Ki DA1LI CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1007. m WW IT L. STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER Rtsli! Rtsh! Rush! But evoryono gots waited on In a courteous manner. Tho public Is certainly showing Its confldonco In our methods of doing business. Tho people of this vicinity know full well that wo can bo dopondod up on for rollablo merchandlso at all limes, no matter what othors may do, no mattor what Inducements aro being hold out to tho trading public, wo will and can moot tho prices, quality for quality. Elegant Silk Skitis n Dtummets9 Samples Twonty-Boven black tatfota silk skirts woro Bent us by ono of our trarollng friends especially for this aalo. Tho prlcoi aro less than manufacturers' cost, and you should by nil means avail yourself of this opportunity. 1 UM L M l H mm HuViyH 4aPn CARDINAL GIBBONS PLEADS FOR CHANGE IN DIVORCE LAWS Prelate Point's Out the Growing Disregard for Marriage ' Rclatton-Says Morrnonism Is Simultaneous Polygamy and Divorce Is Successive Polygamy : t $14.00 vakes fot $ 7.00 16.00 " " 8.00 23.50 " " 12.00 17.50 " " 9.00 Htmdueds of Assorted WAISTS Will Be On Sale Today 25 CEACH Whlto lawns and colored porcales. Values GOo to $2.50 each. " TiacfcWflh People Whom Yob Know Dtummets,9 Sample Sale of Waists 1G0 lawn waists, worth from $1.G0 to 2.00 each, woro loft by a travel ing man who was horaoward bound YOUlt CHOICE, 91.2S. .By James Cardinal Gibbons. ..i The reckless facility with which dlvorco Is" procured In this country Is an ovll Bcarcly lesi deplorable than Mormomlsm Indeed, it is in somo respects moro dnngorous thnn tho lnttor, for dlvorco hns tho sanction of tho civil law, which Morrnonism hns not. Is not tho law of dlvorco a virtual toleration of Morrnonism In a modified form? Morrnonism con sists in a simultaneous polygamy, whllo tho law of dlvorco practically loads to successive polygamy. Each stato has on Its Btatuto books a Hat of causo or, rnthor, pre texts which aro recognized an sulllclont ground for dlvorco. Thoro aro In all twenty-two or moro cnusos, most of .them of a trifling charnctor, and in somo stntc3, as In IllnolB and Mnlno, tho power of granting a dl vorco Is loft to tho dlncrotlon of tho Judge. It Is plainly manifest thnt tho cancor of dlvorco Is rapidly spreading over tho community and poisoning tho fountains of tho nation. Unloss tho ovll is checked by oomo speedy and horolo romedy, tho exlstonco of fnmlly lifo is imperilled. How can w)o call oursolvca a Christian peo ple if wo Vlolnto a fundnmontnl law of Christianity And if tho sanctity and Indissolubility of mnrrlngo does not constltuto a cardinal princi ple of tho Chrlstlnn rollglon, I am at a loss to know what does. Fearful Wrxiclcs Duo to Senmlnl. Plcturo to yourself tho fearful "wrecks dally caused by this rock of scnndnl, and tho number of families that aro cast adrift on tho ocenn, of lifo. Great stress is Justly laid by moralists on tho obsorvanco of tho Sun day. Hut what a mockory is tho oxtornnl roposo of tho Christian Sab bath to homos from which domestic pmco Is banished, whoro tho mothor's heart is broken and tho fathor's spirit crushed, and whoro tho children cannot cling to ono of tholr paronts without exciting .Jealousy or hatred of tho othor. And thoso melancholy scones aro followed by It does not require sale artists to hand out theso 1 Raffled VfUt H MP lifc at Half Pttce All good valuos,, fairly sparkling with truo worth. TOWELS AND TOWELING REDUCED tho family tleu aro dissolved and and union aro separated to moot j Is annulled Is most Injurious to tho and of socloty marrlngos, because persons nro less Soo our window display of Bpeclal bargains in towels and toweling, 0 to 20 We Ate Positively En thusiastic Ove Oat Values And we have Just reasons to bo so. Wo aro encouraged by the remarks of our customors, who aro unanimous in the opinion that wo try