.-if, . wwr i."r'!!ip',,'fr '."",' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2(1, 1007. HOP CROP WILL BE LIGHT Conditions Bad In New -York and Not Promising In England Tho Cooporstown Farmer, Juno lith,' says: Tho yards In Otsego county aro very Irregular. In Bome tho vines alroady have a fair start, nnd In others they nro very hack ward. That tho crop will bo much short of laBt year Is believed by thoso familiar with tho situation Tho wcathor of tho past few days' line boon very favoruble, nnd If It contlnuos tho prospects for tho crop will Improve. Tho Oneonta Herald, Juno 13th, nays: Owing, probably to a back ward season, hop yards aro looking badly. Tho vines havo mado but Jlttlo progress; thoy aro unoven nnd thoro nro many tnlss-hllls, nnd hills which apparently haven't enough vi tality to produco hops this year. Even with tho best of wcathor from now on, thoro cannot possibly bo ov en nn avorngo crop. Tho Schoharlo Republican, Juno 13th, snyB. Tho weather tho past fow days lias boon marked by lilghur temporaturcs, ami tho hop vines aro whowlng somo progress. Growers aro hoping for Its continuance for with out It tho lightest yield In ycarB will bo tho result. Tho Mlddleborough News, Juno 13th, says:' In mnny of tho yardB throughout .this section, hops havo boon at a stand still. Tho unseason able wcathor hns retarded tho growth, and owing to frequent rnlns, many of tho yards could not bo cul tivated. Tho wonthor Just now Is n Jlttlo warmor, and It Is to bo ox poctod that tho vino will tako on moro rapid growth. Tho general bc llof Is that tho crop cannot recover fully from tho Injury recolvcd, and tho yield must bo light. Hop Conditions In England. Messrs. W. H. & II. Lo May, Lon don, repert: All tho hop markotB of tho world nro very firm nt current ratoB. StockH aro in a narrow com pass. Messrs. Mnngor & Henley, London, 8. 13., repert: Tho market Ib qulot. Tho hops romnlning on unlo nro so fow thnt buyers nro indlfferont to tho prospect of a posHlblo short crop. Wcathor Influences aro docldodly ngalnst tho plant. Thoro Is an In crcaBo of Ily, and somo nro propnr iug to wnBh. Our tlrBt bntch of hop roports of tho Benson show that tho plant hns mntlo n very good start, but thnt tho offocts of tho continued cold w oth er nro beginning to rovoal them selves, Fly havo npponrod in most places, but tho quantity nt prosont I not suulolont to causo nlnrm. ABhford and District Tho blno hns grown woll of Into In woll jnanuro.1 grounds, but thoro Is boiuo losH of color, owing to tho. unfavor nblo wonthor. Thoro Is also n con siderable uprlnkllng of Ily. Cnntorbury nnd District Tho blno haa mado good progress in this district during the pnst wook, but wnrmor wonthor, oBpuoInlly at nights, Is wanted. AphlB is roportod na hav ing mado its nppoarnnco, but some gardens nro quito froo from tho pent nt prosont. Maidstone nnd District Tho hops havo mudo n ggotl stni't, but nro uood Ing warmor wonthor, ns may bo Judged from tho gonornl look of tho plant. Somo Ily aro to bo soon In most gardens. Hereford Thoro Is prnotlcnlly no business doing on tho Hereford hop inurkt t. Inquiries bolug fow ami far between. Tho blno Ib very bnok ward, and promisee to romaln so, tinloBS warmer weather Is soon expe rienced. "' o The "come nnd go" feelings thnt you oxpotienuo nfter taking HoIIIb ter's Hooky Mountain Ten is simply wonderful. Drugs increase woak ua. Tills remedy doe tho business, 85 cents, Ten or Tablets. Dr. Stone's Drug Store Too Muuli For Him, "This straw," stUd tho hattor, "is really beUer than a Panama nnd It's paitltMihuly suited to a blunt man." What's tlu prioo of it-" nskod Sawdoff. "Twolve dollara." "Not much. Thnt hat won't do, my friend for a man ns short ns I am." Philadelphia Press. o Cosmetics will ruin tho complet ion. There's no beauty practico equal to tho effects of HollUtor's Rocky Mountain Ton. It Vdops tho entire body in perfect health. