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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1907)
. vW'lV''' . ..! w - u,.uu.- u-t .saLrse.--. er--r -. . r -:xv- -jirJis-JS-J.'KV- - - - ifcirW"wfctB&feTrt ,jpmr?ftK.fiv!i'-' ' w - .wr -. .- . - N ! ) & t r rx- ,n, w v 4 OAHiX OAFirATi JOUItNAU HALEM. OKKGOV TUESDAY, Jl'JA' 2, 1007' mnwnwwwwmi Until Jttly 4thJ Continued '3s j True economy in Ov l I . L ! .js-aj Riovc'ijuyinH ocgins -.-- and ends with getting GOOD gloves. The style and fit of FBwneS 'Gloves need not be emohasized. But that quality of material and workmanshiD which makes the Fowncs glove preeminent in appearance, makes it the most uuraolc and economical as well. B if. n ; ' e wor M ii oor wither mwRct i one Xjr f ' und'ed nd thirty yen of experience xTyr I I In A It our cuide; the rciuh liquidity fM It l -and .gain qu.h.y. 7VZ ( U k CUce. Suede. S.Ik L7 7 'H' '77 7 W Mn wwnen children If It'i 4 Fownes iVi nil you peed lo kno.v iv nbout C& 5 W0 AT THE rmvn'M KM flloirn mi Halo litre, lU-Kt In tli World. Salem's Greatest Bargain Giver Don't Btty One Dollar's Woth of Goods Elsewhere Until Yo Get 0 Ptices. The Lowest Prices Yo Get We Will Beat. Money Saving Bargains 200-ynrd Spool Thrond, 2c; Shoo Lacos, 2 for lei full count pins, lc papor; Surety Pins, 2c dozen; Lndlos' 25c Bolts, 5c and 10c; Sc Hnndkorchlofs, 2c; 10c Hnndkorchiofs, 4c; Sc Heavy Crash J Toweling, yard, 4&c; 15c Dreai canvass, yd, 9c; 25c doubl owldth Dress Goods, yard, 15c; Men's 10c Sox, 4c; Children's 50c Dresses, now 19c nnd 25c; Remnants of Dross Goods at nny prlco. Night Gowns, slightly soiled, HALF PRICE; Children's 75c I Whlto Muslin Gowns, 39c; Children's Whlto Muolln Skirts, prlco 25c and 35c; Children's Muslin Drawers, 10c, 15c and 25c; Ladles' 50c Corsots, 25c; Ladles 75c and $1.00 Corsets, silently soiled, now half price; Men's $1.75 Pants, now 95c; Men's $1.45 Pants, I now 85c; Boyo' $3.00 Sulto now $1.95. $1 0,000 WORTH OF THIS SEASON'S LATEST GOODS SLAUGHTERED. NO MERCY SHOWN. Prices on the following eoeds: Ladies Coats, Ladies' Suits, Dress Suits, Wash Suits, Shirt Waists, Petticoats, Mil linery, Summer Wash Goods, Silk Dress Goods, Embroideries, Summer Underwear, Lace Curtains, Wrappers, Kim- monas, Dressing Saques and Parasols. Wo urn UiKhtuiiK irl ou thU teuton' lutl KriuHiU. si'ixs 9U 05, $:j t)5. s. 1)5. j?50. ?sno. Astonishing Bargains Lu.lli' nnd Muwoa1 50c sailor hata now 19o; Children's 38o Stmw HnU, Uo; IuIIm' nnd MImm' $2.00; Htreut Hat. 01a. Ladles' Druw Trimmed Hat, $3.00, vulueo now $1.41; I Jul Urn' T5e Whlto Duck Hats now 39a; Chlldrtu'a Slo Swltw Ohm. now $o; OhlHlren'i $1.10 Hmbrold ami Ohlffou HaU, now S'Jo; Qhli drtu'H $J.U0 DrM Trimmed Halt, now 91s; 2lo MoxIinui HftU, 10a nnd 14. Prices Cut to Pieces Mull's lOo WorkliiK aiuvo, how See; Man's SOe PHuioy Sox, now 3o pair; M'a S&u Stlk Necktie, now 10e; Mw'ii lie Celluloid Collar, how ic; Ladlee' b M: GIovm. He; UdlM $1.