Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 28, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Mark Twain Jollies the King and
Offers to Buy Windsor Gastlc
Mark Twain renowed his acquaint
ance with King Edward last Satur
day. Tho first tirao he "met" tho
King wna when he really did not
meet him and when tho King was
not tho King at all. Today the hum
orist met tho monarch at the Wind
er Cnstlo Garden party to which
Mark Twain was invited lmmedlatb-
jr da hU arrival in England. When
Twain drove up tho Castle hill from
Windsor station with Honniclccr
Heaton, tho crowds on tho Bldewalk
thoorod tho humorist moro' heartily
than they did Ellen Terry and her
new husband, who followed in tho
carriage immediately behind.
Promina Day of His Life.
Of eight thousand guests who had
been commanded to attend tho
King's garden party, Clcmvms at
tracted tho most uttotion, altogether
eclipsing iho llttlo brown man who
j tho King of Slam. Mark Twain
capitulated to tho Lord Chamber
lain's sartorial rulo. Ho wore a
(rock coat and a silk hat.
Tho King and other momebrs of
tho royal family mado much of the
American humorist. Slam's llttlo
King would havo been jealous could
ho havo understood tho reasons why
England's King preferred to talk to
ttra American king of humor than to
him. Clomonto himsoltf scorned to ap
preciate tho fact It was a great day
for him, as well as for King Edward.
Ho said tenight:
"This has lison ono of tho proudest
days of my life."
Clemens said this without Bind
ing, becuiuo chatting with royalty Is
not as novol a thing for him as for
tho tuft-hunting American nmbnssn-Jora.
Whllo tho king and queen had to
devoto Bomo attention to their eight
thousand guest?, nevertheless Mark
Twain secured half an hour of thoir
ittentlon J not whnt ho said to thorn
md what they said to him nobody
knows but that famous trio.
Humorist Dcscriln's Event.
Clomento tonight dictated hl3 ver
sion of tho nudienco and insisted
that nono othor should bo cabled to
America. Ho said:
"Although Twain did not say go,
he amused tho King and Queen for
both could bo seen laughing fro
quontly while tho humorist wns with
thorn. When Twain arrived at
Windsor Ambassador Bold took
charge of him, shining In tho glory
reflected from America's great hu
morist. Twain met Prcmior Ban
sermon and chaffed him about Ox
ford's degrees, because Bonnorman
li to bo honored with Twain on Wed
nesday. f "When Twain encountered Ellen
Terry tho spectators thought tho
couple would ombraco and kiss. Thoy
tompromloed by shaking both
aands Aftor handshaking ti'A tho
cost famous mon in England, Am
basndor Bold conductud Twain to
tho marquco whoro ho presented
Mm to tho King and Quoon. Tho
idow of Proeldont Harrison was
presented at tho same time.
Wanted to Iluy Windsor CustUv.
' The King wrif soon to laugh up-
roarously at somothlng Twain said,
fain tonight modestly admitted
that his cMit Jest was an offor to
y Windsor Caitle. Aftor leaving
'ae King and Queen Twain was cs
wrted to tho Indian marqueo whore
te as presented to tho llttlo Klng'
uri Sum. Tho latter was unaccom-1
waic-d by auy of his eighty wlvos,
therefore Twain oraoked no Jokcu
bom tho advantages of single
"Mr Bold had no opportunity of
r-ntlnc tho King's brothor. th
the founder of
indigestion He forgot to
leave the pigs ashore
The American people in consequence the Sunny South) is in striking' contrast"'"
. have ever since been victims of lard to the source of lard (the pig-sty). $
2 cooked food and indigestion. Cottolene is a clean, wholesome pro-!
Lard soaked food is not fit for 'human duct that makes food palatable, nutritious
stomachs- because lard is made from and healthful, and food that any stomach
greasy, indigestible hog fat, and is bound, can digest If American housewives but
sooner or later, to make trouble for your knew $& superiority of Cottolene over
inner machinery. lard, both from a practical and health J
Cottolene is the only rational, national standpoint, lard would never again J
shortening. It is a pure vegetable pro- enter any well-regu-duct
and its source (the cotton fields of lated kitchen.
