'wvtr" T, njjutv irViffSF Pf ft? V f ' it DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1007. HOFER BROS., ?&&& " Proprietors B. HOFER., Editor. A. F. HOFER, Manager. THE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOOD GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADSD LABOR. TODAY. Tho drosenb hour claims all that wo can do. Tho past wo cannot chango or yet recall, , Tho future Hob fast sealed from human view, Its ahado may never on on our pathway fall. Today alone Is ours! ft It Is enough to fill with gracious deeds, Tho swift unfolding of tho present hour; IU light and aunhslno comes to meet our needs, Its gladnoi is our birthright and our dawn. , Tuko sunshine from today. Lovo's messengers speed swiftly on their way, With tiding glad upon their radiant wings; They como to you, thoy como to mo today, Oh, tako tho gladness that our angoR brings, Tako gladness from today. ' No future and no past wo will doploro, If wo but fill tho mcasuro of today, Beauties will rlso wo never saw before, ' ( Oh! watch for beauty all along tho way, T Tako beauty from today. f Gather tho fragranco It Is hiding near, i Rojoct tho poison tho tho flower Is fair, , Tako b'.0380iiia bright upon thy breast to wear, , Only ,tho pure and white let thy hnnds bear, Tnko frngranco from today. Whon our today claims majesty of year, ' '. And whltonlng harvests left that wo havo sown, Gathor our faithful days, our holy tears, 1 Our full hearts Blnglng with their Joyous crown. Reaped from tho sweet today! MARY D. IIEYLER. SHOW FAITH IN WOODBURN. Rov. Jos. A. Lovosquo nndJohn W. Cook hav deeded to erect somo 'moro brick buildings In Woodburn. Jt Is a cold day whon thoy are not doing something for tho town. THESE TWO GREAT MEN HAVE GREAT FAITH IN THE QUEEN CITY OF FRENCH PRAIRIE. Marlon county has no cltlzons who aro moro thoroughly allvo to their own city. x Rovorond Lovosquo wont to Woodburn wh n It was a small pnrlsh and lio haB built up ono of tho BtrongojtCatholIc churches In tho county. Ho ban bul:t and paid for a flno largo church, a beautiful parsonago Jind ban a woll-oqulppod academy running there. HE HAH IN ADDITION IHtOUGHT MANY NEW FAMILIES TO WOODHURN. . Woodburn will fool tho Impulso of this latosh movo. It marks tho start of a now ora of dovoJopmont. Such moil U3 Lovosquo and Cook glvo now llfo to a city llko Wood bum. THE RESULT WILLHK MORE RUILDINGS AND MORE PEOPLE AND MORE INDUSTRIES. '- No ono can withstand tho magnetic Jnfluonco for progress manifested by such men iih Lovosquo and Cook. Ono Is a mlnlsUr of tho gospol. Tho olhor Is a real oHlato donflor. Rut whon thoy unselfishly push for tho upbuilding of tholr homo city THEY AUE PUIILIO HEXEFACIORS. Wo borlovo Lovouquo and Cook will novor rogrut having undortnkon tho construction of a flno two-story brlok block at Woodburn. Woodburn Una piwiod tho oue-Btory stago or city buildings for busl- U0HH. i Marlon county ha othors of their typo, but It would bo a blosslng for Marlon county IF MARION COUNTY HAD MORE OF THEM. It U not nn unusual thing for Fnthor Lovosquo to conduot a funornl sonic, marry a coup'.o, baptlzo somo ohlldron and locato sovornl nw comors at Woodburn on tho satno day. - Cook will woll a town lot boforo broakfast, a rrult tract boforo lunoh nnd pliint a hom-Mokor with a family of ton ohlldrtn on a dairy rnnoh boforo Huppor. IIo la a thoroughly a'.lvo town nnd country bulldor. Woodburn U a Hvo pluco. ' It la ono of tho bMt towns In tho stnto. THEHE ARE MANY PKOPLE TAKINC1 THE TRAINS THERE, thoro Ih iih much lfo thore on tho principal buslnoss street, as thoro Is ut Balom. Why should not inon who havo llfo and hopo and confldonco In their naturaa SHOW THEIR FAITH RY DEEDS? And thoy do It. lb Is buqIi inon who build up tho towns and build up tho country and Qlvo oinployiuont to