DAILY OAPtaJAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OttEGOfy TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1007. J. L STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER Preparing for Another Busy Month Wo aro turning tho dull summer days Into busy ones by offer ing to the public sucli Inducements as will bring them to our store, desplto tho burning sun. Our store Is cool nil day long, and our customers say It lo a vory'pleasnt place to spend an afternoon. Greater bargains will bo offered on account of tho approaching fall L season being closo at hand. Only two moro months for us to close oui our lmmenso stock of summer goods. Our Clearance Will Continue Until the Fourth ANOTHER GRAND ASSORTMENT OF SKIRTS Drummers' Samples-One ,of a Kind The New York travelers are now touring homeward. Thoso who finish their work In Portland or Snlerii closo out their samples at great sacrifices, rather than carry (them back homo Being in closo touch with many of them, wo havo secured several good llnca at a reduction of one-third. They aro now on sale at prices much loss than you expect. ; New Long Coats forthe Coast Sixty-flvo samplo coats, no two alike, just received from our rEastern representative Tiioy aro tno auvanceu inn siyiea seni on Fjoarly especially for vacation trade. WEISER PLAYS BALL SUITS REDUCED ESomo half-price. Somo reduced one-third. .Somo reduced one-fourth. -Some $15 to $30 values. $5.00 a Suit loke Glasses 'rotect your oyos from tho glaring Wo havo them In all sizes and Ccs. REMEMBER ro do all our own lonso grinding. get tho bcnoflt in promptness, Eul workmanship, and tho prlco small matter to ovoflook. Wo savo you money. In case you ftt with nn accident wo can roplaco 'lenses tho somo day thoy aro loft us. ! IAS. H. HINGES Coml Street, Graduate Optician. :ception GIVEN TO TEACHERS (From tho Wolsor Signal.) Everybody In basoballdom is hap py in Woisor. Wo hear tho ll3t and our grip on tho txp rung of tho lad dor could no.t bo pried loose with a crowbar. Bvor since tho first gun wag fired on April 14, thd Kids have had their oyes on tho pennant and w.hon tho black cat got loose on April 28 it has been, a sttorn chaso, but with superb pltcliing and loyal support and matchless .team work that will eventually land ovory man In tho Wolsor team in the big lea gues, rtiho overhaul has been accom plished. By defeating Payette Sun- ;day by a score of 17 ito 0 tho Kids .navo piayeu seven atralgnt snut out games and in tho ten scheduled games played so far havo plied up .98 runs whllo but flvo havo boon mado against them. Can any team on tho Pacific Coast equal this rec ord? Johnson of Wolser, Idaho, (mark tho spot on tho map), has now pitched 75 innings without a score against him (drive a tack hero) nnvl hap struck out 160 men in 99 innings (another tnck). , Wo bollovo wo aro Justified In claiming for tho Kids, tho champion ship of tho United States for team work and tho championship of tho world for battery work. In base- "bnlldom, tho name of Welsor, Idaho, Superintendent Powrs projlded and j8 now a household word. Whcro iff introduced Mayor Rovlgers for nn ad-' this Wolitor, Idaho, that' can support dress of wolcomo. Tho mayor won 'ft baseball team that has broken all applauso for his bouquets to tho pro- 'pfovious records? Who la this man fession, and for eulogizing tho ap-'j, -b, O.Toolo, anyway, who is tho pfoprlations for normal schools and manager of this tcam7 tho Stato Unlvoralty. Assistant City I a host of loyal citlzons who havo Suporlntondent Grout, of Portland, contributed to itho support of this rmpondod for tho association In a 'team that has given tho city moro happy mannor. Tho number present advertising to tho square inch than must havo exceeded five hundreU. San Francisco with her earthquakes Punch was Borvod, and tho recaption or Kansas City with her twisters, SHORT COATS REDUCED Our entlro stock Is on salo at a reduction of One-third WOMEN SAVED THE DAM How the break of tho Wheatland Dam, Impounding tho largest arti ficial body of water in Wyoming, was provonted by the heroic efforts of four womon is modestly told in a letter from Miss Knight, addressed to lior mother. Mls3 Knight, who Is visiting Miss Helen McGIll at McGlll, with hor hostess and Mm. M. J. Reed and daughter, was riding by tho reservoir whon sho noticed a loak in tho dam. Tho women notified Mrs. Reed's hus band, who Is in ohargo of tho reser voir and he started for Wheatland to summon help. Mrs. Reed and tho throo girls spont Itho ontlro night filling itho crovlco with hay and dirt, using olovon loads of hny. Whon Reed returned In tho morning thoy woro nlmoBt exhausted, but had succocded In hooping the break from enlarging to tho danger point. Tho reservoir contains an lm menso amount of wator, which Is backed by the Larnmio river, almost bank-full, and tho giving away of tho dam would havo meant a