Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 29, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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tun inn ii inn in inn
-i m 1 1 1 n i i a m mhc. ih
Society la taking Its vacation, and
but few events of a social nature
Iiavo onllvonod itho week. - Most of
"thcso have boon In tho naturo of mu
sical recitals, closing tho season's la
bors for musical students and giv
ing notice as It were, that Salem's
ladles had donned tho outdoor, warm
Tvcathor, comfortablo outing cos
tumes and wero resting In tho moun
tain retreats, working by tho sca
eldo, or bolngactually comfortafilo,
' nnd oatlsflcd, at home, and after all
. tho latter Is about thd inbst' cdh
' thiclvo to solid restful, comfort of all
t 'df "them.
Violin llccltnl.
Tho musical given by tho pupils
, of William Wallace Graham, last
Wednesday ovenlng In tho First
1 Methodist church was one of tho
most enjoyable recitals given this
oprlng. Tho rostrum of tho big au-
Ultorlum was prettily decorated with
jmribilor roses and ocean spray.
Tfty 8:30 p. m. tho spnclous room
"was flllodjWlth music lovers who
suomo to enjoy tho ovenlng with tho
"talented violinist and his pupils. Tho
class Is composed of 15 of Salem's
".promising musicians who have been
under Professor Graham's instruc
tion from tiro beginning of their
study of vldlln and tho round full
tones produced by tholr Instruments
Tind tho oxcellcnt lntorprotntlons' of
many of tho best compositions spoko
woll for tholr loachor who is a
mnBtor both as a tonchor and a por
formor.' Mr. Grnham will tnko up
Ills class work, again In Salem about
Soptombor lGth.
MIhhos Uosslo Sohultz, Loulso
Oronlso, Nolillo Potorson.nnd Mnr
gnrot Kunko acted as UHhors for tho
recital. Tho program was as foleows:
Intormozzo (Gavallorla Hustlcnnn)
. P.' Mascagnl
Uazol Krlckson
Meditation Hach-Gounod
Miss Nnohtlgal
Madrlgnlo A. Slmonettl
Mary SchuUi!.
Andnnto (from G. Minor Sonnto)
Mr. Pnyno
Sixth Air Varlo Op. 89. .Chas. Dnncla
Rachel Dove
A. Major Sonnto G. P. Ilnndol
Andnnto Allegro Adagio
Allegretto Mndorato
. Gnynir Baldwin.
(a) Spnnfnh Tnnzo No. 1, Op. 12
(b) Spanish Tnnzo No. r., Op. 12
M. MouzkowJcl
Mr. I.owls
Soronatu Op. IK MoHZkowskl
Mr. Frlakoy
Togondo Op. 17 II. WloninwBkl
Pourl Vrclor
Rnmanzv A. Ilubenstuln
Mis I vu West
"Cnprlcolo" N. V. Gndo
Viola Voralor
MlH3 Nina Rush noil
Recital by Miss Cox's Pupils.
Tho piano recital by tho pupils of
Miss Eva F. Cox brought a goodly
numbor of Salem's mtiBlc lovers to
gether at tho First Christian church
last evening, and those present were
given a genuine treat. Tho program
was Just long enough to bo enjoyed
In its entirety, and not long enough
to ctoy.
Tho manner In which the opening
quartet was rendered showed that
the pupils had been trained by one
who understood all tho details neces
sary to produce perfect time and hnr
mdny. The' work of tho pupils was
thoroughly appreciated, and brought
out hearty applause. Tho playing of
LeJa Slater was exceptionally good,
nnd she gives promise of becoming a
perfect master of tho instrument.
Master Eber Utter also Bhowed re
markable talent. He has the poso
and self-reliance and confidence of1 a
Padorwlskl, and ho plays easily,
smoothly and apparently without ef
fort. Tho class Is a credit to Miss
Cox and ono of which Salem may
Justly feel proud. Miss Vera Byars
assisted as reader and the excellence
of her work Was attested by tho In
sistent oncoro to which she was com
polVod to yield.
Portland Wedding Rolls.