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents, Dr. Stone's Drug Store, COTTON DISLIKES AUTOS And Incidentally Remarks He Is Down on Yellow Journalism "There nro two things in our mod ern civilization that I regard as baneful to society, nnd which I would bo glnd to have suppressed, or, nt least Bhorn of their most ob jectionable foatures," remarked W. W. Cotton, one of .the most success ful attorneys of Portland, Oregon, at tho Now Wtllard. "One of tho favorlto aversions of mlno Is tho automobile, and tho oth er is tho sonsntlonnl 'yellow' press. Tho machino gets on your nervos physically, tho flashy newspaper dis turbs your mental serenity. Both nro nuisances of tho 18-karat variety Tho automobile Ib tho outward man ifestation of tho spirit of up-to-date oxtravnganco. Its owners go chnrg lng through quiet country roads at a furious Bpccd, oblivious of tho rights of horsemen or footmen, car ing, not in their dovlloh desiro to nn nihllnto distanco whether thoy mnlm or kill tho luckless Inhabitants of tho countryside "Tho sort of nowspnper I had In mind is just ns bad, In a different wny. It gives no hoed to accuracy of slntomont; It ruins reputations ruthlessly; It gives to tho public dis torted plcturos of pretty nearly ev ery prominent mnn in tho land. Tho world would havo boon bettor' off If tho automobllo had never boon In vented, and society will bo tho gnln cr whon vicious nowspnpors nro no longor circulated." Washington, D. C. Ex. o Tho Protlilnt't Latest Mix Up. President Roobovclt has suddenly becomo ongnged In a controversy which Is oxtrnordlnnry. For onco It hns no political bcnrlng. It is not a question of whether ho wns cor rectly quoted or whether somo ono lld or whether tho colored troops fought nobly or whothor nn official has been guilty of too much politics. No, tho Issuo Joined is much deeper than that and strikes at tho Presi dent in a plnco whoro ho Is most sensitive. Long boforo President Roosevelt wns known ns n politician, a soldier or a Ktntosmnu, ho was a mighty huntor. Ho hns written many nrtl- clos concerning animals ho has kill ed In vnrlous parts of tho country, and on thoso who havo objected to hlti political policies havo admit ted that ho was an export with tho gun, His greatost efforts were in tho dnys boforo animals wore wrlttim about ns men, nnd his works woro considered nuthorltntlvo. Now ho Is arguing with wrltors of sontlmentnl nnlmnl stories ovor questions of fact nnd of fancy and tho oml Is n long way off. Wo mny say thnt Joel Chandler Harris bognn It mnny yours ago. Whon ho, began writing nbout Br'or Ilnhblt and Sism Gooao nnd Mr. Fox he simply rotallod with his Inimit able literary stylo the folk-lore of tho nogroos, which oms to havo boon largely fetohod ovor from Africa, but also to have boon affected by Indian traditions. Tho Uncle Romus stories woro so popular that tho Held was out mod by- othore. First camo Mr. Seton-Thompiion-Thompson-Srf-ton, who wroto ohnrmlngly. but with tho point of view of tho naturalist nlwnys to tho fore. Ho achieved snob fa mo thnt he hod imitators. Jack Iomon, "William J. Ixmg, C. G. D. Rohorts nnd others havo tilled tho magazines with tnlos more or loss ronlistic, but overwholmlngly sentimental, in which wo nro sup posed to got Into the Innor mind and heart and soul of animals. It they nre (as la assumed) provided with such conveniences. Tho result 1ms boen to innko animals ns human ns the moat ardent triinsmlgrntlonlst could desiro. We Bupposo thoso oinlnent writers can light it out nmong thenuolvcw. Tho dog and oat seem to have ac quired a good deal of human Infor mation nnd aet accordingly, but we havo nowr felt that thoso stories from the bush wero quite gonulno no mntor how much thoy mny havo boon bonetlclal In training us to treat anlmala dooently. That tho wolf and the catamount aro of llko passions nnd sontlmonta as human appears unlikely. Probably most per sons will agroo with tho Provident, who thluks that tho beast is a boast. Philadelphia Enquirer. Success In life Is accompanied by Inoreaso ot enemies. That's why Hoi llater'o Rocky Mountain Tea has so many Imitations; Jt'a a success. 