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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1907)
r 'jw -,"TirwT'';ffrrr "v Allen Tho Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. .. ....1 in lw r-nnsfilered Hint nulv n'narv and bladder troubles were to be but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood J iuui is lueir uik, ' Therefore, when your kidneys are weak t x AK. I, k ..1 M t 4 M 4 1 Aft or out or oruer, you wih uuuuauimt i.u nnickly your entire body js affected and ow every organ seems to fail to do its you are sick or feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon s your kidneys are v ell they will help til the other organs to health. A trial Kill convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures f ie most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits iy an druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co. Iling bamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Biughamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will bo received by tho Board of Trustees of tho Oregon In stitute! for tho Blind at tho office of tho Govornor, Salem, Oregon, until 10 o'clock Monday, July 1, 1907, for furnishing material and labor In con structing an Industrial building and performing other work In accordance with tho p'ans and specifications which may bo seen in tho ofOco of F. A. Logg, architect, room 6, Murphy building. A certified chock In tho sum of ten (10 per cent) por cent of bid lrawn to tho order of P. W. Benson, secretary of state, must bo enclosed with each bid; tho satno to bo for feited to tho Stato of Oregon In caso tho lowost or accepted bidder falls to qualify with nccoptablo bond In tho full sum of tho contract prico within ' ton days (10) after tho work is awarded. By order of tho Board of Trusteed, a. W. JONES, 6-24-3t Suporlntondent. Bargains In Real Estate 1 13 acres, 100 In cultivation, 43 In tlmbor and pasture, 10 acres of beaver dam land, all tiled, good liouso, barn nnd hop house, 12 acres la apples, 1G acros hops, foncos aro mostly woven wire, 7 miles from Sa lom on good public road, for $SS por acre. 50 acres, 30 In cultivation, 15 In pasturo, G-room house, barn GOxGO, 30 good chorry trees, 3 acros of ap ples, on good public road three mllod from Salem, for $4000. 10 acres, all In cultivation, G-room house, barn 24x30, now, 2 Ms ml 10b from Salem, for $1800. Sovoral houses for ront. Call If you want anything In lusuranco or notary work. RADCLIPF CO., Reliable Agents Room 11, Moores block, Salem, Ore. Reference any bank or business houso in tho city of Salem. MiaMwwiMagiiaiMat MEALS 15c AT T1TH Salem Restaurant 330 COURT STREET. Call and try them. Meal f 15c. Board per week $2.75, also furnished rooms very reasonable. M Salem Fence Wire Headquarter for Wove mire Feaclag. Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shingles, P B. Ready Rootng, Sereen Doors and Adjustible Window Screens All at lewatt prlee. Walter Morley 250 Cowt St Satem, Ore SALEM WATER COMPANY . water sen-lie aithr wws7rew CITY TROLLEYS PA?, England's Great Success With Municipal Ownership. MANY CITIES MAKE PROFITS. Publlo-Control of Street Car Lines a Growing Movement Various Other Enterprises Owned and Operated by British Municipalities. Tho people that of all tho world of men aro tho shrewdest, tho most skill fill and tho most successful In the mnn ugement of their prlvato businesses aro most careless as to ordinary business principles In tho conduct of their pub lic affairs. That means us tho Americans of North America. In our private business wo do not let other men tako our profits away from us If wo can holp It. Iu our public affairs wo aro perfectly willing that individuals should reap tho good things and tho fat profits tbat properly belong to us ns tho community, Bays tho Now York Amorlcau. Iu our pri vate business wo should think our selves crazy If wo threw away a dol lar. In our public affairs wo throw nway millions upon millions every year and seem rather glad to do It, ovbu when It means boundless discomfort ami anuoynnce and oven physical suf fering. Wo hang upon straps and suffer tho vilest crowding In frightful convey ances that wo may have tho pleasuro of contributing to tho swollen fortunes of a few Individuals when wo might ns well bo comfortable nnd at tho samo tlmo put tho profits Into tho public treasury. In this singular preferonco wo aro alono in tho world. All other pcoplo prefer comfort and tho prosperity