Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 21, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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&AI rVJf
Each department of our storo Is
trying to outdo the othor by its oco
nomlc offorlng for Juno. Today we
mention a few item In now white
dross skirts. Plain whlto drees
Bklrta, oloyon gores, stylo Just Hko
cut, also In two other styles of plaits.
A hundred whlto shirt walBtH ranging from $1.00 to $2.00 reduced to
60 Cents Each
'OHKGON" WILL 1113 IN PARADE, jtro this week, and Is a play of ln-
tonso Interest, having a pretty lovo
The Fourth of July Committee ou story nnd good clean comedy, with
Floats Getting Busy.
Tho committee on floats, as well as
tho othor committees for tho Fourth
of July aro growing moro enthusias
tic as tho tlmo draws ncaror for tho
big celebration which will be given
In Salem on tho fourth.
Quo of tho big features of tho pa
rado will bo tho floats designed by
tho committee and tho cltlzons and recommended.
organizations of tho city.
Sovoral of tho fraternal' orders
hnvo nnnounccd .that they would each
bo represented by a float,' and many
of tho businoss men aro not waiting
for tho committee to solicit for an
offering for tho big march, but aro
helping tho work by taking tho Ini
tiative, by sending in notlco of tholr
out tho usual blood thirsty scones
nnd bravado escapes. Tho plcco is
well given, nnd is receiving Ubornl
Next Monday ovoning George W.
Lnwo, supported by a strong stock
company, will opon a series of en
gagements at tho Klingor Grand. Tho
company has recently boon touring
California, and como to Salem well
Tho first production
will bo "My Irlsh-Amorlcan Cousin."
, o
Ilavo You a Cough.
A doso of Ballard's Horehound
Syrup will relieve It Have you a
Try It for whooping cough, for
asthma, for consumption, for bron
chitis. Mrs. Joe McGrath, 327 E
Gallows For A Do7xtu Mlssourlnns.
St. Louis, Mo., Juno 21. Unless
Governor Folk intervenes to savo
their lives an oven doz'on men will
be hanged In Missouri during tho
coming week Two of these, how
ever, aro now confined in a mad
house and this will probably, opujr
ato to savo tholr Uvea. Some of tlio
others may be given a resplto of
thirty days, in accordance with tho
usunl custom in this stnto.
One of tWo sint-itcr novoltlcs of tho
criminal history of tho state will po
tho trlplo execution of th'o convicts
Ryan, Raymond and Vaughn, who
killed two prison officers November
24, 1905, in a sensatlonnl- attempt
to oscapo from tho penitentiary at
Jefferson City. After threo trials
and numerous delays, tho verdict of
death has been confirmed by tho
stnto supremo court and tho hanging
Bot for Thursday.
Among othor new under sontonco
of death aro tho follewing:
John Brooks nnd Amnlcck Brooks,
brothers, will bo hung next Thursday
unless cxocutlvo clomoncy Inter
venes. Convicted or killing John
Clcmmonds In Iron county and woro
originally sontenced to bo hanged
April 18, but woro respited.
Tom Clay, a negro, sentenced to
dlo Thursday at Columbia for thq
murder of another negro In a saloon
David Long, who killed a neigh
boring Pomlscot county farmer as
tho result of a quarrol about somo
William Saugh, Jr., sontonced to
hnng next Thursday tor killing Sher
iff Polk, of Iron county, after a long
local bnttlo which was carried to tho
United States supromo court.
John King, a St. Louis negro,
whoso sentenco wno alllrmcd by tho
puprvmo court and tho dato of exe
cution sot for noxt Thursday .
Martin Pnulsgrovc, who slow his
swoothoart In Antlrow county nnd
was convicted of murdor In tho first
dogrco, but who was recently dtj-
clarcd lusnno and is now In tho St.
Joseph asylum.
John K. Crane, n Kansas City wifo
murderer, nlHo ' respltbd because of
Insnnlty and now confined In an asylum.
