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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1907)
'4 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1007. BEST FRIENDS PERU H tk. ARE? WA THE MOTHERS -oCHILDREH H tk sss -r r7z..vvzrzRTz;'?,7zv7?r?? a r- s' i.orsi- vy-r rt ;; .. ,v: .7?irc s - - - v - & wsimaHHKY- 3iMm ;i yHp&vy ?:HMMrMHH "mmmmmjmm -mm 1 ' nii mm . i Mm-L. mmmhifmmBmmmmmmim:mmmmmimm. m: jmwmmmmsaaumsaBm ,.,MMm SiBkLMKliflP i I tffiHHK'' fftfflfffw v5r;vWt:::::';:;v .fcftfc :BMMai(B6ffla8aiMBCTi(WBShi: ' y X. ""w ' 7 r T,,:frffii;wi?rYywl wss rak T"" iMBTYwaaiMliWWWIhM. !MiiiJi1tJti h nn ippiip Sf K i JHBSBIHBiBHHISHHl ; -farmer),, . i liiipiP Bm A .HBIlSlraBBRBBPniBHBBHHiBI v v and jon. V , g- M raSyB ; ' . Jjiiii? ; fu:7rrlttBwM -i' ?'M.ii : i V3& &:w? feMf . i , t B. t m t HIKn OS' .rjraBC f liKKWWK W1IIKk.-!;...,Jr:. ' ,J Ifc Is the Mother Who Suffers.110 Chiefl, Hho suffers ovr n sympathy 1. iT 7 other member of t?'I thsi1 ttHtf Tho mother 1SL ffth '" tc tho torrid heaTo SdWth "cs to disease it nro W?7 3S BhohasintlJ'K'tirtaS ohUdron. lune8s moag ttT AMuItitudftnfv-iL. . mturon aro subjected P7"ai I tho romedy that will i! Pornn ronovo. u'"jqmciiy Whether It la sprlnf dorangoment, Wheth?r !ffiS JPorn-na Should Bo licpt Evory Ifoiischold WJioro Thcro Aro Little Children. PorunnHhoulrf bo kopt In tho honoo all Oio tlmo. l)ou't wait until tho child Is ' Jiavo 1'oruna on haud accept no sub- I atltuto. OhUdron aro ospoclally llablo to nouto oatarrh. Indood, most of tho affootlons I of ohlldhood aro catarrh. All forma of soro throat, qnlnsy, -croup, hoarsonoflR, laryngltlu, oto., aro biit (llfforont plinHOB of catarrh. Po-ru-na Contains No Narcotics. . Ono rouson why 1'oruna has found por unanont uro In ho many homos Is that It contains no narcotic of any Id rid. Poruna, If taken according to printed dlroctlons, Is porfoctly harmloHS, It can ibe used any longth of tltno without ncqnlrlng n drug habit. It docs not produco tomjK)rary results, but it Is por jaianont In Itsoffoct. It has no Wud effect upon tho system, nd gradually olinilnatos catarrh by ro .saoviuic tho oauM i catarrh. '' ' Mrs. 3?. Brockman, 813 Moado stroot, Apploton, Wis., writes : "I have never had n return of ihe catarrh, which had made mo so mis erable and unhappy before I began taking Pcruna. "I would hot be without It In the house, now. "I have a baby boy, two years old, to whom I give Peruna for a cold, and my husband also takes Peruna. "1 thank you and wish you welt." -Mrs. P. Brockman. t'C No Doctor Required. Mr. Edward Otto, 027 Do Solo utroot, St. Paul, Minn., writes: "I cannot say onough for Poruna. It has dono groat work In my family, es pecially for my oldost boy. Wo had doctored with thrco or four different dootors and thoy did not scorn to do him any good. "Wo gavo up hopos of euro, and ho did thoy, but wo pulled him through on Poruna. "We had several doctors and they said they could do no more tor him, so we tried Peruna as a last resort, and that did the work. Since then we keep It in the house all the time, and no doctor Is require J." Bd ward Otto. Thoro aro a multitude of homos whoro Poruna lias boon luod oft and on for twonty years. Such a thing could not bo posslblo if Poruna coutulnod uny narootics. Tho Bonoflt Which tho Children of the United States Have Received From Pe-ru-na Can Never Bo Put Into Words, i The chronio allmonts it has provontod, tho Biifforlng it has mitigated, will novor bo fully rocordod. But at least this much can bo Bald that tho coming gonoratlon owos a groat dobt m Poruna, for It Is In tho tondor yoant of youth that slight allmonts aro llablo to dovolop into lasting disoaso, thus blasting tho wholo carcor of tho Individual. Tho mothors who aro bringing up tholr chlldron to-day to bollovo In Poru na aro speaking from tholr oxporlonco, Tlioso chlldron brought up to bollovo in Poruna from tho start, will, whon thoy bocomo hoads of famlllos them selves, uso Poruna with unquestioning I faith. A Child's Lifo Saved. Mr. Q. II. Tarmor, Now Martlnsvlllo, W. Va., wrltes: "Our llttlo son, Harry, is woll and hoalthy now and wo think if wo do as you dlrootod us, ho will koop his hoalth and grow strong. 