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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1007. a Ei . :.j Does Your XHair Mind? Or is it inclined to run away? Don't punish It with a cruel brush and comb I But just ask your doctor if Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, won't make it stay at home on your head, just where it belongs. See what he says. Wpubllihtheformul J.O.AyirCo, of ll onr prpirtlon. Irfwll,Xti(, Y, M. G, A. LEADS IN CITY LEAGUES Defeats Woolen Mills 2-0-A Great Game With Many Errors ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j THE CHURCHES jj H I I 1 M M-M HI mil tmi Team. Won. Lost P. C. Y. Ar. C. A 2 0 1000 T. K. W. M. ...1 1 BOO Fnlrmount ....1 1 500 Merchants .. ..0 2 000 "Sap it out old kid!" "That's a Tvatchln' 'em," "You'll mako a ball player yet!" "Soak 'or on tho noso Coloyl" "Hit it on tho Bliady aido old k-1-l-ldl" "That's nil right you can walk this tlinot" "You got 'om nil dnzzlod by that shirt Far oes! ' That was tho way It went at tho ball gamp last night botwoon tho -Y. M. C. A. and tho Woolen Mills of tho City League Forbes enmo out in a fireman's flaming red Bhlrt thnt cnusod Innumerable roferonccs to tho flro Halo. With all tho errors' that woro mntlo It was a wonder that neither team scored until tho fifth inning ns -was tho cneo, Even Colotnan, tho stnr plnyor for tho Y. M. O. A, Bticcoodod in missing nearly every thing thnt camo his way which ho wouldn't liavo dono If ho had had a suit on and wns playing with his rog tilar tonm, Thoso City Leaguo games nro tho mont IntoroBtlng kind to watch as tho boys nro Just out for tho fun and nothing groat doponda upon winning or loBlng tho gamo nnd with tho playora trying grace ful movemonts and fancy BtuntB, tho Imll Ib Just as apt to pass them ns to bo Btoppod. At batting tho teams woro about equal, but tho Y. M. C. A. sootned a llttlo tho beat nt RUml lug bases and gotlng near tho home rlftto. Kay and Fnrmor played good ball for tho Woolon Mllla at Bhort stop and Bocond, Kny bringing down n wild throw to second from catchor that was about two yards nbovo hla hoad and gotlng a big clap from tho KrnndBtnnd'. Tho Woolon Mil catchor got a llttlo soro bocnuBO tho uinplro didn't call Colomnn out on a cloao decision' on tho homo pinto In tho fifth when tho Y. M. O. A. got (tholr first acoro, but nearly ovory ono said It wns Bafo. Tho flniiio. Thoro wna nothing doing In tho way of scoring until tho fifth, and JnBt Inning as It was only a llvo In ning gnmo. In tho last of tho first, tho Y, M. C. A. nearly scorod. Cln nt shortBop, thon Cmnn to niihop on third, but Bishop was touched out on trying to got ovor tho homo pinto. In tho socond.tho Y. M. C. A. innrto a protty double. Ono man had wnlkod and Kay batted to Colomnn nt shortstop, thou Colomnn to Diahou on second and Bishop to GnbrlQlson nt flrat. In tho fifth was whon tho Y. M. C. A. got tholr two runs. Colo mnn wns wnlkod. Hrown tmorlllcod nnd put Colomnn on second nnd Cos hit brlnulng Colomnn In. Cox ,got nround to third nnd Thlolson brought him In for tho suond run. Tho Woolon Mills failed to tl tho coro In tho last of tho Inning, end ing tho gamo. Central Congrcgntionul. Pnstor's day at Wlllard. There will bo no forenoon services, Rev. Chns. E Scott will conduct services nt 8 p. m. Sunday school and Endeavor meeting ns usual. First Coiigrt'limtlonnl. ..Center nnd Liberty Btreota. F. E. Dell, pastor. Sundny services na fol fel fol eows: Preaching by pastor at 10:30 a. m, and 7:30 p. m. Morning theme: "Tho Intermediate State." Evening theme: "Tho Use nnd Abuno of Ma terialism." Sunday school at 12 m. Young People's meeting nt 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 8 o'clock. Teacher's meeting is hold immediately after prayer meeting. Always a welcome for both visiting frionds nnd strangerB. Christian Science. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 440 Chomekota street Services: Sundny at 10:30 a m. and 8 p. in. Subject of lesson sermen: "Chris tian Sclonco." Sundny school nt 11:46 a. m. Tho Wednesday even ing mooting is hold nt 8 p. m. Read ing room In tho church open ench nf tornoon oxcopt Sunday. All aro cor dially Invited to nttond tho sorvlcoa nnd tho ronding room. Unltl EVangellm!. On Cottngo atrojt, north of Con tor. Sundny Hchool nt 10 a. in. Preaching aorvlco nt 11 o. m. Theme: "Tho Dollovor at Work." Thomo nt 8 p. in.: "Unllnlahcd Towors." K. L. of C. E. at 7 p. in. II. A. Deck, pns tor. fit. Paul's Episcopal. Chcmoketa nnd Church atrccts. Rev. Dnrr O. Loo, rector. Uaual ser vices at 7:30 a. m 11 n. in. nnd 8 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. in. All cordially wolcomo. M. T. O. dny will bo postponed until next Sundny. First Presbyterian. Church strcot near Chomekota. Rov. II. T. Dabcock, pastor. Morning aorvlco at 10:30 a. m. Preaching by tho pnBtor. Thome: ''Saved by friends. Sunday school at 12 m. O. E. nt 7 p. in, Evening aorvlco, by pastor. Theme: "Tho Christian's Transformation." Mid-week prayer mooting Thursday nt 8 p. m. Sub ject: "Tho GoodnosB nnd Severity of Cod." Next Sunday morning, Juno 30, chlldron's day will bo hold. Tho public cordially Invited to all thoBo services, First Methodist. At 10:30 a. m. tho colobrntlon of tho Bncramont of tho Lord's Suppor. Drlof communion nddresa by tho pas tor. Rocoptlon of mombors. At 12 in. Sunday achool will roauino tho lesson studios. At 7 P. m. Epworth Loaguo dovotlonnl sorYlcos. At 8 p. m. Row W. II. Solleck will preach on "Tho Triumphant Church." All aro cordially welcomed. W. C. T. U. Prof. Wnshburno will speak at tho W. C. T. U. Sunday nftornoon nt 4 o'clock, Orphans Dny Celebration. Now York, Juno 22. The national Orphan's Day celebration, observed on June 12 was undoubtedly tho big gest and most successful over hold since the idea was originated. Char ity covers a multitude of apeed vio lations and It was most gratifying on Wednesday last, when thousanda of orphans throughout tho country were given automobile outings In Now York city, the Now York Motor Club has charge of tho Man hattan brigade. Other clubs and so cieties, responded generously and moro than 1300 children wero taken on a moat Joyous trip to Coney Is- land. There wero 147 cars In tho procession. Tho City and Country Motor Club which has workd for Bomo time to holp make the Orphan's Dny outing a succor, had a division In tho procession, tho members do nating seven cars which accommo dated C5 chlldron. Friends of members also gave cars. The start was made at 10:30 a. m. from Riverside Drive and 72d street, amid shouts of greatest Joy (states. This does not take into ac count tho great number of travelors 'who visit and opend much time each year in tho numerous attractivo vil lages, lako and mountain resorts In tho vicinity of Lucerne. Tho railway statistics show that tho tourists to, this city last season Bnent $0,439,540 for local railway fares. Tho average number of vis itors per day for six months, 180 days, Is estimated at 5,000. It is ! estimated that they spend whllo hnro on an average of $5 per day leach, making a dally expenditure hotels,-carriages, Incidentals, etc., $25,000 a day, which for tho six trmntlin nmcitints to $4,655,076. Add (to this tho amount spent for railway 'faros In Lucorene, $0,439,540, and vg have a total of $11,095,215. Tho population of tho city of Lucerne is 32,000, wlch makes tho amount of money snout by tourists In tho city . equal to $347,035 United States cur rency per year for each man, woman 'and child living in Lucerne. A fraction ovor 10 per cent of tho to- tcl amount thus spent by .tourist waa Collo ami Diarrhoea. Pains In tho stomach, colic and diarrhoea nro quickly rellovcd by tho me of Ghamborlalu's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For solo by Dr, Stono'B drug atoro. WILD BELGIAN HAKES. Heglu to Overrun Woods nnd Fields of lilim County. MRS. HOWARD GOULD. Formerly Miss JCutherino Clem tnons, nctrcss, who is now suing her husband for a limited divorce. OREGON STATE BANK Jefferson, Oregon Capital $25,000 ist facilities known to sellable banking offered patrons, Jefferson Is a good town, has good stores, good mills, a good bank, and good people. Come and sec us. Oregon State Bank J. A. AUPPERLE, President M. J. CAMPBELL, Cashter As an aftormath of tho nolglnu hnro fad which swept this part of tho Btuto about 10 yoars ago. consld- 'ornblo country wut of Albany is populated with tho llttlo animals. Pooplo driving along tho roads out of this city can soo them any ovon Ing and many havo boon klllod ro contly by farmers. Thoy llvo in tho thlokats along tho rondsldas. ! Th Rolglnu hnro fad found a strong foothold In Albany. Huu drods of tho nnlninhi woro imported nnd for a tlmo a publlo display wns maintained by enthusiasts, n large Imll belux rontod for that purpose. Many looal cltlzons beonmo ns famil iar with llelgluu hare podlgreo us la a horseman with hla horsos. Uut the fad died out and what bare were not killed woro turned loose. A few ovldetitly found their way Into tho country wost of Albany and havo llvod thoro ovor since. This year for tho first tlmo thoy havo bo como iiumorous enough to attract attention. Tho nuinbor Is growing ovory yoar but tho linros do vory llttlo damage. Albany Horald. o I Tonight, 1 If you woud enjoy tomorrow tak Ch&ruberlaln's Stomach and Live TabloU tonight. Tkey produee a asrebl laxative eCoot, clear Uae head and clean tae atowaek Prlee, H ceeAa. 8m1m free at Dr ' Moat's rs store. and wnving of myrlnds of American flnga. FIno weather favored tlio start of tho llttlo ones and thoy woro moro than delighted. A number of stngca and commorcinl trucks wero donated which- carried from twenty to fifty children each. Two oxpross wagons of tho familiar wlro body typo, loaned by Adams Express Com pany, woro londed with youngatora nnd tho effect producod by so mnny tiny kids In cakes waa qulto ludic rous. Tho caged ones had a groat deal of fun out of it too. A Knox truck with a rogular street car body, but without Btrop hangors, wns an other "sight." Sovoral hundred pounds of delicious candy wns pres ented by J. A. McClurg ,and thoro wero nlso donations of luncheons. Whon tho parado, reached Coney iBlnnd, tho dollghts of Drenmlnnd fnlrly ovorwhqlmed tho smnll excur sionists. Many of them had novcr been to such a plnco In tholr lives. Tho management of this nmusomont resort gavo tho llttlo visitors carto blanche, while Luno Park was turned ovor to tho orphans from Long Is land Institutions. o Equality Was A Failure. Chicago, Juno 22. Matrimonial equality, roduclng tho rights and du tlos of husband nnd wlfo to a com mon denominator, has boon tried and found wanting in tho enso of G. Frank Hognn, a wonlthy onvelopo mnnufnoturor, and his wlfo, tho falluro bolng Blgnnllzod by tho appli cation of