The Biggest Kind of a Change
that Ever Happened to Any Magazine
Has Happened This Month to
HpookH Haunt Scene of Tragedy.
Roonvlllfi, Ind., Juno 21. Real
spooks, clad In whlto nnd uttoring
fenr-lngplrlng groans, aro in full
possession of tho old Hardin home
stead, nenr Tonnyson, according to
tho testimony of nobor and roputablo
UlivntlAn A , fl.l. .. ai. . 1 of a-ft-rvstf T-Tnf inlnitn ITnn wtl nl
T"ra lu mi " "7 " l,u im';ir u 4 ,,." 1 ;!"IMmm of tho neighborhood. Oynl-
rado to represent their business. This j I havo used Ballard's Horehound townBTOon of thl3 ct boo?
cebbraton belongs to the entire Syrup in my family for 6 years and (Umt thQ folfc m y,
raminunuy, anu mo various com mil- "uu u uiuow immuiuiu umuiuiuo
THE SCHAP BOOK for July Is Issued In two sections (wo complete mmgaxmem, eaoh
with Its own cover- and Its ewn table ef contents. One of these sections la an 4UL
ILLVSTRATEB magazine j the other- Is an AIL-FICTION magazine? Each Is a mammoth maga
zine In Itself, The one presents an overwhelming array of human Interest articles and
Illustrations i the other an enormous tonnage of ttctton1 BO mages ef absorbing stories, t
Ten years ago I created a new type of magazinethe ALL-FICTION magazine. Now I am cresting; another "
distinct type the ALL-ILLUSTRATED magazine. Thii la the brc of specialization. The conventional magazine,
with Its smattering of illustrations and its smattering of fiction and its smattering of special articles, doesn't contain
enough of any ono thing to make it satisfying Tho AL'L-PICTION magazine and the ALL-ILLUSTRATED
magazine, joined together as a unit, strengthen each other, and make something really big and forceful and convincing.
The Only Way to Know a Thing is to Try It
Tho two-section magazine Idea Is brand-new to the world. It is not cpihe new with mc, however, its I have
me to be very good, but the only way to know a thing is to try it.
Two Magazines for a Quarter Basy Money
Tho price of thin two-part magazine Ja twenty-five cents, whioh ia equal to twelvo
and one-half cents a magazine Most magazines which were selling at ten cents
have been advanced to fifteen cents. TUB SCR A P BOOK in two parts means two
magazines for twenty-live cents against tltlrty cents for two fifteen cent magazines.
Now Ready on all Newsstands
FRANK A, MUNSEY, - - - New York
given it, at odd times, four or five years of thought. It first camo into my mind in response to a desire to couple, in
some way, tho strength of the all-fiction magazine with the illustrated features of the conventional magazine.' It has
been a difficult problem to work out. NoW that the Idea is perfected. I wish to see what there is in ft. It lonk to
to incrlmlnnto hlmsolf, tho1 oftoct on
tho Jury would bo oxcollont for tho
stnto. But suppobo ho should allogo
both his and Orchard's confessions
worp procured by promlsoa of Immu
nity or lonloncy, thou whoro would
wo bo? I don't enro to mako any In
sinuations that Adams has boon
primed for us, undorBtand. Wo
moroly don't enro to tako any
chancos with him."
Railroad Olllclal IlcceJvt'H Forclhlo
Communication From Irate
I ovory usod." Sold by D. J. Pry.
toes aro thankful for Buggentlons
and nppreclnto tho interest which Is
belntr shown bv tho rttlzons. Tim Bpertlni: Notes.
members of tho float commlttoo es- I TnQ Woodburn baseball team will
Urns of practical jokers, havo visited
tho place and vouch for tho reality
of tho supernatural visitations.
Tho Hardin homo wns tho scono
m.v..v.d u, , U(u Vum.u.tu.u ..-. """-T""'" 7BV """ """" ". of a bloody dual tragedy Just n year
pec ally request that tho various piny tub Trunkmakors o Portland! next 8um, JunJ
business people and those who havo hero on July 4th. Woodburn plays . n- WUUam Hardn( ftn ftRoJ yflt.