'We know that our little son's life was sa vedbyyour wonderful medicine, Peruna, and we shall always praise Peruna and use It In our family when needed. "Should wo havo any moro catarrhal troublo in our family, wo shall always wrlto to you for treatment." Q. II. Parmor. Medical Advioo. For f roo medical udvlco, addross Br. S. B. Iiartman, Profldont of tho Hart man Sanitarium, Co umlms, Ohio. All correspondence nold atrlotly con udontial. Mrs. J. O. Storliny, 1153 Brown Avcnno, Norfolk, Va., writos : "My llttlo boy, Meredith, suf fered with lndlgcBllon bo badly ho could not oat anything without it making him very Bick, bo I thought (as many others havo) that I would try Poruna, and it worked llko a charm. "Now he eats anything lie wishes, and I would not be with" out It for anything. "My othor llttlo boy, Alfred, two and a half years old, has takon it and received as much benefit from Poruna as his brother. " hope my testimonial may be of some benefit to others, as I feel as though I cannot praise It enough." -Airs. J. C. Sterling. Mr. Howard Andrew Stornor, Muddy Orook, Pa., writes: "I havo Poruna in my houso all tho tlmo and won't bo without it. It is good for children whon thoy tako a cold or croup. It cured my baby boy of croup, "I havo introduced Poruna into six families slnco I rocotvod your last lottor, and four havo Boon rollof alroady." Howard Androw Stornor. Po-ra-na Protects tho Entire Household. As soon as tho valuo of Poruna is approclatod by ovory housohold, both as a provontlvo and euro, tons of thousands or bowot dlscRso, a catarrh ,gMUon of tho mucous ,n,f . slcoD8Uoa Hon is prompt, thn i 0per torIoU8elTecUinnyparl0X It simply romoves the cmmm. Every mothor who has not tried Poruna in hor family should ftmOlSS horse with Dr. H.rlmtt, "SSj Tho Ills of Life. This booklcUhoX bo in every family. It elvca mo. vd- uablo advico as to tho uo of ft-uni , for tho various catarrhal diseases .ogentril . to-day. 5 '" Poruna Is a housohold remedr for U catarrhal allmonts of winter and in mor, acuto or chronic. Tho mothors all over tho United Billet aro tho beat frlonds that Poruna bai. Tho Mothers Hold Pe-ru-na in High Xateem, Not only bocauso it has cured them of tholr various allmonts, but beau It promptly rescues tho children from tt throes and grasp of catarrhal dlj. oases. Wo havo In our flics many leitlrao nials f rom mothors whoso children hart boon cured by Poruna. However, tb largo majority of mothers who um Poruna, wo novor hoar from. But wo do hear from a great nnnber of mothers who arosoorerJorediUoai special good they biro received froa Poruna that they cannot rcitria (heJr nt 1 l-rrna nt1 1 fk AAVArt anrl ltinrlila r thousands of ohronlq, Ungoring casoa of onthusiasm. They areinxkmloiti catarrh will bo provontod. 1 thoso benefits wita oth aoVatti, PARSON HITS THE BULLSEYE Calls liis Hock a Brldtjc Whist Cot- not lamontod. erio and Pink Tea Party fcrntlc of Rponkorn, taking n dollght in oxpioalng his views frcoly on tho oqiuility of man. Iliuls Dcllaiu'o at, Outset. Dr. Kcob took ub tho topic of hla fnrowoll Honiion tho HUbJoct, "Tho MlnlBtor or Today," and ub Ills toxt Matthow xl, 17, "Wo havo plpod un to you and yo havo not dancod. Wo havo lnouniod unto you and yo hnvo ll'Tauao ho appoarod In tho pulpit wearing impressed trousers and bo ciu.iho his facial linos had lmprossnd fcmo uiouiboi'H of his congregation ns "harsh and forbidding," tho llov. Dr. JnmcH II, Kcob has boon forced to resign from tho fashionable First "Unitarian church, Twenty-Hrst and Chestnut atieotH, lMitladulphta, I.nBt wook Dr. Ecob proachod hla valedlii(ny ormon, bidding farowoll 1o what ho turmoil "a bridge whist votorlo u ilnlt ton imrty." This and ninny othor rhetorical Hlints nppnrentl) hit tho bullsoye, for from time to tlmo sonio dlirallknl monibcr of tho oxolualvo congrega tion would iniiko a hurried oxlt, noso in tho air oldost and most r.iMocratlc of Us tlnnonUimKnn la tho country, and Dr. Kcob Is ouo of tho most demo- Tho church Is ono of tho "Mny iuinmtois senttng tho domand CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Chockliui accounts onablo folks to deposit tholr inonoy and re colvo a passbook, against thoso accounts thoy aro porintttod to draw chocks. Chocks may bo given to parties for such sums as desired, thus avoiding froqueut trips to the bank. It Interested call aad s us. mmmmm'm'mmBmm'im''m'"maammmmmmmmmmmmmmMmm Salem State Bant TIiIh was an unmistakably