&0 Lohk GIovm. now 9Se: &0e hm 1Ih, Sftc: lo Soap. Wk. 3c; S&o Hum Supporters, 18r; 4lu Hum SHpporUNW, 9I; Uo Wb Oortw Hl(to. yard, 4e; UM PImMi Ihk Uruld, Jc a bolt; WMh Uwtto, 1 dotoH; Sic DruMlHK Combu, how lot; l)rw IInKoim. nil now, a iIon. Uc; Shiw Silk. boll, lo; lint-ttMi-Holo TwJwt lo BHiol; Hut S w- I Iok SUk. lc kmJ; lOo PmH Dhuam i 3 dooH. lie; l)r SkUW. how 9o i ilr. luHoa ll Shiuuiw VokU, mow So; UW S3a Summor Vosu, i now iSVke. Oitklron's Uo )mt loub)oUuNi! How, how 9e; Uhoh l-aco, 3 luck wtda, uow 4 yard LUh La, 2 lnoh6 wldo, uow So; lc SUk OhlCfan, now 3io yard; 500 LAdti' r'ano Ijico Collars, now 8o and 10c. 1 HHHilrtMla .f i' . . Cover now on Wo 0S 15c- 10(S 25. 35i. Uullw' Whit.- Cauvns Oxford Show uow OS- LadltM' $S.3: Flue Kid Drs Ox fords, now $1 !) Startling Low Prices I-idlos' $1.00 Whlto Lnwn Shirt Waists, 45c; $0.50 Cndot Blue Duck Suits, now $3.75; $4.50 China Silk Waists, htindtiomoly oiubroldoreM with silk, now only $2.45; $4.50 Dros-j Sklru now $2.75; $10.00 Blaak Silk Jnokcts, handsomely om broldorod, now $4.75; $10 Laco Waists. Swell, now only $3.95; 45c Drawing Saoquos, now 23o; $1.49 Wrapper, mads of flno heavy por ohIs. now 91c: Children's 15c Sum mor Vots, now Sc; Boys' 75o PanU, now 39c; Men's summer Undonvear, 46o quality, now 23o; Men's 50c Working Shirts, 35c; Ladles' $2.25 low shoos, $1.49. PARASOLS .- il Millinery iS "Usui Jluudrl of protty pro Sklr4 now oa ftAte & about IIALV yJUCB. f 1-50. fa 50. $2 05, 8348 f'XOBUck Yoll Sklru, $5QQ i 'WmtSk -". X WSt If -ou want biiRuias In pretty bat oomo to tiu- OhioaKo Store. 110 Corsots how oh salo. 25 p. 35S 10. 75. OS This Is How We Sell Goods IQe.DrMe Goods, 25c; 75c Dress Goods, yiu-a. Slo; S5e Dre&s Goods, yard, IDc; 50o SUk, yawl, 25o; S6o SMk, yn, 48c; $1.10 Pl Drees StIKg, yard, 09o; 7o Calleoes. yard, mo; Sc Lawns, yard, 4e; 12 fco Lhwm, 7c; Uo Dree Gingham, yard S l-8c; Bemnants of Calleo at aj" oli prioe; IS Vie India Llnon yard, 7 Vie: Price out to pieces on White GooUs nd Musllas: Ladles IS.I0 Drees Hata. $1.49; $8.00 Jaqk U. $S. II; Ladle Coat and Sulta about Half Prioe. $1.01 White ladla Llnon Suits. haatkomelr mbroWerd. $2.95; ev erything otoe goea at the same low prlow. Men's lit underwear, now S3e; 75c Overalls for meu, 49o; Boys OvoraJU, 25c; Ladles' 10c He, 4c pair; Ladles' 20c Hose, pair. 9o. Bvorythlag gooa tho samo way along the line. j uo Parasol i now on sale in every class nnd kind. Silk nnd Whlto Em broldarod. also fancy polka dot and plain shades. Sao continued until ssld. Ladies' White Skirts Salem's Fastest Growinr Store McEVOY BROS. CORNER COURT AND COMMERCIAL STS., SALEM Hundreds to select from; soma soil! and going at half price. $1.00 Skirts - - 49c; $1.50 Skirts - 98c $3.50 Skirts - St. 98 lMtl4ltttMII MHMMWMMMHeWI