,sr . If s PAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SAMM, OKSGON FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 007. BARGAINS IN EMBROIDERIES On Account of the Enormous Selling in Otr Embroidery Section Daring Oar Fire Sale, We Have a Great Lot of Remnants and Short Lengths of New Patter ' W4Wi Offer at ONE-HALF to ONE-THIRD Original Prices Stetson Hats, fire Sale - - $2.45 Arrow Brand Collars, fire sale 10c 1 0c Men's Socks, fire sale - - 5c $1.50 to $2.50 Dress Skirts, fire sale - 45c n Canvas Gloves, fire sale 6 for - 25c $1.50 to $2.25 Kid Gloves, fire sale ----- 95c Dress Goods in tan and grey mix tures, checks and Hlf PfSs stripes, 50c to $2.25 rilUS Lace Curtains and Draperies At a Great Bargain I $1 .00 Muslin Petticoats, llrej $1 .50 Muslin Drawers, fire sale . 75c Corset Covers, fire sale $2.25 Muslin Gowns, fire sale $1 JOS. MEYERS & SONS, Inc., Stock Pacific Coast Sale Promoters In Charge 40 PANAMA HATS AT A SACRIFICE l CITY NEWS I A Collodion of Important Par- X njcnipha for Your Consideration 'f Souvenir I'oiinU New eubJectB today. Hi Pntton'a. (I'Jnno llccltnl Given by tho pupils of Miss Eva Cox, assisted by Miss Vera Byars, render, at the Christian church this Jcvoning, Juno 28'th, at 8: ID o'clock. Tho public .is cordiaHy invited. Io Don't Forget Uio Dnnco Friday night at tho Auditorium Bknt- ing rink. bought at tho Yokohama Tea store. Call early. Concert At tho "Spa" Friday night. 2t 1 1 1 1 III II 111 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 li 1 1 1 1 1. ia PERSONALS 1WALK I I I I I 1 I I I I I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I III' Woodmen Of tho World dnnco nt rink, ovonlng of July 4th. Hub nought Property- Mr. and Mrs. a. W. Johnson aro Bleating (nt Newport, and it scorns that Qoorgo Will Ilrnncli Out O. C. Whlto. who has been em- , ployed In tho Fushlon stables for sev eral, years past, Is about to go to Falls City to opon a llvory stablo of IiIb own, and many Salem frlonds wish him success In his now enterprise. OUT OF PRISON 2t Paiico at tho Auditorium Noxt Friday night. Excellent floor and music. 2t 8hpv What Anient Can Do Tho slngora of Sulom aro urged to nttond tho rehearsals of tho Fourth of July chorus, at tho University chapel, this evening and Monday ov onlng at 8 o'otock. It Ih tho deelro of W. la not thoro solely "for his health," for ho hns bought a MOO lot, and proposes to put up a cottago for futuro uso or for speculation. Ho j has moro fun than anybody. Everybody Is Invited To nttond th'o danco nt tho on tho Fourth of July. , rink 2t An 'Inspiring Sight To go up on Twelfth street theso tho management thnt tho singers ro- days nnd witness tho nctlvlty about spond to thin call, and lot tho music tho Mutual cannory Is indeed an ln bo a fair saniplo of what Salem can spiring sight for any person- Inter- do, musically. Don't Forget ostod In tho prosperity nnd growth of Salem. Nearly 200 peoplo aro om- 'ployod In tho building, nnd hundreds Tho big dunoa at tho Bkntlng rink of fruit growers dlBposo of their pro- Atteutiou All Socialists nnd sympathizers nro requested to bo present" tonight nt Commorclnl hall, comer Center nnd Commorclnl streets, nt 8 o'clock sharp. Business Important. COMMITTEE. o MINOItS IN HIS SALOON. P. M. Lathrop left today for As toria on business. Mr and Mrs. H. D. Lockhard have gono to Coburg to visit frlonds. Mrs. S. Chaso went to Turner this morning to attend the camp mooting. v Mrs. M. Walter and daughter will leavo July 4 tli for an extonded trip in Minnesota. II. B. Stowart of Eureka, Califor nia, is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dee of North Snlom. - money by false pretens. Received Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Dee, now of .Soptombor 17, 1905. Under tho decision of Judgo Gal- jloway, in tho habeas corpus caso of