DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THUltSbAY, JUNK 27, 1007. OUR CHOICE Make a Summer OXFORDs ft HHb i i2 t i I? . 1 Resort of Your Home TIIH MAHKKT IS FULL OF SHADE GOODS, 11A1I AND 1NDIFFEHENT, RUT "VUDOB" STANDS IN A CLASS ALONE AS THE STANDARD PORCH COOLER WITH A REPUTATION UNAS SAILAI1LK. A HUNDRED THOUSAND AMERICAN HOMES, INCLUDING THE WHITE HOUSE AT WASHINGTON, ARE EQUIPPED WITH THEM, AND HERE IN SALEM THE SCORES OF VUDOR SHADES ON NEARLY EV ERY STREET, SOME UVXG FIVE YEARS AGO, ARE THE REST TESTIMONIALS WE COULD ASK. LIGHT STRIPS OF LINDEN WOOD, FAST OIL DYED; WARP OF STRONG SEIN TWINE; SMOOTH RUNNING PUL LEY AND CORD ARRANGEMENTS FOR IMMEDIATE AD JUSTMENT TO ANY HEIGHT. THESE ARE SOME OF THE POINTS THAT CHARACTERIZE THE PERFECT SHADE; A SHADE THAT HANGS STRAIGHT, DOES NOT FLOP IN THE WIND, ADMITS OF VENTILATION, LOOKS WELL AND WEARS INDEFINITELY. AVE CARRY THEM IN DIFFERENT SIZES AND COLORS. WIDTHS TO FIT SPACES UP TO TEN FEET. AN OUTLAY OF FROM $2 TO J? 10 ADDS ANOTHER ROOM TO YOUR HOUSE, THE MOST COMFORTAHLE SUMMER ROOM YOU EVER HAD. ALL SHADES HUNG FREE. Ci w xPlnVpHHH I Ail Euentlal To PORCH-COMFORT TAADc 2udoy "hnn PATCHTCO ' CHAIR HAMMOCK SUtiuftvfr-cw Du 0K$iSlt3 KB HORRIBLE CRIME OF ITALIANS Murder Nine Year-Old Doy and Dis member the Body A dispatch from Now OroliuiH nays: Tho fato of tho nlne-yonr-old lUUlnn (ill I Id, Walter Luniana, kld impcd by tho Ulack Hand, wn3 dls--cloBod tills morning, whon thu body of tlto boy was found la a swamp Ijack of St Hose, llftoon nilloa abovo Now OrkviUH. Tho boy'H bond .had lioou cut off, and tho body, ohoppod Into plocoH, wan wrnppod In a lilmriool and packed In a box, which II out t'd on a cano raft auchorud In tho ttwaiup. Tho dlHcovory was duo to a vigor ous Mwontiug of tho Himpoct, IkiuicIo Camplsolauo, In tho Jefferson pariah woods hist night by tho Shorirt'H posao and mouthers of tho Italian vlgllnmvt committee. CamplHolano fold how tho boy, bltton by momiiil too:) until hU faco was hwoIIqu Into nn unrocognUublo mam), and suffer ing privations of tho moat galling lilnd, wtut curried to tho Itnllnn's homo. lloro a dlRousHlon started among tho klduappora ns to what uhouUl bu done with the lad. During tho argument tho boy broko from tho houiio and ran screaming down tho road. Antonio lucutorrn started In pursuit, and, seising tho child by tho throat, strangled him to death. Tho prisoner weakened and prom ised to load the party to tho placo where tho body wns concealed. Hut Tor hla guldanco the body might not liaw been recovered for yours It was n tramp of nearly two mlloj through nn ulmoot Impoaotrublo swamp, Hllmy water reaching to tho waists or tho oMcorB. Tho child evidently had been strangled ton days ago, when the pursuit of tho Black Hand became so hot that It looked as though tho kidnapers would bo caught. Fearing that tho child would bo tray them, th kidnapers murdered him on Juno 13th, after they had hold him flvo dnyo. Thoy cut oft ,tho bond and chopped up tho body, In tending to send It a piece nt a tlmo to tho father to provo that tho Black Hnnd had kpt lta promlso to return tho child In pice s In enso thoy did not got tho $C,000 demanded, but tho pursuit had grown hottor and hotter and tho murdorors dared not carry out their purpose Tit' pollco continued tholr arrests today, raiding tho Montoleono Home, whoro thoy got nine moro memherH of the Black Hand. It Is thought that tho wholo gang will bo caught by tomorrow, now that tho womou have bopun to talk. There wero throats of lynching todny, and Sheriff Long swore In sovonty oxtra doputlos, armod with rlfloa, to guard tho prisoners Tho prisoners under await are: Ignnzlo Camplsolauo, hla wife, Miss Nlcollnn Gobbla, Frank GondiiBa and Leonardo Gob bin. Four othora aro bolng Bought. Miss Gobbla confossMl to tho pollco that sho had known from tho first of tho plot to kidnap tho boy and of hla murder. Tho boy'H funornl at the St. Louis cnthodral this afternoon was attond- od by 2000 poraons, mostly Italians, o CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Chocking accounts ouable folki to deposit tholr monoy and re oelvo a passbook, against theao accouuts thoy aro normlttod to draw checks. Checks may bo glvou to partlo.n tor bucu sums as desired, thus avoiding frequent trips to tho baalc. K Interested call and ee us. HHmMHMIIrHarMaMrMMMaMMM Salem State Bank L. K. PAGK, rrwUmt . W. KAXAKD, CWr. X-RAYS Yos, Salem la tho center of tho unlvorso