Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 26, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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v. I
Seattle Team to Cross the Continent
and Play at Jamestown
The longest and finest trip ever
made by any aggregation of high
ichool athletes in this country will
be made by the Seattle high school
hRobnll tenm this summer. It will
be a transcontinental trip from ocean
to ocean taking in many of the east
ern cities nnd the Jamestown exposi
tion where they will play a game.
The boys will play about 50 games
on the trip and will bo gone nil sum
mer. Twelve players will go, be
tides one of the (teachers, who will
look after and keep them strnlght.
On any misconduct tho trip will bo
tut short. Tho team starts with a
fund of $1650 which was raised
among the business men and friends
of tho high Bchool In Seattle; but the
boys expect to come out ahead on
the receipts which they receive from
tho games.
Incidentally while- on their trip
tho team will advertise tho "1909"
fair at Seattle and in St. Paul they
will get now uniforms with "1909"
on the backs.
Games will bo had with teams in
tho majority of tho following cities:
Pittsburg, Now York, Philadelphia,
' Boston, Buffalo, Norfolk, Syracuse,
Albany, Columbus nnd Hnrrlsburg.
It may bo that other games will bo
arranged that at present arc not con
sidered, including tho trip to James
town, where a big gnmo will bo play
ed on the exposition grounds.
Following Is the make-up of tho
team: Mullen, first base; Hlchlng
bottom, left field; Schutz, pitcher;
Smith, second base; Coylc, center
field; Ilcmluway, catcher; Hilton,
third bnso; McGulrc, shortstop; Mil
Ion, right field, Agnoy, pitcher; Mar
tin and Stowart, subs.
Hnvo You n Cough.
A doso of Ballard's Horohound
SyriiD will rollovo It. Have you a
Try It for whooping cough, for
asthma, for consumption, for bron
chitis. Mrs. Joo McQrath, 327 E
let strcot, Hutchinson, Kan., writes:
"I hnvo used Ballard's Horohound
Syrup In my family for 5 years, and
find It tho most palatablo modlclno
I every used." Sold by D. J. Fry.
Tho following articles of incorpor
ation woro filed In tho ofllco of tho
secretary of stnlo yesterday:
William Poet, Nathan Scarrett,
James B. Roai, Jamcd B. Forbos, Jr.,
Henry J. O'Brien, Byron A. Card
well, nnd William W. Cardwoll
have Incorporated tho "Excelaor
Mining nnd Developing Company"
lth head ofllco In Roseburg and tho
capital stock fixed at $3,000,000. Tho
Incorporation fees amounted to
' Tho Antelope Lumbor Company,
has been incorporated by John M.
Root, Edwnivl Andrew3 and Robert
L Halo with capital stock flxod at
$2j 000 and the hoad office locatod
In Medford.
Do Not Neglect tho Children.
At this season of tho year tho first
unnatural loosenojs of a child's
bowels should havo Immediate atten
tion. The best thing that can ho
siren is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
nd Dlarrhooa Remedy followed by
castor oil as directed with each bot
tle of the remody. Foro sain by Dr.
Stono's drug store.
V . O. T. U. Will Servo Mrnls.
The ladles of tho W. C. T. U. will
ru meals at tholr hall, cornor of
Commercial and Forry streots, on
Job 1, 2 and 3.
If you woud enjoy tomorrow tak
Chamberlain's Stomach and Llvo
Tablets tonight. They produce a
agreeable laxative effect, clear tho
head and cleanso tho stomach
Price, 26 centa. Saraplos free at Dr
Stone's drug storo.
Polly's Preference.
The lady was admiring a parrqt In
bird store. '
-Pretty Polly," she said. "Dow
poHy want a cracker?"
"No, thank you," answered the
Parrot, who happened to be a Boston
mduate. "but I'd like a nlate of
o. please "Chicago News.
