ivPy"?Wr h , . ' ..'" " !,IM. v- ti ' v" -mi "ft - . i. iW" . i" a . ,,MtM-Wr . 8 vlmm! .-.' L.. vh ' ' BAIMT OAPITAIi JOURNAL, SAIJM 01WOON SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1007, M J A BARGAINS IN EMBROIDERIES V. On Accotmt of the Enormous Selling in Oar Embroidery Section Daring Oar Fire Sale, We Have a Great Lot of Remnants and Short Lengths of NewPatteTxT VXJLwJt I xJ'JLJ JLi XXaaIwA IW wll - a a o aw T j H Stetson Hats, fire Sale - - $2.45 Arrow Brand Collars, fire sale 1 0c 1 0c Men's SbckspF ire sale - - 5c $1.50 to $2.50 Dress Skirts, fire sale - 45c Lace Curtains and Draperies At a Great Bargain i MWN CITY NEWS A Oollectfm frf JnmfftMt ? f mgnp9 for Ycmr CqjulAtrnHo frftfMfMfteiJllftHH "Hew subjects today, at Pattoa's. An Inviting Placo 1 When pooplo aro burdened with tho pain of death In their family U one tlmo In their lives when they need kind treatment and good conn MSao). In tho relation of burial goods Srand undertaking scrvlcos A. M. Clough Is prepared to glvo patronB the best goods for tho money and tho most painstaking services. Sweet Cream Ahvayi ltyr snlo by tho Townsond Cream ery bo., 137 Commercial street. . . - C-29-4t If. Is Appropriate During this bckry season, It is good to. know that you can always buy Bwcot croam In any quantity, of tho Townsond Creamery Co., 137 Commercial streot. G-29-U A Largo Shipment Tho largost .shipment of loaded shotgun sholls oyer brought to Sa llow, consisting of 120 cases, contalu- , lng'WdT fdiuleM. , shotgun shells, was rofcolvod. today by-,Hnusor Droa., proprietors of tho Salont Gun Store. ' Tho slRolls.aro called tho "Hnuaor Bros.' " Special Load," bocauso thoy aro loaded to iholr specifications, and shipped djroct to them from tho fac- tory. ...." . . - Tiuyjng direct ana in largo mionttll.W' TTniiflAi Tlpfa nrrt nliln in 1 ' ' KeV levsh goods and better prices. AU reports that come Into rtho gun . atnra pniti Mn. riiiitpv' InrMpnfrt Hint JkoVmo birds will bo plentiful this V .. faM, Tho Flrtt Bhoot Tho Salem Gun Club will hold first shooting contest for th pont Trophy at tho fair grounds Sun day morulng at 10 o'clock. ta- i. !.. ...i ...i lr. l. . UUI UIVIII' UIIU "lV, l North Rend, have been visiting rela tives and frionds at Sclo and Joftor soh, whero 4hoy wero born and ralsod Tholr pnronts located In tho forks of tho Santlam In' tho MOa. Tho doctor is llko tho rest of tho North llend people a Coos Day boomer. Hood River's baby crop la run ning 100 per cent glrla. Hood River always does got lu with tho most por fect products. MMBHHH-aHHHaBaHMHaaM Just Received A Shipment of Fine Limbcrger and Cream Brick Cheese Try Them and Ke Cwvmcd MoirGrocery MlpiBfew- J .. . .. rM-y,fwmw. MISS HILL CHOSEN AS GODDESS Splendid PnHJfaffl Arrayed iM(j Sports to Suit Everybody Miss Maud Hill) was tho fortunate young lady who drew tho ticket last evening which ontltles her to bo Sa lem's Goddess of Liberty. Sho la tho daughtor of W. W. Hill, of North Sa lom, and Is well known in this city. Sho was tho representative of tho United Artisans, tho Royal Neigh bors and tho Modern Woodmen, tho lnttor being tho winning vote. MIbs Hill's competitors wore Miss Martha Sheridan, roprescutntlvo of " tho Woodmen ofc tho World and Sllvor Dolli Circle; Miss Ella Donaldson, candldato of .tho A. O. U. W.,and Miss Edith Mapjothorpo, candldnto of tho Maccabees, Tho contest was carried on harmoniously and netted tho sum of $70, of which amount $50 will bo presented to tho Goddoss-olect. and tho ronmlnlng $20 will bo p'.tacod in ho general Fourth Of July fund. Parade. Arrnngomonts havo been mado for two big parades, to bo given on Sa lem's streets on tho Fourth. Dol DInsmoro Is chairman of tho morn ing parade, and reports that tho wprk of his committco Is progressing nlcoly, nud tho march will bo an ingreeablo surprise to tho spectators. Sovoral floats aro bolng construct- 'nl liv thn onmrnlttna nmrnt" whlpli ' men's Float" and two represont ' ' tho states of tho Union. Tho Chi cago Storo, J. L. Stockton and sev eral other flrniB will) bo