tro nioiuloua loss of llfo and property, as tho area bolow includes Whcat- laud Flats, tho most thickly settled fanning section of Wyoming. o waa a groat success. ami when tho season ia ovor, buy tho )l Pcdorjogs and Public Officisls Welcome State Association lalom was voted tho ideal city for mentions by all who attended tho Bptlon to tho State Teachers As- itlon given Mondny night at Elks' hall, by tho local organl- m of teachers in tho public )ls. 10 ueauuiui nnll tho finest in rstate tho public officials, and ty leaders of tho city wore in idanco to wolcomo tho visitors, io reception lino woro Miss Dlm- ; president of tho Stato Assocla- and Governor Chamberlain, Superintendent and Mrs. Ack- in, D, O. Grout, who represented : Portland schools; City Superin tend and Mrs. Powers, of Salem, Superintendent and Mrs. res and President campueih or SStato University. io decorations woro of crimson jlor roses, Tho musical program Von Jesson, at tho piano, and a il number by Milton Hoyt, bright tho evening very much. City Lnsd Nlght'tf Guine. Won. Lost. Y. M. 0. A 2 1 CGC Morchnnts 3 2 GOO Woolon Mills 2 2 GO') Fairmouots 1 3 250 By defeating tho Falrmounts loot night In a six-inning gnmo the Mer chants raisied thomsolvoB from tho bottom to second plnco In tho lenguo standing. It was a warm llttlo gamo and all of tho city teams aro Im proving. Tho gamo was tied, 1 to 1, at tho tend of tho fifth inning, but In tho lost of tho sixth Carey camo up for n two-bagger, which was followed by two hits by Morgan and Ron J night, bringing Cnroy in for tho 2 to 1 scoro for tho Merchants. Tho Falrmounts worked in their lono scoro very prettily In" tho fourth. Dnnlols had walked and got second on a- hit by Rnsmusimn. Dauo sacri ficed for Daniels' third, and ho boat tho ball homo whon Kay was snught out. Holman tied th ifccoro In tho Inst of tho fourth. Ho got a hit for first and went to third on Rasmussen's or ror, and was brought in by a hit from Morgan. y Tho gamo scheduled between tho Y. M. C. A. and tho Woolon Mills for Wednesday night will bo played tonight) on account of tho minstrel show at the penlrontlary tomorrow night. Gnmo t G:30, as several of tho mopibors of tho tqam will go to tho Tlvor .to practice wator baseball. u The Texas 'Woatiter. Cures all kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mall for 51. Dr. H. W. Hall, 292b Olive street, St. Louis, Ho. Bend for testimonials, gold by Stone'i drug store. dw-lyr I team brand now suits and send them 'ovor tho Pacific Northwest, manngor, Pet 'substitutes, mascot aftd all and fix a School in session throughout the summer. Plan now to onter. Students may onter at any time. Tho sooner you begin, the sooner you will bo ready for a place. VjmewJfr Of time and money In a business education is not a venture. The benefits to be derived from such a course last for llfo and pay sub stantial dividends every day. These facts aro amply shown by the uniform success of tho graduntes of tho CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Our students aro offered tho advantage of a school well-known for its thorough work, pleasant rooms, skillful teachers , and modern methods. Class and isdlvidual instruction. Living expenses low. md for catalogue J, I. Stalcy, Principal, Salem, Ore. We have several sails for teach era of shorthand. Public school teachers should laveetlgate. We mm or sell typewriters. Have several bargains la se oa-1mum1 bmcMms. Guaranteed tho namo of Welsor, Idaho, In ovory city of importance on tho Coast and toach thozo bonlghtcd heathon how to piny baU nnd show thorn that to aeo tho most beautiful womon, tho happiest and most contented mon, tho most luoclous fruits, tho plump ost grain" nnd tho mo3t proBpqrous and up-to-dato country on earth como to Woisor.- ' o The Doctor Awny from Home When Most Needed. Peoplo are vory much disappoint ed to find that thilr family physician h away from homo whon thoy most need his services, Diseases llko cramp collo and cholera morbus require prompt trentmont, and havo In many Instnnces provon fatal boforo mcdl clno could bo procured from or a physician suinmonoJ, Tho right wny Is to keep on hnml a bottlo of Chnmborlnln's Colic, Cholera nnd Dlnrrhoon Remedy. No physlclnn can proacrlbo p. bettor mediclno for theso dlscncos. I)y having It in thd houso you oscnpo much pnln nnd suffering and all ri3k. Buy It now; It may navo llfo, For salo by Dr. Stone's Drug Storo. o- The Cook's Grievance. "You say you must leave, Mary, bocauso yon are tired of tho way tho food is cooked. Why, you cook It all yoursolf!" "Thafis Just It, ma'am. I was told you mado splendid pastry, and I'vo been waiting all these months to taste a bit." Fllegendo Blatter. X-RAYS Reports from Eastorn bench re sorts, which havo Just oponcd tho season, Indicnto that tho bathing suits this year aro of a stylo to meet tho hearty cotrimondatlon of thoso with a liking