DAILY CAPITAL JOUIiNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1007. mjp .J REFERENDUM QUESTION ARGUED EUHHI Good Cooks sav CLEVELAND'S Ask a GOOD cook the kind of baking powder to use and she will say CLEVELAND'S. It is the baking powder or experts the baking powder used by those who have tried them all. Cooks who have used CLEVELAND'S and tried others always come back to Cleveland's SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER Made from a Superior grade of Pure' Cream of Tartar CALL FOR CLEVELAND'S BAKING POWDER AND INIST UPON HAVING IT- Sold and Recommended by tne Following Grecers: WKLLEIt IlltOS., C0MM13KCTAL STREET. 1. R. aiLItERT CO., COMMERCIAL STREET. IIOTII & GRAREIt, COMMERCIAL STREET. DAMON H FOSTER, COMMERCIAL STREET. J. - LAWRENCE, COMMERCIAL STREET. W. A. IRVIN CO., COMMERCIAL STREET. A. DAUE, OORLAUniCIAL STREET. .11. II. RAOAN, COURT STREET. A. L. HARVEY, COURT STREET. J. L. MOORE & SON, CAPITAL STREET. aiUTHERFORD & DOE, FAIR GROUNDS. ROTH & G RARER, STATE STREET . J. W. IIARRITT, STATE STREET. MOIR GROCERY CO., STATE STREET. H. M. HRANSON, STATE STREET. . t . JOHN HUGHES CO., STATE STREET. A. A. ENGLEHART, STATE STREET. F. G. ROWERSOX, YEW PARK. II. L. SOIIULTZ, ASYLUM AVENUE. W. I). WHEELER, NORTH SALEM. A. CHENOWETH, NORTH SALEM. FARHINGTON & VAN PATTON, STATE STREET. Sold in Neighboring Towns by the Following Grocers X'ETER COOK, RIOKREAL. X. ARRAMH CO., LINCOLN. 13. W. SMITH, LIIIERTY. J. L. PARSONS, FRUITLAND. HtANSOM & SON, TURNER. V. T. OTT, PRATUM. 11. G. HENDERSON, CHEMAWA. lvAMP & RAMP, RUOOKS. NIRLi:R NATIIMAN, GERVAIS. CHA8. 1). HEIN, AUMSVILLE. T. If. DRAKE, MAOLEAY. JOS. 8CHOMUS, SHAW. M. A. HARDER, MARION. FORD & CO., MARION. F. M. REED, JEFFERSON. SMITH FONTAINE, JEFFERSON. PATRONIZE THESE GROCERS A THE EIESTA AND THE AUTO RACES Fortland Sees Somo "Rapid Transit" and Rcofds Broken Darn y Oldfloll broko his own nnd llio world's record for n mllo on a v.lrmilnr track ut Portland Saturday on tho IrvliiKton courso In his I'our om "Uroon DniKon" racing enr, low orlutf tliu previous Gil-second ivcord to 0:52 JJ-G. Ho nuulo this marvelous tlmo In tho second mllo of his tlireo-mllo raco against Wllllum Wallace, who drovo Inmnn's 70-horso powor rhomns In thV socond heat of tho, Flostn $2000 BwoupstakoB. On tho II ret tlmo at omul, with a short roll lUK Hturt, Olllold crossed tho mark at torrlttlo spood at 1 uilnnto tint, and took tho llrst torn In ono swoop liiB skid, throwing dust nnd dirt ovor tho fomw, fully 100 foot awny. Ho itovor slackened speed this lap, nnd came sliding around tho last curve nnd down tho homo strotoh at u speed fcrwitor than ovor aeon by nny ono of the thousands of spectators nnd across tho lluo In G2 2-5 seconds for that mllo. In tho last mllo of tho raco. hnvlug a lonir load, ho slack ened spaed, nnd inado It In 59 boo unds, flnl&hln tho throo miles In 1:51 2-5. This was tho first day of tho auto mobllo speed contest glwn uudor tho nusplcos of tho Portlaud Auto mobllo Olub, nnd morv than 4500 Duoplo wltuossod tho exhibition of :tho various cars. Tho large graft adnnd was crowded to overflowing, aa about 1,00 of Portia' iMt machine wc scttfl arwai'tk tlmo stand In tho Inner Hold. A larKO crowd was scnttored all uIouk tho fonco, oxcopt on tho curvis, whoro it wns considered dnngorous nnd thoy wero kopt nwny by the police. Tho Kroatest Interest of tho day una contorod on Unrnoy Oldflold nnd In Druno Solhol, driver of