For stomack troubles, bllloeenes
ccnstipatlo try Chamberlain's
Stomach aad Liter Tablet. Many
?e4rkakU ces have 1mm
7 them. Price 25 seats. Sejnples
ire, f hy rjf gte'fl drug
Not a drop
p A f f j -
f'a A i ifsir!
Schmitz, San Francisco's "jug
houso" mayor, would llko to bo dis
charged, so he can, in turn, discharge
his duties.
There is considerable in a name.
Schmitz wants to bo discharged from
Jail, but objects to being fired from
Butto Montana, had 14 inchos of
snow June 23. That was a pretty cold
23 for Butte.
Reynolds, who murdered Hlbblns1
during a very violent brain Btorm,
insists that his wife was Innocent of
any wrong doing. Then In the nnmo
of tho seven-leagued boots what did
ho kill Hlbblns for?
Grants Pass hns decided to limit
Its snloons to one for overy 500 in
habitants. As this would give one
for about overy 100 voters, the wet
clement should bo In no danger of
going dry.
Jnpnn would hnvo America trade
oft It's pasture for n. cow.
If that Shormnn county rainmaker
don't limit tho area ho is working
over, ho will hnvR a bill of damages
to pay. Marlon county has no ob
jection to Sherman county keeping
rnln on tap, but insists that no moro
sprinkles like that of Snturday bo
sent over tho mountains.
Tho Southern Pacific is right in
Insisting! thnt Bhippors quit using
freight cars us warehouses. Ev-ry
shippor neglecting to unlond his
cars , haB no kick coming over enr
flhortogc for ho not only injures
tho railroad, but overy other ship
Annnlns has tho greatest reputa
tlon of all tho illustrious provarlca-
tora known to history. And yet An
nanlns only lied about tho price ho
received for his proporty. Tho coun
ty assessor can put up plenty of
stories thnt will doublo discount
thnt of Annnlns, nnd then not half
Remarkable Rescue.
That truth lBstrnngor than' Action,
has onco moro been demonstrated in
tho llttlo town of Fedora, Tonn., the
residence of C. V. Poppor. Ho wrlt-a:
"I was In bed, ontlroly disabled with
hemorrhages of tho lungs nnd throat
Doctors failed to holp mo, and all
hopo had fled when I began taking
Dr. King's Now Dlscovory. Thon in
stant rollof enmo. Tho coughing
soon ceased; tho blooding diminish
ed rapidly, and In thrco weoks I wns
nblo to go to work." Guaranteed
euro for coughs and colds, COc and
$1.00 at J. C. Perry's drug storo.
Trial bottlo free.
' o
Demands Care.
Brother Thnt young mnn you'ro
ongnged to is a hnd egg.
Slstor Thnt's tho reason I'm
nfrald to drop him. Exchnngo.
$1,000 Pile Cure.
A Thousnnd Dollnr Guarantee goes
with ovory bottlo of Dr, Leonhardt's
Hcm-Rold tho only cortaln euro for
overy form of Piles.
Gcorgo Cook, St. Thomas, Ont ,
writes: "Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid
cured mo of a very bad case of Piles
of ovor ten years standing. I had
tried ovorythlng hut got no perma
nent euro till I used Hem-Roid. I
hnd Blind nnd Bleeding Piles and
Buffered ovorythlng. Ointments and
local treatments failed, but Dr. Leon
hardt's Hem-Roid cured mo perfect
ly." Hem-Roid is a tablet taken inter
nally which romovos tho cause of
Piles. $1.00 at druggists. Dr. Leon-
hardt Co., Niagara Falls. N. Y.. Pro
prietors. Sold by Dr. S. C. Stone,
Mado Jllni Rluh.
"How rldloufous It Is." remarked
the wealthy tailor, "o soy thnt
clothes don't make tho man."
"Think so?" queried Ills friend.
"Why, of course; they've made
me." Exchange.
The Texas Koafler.
Cure all kidney, bladder and
rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug
gists, or two months' treatmeat by
mall for $1. Dr. B. W. Hall, 926
Olive street, St, Louis, Mo. Send
for 'testimonial . Bold r Stone's
drag store. dw-lyr
An Omen.
