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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1907)
-s v- DAILY OATITAL JOURNAI, 8ALXM, ORMGOIT, MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1007. HOFER BROS-, PriM" Proprietor E. nOPBJt, Editor. A. F. HOFER, Manager. THH JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DBGRAD1D LABOR. GOOD "IlEOAUSK OF HEll" I do not think, bocauBe sho dled, Tho happy world has grown less fair, But rather all things, glorified, A deeper, holler beauty wear. The soinbro gold of ovening pales In sadder splendor whore sho sleeps, A softer, minor music walls In ovory wandering wind that sweeps Great Naturo's many-chorded lyre, , And wakes tho gusty grief that thrills, With some divine, rosponslvo fire Tho hoary Harpers of tho Hills Tho mighty-shafted minstrel pines, That chant, when morning mists .nro curled Like Incense on yon mountain shrines, Tho pean of a waking world. A Bwlft and stran'go Intelligence ThrlllB through tho many-peopled woods, When somo vaguo Joy, I know not whence, Breathes through their leafy sokltudos; Through flceco and fold of gossamer gold, Tho dawns with newer beauty break, And softor sunsot mists aro rolled About tho hills, for her sweet sake. Tho roso unfolds a richer hue, Tho Illy lifts a Balntllor fnco, Tho Bklos bend down a dcopor blue Abovo hor liallowcd resting place. Tho breeze moansthrough tho restless leaves A deoper muBlc ovormoro, And Bobs Its heart out 'gainst tho atone That guards hor darkoned chnmbor door! B. A. B., In Now York Wookly. o SENATOR MORGAN'S SUCCESSOR. ""Governor Comor, of Alabama, It was announced ns soon ns tho pro prieties would pormlt It, will appoint tho. Ilonormablo John II. Bank hond to fllb out tho unexpired torm of United States Sonntor John Tylor Morgan, created by bin death last wookjt A provlouHly held primary election by tho omocrntlc votors of that Btato had oxprosscd a nroforonco with regard to tho "altornnto senator ship" a predisposition to tho iinmlng or Bankhcad In tho ovont of tho ilcntli of either Sonator Morgan or of Senator Potttis Governor Comor regards tho oxprosslon of thnt primary ob binding only as tho chief oxocutlvo of tho stato In tho matter of a tomporary ap pointment but In no aonso binding on the leglslnturo itsolf. In othor words, Governor Comor wants to boo WHETHER OR NOT THE DUTiY-CONSTITUTHI) LEGISLATURE WILL 1)0 ITS DUTY UNDER THE STATE CONSTITUTION its duty, as ho Interprets It. In the ovont of Its rofuaal or Its falmro to oloct n United States sonator or to provldo for a primary election by tho Alabama electorate all partlos Included ho will iiHk tho authorltlosof tho Democratic party to ordor n primary that tho peoplo may In this wny express their cholco of a man to succeed Sonator Morgan, It la anuouucol for him that ho lnlonds to sorvo out his torm ns gov ernor and not bo a cnndldato for tho United States sonato himself . All this docH not, however, put tho Honorab'o B. B. Comor out of tho lino of election to tho United Stntos sonnto. Thuro Is still anothor vacancy that might occur thoro nnd surely tho presonl governor of Alnhumn hns no Idoa thot ho could ovor reclaim or recover tho ssat In tho national houso of representatives wrested from him not ho many years ago by that arch cavallor, patriot nnd big-navy builder, tho Honorablo Richmond PonrBon Hobson, tho "IIKHO OF SAN TIAGO," AND THE ACHIEVE!! OF CERTAIN OSCULATOHY VAMK NOT ICNTIHELY DISASSOCIATED FROM 'I'll EPEMININE WORSHIP OF HintOES OF THE RIGHT AGE AND SORT. If Govornor Comer has any woll-doflnod, any roally "gnawing" ambi tion to lot tho "mantlo-ploce" of Sonator Morgan or of Senator Pottus fall onto him, ho would host lot It bo known oarly and go out promptly to lul'.d himself up Into tho "gnmo." A Fodoral law-mnkor of long Htandlng nnd good roputatlon who can bo lionton on tho primary stump by n Hobson hn3 no tlmo to loso, no un necessary ahnucus to tnko, when it comus to leaving his