Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 21, 1907, Image 1

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Jfrt i-supmyj lfw-Jfl,!VPlff"
SAX1&M, OREGON. .ritll) A Y JUNE 21, 1007.
NO. 180
f'yqW'Wt'TTTVW'1 -
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Meet at Cottage Grove, Wednesday, June 26-Public Lands, Waterways and Railroads Dis- jj
cussed by Ablest Public Men-free Locks and Canal-electric Lines by tne reopie-wni ;
Talk Development Not Muzzled in the Interest of Wall Street.
wn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 hi i m i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 in 1 1 n i m 1 1 1 m i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 i 1 1 i i 1 1 1 n 1 1 n 1 n 1 1 imiMiimniimiiniiii ihmhui m in 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 nf
culion Afraid to Put Adams On
the Stand, and Rests Its Gasc
Boise, Juno .21. The Btato Tested
caso In tbo Haywood trial this
alng. Darrow wlH open Monday
i consumo tho ontlro morning sos-
iin explanation of tho federation
lea, and tire excoriation of Pink-
dotcctlvcE. This morning tho
ntlon treasurer wnB called by
tho state. 33d testified ho turned In
to tho defense fund witness fees and
milcngo; amounting to many hun
dreds of dollars. Tho defonso has
110 witnesses rendy to contradict
Orchard. Jim Seporn, tho Denver
nogro, testified to the salo of a horso
and wagon to Orchard and Pcttlbono
Ho identified Haywood as tho man
w Ith tho party at tho Bale. Tho last
witness. Borah asked the prosecu
tion to introduco later in ovldonco a
telegram .from Pcttlbono to Adams
at Ogdon In 1903, ordering tho pay
ment of $75. Tho defense consented
to tho state's request. This nftor
noon tho ilofonso will formally move
to rolenso Haywood, on tho groundB
that tho stato has failed to connect
Haywood with tho murder of Stoun
enburg, oxcopt by Orchard's Btory. It
is anticipated that tho motion will
Ik denied.
Slaughter Prices
)n Every Article in the Store Until the
4th of July
No matter how low a price you set on any article, como horo and
o will sell you tho same article for leas money. Wo will let no
house undersoil us.
fhis Year's Latest and Newest Goods
'ill Be Slaughtered Without Mercy.
ict Our Prices Before You Buy a Dol
e's Worth Elsewhere. This Is How I
It's Dene: I
5ir Dress Goods, 23c yard; 75c Dross Goods, 35c
Saiu'h Ruburtmn
Comes Down.
The otta0o Grove and Roscburg Peopte.WfiSeek to Parallel tho Southern
o in r it" i
i scute rwtwj
The Cottago Grove devolopmont iAJl 0fe commercial "bdleg of West-
convention, Wednesday, Juno 2C, is n'Oreg0n, outsjdo of Portland, aro
going to bo attended by "hundreds of to b0 Topresontcd by their offlelRlH
ii vii.in. !..,! """ ,,vo ueiogaioa encn. tho wil-
o brightest and brainiest men of lnmotlo Va,joy 30ovolol)mont Iv0aglJ0
Western Orogon, all Interested lit tho hnt imnn !. mew nttwn ,... i -
--.. ,.. ...v ...w, vva bw-
uovo.opmonc oi tno great undovol- c,rlng waterways and rlvor nnd har
opou intonor or tno stato. i,or improvomonte nnd now railroads
niu convention will not DO muz- nnd lnrtimtrlnH
zled In any in to rest, will wear no tu ,..h. , ,. ,
Wall street collar or corporation Kon should sox thnt tholr mayors and
Straight-Jacket, but Will hlindlO tho nmmnnlnl nn-nnl.i.tlnn. nl ,ll
Hvo and burning questions that tho oBatos to this convention. Tho loaguo
j.uu,, uiu iiuurcHiua in. Bont ronivjioiitnlvn tn th .nni
A plan Will bO Submitted through rlvorn nml linrlmm Mincrr,... nn,l ,lll
a commltteo for taking up tho con- olect ofllcers and BOlect dol'ogntos to
structlon of electric linos by tho poo- tho natlonnl waterways and Irrlga-
inu uirvci, ami DpenKors win proaont tlon congresses.
pinna tor .uio construction of state
London, Juno 21. An American
Borgoant of Marines was killed' and
heavy dnmngo was dono to tho naval
barracks by a landslide at Page
Page, on tho southeast const of the
Island Tutuila, Samoa, today,
Want No Politics.