for hops, prunes and cher ries, and tneldentally for mngnlft cent llowora nnd pretty girls. m Tom Richardson la to resign his olneo as boss taffy poddVor for Ore gon and tho public wlfll bo resigned Thomas Lawsou says Roosevolt will be nominated and oleotod Prosl dout. Thla would bo ehoortug nows for t'aoao who hollovo In a third term, wore it not for tho fact that LawBon's statements have always been mndo for tho purpo3o of decolt, 'or at least have always proved abso lutely falso. Talk about slow things. Prof. Itomtagton, of Philadelphia, who has been 'l3lttng la Satom, Is editor in chief of tho United States Dispen satory, a literary competition that ouly goes to press once In ton years. o Tho l)emwliijr Pension Roll. Whon tho sorvlco pension law was pa,od by Congress In February many pooplo thought that there would bo a notable Inorcnso In. Uio amount paid by tho government to tho votorans of its wars. Tho meas ure provided for pensions graduated according to tho ago of tho recipients for all soldiers and Bailors who served at least ninety days In tho United States army during tho Civil War aad wero honorably discharged. A veteran ago 62 waa to receive! 12 a woaUt, MM TO. JIB; one TS or or, H, It vnui thought that th oxtra amount noodod to provldo for such pondons would bo $15,000,000. About 310,000 applications havo been received under tho provisions of thb net. So mo of ithoso will bo rojectod for good and Insufllclont roasons. About 3000 names a day aro bolng nvldod to tho list from thoao now nppllcantn and tho work Is being pushed with all posslblo dis patch, a largo forco of clerks being kept busy. But of Alio applicants It Is found that 9.8 Mj por cent aro al ready on tho pension roll rccolvlng a wsinallor amount than that provldod for undor tho now plan. Son'io of t.hom nocolvo now from $8 to $10 a month, and oonio a loss amount. Tho net luonenso, thoroforo, will bo small, It is estimated to ropresont about I $3 a mouth per ponslon on tho aver- ago. Of tho romnlnlng lVi per cent of applicants come will bo rejected for I'easona which lod to provlous " ro fuaal of pension, Tho others aro men who havo novsr boforo applied for a ponslon, but tho numbor lo so 'jiniill comparatively that It Is hardly to bo consldorcd. Instead of 510,000,000 additional It Is bolloved that tho Incroaso will not reach $13,000,000 tho first year, and In addition another force Is working rapidly toward marked re duction. During tho month of April 8S2 iianiofl woro added to tho roll, but In tho samo period 3C1C old soldlors died, and thorns was n net reduction In tho numbor of ponslon ors of 2077, ovory reason bolng countod. It Is now moro than forty two years slnco Appomatox, Tho maximum of tho pension roll was reached on January 31, 1905, tho numbor then bolng 1,004,196. Slnco that tlmo tho monthly loss from doath has pasAod tho avorngo of 1000, Is closoto 2000, and, as stated before, In April It exceed 3600, Tho votorans of tho Civil War nro fast answering tho last roll call. The widows of votorans aro dying In in creasing numbors, Tho Commission er of Pensions bolloves that tho doath rate wi;i Increase by leans and bounds within a jrw from now, so that tho reduction of tho amounts needed for pensions will bo In largo figures In tho Immediate future No truo patriot has regretted tho provision which tho United Spates has mado for ithoso who fought for tho Union whon Its llfo was threat- .vned. Ono hundred and forty mil lion dollars a yopr Is a largo amount. But tho sorvlco rondorcd was great and tho obligation correspondingly moral. Thoro Is a fooling of sadness nt tho thought that a gonoratlon Is passing away and that It will not bo loug till tho last of . tho "boys In bluo" who answorod the call of "Fathor Abraham" Is goue. That thoso who yot survlvo may enjoy a peaceful end quKM llfo during tho fow years that roiualn will bo tho hopo of many thouctands during this week of national memorial. Chi cago Tribune If you ai'o not wearing a pair of our Oxfords this warm weather, yom are mlsninc ro-n uiuffl0r fortcomfort that really belongs to you. Our Oxfordo aro cool and restful. v0 show stylo of low-cut footwear In Oxfods, ribbon ties and pumps. FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Patent Kid, Colt and Gun Metal Calf aro tho favorite leathers. Many now stylish klni c KinKB-Som0 built for comfort alone others for stylo and smartness. Men's and Women's low-cut footwear n c o An ..., m rvi. iA fin Tlnv'a Aflnann'. nnil P.lillrlrnn'a atvtno Oftn 1 or . ?o.vv uii w yu.uu . v... j - ....