tho "Red Devil." Most of tho spectators had no Idea of real speed until thoy had non those two lly nround tho track In a cloud of dusc In tholr sopnrato exhibition runs. Thoro Boomed to bo something rndlcnlly wrong with Sel bed's car, as ho could not como near his oustomnry tlmo In tho day's rncos. Tho enr could bo seon at tlmos lo bnlk and slacken speed. In his ox. hlhltlon ho only mndo tho two miles In 2:08. Oldllold did not crowd his car In his exhibition, but mndo three miles in 2:52 2-5, keeping his prom ise of making It under throo min utes. Fkvstn $2000 Sweepstakes. This raco hold tho surprlso of tho afternoon. Wallace, n comparative ly new man In the Bpood buslnoss, beat Solbol's "Rod Dovll" In tho first heat Wallace drovo R. D. Inman's Thomns 70 horse powor maohlno. Tho "Hod Dovll" luild tho load until wtthln about half a mllo of tho finish In tho third mllo, when It seomed to slnckwn speed nnd Wnllaco drow up, passed him and finished with a good load In 3:12 2-5. It wns In tho second boat of this raco that Ofldflold shattered tho 53- socond record, as described boforo. Wnllaco really had no chanco at all, as his mnchluo had not yet mndo a mllo under tho mlnuto mark, and tho lltrlo greon car drow away from him from tho first, Oldflold drov a prot ty race, novor soomlng to renllro tho oxtromo danger. Ho Always drives In a greon coat, tho color of hlJ car, and with no bead covering except goggles, And holding r halt-smoked cigar In kls mouth. Tho "Greea Pragcm" Is sot as Urge a car as MtH be lwagloed, and la built low juul clo8o to tho ground, overythlng being sacrificed for speed. Tho two radiators In front nro sot nt an angle, forming n sharp point, which helps In cutting tho air resistance. Tho car Is battered up, nnd dooks as If It hnd seen much service. Oldflold nov or loavos it out or ms signt. Wnllaco Smashes 23-Mllo Record. In tho 25-mllo ondurnnco raco Wal lace, In n Popo-Hartford, succeeded In loworlng another record. Wnllaco brought down tho record about 30 seconds, making tho 25 mllos In 20:0 4-5. Tho host previous tlmo nuulo In this class of car was 29:47 3-5, mado at L03 Angoles. A Plerco Arrow car was tho only machlno that Wafllnco didn't pass nt least once, It finished about half a mllo behind him. Thoro woro 10 races on tho day's program ,but no other records woro lowored. Second Day's Races. Tho second day's automobile races woro pulled oft Sunday on tho Irving ton course As a wholo thoy woro not tho success of thoso of Saturday. Solbol's "Rod oDvll" hoke down on his first tlmo nround for an exhibi tion run, and was complotoly out. I Ho had troublo with his machine Sat urday. Old field's machlno always ran per fectly, oxcopt that In his first exhibi tion today a front tiro burst, causing somo ilolay, but ho drovo his flvo mllo exhibition lntor In 4:45, low orlng his Saturday's record flvo seconds. Wallace Ilivaks Anotlior Record, Wallace broko another rocord driving tho samo car that ho drovo in Saturdays 25-mllo race. Ho made 10 miles in an exhibition In 10:56 2-5, about 15 seconds faster than any previous record. Thoro woro a number of other races, but sot as many as on Satur day's card, No other records wero broke. Whether merely technical defects In a printed form shall defeat throo roforondum potltlons of over 0000 voters each, Is tho question to be de cided by Judgo Galloway, of tho equi ty department of the circuit court. Tho caso camo up for argument on