DAILY OAPI fAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1007. HOFER BROS., PMe and Proprietors K. nOFER, Editor. A. F. nOFER. Manager. THE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGIlEii! DEVELOPMENT, GOOD GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADBD LABOR. THE ROAD TO YESTERDAY. 1 u. Down tho long, broad ronil as It loads away To pleasant scenes of a yesterday To tho orchard wide whero the laden trees Swing to and fro In tho balmy breozo; ' I)y tho old well-sweep with m creaking polo And tho big whito rock by tho swimming hole Ah, tho scent that comes from the new mown hay Whoso long drifts lny Whero tho sunbeams play ' On tho long, wldo road to yosterday! i Tho milestones stand with their ting of gray As tho mind harks back to a yosterday. And tho road grows smooth as tho eyes bo hold Tho long lost scenes of tho days of old Facos bright of tho on tho sheet and shroud; Long sinco wrapped in tho shoo and shreud: Wolcomo shouts from tho chums soigqy Who romp nnd play In tho old-tlmo way By tho long, wldo road of yostorday Tho ovoning lamp- through tho window Bhlnos, And wo boo onco moro tho stumbling linos Of tho old textbooks, and each puzzling rulo That caused us grief In tho hours of school. And a sweot old faco 'gnlnst tho windowpaue i LookH down tho r-nch of 'tho shady lane; And tho wolcomo gleams' in her bright oyos play As on wo stray Through tho ovoning grey Down tho old, old road to yesterday Down tho long, wldo road as it loads away To tho old-tlmo scones of that yestordny Whon tho hoar! war. light ns tho thlsllo's down, And wo llttlo know of tho hard wort's frown; Whoro tho friends wo know woro tho girls and boys To dlvldo our w'oos and to sharo our Joys Whoro life was sweot and tho hours woro gay With lovo and piny In our childhood way At tho end of tho road to yostorday t o NO WAR WITII JAPAN. Thoro la going to bo no war with Japan, timorous rondor, nnd thoro novor wnt llkoly to bo, Thoro aro two reasons for this thoro has not boon ovon an oxcuso Tor war that could possibly ripen Into a real reason, nnd, Bccondly, if thoro lind boon, thoro nro so mnny bottor ways of sottllng inlsundor Htnndlngs nnd difforoncos than by war and so fow worBo wnys that sonsi l)lo nations llko tho United Statos and Jnpon nro not going to Indulgo In war ovon to plonso tho jingoes of olthor nation. Americans should novor for nit lntnnt forgot that THE JINGO ELE MENT IS BOTH AT HOME AND AHHOAD, IN ALL LANGUAGES AND COMPLEXIONS, ONE AND THE SAME. It Is ovor calling Tor war nnd asking Homebody to knock tho chip off Homebody oIho'h shoulder. ' Ollloloun and blatant, It makes a Bpoclnlty of manufacturing wnr news whon other nows threatens a Boason or Bonsatlon droughts; and honco prcsont discissions of wnr possibility that aro not worth tho costd of cabling, o FOItEST RICSEItVATIONS. Tho oonvontlon which has Just adjourned nt Donvor Is tho first body of Importunoo that hns dealt with tho BUbJoct or tho disposal of tho public IiuhIh of the Uultuil Status. ' Considering tho fact that tho country has boon In tho roal ostato busi ness ror more than a contury, and that dining that porlod It has, by hook nnd oroolc, ohlolly by crook, dUposod or tho major part or Its hold ings, It booihb llko n cuhq or looking the B.tnblo door aftor nearly nil or iho horses r.nvo bton stolen. Tho ouy question loft to dotonnlno 1b whothor tho pcoplo who havo psrmlttod tho theft or tho horHos, and who lent a hand In tho Btoallng, ahull bo allowed to onjoy tho most or tho bonollts whloh may accruo Trom taking good euro or tho steed a which still romaln In tho stalls. Tho Far West. In which all tht lands, conl-boarlug, rorost, pasturo nnd ngrloultural, Htlll romalnlng in tho possession or tho government nro to bo round, has formally gono on record In this matter and DEMANDS THAT THE NEW STATES BE TUEATED WITH THE SAME CONSIDER ATION AS THOSE COMMONWEALTHS WHICH HAVE ALREADY 1)1. VIDED T1IKIH PATUIMONY AMONG THEIR