i ' AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALBM, OKHOOIf MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1007. ,1 X-RAYS An Aurora, IlJiuols, Jury recently , ft verdict, recommended that the Mendnnts they werp trying, two . nrt1 nlinlln 1 C nn mm M 1)0 "Oil U"" " " DIJUUIVVU. ' rt ' judge hold that the punishment xta unconstitutional, being In the I llur0 of an x po3t facto law. What has become of Alice Roosc- rflt Longworth. "Princess" A.tco tisn't boon In the limelight since tie honeymoon ended, nnd her hus Und seems to havo hunted the tacfcsrund w'tn nCr d m es As the unwritten law seems to bo ibout the only one enforoed, why not abolish the codes nnd statutes and jo back to the old doctrine, that night makes right; nnd a grievance, t gun and tho drop on tho other fel low aro sufllclcnt justification for murder. r If Borah Is no greater criminal than he Is lawyer, as indicated by his jrgumont In tho Hnywood case, ho 1 be acquitted of being a timber thief. Hownrd Gould never calls attention i to my urotner-m-iaw, tno "wnsn- jhouse Chink." Thd sister of Hownrd Gould's wlfo married a Chinaman, and from In dications made a much bettor match than Mrs. Gould. Now that thoso Idaho bankers have been sentenced to tho peniten tiary for IS months for defrauding ihe government of Its lands, It would be a good scheme for Undo Snm to offer amnesty to all land grnftors who deeded their Illegally acquired !inds back to tho government. Thcro lould bo a rush of tho weary for Ithe recorder's ofllcc. u The city council hns finished pav- Ilcg another section of Stnto street, ;Mi tlmo from Church to Twelfth. It fi a fine picco of work. It is asserted that tho man shot by Reynolds In Port'nnd a fow days bo wns not named Herbert, but lllbblns, but then bo's just aB dead 'i hatovor namo was IiIb, for now ho im none, ills namo wns If rallroadJ can glvo half-faro rates to excursionists special occasions, nnd mnko monoy by do ing to, why do thoy Insist thoy can't make expenses on a 2-ccnt-a-mlIo Irate? Tho Increased travel would probably Increase Instead of dimin ishing their receipts. Rotterdam spends $4,000,000 for cotton seed oil, which 1b worked trer Into butter, Hard, etc. This fears out n recent statement of some caned medico, that 'Cotton seed oil i good for consumption." 0s West drive tho Democratic urty to doublo harness, but tho nnl- aals havo not tho party's official trand Job. Meyers & Sons nro not run- MaB a saloon and cigar stand, even PI they do advortlso "flre-water and faoke" sale. tv Dill Ho? She fnftor 12) And would you wliy put yourself out for my sako? He indeed I would. She Then do It; I'm awful sleepy. -Judge. O ' Manila's Proposed 8103.000.000 Cuiml. A dispatch from Ottawa. Canada. Rtes that tho Georgian Bay Canal funnr-Esion has practically com We Arc Our sparo time is closely occupied unpacking and placing before tho trad' the latest things In tho shoo lino. Seo us for MnVs WHITE OXFORDS MUX'S RLACK OXFORDS 3IK.VS TENNIS SHOES MEN'S CANVAS SHOES Men's Superior Outing Shoes, black buck uppers and ElkBkin tt-'cs, only 2.50. Seo thera. Salem Shoe Store EYRE & MAPLLTHOWPE Do you ex perience dis tress after M cttESRATcg hJ meals or suf fer from con stipated bow els? Resort to tho Bitters promptly. It will euro Heartburn, Sour Risings, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation. pleted, at a cost of somo ?C00,000, a thorough survey of the proposed twenty-ono foot waterway from Geor gan bay to Montreal, via tho French river, Nlplsslng and tho Ottawa river. Tho engineers of