tloflant nolo at tho start, but tho plain pas tor's wo'4l droaaod honrors settled thsmsolvos comfortnbly, as If con ildout thoy could stand It. "I proposo to spoak with porfoct simplicity and plalnnoss," began the pastor, without n touch of Irony In his volco. "Evory donomlnntloaal conflict, ovory horoay trlall, ovory parish scandnl, ovory troaohorous attack upon a pastor Is Invariably Justified and sanotllled by tho wornout plea, 'for tho good of tho church.' Is It I not tlmo that some voice woro llftod up for tho good of tho ministry?" Symptoms of unonslnoss woro dls cornablo In somo of the congregation. Only "Dooonitlve" Ministers Wanted aro deeply ro of tho church for simply noutrnl decorative min istry ministry punctilious, minis try that tiptoes gently and gracious ly at ! o'clock tons and smll03 be nignly at bridge whist tablos -mln Istry whoso ptrtplt uttornncos such a house as ho plcasos, wear such clothes as ho ploascs, and fix tho scalo of hln household expenses. But for a mlnintor all thoso things aro dotqrmlnod by tho church." o : she I'oitnoT. lliilsoy Woman Puts .lowols In Stove With UniiiiI Ucvsult. U X, PACK, pTMUtAt. .,. W, KAKARO, OulOsv. A story of forgetfulno3s that Is Bsldom equaled Is reported by Hal soy visitors to Albany to tho offect that Mrs. Kmma Allen, of that placo, becamo nlarmod by tho prosonco of sovornl suspicious looking strangors last Saturday, and being a widow, who llvos alono, and with a largo sum of money In tho houso, together with sonio valuable jewolry, placed monoy and Jowolry In a tin box and doposltod thorn In tho firebox of tho kitchen rnngo. Sho forgot hor fears of tho stranger men with tho coming of tho dawn, llkewlso hor wealth, and built a flro and got breakfast be foro sho romomborcd. Hor Jowolry was rulnod. Sho docllnos to stnto what condition sho found It In, or how much monoy she had to burn. Albany Horald. Io Ilrownsvillu Items, I Ovor ono thousand acres more of tho famous Calapoola Tltnbor has boon gobbled up by largo companies, tho purchasors woro Tho Stoven- havo Knssol Co., of Portland, tho average tho quality of what Is known by "rlco - W "cro. 320 acres of tho country pooplo as 'fox n,ro,' a pale, ,ttMl holonged to Hon. Chas. E. Iadd phosphoroscent glimmer, tho pro- of Portland, and tho balance to tho duct of decayed wood." homestoadors. Tho salo was made At tho roforonco to R o'clock l,J' rownsvlllo Beal Estato Co. tons and bridge whist, two of tho ' T- a- West Soasldo has just nicely gowned womon In tho congro- Purchased tho Hngoy farm of 100 Ration marched frowning to tho door acros 2 to l"3 south of Browns whllo othora moved uneasily as If v,u! ho '3 Boing to convert this Inclined to glvo similar expression to l),ac0 ,llo a model dairy farm. tholr disapprobation. ll- A- Smith of Coberg this weok "Mnuy churches, especially thoso puronasoa iu acres near Crawrords called Important," wont on tho un-v,Uo- Thls P,aco - well Improved dauutou minister, "want In tho pul- and ft fln0 Httlo home. C. K. Rlg- Plt only this dim, lambent, lnnocu- . ol llU3 was tno, owner. ous light, tho ivroauct or venerable READY " FOR THE FOURTH Parade, Sham Battle, River Excursion,1 riei i,y tho m Fireworks, Dall Games and Music sprinkling of tho stroets. It is ox- hero. Ho recited In his complaint pected that a carload of oil will ar- that Etta Lurch bad followed him rlvo In a day or so, and that tho samo for years, and annoyed him and lp will bo appllod to tho stroets, which torforred with his business, by tho ownors of proporty adjoining (Clalmlng to bo his wife, and had a wish snrinklod. It Is ndvocntoil bv mnrtn.m oommnnv nerformed at ninny that wntor sprinkling will bo Vancouver with some roan imper- jmuch moro satisfactory than tho oil, 'aonntlng him. A little later Mn as tho latter would not havo tlmo to Edward Sam Gordon (Bertha Etta ponotrnto tho dust that would bo car .Lurch) sued the lumberman for a By a settlement the first withdrawn, Bertha Etti I decayed thought. Poor Mh Should Avoid Pulpit. "Another question respecting min isters Is that of salary. The average man, without an lndopoadent in- corqo, has no business la a protestant pulpit. Tho average wage ot the mialtter la below that ot a day Ha lt oror. Yet laborer ca live la Mr. Tripp, tho real estato man re ports that tho demand nevor was so great