-J -fHUs." V yv - WW EATHER: SHOWERS , TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY. ( HfM -. AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL L.XVII. SALKM, ORHGON. TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1P07. NO. 1 15. ALEM HOLIDAY ATTIRE ( ip i t -ontf A fv"-- S IN incrs Federation Re-Elects Mpyer and Haywood ADY FOR THE FOURTH IRK WaL IN HAND ic Program Arranged In Which iny New Features Will Be Found (ccp Your Eyes Open For Uncle imucl In Ihe Plug Ugly Parade o committees aro working very on tho big Fourth of July pro , and on Thursday tho Amerl- eaglo will flan his wings and lot u ....... ... .... a Bcreccn mat. win cause uio to forget their antiquity, and In Again with tho Bmall boy In mvhoop. jry day brines forth now fea ts. :... I. . ...-... , surprises uiiu juluucwuiis lur kation's big momorlal exorcises. tt Shlnp., tho energetic, chalr- f tho oommlltoo on spor.ts Is listed by n bovy of co-work- Phaa nn athletic program pro- that would bo a good day's in itself. loro will bo rncoo of all descrip- fni. ttin vnttner nnrl MH hnn. p, 1". 1.HVI juuua , w..w- james, both in tho water and jf It launch races, In fact ono iuoub round of pleasure. K Water Baseball. gamo of water baseball will, id a doubt, bo ono of tho most lg contests that was over wit- in Salem. Tho Unoup will In many of tlv best local play- thlB national sport and prom- bo a scientific gamo, notwith- Ung tho dlfflc'ultlea Involved In ling. probable Unoup of tho two will contain the following Known players: lishop, Jory, 0. F. Easter, Ches jx, Ed. Hopp, Dolly Farmor, Holman, Leo Williamson, Dauo, Curtlo Coleman, Cor- Imlth, Ed. Thlolson, Nooo, Hnr- ESouthwlck, Huckenstcln and gamo will bo jlayed In tho letto river, near tho O. C. T. and tho "runnons" will swim tbnse to baso. Each baseman, catcher, shotstop and fielder ivo a raft anchored in position, rhen It Is necessary to get out position, ho will havo to tako water. A practice gamo will Id this ovonlng. lleluy and Tub Knee. tro will bo a four-mile relay ibetween a local Y. M. C. A. and a.tc!am front Chemawa. run will dtart ta tho corner of lerclal and Stato streets, tlwnoo kc penitentiary, across to uio ra, down Asylum avenuo and aektjta streets to Commercial , and south on Commercial to tho Willamette hotel. Tho Bis formerly planned was 10 ue r-mllo relay, but has boan jed ito a four-mllo raco, there only four men In each team. Utter, Ross Mclntyre; Leo and iser will represent tho Y. M. 400-yard relay raoe which Is run between the various or- f the city will be contested on aerclal street, and Is arousing Interest among ithe contesting itics.' The Maccabees, tho tmen of the World and the Miod- Voodxnen have entered teams event, and it la probable that Iks will be represented In the TEACHERS ENJOYING MEETING SOME NEW IDEAS will doubtless bo played for all there ils in tlio teams. Tho oxorclsos will be helj In Ma rlon square, and tho parade will con tain many novel features, among which will bo tho "Hall of Fame." J. L. Stockton will bo represented by a magnificent float, also the Chicago store is said to have a donation to tho march which will bo a surprise. Thoro will probably bo many of tho merchant? represented with elabor ate floats. AH thoso who are to tako part In the parade aro requested to bo on Front street under their prop ci dlvisln beforo 10 a. m., as the march starts promptly at 10:30 a. m. Thoro will bo four platoons In tho lino, each headed by a brass band. riiif? Ug'lles. Fred Kurtz, 'the chairman of tho comic parade, which will bo held af ter dinner, hop arrangements for an elaborate exhibition. A well-known character has been secured to repre sent tho Goddess of Llborty, and TueMlny Morning. "Undo Sam" Is a surprise. County Superintendent Robinson, Tho committee requests all bur- of Portland, presided this morning. lesquos to bo taken as" a Joke, as tho . Principal Marlatto, of tho Salem object of tho "Plug Uglles" is