-" " J -- f DAILY OAPIT.IL JOURNAL. SALEM, ORKOON. MONDAV, JULY J 1007. F,V iV ' , J w ., , 6 rfr h.- &. SPENCER HARDWARE CO. ki El am a a jt ?ii j m I A MO Ttlithalk .he4 of MOST VALUED DAILY COMPANION TO MEN OP ALL NATIONS-WHY? IXHStttty SlUVlne DVlt in Hit world. maKei leu -miring n pinuni muKiutHi 01 M WKJOBIa Mile. KBavr vnmpiEU, niw. iu.vuu wuuiu t - -r- fit In our Cutlery Department, Saves time, trouble, expense. In sures cleanliness and comfort. USED BY MILLIONS Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price $1.50 We also have these razors in satin lined cases. THE STAR SAFETY CORN RAZOR Simple. Safe, sure. No skill required. Price $1 .00 Razor Strops and Hones 25c and up STROPINE Por Pulling an Cdgc on Razors, Price 1 5c See the Star Self Honing Razor Machine. Anyone can put the finest edge on his razor by its use. NAIL FILES " . Manicure Scissors and Hair Clippers in different styles and shapes. Wc also have a fine assortment of Barbers' Razors See Our Razor and Strop for $1 .00 SPENCER HARDWARE CO. Phone Main 1 9 Salem, Oregon I A LIFE OF DRESS PARADE Jntelllijent Recreation Has Given riaco (o frivolous Amusements Under (ho captien: "Cannot run boh nu tliolr dads did," (hut "Jolly Flhurmun(" It. I). IIuiiiu In The- llti dlttiu lib pmiur publWhod monthly nt Wedderburn, pnya hU roup out a to modern hkp1o nnd conditions, an fullewH: "A college president In an uiiMtorn ntnto recently made tho following oHeortlon: M "Tho young puoplo of today ub fouiparod with thoo of fifty your into, nro chiefly deficient In power of RUtttutnod uttoiitlou nnd orgUm! thinking. They cannot, or at least 'they luaully do not, think us dour ly, u patiently, and u cogently as did thulr fathers. They do not na CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Checking account! enable folki to deposit their money and re ceive a passbook, agalntt theia account they are permitted to draw eawka. Check may be given to parti tor aucU turn aa d oil red, thui Molding frequent trip to tk It luteret4 call aad . Salem State Bant 14. K. PACNC, rrUmt, W. MAJfcUW, Qahfar. v ? (illicitly tllHtltiKiilHh the Irrelevant f om tlu piitlnont, tho kernel from the luiHk, iw (ho mon of (he last Kenorntlon. Thoy ht)vo un nmnz lug fund or Inroriimtlon; thoy are wldo reudorM of bright literature; thoy hnvu ttiHted ovory fruit on thu great tru of knowledge; thoy know ii thoinmml Intermitlng uumpi; thoy are more vrwitlle nnd Ingenious nnd uttniotlvu than any other of the rocont generations. Hut thoy nro qulokly led iwtroy by aoiiliUtrv and otiHlly led to mirrondur convlo- m tlon when It innneU with tutor To which we ndd: "Tito problem of lift aa our fore fathers viewed It wna nltogothor u dlfforont ploturo than that prosont od by tho wuno Biibjoet to tho mlnda of tho young t,oday. Aa.aeon in tho mirror of tho . modern oyo, life U merely n season of enjoymont. The dnya nro full of dreaa parade and the nights are given over to pnrtloa, cards and dniiohiK. A daneo to coiuo occupies (ho mind of the boy weeka In advance, while, 'what ahull I wtnrT' la the subject of the glrl'n waking thoiiKhta and alum borltiK dream. Hven tho mront of today nro not Imutuno, though the mania hkUIoiu ruchoa aa far back aa tho grand parent, in tlm olden time thy had 4he danoo, but tlio Ufo w not o completely aub--urvlunt to It, ami tnatwul of ouihIs th- had tki mHHus mIiooI, lull ullely more lntrHctlvw and HUr tnlnlHK. a pasilm rnjmrluK iudy and rvneurcH to atuia prottcUury, but a citatum