represented m tuo parade, tuo "iiau or varna- Bld ..'will bo a -unique exhibit of artistic fl Ua .., ,A a, Du. sQulpturo, and will bo among the B,.n n8t Interesting of tho llonts. Many In tho parade. Tho "Hall of Famo boys havo slgulfied their willingness to tako part in tho Juvenile part of 'thls parade. Mr. DInsmoro Is anx- tons thnt all boys who wish to secure a placo In this Interesting part of tho day's program seo him at once. The main parado will start at 10:30 from tho corner of Commercial and Court streets, Tlw Plug UgUos. Tho afternoon . parado will be a burlesquo on tho morning march, Fred and will bo engineered by Kurti, tho. enterprising butcher of North Commercial street Burlesquo umtS?uSriS many other Uoats will be In the march. All thoso who wish to entor )ilc ftm.nrsivnVIni? n.'irt. nf dhft oOr- clscs aro requested to seo Chairman Kurts immediately. Sports. Watt ShipK chairman of the oom hiltteo on sports reported this morn Ing tha many uovei games and races havo been arranged for tuo sport jits rjora Dean and sister, ot program. Pomeroy, Washington, arrived ln tho Two big basoball games will bo city today to attend the summer nor played during tho day, ono botween mal. tho Fftlrraouat club, of this city, and Miss Ladols Crawford, of Tacoma, tho Albany Giants, which will occur who has been visiting hor cousins, la the wiorttiB. aad om bctweeu tho Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Kay, left today popular Woodbura team nad tho for her home. TrHHkmaVers, of Portland, to bo ir8. E. D. Goodrich, who has been te)4 Ir tko hUotsqob, Tho fans vWtlg la tW cltj- for tho pastfov will wot Im lUapfM4td, as all four erml'HMwths,wlllie.vo next-Tuswlay .teams v tl a w rtUtlou tt, her homo In Omaha. tor their exttat lay tkte e Rev, Davis Errott returned to Tur fa Tk "wW" has)!- : JJtti'inTi I liiwM.U'te,y whldi J to h9 pUyd btwM two lag a camp at the ChrisUaa chuJch laeal tauwi Ik tH WUUlHtt 1 1 VT. ' couvefttlou. J ruw4MiJ, bt9jk fHli '-t Canvas Gloves, fire sale 6 for - 25c $1 .50 to $2.25 Kid Gloves, fire sale - - - -c 95c Dress Goods in tan and grey mix tures, checks and Hc$f f PrItfT stripes, 50c to $2.25 "CU11 " JOS. MEYERS & SONS, lac, Stock Pacific Coast Sale Promoters la Charge Ppny llnccs. Luto Savage, who has charge of tho horso and pony rpces, reorts that over 20 entries havo Ucvn ado for tho various cpntostB. JJont llnccs. over 20 entries havo been mado for ,'sevoral launch races, which will fprovo an Interesting feature of tho mrnrrrnm nf annrte Tlinon whn Vinvn optered theso contests aro George Johnson, George layro, i'oroj' .Mirscn. liny Clark, Charles Denison and Frank Wheeler, Jack Rogers and I C, Ki S))tUlltlihg have made entries' for 10-horso power boats. Autoniobllo Ilnces. Enough havo already entered In tho autoniobllo race to assuro Its success. Tho race will bo for five miles, and tho courso will bo out by tho pon to tho Red Barn and LacTc. River Sorts. Swimmers wishing to participate In tho gamo of "water" baseball will ploaso placo tholr names .and posl- tlons with GoorKO Forbes, pt Y, it. C. A. Chairman Shin is ondoaYorlng to got n canoe rnco, to tako placo In tho ovonlng. Porsons wishing to enter can mako ontry by scolng tho chair- man of tho sports committee. iimmtiiiiiiiiininH- PERSONALS 1 mi a n b 1 m 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 ii' ,..,,, , ,,4. . mmn ritv Oregon City. Mrs. J. A. Rullfson loft this morn ing for an outing at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hlnes Joined tho enmpors at Turner this morning. II. G. Hunter went to Portland on business this morning fhna c unniiwnnn' 1 Chas. K. Spau'.dlng loft today for Portland on business. Mrs. J. M. McConnoll, of Eugene, ? Is vlBltlng Salem frionds. S. B. Catterlln wont to Portland .. , , .. , ,1 to fofl7" T " , y t v Mrs. 8trong and daughtor, Mrs. ' . M 4. . ,'. Mrs. C, C, Brown loft this morning for an over-Sunday visit In Portland, Mlss Martha Schlndlor has gone to Portland for a fow days' visit to f rionds. . t Mrs. A. T. Koliihor loft today for ed