for natMro study. No president has hold tho ofllco moro than eight years, and tho aver ago term of ofllco Is four years and Bovon months. Tho question is llablo to bo up to tho Amorlcan people, shall tho limit bo oxtonded? Astronomors neod not got swelled up ovor a fow sun spots. A caso of measloi is nothing to brag about. iTJio Scattlo Times Jolllos Orogon njVAvuor 'fuia frauds. WpU. broth-oc,-t'ho only dlfforcnco between Ore gon and Washington Is that tho gov ernment has not commonctvl exam ining into affairs along tho Sound. When it docs tho chances nre that most of tho criminals will go frco bocauTO thoy nro big onough thloves to bo imimtno. Cnthorlno CouuMbii is mnrrlod. If this will keep hor In tho East, thon- tro-goors In tho West will docldo tho question, "Is mnrrlngo a failure?" In tho negative IWMT mil' I HL mm ummhamambh KPPLUY'S PERFECTION MAK ING POWDER, EVERYBODY NOW ADAYS REQUIRES AND USES SOME BRAND OF BAKING POW DER. OUR, TIP TO YOU IS TO TRY EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKING POWDER. ONCE YOU GET ACQUAINTED WITH IT AND LEARN ITS MANY SUPERIOR POINTS, YOU WILL NOT THINK OF USING ANY OTHER BRAND. PUT UP IN MASON JAR6 AND JKLLY FRUIT GLAS8B8. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. MAXFAC TUM6D BY O. M. BPPLVY, A r UM, OKHOOK. TnUo tho Fostmnstcr's Word for It. Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmaster nt Chorrycalo, Ind., keops also a stock of gcnornl morchnndlso and pntont modlclnoa. Ho says: "Chnm borlnln's Colic, Cholera nnd Diar rhoea Remedy is standard horo in Itfl lino. It novor falls to glvo satisfac tion and wp could hardly nfford to bo without it." For snlo by Dr. Stono's Drug Storo. o A Lay of tho Bend. T,ho saddest words of tonguo or pen: "My sparkor failed to spark ngnfn." Chlcngo Rocord-Hernld. . Ho Fired the Stick. "I havo fired tho walking-stick I've carried ovor 40 years, on account of a sore that resisted ovory kind of treatment, until I tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve: that has healed the soro and made mo a happy man," writes John Garrott, of North Mills, N. 0. Guaranteed for Piles, Burns etc., by J, C. Perry druggist. 25c. o , Feminine Sympathy. Mils Fytto Wo have heard that my brother In Australia has been nearly drowned. Thoy only JiiBt managed to savo his life. Tho Victor Dear mo, I am sorry to hear that. Exchange. Every pair is built to give satisfactory service THE BROWN SHOE COMPANY is celebrated for their policy of building shoes of . SOLID LEATHER THROUGHOUT Since the heavy advance in leather it is Important to know that the shoes you buy are made in a reliable factory. Many factories are giving their shoes the same finish as formerly, but substituting inferior grades of leather to keep the price down, which is in fact a dishonest method of advancing the prices. CNy(fc 'StoWs, WHITE HOUSE SHOES For r vr PiSSf if AM iL." V ' 11X 1 H Always buy shoes want quality. if you reliable Our prices are figured on the spot cash basis Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies' and Men's Furnishings WE UNDERSELL REGULAR STORES Our store will close at 1 0:30 a. m., July 4th Abraltam Lincoln was a man who, against all oJds, attained tho highest honor a man can get in the United States. Bal lard's Horehound Syrup has attained a place, sever equalled by any other like remedy, It Is a sure cure for Cough, Colds, BrochltU, Iafluea za aed all Pnloaary dlseaeej. Every Mather eboHld keep supplied wit (.ate -wfMarful egk wedUtoe, toll y D. J, Fry. Ah OtlK-rti Sco Uh.. A day or two ago it foil out that an actor with n purposo waa clnoma tograadiod on tho eUigo, and was vastly pleaHed with tho result. Said ho gleefully to n promlnont dramntlo critic: "It waa tho most extraordinary ox porionco ovor wont through actu nlly'to hoo myaolf acting." "Now," replied tho prominent dramatic critic, "you undoretand what wo havo to put with." Pall Mall Gaetto. o A Dbilnfi'otor, "A." tramp applying for a Job waa asked if ho could do any gardening. "Yoa'm," replied tho seedy ono. "Then, will you piant theso shrubs?" "I don't think I could do that, lady." "Then, what can you do?" asked tho mistress of tho house, "Well, ma'am, if you'll glvo mo ono of yur husband's cigars I'll sit in tho greenhouse and smoke out tho insects that's eating the leaves off them roses." Illustrated Bits. must bo nn awful pruol gnmo. This papor says n man named Smith was poundod all ovor tho lot. And I guoRB it must havo been truo, for It says that in tho noxt Inning ho dlod on second bnso." Chlcngo Trlbuno, The Ck. "Jeektb," mUL M-re. Chuxwater, wlptoff her speeUeMe, "baseball jTHE I ELEVENTH I HOUR It Is not quite that late ia tho salo of the crockery, glass ware and dishes at our store. But they will soon be all coae, as they are being sold below eoat, to wake room for sore groceries. I It M. BRANSON f PJteftc131. 432StkSt miiiiiiiiii i I i