, n j 4f,W DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. JftllDAY, JUNE 28, 1007. 9 l;y STOCKTON 'MISTAKES THE OLD WHITE CORNER Rush! Rtsh! Rush! But overyono gets waited on In a courteous mnnnor. Tho public la certainly showing Its confldonco In our methods of doing business. The peoplo of this vicinity know full well that wo can bo depended up on for reliable merchandise at all times, no matter what others may do, no matter what Inducements aro being held out to tho trading public, wo will and can moot tho prices, quality for quality. I Elegant Silk Skirts Dtttmmcts Samples Twenty-seven black taffeta silk skirts woro Bent us by ono of our travollng friends especially for this salo. Tho price aro loss than manufacturers' cost, and you should by- all means avail yoursolf of this opportunity, i $14.00 values for $ 7.00 16.00 23.50 J7.50 it it it it it it 8.00 12.00 9.00 Hundreds of Assoc ted WAISTS Will Be On Sale Today 25 GEACH Whlto lawns and colored each. porcales. Values COc to $2. CO TiadeWlth People Whom Yoa Know Drummers' Sample Sale of Waists 1G0 lawn waists, worth from $1.50 to $2.00 each, woro loft by a travel ing man who was homeward bound YOUR CHOICE, .$ 1.30. It does ..not, require salo artists to hand out these CUfVrAlNTj -V-iJf-,.V I Raffled Curtains at Half 5J Ptjfce All good valuos,, fairly sparkling with truo worth. , . (OVCLS . j. i'-. . ivv ' '''YtVfti mi "P tt-itur r TOWELS AND TOWELING REDUCED Boo our window display, of apodal bargains In towols and toweling, 6 to 20 We Ate Positively En thusiastic Over Out Values And we havo Just reasons to be so. We are encouraged by tho romarks of our customers, who are unanimous in the opinion that wo try. to be fair, FAIR every day In the year. We nevor shirk our responsibility. Ladies' Stilts Reduced Some Half Some One-tJafrd Some One-fourth Some 116.00 to J25.00 values re duced to $500 ch. DYSPEPSIA MAY CAUSE SPIUNKLIJ OK NOT? Many Suffcrxira from Stomach Trouble Xotlco Derangements of Other Organs and Becomo Alarm ed Symptoms Disappear When i the Stomach Is Toned Up. Indigestion and otomnch iroublo show many symptoms that aro mis taken for other complaints. Tho dyspeptic may easily como to hollovo that ho Is a sufferer from heart trouble If wind on tho stomach causes irregular action of tho vital organ. Tho lungs nnd kldnoys aro sometimes affected also by stomach trouble Heartburn, hiccough, nlghtmato and wntorbrash, or sour risings In tho .throat, aro nil symptoms of stomnch dlsturbnnco which disap pear when tho causo is ronchod nnd tho stomnch toned up. Mrs. W. T. Clark, of 45 West Park Btrcct, Rome, N, Y., says: "I had gastritis, which brought on sink ing spells for about an hour overy morning. I was vory weak and nervous and finally wan compollod to tako to my bed. My Illness lasted about four months. For about halt tho tlmo I was confined to my bed. I suffered greatly from tho stomnch Iroublo and norvousnond, but what alarmed mo most was tho sinking feeling at tho luart. "I had read about Dr. Williams' Pink PIU and whbn eomo of my frlonds rocommondod tho plllH vory highly, I decided to glvo thorn a trial. I bought ono box and by tho tlmo this was used up tho sinking spells hnd ceased. I folt hotter but continued (taking tho pills until I had used twolvo boxoa. I still kcop tho pills In tho house, for I bollovo that they aro a splondtd medicine. I always recommond Dr. Wllllnmn' Pink Pills to my frlonds who aro nll lng for I know thnt thoy will do all that Is claimed for thorn." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cor rected Bcrlous diordora of tho stom ach, havo rovltallzod tho norvouB systom and restored to health BUffor 6jfl from sovoro disorders of tho bjood nnd nerves, For rhoumntlom, iudlgoBtlon, norvoua headaches, many forms of wcaknoss and de bility, Dr. Williams' Pink Pllks aro rocommondod oven If ordinary rem edies havo boon tried without re llof. