sn 4 v -w r "i rN l (-- ( n k i '. t irSATHEU: FAIR TONIGHT AND TUESDAY, CONTINUED WARM., U DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. XVII. SAIiBM, OROBQON, MONDAY, JUNE SI, 1007. WrV I LJYVrY and SUGARBEETS 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 T 1 f I I 1 I U t T I 1 1T Iff II I I II II I I 1 1 I I 1 1 III 1 II I 111 f 1 1 1 I II f 1 1 1 I II t Hi f i H-l T 1 1 1 F I II I T 1 T f" M " T ' 1 ' ' ' 1J ' T ' -1 . "i -' ! .lAfci mmlmiwh l I iiiww Will Be Two Great Lines of Development at Cottage Grove-Free Locks at Oregon City and I Canalization of Upper River-State Will Be Asked for Half a Million to Start the Work iimmniimnHiiiiiiiiiii 1 1 1 1 1 hh-hmm-mh mn Mm nun i if h hum iinniiiiiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiii h-iimihuiim i m hi SHUTTING GATES ON HARRIMAN BRIDGING COOS BAY P Gome Up At Cottage Grove De velopment Congress Shutting the gates of Coos Day on Ih'irriinan Is what Is Involved in tho llj fight between Marsh field nnd North Dead. Tho question involved i where Blmll tho Western Pacific lUroad cross Coos Day? Shall tho illrond cross tho bay at all Thero ire elements at work to keep tho rall- foid from crossing tho bay at any olnt, Other local Interests would Irlve tho railroad around tho bay Ira detour of ten or twenty mil -a. 111 Western Oregon is involved in a pay tho dovolopmont of the stato is held up by tho conflict of local inter ests. All work is stopped. This subject is to be gone over at Cottago Grove Development Conven tion Wednesday of this week. "Will tho projected railroad cross Coos Day at or near North Dend or circle tho bay at Mashfleld? That is the question that is being discussed by our people said Peter Logglo, (Continued on page six.) o Japs Push Resolutions. Tokio, Juno 24. At a meeting this afternoon the delegates from the chambers of commerce of Tokio, Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto and Yokohama drafted a resolution Indicating tho travo danger facing tho commorclal relations of tho United States and Japan, owing to tho nntl-.Tapaneso sentiment on tho Pacific coast. They pointed out tho necessity of resorting to .speedy measures to romovo this ob&taclo to trade dovolopmont. Tho resolutions will bo officially adopted by tho chambers of commerce, ask ing tho co-operation of tho United Stntos. ii '"0" ' ' " Worklnginen Strike. LoulBvlllo, Ky Juno 24. Two thousand workmen of tho bul'.UIng trades allianco struck today, follow ing tho order to onforco a working card on all unions. DARROW BEGINS DEFENSE A BITTER SPEECH CHICAGO SMI PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Slaughter Prices On Every Article in the Store Until the 4th of July Denounces Orchard and Says lie Was Never a Friend of Haywood, But Was the Boon Companion of Mbte Operators and the Pinkcrtoiis Dolso, Juno 24. Darrow opened hlB address for tho dofondo by declar ing that Orchard undoubtedly killed Stounenhorg, but that his motivo was 108Bne83. Slnndor, abuso and vllll flcatlon wero also used. Eycry deed of vlolenco was charged to thorn In discriminately, oven to tampering with tho machinery whoro fatal acci dents had occurred, whon th,o ovi donco really showed tho causo was cheap and improper machinery." o To Try GIbhh Next. San Francisco, Juno 24. It Is ox pected tho work of Impauollng a Jury to try Louis Glass, vlco-presldont