Mrs. Hognn for a dlvorco nnd alimony. At tho marriage of tho couple Hi Donvor, March 11, 1905, thoy obtained a great doal of notorloty by onterlng Into n covon nnt that there should bo but one moral codo for both, with oquallty for oaoh and speolnl prlvllogos for neither. Over his signature Hogan ngrood to tho following propesitions: "That my wife may carry a latch koy if I do. Thnt my wlfo may stay out as late as I do. That If I go to n club or a saloon she may go nlso. That If I gnmblo sho may do like wise. Thnt If I look upon tho wlno when It is red. she may also tako a peop. That If I should flirt with some pretty young woman, my wife will not be taken to task because she vjows with approval some comely young youth." In her suit for divorce Mrs. Ho gnu alleges that her husband was continually Intoxicated and objected to nny indulgonco on her part; that he boat nnd abused bar, throatoned to kill hor and was guilty of objoc ttonablo attentions to other women, as well as numerous minor misdemeanors. Switzerland's Rich Tourist Crop. During tho season of 1906, from May 1st to Novonibor 1st, thoro woro 1S6.227 tourists nnd visitors regis tered In tho hotels and pensions in, tho city of Lucerne. Of tab mini ber 1S,346 wor from tho United HOWARD GOULD. Third son of tho Into Jay Gould, now being sued by his wife for a limited divorce k by Americans, making $1,110,000 Amorlcan money spent by pleasuro nnd health scokers nlono Inst aen-Bon. Whon tho fact la tnkon In consid eration thnt tho figures given in tho foregoing stntoment represent tho money spent by tourists in Lucorno nlono for ono season, that this is only ono of tho many attractivo cities of the country, and that thoro aro a largo number of popular wlntor resorts in Switzerland where thou sands of tourl3ts spond tho winter In oxpcnslvo hotols, tho lmportnnco of this class of business nnd tho vast sums of money coming into tho country annually through this Bourco may bo appreciated. Tho prosoptcts for n prosperous business during tho season of 1907 aro hotter than for nny previous year, and unusual preparations nro being mado to nccommodato tho en ormous crowds that nro anticipated in Lucorno, tho city of four cantonB, and tho Mecca of tourlstB to Switzer land. Glennlngs from Lucrono Statistics. If You Read Thhi It will be to learn that tho loading modi cal writers and eachers of all tho several schools of practlco recommend, in tho strongest trms possible, each and ovory Ingrodlont entering Into the composition of Dr. Plerco's Golden Medical Discover; for the cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint," torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowel affoctlons, and all catarrhal diseases of whatever region, name or nature. It Is also a specific remedy for all such chronic or Ions standing casos of catarrhal affoe tlons and their resultants, as bronchial, throat and lunc dlsoai-o (oxeept consump tion) accompanied w UU w ere coughs. It Is not so pool tor acute colds aud coughs, bat for llngenntr. or chronic cases It Is especially etl'.caclous In producing per fectcures. It contains HIack CborrybarU, lloldon Soal root. Woodroot. Stono root, Mandrake rt and Queen's root all of which are h rralacd as remedies for alltuenboM ' netla(Tctiunsbysuoh tnlnent n.' -i enters and teachers a Prof. lUru a , of Jefferson Med. Col lege; Pnf. i t the Pnlv. of Pa.; Prof. Yvr " swood. M. D., of Hen. nctt Mtl. K . Chicago; Prof. John King, M. I ' .ncinnatl ; Prof. John Ctlwln M, f M. D., of llahnamann Med. Cyf r'sgo, and scona of otharsiV '. . icincnl la their sovoral MhqfSJk'Oi V -T)t,o;L'- .Mlcal pticoverr " Is tbw ojILjaaliuia-unn 8ah.JiiimB priltfgUl Ivir ilKJ U3iri!