of tho public money chest tho British, for instance. In Great Britain tho prlnclplo of public ownership as opposed to prlvato profits continues to spread year after year with very rcmarkablo results. Every year moro British communi ties tako over tholr public utilities and operato them for the public benefit. Gas, water and electric lighting plants aro now publicly owned almost everywhere. Tho last two years havo seen notable additions to tho towns that own their streot railroad sys tems. Many places havo gono into other trading ventures. Eastbourno has established a system of municipal motor omnibuses, fur nishing a Hcrvlco thnt has been ex tromoly satisfactory to tho peoplo and has at tho samo tlmo ro turned au an nual profit to tho town funds, although tho Investment required was largo for so Binall a town. Gloucester owns cat tlo and poultry markets and public baths as well as Btccl railroads, elec tric light and water supply. Great Yar mouth operates a fish wharf nnd many public amusomeuts. Coventry has a sowago farm, public baths and a mar ket hall. Burnley owns Its gns works, waterworks, electric works, has lately takon over Us street railroad system and now has gono Into cold Btorago warehousing and selling storlllzed milk. From nil Us enterprises oxcept milk It makes money, so that from theso sources It has reduced taxation a shilling In tho pound. Brighton has taken over an aquarium us a business outorprlso and Iiqh gono heavily luto houso building. It owns ltd steel rail roads, waterworks, electricity supply and many othor things. Birkenhead owns its gas, water and electricity sup plies, street railroads and ferries. Blackburn reduces its taxation a shil ling in tho pound every year by mu nicipal enterprises that wcro formerly In private hands. It has a municipal plant for furnishing sea water for baths In hotels and private bouses. It mado last year doso upon $1!S0,000 of net profits on all Us undertakings. Bournemouth has municipal golf links, municipal winter gardens, municipal pleasuro piers and a municipal motor and bus line. The golf links mado last year a profit of moro than $4,G00. Liverpool conducts a municipal hu manized sterilized milk enterprise, null Installed a municipal telephone oxchango aud reduced tho rates for an unlimited servlco from $50 a year, tho prico charged by tho trust, to $37.60 a year. Ramsgate has built a municipal amusement pavilion and theater. Reading has bought Ita cattle market and its street car uystom. Portsmouth has municipalized IU street railroads, electric light, telephones and docks. Its street car system turned over $17,500 to tho relief of taxation in 1000. Leicester owns Its gas, water, electric light, street railroads and wholesalo and retail markets. Shef field, besides enormous and profitable Investments In all the usual lines of municipal trading, has gone heavily into houso building. Matlock Bath op erates municipal pleasuro boats, amuse cents, amusement programmes, as well as gas works. Norwich has a munici pal dairy farm, sells milk and poultry and makes money therefrom. Notting ham makes $340,000 a year from vari ous municipal enterprises, Including gas, electric and steam railroads. Tho town of Bangor operate a hotel as well as many other tklngs. Derby baa made a great success of Ita street car system, formerly operated by a private ceasyaay. Tfee eerrtce U vastly Improved a4 sake mooey ferJL.Uxwzi. 1K Js sJJ..te. be DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORB ION - ono "of the' most popular' systems In i Rncrtnml. riopliv nlort hmnhfr tin Its ' electric light works nnd at first lost on tho vcnttire. When tho system had been largely remade, a profit resulted and has regularly continued. When Aldcrshot took over Us electricity sup ply, the first two yenrs showed losses, nnd tho venture was looked upon as a , whereas, Our dearly bolovod sls falluro, but the next year showed a t , eU t of tho oartn, profit, which has boon increased every ,..., , year since tenement, nnd Most of theso towns make electricity! Whorons, Tho great law is no ro for manufacturing nnd motor purposes spector of persons nnd nlmed at a as well ns for lighting. 