COTTOLENE was granted a GRAND PRIZE (highest
possible award) over all other cooking fats at the
recent Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and food cooked
"Home Helps" a book of 300 choice recipes, edited
by Mrs, Rarer, U your for a 2 cent stamp, If yaa
address The N. K, Fairbank Company, Chicago
A NEW FEATURE The patent air-tight top en this pail it i'er
the purpose of keeping COTTOLENE clean, frcih and wholesome;
it alio prevents it from absorbing all disagreeable odors of the
grocery, such as fish, oil, etc
Nature s Gift from the Sunny South
mm iwiiiiiii
! I 1 I I H I I
rox sal.
For Sale Eight acres of land, 1
mllo south of city limits, on Joffor
so nrond, G acres in liny, 1 aero in
strawberries, balanco in pasture,
good liouso and barn,- good woll
water, 2 wagons, all kinds of tools
also 3 cows, 4 hogs, GO chickens,
1 cream Bopnrntor. F. A. Sutton,
Salem, Bouto No. 4. Phono Su
burban 97. C-27-3t
For Sale A good camp wagon and
I a singlo bugy harness. Apply to
A. E. Strang, at Asylum. C-27-3t
For Sale Now and second-hand fur
niture, kitchen utonsils, bicycles,
touts and .camping outfits. Wo
aro moncy-Bavora for our custom
ers. Conrad Dillmnn. C-20-lm
For Sale Boglat'orcd Burkshiro
hogs, slro by Western Star 3d,
88,010, bred up closo to grand
champion of St. Louis exposition,
and a fow young bowb in pig, cross
brod. II. A. Clark, corner B and
Sixth Btrcots, Plansant Home ad
dition to Salem, Orogon. G-20-lm
For Sale Ono twonty-ton Champion
balor, quick rollof, ono wntor tank,
ono onglno tender on wheels, ca
pacity 400 gallonn. Phone 164' Su
burban, or address box 386 Salem,
Or. T. F. Walker. C-12-lm
A New Route Furl Invented. continental, tho othore connecting
A good deal of interest haj been with stenmora on tho Amazon or 1U
contercd in "coalite," and numbers tributaries. Tho lino that now runs
havo calod at tho exhibition of It !u from Valparaiso to Juncol Is to bo
Nowcnatlo to sec thincoallto burning oxtonded through a long tunnel,
In tho grnto and hoar about its re- whlch ln ,lvo or n yonr8 w, bo
markablo proportion as a houso fuel, nnlshod, and It will connect with an
It Is a bright, hard substance, vory Argontlno road at Mondozn.
similar in appoaranco to tho best! in Poni Mmrn nr thr rnn.u
coke, and In burning it makes no vhlch now cr033 tho western Cordll
Binoko and given off, it is claimed, iorn. fatahiM ntlm whirii nnnnt,.
somothlng llko twlco tho heat of n. ,.n,i nii i. 4,i.rnft i ,,.
cortl, whllo a coalfto flro lasts 40 per of oxtonsion, two of them on p'ium
cent longer than an ordinary coal 'Whlch wll, brInR thom to tributaries
flro. This conllto lo nrodticcd bv n r i, a a.. ., ...,.,.
V lUl Lilt illllll.llll. JM f -I III I III I'S III 11.11 II
lirocots similar to that employed by tho Bhort Journoy acro38 tho contn. !
tho gns COmnaniCR for 1L nrmlimllnn i.. ..., .. ..j. . ..
tho gas companies for lis production ont furtll0r MUth tMo Peruvian lines, f0r, K Do?f' Pork.. Lamb. Mutt0n
of coke. In tho caso of tho gas LVIMl wllftn nmnfv, w, ntt, ,., nnd Voal nnd 'ou will got tho finest
companies coal la treated at a hleh '.,.-!- i i m,. R'0 ovor killed,
teinporature, tho gas ami by-pro
travolor a vory long Journoy. Tho
appotlzlng kind
Tho tasty, Juicy,
that makos you
7"7',,vv",v' "'" K"" uun ypro- romarkablo Contral Poruvian road, "J V "'" """' '"""", fuu
ducts bolng collectcxl and thie resl-whih noa nnn tt in nrtv mMJ I want-moro nftor tho first holplng.
