w fV- '4 rEATHER: SHOWERS TONIGHT, SATURDAY FAIR WARMER., Vry DAILY CAPITAL JOUHNAL. m "''if', tiH VOL. XVII. SALHar, OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 2H, 1007. NO. 143. i MAKING STRONG DEPENSE 'M Ji "ff- '53 w r,m w A elegraphers "Will Go Down Into Wall Street" k GREAT LEAGUE MEETING I00STING OREGON bakes Up Matters of Vital Importance to the State-Governor Chamberlain Makes Fine Address Oh the Needs of the State Tho Willamette Valley Dovolop- ncnt Lcnguo held a very successful jcnventlon at Cottago Grove tho past ek. Tho local Commercial Club tia a fighting record on cot rain lincB nd kept up its reputation for call ing attention to tho railroad situa tion and tho lumber industry that esulted In tho organization of the lumbermen's Association and tho ipturlng of tho Chairman of tho allroad Commission for ono of Its ntmbors. Congressman Hawley ado a hit with tho largo crowd at io afternoon session by a strong Ilea for tho enforcement of tho terms of the Southorn Pacific land grant on tho original terms of tho contract to sell tho land to actual settlers at $2.50 per aero, but re fused to define what an actual set tler might be, saying ho would leave the enforcement of tho law to tho de partment and tho decisions of tho courts. At tho ovenlng session Gov ernor Chamberlain discussed tho now area of development, and somo of tho causes of the undeveloped condi tion of somo sections of the Btatc. Prof. F. G. Young of Eugene, dis cussed development through higher education, J. U. Campbell of Oregon City, enlarged upon tho necessity of sending less money out of tho stato for Insurance and manufactured products, Col. E. Ho for mado a strong argument for tho opening of tho Willamette- and frco locks and canal at Oregon City. LouIb Barzoo handled tho spirit of entorprlso shown by tho peoplo of Roseburg and Coos Bay in taking stock In tho nowly, projected electric lino. Lcaguo Reorganized. Following standing committees woro announced at tho opening ses sion of tho league: Resolutions D. J. ,lubrulllo, Cottago Grove; Loius Barzee, Robc; burg; F. II. Rosenberg, Cottngo Grove. Nominations D. M. C. Gault, Cottago Grove; W. C. Hnwley, Sa lem; J. D. McNiol, Marshflold. Transportation J. U. Cnmpboll, Orogon City; J. G. Graham, Salem; C. J. Howard, Cottago Grove. Electric Llnco E. P. Sheldon, JOINED TO MAKE TROUBLE anco men and mllltla go up Bull hill. They got off and gnthored up nil tho union men. Then I saw them loot tho union store. I got uway to Gil lotto, whero I hid 24 hours, and then boarded the train, escaped to Denver and reported what had happened." After wandering about consldor- nblw Easterly flnnMv located at Sil ver City, Idaho, whoro ho has been I working over since. Ho mot Jack Slmpklns in Silver City in December, I90G. Slmpklns told him Orchard (Continued on p&go aovsn). XUC DIllf'DTAl 1AAV was Bol'mS minim? stocks and wrlt I IIL 1 IfllxLlV I JV WAY ,nB iMwmnco in Southern Idaho. I Slmpklnar ho said, camo to Silver City at tho request of tho union .. i n it n r 'thoro to organizo a now local. Soon Hired Dy mine Owners to Become after simpkins wont back orchard Members of tho Federation For wrot0 hlm that ho Wft8 d0,nR flno un Dii f cn....'.tnn u.m nnd wanted him to como out nnd Join the Purpose of Encouraging Mem- hlm .. ... Btocc nml ' ln. bcrS tO Commit GrimCS. jsurnnce. On two occasions ho had similar lottcrs from Orchard. Borah' then cross-examined Easterly, who said ho know Stouncnborg was op- Orchard CHICAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE i Slaughter Prices On Every Article in the Store Until the 4th of July No matter how low a price you get on any article, cocao hero and wo will soil you .tho same article for leos money. Wo will lot no houso undersell us. This Year's Latest and Newest Goods Will Be Slaughtered Without Mercy. Get Our Prices Before You Buy a Dol lar's Worth Elsewhere. This Is How It's Dene: Boise, Juno 28. When "Bill" Enntorly took tho stand .this morning Posed to tho federation Darrow Immediately took him Into told him In Altman In August, 1003, tho rocltal of tho ovqnts In tho Crip- that Slounonberg had doportod him, plo Crook district, which