that bna boom oh soleto bwno, kuowlag tky m. not apwJI our yoiiuK imomIo a nahamwl (o attempt It. Then HKUln. wniu luu buiue of ike old fuah loml sliiKtHR soluHdt it too has passed to bit auppiauUd by eirda and tho danuo. To learn to road aud to alne and to play required study aud attenttou and cultivated tho memory, nnd all the flnnr nn.i nobler Reuse, sharpened tho dclro ror mora porfoctlou. drow forth it. ent talout which mlcht never hiwo bwu discovered, iolUhed up aud refined tha Ur awkward nud dim dent boys, tuued (help Wo,-. melody and turned their thouRhta 10 uou. what cau bo wld for th benticlal re-utti of tha cam lahi. wltk It. Ittceutlv to gauMlng, Us tendency to cultivate lying and steal ing, deceit nnd treachery? "Tho vlow of life as taken by tho young of todny Is very superficial. If In any lino of sport ho Gr sho at tempts to excell, the effort Is so strenuous as to absorb almost If not tho entire time after which both mind and body are too much futlgued to uttempt anything deep er. Ho who would excell at foot ball must take groator chances than minor or marine, must drill his mind to Intrigue and brutality. Would you oxpoct this specimen of bulging muscle and ulunteu flnor senses to inako a cogent reusonor or dcop thinker upon any other subject than thnt of football? Could ho make the rounded' man ho might had his sport been tem pored nnd timed as In days of old 7 Thon tho paco was not so swift. Then it was exorcise, not a Hfo Btudy. Then It was a tost of sinew and action, not a science based on studied lntrlguo. Then It was nmiiBomont for a fow hours or a day, not a consuming ambition for wonkt, months and years. "Tho very tondoncy of tho times la to superficiality. To know one thing woll, Is to know other things slightly. Tho strenuous dny of tho specialists who arc piling up such great iuiusoh of Information Is hero, nnd the labor necessary to keep abroad of the tltuos upon ono or two subjects so groat that other subjects must ha but lightly stud ied, If this Is true of the student, what hope Is there for tho mind to r'tich plain of ronsounblo reason ing or oven ordinary thinking con- orcd upon a particular subject, K It t bo IIIIpiI with thoughts of pink tens, bountiful gowns, enrds, danc ing nnd the tlioutor? "There aro somo good ronsons why tho young of this ngo cannot con centrate tho mind so iutontly upon a given subject an history says our forefathers did, and tho tondonuy HoeniH to tho toward still llghtor mental strain and less frequency of tho dreadod 'brainstorm.' Whnt tho other girl or woman woro Is oft- on the subject of thought ifntll tho next function. Amusomont Is the uauy ami nigiiuy stimulant our young fool thoy must havo It, nnd tho feeling is still In many broasts af ter tho gravor dutlos Incident to pa roulal responsibility havo boon as sumed, Wliou tho mothor should be oxortlng ovory energy nnd nil her Ingenuity to tho euro and train ing of tho llttlo Ufo God has. given her, to guide tho mind at Its tteuder opening uud protect tho frail body from exposure uud dlsonso, sho can bo found la front of tho mirror ro movlng tan from her font tiros by tho application of lomon Juice, ex erting twice tho onorgy nor faithful watch over tho oltltd would ronulro. or a fashion plato has absorbed her attention aud sho Is soroly trlod ! Iwt tho now conwt bo a half Inch too short In the bust of ovor the hips or too long behind. Hours mny he spent combing nnd trnlnliur a pondlo dog but baby must amuso himself