Donvor, Juno 21. Tho Federa
tion of Miners spont tho day In do
hating a resolution endorsing tho So
cialist party, tho mombora of which
nro in tho majority In tho convention
Many opposo any political stand,
claiming bottbr work can bo accom
plished nlong tho Hues- of Industrial
o --,
Tuft Too Pat. ,
St. Laua,.Jyji0 2ATattkift'Jit ,9
o'clook this mornlMg-,for .Washlsg-
tpp,.Ho said: "I am too fat to be
strenuous,' nd wllh'iiviKty8uch a
Tclcgrapliers' Troubles Not Settled
and They Are Ready to Go Out
aided stoam railroads.
Robert Glenn Smith will bo pres
ent nnd submit his proposition for
SohlhTH HefiiM) to Shoot.
ParlB, Juno 21. Tho cablnot wont
nn nmondment to tho constitution by ,nto ROcrot B08fl,on " non today to
which tho stato can build and opor-d,8CUB8 lho r01)Ort t,mt ir6oW rc
ato or lease competing linos of rai!-if"8c1 to flM on t,m ro''01 w,no W'
roatl, r. inrco niintirod HOlUlors ro-
Ban Francisco, Juno 21, Thora
Is ovory Indication that all tho mom
bora of tho telographorH' union am-
ployod by tho Western Union In San
Franclco and Oakland will be calledL
out by PreBidont Small thin after
noon, unlbee General 8upriHtd-
ont Jaynes, of the Western UmIoii,
agreed to the terms of the operators,
Small will order them to deeert their
key. It 'U exiiMttd. ihej: aU-mem-,,,
neVrfr 'tMf . unUit)- -wIllnHlt;1- TJte,
eempanj' claims itj in peeiilbR te
render fair service by call! a in nn.
ratora fiWfBJi(tpfflcee In niwr
6y town, repaHoig arHf'
food anllhoaso the operatowtdVVen
main. President' Small Ib VuertW
saying there is no hope f6r ajfreW-,
nil wolution, aa tho Wetorn4 UnU
declares it will not treat with 1ft
Now York. Juno 21 nnnnniaoi-
I or Nolll Is siimrlAnd at Huigih. b
I tlon in ordering a strike nit$r X;hon-
FroHno, Cnl.. Juno ai. Two at- ?"'tm,1.m(1 ncc!,)to,! ' company'
tompta td wreck Southern Pacific l "' . "" .f " VI0UB,,t Kno-
traina In tho yards near tho donot .. . ' 7"? ",u ur,TO.a lo Rcl "e con-
IbU night. Detectives :"r"0"muor c,OHoa "nU1 S.
" n iiivvu uunirarv ro vniiu.
woro miulo InHti
SLtre??!!?...r.."rd'M? th? d.ya settlement.
Tho f roo locks nnd canal at Orogon
City will bo mado conspicuous by an
address from, tho father of tho bill,
Hon. D. F. Jones, of Polk county,
that wont through tho legislature
appropriating 1300,000 for tho pur
poso of taking tho embargo off ton
nngo of tho Wlllamotto valloy.
1 Govornor Chlamborlaln will talk
of "Tho Cause of Progress," and ho
nlwayfe hits tho bullsoyo.ln tho work
of dovolopment.
track A-bent coupling pin. fastened
to tho rail, wan discovered a fow
minutes boforo tho Los Angolos ox
press was duo. Flvo minutes boforo
tho Owl wafl duo tho track wnlfcor
dlscovorcd obstructions at tho other
end of tbo yard.
yard; 01
45c: $1.10 Fine
8c Lawns, -Ic; 12 tec
Itomncnte, Calico,
ors. Thrco bund rod
fUBed Jo ahoot tholr
nnd women loft tho barracka carry
Ing out arms nnd ammunition. Tho
soldiora marched to Dczloro, wlteroj
thoy camped in tho public square j Will Muko Llmi;,
iroun iroops woro substituted. Tho' iiosouurg, uro Juno 21. A com
peoplo woro not allowed on tho Vnny consisting of Mr. Itocd
stroots of Narbonno. It Is bolloved t,on. Utah, and Mr. Nlbley, a director
tho whole army will soon rofuse to ot tno Oregon Short Lino railroad.
shoot. whoso hoadounrtora aro nt. flnt T.niriv
Soldiers continuo .to desert. Wn. hnvo comnloted tho nnriiMu nt n
nvon invaded tho barracks and plead- Hmcstono mountain comrtrislnir 80
cd with tho soldiers to rovoll. Unit ncrce, ltuntcd on Roberts crook.
ress Goods, 49c; 50c SilkJ, 25; 85c Silks.