A quiet but pretty wedding was
that of Miss Anna Johnson to Mr.
Wllllum Moior, which took place In
Portlnnd ilast Wednesday at tho
homo of tho brido's sister, Mrs. R.
R. Reed. Tho brldo Is a formor Sa
lom girl, and has many friends in
this city. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. L. Woods
attended from Salem.
Railways Above the Fiftieth Parallel em shore of .the Nile, at Assouan, Is
I According to tho Railway Ago, .clicked by telegraph to Cairo tho
Ily M. Ia Hatfield. Principal Pacific ,...Bnfinn.fi rnllwnv nroloctfne oauon, now mucn water?" Tho
i iiuugbuiin"ww --.. . r .- i ."
School for Stammerers, Chelm
lis, Washington
answer comes, so manv iimnnn.i
has not ceased, but tho routes are gaonB TOOP0- or 80 many thousand
gallons less. A button is pro3setl,
tho water which flows under
developing northvard of the United
I am more deeply Impressed every States boundary. Tho Port Simpson
day of the great need' of tho stam- & Eastern Rallfway Company pro
meror being treated while young. I poses to build a Canadian line from
There are many reasons for this: Fort Churchill on Hudson Day, west
First, a life filled with untold misery jto Port Simpson, on tho Pacific Coast,
and agony can bo avoided; Second, 'an estimated distance of 1460 miles.
It gives the afflicted ono an opportun- Vort Churchill, on tho extrema eas
Ity of developing tho exprcsslonal lorn shoro of tho groat inland sea of
sldo of his life enables him to glvo tho North, Is about In lattltudo 59,
to tho world tho best ho has and to nearly 700 mil north of Winnipeg
got from tho world Its best in re-'and somo 300 files' farther north
turn; Third, when young tho stam
morer Is moro easily cured. Stam
mering, however, can bo cured at
any age. Hotter late in iu man
than any point to tho west on. tho
lino of tho Grand Trunk Pacific. But
It is somo 1200 mil's Inland from tho
Atlantic, over the waters of Hudson
, UUkkW. tutu ... ."" jlillUIltlU, UIK1 M.k iMivv.u w .....,-....
never. This is surely ono or tno strait and bay, ana uotwoon avort
first Ills to which humanity Is heir, j Churchill and tl" Pacific tho land
in stammering wo nave a men oi barrier is narrowest., rrom urcui
harmony existing botweon tho will
power and tho muscles controlling
tho organs of speech. A method
that Is worth anything for tho cor
rection of tliL? impediment must
needs concorn Itself with bringing
about this harmony. This is done
by disciplining and scientific talking.
Tho sounds of tho langungo pre
sent nil sorts of difficulties to differ
ent people, but vro cannot say that
Britain to Asia all tho rest of tho
Journey would be by water, so that
of the 9250 miles between Liverpool
and Yokohoma by this route, only
1450 miles would bo overland.
Compared with tho route by Now
York and San Francisco, with Its
3200 miles or so of rail Journey, it
Is possible to save a dlstnnco of over
2500 miles. Of course, an apparont
drawback to this showing Is tho fact
Auiioiniromcnl Party
An announcement part' was given
on tho lawn at tho farm resldouco of
John Stolwor, north of Jofforsou
Thursday, nt which tho ungugomont
of Miss Melon Stolwor to Elinor
Thomas Counoll of Multnomah coun
ty. About twenty- flvo woro present
to congratulate tho financoo, who Is
ono of tho most accomplished young
women of Marlon county. Miss
Stolwor la a graduuto of tho Stato
Agricultural Collogo and has a" wldo
circle of acquaintance! throughout
tho stato. Tho youngor Mlssos Stolw
ur rendered musical eoloctloim whilo
punch nnd rofreahmonta wore sorvotl
on tho lawn. Miss Wlthycombo of
Corvnllla, Mrs, Hay Gilbert of Salem,
and othor guosta woro among thojo
prosont to tondor congratulations
when tho coffoo was served.
Miss WHIer'H Recital.