visit In Yellowstone an extended Park. homes. Miss Annetto Skalfo left today for Mrs. Doherty, who has been vlslt a sovoral days' visit to Miss Steph- ing hor sister, Mrs. Fred Waters, ens, of Portland. left. today for her home In The Dalles Miss Mary Baker, of Eugene, nr- -She was accompanied as far as Port- rlveii tl113 Iuorn,UB t0 tak0 a course In fk uif m niAi ttAMinnl --- "-" riiiur von Jen, u.o vu.euu Mr' aud Mrs' LeRoy ood8- ot dean of tho piano department of tho ?utv T'Q lea th,s morn,ue tor?r:to urr!ty re:r!d r- tholr honro. Mrs. H. A. Platts, who has been visiting In Salem, returned last oven- ,nst0 hTercS0BV ln Pr"an,d Mrs. J. Slmnions, after visiting her cousin, Mrs. Needhnm, has returned to her homo ln Portland. Mrs. Wlnulo Davis, of Goshen, ar rived today for a several weeks' Vllt to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sellwood. f" - " lp fdMurds aad r Jnd- FITTING UP FINE OFFICE Drs. Eplcy and Ollnger Will Move to Corner State and Liberty Sts. Drs. H. C. and H. H. Ollnger, tho well-known dentists who havo for many years been located In tho Ehl rldgo block on Commercial street, aro fitting up elegant nppartments ovor tho Bnrr jewelry storo on tho corner of State and Liberty streets which thoy will occupy July. 1. The new nppartments contain four or flvo office rooms besides a largo reception parlor Pfld wJU occupy tho ont.lro spneo from tho stairway near tho'Spa to the corner of tH.o buJbJiRjc. Tho spacious parlor Is bolng pa jj'ored with heavy paper la rich dark rel moire drop celling and Riverside frlezo with gilt paneled waDs. 'Between the parlor and thooporatlng rooms thero will be a reception lob by, which will bo elegantly furnished and will bo finished with panels of gold and brown paper. An extracting room, a laboratory and tho operating rooms adjoin tho lobby, all of which will contain tho most modern sanitary furnishings ,nnd tho latest conveniences In don- tat appliances. The doctors have taken an actlvo part hi all thoso things which go to tho dovolopmont of tho city whethor (In business or In social life and havo fbullt up an envialilo practice and mndo a host of frionds. i, ilnR Miss Nina Johnson, have returned to their homo. t Judge William Galloway left last ovonlng for McMlnnvllle, after hold- n V f 8 bounty i I J .',. short session of tho Marlon cjrcult court. Rlngo left last- evening for Portland, whero ho will attesd a meeting of the Stato Funeral Dlrec- tors' Association. I Mrs. F. P. Friday and Mrs. W. B. Sherman, of Hood River, who havo been visiting Mrs. Frnnk DougUisof this city, have returned to tSelr land by Mrs. Waters. I 4ua.i t ii AAlnl..l Uerday from a business trip to New York city . P. A. Wilson, formerly cashier of is. r. otuce in tnis cii', out wno is K ow In tho Wells-Fargo offices In rtiand, Is in tho city for an over- ISunday visit. Mrs. John Fechter, with her llttao son and daughter,' Is visiting her father, Dr. D. F. Lane, of this city, for tho summer. Mr. Fechter was formerly of this cUy, and Is now lo cated ln Fresno, California, where he Is secretary of tho Y M. C, A. Mrs, Ella Watt who has been ln Spokane In tho Interests of the United Artisans left that city Thursday for Seattle. Sho will return to her home hero July 3. " Mrs, R. Mortensen "has retwraei ko her hooio 4a1 Drain after a Mvival weeks visit to Salem relatives; She was formerly Mis Mabel Schomaker lis iqm 4mf ,, I J. W. Ypung, th costnutor, la In tho city from Portlaad, where, with a gang ot tua, he is eompiotimc soma 1 .00 Muslin PetticoatsTfiife $1 50 Muslin Drawers, fire sale 98c 5c Dorset Covers, fire salcV: 48c $2.25 Muslin Gowns, fire sale 40 PANAMA SCHOOL .MA'AMS COMING Charter Special Train and Will Salem In a Bunch Hit Last night's Telegram says: Moro than 200 school teachers from Port land and MuUnomnh county will at tend tho stato convention of tho Western Division of tho Stato Teach ers' Association, to bo hold at Salem noxt Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day. Tho Portland Principals' As sociation, Teachers' Club and tho