labor. o- IM PROVEMENT ON THE FATHERS. Vonoratloii for tho fathers Is n.M right. It Is tholr duo. It la our duty. Hut U'rt a mighty poor compliment to n father IF THE SON IS NOT A LITTLE IMPROVEMENT, This la not rolloctlng upon tho caroor of Louis J. SlmpBon. tho Mayor of North Ilond. who has boon attondtng tho Dovolopmont Convention. Ilia fnthor, dipt. Simpson, Is a vonorablo ploneor, who had largo holding of land on Cooa Day, and had amassed a largo fortuno In banking mid morcandlslng. Ho was ultra-consorvntlvo, rofuaod to oncourngo Industries, did not favor any progressive policies of dovolopmont. THE SENIOR SIMPSON PLAYED THE PART OF MILLIONAIRE MOSSUAOK TO A FINISH. llut his son was of different typo. Ho has mado It possible for any manufacturing entorprlso to got a lo cation at North Demi. Ho throw open tho watorrront. It l iMwIbto for any man, worklugnian or millionaire, to build a homo at North Bend and mnko a living thoro, LOUIS .1. SIMPSON CUT UP THE LRGE HOLDINGS OF LAND OWN ED RY HIS FATHER, put through streets, built parks and laid off nvonuou, donated Bltoa for churchos and schools. HE REUAME A PURLIO llKNEFACTOlt 1XSTKA1) OF A MOXOPO L1STI0 ORSTArLE. Ho reversed tho policies of half a century of retrogression. Ho has proved a blesslug to hluiBOlf nnd tho wholo community and Incidentally ourlohod tho old man. His fathor had mado hla pllo, ealtod It down, had his Incomo secured, could go to 'Frisco or Now York and spend It whero ho liked. RUT SO FAR AS RUILDING UP COOS RAY WAS CONCERNED, HIS POLICIES AVOVLD NOT EVEN 1UJ1LD UP A CEMETERY. THERE WOULD HAVE 11KKX NO ONE THERE TO DIE. Louis J. Slmp&on Is allvo. Ho dou't have to pluck himself to And it ouU NO ONK IK ALL TIU8 COO BAY COUNTRY IS PRAYING THAT hk wiwi mm. Coos Bay peoplo wll'' always -enjoy a visit from old Capt. Simpson. They would enjoy a call from him from tho other world. RUT THEY KNOW THE LIFE OF THE PLACE IS DUE NOT TO HIM, RUT TO HIS SON. Simpson's town la four years old. MarshileLd Is about fifty. His town at tho last election polled 520 votes. Marshflold polled E29. IIo had It In his power as sole manager of his father's Immense prop erty to bottlo up tho town, or to make it tho Hvo Httlo city of tho North Pacific Coast. Ho donated a block of land for tho new Mercy Hospital, talked for It, played baseball for It, AND GAVEMOHE MONEY THAN ANYONE ELSE. Somo sons aro moro benefit to the world at thirty than their fathers at eighty. srorpsoN is one of that rare kind. Hla hand, heart and purso aro ready to help overy private and public enterprise. Ib It any wonder he Is elected Mayor of tho city ho has built continu ously. IT IS NO CRIME TO RE A BETTER iMAN THAN YOUR FATHER. IT IS A PUDLIC DUTY. Even Capt. Simpson must bo proud of tho achievements of his son. It pains some men to think of tho cost of drawing a breath. IT DON'T PAIN LOUIS SIMPSON TO DRAW A BREATH OR A CHECK. j -Horo's good lluck to Mayor Simpson, and to tho father for having raised such a son. Long may they both live and prosper. Notice of Intention to Improve a Por tion of Court Street, In tho City of Salem, Oregon. MONUMENT. Inscription on Massachusetts Tomb stone Dl.splay.s Sonic Humor In a country churchyard In MaBoa chusotta Ho a broken mossy head slono Inscribed with tho dato 1789, and itho following verses, which, with patience, can bo dlsclphcreJ on tho crumbling stone: Hero lies a poor woman who always was tired. Sho lived In a house whore help was not hired. Hor last words woro, "Dear friends, I am goin' Whero washln ain't done, neither Bweopln or sowln'. But ovorythlng thoro will b ojust to to my wishes, For whotio thoy don't oat thoro's no ' washln' of dishes. I'll go whoro loud anthems forovor'll bo rlngln' But bavin' no volco I'll got clear of tho slngln'. Don't mourn for mo now, don't mourn for mo