tho commission hnvo not compiled a flnnl estimate as to tho wholo cost of tho canal, but, from Information now available, It Is stated that tho total expenditure re quired fo ra continuous nnd enslly navlgablo waterway, with a minimum depth of twenty-ono feet from Geor gian bay to tide water, will bo closo to $106,000,000. It Is said that tho1 canal wllU shorten tho dlstnnco from Fort William, on Georgian bay, to Montreal by over 400 miles. It la estimated that with the com pletion of tho cannl thcro wiM bo 500,000 horse-power available along Its course as much as Is nvallablo at Niagara. With so much cheap power available and with Its great resourced of Iron ore and tlmbor, tho Ottawa valley 1b excpectoJ to become ono of tho great manufacturing centers of tho continent. Referring to tho early construction of tho canal, Sir Wil frid Laurlcr recently said that If ho had the money to do so ho would bo gln work Immediately. o Death of Snlly A. Jesse. Sally A. Jcsso of Needy, died ln.it Wednesday ovonlng, Juno 12th, at tho homo of her Bou-ln-lnw, Joseph Johnston, aged 84 years, 10 mouths and 8 day. Slio leaves a daughter and son, rMs. Joseph Johnston nnd John Jcsso. Tho decensol hna been suffering from a paralytic stroko for several months. Tho funornl sorvlccs wcro held Friday morning, nnd tho re mains interred In tho homo cemetery, J. P Colo of Aurora, officiating, o IT IT SKRIOUB. Somo Sulcm Peoplo Fall to Itcallzo tho Seriousness. Tho constant aching of a' bad back, Tho woarlnesB, tho tired feeling, Tho pnlnB and aches of kidney Ills Aro serious If neglected. A Snlom citizen shows you how to avoid them. W. II. Wood, enrpontor, of 2G0 Cottngo street, Saloni, Ore., says: "A good many yoars ago, J got badly kicked by a mulo right over tho kidneys and nt nnothor tlmo while digging a well It cavod in on mo, also Injuring my bnck. Slnco thon I hnvo had more or loss nnnoyanco 1 from my kidneys. Change of weathor caused my back to acho and when I worked hard It becamo so Inmo that I could hardly straighten up after stooping. I procured Doan'B Kid ney Pills at Stone's drug storo and slnco taking them, nlthough I havo continued to work hard and been exposed to Bovoro weather, not an acho or other symptom of my former troublo remains This clearly proves that Doan's Kidney PIUb net up to tho representations mndo for thcro. I also know of othor peoplo who havo dorlved great bonoflt from their uso. I am glad to let othors know tho merits of Doan's Kidney Pills for bnckncho and kidney troubles." For salo by all dealers. Price CO contB. Foster-Mtlburn Co., Buffalo, Now York so.; agentd for tho United States. Remember tho name Doan's and tako no other. Crowded LADIES' MOUNTAIN SHOES LADIES' WHITE OXFORDS. LADIES' VICI KID OXFORDS POLL LINE BOYS' SHOES HjHlSyHflP49vjMBK A JITTERS IXotlco of Intention to Imnrovo a For- tlon of Court Street, in the City of Salem, Oregon. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notlco is hereby given that tho common council of tho city of Sa'.bm, Oregon, deems it oxpedlont to Im prove, and proposes to Improvo, Court street In said city from tho east lino of Commercial street to tho west lino of Church street, In Bald city, with full Intersections, In tho following manner, to-wlt: Dy exca vating tho roadway of said street to e depth of six Inches below tho cs tabllshel grado of said Btreot and by thoroughly rolling said street with a heavy steam rollor weighing not less than 12 tons, nnd by placing on this foundation crushed rock which shall bo thoroughly rolled with a steam road