't RtfgATHKR: FAIR TONIGHT AND THURSDAY. Vi DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. XVII. SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUXE" Ufl, 1007. NO. 110. ''Pi M BIG GRAFTERS MAY ESCAPE Many Witnesses Flatly Contradict Fiend Orchard PORTUGAL MAY FIRE THE KING STATE OF CIVIL WAR Troops Mutiny and Mobs Parade the Streets-Women Pour Boiling Water On Soldiers Sent to Quell the Rioters Lisbon, Portugal, Juno 2C. A hundred nro reported killed nnd GOO wounded In tho riots between sol diers nnd mobs demonstrating against tho government. Six nrmy tattnllons nt Opertn havo mutinied. Cavalry horses trampled man, wo men and children to denth. Tho wo men fought tho troops from their vlndows, pouring boiling water on them. Tho troublo started when nobs paraded tho streets denouncing King Carlos for attempting to run tho country without a parlia- nent.' Tho country faces bankrupt- V. Committed to Asylum. Charles Cameron, a transient miner, was this morning examined by Dr.-J. H. Drower beforo Judge Scott, declared Inonne nnd commit ed to tho state insane asylum. Cam eron is 88 years of age, and his In sanity was adjudged to bo caused from Intemperance. Ho was arrest ed on tho the chnrge of Insanity some weeks ago, but, thinking that his condition would soon Improve, tho judgo sent him to the poor farm. County Judgo Scott also commit ted Grace LnFollct, of this city, to tho asylum this morning, after an examination by Dr. J. A. Richardson. Tho unfortunnto young lady is 21 years of ago, and tho cause of her insanity waB epilepsy. o Seven Men Drown. Belllngham, Wash., Juno 2G. A speclnl to tho Herald from Vancouv er, B. C, says: Tho tug Constance Cnptnln Nell- son, nnd crow of six men, nil of Now Westminster, has been loBt nt Rivers Inlet, 300 miles up tho roast, and every member of tho crew drowned. No dotnlls havo been received. BRADLEY SWEARS IT WAS GAS CAUSED EXPLOSION Miiy Indict Western Union. Oyster Bay, Juno 20. Roosevolt today sent to Chief Smith, of tho bu- renu of corporations, a telegram from tho Central Labor Union, urg ing tho President to proceed against tho two big telegraph companies for violation of tho nntl-truHt lawB. Smith will stnrt legal proceedings It ho finds tho points well taken. Woman Testifies Orchard Told Her He Loved But Once, That Poverty Parted Him From His Gin, and That Ho Would Kill Steucnbcrg Bccauso He Had Made Him Poor Bolso, Juno 2G. Dlruct chnrgcB of attomptcd Intlmldntion of thulr witnesses nro bolng chnrgod by tho defenso In tho Haywood murder ,r h I1ICAG0ST0 PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Slaughter Prices On Every Article in the Store Until the 4th of July No matter how low a prioe you get on any article, corao horo and wo will sell you ,tho same article for lees monoy. Wo will lot no house undersoil us. This Year's Latest and Newest Goods Will Be Slaughtered Without Mercy. Get Our Prices Before You Buy a Dol lar's Worth Elsewhere. This Is How It's Dene: 50c Dress Goods, 23c yard; '75c Dress Goods, 35c yard; 9Gc Dress Goods, 49c; 50c SllkJ, 25; 85c Silks, 4 Go; $1.10 Fino Silks for 69c; 7c Calicoes for 3 He yard;. 