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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1907)
jnWPlJR'P r -) - t. A BARREL FULL OF SWEETNESS jls Usually Happens There Was a Woman in tne lase The Coos Bny Times has a Btory la which Billy Taylor bo well known tare ns having tho Bwcetost candy wd tho most dogs of any man in tho tiate, jg Bomowhnt concerned. It seems that Billy had arranged to go camping for a couple of weeks and had employed a young lady, a Miss Alda Cannon to tnko charge of his tandy business during his absence, yijs Cannon was at tho Bhop boforo Billy loft and while chatting with hlni scnted herself on nn empty ,gar barrel. Now tho sugar barrel knowing that it was made for con taining sweets, and realizing that there was .nothing In tho world iweeter thnn a Coos Bay girl, Bud renly "took it into its head," that It was a grand timo to fill up again. Or it may bo thnt it was unaccustomed to having a full grown Cannon sitting on Its head, and so took tho head out J of the way. At any rato tho head dropped In and Miss Cannon doubl ing up liko a pockot-rulo dropped in after it. Now whllo tho barrol was Tery comfortably filled with sweet ness, still it contained exactly tho me nmount of Cannon. It was a Cannon, too that couldn't bo fired. Billy tried to get tho young lady, out bat being n Taylor instead of a Coop er ho couldn't manago It, and sp had to call for assistance. Tho young lady was soon rescued from tho em barrassing position, and Taylor blushlngly removed tho barrol to tho back room and tnlkcd to It for Its naughty bohavlor. o The Population of Egypt. Tho much tnlko of census of Egypt has been completed, nnd according to tho oillcial figures Egypt's popula tion on April 29th amounted to 11, 106,35 7 persons or nearly a mil lion nnd a half In excess of tho cen sus of 1807. But It Is with tho great est regret that ono has to admit that theso figures aro not rollablo. Tho ttnsus was carried out in a most arclCBtt manner, and numbers of Europonns, including your corre spondent, woro not included. I have hoard complaints from all tides of tho lack of organization, and if iuch oversights woro committed amongst tho European inhabitants, uho, after all, aro easily reached, tho numbers of such oversights must bavo been plontcoiiBly multiplied In tbo caso of tho natives, who nro by contrast difflcult to locate. Tho fig ures hollo thomosolvcs, too. Between 1S82 and 1897 tho population In creased by 43 per cont. It I J truo that tho flrBt-nninod consus was not absolutely accurate, but an increnso ot barely 15 por cont as has been restored between 1897 nnd 1907, spread over a period when tho Eu ropean Influx to Egypt has been en ormous, nnd during which tho pros perity of the country hnB been grow ing, must bo, on tho face of It, far telow ths mark. Tho Egyptians aro Hsentlnly a prolific nation, which is one more argument for a largor In crease in tho population. Tho figures only show an Incrcaso of 7M00 and CI, 000 In tho popula tion f Cairo and Alexandria respec- Uvel), tho former numborlng C40, 00 and tho lattor377,000 inhabi tants. Such inoreasos aro absurdly nall ons. and taking a compara- Atro r'ntrmont of tho total consus bis icar and in 1897, in all Iti pub- taked soctlons, one has to como to ft conclusion that there is some thing wrong. It a census is to be of any use. It ao 1 c as accurate as possible, and 1 thhk the fault lias with the gov rnr , who to economize, np- P-Jixv as censu" Inspectors inen al & n tho'governmot service, who 4 ' d tho work gratis. Of course, 14 a fc od many Istancos, outdlde t,.i0 taken and paid for tholr en - but I understand tho groat- t" r, !" . ro. Thla WCllllll flft- o-" r.. oversights and InaoouraU hv- Cairo eoireanondent Pall M l azato. Don't! t I i Dent w TmiK rhllrf flutter with tilt iv.ii, l,n won rrtrm It. with BMlard' Horehound Syrup, a sure car tor Coughs, Bronchitis, Infiuen- "S Croup and Pulmonary Diseases l7 bottle aad try It. B. B. Laughter, Byhalia, Miss., rtU: i 1, two chlldrea who had P. i tri4 aaaay alaTareat reme . bat I must say yoor Horehoaad ftSD la tha. luut