R. E. Berry, tho following prisoners woro discharged from tho pen yester day: H. Dorby, sont front Baker county, sorved threo years for obtaining Hill Aiidei-Hon Says Ho Can't Keep Them Out. Portland, Arrived this morning to visit Sal cm relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Her nnd chil dren havo gono to St. Martin's Springs for a summer's outing. Mrs. F. E. Holman and children. Frank Meyor, sent from C6os county for one year for larceny. Re ceived September 19, 190C. James Calwoll, sont from Malheur county for mnnalaughtcr for six years. Received September 20, 1904. duota dally. It is no uncommon thing to boo vohlclcs loaded with borrles and cherries lined up await ing thoir turn, reaching from tho cannory up to Stato strcot, whllo a tho 4th of July, In tho ovonlng. Mu sic to bo furnished by first-class or chestra. 2t Tlirro Hundred Hoys Wanted Tho comical parndo for tho Fourth dozen nctlvo young mon aro busy of July colobratlon in Snlom will ho hustling In tho fruit nnd weighing It a mllo long. Three hundrod lioyB up. Good prices nro being pnld for nro wanted to nssumo various char- fruit, nnd tho employes got good aotorw In tho parndo. Liberal prizes wngoa, nit of which plncos coin in clr- nno offored for every chnrnctor. This culatlon, nnd assists In building up will bo tho bout nnd biggest comical our city. Two years ngo, when tho pnrado over hold In Snlom. Boys Snlom Commercial Club took up tho who want to bo In It wIM plonso ro- matter of a cannory tho market hero port to F. A. Kurtz, chairman of tho was vory poor. By a Hit' hustling committee, at his meat mnrkot, 277 stook subscriptions woro secured suf Commorclal atmec. iflclont to gunrantoo tho project. Thd lilrst sonsou wan a success, nnd overy dollar put Into It hns provon a good Investment, for Uiobo who wished It July Fourth Is tho night of tho big dnnco to bo glvon by tho Woodman of tho World .woro onabled to Bell their stock, nnd nt tho rink. Concert At tho "Spa" Friday night. 2t I nit rocolvcd a neat dlvldond on tho snme. That Is tho way to build up a city, nnd Snlom Is missing no op- 2t portunlty to push ahead. Bill Andorson is in troublo ngnln. This tlmo on account of allowing minors In his Bnloon. Ono would think Bill, wns old enough, nnd had had oxporlenco onough not to violate tho law In thnt manner, but tho fact who havo been viBltlng In tho city, ) N. J. Snylor, Clackamas, for rob navo roturneu to thojr homo In Sil- bery, 4 years. Received September 30, 1904. Goo. Brooks. Multnomah, burg Received April 1, vorton. Miss Edith A. Slvcar has gon to Portland, on routo to her homo in lary, 14 years. Tocoma, after a visit to Mrs. T. R. 1897. Bowloy, of this city. ' j B. Dudloy, Multnomah, larceny, 7 Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Mott wont to years. Received August 4, 1903. Portland today. Tho doctor will at- Thosa discharged today It Is bc tond tho meeting of tho Oregon Stato lloved clears tho record, though ono Is tho older ho gets tho worso ho Is. Ho was taken to task about It this Eclectic Association, which convenes or two moro may bo found on com' morning, nnd sots up In his dofenso jthero todny. 'plotlon of tho examination of tho that ho hns tried overy wny to keep Vrot. E. II. Andorson, president books. Thoy nre: tho youngsters out of his plnco, but of tho Sunday school association in R. E. Borry, forgery, Umatilla, C thoy sneak In in splto of him. Their i Marlon county, loft (this morning years. fdlks nro to blnmo for not giving for Eugene to nttond tho stato Sun-1 Lestor Lowls, lnrcony, Clncknmns, thorn a spanking and keeping thorn tiny school) convontlon which con- 3 years. nt homo. It is only recently thoy jvened thero yesterday, hnvo begun bothering him. Thoro Professors Mnry E. Reynolds, W. nro threo of .tho young follows, nnd E. Kirk, Lowls Bnch nnd