mere- high school called a meeting of prin ly to make fun for the crowd, so do clpnls and city superintendents to Eloquent Addresses, Splendid Music and Intelligent Discussion Mark the Day's Session-Manual Train ing Strongly Endorsed MINERS STAND BY OFFICERS not got mad, olthor, if your picture, is In tho parndo or if it Is left out. THE RODY FOUND. Wo- Mystery of Missing Wood burn innn Solved. Woodburn, Or., July 2. Tho body of Mrs. Mark Froyraan, who has been mlesing slnco early In tho mora Ing of January lBt, last, was found Sunday morning botwecn 9 and 10 o'clock" fry 'an did "man who was fish ing in Pudding riwr, and ran across ll8chool ,0 BUCcess camo to only one In 9000; high schools in form an athletic organization, nt Hotel Willamette, at 7:30 a. m. Wed nesday1. ailsfl Dlmlck, president of tho State Association delivered' her an nual address. Sho enld this associa tion wns designed to bo inspirational rather than devoted to mothods. Tho futuro nocdfi of tho scrvlco, the valuo of county Institutes, tho im provement by legislation, were ably treated; by Jier, She Browed that of thefw equipped only with a common mental training through tho eye and the mind, and a broader mental training would be tho result. To depend altogether on the printed page" 'to Incite activity was a fatal error. The preliminary training for these activities should bo taught In schools. A knowledgo of tools was valuable to tho farmer and tho bus ness man. Wo failed to got results out of our present clrrlculum, through wrong employment of nativ ity. Tho constant pleading of tho child was "what can I do?" Wo sent It to school and gavo It worJs, thoughts, slmbols, abstract and aim less mental activity. Let lis put In n new klml nt k Imtilitn. ln.qp1 on employment of tho motor activity Moycr and Haywood Both Retain thinking informs of things. Their Offices and Will Be Paid This donarErt Occupied tho as- T,ieIr SaarICS RcgardlCSS Of tllO sombly room nt tho high school, dls- OutCOITIC Of Their Trial cussing numbers, handled by Prof. Burnham, of 'tho Couch Echool. Llt- orauiro lor mo primary grnuo was Denver, July 2. Tho federation treated by Mro. Elsert. Mrs. Howard tills morning re-olectcd Moyer presl- sUggcstcd that tho teachor should bo dent and Haywood secrotary, and full of tho subject. This afternoon promising them tholr salaries for tho Mrs. L. D. Hoyo demonstrated num- coming year, rocardless of tho out- SHOW THEIR FAITH On cross-examination he said Or chard told hi in tho Goble cinoltor strlko would not bo won unless tho non-union boarding houso was blown up and tho scabs killed. Ho swore ho told Orchard ho could mnko a liv ing without killing any one, and did not proposo to break tho laws. Mc Partland, a brothor of Dotoctlvo Mc ParMand, told of bolng doported from Victor by tho militia. Ho was bull-penned becauBo lio sympathized with tho federation mon. Tho tes timony hnd no direct bearing on tho. Stounonborg murder. ' -o- CORTELYOU TALKED. Hut It Sounded Like nn Phonograph, Ancient her work. Ml3 Miithowa discussed tho kindergarten In a very entertain ing uinnuer. High School Coiii'nch. Tho superintendent's section dis cussed high school courses, led by Suporlntondont Chancellor, of Wash ington, D. C. There was to bo a. gen- como of tho Boise trial. O. E. Mn hohoy, of Dutte, wan ro-olocted oct ing president. Tho convention voted to permit Haywood to chooso his own representative as secrotary during his incarceration. tho badly decomposed remains in driftwood between tho two wagon bridges crossing tho stream east of Woodburn. Tho husband was noti fied and Identified tiho body by tho falso tooth and clothing, which was tho samo that sho had when last scon. SJio had evidently Jumped from tho railroad bridge Into tho river, and her body drifted down to tho spot betweon Wio other two bridges. Mr. Froyman on Docembor 31st took hlfj wife to tlio homo of her sis- creased thin 22 times; whilo college training