35 ceats, Tea or Tablet. Dr. Stone's Dru Store, ASKS THAT SENTENCE BE COMMUTED Citizens of Nvassa and Vicinity Ask Governor to Commute Mcg)r- den's Sentence A petition has been received by Governor Chamberlain asking that tho sentence of Megorden ,tho man who was sentenced from Malheur county for killing his wife be com muted from hanging to life Impris onment. Tho petition Is signed by Mogorden's children nnd by twenty threo citizens of Nyssa including tho mayor, nnd Bets forth thnt tho condemned man was a hard worker a good provider for his family and was of good standing In tho com munity. Megorden Is condemned to be hanged on tho 28th of this month and his crime which was committed on March 28, 1905, and was ono of tho most atrocious murders In tho records of tho state In criminology, Megorden lived on a farm nenr Nys sa with his wlfo and three children, tho oldest being n son 14 years of ago and coming homo from town on thnt dato ho was angered by having his wifo set boforo him n cold meal. IIo flnnlly struck Mrs. Megorden and his oldest son who was near in terfered in tho trouble nnd struck tho enraged father with tho butt of a rifle. Megorden thoro upon rush ed in to his bod room nnd secured his revolver, shot sovernl tlnnjs nt tho fleeing son who foil under a bunch of Bngo brush to concenl hlm-solf. Tho crnzod mnn probably think ing thnt ho had killed the boy turned his attention to hlo wife. With tho two littlo children clinging to hor skirts Mrs. Megorden plendcd for her llfo but tho husband caught her by tho Bhouldor and placing tho re volver to hor loft breast fired nnd tho helpless wlfo, tho mother of his children fell dead at his feet. Stnmgo Disappearance of Uo Horne. From Harper's Weekly. Alrshlpa and motor cars mny lead In tlmo to tho second disappearance of tho horse, which onco boforo be enmo extinct In North and South America. Ovor threo centurlos ago, nt tho Spalnish conquest, thoro wns not to bo found In tho now world, so it hns boon practically proved a slnglo nnlmnl thnt ansvorod to tho horse. Horses, Indeed, which tho Spaniards brought with them to mount their cavalry wero objects at IlrBt of groat terror to tho natives, who took thorn to bo four-logged su pernatural beings como purposely to nid tho conquorors. Yot recent re search by tho Whltnoy mission has oatnbllshod beyond doubt thnt long boforo Columbus tho Amorlcna woro overrun by horses from tho moun tains of Alaska to tho plains of Pat agonia. In 1S2G tho chanco discovery in Now Joraoy of an oqulno fossil of nn unknown kind lod to moro methodi cal luvoells&tlon ot Amoricn, with tho result thnt prehistoric horso bones lmvo beou found in California nnd Orogon; botweon tho Gulf of Moxlco nml the Cnrollnas; in TexnJ, Florida, nnd tho vnlloya of Moxlco; in tho basin of the Mississippi, and on tho westorn slopes of the Rocky Mountains. Horsoe, too, must have boon numorous In this country pre vious to tho nppoarnnco of mnn; re searches having brought to light their fossilised remains mixed up with pottery nnd the stone arms of cavo dwollers. How Is It, thon that tho equlno race, represented In America by kinds of fossil considerably more numerous than In Europe, came for n tlmo to vanish from this couutry to rotipponr thousands of centurloe f Istar with the Spanish conquest? For but n century after Cortex there wero already in existence herds ot wild horses in tho regions of the Plata snd the urairies ot the Fur West. By some this temporary extinction of the American horse has been at tributed to the Increasing cold nnd the encroachment of tho glacial hemisphere. It