aspirations for n higher Fodoral oIlUio In tho hands of tho pcoplo of. Alabama. GOLD OUIIK FOR FINANCIAL INKIUlltiTV. On tho Bngdnd Railway Line. Thcso reflections aro forced on my mind by looking at the country and seeing tho shape of tho ground. Yet I had no intention just now of touch ing upon railway questions. I want to give an idea of what this land looks like. This morning, from five to eight, from Esklshehir .to tho neighborhood of Kutahla, I was passing through a highland valloy like that on tho railway to Oban, and through cloud and rain that would have seemed there in their place. Then camo hours of an up land wheat country, whore tho plow mnn and tho sower woro busy, and whoro now and thon wero glimpses of ancient rock dwellings, and In tho distance of tombs that wero ancient history to Herodotus. Tho horizon was bounded by purplo hills, tholr summits patched with tho remnants of tho winter snow. It was a vulo that recalled that of th'o Fulda, In Central Germany, except for tho ab sence hero of trees and tho scarcity of population. Whon thoro is a vil lage It Is of the Punjab typo, ono storeyed cottages or huts of sun dried mud, with flat roofs. But tho villages nro fow and far between, as aro tho towns. From Esklshehir to horo thoro nro Kutahla (22,000 Inhabitants), prettily perched on the side of a hill n fow milos from the line; Knrahlssar (33,000), at tlio foot of a great rango with a hugo rock llko that of Dumbarton citadel crowned, but far higher and finer; Chni (OOOO)and Akshohr (20,000), lying at tho foot of tho ravines run ning down from' tho magnificent rango of tho Sultttn Dagh; Ilgln, a lltllo town near tho lako or marsh of tho samo narao; and Konla Itsolf that makes, if Eskishohlr bo in cluded, seven towns In three hundred milos. From Karahl3sar tho lino follows a wldo river, tho Caystor, now In flood, with a spacious volley. Tho valloy sooms. to grow corn, but tho river Tuns through a small marsh Into tho Lake of Akshohr, and thoro ovaporatcs. After that tho ground boglns to bo salty; tho banks of tho Lake of Ilgln aro whlto with salt; and thon tho lino skirts tho southorn odgo of a plain that otrctchca out of Bight toward tho north. Evon hero thoro was an occasional strip of plowed land, nnd abundanos of sheep and cattlo, and at tho fow ra"wny Htatlons I saw largo quantities" of whont In sacks and In heaps. It Booms strnngo that this country ! not ovorrun with tourists. Tho sconory hn3 all tho chnrm that comes of finely shaped hills and spnclous valloys; It has tho bright light of its southorn cllmo, tho clear freBh nir of Its olovatlon, and tho Inoxhaust IMo Interests of Its infinitely various population ,to say nothing of tho monumonts and historical nssoclntl atlons, or which it is full, though of Hid monumont3 It must bo admitted thnt fow can bo scon from tho roll wny. Sponsor Wilkinson In London looking into. Rats consume a great deal of waste, but that waste could be much better disposed of. Tho rats aro a heavy drain on tho profits of agrculture, and tins loss they cause Is by no means confined to food. Tho Agricultural Department tolls us that rats destroy eggs and young poultry, pigeons, game birds and wild song birds. Thoy havo beon known to kill young rabbits, pigs and lambs, and oven to attack chil dren. Carl Hagonbeck once loot young elephants because rats gnaw ed their feet, inflicting incurable wounds. Thoy onter stores and warehouses and destroy dry goods laco curtains, carpets, woolens, silks as wll bb kid gloves and othor leather goods. Thoy gnaw through lead plpos, flooding build ings with water or filling them with gas. Thoy Injuro furniture and tho foundations and doors of building. Thoy eat tho Insulation from eJlcctrlc wires, thus causing disastrous Arcs. Tho avcrago lo3s in tho United States duo to dofectivo insulation Is placed at $15,000,000 annually, a consider- Humor and Philosophy Dy DUNCAN M. SMITH i i -"-- . . ""- - PERT PARAGRAPHS. Youth Is a crlmo