of tho Pacific States Tqlophono nnd Tolograph Company, charged with bribing supervisors, will bogin to morrow. Tho motion to sot aBldo tho Glues Indictment will bo hoard today, wmmkm flPv if Ink w '1' net W'ttW&mmk J niK f-lElElEP ni M JimK wRiWIWiEF Ktnnnsblp Wrecked . Snntlngo, Chile, Juno 24. Tho Santiago, a coasting stoamcr belong ing to tho Pacific Steam Navigation Company, and trading between Pana ma and the south const of South America, has been wrecked In a heavy squnll CO miles north of Cor onal. Ono passenger and ono officer wore saved. Tho remainder of tho crow and passengers perished. TO MAKE OREGON GROW DEMANDFREELOGKS The Matter of tho Southern Pacific Railroad Land Grant WIN Bo Taken Up and Freight Rates Will Be Dis KILLED ' IN TRAIN 4-v Duffnlo, N. Y Juno 24. wero killed and 42 Injured I Heal development ontorprlscB will bo takon tip nt tho annual convention of tho Willamette Vulloy Dovolop mont Lcnguo, to bo hold at Cottago Grove, Wednesday, (Juno 2G) of this week. President Korr, or tho Stato Agricultural Collogo will bo prosont nnd Htat;t tho ball rolling for tho es tablishment of tho Biignrboct Indue try, that has beon such a groat Indus trial success in Utah, ' For hii Open River. vMqro and .more tho people roallzo M.o UUii ,.'-'?.$ .-..- ....... .. v uiij"liuo cumpuiiuvo ami 'rbgHJative Influcnco In freight jatOB ilICH in tho development of tho water ,ways. ,An open river to tho sea will ho (tin Hlniim nt Hh,( vnM..nntIisu- Xn JSIpv IIon n" Jo"08' of Po"e county, will nun iui uiu irw iuuhb nu urogon uny, Won't Stand Lord's Veto. London, Juno 24. Campboll-Ban-normnn today offered in tho house or commons a government resolution re stricting tho lords' powers to nulli fy tho common's work by the veto tho lords possess. Tho dobate wilt. Inst thrco days. QUEEN VISITS I'M CI ti i. which occurred nt midnight a mllo JZ'I ,1. , east of Pittsford, on tho Now York cfrtJZ ain"nitl0Bll ro,m Central. Tho wrecked train was cant fZ,? ' ,n f QrV0 Wl" bg bound, nnd tho .nHMon w. wi,h 1tnkon Ul w,lh Krcnt W. Haguo, Juno 24. Queen Wllhel minn, arriving privately today, drove to tho royal palace through tho hall of knights. During hor two daya"" stay aho rocoivea tho poaco dolegatos , In tho royal villa. Tho third com inlttoo mot today bohlnd elbeed doon tho United States delegates attend ing it. President Tornlelll poka, pointing ou tho problomu to m solved wero chiefly those relatiiiK to prlvato property of bolllgorantsv converting morchant ships into war shipB, tho treatment of bolllKoront' ships in harbors of noutralH; the layr lug of nilho; tho sea bombardment of harbors, aud the adoption otrtheu Hod Cross in a ne war. o- bound, nnd tho collision was with a fMlfk 1ti.. .1n..l..t.k4 ..- i . westbound freight. Tho Identity of ,.,nnnn " "T , , "V, ,,",ro1',r,l0U tho injured la not yet known. Tho J"00?0 t0 ,n,d ,n, th Vnhno of Injured wero removed to tlio hospl- f ok" "Bd ,c"nftl nt ogon City, tnl at Itochcstor. No mattor how low a prico you got on any article, como horo and wo will sell you tho sarao article fr Iocs mony. touse undersell us. Wo will let no This Year's Latest and Newest Goods Will Be Slaughtered Without Mercy. Get Our Prices Before You Buy a Dol lar's Worth Elsewhere. This Is How It's Dene: WILLIAM J. BURNS. Tho clovor dotoctivo "who has furnished tho cvidoneo mod ngninst tho San Francisco