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nro sold by all drugglBts, or sont postpaid on receipt of prlco, GO conts per box, six boxoa for $2. GO, by tho Dr. Wil liams' Mcdlclno Company, Schonoc- tody, N. Y. i Excursion Rates. Ttound trip tickets between all Points on tho lines In Oregon, Wed- nqulay and Thursday, July 3 and 4, 1907, at rato of a faro and a third. Tickets must bo used for going trip on day of aa)o. Final limit July E. Stop-ovor privileges not Included. Minimum rate, 35 cents. Children 5 years of age and under 12, half faro. "quire for full particulars. O. L. DARLING. c"29td Agent. MMMaMHBBHMMaMMHaaiaMa I Smoke Glasses Protect your eye from the glaring i nn. Wo have them In all slrea and Rices. REMEMBER We do all our own. lease grinding. You get the beaoat in promptness, tfeful workmanship, and the prlca U no small maimer to overlook. Wo a Bavo you bout. la lm yarn ta&t with am aceldeet we cam realace the lecse the mm day they are left ua tu. CHAS. H. HINGES 1!J cml JKr, Craimte OftMa. CHOPPERS IN SALEM TONIGHT Woodmen of the World Will Initiate Large Class TWs Evening Ono of the largest class Initiations held In Salem for some tlmo will be conducted by tho Woodmen of tho World In Hoi man hall, on State street this evening, when 35 add!- dates will be added to tho large army of choppers. Tho exercises will bo conducted by .Post Consul Com mander L. H. Fletcher, assisted by Consul Commander A. L. Fraser, of Salem camp, No. 118. Invitations have been sent to sev eral of the nearby camps, and a large delegation of out of town chop per J expected to be present. Tke Marion camp U said to kave captured 19 eaadklU reeeatly, aad will ar ralga tfcess before tk Wosdme goat tonight to show causo, It any, why thoy should not be "butted In." After tho Initiatory exorcises tho members of tho local camjv and tho Sllvor Bell Clrclo will servo a sub stantial banquet to tho visiting Woodmen, and a social hour will bo onjoyod. Totter Cured. A lady customer of ours bad suffer ed with tetter for two or throe years. It got bo bad on her bands that she could not attend to hor housohold duties. Ono box of Chamberlain's Salve cured her. Chamberlain's medicines glvo splondid satisfaction in this community. M. II. Rodney & Co,, Almond, Ala. Chamberlain's medicine are for sale by Dr. Stone's drug store. The Choice of Evil. "Well, oUl man," said Slnnlckson, after tho performance, "I certainly was surprised to oo you In private theatricals." "Yes replied BrlgbUy, "but, you see, if I didn't appear oa the stage I'd probably' sava to sit la the a dfeaee and be sored to death."- Harvest Han Begun. IIormlBton, Oro., Juno 28. Tho cutting of tho first flold of whoat In Umotila county wus bogun Wednes day, whon a bonding crow ontorod tho ICO-ncro flold of Thad Barnoa, six mlAon from Hormlston. Sovora 1 other Holds will mo harvuatod within u fow days In tho samo section, and ir bumpor crop Is assured, as tho grain i U about past all danger of Injury. ' Tho crop yield In this locality is Interesting from tho fact that until within tho past fow years much of tho land now seeded was considered too dry for anything but Uxards and Jackrabblts It l now yielding mag nificent, crops, and Hormlston farm ors havo predloted that tho Barnui grain will run as high as 50 buahols to tho aero. A IwtHor kuowlcdgo of dry-land farming and in oro rain dur ing tho past fow years- accounts for tho chango In tho condition of this country. This acason has also been one of exceptional advantage to growing grain. A largo amount of ruin, usually falling at tho needed times, nnd warm growing weather, without oxcc&ulvo heat, havo all com bined to prod u co what will bo ono of Umatll!n county's greatoat whoat crops. In tho mlchllo and northern por tion of tho county tho wheat Is from two or four wooks lator than that on tho Columbia River ulopo, nnd tho yield Is uVways hotter. Ideal weather conditions provall all