"Did your sister know I was com
ing?" "Well, she broke her looking
glass and eomethln' was bound to!
happen." Philadelphia Frew.
Doctors prescribe very little, if any, alco
hol these days. They prefer strong tonics
and alteratives. This is all in keeping with
modern medical science. It explains why
Aycr's Sarsaparllla is now mado ctftirely
free from alcohol. Ask your doctor.
W, hftvn no aArtrfttal W hnhllaH 3. rl.JIv
thfarmnlerUonrprpmtlen. LoweiT,
FIre-trnps Prove
to Bo
Norfolk, Vn Juno 2G. Six lives
woro lost In a fire this morning
which destroyed a dozen buildings
adjoining the Jnmcstown exposition.
Tho proporty loss will amount to
An Optirnl Illusion.
An interesting optical experiment
may bo mado with ordinary Incan
descent light. Gnzo Btcadlly at tho
light for a few seconds, then sud
denly extinguish it. Tho oxporimont
Is best performed in n very dark
room. In about half a minuto you
will sco tho perfect image of tho
light, with tho lino strands of wiro
plainly visible. It will bo rod at
first. In a few minutes It will turn
purplo nnd then a bright bluo. Later
It will apparently movo to tho right.
As you turn your gaze it will con
tinue moving to tho right. If you
keep your gnzo fixed, It will como
back. It is surprising how long tho
illusion will last It will bo neon for
fully flvo minutes, porlmps longer,
nnd if you turn on tho light and look
away from it you will sea tho old
Imago for several minutes, though
moro faintly than in tho dnrkness.
A Fortunato Texan.
Mr. B. W. Goodloo. of 107 St.
Louis St., Dallas, Tox. says: "In tho B00n near shore, and Is usually found
past year I havo bocomo acquainted ,n "outhorn watOra.-Bandon Ro
wlth Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills, nnd(cordcr'
no loxatlvo I ovor boforo trlod so. o
offoctually dlspossoa of malaria and There Aro Few
biliousness." Thoy don't grind norj Peoplo who know how to tako care
grlpo. 26c at J. C. Perry's drug thomsolvcs tho mnjorlty do not.
Intellectual Air.
Mrn. Oyer Evon Mrs. Nowrox's
bedroom has nn Intellectual air
about it.
Mrs. Myer How' that?
Mrs. Gyer Tho folding hod looks
llko a bookcase Chlcngo Nowb.
Tho Magic No. 3.
Number three la a wondorful mas
cot for Geo. II. Parrls of Cedar
Grove, Mo., according to a letter
which reads: "Attor sufTorlng much
with llvor and ktdnoy trouble, and
becoming greatly discouraged by tuej Willie No, you don't. You don't
falluro to find reliof, I tried Electric know whoro I hid tho Btrap you lick
Blttors, and as a result I am a well mo with. Ally Slopor's Hnlf-Holl-mnn
today. Tho first bottle rolloved day.
nnd throo bottlo complotod the cure.
Gurnntood bost on earth for stomach,
llyor and kldnoy troubles, by J. O.
Perry druggist. 50c.
A Slow Fellow.
Howitt This It quoor, If truo.
Jowott What 1b?
Howitt Tho Btory thnt a follow
kissed a Boston girl, hut ns ho wns n
Phllndolphln man ho didn't tnko
cold for several months. Now York
Ho Fired Uio Stick.
"I havo fired tho walking-stick
I'vo carnoa ovor 40 years, on nccount
or a soro yiat rosiBtea ovory Kind or Mr8. H,rnm 0ffon I wouldn't bo
treatment, until I tried Bucklon's aurprUod If tho Horvnnt girl woro
Arnica Salvo; thnt has hcalod tho Hstonlng nt tho koyholo.
soro and mado mo a happy man,"J Hiram Offon Nor 1; thnt'H a wo
writes John Garrett, of North Mills, man's trick
N. C. Guaranteed for Pllos, Burns
etc., by J. C. Perry druggist. 25c.