8c Lawns, 4c; 12 c Lawns, 7 Vic; 15c Dress Ginghams, 8 l-3c; Romnants, Calico, t any old prico; 12 Mo India Linons, yard, 7&c; prices cut to Fleces ou Whlto Goods and Muslins; Ladles' $3.50 Dress Hats, 11.50;' Ladles' $5.00 Jackets, $2.95; Ladles Coats and Suits about half prico; $5.00 Whlto India LJnon Suits, band tomely cmbroldoried, $2.95. Everything obo co3 at tho aaxno tow prices. Men's 45c Underwear now 23c; 75o Overalls for Beo, 45c; Boys' Overalls, 25cj Ladloa' 10c Hoso, 4c pair; La dles' 20c Hoso at 9c pair . Everything gooa tho same way Hong the line. Wo are ready If you are don't -pay doublo for your goods. gALXM'8 FASTEST GROWING STORE. McEVO Y BROS. P0 COUMHIOIAXJ AWB COURT 0TRXRT. fALXM, OR. LOUIS F. SWIFT. Ono of tho lending spirit ji the great beof combine. trial againHt tho Mate's dotectlvo ngoncles. It la alloged that repre sentatives of tho mlno owners of I Colorado havo been given places In ;tho court room ho they can listen t6 tho testimony of cortaln wltnossos, and contrndlct thorn in robuttal. Rep resentatives of tho dofonso said to day that Major Nnylor, of tho Colo rado National Guards, who is in pos session of a'l tho records of tho so called military courts, nnd momboru of .tho citlzonB' nlllunco comnilttoo, jhnvo boon glvon seats In tho court J room to compare tlo testimony our mon glvo with tho storlos thoy told beforo this comraltteo, nnd If tho state thinks It can keep our wltnejs e3 nway by this moan It Is badly mistaken. Our peoplo are tolling tho truth, nnd if any aro arrested for perjury It will be on a trumped up charge, from whloh they will bo fiuickly cloarod by tho court. Major Naylor, when told of tho charges against him laughed. "I am horo as a witnoss, and hava tho samo right to sit in tho court room during proceedings as a dofonso witnoss. It l . .. T l. . .1 .... n u'ud i uuvv But lUOSO IUIIOWB rfiO- ords, but that has ItQon known for u ng time." Edward Boyco. first pr.ealdont of ,tho federation was tho star witnoss for tho dofense today. Ho rolatod ,all tho circumstances connected with tho inception of tho organization. Ho said It was born as tho result of tho first Couer d'Aleno trouble. Tho federation never counseled violonco In any form, he declared. In Colo- jrado, Wyoming and Montana our 'advocacy of tho elght-bour law made us especially obnoxious and every thing was done to discredit our mo tives and causo dlvsentlons In our ranks. "There nev&r wan nn lnnr J circle, as has been charged." Boyco j emphatically repealed a number of times bis deaUls tha naoiabors of was no longer connected with tho federation, having rich mining inter ests in Northern Idaho. Mrs. Lottio Day, of Donver, for merly of Crlpplo Creek, know Or chard hs Dempsey at tho Bclmoat rooming houso In 1904. This place was over Pottibono's store. Orchard told her holiad a chance to bo rich; thnt ho loved only onco in his life; that ho was separated from tho wo man ho loved by poverty; that Stoun onberg was responsible, nnd thnt ho would surely kill- him. Sho told him to forget It. Prior to this conversa tion sho tnlked with Orchard about gambling, and told him if ho went gambling ho would como back broke. Sho declared Orchard told her Iiq would novor go broko, as ho always had a llttlo monoy to tho windward, as whencvor ho made a winning ho put part, of It In Pettl bpno's snfo, whoro ho could always get It. Pottibono Introduced ho to Orchard. On cross-examination Bho said alio was originally summoned by tho prosecution, nnd thnt sho mado her statement to Attorney Stono for tho prosecution. Hawloy stated ho wanted tho witness hold in town for poBsihlo cross-exnminatlon.' A lively row followed, Rlchnrdson declaring ho WOUld not hold tho wltnoRHnn. Hawloy demanded that tho court or der thorn hold if tho prosecution bo desired. The court finally declared that nil witnesses wanted hnlil iiv tho prosecution must romaln within tho Jurisdiction of tho court. John T. Elliott, nn Inmnto of tho BOldlor's homo, said ho mot Orchnrd on a train