ldIed the Reworks so successfully In events, such as "who can catch tho I fptt8t, ynr3' h" ,b-on onBaBod , to Pig." "public wedding." etc. l'T ."T , tomorrw nl T,,. ,. . . . . ., ... Tho display will bo mado from tho Throo disinterested parties will , . . .' ' ,... . . . . he r.hnsnn . .. nL i.n,. .!. i ,a,nnd n tho Wlllamotto river. In and associated exercises will closo i tho morning a iiow kind of pyrotech with a "grand fireworks scramble," FlroworkH. Calrmnn Gamble, of tho fireworks committee, has overythlng in readi ness for a grand exhibition in pyro- open to tho llttlo ones only. Youngest child showing best rau- ,8lcal talent, Instrumental, $2.50. I Patton Bros will give an elegant .flag to tho youngest child who will F. i""' . " "UUft olu,u' Tho cups given ns prizes In tho : races, which will be run after tho ,P. ioke Glasses 'rotect your eyes from the glaring Wo havo them in all sizes and ees. REMEMBER V do all our own lenee grinding. get tho benoflt In promptness, sful workmanship, and the prle io small mutter to overlook. We save you moaey. In &m m it with an acclda&t we caa replaee leoui the seme day they are left u. nlcs will bo used, known as Japanese fireworks. They will bo set off from a truck In the morningyparado, and whon lit will assume tho shape of various animals. FlontH. Chairman Greonbaum, of tho float commltteo, and his able assistant Louis Josse, havo been doing excel lent work, and will presont sovoral of tho best floats In tho morning pa- baby show, aro donated by tho Barr iul r " 7 ! '- Jewelry store. The prizes will bo as do f,hftt 'm?. T BC" ? ! fT' follows Tno Battl03n,P Oregon" Is being Foot race, girls under 10. First ujt by competent carpenters, and prlzo, box of candy. Donated by tho wU1 Iook ,verf ufcch "k ,thofl fa; Spa. Second prize, silver cup. l'"0"8 wor boat' Tho State 8 ,fl,oat Girl's potato races, girls under 12. i'1" nn iho . v1ar,,0UB 8taleS' First prize, box of candy. Donated 'andw,U decorated in an appro- iniio manner tor uiu uutuaiuu, j. u-- IAS. H. HINGES ConI Street, Or4to 0tWu by Bell Confectionery Co. Second prize, souvenir cup. Backward raco, girls under 12. First prize, box of candy. Donaed by Fuller & Douglas. Second prize, souvenir cup. A cash cash prizo of $5 will bo given to the best young lady cartoon ist present. Athletic Sports. In tho atnletio sporting line the Fourth will be a great day. There will be baseball, relay races, blcyclo race, rewboat, lauach aa caaee raees, iwtt races, eU. Aaythlag in Firemen's float Is also among the ex hibits which aro being prepared by tho committee, McEvoy Bro3. havo engaged tho large Yannko carryall, which will bo decorated and will contain a bovy of young ladles. Sev eral other merchants will contribute floats, among wlu ji will be J. L. Stockton. o New Mexico Is Celebrating. Carlabad. N. &T., July 3. Early this warning the eagle fcegaa to scream la Carleeaa aad will eeatiaue amuee the large trowd thai will be 'without Uterwtarioa for three days.! Tho colobrntlou Is unlquo in that it was authorized by tho leglslaturo and tho oxponsco v11 bo paid from tho territorial treasury, Its purposo being .to commomornlo tho Inaugura tion of government irrigation In Now Mexico. Sovoral Important re clamation projects nro now In opora tlol or nearlng completion nnd aro oxpocted to make the porHons of tho territory benoflttod blossom like tho roso. Tho Rio Hondo projoct, near Roswoli, constructed at a cost of $350,000, now wntors 12,000 acros of fortllo lands. Tho Carlsbad pro ject, ono of tho moat important un doftnkcu In this part of tho country, will soon bo finally completed nnd will mako this ono of tho moat pro ductive soctlons of tho Southwest. Twonty-fivo thousand noros will bo wntorod nt a total cost of $000,000. Tho Moslllp. Valley project Is still moro xtonolvo and will Irrlgnto 17B,- 000 noros In Now Mexico, Texas and Moxlco, coBtlng ovor $7,000,000. A lottor has been rocolvcd from President Roosovolt regrottlng hl3 Inability to bo-hero for tho colobrn tlon. Cltlzons of tho city sent him an Invitation engraved on a solid silver pinto and sot in mahogany. o He Fired tho Stick. "I have fired the walking-stick I'vo carried ovor 40 yoarn, on account of a soro that resisted every kind of treatment, until I trlod Bucklen's Arnica Salvo; that has healed the a n a nmst raaA itia b rtntinv man " out o atuu wjcwuo tua c u'l twaui writes John Garrett, of North Mills, N. O. Guaranteed for Plies, Burns etc., by J. C, Perry druggist. 