duo being coke but by tho coalite from lta terminus, Calloo, nnd
process tho coal is treated at a much ' 0A tho ca8torn rft nt an olo.
ower temperature, with tho result vatIon of 1B fl0B foot w ,n no
that tho gas obtained Is much rich- lgroat tImo ,J0 rca(ly to carry .
or. Tho residue instead of bolng aoBorJ1 to tho Ucayall river. Even
coko is coalite, which can bo easily thnn hoWovor, tiiuro la an 800-milo
lighted, and burno with great otead
Incss and economy.
rivor Journoy nheod boforo tho trav
olor roachca Ynuitos. tho head of
tor household purposes, It op- navigation for ocean-going vossoln
poors to havo a rpcolal value, In vlr- on tho Anmzon, nnd that place Ja
tuo of Its c onnTlneco and It heating 2000 m,Iog from tho Atlftntlc, An.
power. This Is now fully recognized other trans-Andean road, further to
In London, whore tho prospect of tho mrth wl, KroaUy Borton thQ
abating the amok and fog nuisance lJournoy but ,t w1I bo much lo or
Is hailed with no small satisfaction. 'i .-
(Ill VVIUUll uunuu.
Tho King has boon Improased with Tho gpwUor tho raroai dovo.
its qualities and Instructions havo ,. in r,,, AmnPi, ., r,rn.
boon given at Buckingham Palaco to or wlll bo th0 uy whlch
havo the collars swept ckar of all An,orIcan mnnufocturora may look
coal and nothing but coallto put for tho BaiQ of thor Iiro,uctfl( and
there for tho future. Out of a ton tho groator JncIdontalIy becomes Ul0
of coal about 70 pop cent of coallt moa of bcttor oceaa n08 on bol
s extracted, but its calorilc power u and WC8t coa8t8 botwoon North
Imlni miinlt nwAn am tlm en t. a I
. " . b ' ' " l " and South Amorlcan ports. Tho
txnu iu uuvu smturuu nu iocs on
Only tho best fed cattlo aro over
killed for our trado, and our cus
tomers may nlwnys rely upon tho
vory boot quality of moat, cloanly
(and proporly drosaod, and in ovory
way fit for tho host tabloa. o
F. A. Kurtz
Phone 205B 277 N. Com. St.
Tlireo First-Claws Farms for Sftlo.
For particulars inquire of Dr. W.
a. Cuslck, ovor Fry's drug store.
Suvcrnl Dairy Itnuches for salo at
once -Prices low, all oqulpod
rendy for buslnoss. Dakor Land
Co., Tumor, Orogon. G-SO-lm
For Salc Old papers, 10 (tents per
hundred. Inquire Journal office.
Wliy Pay Kent When you can buy
n nice homo at 680 N. Liberty St.,
on terms to Biiit the purchaser.
AddroBB O. II. IJurggraf, Albany,
Ore 6-17-tf.
U- . , ,,'i SS"9
Piano Tuner L, L. Woods, piano el
pert tuning, ropairlng and polish
ing. Loavo orders at Oeo. O
Wills' music atore, Salem.
a- 9-lyr
For Kent Furnished and unrur-
nishod rooms. Inquiro at 790
N Commercial strcot M. A. Dice.
For Kent Sovon-room houBe, hot
and cold water, electric light, batk
room. Inquiro of Aug. Schrelb
er, 660 North High street.
Frank M. Brown. Manufsctarer
ash, doors, mouldingfl. All kiads ei
'house finish and hard wood work.
Front street, bet. State sad Oeart
Make all complaints at the oA1o
Foresters of AmericaCourt Sh'jr
wood Foresters. No. 19. Meets
Tuesday in Hurst hall, State street
Loo Abble. O. ft.; A. L. Browa,
F. S.
Central Lodge Mo. IB, K. of P.