with' which allilko to bo charged except tho youthful. Prospective money talks much; tho real tiling is mum. To establish confidence In Itsolf an investigating committeo should early learn to shy at a whitewash brush. OFFICIAI DIRECTORY T0U AIO TOu il M n trtT, k AAvf Uiu I I rr-iOSr jt D-u.T-in-i -""r'i- ifr Senator Chas. W pi. Senator JonaL Portland. Dot". Jt, Representative W. o H... loin. u "le7, 8i. ton. Pti. ABRAHAM L. ERLANGER. Ono of tho loading theatrical mnnngora and promoters in tho TT!i...l Ci.i.. f T.T1 1.11 uuiiuu ouuua, uj. -iviuw oc x,nan- Kor linn. , is cald to bo Ono of tho kind of lies thnt you often catch up with Is the ono you havo told In bragging of your prowess. Mullshncss Is not an nttractlve qual ity in a man, but you always know whero to And tho ono who possesses It. A pessimist is n man who cannot eat strawborry shortcako without look ing up tho address of nn appendicitis doctor. Why not try tho sugar euro for tho divorce evil? It is it tcniblo disappointment in lovo for a duko to marry a poor girl whom ho supposed' was an Amorlcan millionairess. Just been u bo Shakespeare Is dead is no reason why ho many dond ones should bo trying to resurrect him. P03t, For tho first llvo months of 1907 now Wall streot railroad nnd Indus trial Boaurltlua to tho extent of $l,100,738.f00 havo been nuthorlzed. Thin Is $224, 303,0815 moro than for tho corresponding period of last year. Such Inoroaso In stock flotntlonB during a porlod wh -n tho stock markot' has liiHulllolont buyora for Its oldoat and most reliable dlvidonod pnylng securities romlnds ua of tho story of tho man who wont to his physician with a complaint about his red nose. Tho dootor told him, "If you want to got rid of your red noso I would ndvlsn you to koop on drinking until your noso becomoa bluo." Tiro stock markot now cortalnly is in need of somo restorntlvo, but Injections or now securities con only chnngo scntlmont by making it bluer nnd bluer. The only gonulno tontc tho security markets nro getting IS THAT FURNISHED IIVT1IK LEDGE FINDERS AND MINE MAKERS OF THE COUNTRY WHO ARE SUPPLYING THE GOLD WHICH GOES A LONG WAY TO RELIEVE THE COUNTRY FROM THE EFFECTS OF THF FINANCIAL EXCESSES OF WALL STREET. u u woro not ror tho enormous gold production or this country tho problem of taking enro of Wall street's onormous mass or undigested so tuirltlos would bo rar greater than It la. Wall street broknra orton sneer nt mining securities by saying thnt thoy aro not tho real things as comparod with tho engraved ortlflcatoa thoy havo boon lloodln gtho market with. Unwovur. woro It not ror tho fact that tho gold minos of tho country nro producing fnr bat tar returns, rcl-ntlvoly, than tho properties ropro sonted by moat of Wall at root's securities thoro would bo almost no lim it to tho violent gastronomic dUordors which result from tho overfooding of tho invostmout mnrkotd with such securities. What Wall stroot noeds la a long porlod or sober abstention rrom ox oessos, and suehrost. togothor with tho gold euro which tho lmicn llndora and mine makers nro supplying ns fast as they can. Tho production or now securities Is now about twenty-flvo times tho production or gold, tho rormer bolng at tho rato or about $2,500,00, 000 a your, thu lattor $100,000,000, n year. H a largo amount bf tho cnpltnl which la now Invested in railroad and Industrial securities wero INVESTED IN MINING SECURITIES REPRE 8ET1N0 GOOD PROMISING PROPERTIES THE ANNUAL OUTPUT OF GOLD WOULD REAR A MUCH HUTTHlt; PROPORTION TO the credit needs ot our country, nnd bo of onormous bonoflt to tho financial mark ets and to tho geural prosperity. Tho KuvngVM of Rats. It Is tho rat tho big, brown Nor way rat that inhabits our sowers, our stables, oiir warohouaes nnd our collars, that swarms about tho wharvos and circumnavigates tho globo by socuring passage In ovory ship and steamer. Tho United States Dopnrtmont or Agrlculturo wnrns tho rarmorB or tho country that It Is n