25c. o Stntuo to Champlnln. Champlaln, N. Y., July 3. Thou sands of Fronch-Canndlans and Amorlcan3 of French descent will gathor horo tomorrow to do honor to tho memory of tho intrepid explorer, Samuol do Champlaln, tho occasion being tho unveiling of a monument In tho pretty llttlo villago on (tho shores of tho lake bearing his name. Tho beautiful statuo Is tho offering of peoplo of French descent In nil parts of tho country and Is tho first momorlal to bo erected to Cmaplaln In tho United States. Tho monument Is of a striking and orglglnul doslgn. Tho pedestal is richly embellished with relief work and suitable in scriptions, and tho statuo of tho ox ploror lo six feot In height. GET ONE OP OUR Men's Summer Outing Suits TO CELEBRATE IN They're mado" of light fancy woven fabrics and tho patterns are certainly handsome. Our prlcos rnngo from $5.70 to $15.85 For the Younger Generation of Boys Wo nro showing an unusually oxtonslvo assortment of Choice Summer Suits That can't bo surpassed for stylo and workmanship. Thoy plcaso tho mother ns woll ns tho boy, becauso thoy'ro mado from cloth that Is especially solpctPd for hard sorvlco. Our prlcos aro all figured on tho spot cash bnsis. ZP . s CO. Z) JZl&J"242d' IOCZ4SI' G.3(Ju.zs'se6', tMfe " I Our store will close aS 1 0:30 a. m., July 4th Itotirgogim Disaster Anniversary. Now York, July 3. Momorlal ser vices In commomorntlon of thoso who lost tholr llvos In tho Bourgogno disaster will bo hold tomorrow, tho tenth nnnlvorsnry of tho torrlblo shipwreck In v which CO peoplo drowned. Tho catastropho occur red about. 17C miles southeast of Sablo (Bland on July 1, 1807. Tho British ship Cromartyshire, in a heavy fog, struck La B6urgogno on the starboard sldo, and tho speed nt which both vosaola woro going caused an enormous liolo to bo rippod in tho sonmor's sldo. Many of tho Ill- fated passougers, Including Humor ous Now Yorkers, woro iibIoqp nt tho tlmo and had no ohanco whntovor for tholr llvos. Othors woro drownod while attomptlng to got in tho boats or woro sucked down In tho groat eddy whon tho ship snnk, Still othora, survivors declared, woro kill ed by foar-crazod sailors, momboru of tho ship's company, who solzod tho boats and bent off holploss mon and women who tried to savo .thwn- Bolvca. Claims for nearly $3,000,000 wqro filed against tho Compagnlo Gonornlo Transatlnntlquo, ownor o th wrecked veasol, but tho Unltod Statos circuit court of appoals flxod Its liability at $3C,000. o Murphy Kstnto lit Vrolmto. Upon tho petition of Elizabeth 0. Murphy, tho last will nnd tosta mont of tho Into J. J. Murphy has boon admitted to probnto, and Ches ter O. Murphy, son of tho docoasod, hns boonvnppointod administrator of tho estnto. i Tho ostato conBlts of renl nnd per sonal property In tho counties gf Mnrlon nnd Multnomah of tho probable- valuo of $70,000, and tho holra nt law aro Ellzaboth C. Murphy, his widow, and Chester G. Murphy, his son. Tho will was vory short, be queathing tho proporty, real and porsonal, equally to MrB. Murphy and his son Chester, and also ap pointed Ills son Chostor ns tho exec utor of tho will, to Borvo without bonds or othor Bocurlty. It wns dntod Portland, Jnnuary 10, 1S03. Sco HmiHcr IlroH.' Show window today, now. Somothlng ISPEriAl SALF for twodaysI m&IT X2ijJLJrl.!Ls C9jC)k.JLx4 ONLY I Abraliant Lhfcoln . was ,a nian who, against all oJds, attained the highest honor a man can got in tho United States. Bal lard's Horohound Syrup has attained a place, aewr equalled by any other like remedy. It la a sure cure for Cough, Colds, BroschltU, Iaauea an aad all Pulmoaary dtoeaaej. Mrttpy nether efceula keep subbIIW wttk thU wo ad wf Ml eovgh BtedMae. II ioM by D. J. Try. Agricultural Implements and vehicles at a bargain for two days only. Monday and Tuesday, July 8 and 9 INCLUDING Ono new blndor, host mnko. Two now bugglos. Two nqw mowing machines. Two new wagons. Ono now hay rako. Ono now hack. Ono now cream separator, Sovoral now plows and harrows, walking and riding cultivators, Sovoral now pumps, Two Bocond-hand bugglos. Ono second-hand mower and ralce Two second-hand cultivators, al most aa good as now, Ono socond-hand wagon nnd a va rloty of othor usoful articles. TERMS CASH OR APPROVED NOTES Tho reduction on now nrtlclos will bo from 10 to 20 per cent., nnd second-hand artlclos at a groat sacrifice, GEO B. JACOB, CORNER FRONT AND PINE STREETS If You Arc Looking For :: Good Shoes : that give good service ;; see me before buying. ;; Large line of Oxfords for ; men, women and children. ;; Best Shoes at honest ;; prices. Repairing neatly done. ; ; JACOB VOGT, 345 SUte St. Salew, Or. JKnaiaitiamiiaiatsnmani'iiiiii' MJi) lfti "