! DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORBGON. SATURDAY, JUNK 22, 1007. HOFER BROS., PfcHh" and Proprietors E. HOFER, Editor. A. P. HOFER, Manager. THE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRES8, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEQRADHD LABOR. GOOD COMING TO OREGON. (Tho following wrltton by J. E. JOHNSON, of Oakcs, North Dakota, lias been grafted from tho Coos Bay Harbor, and mado o fit all Oregon. It la remarkably goor.) Wo aro going to Oregon, pretty soon. Wo aro going to stay If thoro's room. ' ' Wo aro tired of tho plains With thofV snow blockaded trains So wo'ro going where It rains, protty soon. , North Dakota was a-boomlng last year, When tho fields of flax wore blooming fa rand near But tho grain unthrcshed lies low 'Neath a dozen feet of snow Whllo tho howling blizzards blow o'er It here. Here Is a list of "things" picked up on .tho B'treot, which some over-taxed, weary business man Was ordered to get "down town:" Ono bunch bluo braid; 2 yards black braid; 2 yards rubber, black; 1 paper of pins; 1 paper needles; 1 bunch hooks and eyes, black. Think of a man trying to succeed In tho cruel crush of modern com petitive conditions, carrying such at burden on his mind as that! o THE NORMAL SCHOOL PROBLEM. In Oregon tho flowers aro blooming now I know, And tho ploasuro boats aro sailing to and fro, Whllo horo tho rabbits browso , , On tho trco tops with tho crouso And play tag above our houso on tho snow. Shall wo over see tho coming of the spring? Shall wo ovor llvo to hoar .tho robins sing With our fences, grain and barn All burnod up to keep us warm, Wo don't think tho pralrlo farm Is JubI tho thing. Now It Isn't such a pleasant placo to stay Whoro It's wlntor from October until May, Whoro tho winds uncoaslng blow Whoro tho air Is filled with snow And It's thlrty-flvo bolow ovory day. o THE CONTEST OVER THE REFERENDUM. It is a question whether thero Is any solution of tho problem of four Normal schools In tho plan of Initiating a bill for an appropria tion for each of the four schools. If four such bills aro lnltlaUd It Is moro than likely that ALL FOUR WOULD RE ENACTED INTO LAW HI POPULAR VOTE. It would work llko this: ( Local prldo of each school and all Its friends and graduates would unlto .tho votes of tho four sections for all four schools AND ALL FOUR WOULD CARRY. J It would bo llko tho referendum of tho genoral appropriation bill of two years ago. Tho combined interests carried in tho bill would enact It into law. NEWSPAPER VIEWS OF STANDARD OIL Tho hearing of 'tho mnndamus procoodlngs for tho Referendum peti tion of tho peoplo ngnlnnt tho SUito University will bo had boforo Judge Gnlloway In this city next Monday. Juno 24th hns boon sot for argument whothor tho petition of nearly Bovon thousand voters SHALL RE SET ASIDE ON A MRRI3 TECHNI CALITY. ' Tho pernors that bo tho prodatory, organlzod, ofllco-holdlng frater nity, that ought to know bettor, but doos not bocatuo It lives on Its mipotitos, and Its nppotltos grow by whnt thoy food upon thoso pow ers aro all oonvlncod that THE IIEFKUI3NDVAI IS A DEADLY BLOW AT THEIR VESTED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGa To h 11 with tho Roforondum. Knock It out on any protoxt That Is tho cry of tho tcchnlcnllsts who llvo by oncroachments on tho public strawstack and no barbed wlro shall koop us from our fodder, Bny thoy. Wo can Imagine what short work a man llko Judgo Dolso would hnvo niiulo of tliolr hair-splitting, as agnlnst tho broad right of tho peo plo to lllo a petition for a voto agnlnst any graft. This mandamus Is not ovor tho moro monoy that is sought to bo hold up and tho now tax which tho peoplo say SHALL NOT UK IMPOSED "WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT. It Is a tout of tho question whothor tho citizen's primnry