in tho lntter par.t of 190D. Orchard told him hlo nnmo was Ho- gan, and thnt ho had boon working for tho mlno owners. Ho told him It had boon plannd to put tho fodorn- tlon out of buslnoBB by ,thp mlno ownors nnd other cnnltallBtH. Pnrt of tho plan w(uj to destroy tho union. nnd ho warned him thnt somothlnK Btnrtllng would Hkoly happen In Ida ho soon. Elliott stuck closely to his story tindor a sovoro cross-oxnmlnntlon. Ho was In tho Insniio noylum ton ycrs ago. Tho dofonso Is woll nlonaod with tho depositions from San Fran cisco, tho Bradloy nindavit being ex ceptionally strong. It is declared by hi in that tho explosion was duo to gas absolutely". John O'Noill, odltor of tho Minors' Mngazino, declared Its purpOHO Is to ochicato federation mon, and unite mem politically. Ho rogrottod to say he was u mombor of tun loglBln-1 turo of Colorado In 1897. Ho lived many yours in Londvlllo nnd tho CrlppJo Crook district. Ho saw Or-1 chard nt Donvor In Murnh. inn.i in I tho headquarters a number of times Orchnrd camo to his oillco during tho HENEYS WORK IN DANGER SPRINGS SURPRISE Megordoit Will Hang. i Quito a strong petition has boon presented tho govornor aaklng Ihct commutation of Megordon'a son tonco, but tho govornor will not ln torforo, as tho murdor wiw an atro cious ono. Megordon will Buffer tho death penalty Friday. o Prisoner Pardoned. John McMahon, who is serving lifo sentenco In .tho pon, bolng sent: up from Malheur county, was par doned this nftornoon by tho tho gov ernor. Tho priBonor had aorvodr moro than ten years. Frcar Get a Sandwich. Oyator'Bay, Juno 2G. Judgo Win. Atlorncys Attack Validity of Grand' SuiJSJ19 Jury, and Declare It Mad No rower mimed aovemor or nawn, to-inker lo Act and That Indictments Found olloct Auguet iotii. By It Arc Illegal '. ,. ... VULLANU CAUSES. FLOOD San Francisco, Juno 20. All of tho various grounds urged by tho de fense In support of n moti6n to sot iiBldo tho brlbory Indictments against , VnlparnlBo do Chile, Juno 2C Tho volcano which appeared In Lit Union district of tho provlnco oT Unldlvia, Btoppod tho courso of th Papabulun rlvor with an Immense iitono dam. An extensive lake formed nnd tho wators filled the valley up to tho crater. The 'pressure 'aweob tho dam away, Inundating the'eoun try. Fourteon corpses have been-, found. offSrT must : TESTIFY: Chicago, Juno 20. Judgo Landla this nftornoon directed th'o clerk to Oil AHLES 13. LANDIS. '8U?r ""JrTn n "ocitofe,,or' T ,. W. H. Tllford, C. M. Pratt, tho pros- Indiana coiigrcflfliimn. orator, Mont nnd secretary, reBpootfully of former newspaperman and nlum lno Stnndnrd Oil Company In New hub of Wulasli univorsity. ,Jor8oy, and for J. A. Moffott, prosl- ,1nti and G. W. Stall, secrotary or ' tj,0 atmulanl Oil Company In Indi ana, to appear In his court July C to tostlfy concerning tho Alton robata cuscb. HosayB ho will summon oth ers. H. M. Folton, prfiBldont of tho Union Tank Lino, and director of traffic for tho Standard Oil, and F. A. AVann, a high oftlclul of tho Alton road at tho tlmo tho alleged robntesr woro granted, will bo summon.d. Tho court announced that It would" go Into tho Innermost working of Oil trilHt. Its HUbBldlnrlnn Dii,r nnd othor cornoratlona VIco-Proldont Louis Glass, of tho Pacific TelojUipno & Telograph Com- pnny, and othor big corporation of ficials, wero retired to positions of compnratlvo Insignificance yostordny afternoon by tho npponranco of a now contention presented and argued contest between Pcabody nnd AdnmB,by a,UH' nttoruoyH. Brlolly ntntod, for tho governorship, and naked him tho ohargo brought