DAIL1 CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORB ION THURSDAY, JUNK 27, 1007. GARFIELD GRANGE Ul IMADAI IC nUIVlUlUUJ jiesolvcs the Supreme Court Should Disagree occasionally Garfield Orange, No. 3,17, believes . -. iirT n iiiMiiu ill nuuii) ii.)Uj 10 ...... .11 -...1 In ,ntv,. nnaiui la hrter than too much harmony. At Lt mooting Its desire to have a recrju. InjtLU !" " .Wcet beUS jan-u out i tuu Luised It to whbroas and rosolut9 concerning the supremo court as fol lows; Whereas, For several years past v0 have observed no dissecting opln Ion from any mwuiuwi " " i,"--' court in tho many decisions it has made, and Whereas, It does n6t seem possi ble that wise men can always hon ay agree upon all questions of equity and law, and Whereas, Wo do not bclievo It Is a crlrao for honest mon to dlsagreo upon any question of law or foot and a vigorous dissent from tiny mem ber of our higher- court wduld ln creaso our rospect for tho Independ ence of tho members of our highest court, and Whereas, A dissenting opinion from tho decision In tho Marquam caso would mako us think a llttlo moro of at lepst ono mombor of that auguBt body, thorcforo bo It Rctxrived, By Garflold Grnngo, Ko. 317, that a good, dissenting opinion, In our Judgment, is very of ten necessary to show that honest, learned mon can honestly disagree; the public wolfaro Is being consid ered; that private interests have no special strings on our court and that the stand-in policy of "you ttcklo mo, I tlcklo you" of tho lato lament ed legislature Is not tho practice of our count of last resort. o Ho Fired tho Stick. "I havo flrod tho walking-stick I've carried over 40 years, on account of a eoro that roslstod ovory kind of treatment, until I trlod Bucklon'a Arnica Salvo; that has hoalod tho joro and made mo a happy man," writes John Oarrott, of North Mills, N. 0. Guaranteed for Piles, Burns etc, by J. C. Perry druggist. 25c. o 2000 Mild Cnsen of Measles. That tho erddomlc of measles Is now nearly over In Pondtoton le de clared by tho physicians of that placo, who for a tlmo wono kopt ox' tromoly busy attondlng thoso who woro aflllcted. Most of tho cnaca aro now recovorcd, and but few now ones aro reported. During iho pout spring almost ov ory family In tho city was affected with tho disorder, and thcro woro probably 2000 casoa alt told within tho city. Howovor, tho dlscaao was always In a mild form, and not n slnglo death occurred. In many In ! stances tho dleoaso was so mild that nationta nover broko out, though showing tho otbto symptoms. o A Fortunate Texan. Mr. E. W. Goodloo, of 107 St. Louis St., Dallas, Tex. says; "In tho past year I have become acquainted with Dr. King's Now Life Pills, and no laxatlvo I evor before tried ao effectually dlspoaaea of malaria and biliousness." Thoy don't grind nor grlpo. 25c at J. C. Perry's drug ttore. What It Looked Like. A Boston public school toachA.tr I was trying to give her pupils a defl- rnlto Idea of a volcano. With red chalk sho drew on tho blackboard flery flaraea Issuing from a mount I tain ton. Whon the drawing was dono she turned to tho cCbbs beforo ;! and said: "Can any of you toll I me what that looks like?" Ono boy i Immediately hold up his hand, and tho teacher said: "Well, Josey, you oay ten us." "It looks like he.ll ma'am," roplled Josey with startling Promptness. o Tonight. It you woud enlov tomorrow tak Chamborl&ln'a Stomach and Live Tablets tonight. Thoy produce a agreeable laxative offoct, clear the bead and cleanse the stomach Price. 25 cents. Sample free at Dr Stone's drug store. . o Couldn't Understand It. Principal to senior clerk, who nts to get married, What! Isn't one master enough for you? Meg- Sendorfer Blaetter. For ttom&ek troubles. UHetUMftM I Eld MimHii.ilsii rv f?ttintiAr1afa'a Stomach aad Liver Tablet. Maay f rm&rk&ble wrtc have MMtK ? the. PrkM JS teats. IumIm if Fer ula far Dr. IUm'i mi J Studying the Xnturo of Llgtlinlng. Remarkable studies of the nature of lightning have been made by a gifted Danish-American experlmon- Jter under the auspices of tho Smith 80n,an Institute. Not only has It been learned that lightning Hashes (aro made up of Innumerable shorter ( flashes, and that streaks of lightning are really linked, or chain lightning, but the existence of black or Invis ible lightning has been ascertained. Tho genius who hns taken lightning for his Btudy is Alexander Larson, who ennio to this country from Dn- '.., 1. .. 