culminated nnd ho wou'id got ovon. Eastorly ad- lu wholesalo doportatlon. Easterly niltted that ho know In November or omphatlcally denied any knowloJgo December, 190G, that Orchard was In whatsoover of tho Vindicator disas- Caldwell, but said ho did not know tor, tho Independence oxploBlon or Stouncnborg lived thoro. Asked why any violenco which resulted, ho bUU- no had not given Information to tho Ing that while street fights bo- law that Orchard threatened Stoun twoon "gun mon" or tho mlno own- enborg ho said: "I novor hnvo boon ors' association nnd rosldonU of tho nn informor." Eastorly donlod ho district woro common, they wero usu- Mt an Infernal mRchlno undor his ally oxpectod In mining camps when bed when ho Hoft tho district. Ho did, tho mon woro not working. "Wo however, loavo two rifles thoro. Jos. kopt our mon In lino," said ho, "all 8choltz, a Mullen minor, formerly of through tho difficulty." Detectives, Cripple Creok, who accused by Or omployod by tho ownors, circulated enwd of having mado tho trLp into among tho union mon andVcounsolcd o Vindicator at ,tho tlmo tho at vlolonco, but ovory union offlcor tempt was mado to blow up a car stood firm against It, nnd used his in- lond of dynamlto, was called. Ho fluonco to provont any disturbances, confronted Orchard on tho wlt Wo kopt tho pcaco as much as pos- noss stand nml tho lattor said lble, anvl all through tho troublo our ho wnB not tho man ho meant, mon woro ordered to koop off tho Sholtz said tho only othor Sholtz ho ! street, and from tho vicinity of tho know in tho district was a man ho union haUs." Tho dofonso promised undorstood was a "gun man" for tho a big surprlso soon. It claims to mlno owners. Ho was not oross-ox-hnvo disinterested witnesses who will nmlned. George Broon, a rancher, testify regarding Plnkerton opora- formerly a railroad mon on tho Flor Uons among tho ranks of tho union onco & Crjppjo Creok railway, was In ,men. (Independence tho day of tho dopot i Prior to Easterly telling his story, 'oxploslon. Ho saw tho hounds tho procoodlngs woro Interrupted to brought from tho ponltontlnry at pormit tho recall' of Dr. I. L. McGoo Canyon City to tho scono of tho by tho stato. McQeo testified thnt ho crlmo. snw Orchard In Wallace In July, o- STRIKE STILL GROWS BOTH SIDES DEFIANT President Small Says Telegraphers do Not Wish to Injure Business Out Will Close Up tho Stock Brok ers, If Necessary. Oakland, Juno 25. Tho shadow of tho tolcgrnphcrs' stiiko lias falLon over Wall, street and tho Chicago board of trado. "Wo will go down Into Wnll strcot," said President Sma'fl this morning, "if tho compan ies continue tholr present nttltudo, Wo don't want to bo forced to ox tromo measures, and as telegraphers wo havo no wish ,to hampor brokers and commercial Interests, unless It is noccssary to win our Snn Francisco domnnds. If both companies con tlnuo to roftiBo arbitration, let thorn havo war. Thousands of telegrams aro bolng sont to San Francisco by train, and tho companies woro from 24 to 40 hours Into last night." Tho companies deny Small's stato- montB as to dolnvj and declare thoy moving-.HUf mesa in a satiBractQry TOP PRICE FOIt APPLE LAND. Iowa Man Pays $1000 an Aero aft Hood Illvcr. Hood Rlvor, Or., Juno 28. Tho highest prioo ov6r rccolved for fruit land in Orogon was obtained whon 0. Dothman sold a 2 0-acro orchard of 5-yoar-old trees for $20,000. Tho proporty was purchased by J. B. Hert ford, of Dos Molnos, la,, who will movo to Hood River and go into the business of raising fruit. Tho pur cliRBO doca not include anything buC tho land and water rights, as thore aro no buildings" of any description on it, and Jb a straight prlco of $1000 por aoro. Tho orchard purchased by M,r. Red ford Is sot to Spltzonborga nnd Nowtowns, which will bear par tially this year for tho first tlmo.. CONFER WITH CALHOUN.. I Commit too TryiiiK to Arrange Settle ment of .Strike. aro mannor. SQUIRES BURNS FIGHT San Francisco, Juno 28, Tho ways and moans oommlUoo of tho strHco campaign commltjtco, oun PoboU of representatives of tho con tra! organization, and mon. affiliated, with tho unions, hold a oonforonoo thls aftornoon with Calhoun about) bringing tho stroot car rctxlko to an ond. Tho commltteo has boon qulot ly negotiating with Calhoun, and this morning ho consented to receive It. What tho commltteo ha offered Is unknown. o THEATER THEIR DEATHTRAP- Over 000 Clilncfio in Audlewco Arw Rotated Alive x -A hor- 95o 50c Dress Goods, 23c yard; 75o Dread Goods, 35c yard; Dress Goods, 49c; 50c Sllkj, 25; 85c Silks, 45c; $1.10 Flno Silks for 69c: 7c Calicoes for 314c yard: 8c Lawns. 