roMor weighing not lcs3 than 12 tons, tho said, crushed rock to havo a depth of four Inches after said rolling, nnd by spreading on said crushed rock a heavy coat of Warren's No. 24 Purl- tan brand bltulithlc cement, ono gal lon of tho bltulithlc cement to bo used to each square yard of tho foun dation surface Also by laying on said foundation a wearing surfaco composed of sound, hard crushed stono, mixed with bitumen and laid on said foun dation to tho depth of two inches, af tor being thoroughly compacted with a steam road roHor, also by spread ing on snld surfaco a thick coat of Wurron's Quick Drying Dltumlnous FltiBh Coat Composition, and ftno particles of hot crushed stono. Also by constructing an artificial stono curbing 1G.05 fcot long, includ ing comor block, at tho northwest corner of Court and High streets, in said city. Also by removing all arti ficial stono croBewnlkB on said por tion of said streets, Bavo and oxcopt tho inclined aprons on all crosswalks which will bo left In placo six foot long from tho curb, oxcopt tho nprons nt tho Bouthwcst corner of tho Intersection of Llborty nnd Court Btroots, which aro to bo loft 12 foot long. Also by paving tho spneo bo tweon tho rails and ono foot outuldo of tho rails of tho railway track of tho Oregon Elcctrlo Railway Co. with stono blocks set on concroto and grouted with coment mortar, and by laying Bald track with Blx-Inch "T" rnlls .wolghlng not less than C2 pounds por yard. All of said Improvements to bo mndo In nccordanco with tho chartor of .tho City of Salem, Oregon, and tho plans, specifications nnd esti mates for tho doing of snld work horotoforo adopted by tho common council of said city, and now on fllo In tho oftlco of tho recorder of said city, to which said plnm?, specifica tions and ostlmntcs tho attontlou of nU porsonB Interested In said Im provement Is heroby called. Tho cost of all of said Improve ment to bo assosBod to tho ownors of proporty ndjncont to snld portions of snld atroot heroby proposed to bo Improved Romonstranccs ngainBt tho nbovo Improvement may bo filed in writing with tho city rccordor of snld city within ion days from tho final pub lication of this notlco. Dy ordor, of tho common council of tho City of Salem, Oregon. W. A. MOORES, Rocordon Dato of final publication of this notlco Is July 2, 1007. Reform School Supplier. Soalod proposals aro heroby Invit ed for furnishing tho Otegon State Reform School with supplies for the next six months, ondlng December 31, 1907. Lists, with specifications, will bo furnished upon application to tho suporlntondont. A1I bids must be in by Juno 26th. All goods must be In strict accordanco with samplo, lu original package whon possible. N. II. LOONEY, 6-14-llt BuporJntondont WANTED A representative to tnko cliargo of exclusive territory for a high-class publishing house, Pleasant work anil good compensation. Address, with reference, Tho Outing Publishing Co. DepoU, N. Y. Superior Restaurant IK Hick genet. Upstairs. Fbt-JtM in all appointments. A phut for ladle and sesUleeaea to et aU klad of Chinese dishes aa4 the turnout LI JCusc Cauag Che? Iiuy aad Yakaasa, R. H. Baker Succcmot to Wlwy gea Yow C.f Prop Our Great Closing Ott Sale IS EASY EVERY WAY The Prices and Values $2650 Dressing Tables $ J 8.50 $15.50 $15.00 Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Wall Papers And Everything We Sell This Gigantic THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. 