increased 10 times. She 'ad vocated lunch rooms and rest rooms, find higher wages. Sho objected to high wages for (teachers who only employed tho profession as a stop unlly mado a succccu of ono at tlio oxponso of tlio other. Our nation still spent ?4 00,000,000 for wtars and warliko preparations, and only $200,000,000 on public schools. If a f.oap.hffft jsorvrvl irm vnn.rn n nnrrMU ter, Mrs. Albert Jordan, of Hubbard, lfllon thm BhouW bJ g,V(m ft Qff because sho expressed a wish to go;tQ mv0, on m pay flho voci. there, and also on account of hor e(1 ft ,on lom for 8U,)erannu. making a Uirwt tho night before to I . tfthorfl prMl(innt natch and commit suicide, stating that her jPros!jont Mah wer0 roclplentB of heart was with another man. At her m,a nnrnm n,inn f.,n,i Miss Dlmlck closed 'with an olo- request lio did not romain with, her itha niglit. Early tho next morning Doiso, July 2. Tho arrcBt of cor- oral discussion, but his mastery of tnln witnesses in tho Haywood trial the subject was so groat no ono who havo testified for tho dnfonnn. wanted to butt in. His most rovolu- on ft porjury ohorgo, boforo Uio end tlonary proposition wa based on tho 0f tho trial is certain to come. Agents recognition of the relation between for tho prosecution aro new gcarch tho' mother Instinct and education, ing the Coour d'Alone district to got Married teachers belong in the up- oyldencq to controvert thnt of Mc por grades, and impart tho parorit Goo, who aworo positively that ho Instinct to boys. Young teachers, met Orchard in Wallace In July or Just oui of tho normnl, Just budding August, 1904. McGco Bcomed sure into womanhood, need tho contact 0f his ground, but tho prosecution In with littlo children to draw out tlio sluts ho Is mistaken. nm1 that at tho hcrk, in them. Ho would oven find a tlmd he saw Orchard In his hospital place in education for tho grand- tho assassin was on rohto to San ping stono to matrimony. They us- mothora. Many of these workors in Francisco from Denver. It Is ru- oducajion are married women, who niorod that Northern Idaho officials havw raised children successfully, aro propuring information seeking to and havo alBo struggled with ho arrest W. F. (Dig Dill) Davis for problem of making cherry pies that complicity in blowing up tho Bunker a son-in-law would eat without mur- ( mu a Sullivan mine, nt Wardnor. muring. .Max Mallch, a Donvor saloon keepor Advanced Section. waa tJl0 flrst Wtnos8 today, Ho ,told In tho lecture room of the, church about tho striko at tho Globe smolt thls morning County Superintendent jng worka at Globovillo, n suburb of Hamlin, of Rocaburg .answered crttl- Donvor. Ho sworo that lie first mot clsma of public schools. I). F. Mul- Orchard In hli etoro at tho time tho Koy presomca an extempore treat- utrlko began. Ho was introduced by mont of history and held his audi- tho gracious presldont of tho local onco spollbound on that dry subjoct. union, who lator turned out to bo n Jamestown, July 2. Secretary Cortolyou mado tho principal address hero today at the dedication of n great column of coal 123 foot high, orected by West Virginia. Gov. Dawson nluo spoke: Cortolyou Bald: "Tho pcoplo continue prosperous, but wo havo occasional outbreaks and recently wo hnd Bharp reminder that wrong-doing, improvldonco and Inflation havo ono inovKablo end, disaster in greater or lota dogr"). Readjustment of values in certain lines of trndo will bo a blwslng, if restricted within rcnaonablp bounds. Pcoplo aro alivo to their rights, and they will mako a short (ihlft of any public man whoso career points in an opposlto direction." HOIHIEIIS COT THEIRS. quent oulogy of Uio work of tho PcAKHiitrt Gnfvo Horse Tlileves All. Tlwt Wah Coming Jo T)i'in.. St. Potonburg, July 2. Peasants captured 16 horso tlovc at Chor nlatin, in tho government of Volhnia Tlioy broko their arms and logs and crushed their rlbB, toro off tholr hnnds, and In some instances gouged out) tholr