to be fair. x PAIR every day In the year. We noror shirk our roipon Ladies Suits Reduced Some Half Some One-ttind Some One-fotttih Somo 115.00 to 125.00 valuos re duced to $500 each. 11 III I f tho final act of tho drama whon tho hearts that had vowed eternal lovo no moro. Tho fnclllty with which mnrrlngo morula of Individuals, of tho fnmlly It lends to Ill-assorted and hasty circumspect In making n compact which may oftorward bb dlsaovlod nl most at will. It stimulates a dlscontontod and unprincipled hunbnnd or vlf to law lessness, quarrolB and ovon adultory, woll knownlng that tho vqry crluva will nfford a protoxt and legal grounds for sopnrntlon. Fierce F.iuulty Follows. It ongonodors botwoon huBbnnd and wlfo llorco lltlgatlonH nbout cub itody of tholr offspring. It doprlves tho children of tho protecting arm of a fathor or tho gont lo caro of a mother, and too froquontly consigns thorn to tho cold charity of tho world; for tho married couplo who aro wanting In conju gal lovo for ono another nro too ofton dostltuto also of pnrontal nffoc Hon. In a word, It brings into tho housohold a blight and desolation 'which neither wuilth nor luxury enn ropnlr. This social plauguo colls for a radical euro, nnd tho romedy can bo found only in tho abolition of our mischievous legislation rogarding dl vorco nnd In an honest application of tho teachings of tho Oonpol. If portions contomplatlng mnrrlngo woro porsuadod that onco united thoy woro legally dobnrrod from ontorlng Into socond wodlock tlifcy woum no moro circumspect nororo mnrrlngo In tho cholco of a lifo pnrtnor, nnd would bo moro pntlont nftorwnrd In boarlng tho yoke and In tolorntlng each othor's lnflrinltlon.7 From tho Dollnentor for July. IKATj A IIKGULAK DUCK. Had No Trouble In Making Trip Portage. to glnos holBt ton-ton cars of oro ono mllo at tlio rato of forty mllos an hour, or from thV) bottom to tho top of this stupendous holo in tho ground, In nlnoty socondB. This Is tho doopost mining shaft In itho world. Apart from this fact, jwr hapH tho mewt Intorostlng fonturo of spired with ono another and with their own ofllcln,l9 to rob the rate payers. Tho plan of operation, wa o'xtonslvo and Ingenious. A particu lar coal contractor was favored, if he ngrood to glvo bribes. Tho bribe woro paid out of short weight nd Inferior quality. In ordor to olude tho (local Government Board's audit, sovoral officials "of tho union were brought Into .tho conspiracy, lfpr consideration recolved from tho con tractor, they woro to pass lnforler qualities and Insert bogus entrlrf pf quantities. But how wns tho con tractor to squaro hi? accounts? If ho charged tho union for delivering moro coal than ho himself actually rooolvod, tho fraud plight ,oo discov ered. Necessity to tho inothor of in vention. In this caso oh. Imaginary firm of coal merchants' was Invent ed, who woro ontorod an supplying tho contractor with Imaginary coal which was charged to tho union Ingenious as .tho fraud was, one holo ways not stopped; and it was through this that tho (local govern ment Board's auditor, Mr. Boggla- Rolfe to whoso aoumon and per slstonco both tho Attorncy-Gonral nnd tho J ml go .paid, woll-dcaerved tributes dotcctod tho falsification, Tho auditor notlcod tho unusually largo consumption of coal and made a searching Investigation Into It. Ho called for various books, and thoy gnvo him no clow. At last he called for tho books of tho gatekeep er It was his duty to ontor a rough estimate of tho loads, and ho was not In tho conspiracy Various ex cuses for non-production woro given, but tho auditor poralatcd. Tho cul prits had forgotten this risk; and' whon ovnnlon proved (rultlosa, the gntokooper's books woro bodily al- tored. Bat tho auditor analyzed the Ink, and dotcctod tho false entries. This, wns tho beginning; 'tho end, nnd tho culprits hnvo now been brought to JiiKtlco; whllo one of tho nccunod