INDIVIDUAL C1TI ZENS. Tho Donvor oouv ntlon In Its ronolutlons recognizes tho wldom or treating tho lands or tho nntlon no a public trust, but It inslstod that this trust should bo ndmlnUtorod for tho bonoflt of tho stntos wherein tho lumlH still romalnlng nro Bltuntod and not for tho honollt or tho pco plo or tho older stntos or tho Union, who havo no lands, forosts, mines or lyisturoa that ro not In tho poBsosalon or prlvnto individuals. Congress will bo unable to roslst tho Justlco or this contention. Ab a rulo that body Is not ovorRwIft to recognlzo tho rights or thoso uoctlous or tho Union with a small roprosontatlon In tho lowor houso, but tho American people, whon they understand tho matter thoroughly, may bo dopondod upon to provont an Injustlco. JuHt now tho popular Impression nt tho East la that tho Far Woat U opposed to tho conservation or Its forosts and that It support tho efforts of uuBcrupuloiiB grabbors to Rtoal tho public domain, but tho onmpnlgn of education inaugurated by tho Public UuuU Convention will Boon convince It that all that Is asked ror is ovon Justlco ror tho now states, and that DEMANDS THAT THE l'UOFITS ARISING 1'HOM THE MliUVUXTIMIOVll REFORM SHALL NOT BE ABSORBED BV THE STATICS THAT HAVE EATEN THEIR CAKE nnd now wish to Hhnro with thono who have Bcarcoly had a chnnco to nlbblo tholrs. Notice of Intention to Improve a Portion of Stnto Street In the City of Snlcm, OregVn. To Whom It May Cencern: Notice is hereby given that tho Common Council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, dooms ,it expedient to improve, and proposes to improve, Stnto Btreet, In said city, from tho wost lino of Church street to tho wost lino of Twelfth street, in said city, with full intersections, and full intersections, and full width between curbs, savo and except a strip Beven feet wldo in tho centor of said street, in tho following manner, tewit: 1. By changing tho grade of said portion of said street so that tho samo will bo slightly lower than at present established. 2. By excavating tho roadway of said portion of daid Btreet full width between curbs, savo nnd except a strip seven feet in width in tho cen ter of said street, to tho dopth of six inches below tho grado provided for in tho specifications for tho doing of , Bald work now on fllo with tho record ei of said city, and hereinafter re- ferrcd to, and by thoroughly rolling said portion of said street artor such oxcavatlon with a steam road roller weighing not less than 12 tons. 3. By plncing on this foundation lrushed rock which shall bo thor oughly rolled with a steam road roller Notice of Intention to Improve a Por tion of Court Street, in tho City of Snlcm, dregon. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that tho common council of tho city of Salfem, Oregon, deems it oxpedlont to Im prove, and proposes to improve, Court street in said city from tho east lino of Commercial street to tho west lino of Church street, In said city, with full intersections, in tho following manner, to-wlt: By exca vating tho roadway of said street to p depth of six inches below tho es tablishel grado of said streot and by thoroughly rolling said street with a heavy steam roller weighing not less than 12 tons, nnd by placing on this foundation crushed rock which shall bo thoroughly rolled with a steam road roller weighing not less than 12 .tons, tho said crushed rock to havo a dopth of four inches after said rolling, and by spreading on said crushed rock a heavy coat of Warren's No. 24 Puri tan brand bitulithic' cement, ono gal lon of tho bitulithic cement to bo used to each square yard of tho foun dation surface Also by laying on said foundation n wearing surfaco composed of sound, hard crushed stono, mixed fW) linillllllllllll Hi. THE MARKETS. II . M Mnkc Snlcm nv Good Home ! ! Market. ' -frM"W--H-fr-M-4"ll H I-H-frl-fr SALEM MARKET. with bitumen and laid on said foun- woighing not loss than 12 tons, tho.dation to tho dopth