without erylng. Kortunos can bo spent for automobiles, flno olothlug nnd bloodud stock without a thought or how to mnko bettor mon or womon out of tholr children. Tho wrltor has boou a fat how tho subject of fond admiration and caro stroked, potted and enrroased while tho owner cuffed his own child, dirty nnd unkompt from, his pres once. "Tho tondonoy among young men la to oontuurUo; tho young lady to IdolUo horaolf, and. the fa ther, burled In his business, and tho mother wnppod In society, glovo IHtlitR corsot nnd drugatoro com plexion nro to blamo. "Hoth parent and child aro rIvmi to thla Biiporltolal, this sort of but terlly Ufo that aooku only to amuso Itself, only to while away tho tlmo, only to eat, sleep and bo morry, nnd wo aw no hope for ohango savo by tho sumo ugunoy through which has oomo this of whloh wo complain, O" ?- 5 l say GOOD COOES CLEVELAND'S Ask a GOOD cook the kind of baking powder to use and she will say UJivulinu a. It is the baking powder of experts the baking powder used by those who have tried them all. Cooks who have used CLEVELAND S and tried others always come back to CLEVELAND'S SUPERIOR Made from a Superior grade of Purp Cream of Tartar, CALL FOR CLEVELAND'S BAKING POWDER AND INIST UPON v HAVING ffl Sold and Recommended by the Folic wing Girecefs: WKLLlill imOS., C03OIEUCIAL STRECTT. I). It. aiLIJEItT CO., COMMEKCIAL STREET. ROTH & GRAUER, COMMERCIAL STREET. DAMOX & FOSTER, COMJO3R0IAL STREI-7T. J. M. LAWRENCE, COMMERCIAL STREET. W. A. IHVIN CO., COMMERCIAL STREI2T. A. I)AUE, COMMERCIAL STREET. II. II. RAGAN, COURT STREET. A. L. HARVEY, COURT STREET. J. L. MOORE & SON, CAPITAL STRE15T. RUTHEREORI) & DOE, PAIR GROUNDS. ROTH & GRADER, STATE STREET . J. W. IIARR1TT, STATE STREET. MOIR GROCERY CO., STATE STREET. II. M. DRANSON, STATE STREET. JOHN HUGHES CO., STATE STREET. A. A. ENGLEDART, STATE STREET. P. G. ROWERSOX, YEW PARK. II. L. SOIIUITZ, ASYLUM AVENUE. W. 1). WHEELER, NORTH SALEM. A. CHENOWETH, NORTH SALKM. FAIIRINGTON & VAN PATTON, STATE STREHJ Sold in Neighboring Towns by the Following Grocers PETER COOK, RICKREAL. I,. AI1RAMS CO., LINCOLN. E. W. SMITH, LUtERTY. O. L. PARSONS, FRUITLAND. RANSOM .i SON, TURNER. V. T. OTT, PRATUM. R. G. HENDERSON, CHlLVWA. RAMP .tt RAMP, IIROOKS. NII1LER i NATHMAN, GERVAIS. CTIA8. I). IIEIN, AUMSVILLE. T. II. DRAKE, MACLEAY. JOS. SCHOMUS, SHAW. M. A. HARDER, SLVRION. FORD & CO., MARION. P. M. REED, JEFFERSON. SMITH FONTAINE, JEFFERSON. PATRONIZE THESE GROCERS DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. Fwxl llrowiilnj;' Rcsldonco Dui'iieil Sunday Morning, ()Hu Mort Pnl!li Uuiils. nillUth. Mlllll.. July 1. lly 0rtJ0r of the Ktuerul lnnd oRlce. 229,297 of publlo livmls In Mlnnosotn wr ojianoil to witry ami sttlomont today. Tho traots aro portions of Red Lake, Whlto Wielh. Dor nrMv tlio oetlod IhiuIs of tlio Ohlpiitwiu, hiuI Komi ilu Lao Indian rosorvn-ttona. -v- llAsflmU Plnyvm ..ml Foot tacvrl I.OllU J. KrilKO OX-Ohamnlnn lrn. dlrftanco foot racor of Germany and iiuiiiinu, writod, Oct. 27, 1901: "During my tralnlnir nf .!. weoks' foot raw at Salt Uiko City, In April last, I used llallanP fln.v. Llnlmont to my greatest satlsfac tlon. Therefore, l hlchiv k,,. Snow Liniment to nil who are trqu. bled vrlth epraln. brnliea, or rhu matUw." 