4c: 12c Lawns, 7 He; 15c Dress Ginghams, 8 l-3c; Roranants, Calico, t any old prlco; 12 Ho InJIa Llnons, yard, 7,4c; prices cut to pieces on Whlto Goods and Muslins; Ladles' $3.50 Dress Hats, 1.50; Ladies' $5.00 Jackets, $2.95; Ladies Coats and Suits about half nrlce: $5.00 Whlto India Linon Suits, hnnd- ome!y embtoldorled, $2.95. Everything olso goes at tho samo low prices. Men's 45c Underwear now 22c; 75c Overalls for en 45c; Boys' Overalls, 25c; Ladlos' 10c Hebo, 4c pair; La dies' 20a Hose at 9c pair . Everything gooe tho same way long the line. Wo are ready Jf you are don't pay double for your goods. ' gALBU'B FA6TB6T GROWING 8TORS. McEVOY BROS. .19Q4, which statement nbsolutoly contradicts that of Orchard, who sworo that at that tlmo ho was In Donvor, preparing to Bot out for Cnl- I Ifornla to blow up Bradley. McGco stuck to his original story again to day, fixing tho year positively by tho fact that tho Ropubllcan campaign was on at tho tlmo. Tho only man ho over heard advocato vlolonco In tho lodgo room wns a visiting mem ber named Charles Beckman, who af terwards turned out to bo" a detec tive, Fottowing tho Independence ex pyslon Eastorly went to Crlpplo Crook. Then, with a number of .friends, ho took tho cars to Victor. I Tho cars wero orowded, nearly ev erybody carrying arms. Ho had a revolvor. Got out at Vlotor and found a strcot mooting In progress, It being announced that tho londors of tho Citizens' Alliance would sponk. Unionists were openly curs Pulpit Dlscoiirsui Out of MnU: Chicago, Juno 28. Sormonu and discourses from tho pulpit bolong to tho passing order uVo out of dnto. Llko tho crusades, thoy havo had their day In tho religious world, and now must glvo way in tho now era In tho manner of gottlng pooplo into clcwo association with tho crops. Tho porlod In religion Is "porsonnl work." Tho present bollof of tJio Rov. John ston Myors, pastor of tho Emanuol BaptlBt church, was expressed boforo an audlcnco of moro than 100 young divinity studonts at tho Unlvorslty of Chicago WednwHlny. Dr. Myors did not strlko a hard blow at tho sormon itself, hut ho classified It aa too antiquated to bo of great uso In tho modern world. Two Vtuti of llwr IJurii. Bols, Idn.. Juno 28. Tho Freight Transfer & Cold Storngo Company's Ing tho fedoratlon mon, doolnrlng',,,ant nt N"1 wn dostroyod by San Francisco, Juno 28. Tho seal mto for tho Squlros-Burns fight oponod this morning. Advnnco or dors for $5000 worth of scats wero rocolved by tho management boforq tho tlckots woro on salo, nnd, dosplto tho car strlko, thoro 1b ovory indica tion of bolng a big crowd, Tho hot ting has switched nnd Squlros Is a 0 to 10 favorite Unions moro Burns money nppoars this will shorten. Squires oontlnuos to work, but could slop Into tho ring tomorrow If called on to do so, and glvo a good account of himself. Burns began, work at Oakland today, having arrivod from Harbl Springs last night, Tho flght- ors will begin ito taper off on tholr work about Monday. Both nro now down to fighting welKht. HnulroH wolghlng 182 aird Burns 178. ' o .. ' Victoria, B. O., Juno 28,- rlbVi holocnuHrt, Is reported In. nwill ndvlcos from Hongkong, vfW 500 Chlneso of tho audlcnco of a Chinese ihoator nnd 10 of tho actors wwo burned to doatli-when, tho native thoator was dostroyod by flro, Tho llnmos spread rapidly and tho build ing collapsed quickly, blocking tha.t ontranco with burning .debris-, . ino nro is snld to havo boon duo-- to tho igniting of explosives con coalod undor tho floor of tho thoator, tlu flro following tho oxploslon. thoy ought to bo hung. Whop tho mooting bogan C. C. Hamlin and Samuel Crump got Into a wagon to speak. Hamlin declared the Indo pondonco oxploslon was duo to tho fedoratlon, and declared tho