la oertnln thnt tho olophant and oamol disappeared at tho sanio tlmo Another explanation is that tho horsos succumbed to a malady such as the "rlnderpost" In South Aiuorloa Again, what brought nbout this oxodus may possibly havo boon a species of the present day Co lombian vampire- bat, which sucka tho life-blood of Us victims, nnd la the districts It Infests prevents, the harso being used as a beast of burden. WILLING TO RUN AGAIN Atlanta, Ga., June 2G. "If I could possltively be nssured of the olectorlal vote of a single southern state I would gladly bo a candidate for tho presidency next year." Tho foregoing statement was made by President Roosevelt on Georgia day nt the Jamestown expos ition, according to the leading Gcor gle Democrats who were present. Tho president made this declaration, according to John Temple Graves, following n wave of good feeling nt tendnnt upon tho dedication of Geor gia building, a replica of the homo of tho president's mother nt Ros well. President Roosevelt was carried nwny with enthusiasm upon tho oc casion and the Georgians present, nmong whom were mnny well-known persons, shared the enthusiasm. It was a lovo feast, and political Is sues and party lines wero for a tlmo forgotten. Each man toasting tho president. Soon nfter this outbreak of enthuslnsm John Templb Graves went to President Roosevelt nnd urged him to run for a third term. RooBovelt, It Is snld, wns moved by tho plen, but recalled his promlso mado to tho public following his election in 1304. Tho president is reported to havo said that but ono thing would causo him to change his determination In this respect. Ho thon said that If ho could bo positively assured of tho olectorlal voto of a slnglo southern state if ho could brenk tho solid south ho would bo a cnndldnto for a third term. President Roosevelt spoko at length on tho solid south; declared It should bo broken, nnd said ho would run ngaln If ho could bo ns sured thnt his candidacy would split tho south from Its ono wny of vot ing. According to tho report, Graves Is said to have nssured Roosevelt that ho could carry Georgia and probnbly two or threo other southern states, nnd It is said that n promise was given tho President to stnmpedo Georgia for him nt tho propor tlmo. Graves has boon urging Brynn to nominate Roosevelt nt tho Domocrnt- lo nntlonal convention next yenr. o Newberg Honors Veterans. Ncwborg, Or., Juno 2C. No Fourth of July colebrntlon has ovor succeeded In giving Newberg hnjf tho holiday appoaranco which it now hns In honor of tho stnto onenmp ment of tho G. A. R.. Monday night First street was a blaze of glory for 10 blocks, rosmobllng the Trail nt thd Lewis nnd Clnrk fnlr. Tho busi ness men nlong tho street had Inter ested themselves In Illuminating tho town, nnd Uio wldo street was arched over repentodly with fes toons of electric lights nnd wns llnod on each sldo with the same. Residoncos, ns well as places of buslnoss, nro bonutlfully decornted with tho national colors. On ono. of the principal business stroets mini Wo havo a largo Bupply. You will plnntod temporarily, making an nv onuo of nttrnotlvo vordure. Tho whole, town Is In holiday attlro and tho glad hand is oxtonded by New berg to Its honorod guost3. o , Bombs by Wholesale. Tl'flla, Trnns-Cnucnsla, Juno 26. Ton bombs were hurled in Ervln square this morning, oxploding with torrlflo fordo. Many woro killed or Injured, and mnny houses wero de molished. o- - Hut, Thoy Had Not. At a political meeting the chair man nskod at tho ond of tho candi date's speech whether "nnuy glntle mnn has nnny quostlou to nsk." Some ono rose nnd propounded an Inquiry mildly critical of tho pre vailing political belief. A politician behind rntsod a club nnd struck him to tho floor. The chairman lookod around nnd nskod quletly: "Anny othor glntlemnn a qestlon to ask?" Philadelphia Public Lodger. HfffiM Fitters Do