Castle Hall ln Holman block, cor
nor State and Liberty streets.
Tuesday of each week at 7:30 p.
m. Oscar Johnson, O. C; E. H.
Andorson, K. of II. and S.
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. 5248. Meets
every Thursday evonlng at 9
o'clock In Holman hall. W. W.
Hill, V. 0.: F. A. Turner, Olerk.
Woodmen of World Meet every Fri
day night at 7:30, in Holman hall.
J. A. Dickey, G. S.; P. L. Frazlec,.
Lincoln Annuity Union.- Sick, acch
dent and pension Insurance; $2,
000,000 pledged; every claim paid,
Good agents wanted. J. II. O.
Montgomery, supremo orgaulafer,
Dox 432 Salem, Oregon. R. R.
Ryan, secroctary, 546 State street,
111 1
Concrcto Work, Cot my prices oa
sidewalks, curbs, septio tanks and
comont work of any kind. AD
work guaranteed first-class. M
Ward, Highland add. Phone 560
value, while at thu samo tlmo tho
; gas and vast rnngo of by-producta
havo boon extracted.
Tho Intention is to brJng out a
company in tho courso of a weok
or two, which will orect works at
narking, noar London, and will pos
sess rights for Groat IJrltaln. Tho
now works ara to be eapablo of car
bonizing Bomo 3,000.000 tons an
nually. Tho process, moreover, can
be applied to all bltumnous coals.
Contrasts havo already boon ontored
Into with tho loading coal morobants
wrotchod steamboat) aorvlco of tho
presont probably marks tho ono
point ut which Amorlcan onterprlno
has boon least In evidence Chica
go necord-HoniJd.
flulm - n .... J m l 11..
Z uonnaugiH. 10 imu iur w.u for t,je Qf QV&r 2000000 tont
waiving carom oily, mtroauiwu
J,f and his son, Prinoe Arthur
'f t'onnaught. Mr. Held soemod
5rpiied at tho duke's demoorae'.
rinre Arthur chatted and chaffvd
rain about his spell-blndlng, say-r-S
he was not a suoeees as a spell-
nt Twain promptly offored to
Kke on all the prinoe's oratorioal
Lipton took Twain away afJr
K I'srty, driving him In a motor to
M humorist's hotel. TonJght
kadon is wondering whether tho
FC was the hero of tho garden
krty of Twain- Tho latter certainly
"ratted moro attention than Eng-tsd-
and Slam'a kings."
CeHc awi Dterrboea.
Pains la tha atom&ch. calls and
5srho are quickly relieve by the
of ChambwUla'g Colic, Cholera
4 DUrrhoen Remedy, For sale by
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred miliars Ilo
ward for any caso of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. Chcnoy for tho last 15 years
and bellevo him perfectly honorable
In all business transactions and flnnn
cinllv nhlft to enrrv i.ftt nnv nhllpn.
of ooallM pr annum for consump- ton8 ma(,0 b h,m flrra WaIdnR
tlon In London onlyConsular R-.KInnan & Marv,D wholesale Drug-
Railroad Dwcloptmitt In South
There Is today Juat ono roats
aorosH tho South American continent
from sast U west whloh the traveler
can take without resorting to mule-
back Journeys for long distances.
That Is tho routo from Valparaiso to
nuenoa Ayres, which can, except in
winter tlmo, bo covered by railroad
and stage, tho railroads at tho ends
and the stage routo, of course, over
tho mountain paasos. Two days will
sufflco for tho 900. mile trip, but at
that it la not without Its discomforts
and even perils.
Before m&ny years have passed,
however, it is predicted that th.ro
will he at least throe railroads across
gists, Toledo, O.
s Hall's Catarrh Curo Is takon inter,
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system
Testimonials sent free. Prices, 75
cents per bottle. Sold by all Drug
Tako Hall's Family Pills for con
IJutto At Wemlcroth Fine wine
liquors and cigars. We handle tht
colobratod Kellogg and Caatlr
whiskies. Cool and refreshing beet
constantly on drough. South
Commercial street 9-8-lyr
Salem Iron Works. Founders, mi
chlntsts and blacksmiths. Manu
facturers of all kinds of sawmill
machinery. Hop and fruit dryina
stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tht
Salem Iron Works Hop Press.