rVaiia md Causih Jclae I rr eed," IoW by D. J.rW w DAILY OAPiTAIi Littlo Stories of New York. Now York, June 22. Smitten with tho unreasonable Idea thnt tho in habitants of tho small towns In tho outskirts nnd petticoats of Now York have some rights which oven the millionaires of tho metropolis are powerless to tnke awny from them, tho peace officers of tho afore said villages hnvo inaugurated an unceasing war against nutomobilists who use tho highways as a training track for tho Vanderbllt cup. With in tho last few weeks many motor car scorchers, intent upon overtak ing their destination In a record breaking time, have been hauled up before some vlllngo magistrnto and made to pay heavy fines. One of tho lntest of tho "Sufferers" is Mrs. Thomas II. Howard, niece of MrB. Frederick W. Vanderbllt, who was arrested In Poughkeepsle nnd actu ally taken Into police court, where she protosted vigorously against tho enpturo. Tho mnrblo-hearted Pough kcepBio officers rcmnlncd defiant nnd unrcpcntnnt, even when they lenrn ed that their fair prisoner was a member of the Vnndorbllt family. Tho case has been sot for trial Mon day, when attorneys for Mrs. How ard will answer to tho chnrge of un lawful speeding. Tho open season for small boys, when they may bo killed with impun ity, giant crackers and toy pistols, begins In Now York today nnd tho coming week will probably witness a great Increnso In tho mortnllty rato among youngsters of all negs. In past years dealers In fireworks hrvo been allowed to placo tho Indepen dence Day explosives on Balo about Juno 10, but this yenr tho dato was mado twolvo days lator. Commission er Bingham hopes that theso days of restrain hnvo boon productive of n spirit of philosophic calm in tho pa triotic breast of tho small boy, con vincing him that tho days of barbaric nolso nro waning nnd that tho Fourth may host bo celebrated by memoriz ing tho Declaration of Independence and reciting "Shorldan's Ride." Tho supplies of death-dealing fireworks now boing received by metropolitan doniers glvo tho Ho to thla fond hope. It Ib tho ono best hot of tho day that scores of youngsters will bo minus fingers, toes or oyeo boforo the dawn of Indepondcnco Day and thnt many othuns will bo Bleeping beneath tho daisies, BcarlHccd to n premature pa triotism that "didn't know It was loaded." Meanwhllo, nervous mon nnd women had host tako to tho woods. Tho man with tho apron nnd tho tray and, also, tho outstretched, Itching palm hundrods of them will descend upon Now York noxt weok from all parts of tho Unltod States, Cannda, Mexico, Porto Rice and Now Joraoy, to attend o. convention called by tho Unlvorsnl Restaurant and Ho tel Employos Association, tho Ameri can branch of the Geneva union, an international organization of chefs, head waiters and common or gnrdon waiters. Mon who Borvo dishes bearing unpronouncablo rencn names nt tho Waldrof-Astoria and thoso who Jugglo BlnkorB nnd hot dogs In tho quick lunch rosorts will fraternize on a common lovol, fittlng Ingly Uustrnting the spirit of democ racy oxlstlng In Amorlcn. Now York waiters hnvo mado gorgeoiiB arrangements for tho ontortnlnlng of their brothron from other cities, tho nrogrnm Including a grand bnnquct atthollotol Astor, aoffrdlng tho wait of guests A representative of tho long-sufforlng common peoplo might suggost that tho delegates havo a ohanco to mako the convention for evor memorable by passing a resolu tion ngalnst tho "tip ovll" a highly Important subject thnt doosn't ap pear upon tho printed program. It haB dovolopod that tho bride of Stnto Troasuror Julius Hnuser, who vlis married In Brooklyn rocontly, was tho widow of tho Immortal BUI Anthony. It will bo remembered that Bill was the marine who, when tho Maine went down In Havana harbor, kow-towed to Captain Slus hed and formally reperted: "Sir, I have the honor to reHrt that tho ship haa beou blown up aad Is sink ing." The now Mrs. Haueer was, before her marrlago to Anthony, a olork In a Broadway dry goods shop. Aftor the Mai no expjoglon she wrote vo Anthony, praising him for his gallantry. An introduction followed and