oyes. Tho police rescued: them aftor tho thiovos had been tor tured for two days. Ono was dood. EVERYBODY DECORATES. Hang Out Old Olory, ami Shnke Out th WrlnklcH. she sllppod away from tho house. gchoo, )teachor ,,,, quot0(1 a glowlns Tho applause that followed showed Pinkorton. Orchard plnyod cardB In aearcn whs u, ivr uer tur ... . from fiomo grCflA wrIU) flml around Woodburn and Hulibord, but wouW hQ ftn Amor,. no trace couU bo secured. Tliewo-, toach(?r than Quecn of man's married lifo was an unhappy Eni?jan(i one, her mind was weak, and she became easily excited, capecinlly on religious subjects. Tho body was taken to Hubbard cemetery and buried thore. o ROCKEFELLER DICTATES. United States Attorney Yields to tho Octopns. Chicago, July 2. Tho search for Rockefeller continues, but no trace of him can be found. According to word received hero this morning the story that Federal Attorney Sims will accept service from Rocke feller's attorneys, if the latter will produce their client in court Jury C, is confirmed this morning. Marshal Honkel sent Sims word from New York that he had served summons on Directors Hutchinson and Bar stow and Treasurer Piatt, of tho Standard Oil Company, of Indiana. -o KILLING ARMENIANS. ro will be a double game be- the Trunkmakers as4 the turn teams in the afteraooe. nine asd the other a. eevea game. A tkm two twunt led for first pla In the Tri- jue, and the Salem gam pgular scheduled ootwts, they Regular Open Soason for This Game Is at Hand. Constantinople, July 2, Hun dreds of women and children have been massacred In the villages of Bitlte And Van la tho last few days. Soldiers aro helping to slay Armen ians. Men are decapitated or shot in the streets. Wotuear and girls are outraged ttad thea killed. The mttmm cree am mid to he initiated by Rus sia, mmA th Kurds do the kiUiff. Rumta, .hopea to he made on of Uie civil ajtmia to gt AiuukJaI control j of thi region. Mlsa Ruth Field eang "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice," in a puro, clear voice. Her onunclation waa very good throughout, and sho was given loud and prolonged applauso. George W. Jonea, secretary read tho minutes of tho last meeting, adopted. Miss Cooper rend treasurer's report, showing a balanco from- lost year, Tho receipts this year aro yory good, Tho registration fro Is only 50 cents. County Superintendent Bryant, of Sherman county, nominated R. F. Robinson, .county superintendent of Multnomah county. Seconded by Rutherford, of Tillamook. Ho was duly elected. For flrst vlce-pn sl dont W. W. Wiley, of Tillamook, was chosen. For second vice-president, E. T. Mooroa, of Marion was elected. For secretary Geo. W. Jones. Trcasuror, Mlso Maggie Cos per. President Crooks, of Albany col- lego. Invited tho association to hold its next mooting at Albany. City Su perintendent Alderman wanted them to meet at Eugene. Balloting will take place this afternoon. Industrial Education. L. D. Harvey, of tho Stout Man uel Training School, of Menominee, Wis., discussed Industrial education for boys. It was a fact that 92 per cent of tho boys who got through tho eighth grado earned their living by their hands. An educational sys tem that d4d not At individuals for earaiug a livelihood was not meeting the demands at our national needs, The frafnlnfc of the hand In the vari ous employments also predicated Evorybody is decorating today, and everybody ejso will tomorrow, That'll whnt tho commtttco wants. Tho moro bunting and flags the hotter. Thoro In going to bo a tremendous crowd to soo tho decorntlons, and tho business place- without bun Ing will look llko sheol with tho flrps put out. ' -o that lie is held In high appreciation the back room of his saloon and as an orator. Mies Paulino Watson trJc1 to 8tart a pokor gftIn0( whlch led tho discussion. Sho has boon a Mallch said ho stopped. Witness de teacher in the Tillamook high school nje nUsolutoly that ho ever tried to This afternoon four Portland