political rights shall he overthrown on a moro technicality With tho now and complicated law that has boon enacted to rcgulato tho Initiative and Roforondum, It Is not probnblo that any group of cltlzonrt WOULD BE ABLE TO AVOID MAKING TECHNICAL ERRORS. Thoro uro probably few ballots cnBt at a gonoral election whoro tho votOM luivo not committed somo technical violation of tho loiter of tho law. If tho right to petition can bo dofoatod on a merely technical cons truction of tho laws thou all political rights of tho oltlzonu CAN BE DE FEATED IN TRIO SAME MANNER. The courts have nlwuyH duolnrod that laws rogulatlng tho political rlghtu and prlvllogoa of the citizen hIiiiII bo liberally construed. Tho contest next Monday ovor llvo Roforondum potltlons in this city Involves that principle, and tho citizens back of tho light should carry It o tho hlghost courts IF NECESSARY TO ESTABLISH THEIR RIGHTS. The InlllaUvo and Roforondum Is a political right guarnntcod In .tho constitution, and It cannot bo dofoatod by resorting to technical objec tions to tho sutlloiunoy and Intont of tho potltlonora. o CORPORATION TAX COLLECTORS. Whon tho announcement was mado that a Texas Jury had imposed an enormous One on tho Wators Plorco Oil company, and had ordered It to cease doing business in tho state, somo pooplo thought that Standard oil had received a blow which would bo folt, says Literary Digest. Tho press, vory soon, howovor, furnished Information of somo facts which caused a revision of this opin ion. It Is agreed, to bo sure, that If tho flno o f$l,623,900 nn bo collect ed, and If tho Watora-Plorco tontaclo of tho Standard Oil octopus can really bo oxpiollod from Toxnd, tho victory of tho statu will bo a momor- ablo ono. But tho skeptical press point out that an appeal will doubt less Wo takon to a higher court, that ovon If tho oustor Is thoro sustained a now company will probably bo or nKnlzed to succoed tho Wators- Plorco in its relations to Standard Oil, and that If tho flno Is allowed to stand It will novortholess bo of llttlo practical effect, bocauso tho company has, according to tho Now York World's report, only nbout $100 worth of tanglblo property In tho on tlro state And further, as this paper records, "thoro aro no Intangible assets avail able, Biich as collectible accounts, as tho managomont of tho company In Toxns has boon shrewd enough4 to conduct tho business In tho stato on n cash basis for tho last several months." Viewing thoso facts, thoro foro, It is with considerable hesitan cy Hint tno pnpors auvanco any nronhoclos rognrding tho effect of tho Judgment upon Standard pecket: lines that always, In tho end, tho peo plo must pay?" Tho futility of fines is acknowl edged by many othor papers, And tho necessity for "Jail sentences" Is urged. Tho Texas Jury has Imposed a flno memorablo for its size, but ad mits tho N'ew York Evening Post, " but tho Jury really to bo roraem bored is the ono that will somo day sond to prison somo of tho men be hind tho lawless corporation." Tho usolessness of a flno to pun ish such offenders is thus brought out by tho Detroit News: "As well might tho stato hope to dotor yegg men by imposing a flno of 87 cents for blowing opon a safo and gotlng away wth $20,000." o A Fortunnto Tcxnn. Mr. E. W. Goodloo, of 107 St. Louis St., Dallas, Tex. says: "In tho past year I havo becomo acquainted with Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills, and no laxative I ovor boforo trlod bo offoctually dlsposses of malaria and biliousness." Thoy don't grind nor grlpo. 