-, , ,,,..,, uvl) fi,iUp .l.ou t0 $2.60. OtlrO aro bullUovcr special Oxford Ituits, no rubbing or clipping at tho hjool or gaping at tho n siues. They're "Just right" Oxfords. OREGON SHOE CO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES SHARK ATTACKED SAILOR Tore Off One Foot and Crushed tho fingers of One Hand Tho arrival of tho big steamer Arlzonan yesterday, says tho San Francisco Chronlclo of Thursday last, brought a harrowing talo of a battlo between Frank Fondar u momber of tho crow nnd n shark In tho wntors at Sallna Cruz, In which tho shark with Its tooth toro tho forte arm almost off the unfortunnto sail or. Throo fingers wero ground In tho masslvo jawH of tho big fish, whllo Fonda's right foot was almost 80vorod. Tho tragedy occurred on a hot day, whllo tho Arlzonan was lying at Sallna Cruz. About forty mombors of tho crow wont In bathing among tho breakers. Fonda's companions observed him waving his arms wild ly la tho air as If to beat off some thing, nnd then sink beneath tho wavos. Thoy thought, howovor, that ho was playing tho "drowning" joko and laughed. Soon tho water whoro Fonda had boon swimming becamo dyed n blood rod, and tho man's companions so uurcu u uuul ami puL oui 10 save him. As thoy approached tho spot whoro tho blood colored tho water, thoro wbb a swish, and tho Bhnrk, comn glto tho surfaco rolled ovor, displaying Its glittering belly. In tho jaws tho mn could plainly sco n piece of Fonda's foot. Two of tho mon boat itho shark off with oars, nnd then, diving brought to tho sur faco tho mutilated body of tho fire man. Ho wns taken aohoro and was found to bo still living. A litter was mado upon which Fonda was placod and taken to tho hospital. Ho la now at tho hospital, at Sallna Cruz fighting between llfo and doath. Ills hnlr had turned from n jot black to white. It Is expected that ho will loso his right foot and sovornl of his fingers. Tho Bhark measured ton feot in length. o Southern Parmer Prefers Negro Labor. Sonator Latlmor' of South Carolina isald rocontly In discussing tho ques tion of Immigration in tho Seuth: "Tho now mills and factories springing up in tho South, aro at tracting white farm hands, leaving tho negroes practically In control of tho agricultural labor market. Tho South will not permit nogroos to work bosldo whlto girls In fnctorlcs. Soparato factories would havo to bo 'built for colorod folk if thoy aro hired as mill hands. In consequence thoro is a dearth of whlto fun Ia. bor. Tho negro will not work & dnys a week. w "It may seem strange in the fite of these conditions, but Jt It MTCfb tholess a fact that tho Southern farmer is opposed to immigration ovon though It would furnish hh cotton plantations with help. He would rather havo tho negro, for he has a touch of the old sentiment In him. Tho hads of the big ltrdni trios, however, hall tho Incoming lo migrants with delight", At a meeting of the business agents, county officers, vrarvhomj. mon, etc., of tho Farmers' Nitlocsl Co-oporatlvo Union at Atlanta re cently, resolutions, opposing the In. migration movement in Georgia, woro unanimously adopted. The :a olutlon,3 were offered by W. L. Peek. of Rockdale, county, and are said to havo mot with tho hearty appror&l of tho gathering Tho resolutions memorialize tht SLnto Legislature to make no appro prlatlon to further tho ends ot Im migration to Georgia ol lorelgnen and also urge that body not to en courago tho movement. Most Irritating. "I am so vory annoyed. Mr ser vant has Just been killed on the rail' way only half of hla body has beta found, nnd with tho other hall are my keys." DonVlvant. WtM8IMMfMIHtMaHMMHMHHMimiHHIHHIIIHWIlllllllllll1 Mall Carriers Strike. Butte, Mont., Juno 37. Evory mail carrier In Butte last night vreut oa a strike. They decDare th wage fioaJ tnaulkltot. IP YOU INTEND TO BUY A ICOOL SUMMER SUIT Come Where you will find the cttlo fit anA finish Vftll Waitt. JV' " 1 " i " -I.. i A rcicnnn Kcriuv i Tailored Summer Suits cannot be beat in quality, workmanship j and finish. - Prices $8 to $25 We have a tailor to make any alterations necessary to give you a perfect tic w of charge. SUMMER UNDERWEAR Best because they are the coolest, best wearing and most comfortable. Knee length in drawers, short sleeves, wo piece or union suits. 50c to $2.50 p?r garment Salem Woolen Mill Store in iiiiiiniimii in " .