Individual floats to not wait to bo tho S. Johns team of Portland on tho
called on, but got In lino nnd holp Pacific Coast Lenguo grounds nt
mako this tWa biggest Fourth that Portland July 3d.
lms ovor been colebrated in Salem. Hood Itlvor has Just got Its first
Tho battleship "Ore'gon" is boing automobile Tho horses don'.t tako
constructed and will bo soen In all kindly to tho now machine, which
her beauty, nccompaniod by floats
representing "Tho 13 Stntes," "Tho
45 States, tho elegant "Goddess of
Liberty Car," "Thb Firemen's Float,"
"Tho Modern Woodmon of- America,"
"Tho Woodmen of tho World," "Tho
Lady MaccnblHs" and many others.
Tho flvo floats named last nro bo-
lug constructed In tho old engine
hoiiso on Stato stroet.
Do Not Neglect the Children.
At this season oi the year tho first
unnatural looaoneja of a child's
bowels should have Immediate atten
tion. Tho best thing that can be
given ia Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
And Diarrhoea Remedy followed by
castor oil as directed with each bot
tle of tho remedy. Foro sale by Dr.
Stoao'a drug store.
New Company Coming.
Tho Brlgham Stock Company,
whlch has given tho peoplo excellent
entertainment for tho past several
months at tho Klingor Grand, will
close its engagement horo this week
o Bo to Astoria. "Tho Village Fool"
I being presented at tho llttlo thea-
In Bifocal Lenses
Let us show ye a seat, up-to-date
ka for sear aatt far-aeeisg. It U
fto&lly as good as the ejepetwive kiai,
! half the eeet.
Don't threw away year broken
l'Me. Brlag the torn. We
Plicte aay part, with UUU
Chas. H. Hinges
caused threo runaways tho first day.
Tho first big match of tho 1007
season of tho Portland- cricket club
will bo part of tho Fourth of July
program. A strong team from Sont
tlo will meet a picked Portland
eleven on tho new British athletic
grounds- near Montavilla.
Ralph Frary, who caught for Se
attle last year, has been signed to
umpire in the Northwest leaguo as
successor to Etherel.
A Fortunate Texas,
Mr. B. W. Ooodioe, of 107 St.
Louis St., Dallas, Tex. says: "Ia the
past year I have become acqualated
with Dr. King's New Life Pills, and
no laxative I evor before tried so
effectually dlspoaaes of malaria and
biliousness." Thoy dont grind nor
gripe. 25c at J. C. Perry's drug
Checking accounts onable folks
to deposit their money and re
ceive a passbook, against these
accounts they are permitted to
draw checks.
Caecki say be gitea. te parties
for such sums u desired, thai
aveldiag fre.ueat trip to the
If latere eall aad tu.
Salem Sttte Bant
X. W. WHMltsf. CfcuMfl.
oran and respected citizen shot and
killed his wlfo and then, standing
guard over tho body until ritinrlso,
sent n lmllU crashing through hlH
own brain. .leulousy was tho motive
of tho net, according to tho verdict
of tho coroner.
Slnco thut tlmo tho llttlo log cabin
whero tho tragedy occurred has been
unoccupied, save by tho ghost of tho
ropentant murdoror, who, according
to tho villngora, nightly v'islta tho
scono nnd woops nnd wails tho whole
night through.
On tho night of tho crime, tho
pistol shots fired by Hardin attractod
tho attention of tho neighbors, who
swarmed about tho house, only to
be commanded by tho wJId-visagcd
assassin to koop their dUtanco on
peril of death. Silting by tho win
dow, tho light burning low, a re
volver in his hn.id and tho bloody
body of his dead wlfo by hla side,
tho aged veteran spent hla last night
on earth, whilo scores of curious and
frightened peoplo watched tho grin
tragedy ennctcd beforo their yes.