25c at J. C. Perry's drug storo. No Indigent for South Africa. Tho hardships of tho regulation which requires that all Immigrants bo In possession of somo vlslblo moans of support nio bolng very much folt by persons who aro arriv ing in this country for tho first time. Tho immigration ofilcors aro Inter preting tills regulation In such a manner that It is po3itivoly necessary that Immigrants bring with them th'o sum of 20 ($07.33), or bo In pod sosslon of contract sotting forth tho manner In which thoy will bo ablo to gain a livelihood. A caso has arisen of an American citizen from Philadelphia, who has Just arrlvod, having been sent for by his father, who Is In business In Capo Colony. As tho young man was The Kidneys When thoy nro weak, torpid, or stagnant, tho whole system suffers. Don't neglect them nt this time, but heed tho warning of tho aching back, tho bloated face, tho sallow complexion, tho urinary disorder, and begin treatment at onco with Hood's Sarsaparilla which contains tho best and safest curatlvo substances. In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1. fiinininnii'nnHint I THE MARKETS. I X Mnko Salem a Good Home Market. illllllllllllll IlfrHIIM-fr SALEM MARKET. Ono good bill for tho collection of rovnuos was klllod In tho last leg islature. ' It wan the bill to mako It tho oxpclal duty of somo ONE OFFICIAL TO COLLECT CORPORATION TAXES. WHEN THEY ARE DUE. ( Ttuu'o Is bollovod to bo nn annual loss of about $425,000 now bocauso It Is no ono's business to look after delinquent corporations. It Is mado tho duty of tho district attorneys and of tho Attorney Gon oial hut thoso ofllolals havo enough to keep thorn busy othorwiso. Lot a farmer or business man fall to pay his tuxes and tho wheols of tho law nro t In motion TO COMPEL HIM TO PAY UP. So far us wo know, not a single notion has over boon brought to corn poll a corporation to pay Its delinquent taxos duo tho corporation de partment of tho state. An effort was mado in tho last logUlaturo to crento a Stato Tax Com mission TO HUNT UP NEW VALUATIONS, but that was not to ralso Indirect .taxes or collect tho taxos now duo the stato. Now cotuora In tho west boforo locating In tho stato do not ask how lunny Normal Schools wo havo, BUT WHAT IS YOUR TAX RATE? It is oatlmatod that at least two hundred corporations do not comply with tho corporation tax laws of Orogon. It should bo tho business of ono stato olllclal, ARMED WITH LEGAL POWER OF PROCEDURE, to soo to It that thoso corporations that on- Joy tho protection of tho stato government, pay tholr honost and Just duo to tho tnt.o treasury. o - THE WAY MEN ARE CROWDED TO THE WALL. not in possession of 20, and could Oil's ! not produco documentary ovldenco of any contract with his fathor, and "As a matter of fnct Standard Oil as ho was moro than 21 yoars of ago, w nnt Mm lonst disturbed bv tho vor- tiro authorities hold that under tho diet. For ono thing, tho ponnlty will 'act now In forco hi was a prohib it bo enforced for n lone time. If Red Immigrant and should bo do- tho supromo court .I003 finally up hold th'o flno and tho Judgment of oustor. Messrs. Rockofollor and Rogers can moot both without blink ing. Anothor "company will bo or gnnlzod to take tho place of thi Wn-lers-Plerco as Standard Oil's Texas hranoh, and tho monopoly will thon proceed to colloct from tho pooplo of Texas, as well as from tho son sumors of oil all ovor tho country, tho amount of th'o flno tho Btato has levied. 'Evory ono of theso fines is not a punishment for tho monopoly, but for tho consumers of tho monopoly's product. Tho bigger tho flno tho moro tho public has to pay for oil. How long will it tako tho peoplo to un derstand that tho ball and chnln Is tho only punlshmont for conspirators in rostralut of trado that will bo felt by th'o criminals. How long will It bo until this evident truth Is drlvon Into tho heads of legislators and prosecutors that aro trying to mako cheap capital out of collecting cash Gradually thore are being luvantcd now duties that mqn formerly scorned .to perform. Wo all have read of tho days whon tho man was tho warlord of