Miss Elma Wollcr prosonted Miss
Althcn Mooros and Miss Marie Hutch
Ins in a piano recital at tho First
Prosbytorlan church last night, It be
ing tho third of Miss Wcllor's recit
als. Considering tho latonoss of tho
Hoason, nnd tho lnrgo number of so
cloty pcoplo out of itown, tho attend
ance was largo. Tho program was
oxcollont) both young ladles showing
natural talont and tho effects of
thorough training. Miss Gertrude
Brewer assisted. Mr. Dolbort Bur
ton took part In two quartets.
thoro ore any certain ones that aro that Hudson bay and strait aro closed
hard for mil. Whero ono would falter by Ice for months each year, and aro
another would utter tho sound with 'not considered Inviting to commorco
ease. As a rule tho consonants pro-' in any portion of tho year. But tho
duco tho greatest difficulties, as In advocates of tho catorprlso
tholr uttoranco tho lips and tonguo. that tho bay Is opon for
aro brought strongly Into play; while
in tho uttoranco of tho vowel3 tho
sound is produced back In tho larynx,
nnd tho muscles of tho mouth nro
only used In shaping tho sound. Tnko
tho word "tact," In trying to cnun-
clnto this word tho Btammorcr trios
to wedgo his tonguo In position be
hind tho upper tooth and forcibly
holds it in that position; this cIobos Jure building railways in Alaska GOO
tho air passngo and prevents tho miles nonth of Fort Churchill, and
months, and that as for tho rail
route much of the Northwestern
country Is warm and fertile, capablo
of producing groat wheat crops,
while othor portions aro rich In niln-"
erals. Tho project looks Impractic
able at this distance, but who will
pronounce It lmposslblo In thoso
times of wonders? Today Americana
aro talking seriously of connecting
our continent with Asia upon tho
Arctic circle. A vast railway mllo
ago Is developing nbovo the fiftieth
l;on't! ! !
Don't lot your child suffer with
that cough when you euro it with
Ballard's Horohound Syrup, a sura
euro for Coughs, Bronchitis, Influon
za, Croup and Pulmonary DIsoasos
Buy a bottlo nnd try It.
B. B. Laughter, Byhalla, Miss.,
writes: "I havo two children who had
croup. I tried mnny dlfforont romo
dlos, but I must say your Horohound
Syrup Is tho host Croup and Cough
modlclno I over usod." Sold by D.
J. Fry.
Lender of . Now York's Four
ITundrod and wifo of tho ex-prcsi-
dont of tho Illinois Control. Ilor
mnidon namo wna Marion Anthon.
Checking accounts enable folks
to deposit tholr monoy and re
ceive a passbook, against these
account thoy aro pormlttcd to
draw checks.
Chocks may bo given to parties
for such auuii as doslrod, thud
avoiding frequent trips to the
If Interested call and see us.
Salem State Banlc
Ik X. PAGK, VniMmU
. W. HAZARD, Gaakkr.
If you woud enjoy tomorrow tak
Chamberlain's Stomach and Llvo
Tablets tonight. Thoy produce a
ngrooablo laxatlvo effect, cloar tho
head and clcanso tho stomach
Prlco, 25 cents. Samploa froo nt Dr
Stono'a drug Btoro.
Tho Colonel's Company.
"May wo havo tho pleasure of
your company hls evening,
Col?ouol' she nJal,
CoJonol," sho asked
Tho Colonel drow himself up
haughtily nnd replied, with ovef.-y
ovldonco of offended dignity:
"Madam, I command a roglmont."
Knnsn3 City Indopondont.
Cosmotlcs will ruin tho complex
ion. Thoro'a no beauty practlco
equal to tho effects of Holllster's
Rocky Mountain Tea. It koops tho
ontlro body In perfect healtli, Tea
or Tnblota, 35 cents. Dr. Stone's
Drug Storo.
o "
Tho body of Herbort Morgan, a
sailor, was found In tho Columbia nt
Astoria Wednesday Ho was drunk,
fell In tho rlvor, and as Snxo says,
dlel from too much "whlskoy aud
The Texas WeaOr,
Cures all kldaey, bladder aad
raeuMatle trouble; soM by all drug
gists, er twa Hiti' treataeat by
wall tor ?1. Dr. B. W. Hall, S9II
Ollra etr, St. Leabi, Me.
fer teMlsaMdato. SM by iltoae'a
tfrvg s4ere, 4w-lyr
Do Not Neglect the Clilldren.