9 I ,"""" 4w '" . wihhu education in photography, chemistry ,nnd electricity was nicked tin nt Several years ago Larsen wroto to tho Smithsonian Institute, inclosing photographs of lightning, which ho had taken with a common hand cam era, and suggesting that If a camera wore so geared as to bo moved dur ing lightning flashes tho duration of tho flash might bo determined and Us nature mado clearer. Tho insti tution became Interested in tho In gnious Immigrant's work and grant ed him a small sum with which to pursue his studios with a better equipment. Larson rigged up a rovolvlng table, upon which ho placed cameras in such position as to catch lightn ing flashes at various phases. It was soon discovered that what is called a flash of lightning is in real ity a successlo not flashes, following one another with almost inconceiv able swiftness and deceiving tho eyo with an nppenrnnco of oneness. Mr. Lnrsen counted upon his sensitive plates as many as forty flashes In a slnglo streak of lightning, and is convinced tnat in . tno rorty woro scores of swifter flashes which elud ed tho camera. Measuromonts were tnkon of tho tlmo elapsing botweon tho flashes or rushes that could bo bcoii on tho negative. It waB found that somo of tho flashes woro .002 of a second npart. Tho measurement wns mado by calculating tho width of tho film and tho movemont of onch camorn. Many obscuro things wero noted about thoso rushes of lightning, but tho most striking fact learned was that somo of tho rushes wero not light, but dark; that Is, tho electric ImpulBO wns thoro just tho samo ns In tho flashes, but tho camera did not catch any light. a July Repeated experiments established tho fact that then) is such a thing" as "block" lightning or atmospheric electrical discharges that are not visible, and .that tiny are minded with discharges that aro visible the! old-fashioned "lightning." How Is lt accounted for? Mr. Larson's ex planation is as good as any ether: "Tho flash," ho says, speaking of tho flash that gives no light, "must havo given out light of a wavo length much shorter than the wave lengths of vlslblo light, and with a j power sumclont to rendor tho part of tho plate struck by It non-donsl-tlvo to ordinary light. Such a flah would appear black on a partially Illuminated background or bo invis ible. In other words "black Ugthnlng" In lightning of such short light waves that .tho Illumination Is not prcelvcd by the human oy or by the camera, This has suggested tho thought that thero may bo light waves of such ve locity ns to be equally beyond tho porcpptlon of tho eyo or tho camera, producing light so intense that tho human eyo is not only incnpablo of perceiving It, but is ignornnt of Its oxlstonce. Washington Post. o Mill Hns Narrow Kscnpe. Tho Jefferson Flcurlng, mills had narrow oscapo from conflagration last Monday evening. It seoms that a heavy freight train stopped on tho south bank of tho Snntlam, and In order to start lb up tho engineer found It necessary to glvo his ma chine ofjl tho forco he could mustor. Tho result was It oamo across tho bridge throwing a pilar of sparks and cinders over 50 foot high, and in a few minutes aft or It was gone isomo of tho workmen on tho river .Ilvnrn.1 h foil wml.n,,n n l.n V..kJW . . W.V .. VliWMUw vr w , aflro at tire south gablo. All hands rushed to tho rescue, and In a short tlmo by tho ueo of tho mill's flro de partment, such as hoso attachod to tho forco pump, hand extinguishers, etc., it ho fine wns put out, but not until Bovoral largo holes had boon burnt Into tho roof. Ton mlnutea' dolny