' o
Tho Sad Side.
'TIs far moro blessed, so thoy ay,
To glvo than to rocolvo;
TIs llkowlso moro expensive,
I'vo roasons to bollevo.
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundroa uoilars Re
ward for any caso of Catarrh that
cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Wo, the undersigned, havo known
F. J. Cbenoy for tho last 15 years,
and beliovo him perfectly honorablo
In all business transactions and finan
cially nblo to carry cat any obliga
tions mado by him firm. Waldlng,
Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Intor
nally, acting directly upon tho blood
and mucoun surfaces of tho system.
Testimonials sent free. Prices, 75
cents per bottle. Sold by all Drug
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. Jealous.
Sho Is half frnntte since her hus
band died."
Yes, aho Is sure ho went to
heaven and sho has Just read that
tho majority of angelo aro women."
Houston Post.
Transfer of Real Estate.
Tho following deeds hnvo been
plnced on record in tho office of tho
Marion county recerder:
Abnor Brush to Fred Russell,
2 10 acres in t 9 s, r -1 c, w.
d $ 4,000
J. K. and N. M. Wobor to
Fannlo Fresher, lotB 1 and
12, Cowlos' Central addi
tion to Woodburn, w. d...
J. H Albert jet ux to A. B.
Gardner, land in block 14,
Snlem, w. d
Lenna Wright to Jos. J.
Wright und. 1-10 Int. In
Mnrlon county, w. d.
Agnes G. Bouncy to R. M.
Brown, 2.53 acres in Wood
burn, w. d
L. A. and F. E. Shnfcr to W.
D. Matthews, part of lot 27,
Capital Home addition to
Snlom, w d
S. C. Roby ot ux to Martha
A. Lewis, land In blo'ck 81,
Salem, w. d.
M. nnd L. M. Kelley to Chns.
H. Davis, 240 acres in t 9 s,
r i Qf tit
C. E. Whitney ct ux to L. K.
Page, 10C acreB in t 8 b, r
3 w, w. d.
Whnle Canio Ashore.
Tho whalo which wns sighted off
Coqulllo bar last week has boon
wnshed ashoro on Whiskey Run
about six mllos nbovo Bandon. Many
of tho Bandon peoplo havo boon
making trncks up tho beach recently
to examine tho curiosity. Tho whnlo
Is ostlmatcd at being 60 foot long
nnd nearly 10 foot wide, nnd 1b of
tho species known as tho hump back
or deep sea whalo which Is rnroly
Tho llvor is a most important organ
In tho body. Hcrblno will koop It in
condition. V. C. Slmpkina, Alba,
Toxas, writes: "I have used Horbine
for ShlllB and Fovor and find it tho
boat modlclne I ovor usod. I would
not bo without it. It is as goood for
children ns it Is for grown-up pooplo
and I rccommond it. It la fine for
La Grlppo." Sold by D. J. Fry.
What Ho Didn't Know.
Irato Pa Now, I'm going to pun
IbIi you, and don't try that innocent
Rttmo on mo. I know all tho wlckod
things you'vo done todny.
Don'tl 1 I I
Don't lot your child suffer with
that cough whon you cure it with
Ballard's Horohound Syrup, a sure
euro for Coughs, Bronchitis, Influen
za, Croup and Pulmonary Diseases
Buy a bottlo and try it.
B, B. Laughter, Dyhalla, Miss.,
wrltes: "I havo two children who had
croup. I trlod many different reme
dies, but I must say your Horehound
Syrup is tho bost Group and Cough
modlclno I ovor usod." Bold by D.
J. Fry.
riio Man's lik-n.
Mrs. HI rnm Offon Oh, Indeed l
Hiram Offon Of course Thot's
why If called "Evo's-dropplng."
Philadelphia Press.
Tottw Cured.
A lady customer of ours had suffer
od with totter for two or throe years.