mnndamus proceedings this after noon, In tho Instance of tho petition for tho referendum on tho Universi ty tax of $125,000 per nnnum, which was rejected by Secretary of Stato Benson, upon tho opinion of Attorney Genornl Crawford, and In two In junction cases. Two other referendum contests were argued boforo tho court. Mn larkey and Logan appeared to se cure Injunctions againBt tho placing on tho bnllot of tho proposed law to break up tho graft supposed to ac cruo to Sheriff Stevens, of Portland, In tho boarding of prisoners. Thoy also demanded an injunction against placing tho official freo pass bill on tho ballot by the secretary of stato. That Is anotlior graft tho referendum Is aimed at and will destroy if loft 'to a voto of the people. County Judgo Webster nrgued In favor of tho people having a right to kill tho Slovens graft, regardloss of technical objections. Tho big fight of tho day was put up by Tlllmon Ford and M. E. Poguo, to compel tho secretary of stato to put tho Unlvorslty tax bill on tho bal lot. Attornoy-Goncrnl Crawford and his assistants, Vnn Wlnklo nnd Bing ham, appenred for. the secretary of s'tnto, and to sustain tho University managers in kcoplng tholr bill from going to a popular vote. Tho main question in tho last caso Is whether a now tax can bo Imposed on tho people without their consent being secured under tho roforondum clauso of tho constitution. o No Fire at Dallas. Ono of tho rural cnrrlors coming In from Polk county this nftornoon reported a big flro raging In tho di rection of Dnllas, and that apparent ly tho town was on flro. An inquiry by phono wnB answered: "No flro here, nnd nono in sight." It Is prob nblo the smoko seen wns from a tim ber flro some dlstnnce this sido of Dallas. ' NAMES -CHARTER MAKERS Mayor Rodgcrs Selects Men to Frame New City Codes Mayor Rodgers has Issued a circu lar lotto, namlngtliomen who aro 'to lar letter naming tho men who nro to Following Is the list of stunding committees of tho Salem Charter Board, together with assignments mado by tho undersigned by authority of a resolution passed at tho last mooting of tho beard: 1. Hlghwnys, Albert, Stockton. 2. Finance, parks and public utilities, McCornack, Gilo. 3. Cl'ty officers, (executive and administrative) Thiol3on, GeBnor. 4. Legislative body, (numbor, powers, etc.) Kny, Condit. G. Accounting, proceedure, .auf frago and olections, Moyors, Grecn-baum. Wind Rlow It Off. W. E. Wnnn camo over from Snlom Monday ovouing. Wo E. had evi dently been out In a brcezo Bome whoro nnd lost his mustnoho Now port Nows. Notice of Intention to Improve n Portion of Stato Street in the City of Salem, Oregon. To Whom It May Cencern: Notice is horoby given that tho Common Council of tlio City of Sa lom, Oregon, dooms It expedient to improve, and proposes to lmprovo, Stato street, In said city, from tho wcst lino of Church strcot to tho '.west lino of Twelfth street, In said 'city, with full Intersections, nnd full Intersections, and full width between I curbs, 8a vo nnd except a Btrip bo von (feot wido In tho center of Bnld strcot, in tno following manner, tewit: 1. By changing tho grade of snld portion of Bald Btreot so that tho snmo will bo Bllghtly lower than at present established. 