lms, by hlj own act, tnkon his lifo. "You must conform to tho custom of tho union;" such woo tho formula of tho Guardian whom tho Judge de scribed as tho rlngfaador In the con spiracy. Thin "custom of tho union" wns roundJy described by Justice .Telf as "tho ourao of the country." If such things should be allowed to gain ground, tho pnopio of ithls country will "loso tholr hold of all tihat was boat In civic lifo." Mr. Burns dosorves tho utmost credit for tho Impartial courcjxo with which . ho Is setting himself Lo do what the Judge doftcrlhod as "oloanstng the Augean tablos nnd atnmplng out the hotbed of tho corruption," It Is "the ountom of tho union." It Is also, In ono form or nnothor, tho custom of tho Poor Law administration gener ally. London Chronlclo. A. A. Undorhlll lo in Portland on business. Tho CaptHro of Azote. The following Is an extract from J paper recently read by a member jt tho Fronch Institute bofore the J'rench National Society of Agricul ture on the production of nitrate of Rime: j The only azoted fertilizer of quick 'imllation which has been In use !"P to the present time Is nltrato of pwa imported from Chile. Tho air SOMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses Let us show you a seat, ap-to-date for Bear and far-seeiag. It li Uy as good as the expeailre kind, aalf the eoet. Jtoa't throw away yoar broke , Bring then to . We eaa PUeate amy prt, witk little esx Waet. Chas. H. Hinges contains immense quantities of nl trato, offering an Inoxhaustlblo scourso to draw upon. Tho progress of electrical scienco has afforded us a means of capturing this useful de ment. Azoto Is captured from tho air by means of an electrical furnaco heated to a very high temperature Tho azote In tho air Is oxidized and converted into azoteic or nitric add. (Various ingenious applications take placo in a number of granite chim neys .accomplishing a gradual con centration of this aoid, which is final ly received Into u wooden chimney filled with quick lime. This lime ab sorbs the nitric acid and Is convert ed Into nltrato of llm.o thus pro duced contains ccntrated in basins heated to about 145 degrees The matter in fusion is afterward poured Into cyllndors, then pulvtrlzed, when it is ready for use. The ni trate of lime thus produced con tains an average of 13 per cent of as similable azote. This powder is very hydroscopic that Is to say, it readily takes up the daiapaees la the atmoaaaer aai gradually asauaec a 4easr eoaaiateaey. The factory put the article oa the market la doeely made barrel, oataialBf 220 poundB each. Tho nltrato 1b thus de llvorod to tho consumor In good con dition and is kept cIobo in tho bar res until used. Many oxporimonts havo provod that nltrato of Hmo is as good a fer tilizer as nltrato of soda. Its action is tho same in all kinds of g-ound, ovon In calcareous Jand. In somo kinds of farming, tsspeclaly In tho cultivation of tho beet, it is superior to nltrato of soda, which is some times detrimental to a perfect de velopment of tho plant. Although tho raw raatorlal for tho manufacture of nitrate of lime Is In the air and is cheap and Inexhaust ible in quantity, Its conversion into an article for ue is costly. An ex ponBlvo element in its manufacuro is tho motor power which is neces sary to obtain tho high temperature of tho electrical furnace. Waterfalls. carefully controlled, aro indlspens- abe, and Norway la exceedingly rich in this form of power. In France the cot of production will bo much greater than la Norway, Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Buford re turned today to Safioaw, after vielt- Isf Baton relatives. , Of course tho Toal mndo tlw trip to the portago rond llko a duck last ovonlnir. Alio ramn mi from Pnrtlmid with 150 tons of freight and 20 pan- itno Ilwl Jnckot shaft Is In tho theory songors, landing hero at C:20. Un- l" u ,8 ItElbIo to dotoct tho