of two Inches, af Bald crushed rock to havo a depth, tor bolng thoroughly compacted with I tiff tit ttnnnt ntntt 1. By spreading after such rolling of four Inches, and a steam road roller, also by spread to present a uniform ovon surfaco ,lng on said surfaco a thick coat of Warren's Quick Drying Bituminous on tho said FIubIi Coat Composition, and. fl.no crushed rock foundation a heavy coat particles of hot crushed stone. of Warren's No. 21 Puritan Brand Also by constructing nn artificial Bitulithic Cement, dno gallon of Bl- stono curbing 1C.05 feet long, includ- luntnic comont used to encn squaro yard of tho foundation surfaco. 5. By laying on snid foundation Suburban Ileal II y. "What aro tho dimensions of the lots out thoro? "Forty foot front." , "And how deep?" "I can't toll you that. I didn't suo teod in sounding thorn, I put down a pole twenty foot long, but I didn't touch bottom.' Ha Fired the Stick. "I havo iked tho walklng-atlcic I'vo cnrrlod ovor 40 yours, on account vii a euro luai remaiuu urury kiuu uii trontmont, until I trlod Bucklen's .Arnica Salvo; that has hoalod the tjoro and tuade me a happy sua," vrrlt04 John Garrett, of North MUla, N, O. Guaranteed for Piles, Bwrai vita, toy J, 0. i'trry druggtt. tit. Supplying tho DclWit'iiry. "Ho hns no mid of his own." "O, woll, that doosn't bother him." "Doosn't miss it, oh?" "No, his wire la always giving him n ploco or hora." Houston Post. o Tho MhrIo No. 3. Number three Is a wonderful mas cot for Geo. II. Farrla of Codar Grove, Mo according to a letter which reads: "After Buffering much with llvor and kidney trouble, and bocomlng greatly discouraged by the falluro to And relief, I tried Eloctrlo Blttors, and aa a result I am a woll man today. The first bottle relieved and three bottle completed the cure." Guraateed beat oa earth for atowaca, liver aa kldaey troubles, by J, 0. Perry irjgltf. S, so propnrod a wearing surfaco com posed of. sound, hard, crushed stone, mixed with bitumen and laid on said foundation to tho dopth of two Inches aftor being thoroughly compacted lng corner block, nt tho northwest corner of Court nnd High streets, In Bnld city. Also by romoving all arti ficial stono crosswalks on said por tion of said Btrccts, savo and except tho lno'Jlned aprons on all crosswalks which will bo loft in plnco six foot long from tho curb, except tho with a steam road rollor, and by aprons at tho southwest corner of mo intersection oi iiuuriy unu vuuri spreading on snid tnirfaco n thick coat of Warren's Quick-Drying Bi tuminous Flush Coat Composition, nnd flno particles of hot crushed stono. G. By constructing artificial stono curbing along each sldo of said por tion of said street whoro no artificial stono curbing now oxlsts, excopt nt Dtree't crossings nnd alloys, and by constructing artificial stono curbs, in cluding comer blocks, at all cornors whoro no curved curbs now exist and by raising tho artificial stono curb on tho north sldo of tho roadway, of Bnld portion of snid street botweon tho oast boundary lino of Summor Btroot nnd tho west boundary lino of Wavorly Btreet, so that tho top of tho samo shall bo 2 inchos bolow' tho established grado of tho streot whon completed. All of said Improvements to bo mndo In accordanco with tho charter of tho City of Salem, Oregon, and tho plnns, specifications nnd esti mates ror tho doing of said work hcrotoforo adopted by tho Common Council of said city and now on fllo In tho ofilco of tho recordor of said city, to which said plans, specifica tions nnd ostlmntoB tho attention of all porsons Intorostod In said lm provomont Is hereby called. Tho cost of all said Improvomont to bo assessed to tho owners or prop erty ndjacont to snid portion or said street hereby proposed to bo im proved. Remonstrancos against tho nbovo Improvomont may bo filed In writing with tho City Recordor or said city within ton days from tho final publi cation of this notice. By order of tho Common Council of tho City of Salem, Oregon. W. A. MOORES, Recordor. Dato of final publication of this notlco July S, 1907. 