tho futility. Ho fought for tho family it noed be. HE WAS BOSS OF THE HOUSEHOLD. Hu was supposed to provldo sholtor Bupply provisions, clothing not mado up, and defend tho tltlo to tho property in tho courts. But time and tho insidious encroachments of tho endearing omslavlng box who want tho ballot, havo oxtended hla duties to nn orraud boy. It la not only getting In wood and kindling, doing most of tho gardon work, and TAKING CARE OF THE LITTLE ONES PART OF THE TIME. He must now run orraiuU whou ho goes down town, buy this and buy that, loavo notes an InvItaMotur, curry lunches and whatnot. Thoro la a gradual oacroacaraent on the dotaaJa of tho warlord in lata way at MAKING 'HIM IK) TUK FAMILY SHOPPING aud KVJCN GUT TMN MILK. Money Saved Now While your earning power is undiminished means more comfort and peace of mind when age or sickness less ens your ability to earn. Open a savings account with us now and let us help you save. SAYINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank ported nt tho oxionso of tho seam shlp compnny w'llch brought him. A temporary permit for fourton days was granted and the steamship company absolved from further re sponsibility on tho deposit by tho young man's follows passongors of 14 ($08), with which to pay his pnssago homo In caso hr was not ablo to satisfy tho requirements of tho law before tho termination of his permit. To comply with tho law an Immi grant must bring tho amount of 20 Into tho country and his permission to romnla in tho Capo Colony will not bo grantod on any othor "terms. Tho immlgartlon ofneer states that any contract which tho young man may now mako with his fathor will not affect tho case, as ho was not In possession of any such contract when ho arrlvod, and that 20 from his fathbr or any ono olso will not su fllco, as tho monoy must como from outside tho country. Tho nlm of tho act, It Is stated by tho authorities, is to bring monoy Into tho coutnry, and It Is having tho desired effect. Immigrants, instend of coming to Cnp.o Colony penniless, nro bringing money with thorn. Consul-Genornl Julius G. Lay of Cape Town. o How's Tills? Wo offer Ono Hundrea uullArs Re ward for any caso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curs. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Wo, tho undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and bollovo him porfoctly honorablo la all business transactions and finan cially ablo to carry out any obliga tions mado by him firm. Waldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Inter nally, acting directly upoa the blood aad mucoua surface of the system. Testimonials seat free. Price, 75 ceata per bottle. Sold by all Drug flats. Take Hall's Family Pills for com-Mpatte. Stclner's Market. Dealers In fish, game and poultry. Highest cash price paid for eggs, Prompt delivery. Btato street. Local Wltolcffalo Market. Eggs 18c. Butter 26c; fat, 23, Hens 10c; young chickens, lie. Ducks lOo; geeso, 8c; turkeys, 13 16c. Local wheat 80c. Oats 40 42c. Barloy $21. ' Flour Hard whoat, $5.00; valloy $3.86. ' Mill food Bran, $10.50; shorts, $21. Hay Cheat, $8.50 9, and clo ver, $7.00 por ton; timothy, $11 $12 por ton. Onions $2.00 p6r cwt; potatoes, 80c por cwt. Hops Choice, 10 lie; prime to choice, 8 9c; medium to prlmo. 