At this season of tho yoar tho first
unnatural loosonoja of a child's
bowels should have Immediate attea
tloa. Tho best thing that can be
glvea la Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
aad Diarrhoea Remedy followed by
astor oil as directed with each bot
tle of the resaedy. Fore sale by Dr.
teae'a drug; store.
formation of tho
Thoso aro tho only sounds that would
causo trouble In tho enunciation of
this word. In tho corroct enuncia
tion of this word tho oppoalto posi
tion would suggest mental relaxation
with llttlo muscular effort of the or
gans. Tho tip of tho tonguo should
bo pressed lightly against tho upper
gums and teeth thon gently with
drawn as tho sound of "t" Is whls
pored; tho muscles of tho mouth nro
thon In position to form tho sound
of tho lottoY "n."
This stylo of talking must bo prac
ticed day after day, until It becomes
to tho Btammoror a reality his nat
ural! way of talking. It Is simply
based on tho philosophy of "Forgot-
tlng tho old and learning- tho now."
Tho Broken Seal.
Oh, wondorous science, that can Tho Fertllzlng Waters of tho Nile,
mnko Every morning from a llttlo room
Tho stammering tonguo to spenk, '0f a great white houfeo on tho eat-
To I0080 our bonds, our chains to
And bid us now now plonsures
Whoro onco was dnrknose, gloom, J
Now llfo, now hopos nro, blooming
- thoro.
"Row groat tho chango no one can
But thoso whoso lives nro
clouded o'or
With stammorlng, fato that llko a
Blasts every thought and crl -s.
No moro
Closo up tho tronsures of tho gifted
And shun forover nlli mankind.
"Such wns my doom, such my decree;
I bowed submissive to my fato;
1IqIo died, tho future was a blank
to mo,
Llfo a chaos nono could olovato;
For years n rocluso llfo I led,
Ambition gono nnd almost dead.
"Wealth could not bring tho Joy I
Nor could It buy my Joy;
Your sclenco broke tho skeptic's seal
And brought mo poaco without
And now your prnlso my tonguo shall
To stammorors all tho world
"But words, poor words cannot con
voy Tho feollngs of my hoart for thoo;
God bless you, bless you every day,
My humblo prayer shall hjj,
Your work Is glorious; oh I how
Tho stammerer speaks at your
Iron bridge at Cairo Is Increased or
diminished some 'ton days later In ac
cordance with tho -telegraphic ans
wer, and tho Intervening valley be
tween Assouan and Cairo has a llt
tlo more or a llttlo less water on Its
surface. Tho man at tho button may
bring Joy or sorrow to .thousands of
llttlo farms It Is all according to
tho messago hd receives.
From tho great white houso there
extends across the river a granite
wall or dam 150 feet high. Half
way up this wall, and stretching Us
ontlro length, a line of shutters
opens or closes by a pressuro of the
button. In tho winter months a hugo
lako oxpands to tho southward,
which has every appearance -of being
a flood, for, in certain places, tho
tops of palm trees ar. dlscornlblo
abovo its surfaco, and tho summits
of Inundated ruins apparently mark
tho sites of strlckon cities. As tho
days go by, and Cairo demands moro
and moro water, tho palm trees and
tho ruins 6om to rlso from tholr
wntery bods, until, In Juno and early
July, tho river flows freely with all
Its historic Indolence.
Still tho cry for water Is Insati
able, and now tho 150 feet of grnnlto
wall will bo lengthened by twenty
throa feet, which will doublo tho
powor of tho man at the button, and
nftor that no moro plums or ruins
will unfold themselves, as tho hot
months como, from tho surfaco of
th lako. Tho palm trees will not bo
missed, but what of tho ruins? That
i tho trlbuto of ,tho past which mod
ern agricultural Egypt Is called upon
to pay.