J. T. Mntth Johnny Bnkor Is tho worst of tho ows havo gono to Newport where Ajid Brought Their .. Tho gontitemon wlm ,...,... . active members of tho HlcW Romody Conn.nnv i, ""yUrlc tUodt wU- -u carload of their supply have also arrived. ThVAJ? Garber. nccomnnniwj t. ,..' andherslMrsX; Mrs. o. W. Hoar, and Mr. P Hoar. Also W. W. ThornHS faml y wll fntift, i- .' These peoplo aro butfy eW to day in having their freight hauW In tho Schrelber building, and aleo looking up places of residence for their futuro ImmM TM i .w, ,ra(w, prlso and theso new families wfci b mado welcomo to tho capital dty rf Oregon. Ballan, larceny, Bnkor, 1 lnrcony, Baker, 1 bunch. What makes it more -annoying to Andorson Ib that thoy all claim to bo of ago, Tho Baker boy will look Bill right in tho oyo nnd stick I J. D. year. Geo. Martin, year. Charles McArthur, robbery, Jose phlno, C years. John Carthoy, burglary, Washlng- thoy will begin their duties as teach ors In tho summor normal which will opon in Newport next Monday. aus. James Rogers of Tho Dalles on, 4 years. to It that ho has boon accustomed to nnd children nro tho guests of Mr. j' Joo La Barge, burglary, Umntllln, iukiiik n uruiK wnonovor no ion iiko '"uu ur. onns nowara oi mis cuy, .5 yonrs. it over slnco 1829, whon ho pneked Mrs. Rogers is a sister of Mr. How wator and applojnck to tho hnrvost ard. Miss Nina Johnson, who has been teaching music In tho Drain normal, And returned to hor homo In this city last ovonlng. Hor sister, Miss Gertrude, hands back East. John Mlnto Ib an othor of those whom Bill is accused of allowing to enter his plnco and Bonny Hnydon completes tho trio. EUGENE WANTS RAILROAD. Remember tho Dunro Glvon nt tho Auditorium skating Salem Housekeepers (years. Tho-Bakor boy is 91, and a Romombor tho Yokohama Tea 'sort of loader. Tho Mlnto boy is rink noxt Friday ovonlng by tho M. store Is giving nwny a Gorman china only S9, and It Is thought would bo W. A. Excollont floor, good muslo sugar bowl and oroamor, worth 50, onEy managed If kopt nwny from nnu a nno tlmo nBaurod. doueert At tho "Spa" Friday night. Tho comblnod ago of tho gnng Is 2G7 who has been a member of tho fncul ty at Philomath, Is also in tho city to spend tho summer. Mrs. Will Skiff returned this morning to Newport to resume her liflntH, with every $1.00 purchase. It tho Baker boy's Influonc Bonny isummor's vacation, after spending a 2t is n great offer, and tho articles must Hnydon Is n bright little follow, only bo soon to bo appreciated. 87, but ho glvos promise of making Jr good citizen, if his youthful foot A CJreat (Jirt can bo stoored In itho right patlis. Tho decorated China croam pitch- Bill says ho Is trying to kIvo them Tho dnnco at tho rink 4th of July, oi nnd PUgnr bowl, worth 50c, froo good ndvlco, but thoy want somo in tho ovonlng. 2t with ovor $1.00 worth of goods thing stronger. Ho Kuro to Attend- Boys and Little Gents SHOES ALVA SMITH INJURED. Stayton Man Meets With .ecidcnt. Peculiar New Soft Solo Baby Shoes. Twonty-soven. cases of Baby shoos expoctod dally. Watch for thorn for July 4th, Lots of chil dren's saudnls, and moro coming. Oxfords, all styles, for all kinds of peoplo, Mlssos shoos n specialty. Salem Shoe Store EYRE & MAPLEFKORPE Injuries which It Is feared will re sult fatally, wero roaelvvd by Alva Smith, a promlnont shoo dealer of Stayton, Wednesday aftornoon, whllo ho wns ongnginl In unloading a wagon of balod Uny. Mr. Smith en denvored to pull tho hooks out of a bnlo which had been unloaded from the wagon, nnd In somo way .tho heavy iron hooks slipped suddenly, and flying back with great forco woro drlvon Into his body. Tho hooks ontorod Mr. Smith's back just nbovo tho kidneys and ponotratod through to tho lungs. Tho wouuds Inflicted were very largo nnd of such a naturo that tho injured man lost much btood boforo medical nld was