It got so bad on her hands that alio
could not attend to her household
duties. Ono box of Chamborlaln'a
Salvo cured her. Chamborlaln'a
medicines give aplondld satisfaction
in this community. M. H. Rodnoy
& Co., Almond, Ala. Chamborlaln'a
modlclnes aro for salo by Dr. Stono's
drug storo.
To Ho ClMirMird.
Sho Do you think thnt a llttlo
lomper Is a bad thing in a woman7
He No; rather a good thing, nnd
sho ought never to lose It. Ex
change. .
Colic aad DIarrho.
Pains ;n tho stomach, colic and
diarrhoea aro quickly relieved by the
use of Cbamborlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by
Dr. Stone's drug store.
y ...
Wholesale dealers and eomraiseien
merchants. Caah paid for Butter.
Rggs, Poultry, etc W. S. GujbmUbi
aadi C. A. WiteraH, Cottle bteek, I-
lew, Or.; J. O. Btaplete, 86 Unlet
Aveane, Portlaad.
m m..
lor Sale Good driving horso. Also
gool work and road mare. Enqulro
549 Capital. G-24-3t
For Snio Gcntlo driving horso. In-
qttlro at 175G Mission strcot' nftcr
G o'clock in tho ovening. G-21-lw
For Sale Gcntlo driving horso nnd
two-seated phaeton. Call nt 915
Twolfth strcot, corner of Leo, or
phono 9G2. 6-25-3t
For Snle Modern 7-room house,
nearly new, and four lotB, on car
lino, houso on corner lot. En
qulro Twolfth nnd Leo streets,
Yow Park, phono 9G2. G-25-3t
For 8al- Registered Borkshlro
hogs, slro by Weotorn Star 3d,
88,040, bred up closo to grand
champion of St. Louis exposition,
and a fow young sows in pig, cross
bred, II. A, Clark, corner B and
Sixth streots, Pleasant Home ad
dition to Salem, Oregon, C-20-lm
For Sale One twenty-tqn Champion
balor, quick rollof, ono wator tank,
ono ongine tondor on wheels, ca
pacity 400 gallons. Phono 164 Su
burban, or addroca box 28b Salem,
Or. T. F. Walker. G-12-lm
Thrco First-Claw Farina for Bale.
For particulars inquire of Dr. W.
A. Cuslck, ovor Fry's drug store.
Several Dairy Ranches for aaleat
once Prlcoa low, all equiped
ready for business. Baker Land
Co., Turner, Orogon. 6-30-lm
For Sale Two light spring wagons
(just right to haul borrlos), two
heavy spring wagons, and throe
second hand buggies. Werner
Fonnoll, 803 Broadway. 5-2 8-1 mo
For Stilo Old papors, 10 cents per
hundred. Inquire Journal office.
Why Pay Ilcntr When you can buy
a nlco home at 580 N. Liberty St.,
on torms to suit the purchaser.
Address O. II. Burggraf, Albany,
Ore. B-17-tf.
port tuning, repairing and polish
ing. Leave orders at Geo. O.
Wilis' music store, Salem.
. 2- 9-lyr
Concrete Work. Get my prices o
sidewalks, curbs, septlo tanks aad
comont work of any kind. AD
work guaranteed first-class. M
Ward, Highland add. Phone 669
llutto A Wendcroth Fine wises,
liquors and cigars. We handle tat
col'Obratod Kellogg and CaatU
whisklos. Cool and refreshing beet
constantly on drough. South
Commercial street 9-8-lyr
Salem Iron Workn. Founders, ma
chlnlstn and blacksmiths. Manu
facturers of all kinds of sawmill
machinery. Hop and fruit drylni
stoves, etc. Manufacturers of ta
Salem Iron Works Hop Press.