1 77 Liberty Street 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 I THE MARKETS. I X Make Salem a Good Home X I Market, nimiimiiiiiiiiMiiMi' SALEM MARKET. Stelncr'a Market Dealeru In fish, game and poultry Highest cash price paid for eggs, Prompt delivery. State street. Local Wholesale Market, Eggs 18 c. Iluttor 2Gc; fat, 22. Hens 10c; young chickens, lie. Ducks 10c; geese, 8c; turkeys, 13lCc. Local wheat 80c, Oats 10 -120. Darloy 121. Flour Hsrd wheat, B,00; valley 13.85. Mill food Bran, $19.60; shorts, 21. Hay Cheut, $8.00 9, and clo- vor, $7.00 por ton; timothy, $11 $12 por ton, Onions -$2,00 por cwt; potatoes, 80o per cwt. Hops Choice, 10Gllo; prime to choice, 8 9c; medium to prime, Chlttlm bark BH6c, Tropical Fruits. DananaB JC.75. Oranges $3 $4. Lemons $6.7C. Retail Market. Oats $30; wheat, 90c por bu.j rolled barley, $27. KL'ga 205'22c. Apples $3,01. Butter Country, 202Gc; cream ory, 30. Wheat Club 8Cc; valloy 80c; bluo stem, 89c. Flour Valley, $1.10 $1.20 per sack; bard wheat, $1.35 $1.40. Bran 65c per sack; $21 per ton. Hay Timothy, 70c per cwt.: cheat, 60c; olover, 00c por cwt.: aborts, 96c per cwt. Livestock. Hogs Fat, 6 He. Cattle 11001200 lb Users, 4c. Lighter steers 33$e. Cows and kelfers 90e16e ft, SH4c. Stock bogs e6V45. Lambs i 6c. Veal Dressed, 5 7c. PORTLAND MAKKMT. Wheat Club 8Cc; yalley Sc; blue stew, 88 9 89c. Oats Choice whit, $28,60, 44 44 u 44 44 44 44 Mlllstuff Bran, $17. liny Timothy, $1C$18; alfalfa $13$14. Vetch $8.00. Poultry Hens, 13o14; mlxod chlckons, 13 Ho; drossod chickens, lCo17c; turkoys, live, 13o14c; duckB, young, 13c 14c; pigeons, $11.20. Pork Bost, Cc0c. LambB Spring, 10c10Hc, Mutton Go 7c, Beef Dressed, 5 6c. Hops. Co 8o lb, according to quality. Wool Valley, coarse to medium, 20c 22c; custom Orogon, IGo 22c. o- Tho "como and go" feelings thnt you oxporlonco after taking HoIIIb ter's Rocky Mountain Tea Is simply wonderful. Drugs Incroaso weak ness, Thin romody does tho business. 30 conts, Tea or Tablets. Dr. Stono's Drug Storo. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Tlmo Card No. 48 Effective. Juno 10, Toward Portland Passenger. No. 10 6:23 a. m., Orogon Ex press. No. 18 8:30 a. ra Cottage Drove Pasnongor, No. 124:26 p, m., Shasta Ex press, No, 149:28 p. m., Portland Ex pi ess. Toward Portland Freight. No, 222 10:65 a. m., doparts 11:38 a. m Portland Fast Freight. No. 220 10:40 a. m., doparts 11:38 a, m., Way Frolght. Toward San Francisco Passenger No. 11 11:03 a. m Shasta Ex press. No. 17 C:42 p,m Cottago Orovo PaBsengor, No. 10 9:60 p..tn California Ex press, No, 13 1:31 a, m., Ban Francis co Exprca.1. Toward Saa Francisco Freight. No. 2212:33 a, m San Fran cisco Fast Frolght. No. 226 11:55 a. m., arrives 11:25, Cherries Wanted! Highest Market Price Paid Also Other Cannkif Pruk H. S. Gilc & Co. Crner Trade mid High Sts. Salem, Oregon u Make It So $2025 $ 1 7.50 $2.65 $10.90 Ate Included in Sale J. M. LAWRENCE Formerly Baker, Lawrence A Baker. Reliable Grocer, At the Old Stand fOR SALE! We are bow la a position to make prices on vacant lots, also house and lots In Highland addition, along the Salem-Portland new electrle Jiae. This property has not been etfere for sale before since the eompletloa of the road, aad we have some e: coptlonally good buys. Derby & Willsou Salerii Fence Wire Headquarters for Wovaa nlr Fencing. Nottlng, Plckots, antes, Shlsgles, P. & B. Ready Roofing, Sereea Door and AJJustlble Window Moreens All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St. SaJero, Ov minim im um num. :! Strawberry jj Shortcake 10c ; ; The Finest You Ever Ate f i i White House Restaurant i tfiiiiiinimiiinminT : J I S-i ! 1 v !f 4 l! INI .: m -f .1