novor, For I'm going to do nothln' forover and ovor. . n For stomach troublos, blllousnoaa and constipation try Chamborlan's Stomach and Llvor Tablets. Many romnrkablo euros havo boon effected by thorn. Prlco 25 conts. Samples froo. For salo by Dr. Stono's 'drug storo. o . Laboivrn May Strike. Paris, Juno 28. Franco is facing a goneral striko of all laboring mon, In addition to tho rovolt of tho wlno growors. Stops aro being tnkon by tho laboring mon, who think tholr doin an ds will b grantdd on account of tho govornmont's woakonod condition. Tho "como and go" feelings that you oxpcrlonco nftor tnking Hollls tor'a Rocky Mountain Tea Is simply wonderful. Drugs lncronso weak toss. This remedy does tho business. 35 conts, Toa or Tablots. Dr. Stone's Drug Storo, o Safety Spectach's. "You havo throo pairs of glass-.s, profo&aor?" "Yob; I uso ono .to read with, ono to sio at a dlstanco, and tho third to find tho othor two." London Mall. Ho Fired tho Stick. "I havo flrod tho walking-stick I'vo carrlod ovor 40 years, on, account of a Boro that resisted ovory kind of troatmont, until I tried Bucklen's Arnica Salvo; that has healed tho soro and mado mo a happy man," wrltOB John Garrott, of North Mills, N. G, Guaranteed for Pllos, Burns etc., by J. C. Perry druggist. 25c. Teach the Children to Save Every man cannot loavo a for tuno to his children, but ho can do what Is bixttor touch, thorn to systematical?)' save tholr monoy, not to bo. miserly, but to lay aside a portion of tholr money. This Is tho suro road to Inde pendence both of character and fortuno. , , -, una dollar win oppn an count, SAYtNGS DEPARTMENT Capita! National Bank ac- Notlco of Intention to Improvo a Portion of Stnto Strccl In tho City of Snlcni, Oregon. To Whom It May Cencern: Notlco Is hereby given that the Common Council of tho City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems it expedient to Improvo, nnd proposes to Improve, Stnto Btreot, In said city, from tho west lino of Church street to tho wost lino of Twelfth Btreot, In said city, with full intersections, nnd full Intorsoctlons, and full width botwoon curbs, savo and except a strip seven feet wldo in tho contor of said stroot, In tho following manner, tewlt: 1. By changing tho grado of said portion of said stroot bo that tho Bamo will bo slightly lower than at present established. 2. By excavating tho rondway of said portion of dald stroot full width botweon curbB, savo and except a strip sovon feet In width III tho con tor of said street, to tho depth of bIx Inches bolow tho grado provldod for In tho specifications for tho doing of said work now on filo with tho record oi of said city, and hereinafter re ferred to, and by thoroughly rolling said portion of said street nftor such excavation with a steam road roller wolghlng not less than 12 tons. 3. By placing on this foundation lrushod rock which shall bo thor oughly rolled with a stoam road rollor wolghlng not less than 12 tons, tho said crushed rock to havo a depth, after such rolling of four inches, nnd to prcsont a uniform ovon surfneo with proper crown. 4. By spreading on tho said crushod rock foundation a heavy coat of Warren's No. 24 Puritan Brand Bltullthlc Comont, ono gallon of Bl- tullthlo comont used to each Bquaro yard of tho foundation surface 5. By laying on Bald foundation bo proparod a wearing Biirfaco com posed of sound, bard, crushod stone, mixed with bitumen and laid on said foundation to tho depth of two Inches after boing thoroughly compacted with a stoam road rollor, and by sprondlng on said surfneo a thick coat of Warren's Quick-Drying Bi tuminous Flush Coat Composition, and flno particles of hot crushed' stono. G. By constructing artificial stono curbing along each sido of said por tion of said street whoro no artificial stono curbing now exists, except