grnftors. nnd tho federal treasury Is to bo tap ped for tho ronmlndor, nnd to porppt uully maintain tho Iockn and canal freo for tho pooplo of Oregon, Tho fintttfo fon the opening of tho Wlllnm otto river will bogin nt Cottago Grove, and thero wl?l bo a plan sub mitted for tho canalization of tho up per rivor from CorvallU to Cottago Grove, so that ovory foot of lumber J Hawed in tho vnlloy can find Its way ;: jto market ou bnrgoB. Tho prosont New York, Juno 24. It Is official- ,to" nt tno ,0C,8 of 60 cmts iw ton lyinnounotd by tho Western Union '!" oa,,tt1, t0tfr onot(,0,,"r t0 ol- ,ii ii mi h iiiiii jr IIIOUHIUIU loot or STRIKE SITUATION BETTER " Dross Goods, 23c yard; 7Sc to i Goods, 49o; 50c Silko, 26; Sc Sius Ur DroiM Goods, 35c yard; 95c Silks, 48o; $1.10 Pine Ua- IScts isam. I -ST aa v &ag or C9o; 7c Calicooe for 3 a yard y Ss -l-vf,n, 4o; 12 &c 7-c; 15c Drots Ginghams, 8 1-3j ItamnaBti, Calico, fid prloo; 12 Vic India LlnoneJ yard, 7 tee; prioas cut 3 on Wblt Good and Musllnii Ladlo' $i.6Q Dreee $1 50; Lad 19' $1.00 Jackets, J2.9S; Ldi&8 Goats and ''out half prloo; $1.10 White Indja Linen Sulta, hand embroidoried, $2.98. Bvaoihlng qkm aoee at tho aamo s Men's 4o Underwear bow 28e; 7o Overalls for Overalls, 2ie; Ladle 10c Heer 4e pair; La- Bverythlng goes the same- way o line. We aro ready ,U you ere don't pay double r goods. SALEM'S FASTEST OROWINQ STORE. McEVOY BROS. porsonal revenge. "Wo will show what actuated Orchard In tho com mission of his crimes. That Orchard for yoars was tho Intlmnto of dotoo- U,,B mo"'K Ut t promlHos and inibor. and nmkoa water shlpmont tlvoa and novor a frlond of Hay- oonoossloriB made to Uio tolographors of lumber on tho groat naturt'l high wood." Darrow's oxcorlation of Or- in dowry's lettor to Nelll aro off, in wny for freight nlmoat prohibitive chard was very bfttor. Ho declared view of tho action of tho operators In iT,, movement to make tho locks his testimony was utterly worthless, declaring a strike In San Francisco. n,,rt c"' free to the products of Darrow bitterly resented tho Impu- Tho western Union announces that (Western Oregon is tho battlo of tho ttuon that from tho Inception of tho if m, ,nnn miii n rt m, a.. w 'producer, and must bo fnm.ii .. federation it was a puro conspiracy ohco fctrlk0t tho rom,H(Ml concession ,ln,8h ttt Cottage Grove. All friends o kill and to control politics. "The WM)0 Brnnltd. tho executive com- of 'H'nro dual and life ani pro- federation was born in tho colls be- ,Ht00 of the llnlon , , 80Mon 'greM for Oregon should bo nttho Cot low you. continued Darrow. "It B(jo,lnB this new phase. .tflge Grove convention Wednesday. was born whllo I3d. Iloyco nnd other, . Those matter aro not permitted to loaders wero hold thero as prisoners. bo diiousfted at tho Tom Itlahnrdann Itawley. now chief counsel for tlfo '. Now Yo' J 2-The Wwtorn 'novo'nnln n 1 .? L? ;?." itornoy. Its pur- Un 0J0al Hit: ."The union re'80rII0ra.llln ..rnlirIlt.i:S ""...... uB3eeeeeeeeHalBBV Liu raPkeekV JAAIES J. HILL.. Foriuor prvaMont of tho Grunt Nortliorn railroad, who is grutlu nlly retiring from uotivo control of hit onormoiia trunpor(ation.iv-torosts. Boys' c Hoee at 9c pair stntp, was its first attorney . . ... lllifllntn1 tUi ..r..AAtwi.. ...l . . i. uriKi u.'iik wn nrfrniiivn rrm tt.. im.. inniiiiiuii tiu iti vbiiiiiiil. iiiiii uiiiv 11 . .... : ;:" :r..T:. "." r9 ". i mi tmjw m ... ... " 'w"r i,y c,r,' veionow win bo oui ui urnuib-il!WI. llieir WIUOW ami ." "" ' " - " .