for small places. Tho now creamery Is now runulng full blast. Band Concert Tonight. Tho Saom Military Band will give aa opm air cotfeort in Wlllsoa av- eav toalgkt. Tho Fqurth of July commlttoo hold nnothor enthusiastic mooting in tho Board of Trade rooms last night, roportod tho vnrlous arrangements which hnve been porfected and sug gested Ideas for Salem's big celebration. Del Dlnsmoro, chairman of tho pn rado commltteo, roportod 'that tho work In his department was pro grossing nicely, and that many of tho features in the big march would be new, and tho parade, as a wholo, would bo a surprise Ho asks that 40 boys between tho nges of S and 12 years volunteor to help him on tho morning ot tho Fourth. Ho did not fully explain what would bo required of tho boys, but said he wanted "40 good, llvo, patriotic boys" .to help In tho parade, and that tho work would bo Interest ing. Tho first 40 boys who apply will bo given tho work. It was decided to uso evory effort to eliminate tho uso of explosive ennes. Tho loading dealers In fire works In tho city havo agreed to not sell tho torpedo canes on that date, and if any ono Is found using them on tho Salem streots, tho nerve-racking dovlco will bo Immediately con fiscated. A big excursion will bo run from Independence to Salem by ono of the big river steamboats, which will ar- irlvo In Salem at S o'clock a. m. This will enablo hundreds of Independ ence peoplo and tho citizens of that vicinity to spend tho day In Salem. Itollln K. Page, F. Q. Deckobach and Captain Charles Murphy form a committee which has charge of the sham battlo that will be fought be tween tho Woodburn and Salem com panies. Tho baby show committee was voted an additional $15 with which to purchase more prises. rong to tho sidewalks divorce. and Into the plncos of business. ( stilt was Arthur Gobs has boon awarded the given a divorce, and Mr. Gordoacoa contract to put up tho flags across 'voyed to hor property In Coos coua Stato and Commorclal streots. and a tv worth J8000. The deed remain i motion that all business houses bo in tho safe of Dlmlck & Dlmlck, Cor- 30 a. m. was don's attorneys here. ; Tt lo hnolx nrvllrPd that the 88P- ply of Gordon's wives will P 8 i , i na Mr 18000 warraatr, deeds lasts. Oregon City Star. asked to closo at 10: unanimously carried, o MAKE IT WARM FOR GORDON Edward Sam Gordon, reputed mil lionaire lumborman ot Coos Bay, has troubles of his own, so if you hap pen to meet him, don't ask him if it is hot enough for him. Gordon made a liberal settlement with Bertha Etta Lurchwho claimed for years she was his wife, but he always claims ho never marrlod hor, Watevor woro tho facts in that tanglo of matrimonial meshes, It was supposed Ed. Sam probably sup posed ho was free at last. But an other woman bobs up another wife. This last woman claims to be the only real, genuine, name blown-ln-tho bottlo Mrs. Ed. Sam Gordon, and hints darkly at bigamy. The two women ate lunch at tho samo restau rant In Oregon City Tuesday, and. to all outward appearances, were to tal strangors to each other. It Is intimated, however, by people who havo talked with both, that if the two claimants to Ed. Sam's love and affection and ducats were to meet privately they would need no intro duction, and they wouldn't wrap, either Just what tho woman last on the sceno Is after hasn't been disclosed yet, but it is reasonable to presume sho will very soon make ner wants known. Fell From Bridge- ; An accident that may result la 8 rlous It not fatal injuries to Chsrw Myers, son of Conrad Myers, ot W city, occurred yesterday oorafcl. when he accidently stepped WW ward off the Callpoola bridge W Ing to Bryant's Island, and iW the ground 20 feet below. By a narrow margin the ou man. In his descent, missed HfWJ some heavy timbers which , w piled promlsclously beneath, andteu between tho timber. W ...,.- rvr fell was about H Workmen aro .MM ,, tho structure, ana a thos,de railing is to o Tne oray.. T netbebrlW ing Company wa" """ TlBippW, with a oad of refuse, and in J i .,, in nvold the team, it U . Myers stepped too close .to and missing ms ..- bany Herald. ...iimi mHgf G'ordoa flrst sued Bertha Btta teps have also been takes for the Lurch to ulet title to property i Gold DostFloitf "wJStSTtS ZT. .-Itr WM. A T" I oc fer it. Br ..! abrayt o p. B. Wa AGENl