2. By excavating tho roadway of said portion of aald strcot full width I between curbs, savo and except n strip seven feet in width in tho con tor of snld strcot, to tho depth of six Inches below tho grado provided for In tho specifications for tho doing of said work now on fllo with tho record oi of said city, and horolnaftor re ferred to, nnd by thoroughly rolling said portion of snld strcot after such oxcnvatlon with n oteam road roller wolghlng not less than 12 tons. 3. By placing on this foundation Irushod rock'Whlch shall bo thor oughly rolled with a stoam rond rollor wolghing not less than 12 tons, tho said criiBhed rock to havo a dopth, aftor Btich rolling of four inches, and to prcsont n uniform ovon Biirfnco with proper crown. 4. By spreading on tho said crushed rock foundation n hoavy coat Bltullthlc Cement L1 BM " mraent used tnL l 5- By laying .. . .atfe. bo prepared a wearlnTLf!',ndi,,'( Posed of sound, hard JL?- m!vwl ,,.i4i. .... arQ 1iM ... BV lnv.nJ . '0at'1' n'r"b on m to,,.... ::; J dept rough oad i Id sur "oj.MUBn' Coat p.J " " fUinnAJii llki W edwithbituraounef foundation to the depth Vr 1 after iii,inw .I.. uepUlttoinA.. -.b uiorouehw . ""! wltu a steam road roll91 "heading, on nU m U lr coat of w.... "nace a iufL coat of Warren's QugLl luminous Flush, c n and fine particles of mono G. hot "liked By conRtmMi.. curbing along each mZ tion of said street when. . d p0N Btono curbing now 2,rt! Btree't crossing and .,? constructing artificial stone k .by cind.ng corner blocksat Xn v.iiero no curve! o.k! ' " TOrilr by raising the artificial ! ! Uad on tho north .!., " al rt0M Wb Said nortlnn St the east bound7lta.. 1ST strcot ami hn .4 , ' A 0I 8r same8hnllbe2nche8b50; eMnblished grade of the strTJ8 completed. Wt U!l All of said lmnrnv6me.4. .. . madolnaccordancowlththech.ru! o tho City of Salem, Ore6on, the plans, sneclflcntim,. ., ... , mates for tho doing ot Mld Sk' Council of said city and now oa u. In tho olllco of tho rwrH.. ., .... city, to which said plans. iDWic. .!.. ., ... . ' .--- iiuua una csumates the attention of nil persons Interested in said l0. provomont is hereby called, Tho COSt Of all nnlrl ImnL.-... tO 1)0 aSSCSSCd to tho nwnn, .. orty adjacont to said portion otuld street hereby proposed to be la proved. Remonstrances against tho ibori Improvement may bo filed la irrithj With tho Cltv rtcpnnlpr nf t,l u. . .. . raiv v( within ton days from tho final pubB cntion of this notice. By order of tho Common ConadI of tho City of Salem, Oregon. W. A. M00RES, Reccrdr. Dato of final tmbllcatlon nf tMi notlco July 8, 1907. 6-Mlt o Saturony's Storm. Tho rain storm Saturday vti o of tho heaviest that has visited tts valley for years. Hall fell om a small section, doing some damage to fruit, but, for every dollar's damaii dono a hundred dollars benefit vest on 'tho other side ot the ledger. Tk rnln wns 'needed, but the vrMti clork need not havo been In so ma of a hurry about delivering It. Bw In Salem tho streets were glrtn i KonoroiiB and much-needed wmMb and tho sowors were worked to capic Ity for half an hour. niimiim2 IF YOU INTEND TO BUY A ICOOL SUMMER SUIT Come Where you will find the style, fit and finish you want. Bishop's Ready Tailored Summer Suits cannot be beat in quality, workmanship and finish. Prices $8 to $25 Wc have a tailor to make any ateatJ necessary to give you a perfect fit tree of charge. SUMMER UNDERWEAR ! Rpcf- horaiieo Uoj art tho rnnlocf- hict wearing i comfortable. Knee leneth in drawers, short sleeves, w I piece or union suits. 50c to $2.50 per garment iSalem Woolen Mill Store HIHIIIII millllHIHIIIII i tiiiiim' BLOCK (71 1 1 cotiR jr and mosl A