Salem I!ox & Lumber Co. -Removed
from South Salem to 14th street,
near tho 8. P. dopot. Boxes, Berry
Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfection
Fruit Evaporators. Phone 201,
Our moat market on East State
strcot baa been doubled In size and
wo are bettor prepared than ever to
sorve customers. Prompt service and
the bost of meats our motto. Call
or phone 199. B. B. Edwards, Prop
Wo Awi Caali Purclwaers Of noul
try, eggs, and all kinds of farm
produce. Borry crates made up
In unlimited luuntitios. Capital
Commission Co., 2C7 South Com
mercial stroot, Salem Phono Mala
A. J. AiultThoii Contractor nnd
hulidor, 415 Court elroet. Phone
644, 6-1-tf
Tho Highland Laundry Is still In
tho raco for patronnge. No whlto
ahlrta or collars. T. B. Wallace,
2349 Currant avonuo. Phone
Main 403. 6-6-lm
aiumr voh ticwfrCH Tencaor e:
ano; touch, techulch, Interpreta
tion. Thorough preparatory course
Advanced students prepared for
publio appearance Rcaidonce 658
Center 8t. Tel. Main 526.
CHHtmiaa 15ro,' Traairfer Company--
All kinds of transfer work done
Furniture and pianos boxed ready
for shipment, Prospt serylee is
our nette. Stand aad oMoe at
261 Seutk Comaerelal street.
Pkoae 219. ealdeaee Pkeae Its.
For Rent Furnished and unfur
nished rooms, Inquiro at 790
N Commercial Btrcet, M. A. Dice.
For Rent Savon-room house, hot
and cold wator, electric light, batk
room. Inquire of Aug, Schrelb
er, 560 North High street.
ixowa. Manufacturer
'sash, dtors, mouldings. All klad 4
bouse finish aad hard wood werk,
'Front street, bet. State aad Oeari
Make all eoraplain&t at the onlee
H ill Milium i ii mmmm a
I'oreflters or America -court Bkvr-
wood Foresters, No. 19. Meets
Tuesday In Hurst hall, State street
Lee Abble, C. R.; A. L. Brown,
F. S.
Central Lodge No. 18, X, of P.
Castle Hall In Holman block, cor
ner Stato and Liberty streets.
Tuesday of each week at 7:80 p.
m. Oscar Johnson, O. O.; El. H.
Anderson, K. of R, and S.
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Meeta
every Thursday evening at S
o'clock In Holman hal. W. W.
Hill, V. O.; F. A. Turner, Cierk.
Woodmen of World Meet every Fri
day night at 7:80, In Holman hall.
J. A. Dickey, 0. S.; P. L. Frailer,
Lincoln Annuity UiiIoh. Sick, acet
dent and pension Insurance; 82,
000,000 pledged; every claim pal
Good agents wanted. J. II. C.
Montgomery, supreme organiser,
Box 432 Salem, Oregon. R. R.
Ryan, secrectary, 546 State street.
vuiitcu to borrow 1000 on the
host of real estate security. Ap
ply to "J. P.," caro Journal otaae
Highest Cash PricePaid for chick
ens at Willamette Hotel. 4-19-tl
Wmi UmI Flvo extra waitresses for
June 29th to July 4th, at Willam-.
otto hotel. 6-19-tt.
Wanted1 Twonty-flvo men with
teams $110 per month, straight
tlmo. All cxpons furnished.
Half tlmo flvo hours' work.
Inquiro nt onco at Club Stables,
Salem. 6-1 9 Lw
Tlieo. M, narr Plumbing, hot watw
and steam heating and tlBHlag,
164 Commercial street. Phoae
Main 192. 9-1-ly
M. J. Fetsel plumblag, steam aM
gas fitting. Suceewor to Kbox 4
Murphy, 226 CoaJWOTelal strut.
'Phone Main 17.
1 1 1 1 mm r 1 it-i.
! Strawberry
jj Shortcake
; ; The Finest You Ever Ate J
i i White House
Formerly Ilitker, Lawrence A Baker,
Reliable Grocer, At iht OW
I 'uE3K3i?5 " iii I
II t