6-24-1 It Read our ads today. streets, which aro to bo loft 12 foot long. Also by paving tho Bpaco be tween tho rails nnd ono foot outsldo of tho rulls of tho railway track of tho Oregon Electric Railway Co. with stono blocks set on concrcto nnd grouted with coment mortar, and by laying said track with Blx-lnch "T" rails .weighing not Icsb than C2 pounds por yard. All of said Improvements to bo mndo In accordanco with tho charter of .tho City of Salem, Oregon, and tho plans, specifications nnd esti mates for tho doing of snid work horotoforo adoptod by tho common council or Bald city, and now on fllo In tho ofilco of tho recordor of said city, to which said plans, specifica tions and estimates tho attention of nM porsons Interested in said im provement Is horoby called. Tho cost of all of Bald Improvo mont to bo nssosscd to tho owners of property ndjacont to said portions of said streot horoby proposed to bo Improved. " Romonstrnnccs against tho nbovo improvomont may bo filed In writing with tho city recorder of said city within ton dnys from tho final pub lication of this notlco. By ardor of tho common council of tho City of Salem, Oregon. W. A. MOORES, Recorder. Dato of final publication of this notlco is July 2, 1907. Stclncr's Market. Dealers In flsh, game and poultry Highest cash prlco paid for eggs, Prompt delivery. State stroot. Local Wholesale Market. Eggs ISc. i Butter 25c; fat, 23. Hens 10c; young chlckons, lie. Ducks 10c; geese, 8c; ,turkeya, 1316c. Local wheat 80c. ' Oats 40 42c. Barley 521. Flour Hard wheat, $5.00; valloy $8.85. Mill feed Bran, ?19.50; Bhorts, $21. Hay Cheat, $8.50g9, and clo ver, $7.00 por ton; timothy, $11 $12 per ton. OnionB $2.00 por cwt; potatoeB, 80c por cwt. Hops Choice, 10 lie; prlmo to choice, 8 9c; medium to prlmo. 8c. Chittlm bark 5 6c. Tropical Fruits. Bananas $6.75. Oranges $3 $4. Lomons $5.75. Retail Market. Oats $30; wheat, 90c por bu.; rolled barley, $27. Eggs 20 22c. Apples $3.00. Buttor Country, 20 25c; cream ory, 30. Wheat Club 80c; valloy 8Gc; bluo atom, 89c. Flour Valloy, $1.15 $1.20 por sack; hard wheat, $1.35 $1.40, Bran 65c por Back; $21 por ton. Hay Timothy, 75c por cwt.; cheat, GOc; clovor, 50c por cwt.; shorts, 95c por cwt. Livestock. Hogs Fat, Gc. Cattle 1100 1200 lb Bteors, 4c. Lighter Btoors 3 3 c. Cows and holfors 9001000 lb, 3 4c. Stock hogs 66c. Lambs 4 5c. Voal Dressed, 5 7c. f1""4 DIRECTORY i WHiHHHHHH! "eiegnt0,lllC Senator Chas. w ,, Senator Jona a bI Portland. Bourn. Jr, ,c".PrMM,a"T0W'tt ,&. to "" Bkh. Stnto Officials. Governor. Gonr w '. snron... . r.. . ' amberlitn. son Reform School Supplies. Sealed proposals are .horoby Invit ed for furnishing tho Oregon Stata Reform School with supplies for tho next six months, ending Decombor 31, 1907. Lists, with specifications, will bo furnished upon application to tho superintendent. All bids must bo In by Juno 26th. All goods must bo in strict accordanco with sample, In original packago whon possible. N. H. LOONEY, 6-14-llt Suporlntondont PORTLAND MARKET. Whoat Club 80c; valley 86c; bluo stem, 88 89c. Oats Cholco whlto, $28.50. Mlllstuff Bran, $17. nayTimothy, $1G$18; alfalfa $13$14. Vetch $8.50. Poultry lions, 13c 14; mixed chlckons, 13 c; dressed chlckons, 16c17c; turkoys, live, 13o14c; ducks, young, 13c 14c; pigeons, $11.25. Pork BoBt, 6c 6 Vic. Lambs Spring, 10c10c Mutton 5c 7c. Beof DrosBod, 5 6c. Hops 0o8o lb, according to quality. Wool Valley, coarso to medium, 20c22c; custom Oregon, 16c 22c. o SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Money Saved Now While your earning power is undiminished means more comfort and peace of mind when age or sickness less ens your ability to earn. Open a savings account with us now and let us help you save. SAYINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank Superior Restaurant 153 High Street, Upstairs. First-class In all appointments. A place