Slnco that night no ono has dared
enter tho houeo. It Is not tho ma
terial Hardin, with a rovolvor In his
hand, that thoy tear nuw, but Har
din's ghost, sobbing in bitter woo for
his mnrdorod wlfo and hurling Im
precations at- those who dare dis
turb hlB grief.
o '-
Adams Not to Testify,
Bolso, Idaho, Juno 21. Though
Stevo Adams was summoned from
the Rathdrum Jail as a wltnesd for
the prosecution, cousel for tho state
have decided not to put him on the
stand for direct examination, and not
even use him in robuttal, except In
certain contingencies. A definite
statement to this effect was mado to
tho correspondents at noon Thur&t
day by Senator Borah. -
"Since bringing Adams down hero
conditions hard materially changed,"
said tho senator. "Wo have coa
eluded It would bte very unwjse te.
nro a gua loaded by ur oppoaqateu
If Adams should reftwe to take the
oth or take refwge ImHiM tfeMsajf
Speaking of freak lottora which
railroad officials ofton rocolvo 'from
pnrtles who bellovo thoy hnvo uf
forod from somo causa or othor
through tho nogllgonco or caroloss
nosB of tho railroad employes, Gonor-
al Freight nnd PnBuongor Agont
George F. Novlns, of tho Corvnllls
& ISaitorn yctttorday submitted tho
following communication, which wna
wrltton to a cortnln official of a
Woatorii railroad not long ago. For
com,tV)sItlou and Hpolllug, to Buy noth
Ing of forco, tho lottor oertnlnly Is
mooting of tho stnto association. Ac
cording to Superintendent Jackson
moro bonoflt will bo obtalnodby tho
tonchors in attending tho state asso
ciation than would bo should the an
nual county Instltuto bo held. At
tho mooting of tho stato association
in Salem many of it ho most proml
nont oducators in tho Northwost will
bo prcsout and mnko speoches on up-to-dnto
educational topics. Tho meet
ing this year will he of grtiater inter
est thaji usual, as Stato Sttperihtond
out Ackorman has plannod and nr-
rangod a moro olabornte program.
Oklahoma Reform.
Among tho most Important pro
visions of tho now Oklahoma consti
tution, as officially glvon Prosldont
Roosovolt, nro tho follewing: Po
lygamy Is forovor bArrod. Prohibi
tion for thnt soctlon known as In
dian Territory for 21 years. Stop
ping of wltnoaaoo hiding behind In-,
crimination ploa. Soldlor voto bar
rod. Dlroct voto forfonntora whoH
fodoral constitution pormits. Inltl-
ativo nnd roforondum. Power to
legislature to dofluo trust, combina
tions, otc. Discrimination by
porntlonH prohibited. Railroad pro
tlo girl in the buggy alone. It was
ono of th'o accidents that are unex
plainablo, for. as the women worked
with tho harnoss, the horse suddenly
dashod away with tho helplees child
alono in the madly careening vehicle.
The buggy was ditched after a short
run, and the little one was pitched
out, alighting on her head. She nev
er regained cousclousneea and died
three hours later. ' She was an only
child, and was about seven years of
age. IChe 'parents are almost frantle
with grlof. Mrs. Trout Is a coualu,
of J. B. Goodman, of this city.
-Corvallls Tiroes.
poratlbn commission to
control all
onutiou to nrut pinco in tho gallery ."." irom transporting any ma
of freaks. Tho lottor follews: torlal of Its own, manufactured or
"Donr Sir: Did you InJInoar toll ''ri'nod, oxoopt fpr porsonnl uso. Cor
you ho lms klled too coubo belonging
to mo ho sad ho would tol you and
tho konducktor to thny klled thorn
klled thorn tonlto oa thoy camo
across tho rodo at my plals wharo I
havo got a crosln and when I put my
crosin in you eovl you was puttln up
a fonso on echo side of tho rodo that
wud koap crlttors from gotln klled
you put up a hoi of a fonso too enfs
broke Into kindlln wood a our aftor
yuro fonso wont down tho rodo your
InJInoar out to bo fired ho knos tharo
Id a grald tharo and ho como down
thnr hoi bont every nlto tho couso ho
klled was yerelln hoffors brnnd bar
J, swallow fok on tho car and loft
under hacked I want tho money for
tho couso and If yuro Injinear kiln
unuthor ono of my cous I will boo
thut youro Injinear Is not a our gotln
to hoi aftor tho coubo you havo klled
moro stock for mo than yuro dam
rodo Is wurtli and you wont pay for
It wo got along bofuro tho ralo rodos
camo and a dam slto botlr than wo
do now my crlttors Is all 1 havo on
urth to llvo an nnd If yuro Injincaro
can kll one overy tlmo ho gots
drunk all 1 say Is this unldod states
has gon to tho dowel .tho couao will
bo US dollors hoping you are .well.