nt stroot crossings nnd alloys, and by constructing artificial stono curbs, In cluding corner blocks, at all corners whoro no curved curbs now exist and by raising tho artificial stono curb on tho north sido of tho roadway of said portion of said street betweon tho east boundary lino of Summer street and tho west boundary lino of Wavorly street, so that tho top of tho Bamo shall bo 2Vj Inches below tho established grado of tho street whon completed. All of Bald Improvements to bo mado In accordance with tho charter of tho City of Salem, Oregon, and tho plans, specifications and esti mates for tho doing of said work heretofore adopted by tho Common Council of said city and now on filo in tho ofllco of tho recorder of said city, to which said plans, specifica tions nnd estimates tho attention of all porsous Intorestod In said im provement Is hereby called. Tho cost of all said improvement to bo assessed to tho owners of prop orty adjacent to said portion of said street hereby proposed to bo im proved. Remonstrances against tho above Improvement may bo filed In writing with tho City Recorder of said city within ton days from tho final publi cation of this notice. By ordor of tho Common Council of tho City of Salem, Oregon. . W. A. MOORE3, Recorder. Dato of final publication of this TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notlco Is horoby given that tho common council of tho city of Sa!tom, Oregon, dooms it oxpedlont to Im provo, and proposes to Improvo, Court stroot In said city from tho east lino of Commercial stroot to tho west lino of Church Btreet, in Bald city, with full intersections, in tho following mannor, to-wit: By exca vating tho roadway of said street to p depth of six inches. bolow tho es tabllshel grado of said street and by thoroughly rolling Bald street with a heavy steam roller weighing not lesB than 12 tons, and by placing on this foundation crushed rock which shall bo thoroughly rolled with a stoam road roller wolghlng not less than 12 ,tonB, the Bald crushed rock to havo a depth of four inches aftor said rolling, and by spreading on said crushed rock a heavy coat of Warren's No. 24 Puri tan brand bltullthlc comont, ono gal lon of tho bltullthlc cemont to bo used to each square ydrd of tho foun dation surface Also by laying on said foundation a wearing surfaco composed of Bound, hard crushed stono, mixed with bitumen nnd laid on Bald foun dation to tho dopth of two Inches, af ter being thoroughly compacted with a steam road rollor, also by spread ing on said surfaco a thlck coat of Warren's Quick Drying BltumlnouB Flush Coat Composition, and flno particles of hot crushed stono. Also by constructing an artificial stono curbing 10.05 foot Jong, Includ ing corner block, nt tho northwest corner of Court and High streets, in said city. AIbo by removing all arti ficial stono crosswalks on snld por tion of snld stroots, savo and oxcopt tho inclined aprons on all crosswalks which will bo loft In placo six feet long from tho curb, oxcopt tho aprons at tho southwest corner of tho Intersection of LIborty and Court stroots, which aro to bo loft 12 feet long. Also by paving tho spaco bo twoon tho rails and ono foot outsldo of tho rails of tho railway track of tho Oregon Electric Railway Co. with stono blocks sot on concroto and grouted with, cement mortar, and by laying said track with six-Inch "T" rails .weighing not less than 02 pounds per yard. All of said improvements to ho mado in accordanco with tho charter of tho City of Salem, Oregon, and tho plans, specifications and esti mates -for tho doing of said work horotoforo adopted by tho common council of snld city, and now on filo In tho ofllco of tho rocordor of said city, to which said plans, specifica tions and ostlmntcs tho attontlon of nM porsons interested in snld