shortly afterward the twain wero mado one. About a yoar lator Anthony, having given up tho pro fusion of sea-flKhter and turned 'aotor, fell upon evil times and In a fit of depression took bis own lire, by taking chloral In Central Park on November 24, 1899. Ha! Also, hist! In addition, ah-h-h! Tho "Vampire of tho Vorld" Is now loos In New York and If found will bo given a nice room in the psycopbatlc -ward and a belt 6jgniylng tho tltlo of champion JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1007. Spasms St. Vitus' Dance Many persons who suf fered untold agonies from epilepsy, fiis, spasms, and St. Vitus' Dance are to day well. The strength ening influence of Dr. Miles' Nervine upon tho shattered nerves having restored them to perfect health. "I endured njrony thnt words enn not express from St. Vitus' dance, which followed n very severe spell or rheumatism. I doctored with a phy Blclan: but tho more I took of his mod Iclno tho worso I sot. My mother's do votlon saved mo. After slio hnd become nlmost heart-broken , as well na phys ically exhausted from constant caro, by tho advice of a neighbor sho procur ed u botUo of Dr. Miles' Nervine. From tho first doso to the last n, continual clinngo for tho better was notlcnble, nnd when I hnd taken eleven bottles I was well, and In robust health." EDWARD D. nKAM. North Manchester, Indiana. "Our littlo boy Harry, had spasms for thrco years, and althoueh wo doc tored with many physicians, he con tinued to gTow worao until he hnd ten Insms In one wek. About that timo our attention was called to Dr. Miles' Nervine, Wo begun glvlntr It to him. ills Improvement seemed slow, but when ho hnd finished the fourth bot tlo the spasms hnd dimppoared, and have not Dccn seen now for years, wo shall always recommend Dr. Miles Nervine." MRS. BBLLH M. TINDALT,, Hastings, Neb. Dr. Mite' Nervine la sold by your drupqlit, who will o" a ran tee that tho flrst lottle will benefit. If It falls, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind "hug" of tho universe In n letter to "Mayor McClollan the quota tions nro Hearst's tho "Vnmplro" orders tho city oxccutlvo to moot him at "ono o'clock" midnight with a "75-horsopower Ranlor, an ndmlr a'.'s uniform nnd cabro sheath nnd two English nnd two United States naval ofllcors," with a few companies of soldiers as guards to escort him to his "palnco ship" In "Buttormllk channel." Mayor McClcllan has dis regarded the modest request nnd tho pollco aro now looking for tho "Vnm plro" Latest In Shoes If you are looking for good shoos at th'o right priced, como In and look over our stock. Now spring stock, which contains all Btylos in mon's nnd. womon'B shoos, In both laco and button. "Whlto and gray canvna and Oxforda in patent loathor and kid. Baby Shoes In all tho now shnpes, Boft solos and all colors. Jacob Vogt 315 Stnto street, north Bldo of street. Reopened June 15 ;apter two months Superior Restaurant 1BK High Street, Upstairs. Firet-closs in all appointments. A placo for ladles and gontlomon to get all kinds ot Chinese dishes and the famous Li Husg Chung Chop fluey and Yakama. WUJBV BKN YOW & CO., Pre. Underwood Standard Typewriter fZ) A Purchaser of hh Underwood Uocomcfl a inemler of aa Asso elation world renowaeU for its ap prcclaUoH of comblacU Visibility, Speed and Durability. TImj "Waitiair WtM U hbw liercd by its tkoasaads. Urnkrwood Typewriter Company m Wxik akrett, PerUawi, Or. Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll never bother 'with having It dono at home again. Time wai whon ovory family could not afford to send tho washing to a lnundry, but tlmos have changed bo, too, havo tho methods and prlcos. Today you can better afford to send tht family washing here than not to Ask about our prlcos on family wash Ing, rough dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundry Phone 98. 