or a strong south wind would havo boon fatal, but as It wno no great dam ago was sustained. This makes tho second oloso call for tho llttlo olty of Jefferson within tho past mouth, and It Is no wonder that alt aro anxious to soo tho water syB tom, which Is now under construc tion, completed as soon hb possible. SOMETHING DOING EVERY MINUTE 4th AT SALEM CELEBRATE WITH US Five Bands Will Furnish Music. Base Ball on the Water. Relay Race. Baby Show. AND OTHER SPOUTS WHICH WILL BE MENTIONED FnOM TIME TO TIME IN THE DAILY PIIESS NOTICES; SUCH AS CATCHING GREASED PIGS, AUTO RACES, BALLOON ASCEN SION, ETC. FIRE WORKS, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL EVER SEEN IN BALEM. Jumped His Bail. John Duchanan, tho youth charged with having committed a statutoiy orlmo upon Ruth Jackson, who was to have pleaded yesterday morning, failed to appear when his caso was called. A search proved that tho do fondant was not to bo found, and an hour afterward Judgo Burnett de clared tho defendant's ball In tho sum of $1000 bo forfeited, and or dered that a bonch warrant bo is sued for tho arrest of the defendant. A. S. Buchanan and J. B. Smith woro Bunotles. AT.nny Herald, o Quito Desirable. Tho Hold-Up Man .(as ho takes largo watch from vlctlm'a pocket) I suppose you'ro thlnkln I'm a real undeslrnblo citizen, oh? Tho Victim. Nothing of tho sort, old man I That watch you've JtiBt relieved mo of was In my wife's fam ily for sovonty-flvo years and sho forced mo to lug it around. Puck. B Confusion of Terms. "What aro you running so hard for, llttlo boy?" "Because mo big bruddor Is tryln tor pinch me." "Aren't you ashamed of yoursolf, you big bully, to hurt this llttlo fol low?" "Ain't hurtln' nothln'. Only play- In' porllcoman, lady." Bnltlmoro Amorlcnn. Bids Wanted. Scaled bids will bo recolved by tho Bonrd of Directors of School DIs- ltnf Mr .! fi. Mnrlnn nmintv. Orn. ' " ' . ... , . , . SOn, ttt tl0 OfUCO Of tllO district cierK, in ,tno niurpuy uiock, iur . . . M labor and matorlal In painting tho Eapt Salem school" building with two coats, Including tho roof. Blddora to specify tho brand of lend and oil to bo unod. All work to bo npprovod by tho board or somo person solcctcd by thorn for Inspection. Bids to bo closed Saturday, July C, 1907, at 4 o'clock p. m., and to bo oponcd by tho board at tho high school at 7:30 o'clock p. in. on said date. Tho bonrd rcsorvos tho right to re ject any or al bids. II. A. JOHNSON, JR., C 27 7t District Clork. i What Do Thay CnreT Tho above question Is ofton asked con corning Dr. Plerco); two loading medi cines, "Qoklen Medical Discovery" aad "Favorite Prescription." Tho answer la xhat "Golden Medical Dlscovory "lu most potent a toratlvo or blood-purlflor, and tonic or invlgoratoi and acts especially favorably In a cura tlvo way upon all tho mucous lining sur faces, as of the nasal passagoa, throat, bronchial tubes, stomach, bowols and bladdefc-curlng a large per cent, of catar rhal cafoi w-helher-thp disease affects tb nasal pfia)Hi, tho vntwat, arynx, bron chia, stomacINJCas catofrhl dyspepMa?. bowels (as mmwuayJfflKfi" bladder uterus or other pelvic org3Tr XCJL'.S thp-chronlc cr "'"- Mvp tfg,,? nJ '"" f ffiC""P ir' nfton yccqKatuT In alfectr aitfi Prp! linemen for Uijiafij3. inaalill l'A nrtfl fl(tlllEIP tnlM nA KAFVlhA TtVlP Wlllf WAtH out, ovcwokod women no matlor what has caused the break-down, Favorlt U.AdHtiilAM (ull1 a frvitrtH mnL AfTAAtlfA In building ap tho strength, rcgulatlnt the womanly functions, subduing pain and bringing about a healthy, vlgorew condition of tho wholosystom. A book of particulars wraps each bottlo giving tho formulieof both medicines and quoting what scores of eminent med; leal authors, whoso works are consulted by physlcluns of all tho schools of practlM 08 ntildos In orescrlblng, say of each In grodlont ontorlug Into these medlclnwi Tho word of pral90 bestowed .on th overal Ingrrdlonta entering Into Doctor Plorco'a medicines by such writers should havo moro vk it than any