you ex perience dis tress a f t o r meats or suf fer from con stipated bow els? Resort to tho R 1 1 1 o r s promptly. It will cure Heartburn, Sour Risings, Indigestiou, Dyspepsia, CoMsUjpUloa. HEALTH OF IntiUninotccnthcenbTJrr11 up with the march of nS?1"? power of womanKT?' utmost, and the tax uDo S'.4 ? & cal system Is far Breater fe' In tho good ol!S,ronl Ter' our granuraothers few d II0 used In mcdlclncs?Tho7 7$& tn roots and herbs to curfldt,P and disease, and tfi VA"" roots and herbs wft.lwfed8 than that of IS & It was in thlastudyTfJL , herbs that Lydla E. pteU&8d Lynn, MMidlseoJkV to tho women of tho wnri a. ?!.! T.r. TT-P-T-, ki iT- moro Potent and mtJ PlKO.lC r I iNr any combination of druw. a IUICI JU. A IftUYMUUS O T VfcCiaUlC 0111001111(1 Is an honest, tried and truo remedy of unqucstlonablo therati.ni This medicine made from native roots and herbs contains no nr nflinr linrmful drills nnd todav holds f.1i rnnn,l - i.. . uo naKoticj Jtnumbtr 1 caterer le In the Mrs. 0. E. Flnlc, of Carnegie, Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. PinUinm. .t wish every suffering woman would tako Lydla E. Plnkham'a VTm Compound and write to you for advlco. It has done mo a world It J tid what It has accomplished for ma I ltnnw It. win .i t .," OI.?0M When women aro troubled wltb Irregularities, Displacement rrw ntlon, Inflammation, Backache, Nervous Prostration, they shonli! member thero Is ono tried and true remedy, Lydla E, Plnkhanrii VT table Compound. B Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of femalo weakness aro lnvtu - perlenco sho probably haa tho very knowledge that will help jomcsh A SQUARE DEAL AND A FAIR TRIAL OP OUR FARM In?LE5nENTS AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH A FAIR TRIAL YOU NEED NOT IJUY. I SELL TRACTION AND STATIONERY ENGINES, NICI10IS AND SHEPARD'S RED RIVER SEPARATORS, HAY UA1ER8, STREET AND ROAD GRADING MACHINERY. WE HANDLE THE BURG WAGONS, ENOEP. DUGOIES, nACKS AND CARRIAGES. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE ADRIANCE, BUCKEYE MOW. ERS, CLIPPER PLOWS AND BLUE RIBBON CUITIVATOIIS, ALSO SOME SECOND HAND FARM IMPLEMENTS AM) WAGONS VERY CHEAP. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES AT WHOLESALE AND R& TAIL, GLASS AND STAINS OF ALL KINDS, AND PAINTERS SUPPLIES. BUGGY TOPS, DASHBOARDS, WHIPS, ROBES, ETC. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, CIROULABS AND DESCRIP. TIVE CATALOGUES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. GEO. B. JACOB, Prop. PHONE 401 MAIN COR. FRONT AND TrNS STREETS USE SELF RISING B. B. B. Flout For Boston Brown Bread, Grlddlo Cakeo, Muffins and Tiara Pseilag. ALLEN'S B. B. B. FLOUR CO., INC., SAN Jose, Cal. omtti 'PiWTT PWPlfE YOUR COFFEE AND ROLLS For the first meal of tho day will bo simply perfect r.3 to tho edlblo pnrt of it if wo furnish tho rolls. But ploaso accopt our suggostlou to glvo us a standing order for so many frosh ones ovory morning at certain hours. Whr.tovor o'.ro you do, don't forgot our name, address and 'phono numb'er. CAPITAL BAKERY, O. ULLOM, Prop. mmmmmm STEER THIS WAY for your Beof, Pork, Lamb, Mutton and Veal and you will get the finest Meat ever killed. Tho tasty, juicy, appetizing kind that makes you want moro after the first helping. Only tho best fed cattlo are over killed for our trade, and our cus tomers may always rely upon tho yery best quality of, meat, cleanly and properly dreaded, and la every way fit for tho best tables. e P. A. Kurtz Phone 205 277N.Com.St TAVKIIltOl'B. Greatnt known remedy orsJ Price i. To expres, oft ' fromSalomIPay25cenUcae:P charges. , Kor sale by Highland, ureB. -- BT Th,fl is to certify t JJf mare one bottle oi - Drops" and cu-;hebjW This was last mm- -- .. boen afflicted rince-a J Dr. S. V. fW'rZirr gTOCR nmVSSIZS FITTED, LAnOBBg, poubt T"'1 r.,;n-T mx Ti s FACT 1"'r ,E $qi'Z " MWP ' llJl" .TT A.W ?-liif BOM LEAa -