18(1-100 S. Liberty Bt Tic Fashion Stables Formerly Slxapeon'a Stable. Up-to-date llvary awl eab line Funeral turaonti a. epeefelty. Tally ko for plcalc wad exeurloa. Phow 44. OHAS. W. YANNKE, lrp 247 Ad 84D ntata BirMt. O C T. Co. -STEAMERS POMONA AND ORKGONA LKAVK FOR PORTLAND DAILY, EXCWTT SUNDAY AND "WKDNK8DAY, AT O A. M. FOR CORVAIiLIB TUBS- 'DAY AKD SATURDAY ABOUT 6 P.M. P. M. BALDWIN, Agt. Putting In Modern Plumbing w ml In new housos and buildings, as well as refitting old houses, keeps ub pretty buBy in the spring, when building is at flood tide. Our faclll tlee are always equal to the occa sion, and we would invite builders and contractors to get estimate from us on plumbing, gas fitting, steam fitting and roofing before going elie- whero, as we do export work at re sonablo prltos. A. L. ERASER 288 Bute Street. Plume 186. MEALS 15c AT TUB Salem Restaurant 830 COURT STREET. Call and try them. Meabi 16o. Board por week $3.76, also furnished rooms very reasonable. !) BUTTERNUT BREAD It is worth more than any other bread, yet the price U- no higher For sale at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA IIAKKRY. Thomas & Cooley, Props. HOLLISTCn'&f Rocky Mountain Tea Nurjyefs A Bat Medicine for Bsiy Peopl. Brlofi OolJio KetltS tad BeBwi Vlgof. X P'Wrto for C'jiiHI tuition. la'llKMtloa, LIt ni Kliiur Tro iblo. llrnploi Hiiuiiiii, Impur lilood Iltui Unittli. tiuuKiU LiovrnU, HeivUclM and llitekuohs ft' n-xsky JJounUIn Te In UU Irt form. ' emit a 1'X- Ocnuluo made by Jiou-isTsu Dftt)., roi'Axr, IfttdliKiii, Wi. U0LDEN H JHQETS T0H SALLCW PE0P- I FRENCH FlMUl PILLS. fyiI0WNT9fll..f. M..l iiw Itr, U 14 lrviittt ,. uJ ' " JUWtTrBMCBietCO...aT4.UwTIi... 'Stld In Stlem by Dr. S. C Stan CHICHESTER'S PILLS 'StumXsOy nw . MKAJOI ttLULim mhh aVev4 U aWnta ttL JUMU4 KafahsBBt souirywnMSTSErDtmot m !"iM U h-f-- rr1 At rwuTTSJi WPHL, UM4 - ' ATTte BifMff Jf '' CLASSIFIED fct!tJllfllllllll''"-i-tl'l(li,l'IWi'11 FOR flAXB For Sale Gontlo driving horse. Tn- qulro nt 175G Mission strcot nftor C o'clock In tho ovonlng. C-21-lw For Snlt 319-ncro farm threo mllca cost of Salem, mostly In cultiva tion, two barns, houso in fairly good condition, big orchard, prunes, rvp(plcs, pears, poaches, good lot ot oak timber, $05 por acre. Also modern C-room house, good locality, East Salem, $1G00. 37 acres of timber, casb of asylum farm, $755. 63 acres south of tow-p, $5300; also 17 & acres on North Capital Btroot, $2 GOO. En qulro at 492 Stato street, Snlora. G-21-3t Cherries for Snlc Como nnd got all you want on tho treos at 1 cents por pound. Henry W. Savage, Car don Itoad. 0-20-0t Jersey Cows for Snlc Thirty head Jorsoy cows to bo sold nt auction Juno 27th, 3 mllos northeast ot Marion, J. II. Rhotcn. C 20 3t For Snle-Roglot'orcd Dorkshlro hogs, Biro by Western Star 3d, 88,040, bred up closo to grand champion of St. Louis exposition, and n fow young sows in pig, cross bred. II. A. Clark, cornor B nnd Sixth Btrcots, Pleasant Home ad dition to Salem, Orogon. 0-20-lm For Sale One twonty-ton Champion bnlor, quick rollof, ono water tank, ono onglno tondor on whools, ca pacity 400 gallons. Phono 154i Su burban, or nddroaa box 285 Salem, Or. T. F. Walker. G-12-lra Three First-Claim Farms for Sale - For particulars inquire of Dr. W. A. Cuslck, OYor Fry's drug store. G-4-lmo Several Dairy Ranchnt for salo at oaco Prlcos low, all oqulped roady for business. Baker Land Co., Tumor, Orogon. 6-30-lm For Sale Two light spring wagons (Just right to haul borrlos), two hoavy spring wagons, and three socond hand buggies. Werner Fonnoll, 803 Broadway. C-28-lrao For Sale Old papers, 10 cents per hundred. Inquire Journal office. Why Pay Rent -Whan you can buy a nice home at 580 N. Liberty St, ou terms to suit the purchasar. Address O. H. Burggraf, Albany, Ore. 5-17-tf. misobllaNmouhT Piano Tauer L. L. Woods, piano el port tuning, repairing aud polish ing. Leave orders at Geo. G Wills' music store, Salem, 2- 9-lyr Concrete Work, Get my prices oi aidowalks, curbs, eeptlo tanks and cement work of any kind. All work guaranteed firet-clpss. M Ward, Highland add. Phone 6U , 6-11-tf Ilatte & Wendoroth Fine wlnet, liquors and cigars. We handle thi celebrated ICollogg and Castl whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on drough. South Commercial street 9-S-lyr Salem Iron Work. Founders, na chlnlsts and blacksmiths. Mann