for Indies and gontlomen to got all kinds of Chlneso dishes and tho famous LI Hung Chung Chop Buoy aud Yakama. R. H. Baker Successor to Whey Sen Yow Co., Prop BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other bread, yet the price is no higher For salo at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA BAKERY. Thomas & Cooley, Props. HOLUSTE1V Ricky Mountain Tea Nuggais A Bur Itadlolat ki Baiv PmbI Sriagt Qoldta UmIUi a&4 KaowT Vlger. j Pimple', Kctenu, Impute SlujrsW UoweU. HeuWche let form. M minta Krv n-.,i S? L.fSLT? Houurrt Dco Compaxy, K4ia, Wit M.EN NUKETS Fdft SALLOW PEt - -A. WSJ?? J&5?..ME?M?d, ll"tlon. Ut ad Bckcte. If Rocky Mountain ts la tfe. ft&d Kidney Tmiihl .. . r - --- " wood. d Ureath. a Tlmo Cnrtl No. 48 Effective Juno 10. Toward Portland Passenger. No. 16 5:23 a. m Oregon Ex press, No. 18 8:30 a. ra Cottago Grove Possongor. No. 12 4:2G p. m Shasta Ex press. No. 149:28 p. m., Portland Ex- picss. Toward Portland Freight. No. 22210:55 a. in., doparts 11:38 a. m., Portland Fast Freight. No. 22 C 10:40 a. m doparts 11:38 n. m., Way Froight. ' Toward San Francisco Passenger No. 11 11:03 a. in., Shasta Ex press. No. 17 6:42 p.m., Cottago Grove Passenger. No. 159:56 p. m., California Ex press. No. 13 1:31 a. xn San Francis co Express. Toward San Francisco Freight. No. 2212:33 n. 'm., San Fran cisco Fast Froight. No. 225 11:55 a. m., arrives 11:25. o Special Eastern Excursion rates. May 20, 21, June 6, 7, 8, July 3, 4, 5, August 8, 9, 10, September Hi 12, 13. To Chicago and return, J73.15. SL Louis and retura, 169.15 St. Paul and retura, Omaha, Conacll Bluffs, Sioux City, St. Joe, Xabjss City aad retura $Cl.li. 8yrUV?va mo WH, H'MURRAY, lad It hW 8-21-tf Oca. ru. a1 i T'r' " B- o, SlM, F State Treasurer, George A m..i h State Labor CommlwloMr, i P Supremo Court. Chief Justice, Robert 8. Beta. Assoclato Justice, Frank A. Moor Associate Justice, Robert Eakla. ' Commis3lonors W. T. Slater W It. King. ' W' Clerk, J. J. Murphy. Reporter, R. a. Morrow. Bailiff, P. H. Raymond. Circuit Judces, Geo. H. Burnett Salem; William Galloway, McMtnn' vlllo. District Attorney, John h. ue. Nary, Salem. Other Stnto Officials. J. W. Bailey, Food and Dairy Coo. missioned Portland. J. W. Baker, Game and Forestry warden, Cottago GroTo. Robt. C. Yenny, Stato Health OS cer, Portland. J. H. Lowla, Stato Englaeer, 8a. lorn. E. Gilllngham, State Librarian, Saeom. II. G. Vnn Dujod, 8tate Flih Com missioner, ABtorla. Chas. V. Galloway, State Laa! Agont, Salem. W. W. Eldor, Commander Soldiers' Home, Rosebur'g. Marlon County Offltkk. John H. Scott, County and Probati Judgo. R. D. Allen, Clerk of Conrti. V. J. Culver, Sheriff. W. Y. Richardson, Treasurer. E. T. Moores, Superintendent of Schools. F. J. Rice, Assessor. B. B. Herrlck, Jr., Sarreyor. J. C. Noedham, W. H. Goulet, Cosa mlsslonors. A. M. Clough, Coroner. D. G. Drager, Recorder. Snlcm City OIHcWi. Geo. F. Rodgers, Major. W. A. Moores, Recorder and Pollw Judgo. D. W. Gibson, Marshal and ChW of Police. Frank Meredith, City Treasurer. A. O. Condlt, City Attorney. Jas. W. Martin, Street Commis sioner. Mark Savage, Chief Fire Depi ment. W. C. Smith, Health Officer. City Standing Committed. Wnys and Means Jacob, Wallo Churchill. Ordinances Greenbann, mt. Goodo. Accounts and Current Expw-4 Churchill. Rndcliff, Bxne-Streets-Downing, BtocK,J Public BulldlngJ-Stociton, Sto Gosnor. Sewerage. Stote, JeoM. Plumblng-FrMor, DofsUf. G nFIre and W.ter-.f Gmidge3-GeSner, Churchill, "'Health and Pollce-Haas, 1 Waldo. r,fl.visa- L,ght8-Goode, Haaj, G "- PrlnUng-HadcUff, U. Public Parks-Dayne, GreB Stockton. . Board of EdBUo. W. H. Byrd, Chalrma". A. A. Lee, IL ft Epley. -Crolsan, Directors. H. A. Johnson. Jr. C te '. J. M. Powers, - -rT..insl ca July lO-W-IMw-V,,!,. tlan Endeavor "".Vrfl, July 15-20-Grand K Philadelphia. . iBinitf csl July 9-13-Knight. clave, SaratogaJ ye.a,L,7lTor A dose of w' HMrii Syrup w re"""" ? JSK. ??' Z: Jo7 McGrsts. H m r -;.mo. 1st street, - .. m