- ! .w fnK0n 0rf Cottat'n firnvn nml fr vt.u , im..mK u0 mgiiwioiir jaw """;,' ,"' "'- "',"" UM twil bo ponnllted. in .Montana, lowrauo anil utali it - " imtBin wi umuuurKuu has hired lawyers to defend It. It 0Prtor ePlying for rolnstate- lin trlU to elt upon thft laws from corporation straight-Jacket so fondly A Ou-at I'logiiitii, following is tome of tho splendid MAMMOTH WOODMEN initiation; judge who look "lent ndr e Nelll agroomont, wm f-ftt w , ;lhe Qottm OrevV moot n the tundpolnt 'nforineH by the company that it .-. m U0UHK' Orovo moqt COiOBIOLt.Ii AMO COURT STREETS. 8ALX.W, OK. of thf Uk and shovel. It took an W0I" trem with dlwshnrged om Inteiotit In politlee, but never entered M0- The exutlve board has au In'o any criminal eoKnlraey." thorlty to order Small to ooll off the ' It haa beeu a Sfbtlng orgaalza- ?sn WraBOleeo strike. Hon from lie Inception, and If It di ' will die fighting." said Darrow. ' Hhh Francleetf. Juna 2a. There la We on't apologize for any qf IU jght ImuroTewent this morning in m-. ii iin nu w ugju uio mine tne telegraph strike altuatlon. The ownm' aiMoclatlon from the start, force In the -Wert Oakland operating and haa dor.9 it wherever It bag gone, department of the Westorn Union Th- o'gaiiiaatlon has mot stubborn has been slightly Incroosed. and busl reaiatanc. and Jn some Instances tho sum moved In hotter shapo than on preildent of the ealeii was refused Saturday. At the Ferry oillce a ba'ro food, at the b&heet of the mine own- handful of operators aro at work, ors One of the chief moans used to The Poetal la In a mtlo better shapo dtroy tho union has been tho hlr- than Saturday. BiamltH thtt faotthiA Ing of Plnkortons. They havo made the oomnany managers nnnnn ,.,.,! dotectlvHJ of the offlcera of the 'tho strikers must return to work to uqions, so that when a strike oc- 'day or be repjacod, nouo deserted the curred they could urge violence and .union. The threatened atrlka of ti, incite tho members to acts of Jaw- messenger did not materialize. Jng: "Hall-road Land Grant," Congross. rfjar Hawley. ".Who Pays the Freight?" Hon. J. U. Campbell. "State Uajverilty," Prof, Young. "Sngarboot Industry," President Kerr. "Waterwaya," CqI. D. llptsr, "Cause Qf ProgjosM Governor Ohamberlaln. t "rroe I-ooka and Canal." Hon. Hon JpriGH. Hallroad Commlislon," Ghalnnan Cnmpboll. "Koseburg to Coqs Hay." Louis J. Hareoe. W. 0, W. Will Introduce 35 Camfc. dales lo Ihe Myslerles f Woodcraft no. ins. Till i wm..pi I ), , S 1 Cliicago Markctt. Chicago, Juup 24 Wheat 82 (7& 91, corn 53i52,oftta 43 Salem Camp, No, 118, Woodmqra of the World, will initiate 35 candi dates Fridays After tho initiation prominent' spoakors, Inoludlng Governor Cham berlain, will address' tho local neigh bors and tholr uuostB on fnitf.i-ii.n subjects. During tho ovonlng a ihiUh sUntlal, banquet will bo served; its tho dining hall, and a musical pro gram rendered. Many out of town Woodman wilT be presonl, and a moHt profltablo and pleasant ovoulng wm ho epont. Marlon camp will furnish eight or ten caudidatea for th x occasion. l Dr. J. F. COOK THM BOTAKIOAI DOOTOIk, MOVED TO S4 IJHKHTY STWEVt VQH AKX DISEASE QA1SL OK OIL . . "til M m, 'v3 isj j4 1 . Ti-?! . 1 mw Ml MS m m 1- K i f- &z t w N- 1 f?i VJ COOK. CONSULTATION