facturors of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drylai stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tki Salem Iron Works Hop Press Salem Rex & IrtiiHber Co. Removed from South Salem to 14th street, near the 8, P. dopot. Boxes, Berry Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfection Fruit Evaporators. Phone 201. Kulargcd Our moat warkot on East Stats strcot has been doublod In size and wo aro bettor prepared than ever to sorvo customers. Prompt sorvlce and the host of meats our motto. Call or phono 199. B. E, Edwards, Prop Wo Are Cash IMirclmmt-m Of poul try, eggs, and all kinds of farm produce. Borry cratos made up In unlimited quantities. Capital Commission Co., 207 South Com mercial Btroot, Salem. Phono Main 170. A. J. Audet-Mm Contractor awl bulldor, 4 ID Court Btroot. Phone 644. -l-lf Tho HJghlaad Laundry Is still la the race for patroasge. No white ahlrta or eollara. T. B. WalUue, 2349 Currant aveaue. Phoae Mala 403. S-Mw SALEM WATER COMPANY OmOl OtTY MAXL. yar water eerriee c-paljr at eMe Mis pyW Ma4Uy ia aaraaee ll'lttl"lI,IPIi. DEPARTMENT FOR RENT For Rent FurnlBhod anil unfur nished rooms. Inqulro at 790 N Commercial Btroot. M. A. Dice. G-lG-lwnt For Rent Seven-room house, hot und cold wator, electric light, battf room. Inqnlre of Aug. Schrelb er, 560 North High street. 3-25-tC tmiwmummmnmmmrmmmmmmi n i i in tm 8ASS AND DOOR FAOTORDM. Frank M. Browa. Manufacturer eash, doors, nonldlnge. All klads el kouso finish aad hard wood week. Frost street, bet. State and Coart, Mak all comnlalnin at tho offlpe. L0D0B8. ForeterB or America Court Bnyr wood Foreetera. No. 19, Meets Tuesday in Hurst hall, State street Lee Abbie, O. R.; A. L. Brows, F. 8. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of Castle Hall In Holman block, cor ner State and Liberty street. Tuesday of each week at 7: SO p. m. Oscar Johnson, O. 0.; H, H. Antlorson, K. ot R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gdn Cedar Camp No. 52 4 6. Meet evory Thursday evening at S o'clock in Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. O.J F. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmen of World Meet every Fri day night at 7:30, in Holman hslh J. A, Dickey, O. 8.; P. L. Frailer, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity Union. -flick, asol dent and pension insurance; $2, 000,000 pledged; every claim paid Good agents wauted. J. H. G. Montgomery, supreme organ leer, Box 432 Salem, Oregon. R. R. Ryan, ecorectary, 546 State street. WAKTBD. Wanted Uhi to do housework in. small family. Apply Will's muslo store. to Geo. G. G-26-3t Wanted To borrow $1000 on the best of real estate security. Ap ply to "J. P.," care Journal olMb 4-20-tf Highest Cash Price Paid for ealok ens at Willamette Hotel. 4-l-ti Wanted Five extra waitresses for June 29th to July 4th, at Willam ette hotel. S-19-tr Wanted Twenty-five men with toams $110 por month, straight timo. All oxpenso furnished. Half timo flvo hours' work. Inqulro ut onco at Club Stable,,. Salem. 6-191w n l i H PLUVBBK8. Thco. M. Uarr Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tiualag, 164 Commercial street. PhoM Mala 192. 9-1-ly M. J, PetcelPlunblag, steuw aa4 gas fitting. Sticemor to Kaex 41 MurpLy, 22(1 Cemnerela street. 'PhosA Mala 17. MUSICAL. Arthur Voh Jeeeu Teacher of pi ano; touch, technich, laterpreta tton. Thorough preparatory course Advanced students prepared for public appearance. Residence K8 Conter St. Tel. Mala 626. 2-28-tf. DRAYMEN. Cummins Bros.' Transfer Company All kinds of transfer work doav Furniture and pianos boxed ready for shlpmont. Prompt service to our motto. Stand and oMee at 2S3 South Commercial street. Phono 210. Rosldenco Phone m. raeMimMmm,,,,)!,,,, Gold Dost Flotirl Mad by TUB sTYDNBY POW- X COMPANY, Maaey, Org. f Made for family ue. Ask your J '""" " . ra im serti) alwuys o iaad. P. B. Wallace AGENT lawKm WILTiAMWITK FRUIT AND PRODUCE WK Wholesale dealers aa4 eoMwIeeUn merchants. Cash Mid for JUtter, Mggs, Poaltry, tte. f. . Chtala. aaa) O. A. "rTitewiK, OoUl hWk, -, leas, Or,; J, G. sKaaletoB, ft Uaim Avee, Pertka4, II 1 V ; h