most oxponslvo luxury to harbqr rats, as a hcnltry rnt will eat or de stroy 50 conts' worth of grnln a day. Tho rat census 1ms novor beon taken, but tho department suggests $100, 000,000 as tho probablo value or tub cereals consumed yearly by tho rats or tho United Stntos. This Is a largo total, but thU Is a largo country, and rata havo a largo field to rorago In. Tho annual loss by rats In Franco Ib given ns $40,000, 000. Tho peoplo or llttlo Denmark loso $3,000,000 a year by rats. It la ovldont that tho rat holes will bear Money Saved Now AhoUkt RokI Hoy. Donald had porno homo from a vJoy's visit with a relative 'Mamma," ko walled. "I'm hun- "Haafry, Hear? DUa't Auat ! llnda glvo you anything to eat!" "Yes, sho gave mo some lotuoa fish, but I didn't like . "Leaioa Uh? For pity sake, what ardlewoa tskT" "ompd!iw.,'-CkIeaio Trlbaa. While your earning power is undiminished means more comfort and peace of mind when age or sickness less ens your ability lo earn. Open a savings account with us now and let us help you save. SAYINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank nblo part or which caused by rats. This la a torriflc Indictment', but bcaldos rats aro tho host or tho gorm of tho bubonic .plnguo, nnd tluoy nro tho nctlvo menna of spreading that disease Thoy aro tho most prolific of anlmrls. The young female boglns to breed at throo months old and will produce from throo to six litters a year and ton llttlo ratB nt a litter. A slnglo pair brooding without check would In throo yonrs bo re sponsible for a rat population of 20. 155,302. II It woro not ror tho dogs, traps, poisons and many othor enemies or rats, thoro would soon bo no room on tho earth for anything but rats. Tholr numbers are kept down, but tho rat population is novortholnns onormous and costly. Tho Agricul tural Department has published a bullotln entitled. "Methods of De stroying Rats.' Every rarmor and ovory man who has rata on his nrem Isoa should procure this bullotln nnd put Its ,precopts Into practloa. Phil adelphia Press. o . According to government statistics thoro la llttlo doubt that 1907 will go down in history as a year or Ur rlblo disasters and catastrophes. Al though less than six months havo olnpsed slnco tho church bolls wel comed tho Inrant year, It has already mado a bloody record unsurpassed in history. Tho total casualty list or 190G has beon surpassed, making tho pre-ominenco or 1907 certain ovon H all tho death-dealing ngonts or dl8nator should retire trom active business ror tho balance or tho twelve months. Natural catastro phes load In producing casualltles, with 5,100 persons killed In earth quakes, 2,240 by tidal waved and 530 by cyclones nnd hurricanes. Nearly a thousand persons 902, to bo exact havo lost their lives In steamship dlsastors during tho six months. Tho misunderstood signal, tho careless tolegraph operator or train dispatcher, tho misplaced switch nnd other deputies of Death havo killed 273 nnd Injured 925 peo plo In railroad accidents. Miners to tho number of 355 have gono to their work fo- tho last time during tho half yonr. Numerous other agencies have served to swell tho sinister list, carolessness and grcod coming to tho aid of natural forces to mako 1907 tho bloodiest of tho centuries. An Exchange of Amenities. Sold Polly To Molly In Innocent spert: Your Billy Is silly, Or no thoy report It'fl folly To Jolly Each girl that ho know. Iff said ho In ready To mo to propoao." Bald Molly To Polly In tonca pity fraught: "You're clovor, Hut novor Could Hilly bo caught Ho says you'ro A treaBuro Without any doubt But then ho Boos many Such lylnir about" An Unusual Boy. r r m tfrl- "If Wllllo had thrco apples nnd gavo you half of due. what would ho then havo?" "Ho would havo," replied Johnny, who wns a truthful boy, "two and ono hnlf apples." This Is tho point nt which tho reader Is supposed to fall dead becauso John ny does not reply "a scrap" or "a black eye." Pretending to Like It. It