Multnomah County Teachers' Pro gressive Club havo united nd char tered a special- train. Tho train will leavo Portland at 7:30 o'clock Mon day morning pnd will arrlvo at its destination at 0:30 o'clock, only ono stop bolng mndo during the Journey. Hoadquartors for tho delegations' from this county will bo at tho Hotel Willamette. Arrangements havo boen mado by tho Salem teachers for tho entertainment of tho city's guests Tho special will bo met at tho do- pot by street cars and tho teachors taken to tholr hoadquartors. From thero thoy will bo assigned to ac commodations, during their stay In that city. Arrangomonts havo been mado whoreby any teachers who havo to pass through this city on their way to SaVom may stop off hero and par ticipate In tho excursion. Delega tions from Clackamas, Clatsop, Co lumbia, Washington, Wasco and couutles oast of tho mountains havo had special Invitations to go to Sa lom with the Multnomah county del egation. Tho special train will leave Salem for Portland Wednesday evening at 5 .o'clock, which will glvo all an op portunity to return to this city In tlmo for tho Fourth of July celebra tion. Regular Society Barn. Walter Kllno bos designed and had built tho finest barn in Denton coun ty. It Is finished on tho outside tho same as any residence, and tho In side Is lined with flrst-grado floor ing, and given a hardwood finish. throughout. Thero aro double ana largo panel doors between the rooms, tho samo as you would seo In a resi dence, all given tho hardwood effect. t9 THE I ELEVENTH HHOUR It Is not quite that late la the sale ef the eroekery, glass- Z ware aad dishes at our store. Z But they will aooa he all W9 m they are hetag eeW eto f cost, to wake reesa for more 9 groceries. I Phiel3t. 432Stotet ' "" , 1 n-f HATS AT A SACRIFICE Thero nrn nlni ...., - . dows, night and day door, - in.M T,uwow U00r' water on tap Inside, hoppor bottomed grain bins on tho second floor with BpQUu lead. ng to tho first, water piper tor slush ing out and cleansing stalls, modern arrangements for feedlntr. vWi tors and other fixtures for letting In fresh air and keeping down odoro. Bentpn County Republican, Incorporations. Threo firms filed articles of Incor poration ln the offlco of tho secre tary of stato this morning, as fol lews: Tho Savings and Loan Society, & corporation organized and doln? business In tho stato of California,, has filed articles ot Incorporation la this state. D. W. C. NeJson, W. G. Drowfer and H. N. Clark havo filed articles of Incorporation for tho North Amer ican Copper Company, with a capital stock of 3.0Q0.000, and DtiacSial ofllco ln Baker City. , Tho Field Lumber Company lias- boon Incorporated by Isaac W. Schef fer, Wni. Goldman and Wallace He Camant. Tho head offlco will be fa Portland, and the capital stock has been divided Into 1000 shares of tho par valuo of $5 per share No? wick Union Fire InnKance Society Frank Meredith, Reddest AgeL OHM with Wm. Browa ft Co., K 139 Comsrlal street ..MONEY TO LOAN.. THOMAS K. TOW Over Ladd ft Bush's Bask, Blee.fr. NEW TODAY Wanted Board and room in prf- vato family by man and wife, o children. Must be clo30 in. dress "X,' caro Journal. Wanted. Four hundred cords, more- or leas, of old growth fir wooar dollvored at Salem Indian school. Edwin L. Chalcraft. superlntond ent. 6.28-3t- Wanted-Cherry pickers aria fruit farm, scut h of Cl y -V tor cemetery. Apply to A. Pa on ppace, BcnefactorJTrsTtbe for my vocation soon, the ef , ccommodato iw 7- of DO waueu 1" nt ha at mf tho past few days. I will ba W chiropodist Parlors, on Chern at street, from 9 a- t0 3 P' D. Sundays, to remove your cob B. Trvln. For Itent-At Newport. lorJJ month of July. J,unrn0;aelch. rooms. Enquire of Anaora ftt Variety Store, Court ,., tha city ordinance PfffS ...J nr, rilirlUK VUW " tha grazing .ubUc streets or In the aW - Mmltt places, "Mntotoyfw of salem. I w"1 no Vthe owners tho stock, but agjjnanoj as J for violating trdlnaBce. Tided for lrar8bal. , W. Gibson, tl "" 6-1? l -jft. "lsl BalU co"- ;- msrclal aud - t.illt wriun . ,. tinww Wt-