by Messrs. Del. to glvo him Poabody and Bell's ad- mas and Conimn l., ,.. .. . Ho told him to look In tho ,invo tha ninHH .,; . ,., ,, city directory. Orchard thon told .... " BB1U,' ,, , him thnt i.i. ... !...,. i... . . nnd which by formal undorBtnnriim- railroad off. but paid no attention to hla ro-,,a for tno bonoflt of all tho othor do- W,th Iw!',,ch1 1 tr8ncU Iobb, and mnri, rtivin i.. ..,.. l.i .... .OBpoclally Into tho declaration of ......... v .iviu nun nsnvil l( no wrotO miuiiu un wmj, is tills: divldnnild tho edl'orlal declaring "Formor All of tho acts porformod by tho ThrnmA, i. . .. . . Govornor Frank Stounonberg met Present grand Jury lnco a dato car-LT B ' ,' ftUoryi tho trust hla death last ovonlmr. according tn to In January of .1.1- v, ,L V L Rd Uofle, tho court' tol,,K Landta tho news dispatches, via tho bomb. valid bocauso tho nrosont Krand Itirv mi.Ma foauet for Information con- route." He said he did. Ho also ao- ceased lawfully to oxlBt when tho t,,, "'"l"1"'" Prollta wa knowifl.iiro.1 wri.in, v-i .-,, i ...... ,..,::'" " "Impertinent and extra Judicial." odllorJals couchod in Blmih.r inn... 'cartiflft.1 iiv n.n nniv i...i.. .. .... LluJ(8 l'lata on Rockefeller and ago. William Davis was willed and 'date referred to. 1 h.orB I'Par'nB In court. If Rock v I - ' Infnlfm nunnnnJu In .,!.. I.. . Tho undisputed facts nro theso -... uuuH...K w Huu- Barly In January of this year tlm l1"0 "KerB wi.btt 8Uro U ' grand Jury list of 1907 was duly cer- , " tuin uiucu is recoivinif uniiv ln- sworn Just ns rocoss wa ordered o Jiiht Mkit an KIt-tloii, Washington, Juno 20. Tho 'Btato uupurimoni na rocoived a cablo titled bv tho 12 luii'ou nt a Mrnn olsco couniv. ntifi wn . 4i,m . .BtnllmontB of cnmpalgn matter from . . ... thft Iflllllnn1yM linn.l......ul i. from Minister Merry, of San Salva- " !",. U'. C0""ty. olork, but tho ."'T -"":;- "jr"?"' dor. and from Minister" 10. of r"1; ranu ry. uoing In tho midst 'II -::" Z:'?i::"uVnn w. JM uiiuuiy-KraiL mvoHLiira. ' " v 4 mu lU. . , w uon (iuntemaln, that Nlcaraguan forcoa nro being conoentratod at stragotlo points for tho purposo of Invading Salvador and Guatemala. . tho exec u tiro commlttoo ever coun tenanced violence or murder. He Roohw for TcMflie All persons In a position to fur nlBh rooms and board to the school teachers' attending tho annual s-tato teacher' coaventlon. for tho Woat. ern division of Oregon, hold hero July l, 2 and 3, can list tho number of rooms and their prices by calling up city 8uporIntcMktJ. M. Pow ers at his offlco. iQ, or at kit rol- enco, 330, or Prof. J. 8. Oralum. MIb. 1310. Was not thorptinnn iln. charged. Instead It was continued In exlstonco under tho bollof that, having been Bolocted In tho fall of 1900, It could legally exist for 2 months or until tho fall of 1907. Judgo Lawlor, In commenting tin- on tho merits of tho defense's con tention, said: "Of courso, If this grand Jurv lma no oxlatenco in law, Its acts havo no i validity and tho Indictments must be set aside- Tho court will wolcomo any furthor light that counsel may lie able to afford, Tho hearin u ntiHnita.l t.nlt t -f .-i--.- .vv.,.uou umhi o ciock lomor- fact that poBtago. our It Is BomotlmcH short ot -o- Tho "como nnd go" feollnga tkat you oxporlonco after tnklnK HollU- xer'8 Rocky Mountain Tea la simply wonderful. Druga Incroaeo -weak-leas. This remedy dooa tho bn4RtxM. 35 cento, Tea or Tablets. Dr. 8tone' Drug Storo. Dr. J. F. COOK mn MOTAXIC3AL BOOCOft,' movmd to Lnamwtr antm FOR AXT JHMKAMM OALJP O OH, J. l , V ll , 'i :&" 'k ;is m f w m irow," wo. uomvurAiMX