requires a sunny disposition nnd n philosophical turn of mind for a man to smllo when ho la caught out la a rainstorm with n new suit of clothes and a straw hat and to say that ho la glad becauso tho crops nro needing rain. Men who aro not gifted with tho sort of n disposition that a woman likes to havo about the bouse aro apt to say things that tho neighbors would not llko to havo their little boys hear and to express the opinion that tho country could get ulotig very nicely without any crops for a rew years. It is a great strain on the Juut to bo caught out thnt way, particularly If the unjust have stolen their umbrellas a fow hour's before. It Is not recom mended very highly either for Improv ing tho temper or for curing colds nnd soro throat, nnd if tho man happens to be a lady sho is apt to forget what she is for the tlmo being. Success in life is accompanied by Increase of enemies. That's why Hol Hster'a Rocky Mountain Tea has so many Imitatiens: It's a success. 35 ceats, Tea or Tablets. Dr. Stoae'a Dru Store. Not According to Rule. "Before ho was married. ho couldn't ravo n cent." "And now I supposo ho has a nlco llttlo bank nccouut." "No; he is in debt every place ho can rot credit." The Usual Thing. "What would you do If you were president?" ' "I don't know." "Rut what do you think you would do?" "Wake up." Representative W.R.Eiiig State Officials. Governor, George E n.. t State Treasurer, Oeorg9 a 9,, Superintendent of pJuu T. 8 on. J. H. Ackers f Attorney General, A, M Cr.. , State Printer, W; 8 Dn'rl SUte Labor Commission p Supremo Cow. Ohlof Justice, Robert B.Ba Associate Justice, Prank A. ftn. AsBoclato Justice, Robert Belit Commissioners, W. T. BhUr, . Clerk, J. J. Murphy. Reporter, R. q. Morrow. Bailiff, P. h. Raymond. Circuit Judges, Geo. H. Burwtt, Salem; William Galloway, McMlS vlllo. District Attorney, John H. Me Nary, Salem. Other Stnto Officials. J. W. Dalloy, Food and Dalrrr.. mlBslonor, Portland. J. W. Dakor, Gamo and Forafrr warden, Cottago Grove. Robt. O. Ycnny, Stato Health OS. cor, Portland. J. II. Lowls, State Engineer, St lorn. E. Gllllngham, Stato Llbraric.St lorn. II. O. Van DuBon, State Flih Cos misslonor, Astoria. Chas. V. Galloway, State lMi Agent, Salem. W. W. Elder, Commander So!dIn' Home, Roseburg. Marion County Offlckls. John H. Scott, County aad Froettt Judge. R. D. Allen, Clork of CoarU. W. J. Culver, Sheriff. W. Y. Richardson, TreMver, E. T. Mooros, Superlnteslttt M Schools. F. J. Rice, AsseKor. B. B. Herrick, Jr., Surveyor. J. C. Ncodham, W. H. Ooulet, G mlsolonors. A. M. Clough, Coroner. D. G. Droger, Recorder, Salem City OIHckli. Goo. F. Rodgors, Mayor. W. A. Mooros, Recordor and PoIIm Judgo. D. W. Gibson, Marshal and ChM of Police Frank Meredith, City TreMUHf. A. O. Condit, City Attorney. Jas. W. Martin, Street Co!- Blonor. Mark Savago, Chief Fire DPt- inont. W. C. Smith, Health Offlwr. City Standing ComlK. Ways and Means Jacob, Wi Churchill. Ordinances Greenbaun, W. Goodo. Accounts and Current Exp- Churchlll, Radcliff, Dayce, Streets Downing, StocWoa, jea Public Building Stockton, Gosner. Sewerage, Stolr, Jacob, U. Plumbing Fraser, Dowli f Fire and Water Lo', R11 A Aft A Bridges Gesner, Chorcilll, Fr er. Health and Police HH Lights Goode, Haas, 0 t,-Vi norfrilff. Haw. """ Public Parks Bayne, Or, Stockton. Board of ! W. H. Byrd, Chairman. A. A. Lee, H. 0. EpW, Crolsan, Directors. H. A. Johnson, Jr., w I ) i1 j. M. Powers, City S- il t.., ift.i5Jlntero"taiorf fJl ..""' ;; " . nmrenUoi, -1 July 16-20-Grand " July 9-13-Knlgbts Tw clave, Saratoga, n. Hato Yo "l Had Hefcs. "How la your garden comlngf "Dp." "Ha, then you aro raUlag thing." "Osly blisters as yet," A doae ti siia t-ij m 01 x"- .. (! " :.. .ii- ib t Syrup wm r C0,ii fnr whOOPW -rsst -' "T ititjuiit " I errery ir rates occasl Mng t( make rate? troba' ihlng Rot etton rer I 'caned WSgOO' Os larty fcals tand Jog. MB a If thej mokn' She fb- He-She-JiuU A dl Rtes Foratr'' 0;i, tM- 31F' Ml 3IK Mi:v il tele S