--. uiit lias upv mora" Ui ai arv niim of o.rdnjry wrr fcrnrrsTS: OTeh-publicity oTusTormuU b tho UAL DO..b:e guaranty of Its merit. Aglanco at thts publlsked fonaala will show that "Uoldcn Medical DUoovanr" contains no poisonous, harafal or naWt fornilngdrup and no alcohol chtnUallr pure, trlplo-fonned glycerine Ulag aid IniUad. Glycerine Is entlrelr uoobjac tlonable and besides la a osi uf ul ajent la tho euro of all stomach as well as bron chial, throat and lung sffeeMoua. There is the hlghwt medical authority for IU ui in allsuch cases, TheDievcry"U a concentrated glyceric extract of natlvr , m4lclnal rpot,and U safa aa4 rallablft. 'A booklet' of exUacU frcwa euluast, wdlcal authoritlM, wkdonrfw IU lag?- WNueFlweHm :t t'v'v fgggBasjg&!Sfc It means thi hottest and cleanest A name produced bv I any stove. This 13 the flame the New Perfection Oil Stove gives the instant a lighted match is ap, pliedno delay, no trouble, no soot, no "'"'urcooKin&the NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove is unequaled. It gives quick results because its heat is nighly concentrated. Cuts fuel-expense in two. Made in three sizes. Every stove warranted. If not at your deal- cl o vviiiv; iu uui nv.iutDi acixvjr. ytmmr all-round household use. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly constructed absolutely safe; unexcelled in light-giving power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warrantee, xi not ai youT dealer's, write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY IHOOHl'eKATKB) rt i hJL Rostein & Greenbaum 240-246 Commercial St. Salem, Oregon, Never Wear Out Hose for Children Wo hnvo handled this lino for ovor three years,, nnd havo built up a largo trado on this particular lino. Whon in need of Chlldron's Hoso, glvo our Novor-Wear-Out Hebo a trial and you will buy no other. All bIzob 16c a pair. Parasols Wo havo a vory neat lino for you to choose from at reasonable prices. Plain Whlto Llnon Covor, 76c. Whito Llnon Covor, with doop Flowered Dordor, only $1.35. Chlldron's plain Dluo, Pink, Rod or Whlto Parasols in two sizes, prlco 15c and 20c. Record Breaking Bargains in Lace Curtains Wo do not healtato to tlaln that tho valuo represented here nro tho greatest over shown the trado. Whon -you boo tho bandtoml design, tho slzo and the qaa:lty you cannot help seeing the truth of our claim. Longth Yds. 2 2 3 3 3 iA 3 3 3 3 3 34 Width Ins. 30 36 40 44 62 62 60 38 41 46 53 66 62 Color white whits whlto rhlte whlto whlto whlto eciu ecru ecru ecru ecru ecru Price Pair .5 .7J 1.00 1.15 1.50 :.oo MS M 1.0 1.15 1.35 1.50 MS II M Hardwood Floors IN CANS Spread them on your old floors with a good brush, and bare an up-to-dato rocoptlon room, dining-room, ball or parlor, ural wood finish, tough, elastic and durable. VARNO-LAC Exactly Imitate all fine woods, no matter bow old the "urfacV bo stained. Tho only artlclo mado that requires no sum 1 y duco good results. Avoid disappointment by remembering w for Varno-Lack. Mado by Acme Whlto Lead & Color WW, trolt, Michigan. GEO. B. JACOB FRONT AND PINE STREETS, NORTH SALEM.rJIOXE 4. VIMHWMBgMWWaffMWHMEJBBBMHM USE SELF RISING B. B. B. Flow Fop Bostoa Brown Bread, Griddle Cakes, Muffins and rJum " ALLEN'S B. B. B. FLQUR CO., Ut a- " imMuih ........ hr utte NOW IS THE TIME to sav0 your ct0 Dr. Rosemcr's Moth Pw or, aJ Never known to fall. Leaves no grease, has a pleas will keep articles frt;o from moth and Is germ-proor. For salo by all druggists, 25 ,arcd by BERK toMa m 1 iiawiaewuara AM"