Just south of tho. grnnlto wall Is
tho Island which holds tho amphi
bious ruins Twonty-throo foot of
grnnlto now stand botweon It and
oblivion. It Is named Phllae, and is
tho burial placo of Osiris. A tomplo
of fourteen columns rises on Its east
ern bank, and on Its westorn Is tho
groat Templo of Isis, begun by Pto
lomly Philadelphia and added to by
tho Roman emperors. Its front Is
In tho form of a propylon, boforo
which Is nn cxpnnBlvo court bounded
by two galleries, tho column sides of
which skirt tho shore for 250 fcot.
Behind tho propylon nro many halls
and chambers of curious and fan
tastic design. Tho wholmlng wntors
of tho winter monthB hnvo nlrendy
bogun tholr work. Floors, havo sunk
en, columns fallen, and walls crum
bled. Tho twontynthrco additional
foot of granlto will comploto tho
work of devastation. Phllao and Its
ruins will never again feel tho sun
of Egypt.
It wns thorns .. .
- .. -ow init ,.
wan across th x.. "v 'He ...
et high, Would po
rlgation for the 2 M?
a hat was a mistake. J ' MkJ
"u-uireo addition.!, " ftt
summit of tho wall , S
evr bury phlla 8 m J
Will the I
the groat whlto h 2 W
increase or diminish thfl4K
river? Joseph had , T .
and no shutters to7?.
tho pressure of a bmV
therefore, did hla p0w .lai".
Egypt perennially fertifl f
New York Times. e t6wlstf-
Ancleat Re f
iBnowmorolyaiQHnorjtfH. ',
ily liniment of the twnii '
A positive euro forS
Burns Cut08praln8iNe,
Mr. O. H. Runron Rfvtr,He-'
for Rheumatism and all T
can't say enough In luPraH J
by D. J. Fry. v 4
Prescribing for ueiuch.
Dr. PIUem-So you ordered..
Spendthrift to go work, and gol
to do It? HeretusdrtenltoH
him work was what ho nisded. Hot
did you do It?
Dr. Lancet I advised him to taW
up motoring and sold him nr o'd
car. Sco hlra working?-, '
Tetter Cured.
A lady customor of ours hid inSet.
cd with tetter for two or three jh.
It got so hnd on her handi uut is
could not attend to her hoaafci!
duties. Ono box of Chambcrltk's
Salvo cured her. ChimberUla'i
medicines glvo aplondid wtutictlon
in this community. M. IL Mnej
& Co., Almond, Ala. ChamberUlu'j
medicines aro for sale by Dr. Stone's
drug Btoro.
Frosted or Prcsmcd.
This year don't call your girl aptad
Unless yourself you'd qneor,
'Twllf moan she's withered opord
Loft over from last year.
Kansas City Timet.
Thcro Aro Few
Pcoplo who know how to take tun
of thoraBolves the majority do Mt
Tho liver Is a most Importing otsk
in tho body. Herblne will kp It Is
condition. V. C. Slmpklni, A1W,
Texas, writes: "I haro ud HWm
for ShlllB aniFoTerw tfrt ttUrt
best modlclno I em wA 1 eW
not bo without It. It l M soooi hf
chlldron as It Is for grown-np pwH
and I rccommond It. It Is Am f.
La Grlppo." Sold by D. J. Fry.
sjatiiaeagtBesjasiaBtf af fitxteagaettatiiaitB!!"!1'11111111!
Come Where you will find tc
style, fit and finish you want.
Bishop's Ready
Tailored Summer Suits
cannot be bfeat in quality, workmanship j
and finish. j
Prices $8 to $25
W h3iD a taikWtA'makc anv?alteratioflS
necessary to give you a perfect fit free
of charge.
! Rr-I- (.AnrA H, r- iVU rkfocf- kocf" MPcititZ ailU W
i rnmfnrrahle. Knot Inpth in drawers, short sleeves, i
; piece or union suits. 50c to 32.5U per garni."
! Salem Woolen Mill Store
"a w
::. lmiiiilMr i