Halcrn Rex Lumber Co. .Removefl
from South Balom to 14 th street,
near the S. P, dopot, Bozos, Berry
Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfection I
Fruit Evaporators. Phone 201.
Our moat market on East State
Btroot has been doubled in size and
we are bottor prepared than ever to
serve customers. Prompt service and
the host of meats our motto. Call
or phono 109, B. B. Edwards, Prop
Girl Wanted For houso worjc in
tho country. Phono Main 105 ff.
Men Wnntcd For omploymont m
mortormon and conductors. Ap
plicants must bo at loose 5 foet,.
7 Inchos In height, wolght ov r
150 pounds, botwoon 24 and 40?
years of ago, of good oyeslght'
and hearing. Permanent employ
ment; Bolvctlon of runs. Wages.
2Bo to 3Go por hour. Application
must bo mado In poreon to United'
Railroads of San Francisco, Turk
and Fillmore at-roots, Baa Francis
co., Cal. 0-27-6t
Wood Wanted. Twenty cords of
oak and 20 cords of fir wood, C4Uj
at Journal ofilco. Hofor Bro..
Wanted To borrow $1000 on the
best of real estate security. Ay
Ply to "J. P.," care JournRl office.
Highest Cash Price Paid for chick
ens at Wlllamotte Hotel. 4-19-tl
Wanted Fivo oxtra waitresses for
Juno 20th to July 4th, nt Wlllara
otto hotol, C-19-tf
Theo, M. Rarr PlawhUg, aot wt
and steam heating and tlnnl,
164 Commercial street. Fhe
Main 192. 9-1-lv
Wo Aro Cash Purchasers Of pou!
try, eggs, anil all kinds of farm
produce Borry crates made up
In unlimited lunntltles. Capital
CotnmlBBlnn C.n 2fl7 Rmiih n.. I
-., w. MWt,. WWW
morclal Btroot, Salem. Phono Main
M. J, Petzel PlnwblBg,teaw t4
gas fitting. Successor U xKbo a
Murphy, 226 Commercial irv
'Phone .Main 17,
Superior Restaurant
153 High Street, Upstairs.
First-class in all appointments. A
place for ladles and gentlemen to get
all kinds of Chlneso dishes and the
famous Li Hung Chung Chop Suey
and Yakama.
R. H. Baker
A. J, Audertton Contractor and
bulldor, 415 Court Btroot. Phono
644. 6-i-tf
Tho Highland Ln tin dry U still In
tho raco for patronngo. No whlto
shirts or collars. T. B. Wallace,
41 v currant avenue. Phone
Main 403. 6-5-lm
Tho Aristocrat among tho
Whiskies of tins Old School
WitlwHt a Peer
For sale by
Artliur Von Jee Teacher of pi.
ano; touch, technlch, interpreta
tion. Thorough preparatory course
Advanced studonts propared for
public apposrance. Residence 668
Center St. Tel. Mala 626.
CHMHilas 1IM., Traiwfer Cowjwmy
All kinds of traasfer work deae
Furslture and pianos boxed ready
for shipment. Prompt servlee U
our motto. Stand and ofHoe at
tit South Commercial atrt
EB! J1L JJ " ' ' '.F ' '' ' " " ' . I
ForiMerly Raker, IawrvHce & likw,
RelUble Grocer, At the OM
Snerkl Eastern acHri rU
May 20, 21, JaS9 g, 7, t J(iy ,
4, 5, August 8, 9, la, MHbr 11,
12, 13. To Chicago sad return
173.16. gt. LomU se4 retwra, 319,11
St. Paul sad return, Owahs, CoumU
BluKs, Sioux City, St. Joe, Kausas
City and return f ll.ti.
t'H'U Gea. Paa AjA.
w I
Saccessor o Whey 8su Yow Co Prop
Phono 210. Resldeao Phon 9g,
- i-i, ,rr W.V nhi A uuu. t, -