'shining mnrk in removing from Bournemouth has from tho beginning among us a 'bright and promising mado money from Us steel rollrwds. young sister, theroforo bo it rewo Is tho slto of tho great shops of Resoivctl, That wo humbly bow tho London nnd Northwestern railroad. ' . ... . ,. ,,,,-, T. ,,.. ,., n ii.i .i i ...i .. to tho will of tho Dlvino Law ithnt I'm ji'iira iiiu luiiiuuu uuuiiuiui-u uiv place, (supplying nil the water and gas. I.ntcly the town broko away sufficient ly to Install municipal electric works nnd discarded tho gas lamps In the public streets. It now saves money on lighting and mnkes $4,000 n year on tho electricity It sells to prlvato con sumers. Southport lost money for sev eral years on Its municipal street rail roads. In 1000 tho account was oven, nnd this year tho system will begin to pay. Dover greatly extended tho streot railroad system after acquiring It nnd for that reason lost money for sovcral years, though not much, tho totnl on Uio wrong sldo amounting to $4,000. But It Is now beginning to reap the benefits of tho broadened policy thnt prlvato companies will not adopt. Tho lines aro now making money nnd will probably continue to mnko moro mon ey hereafter. Southcnd-on-Scn built Us own streot car system flvo years ago, aud at tho end of 1005 tho ontorprlao .., ,, a,n nrnrL ,, ,, i,n seemed to bo such a uopelct loser Mon?tnr, anB"ml a ,CP ftb. that a resolution was offered that tho,80"1 to tho fnm,,y of th deceased, Bystcm bo leased to n prlvato com-1 to tho Albany pnpors, Tho Capital pany. It enmo very near carrying, All Journal ami tho Stato Grnngo Bullo- tho tlmo tho business was Increasing, and for tho ycur 1000 n small net prof It wns shown. Now tho thing Is well on Its foot nnd prospering, nnd prob ably nobody In Southend would caro to surrender It to prlvato control. As a rule, then, tho now Idcn has paid well In money returns, nnd In overy enso bo far reported it has been ( profltnblo also In nnothor way, for' therohas been substituted for grab nud'wuj deeply rcgrot hor death. grceu nun gam n accent consideration of tho wclfaro of tho community. In stead of tho niggardly nnd paring pol icy of the prlvato company thcro hnvo been introduced better services, bettor precautious for safety, bettor equip ment, now devices and Inventions nnd better paid employees. Thcro has been far less friction, far less annoyance. Strap hanging, crowding, crushing, poor aud filthy cars, rough tracks, flat wheels, aro unknown In theso places. No dweller In an American city needs to boold how different nro Uio condi tions thnt with astounding patlcnco wo tolerato Iu our country. LESSON OF SAN FRANCISCO. Franchise Grafting Due to Private ComDotlilon Par Publlo Utilities. Opponents of municipal ownership of ,from W kidneys. Change of weathor public utilities should tako a sldo caused my linok to ncho nnd when I glanco at tho city of San Francisco worked hard It becomo so lamo that just now. , Half a dozen times In tho I could hardly Btralghton up nftor past few weeks tho press of tho Unlt-Bt00nIng. I procured Donn's Kill ed States has published dispatches noy ptt nt S(ono.B drlR flloro nna from that city giving long lists of In dlctmcuts found by tho grand Jury against men nt tho head of street rail ways nnd tolephouo companies, who nro charged with having paid bribes to members of tho city bourd of Buporvls-itroublo ors In order to obtain franchises for which other companies wcro compel lug. Wlutii onHliiiiinlrn nml Urn n IIHIn' moro thnu u year ugo reduced Sun'tlor,ve'1 Bront bonoflt from tholr uso. Francisco almost to prlmltlvo coudl-l1 n,n K,,,(1 to lot othorn know tho tlons bo far ns streot car scrylco and merits of Doan's Kldnoy Pills for certain other public conveniences wero ! bnckncho nnd kldnoy troublos." coucerned, Graft, with n big G, then found Us golden opportunity nnd did not hesltnto to Improvo the chanco. Ban Francisco had been n cnblu car town. It was thcro that tho cablo street railroad originated, and because of tho city's extraordinary hllllncss many of tho car lines wero still op crated by tho cablo system, which ev erywhere elso had gono out of uso. Tho Incessant clang and clatter of ca blo cars mudo Sun Francisco Uio noisi est city In the United States. After Uio great flro everybody hoped for trolloy lines operated by the under ground conduit system, but tho greedy operators bribed tho city legislature to glvo them franchises at a nominal fig ure for overhead trolloys, thus saddling upon tho city a disfiguring and dan gerous system of poles nnd wires. If Uio city had determined to build Its own street enr lines instead of farming out Us franchises to prlvato cupltul, tho peoplo would havo had the kind of street car system they demand ed uud tho grafters would not have preyed upon tho community. So long as cities uro willing to hand out valuablo franchises nt pitifully small sums to prlvato capital, Just so loug will greed consort with graft aud keep tho courts busy In prosecuting criminals, whllo tho pooplo at largo will bo the sufferers. Clear the Skin of pimples, blotches, blackheads and liver spots. This is readily accom plished by regulating the bowels, toning the stomach, stimulating the liver, freeing the blood of impurities with a course of &m MeecAamU SeUe-mywfcwt. IsWseeWcMMlHe. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1007. -i'ii' " Iu Memory of Miss Trim.. To Officers nnd Members of Morning Star Grange, No. 311, P. of H.: Wo your committee appointed to draft resolutions of respect t6 our late beloved sister, Ethol Trunx, ro- spectfully submit tho follewing: .works for good. Although our hearts nre crushed nnd bleeding at i., , ...., . mo loss wo so mucu ieoi oy nur uu senco from us, nnd Whereas, By her death tho pall of gloom nnd despair hangs over tho home of tho departed, thereforo bo it Resolved, That wo commend to tho boronved nnd sorrowing mothor and family tho consolation that thcro Is no separation only ns exists with tho body tho perishable. That which wo lovo so much.tho bouI tho Immortal yot lives, nnd will forov or live. Resolved, Thnt n draping of whlto bo hung In our hall ns n trlbuto of lovo and a symbol of her puro young girlhood. That n copy of this mo morlnm bo placed on tho mlnutos of tin for publication. MRS. L. C. STRATTON, MRS. K. MEEKER, MRS. J. A. AUPPERLE, Commlttoo. Miss Ethol Truax spent tho two pnst winters in Salem with hor mint, Mrs. Phillips, whoro Bho formed ninny plonsant ncqunlntnncos, who --o IT IT SERIOUS. Somo Salem Teopla Fall to Reallzo tliu Seriousness. Tho constant aching of a bnd back, Tho weariness, tho tired fooling, Tho pnlns nnd actios of kldnoy Ills Aro Borlous If neglected. A Snlom cltlzon shows you how to avoid thorn. W. II. Wood, enrpontor, of 2150 Cottngo strot, Salem, Ore, Bays: "A good many years ngo, I got badly kicked by a nuilo right over tho klduoys and nt nnothor tlmo whllo digging n wol! It caved In on mo, also Injuring my back. Sluco then I hnvo had moro or loss nnnoynnco Binco taking thorn, although I hnvo continued to work hard nnd boon oxposod to sovoro woathor, not an ncho or othor symptom of my formor romnliiB. Thla clonrly provos thnt nnnn'n tciiinnv ruin net. mi to tho rapreBontatlonfl mndo for thorn. I also know of other pooplo who hnvo For snlo by nil dcalors. Prico CO cents. Fostor-Mllburn Co,, Buffalo, Now York so'.vs ngontd for tho United States. Romombor tho nnme Doan'B nnd tako no othor. o Blest bo tho maid A queen, any I Who cannot cook AND DOES NOT TRY. Buffalo News. o Every Mar His Own Doctor. Tho averago man cannot afford to emplov a physician for overy alight ailment or Injury that may occur In his family, nor can ho afford to neg lect them, as so slight an Injury as tho scratch of a pin has boon kuown to causo tho loss of a limb, Honco ovory man must from uccosslty ho his own doctor for this class of allmonts Buccoea often dopenda upon prompt trontmont, which can only bo had whon sultablo medicines aro kopt at hand. Chamborlaln's Roraodloa havo been In tho market for many years and enjoys a good reputation. Chamborlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel com plaints. Chamborlaln's Cough Remedy for coughs, colds ( croup and whooping cough. Chamborlaln's Pain Balm (an anti septic liniment) for cuts, bruise, burns, sprains, swellings, lame back and rheumatism pains. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tableta for constipation, blllouiaeee and atomaca trouble. Chamberlain's Salve for dlwas of th skla. Oae bettU of laafc of the Ive preparatlMu eoU bat lit. For ale by Dr. Ksu'i true atre. Cures Woman's Woaknossoi. We refer to that boon to weak, norvona, suffering women known as Dr. Plorce's Favorlto Prescription. Dr. John Fyfo ouoof tho Editorial Staff of Tub Ecxkctio Mkdical Rkvikw says of Unlcbrn root (Iclonlit DMai) which Is ono of tho chlof Ingredients of the "Fa vorite Proscription M : "A remedy which Invariably acts as a uter ine luvlirorator makes for normal ac tivity of the entire rcprwluctlre system." Uo contlnUM "In Holonlas vc have amotllca tnont which more fully ""wo." Uio above purposes than any other dima urttft tchicJi am OMwi(rifi. In the treatment of diseases pe culiar to women It l seldom that a case Is seon which dops not present some Indication