lm- provomont is horoby called. Tho cost of all of said improve ment to bo assosBCd to tho owners of property adjacent to said portions of said stroot hereby proposed to bo Improved. , Romonstrnnces against tho nbovo Improvement may bo filed In writing with tho city rocordor of said city within ton days from tho final pub lication of this notlco. By order of tho common council of tho City of Salem, Oregon. W. A. MOORES, Recorder. Dato of final publication of this notlco is July 2, 1907. Notlco of Appointment of Adminis trator. Notlco Ib horoby given that on tho 17th day of May, 1907, tho County Court of Marlon County, Oregon, duly appointed C. Marsh of Salem, Oregon, administrator of the estate of L, H. RowlaHd, deceased, and bav ink qualified as required by law, all porsons having claims againBt said estate are hereby notified to present thorn with proper vouchers, aa by law ronuired. to tho undersigned at the ofllco of F. A. Turner, rooms 15 and 16, Nov.' Breyman Block, Salem, Or egon, within six months from the date of tho first publication of this notice, to-wit: May 18, 1907. O. MARSH, Administrator. F, A. Turner, Attorney for Estate. 5-18-5t-sat The London Assurance Corporation Paid $7, 600,000 (gross) losses arising from tho San Francisco dis aster. This is a much' greater amount than paid by any other com pany, operating under a single name, in this or any other conflagration, and stands without a parallel in tho history of Insurance. Incorporated A. D. 1720. In active business 187 years. Dorby & Willson, resident agent, Salem, Oregon. 6-8-4tSat. HOLUSTEB' Kttky Maintain T&x Hug A Buy MilU fcr 3tj ?w4. BHif floli HmIA 4 Ewiwi Tl. - .. w it.- TI1 SioodRJ Commonly cause dIodIm i tlons lut8omotlmejtU,jSSonJ ndlcatod by feeling S2i2; loss of nppotitc.or wlCS" causing an, bf&l Jj Hood's 8waanarU ... Btren?thon, and toDM T.. n is mo testimony our? " W Hood's Sarp; In usual liquid fonBor. J" rll jillllH HHuS: JElfef Mil l-H-t- oa' a Go w 'l JlCl, V Dealer, ln fl8h( Hichest Mnh .i Wj. p-om do,lTOrs,.C'T; Local Wholes Hkt. , Eggs-18c. Butter25c! fnt ii ? Hens Kir- vn,. .t. . Ducks-lOc; gee,,:; t"i 13 16c. ' lur"M Local wheat 80c. Oats 40 42c. Barlov 15 1 Flour-Hard whcaU5.00;TllJ So. 80. I oM,n food-Bran, fld.SO; ikorJ Hay Cheat, J8.5O09, &aj &J vor, $7.00 08.00 per ton; UmotirJ Onions $2.00 per cwt; poWotij Rflp. rnr rwf Hops Choice, 10011c; prtu &! choice 8(I9c: medium to .!J 8c. Chlttlm bark VAQtc. Wool 20c. Mohair 29c. Tropical Frulto. ,' Bananas $6.75, ( Oranges $3 i, Lomons $5.75. Oats White, $30; wheat, )Hw bu.; rolled barley, $27. ' J Eggs 20c. ' Butter Country, 20c; crciai cry, 30. Flour Valloy, $1.1501.!O ft: sack; hard wheat, $1.$50$UO. Bran 65e per mei: til t Hay Tlmohy, UcQ We v ort; cheat, 60c; clover, 55c per crt; shorts, 95c per cwt . M Livestock. Hogs Fat, 6 He Cattle 110001100 ft Kwo 4c. Mirhtor steers 314 0$KC Pnwu nnd he Hers sogemvw i 3 4c. Stock hos 66C Lambs 4 tt 5c. Veal Dressed, 607c i MM WIWCW. JUIMJvmj j- ---j--w U tnrm. SA Mull & box. GBUi VM f nLUSTEB DSCO COOTAXT. Mtll.TWU PORTLAND MARKE. Wheat Club 86c; Tiller bluo stom, SSW09C- Oats Choice white, $ Tay-Tlmothy. $176 M Ul ?i3g?n. veicn o.uv. . ., .T iift1?e: BUM I'oimry nvu3, .v -" vj chickens, ioc; ui ,fl,.J ducks, young, - i $1$1.50. Pork Best, eccoa T,nmhftSnrIntr. I0cit-1 r..il. Kaftlr ' 1 ,rn. cRft'tb. acestW HJ V" ' M wool Valley, comm ?J 20o22c; eastern OrW0 l southern' PAcrno &J Time Cnru w Vnrt ID! a uhv - i TowardPortlr. No. 1C &:-- - "Sh-!...-.""' Passenger, ;bJ(jai No, 12-4:25 P. o, SbM Pres3, . - . Portal No. uv.io v I',ess- . ,-,wfti Towaru i-f""- . hg NO. 233 -- "m ...st rrrt. Hiuo . - ,v.Jm Tovard Sn '- No. li ;- prCS3, e4'P.CotW, No. 176.4- P Passepger. CJ No. it '"" " "SlH'-' co Expres. 7. 1h xo. -- , , cirK K, 3X0 Xl:. m ' ' ftotlc July 8, 1907. S-24-llt I'