ladles ),jro orchard to blow up tho Olobo elaborated their 'subjects. ! hotel, which was occupied by strlko- The event of the second day of tho breakers. Tho amoltor trust, ho State Teachers' Association was 'tho Bworo, started an opposition storo to address delivered by Superintendent j,B uecaueo ho refused to refrain Harvey, of tho manual training from oxtondlng credit to union men. Bchool nt Menominee, Wisconsin, h0 ai testified that Orchard sevor At that city boys turned out of tho ai times told him Stounonborg had publlo schools were ready to tako caused him to lose a fortuno. and ho woll paid positions as mechanic. Ef-W0Uii get OVon If ho swung for It. fectlvoness of the citizen, tho equip- Following tho nttemnt to throw acid mont that made him abettor and on him as ho went to bed, Mnlich Chicago .May Oct a Humplo. moro self-austaiuing citizen was aworo Orchard camo to hi in and of- Now York, July 2. Th best In what was needed. Tho hand mitBt fored to kjll tho managor of tho op- formation obtalnablo at tho hood ho guided, directed, controlled by position store for monoy enough to quarters of tho oporatorw horo con- tho trained mind. Tho boy in tho 'got out of town. Ho refused to ppr Bhop, afjan apprentice, was frequent mjt anything of tho kind, ly not advanced becauso ho was at Malloh's placo was burned soon work that was most profitable to tho ttfter i,0 left it ono day to visit his shop. Tho demand for tho trained ranch. Borah questioned him con teacher who could teach manual sidorably along tho lino of Orchard's ttalnlng waa far beyond thp supply, connection with tho fire, tho ap In various communities varloufi'tmront Inferonco bclnu that Orchard New York Striker Rotuni. Now York, July 2. Tho loo driv ers' strlko was brokon this morning. It Was not offlclnlly doclarcd off, but whon tho Amorlcan Ico Company no tified tho union It had enough non union mon to man tho wagons, throo-quartors of tho strlkorn re turned to tholr wagons. Tho street cloanortt returned to work this morn ing. a lines of Industrial must bo mado prominent. . Industrial work could be given In all grades without low ering tho capacity for academJo work Tho contrary result waa advanced. At Menominee 7 Vi hours a wcok was given to manual training. It was employing students in new lines of work, not taking more timoj, but making better use of the tlmo that was now devoted to education. Mr. Harvey was repeatedly greeted with applause. - o ' Come Heme to Eat. He la your dog a thoroughbred? She H must be he sever eomes home except when he's hungry. Philadelphia Inquirer, burned it for tho Insurance. Mallch donled that tho goods wore removed from tho store and taken to Pctti bono's store prior to tho flro. Ho do nled that Orchard camo to him aftor tho killing of Lyto Gregory, aud told him if ho was arrested ho expected Malich to swear that at the time ho was playing cards In bis Btoro. Joo Mallch, formerly employed by Ma llch, gave testimony along tho lino of the former. Mehlksher, a miner, employed at Butte M present time, denied abso lutely that he ever aided Adams or Orchard o sisal powder. He swore that Orebafd lied whwt h said he helped to plant ihe bomb with which it was planned to blow up Peebody. Arms Uio report that tho noxt strlko wUl ho In Chicago, hut nothing defi nite Is known. IConenknmp said to day tharo Is a gouoral fooling all ovor tho country favoring tho spread ing of tho strlko. He said he would not bo surprised If Small hnd mailed strike ordoro to other cltlcts, Three Roys Iluniwl to Death. Houston, Texas, July 2. Thrco small sons of Jacob Prngor woro burned to death early this morning by a flro started by burglars. Prag- or heard tho looters, and ran dowu stairs. Ho dlacovorod tho flro, ran back and rescued hij wife and two daughters, but could not reach his ftOHtf. Dr. J. F. COOK TMM UOTJLXWAh DOCTOR, Movjs o Lnumonr musm VOK AXT MKMAM CALL OK OR. COOK, 00CLTATKX VRXM. kmiVh KWll-MaKl .1 JU -