Albany Herald.
Will Como to Halem.
Th'o Albany Herald this morning
says: A largo number of Linn coun
ty teachers aro planning to attend
tho Stato Teachers' Association.
which meets the first three days in
July la Salem. County School Siipor-
Ifiteadeat Jackson, after cobshUIbs
wRk the teachers of the couaty, do-
, te oaak tho holdlag of tk aa
wtai eouaty teacher' lastitute tals
year, uM limd all the Llaa eouaty
waltlaf It lHOMibl to fore h!M keacaers who are abV will attead the
WaHlilngtOH Wen.
Lost night in Vlllard Hall, at Bit
gono, Mr. ErickBon, roprosontlng tho
UniverBlty of Washington, won tho
firth annunl Intorstato contest Mo
twoon tho universities of Orogon,
Washington and Idaho. Mr. Fraaior,
of Idaho, was awarded socond placo,
Tho prizes woro $7G for first nnd
125 for second plaoe.
Mr. Erlckson'a ilollvory was tho
groatost factor which led to hla vic
tory. Tho subjtct of hla oration,
"Powor of tho Press,' 'la ono that ap
peals to tho .popular mind, and tho
Washington orator hud shaped hla
thomo Into a woll-rouudod spooch.
Mr. Frnzior'u oratlon,N"Tho Prob
lem of tho Twentieth' Contury," wna
a vory practical thomo, and it was
u Bplonflld argumentation. , Tho ora
tion dealt with tho raco question,
as tho problom of tho t,wontloth con
tury. "America must bo u whlto
tnnn's country," ho said.
Henry McKlnnoy, though glvon
third place In tho contest, desorvou
much credit nnd pralso. His oration
was a strong plcco of work and
showed tho dcopost thought of any
of tho orations delivered. His sub
ject was "Preccdont."-
What I Money?
Bait for tho matrimonial hook.
Tho jnoflt 'OfToctlvo subBtltuto for
Monoy is tho moBt difficult root to
That which womon look for whlto
men sloop.
Monoy is tho loudost sound la
tho voice of Hfo. ... .
What tho rich don't nood and the
poor t!6n't got.
A ourso to somo that havo It and a
cor- curBO to nil that havon't.
A provider for ovorythlng but haa
plnosa; a passport to ovorywhere bus
Tho ono thing 'that makoa crooked
things look straight, and straight
things crooked.
That which speaks a language we'
can jU understand, but In which go ,
ablo to conyorao.
For stomach troubles, Mlleuiaeea
aad eoastipatloa try Oaamberlaia'a
itoaach aad Llrer Tablets. Uaay
remarkable cures have heea elfeeUd
by them. Prise 2S eeats. (JkiaiiU
free. For sale by Dr, aHoae'a drug
at ere.
Killed in ItuHaway.
An accident, with fatal results, oc
curred near Monroe Wedaeaday af
ternoon. Mrs. Honer Trout aad llt
tlo daughtor and aaother lady start
ed to drive to a neighbor's fo cher
ries, when something get out of fix
with tWe haraeee aad Mrs. Treat
alighted to refwlr K. BeUg uaable
to do It, she requested the other wo
man to hele nor, tka loavlaf the lit-
IT 18 A MOT laiOApfi QNM, YOIT
awe thk nBT nmum yqu
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