secured. Dr. Brewer, of Stayton, was sum moned, and rendered what help ho could lu alleviating tho man's suffering. day visiting her homo In this city. Sho reports thnt tho city by tho sea Is vory lively this soason. Thoro aro many permanent improvements bolug mado and tho crowd of camp ers is large for tho time of year. Among tho Salomltes at tho beach are: J. W, Johnson nnd family, Mr. and Mrs. A. McGtll, Hon. Claud Gatoh and family, Charles Wellor, Dan Fry and family and Mr, and Mrs. George Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wall, of Se attle, aro In tho city visiting tho fam ilies of A. Klein and J. W, Wlllson for a fow wooks. Mr. Wall is super intendent of delivery in tho Seattle postoflloe, and is taking his annual vacation. He Is pleased with Salem. Mrs. Wall was Miss Alice Stowoll, who formerly mado hor home In Salem. o - - Takes Steps Toward Its structiou. Con- Tonight. If you woud enjoy tomorrow Uk Chamborlaln's Stomach and Lire. Tablota tonight. They prsdwn ngrocablo laxative effect, dev to head and clean) the tteweh Prlco, 25 conts. Beraplw free at Dr Stono's drug store. o Man-Jago licenses. Mnrrlngo licenses were this morn ing Issued to Wm. W. Roblneoa, nged 20, nnd Charity Ellen Potter, aged 17, both of Chcm&va; Asi Potter witness. Hnns Holverson, of Washington, nged 28, nnd Mabel Sherlock, of SU vorton, aged 23; II. A. Cupptftne. Norwich Union Fire InstKwice SecWy Frank Meredith, Realdwt Ar. Office with Win. Drown Ce., S. 129 Commercial street ..MONEY TO LOAN. TH0HASK.F0M Over Ladd & Bush'a Bsk. Whs, Of. NEW TODAY There Aro Few Peoplo who know how to tako care of thorasolvea tho majority do not, is to bo held by local people, and tho Tho liver is a most important organ 'road is never to bo sold to the South- Tho Eugene business men's com mittee, which hns been quietly solic iting stock during tho past fow weeks for tho proposed railroad from Eugene to Sluslaw, In order to con nect with tho Pacific ocean, has reached that point where tho mem bors Bay tho project seems almost as sured, Up to this time it hns been thought best to keep tho rantter out of tho papors, but now that tho com mltteo has secured what It went nf tor, a big mass meeting will be called hore for July 3, at 2 o'clock, when the farmers and citizens from outside of Eugene will have a chance to show their Interest. Already $40,000 has been sub scribed, and many Eugene people have uot yet been seen. It Is pro posed to ralso a like sum at this meeting, In which case tho work of construction will begin nt once. Stophen Carver, who built the road from Vale to Ontario, is nt the head of tho enterprise in co-operntlon with tho business men of Eugene. Ho proposes to take stock equal to the amount subscribed by the citizens of Lane county. Tho mnjorlty of stock In tho body. Herbine will keep it In condition. V. C. Slmpkins, Alba, Texas, writes: "I have used Herbine for Shllla and Fever and find it the best medicine I ever used. I would not be without It, It Is m gooo4 for children as 1-t is for grown-up people and I recommend it. It Is fine for La Grippe." Sold by D. J. Fry. eru Pacific Company. Tho right of way has been secured for several miloa The plan is to enter Eugene from tho west and build -to the head of tidewater, or possibly on to Flor ence, Tho timber belt that would bo tapped Is as fine as can be found any where in tho world. . - Wanted. Four hundred cordf, . . iu r acJ. or less, ot oiu grow" "' " ' dollvered at Salem India km Edwin L. Cualcraft, gupwW- ont. - . Wanted Board and room to r ........ ,... mn and WlWi vato lamny u "" a. children. Must bo close to. ? dress "X, care Journal. For SsleSereral houMi ito JJ. and farm wnoa i "-r. it.l M.tlnnnl TJanK. " m (UUt J,w - Just Receivd A Shipment of fine Limberger ami Cream Brick Cheese Try Them and Be Com1 Moir Grocery Company