8c. ' Chlttlm bark 5 6c. Tropical Fruits. BanannB $6.76. Oranges $3 $4. Lomons $5.75. Retail Market. Oats $30; whoat, 90c por bu.; rolled barloy, $27. Eggs 20 22c. Apples $3. Oft. Buttor Country, 20 25c; crenm ory, 30. Wheat Club 86c; valloy 86c; bluo stom, 89c. Flour Valloy, $1.16 $1.20 por sack; bard whoat, $1.35 $1.40. Bran 65c por sack; $21 per ton. Hay Timothy, 76c por cwt.; choat, 60c; clover, 50c por cwt.; shorts, 95c per cwt. ' Livestock. Hogs Fat, 6c. Cattlo 1100 1200 It steers, 4c. Lighter stoors 33c. Cows and helfe-s 9001000 lb, 34o. Stock hogs 66c. Lambs 4H 5e. Veal Drossod, 6 7c. Notlco l?nT-- Sealed bid ". construction of n , It ' 0. Howe-Truss iOO-foot -i russ bridge, re,,r Pa concrete piers, together ? Of nmiM..i. "I'll 81 . . -- -,.... ai:u, across Duti . Jeet tho boundarv n ,. "Utto fei n of Marlon and cK feel nu,-8ui. Jack bridKO. nnn J, ."Utt. Marouam. of(,,n "'"" Mn" . riJii. Minn. - flcationswlllbeonnieatfJ ,W of tho countv ia ... ltboai and Marlon cmmii.. Claau Juno 16th, 1007. ' m Wt Bids will be opened . Ju 5th, 1907, itoZto' room at 1 o'clock p. m ttt B?rt -" '-OW Bach bidder win , ... . posit a cortinn,! n-i. ;!q'ttM t0 fo ol fivo ner rnnf , I,. T.nt Bhal.be forfeited to the i Marion and Clackamas in award In mn ... . MJ9 neglects, or refuses, for tho piS two days after such ... , noa to ontor lnf ":.:: 'U VE'. w ;;: "u.iraw.aMMi wwiau aai L1IU IllillinnP VAMhI-. to th0 satisfaction of the aboS cd county courts upon the ftr T pointed. "r at Tho county courts of Marlon im Clackamas reservo tho right to J(, juv.1. uujf nuu, an Dida. Roadmastcr for Marlon County,' Ort. "" v-aj.-.i.u-io-zz-z5-29 7-2. Notlco of Appointment of AdwJ trator. Notlco is horoby given that nn it 17 th day of May, 1907, tho Coity Court of Marlon County, Orfjoa, duly appointed 0. Marah of llalw, uregon, administrator of tho etU'. of L. II. Rowland, deceased, and hit Ink qualified as required br u. ill porsons having claims against all cstnto aro horoby notified to prcKit thorn with proper vouchers, as by lit roauircd, to tho undersigned at til ofllco of F. A. Turner, rooms IS ill 16, Now Droyman Block, Salem, Or egon, within six months Iron iU dnto of tho first publication o( ttU notlco, to-wlt: Mny 18, 1907. 0. MARSH, Admlnlttntor, F. A. Tumor, Attorney for Estate. 5-18-St-ttt 86c; PORTLAND MARKET. Whoat Club 86c; valloy bluo stom, 88 89c. Oats Choice whlto, $28.50. MillBtuff Bran, $17. Hny Timothy, $16 $18; alfalfa $13$14. Vetch $8.50. Poultry Hons, 13o14; mixed chickens, 13 c; drossod chickens, 16c 17c; turkeys, llvo, 13c 14c; ducks, young, 13c 14c; pigeons, $11,25. Pork Best, 6c6c. Lambs Spring, 10c 10 c. Mutton 5c7c. Beef Drossod, 5 6c. Hops 6c 8c lb, according to quality. Wool Valley, coarse to medium, 20c22c; eastorn Oregon, 16c 22c. o SOUTIIRRN PACIFIC CO. Tlmo Card No. 48 Effoctlro Juno 10. Toward Portland Passenger. No. 16 5:23 a. m Orogon Ex press. No. 18 8:30 a. m., Cottage Grove Passongor. No. 12 4:25 p. m., Shasta Ex press. No, 14 9:28 p. m., Portland Ex- pi oss. ' Toward Portland Freight. No. 222 10:55 a. m., departs 11:38 a. m., Portland Fast Frolght. No. 22610:40 a. m., departs 11:38 a. m Way Frolght. Toward San Francisco Passenger No. 1111:03 a. m., Shasta Ex press. No. 17 6:42 p.m., Cottage Grove Passenger. No. 159:56 p. m., California Ex press. No. 13 1:31 a. sa., San Francis co Express. Toward San Fraiiclsoo Freight. No. 221 2:33 a. ., 8a Fraa- claco Fast Freight No. 325 ll:BS a, ., arrlTes 11:11. Tho London Assurance CorporleB Paid $7,600,000 (gross) Icme arising from tho San Francluo dU astor. This Is a much greater amount than paid by any other MB" pnny, operating under a single ntmt, In this or any other conflagration and stands without a parallel la tb history of Insurance. Incorporate A. D. 1720. In active buslnesi III years. Derby & wiuson, rwi agont, Salem, Oregon. 6-8-ltSat "Cherries Wanted! Highest Market Price PaW Also utner ummng in H. S. Gile & Co. Corner Trade and High Sts. Salem, Oregon Vam JT-V2pf)JHasm &dssB yVfiyJiassaW l'y?wHsaaW flsaVs9CHHs1sa !!WeLSU,"' HIgniana, vrw. This is to certify tbr t mare ono bottle of on9 Drops" and cureu . -This was last winter and sbeW been afflicted since. . Rr.S.C.STOXK.- TRUSSES FITTED. WT stone's ;-;, Greatnt known r--; Price i. To express--, from Salem I PV 2 Q;sw char8e9- . , -uti. For sale oy Strawberry Shortcake iOc. Resta25i Ji Wjl Jt-W L i