for this remrdlal aeonU" Dr. Fyfo further sayss "Tho following aro amontr tho leadlne Indications forUolonlas (Unicorn root). . Pain or selling- la tho bark, wlttuleucorrhocaj atonic (wcakleondltlwlTi. of tho reproductive organs of iomen. montnH depression and Ir ritability, aksoclatrrt wltl)chronlc diseases of the reproductive cyrfnns of womenjcpnstsnt sensation heat In the resign of the kid: noysi menfirrbMlf (flooding), due i to a weak ened conjlTtloi ofthe reproductive system! amenorTicryVJttprcised or absent monthly pcrlodjkaw5lf,ir'irom or accompanying an abnowwl condition of the digestive- organs and jhYiKmla ' thin blood ) habits dragging MnsHons la the extreme lower part of the aDdoiaen." rf&ynmv r i g-f-l J limn i sjiiv as a anw iwuunip B " ehtsol vinicli is unicorn root, or uoiomas, and tho medical properties or wnlcn II moat faithfully ropresonts. nil. lii n lirmiirtnnt remndr in (llsonluni of tho womb. Iu t-II catarrhal conditions and Ktmoral onfeoblemont. It It useful," Prof. Jolin M. Scuddor, M. U., lato of Cincinnati, sys of Goklon Seal root : "In relation to Its trcnurat effects on tho system, there is no mttlMm tn ute about uhtth therein tuch ixnml unantmttu of optnton. It Is unlvtrtallv -vaarded cu the tonic usoful In all doullltated Htates." TA Prof. It. Uartholow, M. D.. of JofTerflon Modlcnl Colh'go, says of Golden Sonl : "Valuable In utorfno hemorrhage, inenor rhagla ((loodlo;) aud congnstlvo dysmenor rhiva (ualnful nianstruatlnn).'' Dr. Plerco'a Favorlto Proscription faith fully roprenonts all tho abovo named Jn- SredlonLM and cures tho diseases for whloh joy aro recommonded. "5hecaalookeut,butyeucaa'ileektyj f rATCKVKB POR'CHOStfKDES Buren v & Hamilton SOLE AGENTS Salem, - Oregon BUILDING! A HOUSE Wo can supply you with the lura bor you nood at the price that will materially economire In th cost Just come aud soe us and look ovor our yards. GOODALK LTJMHKR CO., Vanbi Near Depot. POR SALE! Wo aro now In a position to make prices on vacant lots, also houses and lots In Highland addition, along tho Salem-Portland now electric line. This property has not been offered for snlo boforo bIsco tho completion of tho road, and wo have some ex ceptionally good buys. Derby & Willson Cherries Wanted! Highest Market Price Paid Also Other Canning fruit H. S. Gilc & Co. Corner Trade and High Sts. Salem, Oregon 'tiBprnms? Ml rfr WntsaUt Iu i a) JlftasTa vtiAJL I7mM rt4Uti.itmt.AlmMMi sMwmmnzmmm ui uoiaon ooai root, hiiuhuh iiruuunuuk lnnrcuiuuv oi "iuunio iimniiiwuiii Pror. Flnloy Elllngwood, M. D., of Ben- m. lAllnnl ffll.if?n PlllftlfrfV iinvi! guiljfffdsjBjBM-sa-rMHHn IP ZZ II Ia A IflGJssBssKJ-SiVPW' I & i i-snc fitT Ty" Send the family Washing To Us and you'll never bother with havl ii doutj at home again. Time wa when eTery family could not aftortl to eond the washing to a laundry but tlmea have changed bo, too, have the methods and prices. Todai' you can better afford to Rend the family washing here than not to. Ask about our prices on family walk ing, rough dry, or finished. , The Salem Steam Laundry Phone 90. S Ml 180.1M 8. Liberty B. lilTTLB BO-PEEP LOST HER SHEEP Dut no one need worry about mutton this time of the year, it they can get dainty and delicious, Spring lamb on an appotlzlng and nourishing Sum mer nioal. We have everyehlug la choice meata, and all the delioaclw of the season In both fresh and Btnokod moats that will please the most critical epicure. E. O. OIIOSS, States Street Market Phone 901 The Fashion Stables Fermerly Waseon's cHaUea. Urvto-date livery and eb liae. Fuaeral tursouta a speelalty. Tally ko for pienltia aad ezeursioBS, Paeae 44. OHAS. W. TJLNNKB, Prey. 247 aad 40 IHga Street. O C T. Co. -STEAMERS POMONA AND OIIHGONA LHATO VOll PORTLAND DAILY, BXOBFT SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY, AT O A M. FOR CORVALUS TUH. DAY AND SATURDAY ADOUT 9 P.M. P. M. BALDWIN, Af. Putting In Modern Plumbing V El tvj vafr i & I In new houses and buildings, M woll as refitting old houses, keeps us pretty busy In the spring, when building is at flood tide. Our facili ties are always equal to the occa sion, and we would Invite builders and contractors to get estimates from us on plumbing, gas fitting, steam fitting and roofing before going else where, as we do expert work at rea sonable prices. A. LFRASER MM SUfe Street. PkOH 180. HARPER WHISKY. The Aristocrat 'among the Whiskies of the Old Sehoel Without k rer For sale by AUQ. SCHKHOIEfl, iU, A fa ? M l , n ,: i' . Krfc J