ov-r tho county, A heavy rain of last wook, which is always dcalred In Juno, lias been followed by Urlgh't, warm weather. Eastern Oregon farmers always fool assured of a big and safo ylcfld If thoy havo a good rain In tho latter part of June.. This year thoy havo had ono In tho mlddb of the month, and another ono about s. waek later. Coasiderable hay was down during the last rals, but as muck of It was in tke eock no damage is resorted. it a good crop will be kad la all BttsMiimi Thirty Reasons Said to -Havo Keen Advanced. Ono of Salem's prominent business men aftor canvassing tho business section of tho city In ordor to ascer tain tho number who would bo will ing to spond a llttlo "chlck-a-mun" onch weok to havo tho stroot In front of tholr placo of business sprinkled dally to aid tho oil In kooplngdown tho duat and moderating tho tompor aturo was confronted with tho fol lowing thirty roasono for not sprink ling: 1. "Well, tho .rest will not pay." 2. "Woll, It costo too much." 3. "Why don't thoy oil tho Btroot?" 4. "Tho city should do tho sprink ling." 5. "Wo aro going to pavo and there is no use." C. "Well, I don't got tho dust from In front of my store." 7. "Lot tho othor follow sprlnklo all ho wants ,to, I won't." 8. "Tho dust don't hurt mo any." 9. "Woll, I can't afford It." 10. "I am willing to pny $1.00 and that Is enough.' ' 11. "I 'rofuso to pay for cross otreota, but you can go ahead and It you koop down tho dust I will pay 15c per weok." 12. "Tho dust don't hurt any thing, It la good for us." 13. "My nnmo la Rip Van Wlnklo and I rofuso to spond a cont on tho wator wagon." 14. "I signed up and why don't tho Bprlnklor wngon run." 1G. "Oh, It is going to rain." 1G. "Whon tho dust gots too thick I can cloio tho doors." 17. "Tho duat don't hurt that fruit any. It nniot bo washod any way boforo you can oat It." 18. "I got all my duat from that sldo street." 10. "Ft Is juati ono continual do not. Why don't tho property owners Bprlnklo?" 20. "Woll, I can't afford to flpriuUlo and donate to tho Fourth of July too. " 21. "Tho dunt does not blow In on this sldo of tho ntrooU" 22. "Oh, what's tho uso." 23. Skldoo. "I havo a barrel of oil and whon tho rest got ready to oil I will put It down lu front of my storo." 24. "Who Is going to sprlnklo In front of that ompfy store or that lot ovor thoro?" 25. "Wo can stand tho dust until tho oil gots horo." 26. "It has rnlned for sovora! days and I don't Intend paying for what has boon done" 27. "Don't wasto you tlmo on mo. I won't pay for It." 28. "I won't pay unless ovory ono along tho otroot Bprlnklos." 20. "I havo trlod It -Its Jti8t a wasto of money." 30. "You go to . I havo paid out tho last oont I am going 'to, fighting dust utrccU." The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths There is a disease prevailing lit this country moat dangerous because so deoep live. iUanyKti(iUm deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pncnmoHift, heart failure er apoplexy are often the result of kid ney disease, i If kidney trouble-is allowed toadvaiice the klduey-pole-cd blood will at- rf-it.!...! naiifltlllf fialflri1..ff the bladder, or the kidneys themselves brenk down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost nlways-rclt from a derangement of the kidneys attd a cure la obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel ing badly you can make no mistake By H I at It taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through' the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild nnd tho extraordinary effect o Swamp-Root is Boon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and Is sold by all dniKtristu in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery nnd a book that tells all about.it, both scut free by mail. Address, Dr. Kit? mcr Si, Co.. Binchamtou. N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the uamc,Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Biughamton, N. Y., on