citizens should hang 50 of Its mombors. and run tho othors out of tho district. flro enry Thursday morning, causing a loss of $8000 on a two-story framo building, machinery nnd eontonts. Tho Seattle Browing Company loBt nearly two cars of kogs of boor. Fivo thousand pounds of butter was tho only thing saved. Tho flro started In tho boiler-room, adjoining tho main building, a llttlo after midnight, and "Thon." continued tlin witnmui- "dm fireworks began. I flrod with thoiburnod M raI,Id'y tho flro dopart- g was over ni couia do uttio. Insuranco is OOiaOMOUIi AXO COURT WTtUlWtU. AUMf, OR. othora. Whon tho shooting I took to tho upper part of iho town on a hill. Saw tho soldiers surround tho minors' union hall, flro Into tho building and arrest all that woro thoro. I wont home, and stopped on ray way to warn tho boys to get out. I got my Winchester and pump shot gun, and plenty of ammunition, and marched down the streets through Independence, whero I met a num ber of the members. Somo wero armed, othora wore not. Wo wont io tho city ball, and could see from $0750 on building and machlnory. o Hurrliiiau Paid His Fine. New London, Con., Juno 28. HarrJraan appeared aboard tho cut ter Groaham on "which tho board of Inquiry met this morning and paid tho flno fixed by tho hoard for violat ing tho rules governing yesterday's Yale-Harvurd race. Tho amount Is unknown. The board was not al lowed to remit the flno, and tho mat ter is now up to tho treasury depart- Nnt Hull Acquaints. La Grando, Or., Juno 28. Nat Hall, tried for tho murdor of Isaac Enland, during tho lnrt throu days of this session of tho circuit court, was acquitted. Tho Jury roported tho vordlot at 9 o'clock Wodnosdny night after having been out nbout sdvon hours. Tho verdict was a surprlso to no ono, as Hull ha alwnya borno a spVmdld reputation, nnd tho stato lacked ovldonco to substantiate ovon tho chnrie of manslaughter. District Attornoy Ivnnhoo oxprosuod himself nt being satteflod with tho "ordlct. Harry Holmes, tho 19-yoar-old youth who pleaded guilty to tho ohargo of attempted ussnult on tho person of a small girl, was takon to tho ponltentlary by Shorlff Chllders Wednesday ovonlng. Robber Caught. Fresno, Cal., Juno 28. Tho stago robber who hold up two stages at Bruno's mlno hist week, was cap tured this morning by a posgo near Fresno flats. Itocky May Not Towtlfy. Chicago, Juno 28. ."This court is no rospcotor of wealth," JudKO Lan- dla said this morning, whon Attorney minor ajvpoared and askod that Rock ofolJor bo oxcunod from testifying hi tho Chicago robato cases on account of his ago and wealth. Later MilNsr told Landls In chamborn that tho summoning of the oil king and hl OMoclatos woro moro sonsaUonnllMn. Tho court announced that It may ox cubo Rockefollor If tho other wit nesses glvo tho desired Information. Suhpoonacs this morning woro Issued: for threo addltionn? oil mon. p.. . ,.., Killed by jih Owh Rifle. Drain, Or., Juno 28. Elinor WoJ loy met almost Instant death by tha- dlschnrgo of hU own rlllo Tuoslay near auntor, on Smith rlvor, 2& mllos northwest of Drain Elmer Wooltoy nnd his nolghbor, Mr. Mc Ooo, woro at work lu'tho mountnliiH about six mllus from auntor, clear ing a road. While securing wator from a crook, Wolloy's rlllo was nect. dentally dlBchnrged, tho bullet strik ing him In tho bond, canning almoab Instant death. McGoo wont to Gun tor, six miles distant, to secure as sistance, and tho body was brought to his homo at Woolloy, whore burial took plnco. 1 thero Ave carloads of CltUvW Alll- raent, if Harrlman fight. Jaw Was 'J'hoHghtfHl, Columbus, 0 Juno 28. James Cornollus, tho wife murdorer, wss electrocuted. 116 rauulo hU own fu aeraV arraageweats. Sfaylw Jury Was Oiled. Flndlay, O., Juno 28. -Tho lurv In tho Standard Oil coso this work ing ronortod thoy wero unable to ngroo, and woro dLwhargod. Tho trust waa charged with eowtplraey In rartralnt of trado and violation of the stato and antl-truot laws. The Jury was out 48 liours. Dr. J. p. COOK TIIR BOTAHIOAL IKKttOR, mqtnd to 4 utumpx wrmmtt OR AJCr mUMAMU OAI OK BK. COOK. CQmXJTJTJLVfX wtmm. Vf .JjjfIl .- vrm, m vjpSi Jm A fli tiiii j Vfc k. "Hi K?i m 1 s 1 M U 4 rm,, . Hi ' $