amount et non - profosBloiml testimonials, becau tuch mon uro writing for tho guidance of tholr modlca brothrun and know whereof thoy speak. , Both medicines aro non-alcoholic, non secret, and contain no harmful habit forming drups, being coranoaodof glyceric oxtracto of tliu roots of native, American medicinal forost plants. Thoy aro both sold by doalers In medlclno. You can't afford to accept as a substitute for ono ol thoso medicines of known compoiltloa, any secret nostrum. Dr. Pierce's Pollots, small, sugar-coated, easy to take as candy, rogulato and i vlgorate atomaoh, liver and bowels. Bargains In Real Estate 143 noroa, 100 In cultivation, 43 in tlmbor and pasture, 40 acroa of beaver dam land, all tiled, good house, bnrn and hop house, 12 noroa in npplos, 15 acroa hops, foncoa aro mostly wovon wlro, 7 miles from Sa lom on good public road, for $88 por aero. 50 acros, 35 In cultivation, 10 In pnsturo, C-room Iioubo, barn GOxGO, 30 good cherry trccu, 3 acres of ap ples, on good public road throo milori from Salem, for $4000. 10 acros, nil In cultivation, G-room houso, bnrn 24x30, now, 2 mlloa from Salem, for $1800. Bovoral houooa for ront. Call It you want anything In insuranco or notary work. RADCUFF CO., Reliable Agents Room 11, Mooroa block, Salem, Ore. Roforouco nny bank or buslnosa houso In tho city of Salem, " MEALS 15c AT TIIH Salem Restaurant 889 COURT BTRK29T. Call and try them. Meala 15c. Board per week $2.75, also furniihed rooms very reasonable. FOR SALE! We are now In a position to make prices on vacant lots, also house and Iota In Highland addition, along the Snlem-Portland new electric line. Thla property baa not been offers for aale before since the completion of the road, and we have some ex ceptionally good buys. Derby & Willson Cherries Wanted! Highest Market Price Paid Also Other Canning Fruit H. S. Gile & Co. Corner Trade and High Sts. Salem, Oregon CHlCBISTESTuXS- StYWtWISTSEVamMltf SALEM WATER COMPANY OWXCB OtTT XJUUU Wt water MrrUe uAtmiv s4 ftB Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll norer bother with havlsg it done at home again. Tlma w when every family could not afforl to aend the washing to a laundry but times hare changed so, to have the methods and prices. Today you can better afford to aend tk family cashing he thaa ho Ask about our prleea on family waak- Ing, rough dry, or finlahed. The Salem Steam Laundry Phoae 9W. 1M-1M S. Ubiety Bfc LITTLE BO-PKBP LOST lONl SIIKUt But no one need worry about muttoa this time of tho year, If they can get dainty and delicious Spring lamb em an appetising and nourishing Sum mer meal. We have everyehlag is choice meats, and all the delicacies of the season In both freaa and smoked moats that will please the moBt critical epicure. B. O. CROSS, State Street Market Phone Mt TheFastionStafalei Fonaerly tHuapees'a IHablw. Up-te-dat livery asd eab Ma. Funeral turaoutt a epelKy. THy lio for pleales hb exeurslvNui, PaeM 4, OHAfl. W. YAKNKB, Pref. 847 .! 84R nta 9tret. O C. T. Co. -STEAFvlCRS POMONA AND ORBGONA LKAV FOR PORTLAND DAILY, MXOMTT SUNDAY AND WMDNH6DAY, AT O A. M. FOR CORVALLIS TUHi. DAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT P.M. P.M BALDWIN, At. Putting In Modern Plumbing In new houses and buildings, as well aa refitting old houses, keeps us pretty busy In the spring, whea building ta at flood tide. Our fatui ties are always equal to the oeea slon, and we would Invite builders and contractors to get estlnatM from us on plumbing, gas attlng, steam fitting and roofing before going else where, as we do expert work at rea sonable prices. A. JL, FJEvASER OH &tm Itreet. j Phone 188. ", S nUILDINQ A ROUIH ' We eau supply you wltk the Ww ber you nmi at the prle that will materially eeoaomlxe la tka , Just tome and se us a4 loec eye our yards. r) , , , i iyT MHkHjIlgsWgeKr (. ll5fi?HsiSlKM VVSSaiTwMr tgflSBlBSBSBlMgS.BlBlBgM'n ABBBSSBBkKSBSBJk' GOODALH VCUmm OOh YaHU New p y , nt-i L.' 1 11-4 (1-TB m w !.. fjWe eUy k UraMS lwa, ummuMsxmxiMm rr-m. T