every bottle. After Ten Years. Mr. O. L. Stephenson, of Potorsbor ough, Ont., says: "For ovor ton yonrs I suffered constantly with Pllos first Itching, thou Blooding; pnlu al most unbearable; llfo a bunion. Trlod everything In vnln till I usd Dr. Loonhardt's IIom-Roid. "I had takon but a fow doaoa whon I began to notico an improvomont I docldod to koop on, and now aftor using three boxoa I am glad to say I am complotoly curod. My goneral health has also greatly lmprovod. It glvos mo great pleasure to roconi mond Horn-Hold to all stiff erors with Piles, and I fool convinced that what it has done for me it will surely do for thorn." ..Price $1.00. Dr. I.conhardt Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y Proprietors, Bold by Dr. 8. C, Htono, Salem. ' o Marriage Licenses, County Clerk Alien has Issued marriage llconsos to Willis Davis, agod 31, and Oortrudo Johnson, aged 27, both of Hubbard. C, J. Thomas witness; and to Jns, Ira Blackburn, agod 27 and Mlnnlo Pearl Ridgcway, aged 19, both of Salem. Troy Branson wllnoss, o ' Ancient Rome la now merely a memory of the past Ballard's Snow Liniment la tke fam ily liniment of the twentieth eentury, Transfers of Real Kstwto Tho following deed a hnvo been plncod on record In tho offlco of the Marlon county rocerdor: J S. II. Walker ot ux to D. A. Torry, lota 1 nd 12 Hampdon Park In Marlon county, w. d $ A, Barnhan ot ux to J. A. Lovosquo, part ot lot 2, btook 2, addition "B'k to Woodburn, w. d. ...;.... W. J. Taylor ot ux to James C. Young, lota 5 and G, block 2, Sottlomlcr'B addi tion to Woodburn, w. d. -r; William SalzBlodor to J. T& Rodgors, parcel of land In Woodburn, if, d II. A. Snydor ct ux to Joseph Erbslnnd, land In, Marlon county, w. d '. . . A. nnd M. S. Smith to Ed. Dlttor, iland In Marlon county, w. ,d. Asahol Bush to Honry Probst, lota 11 and 12, block 14, Englewood addi tion to Balom, w, d. . , . Abuor Lowls ot ux to Chas. K. Taylor, 186.08 acres noros In t 8 s, r 3 w. d. , . J. S. II. Walker ot ux to D. A. Torry, lota 1 and 12, Hampdon Park, w. d,..., W. II. Broylcs ct al to J, A. Lovohquo, 8 Qf lot 1, block 2, and part of lot 2, blook 2, addition "B" to Woodburn, w, d ...,'.... Thos. Osbom ot ux to V, II. Mnssoy, otn 1, 2, 3 nnd 4 Mock 13, Rlvorvlow Park, Salem, w. d John W. Jory ot nl to Marlon county land In Marlon county, w. d II. J. Ottenheimer et ux, to Chas. Zoller, land in Mar lon county, a,eod , , W. F. SchuMor otux to A. A. Mlllor, parcel ot land In Jefferson, w, d P, 8. Bonn to Adolph Wolf, 'tot 5 .Anion's addition to Sllvorton, and 4-'Hcroa'iu t a, r'l w, q. c At' ,;...'.. 1 A. nnd J. Scollard etxal to'H, , H. Zap, lota 1 to 8, block 4 GorvaiB, w. d ', . l Patrick Kolly to Allco Scol nard ot al., lots 1 to 8, block 4, Oorvalo, vr. d,' . . 1 o 1L Mrs. O, W, Hobuou has gone to As toria for a summer's outing. 1000 1,800 GOO 600 GOO 600 120 7000 2000 2000 400 100 . 20,000 1,820 Bakory, FOR UNCLK HAM'B BIRTHDAY feast wo will havo tho choicest breads, plos and ornamental and, fancy . cakes, plos and pastry. On tho glorious 4 th you can regale vnnrnfilf wlHi tlm rvo ,inii.u.. A it4l..v dta.aA m THiAitHiaftl.m I MWItHVHl Burns, Cuts, gpralas, Neuralgia, te.t,T1aVnpu, ',MU Mr. O. II. Runyoa, gtanberry, Ho., writes: "I have used Snow Llnlmeat for Rheumatism aad all pais. I can't say enoi;gh In Its praise." Bold by D. J. Fry. o ' Tho Allotment. Borrlcs aro within, I see, Common peoplo's reach; For wp boarders get for tea Sovon berles each. Louisvifle Courior-Jouraal, .' ' . - Fer stonack troHbles, MlleHftM sad eoaatlsatlea try Chamkerlala's sHosaaek asd Uver Tablets, tfaay rsaarkable cre have k elfeeUd by tkm. Prise 21 eeats. SaMsles free. Fer sale by lr. sHmm's drag Or I 4i'wfeS9aQ yj r I JaA' i ifftJDI WwW3sitSw iAjTll ''S InBBSr BJric-'jjWsr-rElL cSEiBS"S-r?IKyS5K&J .lUsaissrTitaWI'"" " j 3Ki&flL!l OAHTAIi KAJUWY, O. ULLOM, rVif.. M!fl If.H m m mm 'm m, &h m n