offoct loading hor pnssongors and about 0I u, eftrt, revolution in a holo as half of hor frtjlirht. ns wall as Ink- "W)l M ,,a' No loss nn authority Ihk on some, alio started for tho Bit? thnn Prealdont McNalr of tho Mlohl- Eddy. A llttlo opprohonslon was foU Kan ao of Minos luis explained U ns sho is tho only boat that has u, ,,OUor t,,at "othlng dropped In tackled tho trip at tho presont stngo lh,a luopet of mlnlg ahnfts can oyer of the river; but sho made It by roacu boUom without colliding with 7;J5 In good shapo, remaining ovor,tho cmi 8,do of Ml ha't. at the portago until this morning. uua ,fl Ull w o motion of tho Captain Geer nays ho had no troublo will iW ho. "Tho artlclo drop whatever. V0ti no "'utter what Its ahnpo or slzo Tho Rollof Is now on tho uppor,,nay ,,0 w,n Invariably bo found river roady to recolvo tho frolght cllnf5"K w the east ldo of tho Hhaft, and transport It to points on tho up-i0no day a monkey wronch was drop iwr rlvpr. During tho next week orined y ft minor, but It failod to two tho Ilollof will ko no farther I roacu t!'a bottom arul was found than Umatilla, but soon as muttors i,oUKcd Kalnst tho cast sldo of tho can so bo arranged another craft flnaft voral huudrod feet down, will bo addod to the Hoot. Wlieu this Wo decided to mnko a proper teat hns boon done tho lino will extend to or l,, tlioory, It would bo worth LowUton. VL Is probablo thnt tho whn' to oxperlmonti with a small, stoamor Norma will bo ongagod by ,,0avy spherical body. So wo sna the company to attaint tho Bollof. nr jpoadofl a marble tied with a thread charter to tho Northorn Pacific a,,out twolvo foot below tho mouth Company will oxplro this wook. This ot 'l0 l"ft. Wo thon burned tho la tho boglnnlng of tho attompt thpo,ul w,th a HlBhted match, Nlu which tho Open Itiver TrannonUi-loruor nob to disturb tho oxnet fall of tlon Company will mako to take caro ilno marblo. About fivo hundrevl feet of freight and passenicur traffic .down, It brought up agalust tho east originating along tho Columbia and Hldo ot l0 laft. Wlien minors havo Snako from Portland to LowUton. I'oHon down tho shaft tho result has Buporlntondent Frank Smith Is at "eon B,llar. Their bodies, badly Calllo, and will remain until Thurs-torn Mavo bon found lodged against day. Upon his roturn a decision will(tno MUti sldo of tho shaft. A car bo reached as to how often tho Teal,,0ftd of rock was dumped down tho wia mako tho portaea trip. Tho dotoat mining shaft in South AfrJ. Ancient Rome Is now merely a memory of the past Ballard's iuow Liniment la the fam ily liniment ot the twentieth eeatury, A positive cure for Rheumatism, Burns, Outs, Sprains, Neuralgia, etc,, Mr. C. II. Jluayon, Staaberry, Mo., wrltes: "I have used Eaow Llnlraeat for Rheumatism and all pain, I can't say enough la Us praise," gold by D, J. Fry. m THE ELEVENTH J HOUR It Is not quite that late la the sale of the eroekery, glM ware and dishes at our store. But they will gooa be all goae, as they are betas; sold below cost, to make room for mere groceries. Dalit Chronicle. TIhj FMHums Red Jacket Klmft. If you go to tho famous Red Jacket Bhaft, for Inatanco, you Ind tho most powerful hohttlng machin ery In the world, nuge onglaes of as much a eJght thowa&d horse pow- er, whkdt reel and uatel aruma ot wli cable that wind dowa a atralgkt mi txriow tha eurfaoe. The a. ca. but not a partical of it roachod tho bottom." Ralph D. Palao, in Outing. Method of l)rllih Graftera. Every honcot citlsoa will rejoice In the Justly severo pualahmeat wiilck kaa heea mUd out to the guilty partlee la West Haw (Lo 4oa) eoaptracy The cae wa one U wUUh Poor Uw naardlsas eon- It M. BRANSON Phone 131. 432$tateSt. rmiiiMiiminn(mtl,j Gold Dust Fiotitf Maae hr TXM WYVVwr MW. m, OOltTAMT, Mteer. Omm i at4e fr family aee, Ak ye I aiway em kaad. t P. B. WaUaca AGSUT I i'9-Ufrii 1 ,t 1 f'L -ki c"i :s i VI a m. "5 8 l i a W ir-j, m