85c. 60c and linA p.n V D. J, Fry. FVIM Ouo of tlio most dostructivo fires that lins vlHltod tho rosldonco section of tho city for somo tlmo occurred yostorday morning about 7 o'clock, when tho lmudsomo rosldonco of Prod Drowning, tho woll-known bakor, who roaldoa In Yow Park, on tho Tumor road, was burned, it is not known Just how tho flro started. but It Is supposed that tho blnzo re sulted from a match that was accl. dentally dropped In tho woodbox In tho kltchon. Mr. nrownlng's son, Fred, after having started a flro in tho kltchon stove, had gono to tho barn and was hitching up his Uam when ho heard tho lire whlstlo blow a call sont In by somo of the nelch- bors. Mrs. llrownlnc nnd tho mat nt tho family who woro yet In tholr neuronitis upstairs, woro soon in. formed of the blaze, and. with thn help of tho loyal nolghbors, succeed ed In saving much of tho furnlturo down stntr. The flro company did oxcollont work upon Its arrival, and made good time In the long run, but the progrw of the flro hud reached n stage that soon envolopod tho In terior of the building, and It was Impossible to chock the flame until Uto roof had fallen In sovoral nlnnv. a--..VWW ana me building was almost a total wreok. The windmill nnd tank, which , noar by, also caunht flr hut k blaxo waa extinguished before groat damago was dono. Tho building was a new, three story structure, and was amnni? th most modern residences of that sec tion or tho city. The loss wn u. partially covered by Insurant. SALEM GUN GLUB SHOOT Fol Dupont Trophy Al Falrmount Grounds Sunday BY ANY OTHER NAME New York Would Smell AsStve Garbagc Haulers Enjoy It Han Shooters dlcap Goo. Palmer 20 S. Culver is O. West ic R. Sholton 22 A. Earl r Wob Holmes ic U. S. Rider 16 Mrs. Holntos ic . Wolf 16 . Purvlno ic n. Olcott ic J. Mnuror is . Dakor 16 A. D. Emmott ....18 A. Husspv in Shooters not attending manv shnn two seoros next Sunday, to catoh up. Trophy on exhibition at Hauser Rro.' store. Othor seoros, all from 1G vnr.i rise. Shot at Droko 20 20 12 18 21 13 21 16 S 17 17 17 13 20 17 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 New York, July 1. This city li tho filthiest In America today. Tb Odor Of accumulated irnrhnPft Is M- i. . . a luearaoie. In somo of thn streu teams cannot nass. n.Hrnna nratn- ing to kill tho stench by bonfires aal powerrul disinfectants. Thoy art unable to get men to tako tho pl of tho striking street cleaners. Fll- toon hundred mon, promised W Philadelphia, failed to arrive. Tin pollco are unabln tn mnn with thesfc nation on account of tho deinanS from tho ico comnanv for their pre once to protect tho ico wagons from siriKlng ice drivers. Several specie officers were clubhod nn.i dracgei from the wagons this mornlnsr. TM - unrge, bridge and stablemen todaJ Joined the strikers, nnd r,o strike breakers also quit. Tho man who lnvAnti .w.,... institutes can havo tho horsA mh,.. voto for preildeat or anything else whbi, ana at tDy old time. Shootors shot Mnuror ,50 Hmmett 25 Hussey 05 Olcott 50 Webb Holntos ....25 Wolf or; prvlno i,'o5 Sholton 50 Everybody welcome. Next shoot July 7 at 10 State fair grounds. at Broke Po 36 17 19 30 14. 47 Come out. o'clock a. m. 72 6S 7S 60 56 32 56 94 Chlcaco Markets. ChlcaCO. Jlllv 1 Whnnf QSUfli 94, corn 5353, oats ilYt ii. The sky was clouded, bnf fw was sunshine under lhom n .v. school ma'ams arrived. Abraltam Lincoln was a man who, against all olfo aiiamed the highest honor a ra can cat in thn tiu,i oni. KaV lard'a Horehound Syrup has attala a mace, never equalled by any o Uko roraedy. it it a n,.,ft rUre W jConghs, Colds, Broachltls, IdAi ji ana an Pulmonary dlsea 1 Every mother ehouM kei pil jwlth this wooderful cough dfcl- oia by d, J. Fry.