Bilks for C9c: 7c. Calicoes for 314c vard:
, , - ..- . - m r
iwns, 7 He: 15c Dress Ginghams, 8 l-3c;
any old nrlce: 1214c India LInons, yard. 7.4c; prices cut
Plwis on Whito Goods and Muslins; Ladles' $3.50 Dress
fat. 51.50: Ladioa' J5.00 Jackets. $2.95: Ladles Coats and
Ba!U about hnlf nrtrn; $5.00 Whito India Lfaon Suits, hand-
v ..K.W ('-wwf y . .- -- -- - w
omely embroidcrled, $2.95. Everything clso goea at tho same
OW brlpaa Ifnn'g JKn TTnrtnrtrcnr nnnr 99r? 7Kn Ovnrnlla fnr
-. MVH O -SVW MM.. " uw. w . bww, -ww -irM..fc. w
rOi 45c: Bovs1 Overalls. 25c: Ladled 10c Uobc. 4c pair: La-
'- " - .
RCS 20 TTnA f 0 nnli "Rvnrvtlitni? ECics thn RAtriA xvnv
-. v VKW V W ' Mf O" -r. .w ,.
0tB tho line. Wo are ready If you are don't nay double
8r Tour goods. .. I
I A rnmmilti nn nnnlMm u-111 ..
created to report on what can boi1"0 rao"J)ors of tho Eighty-first rog- "out nvo mllos southeast of this
dono to eecure the railroad develop-l,mont which waa ordered to placo dty
.... .... . . tlin inntlnnim Snvnnlnnntli nnl - TJ(U
niunt oi ino.smio, wnion is reported
to havo boon completely blocked by
r doal botweon Hill, Harrlman nnd
the Goulds.
Louis Unrzeo and reproiontatlvos
of tho Interests at Coos Day will bo
present and submit tho plans of tho
Roseburg and Coos Day olectrlc lino.
rnnnnoM.n tr.n.l... .ill 1 .
viuihicaomuu liunicjf Will U(J JiriW-I ' ' -- .... uuitiun iu
ont and lay baro tho work done to "P00'01 meeting of tho stockholdoa plant, a dUtnnca of three miles
.... ifnr Allfrn 1 ll )n vntn nn tt.o li.n. I .
Thev llOHL'llf frnm tlin A.n
tho mutinous Sovonteonth undor nr- no8 03tato nnd 8, C. Flint, of Rouo
rest, deserted. Mutinoors nro tear- n"K, and A. A, Fink, of Snn Fran
Ing up tho tracks loading to Narbon- oisco.' It Iu announced thnt tho com
ne, to prevent other troops arrlv- pany oxpecta to oxpond $250,000 for
l"K. j kilns and machinery for tho mnnu-
o facluro of limp and comont, nnd will
WtuH Lot of Watr. employ over 300 men at tho wlant.
fow York, Juno 21. Directors of A railroad spur Is to bo built Imme
tho 'Frisco svstem todnv rnllr.il n d lately from flrMii' siniinn t i...
forco tho throwing open of millions
of acros of railroad lands, and re
quiring salo to actual stttlors ut
$2.00 per acre,
J. U. Campbell, of Oregon City,
will deliver an addrOBS tingling with
humor and sarcasm on "Who Pays
the Freight, or tho Equities of tho
Situation," that will bo ono of tho
sensations of the convention.
ThJo people of Cottago Grove and
they aro always resourceful will
present their plans for paralleling
tbo Southern Pacific railroad from
Cottage Grove o Portland.
CanalliltJofTof the Willamette,
river from Eugene to Corvallia, tho
bead of navigation, will rccelvo at-teatioa.
for August 12th, to voto on tho.Issuo
$115,000,000 fifteon and twenty
year gold bonds, and nn in
icreaso oC $100,000,000 in
Light Crop of Spud.
Shawnee. Okla.. Juno 21. Shaw.
tho nee. which has attlnni wi.ir.uir,i
common stock. Tho larger part famo u mm nt , i.n,ii., ,w...
of the Issue Is to bo used for re- markota of tho coutnry, Is llktoly to
funding purposes only. Ten million joso somo of i prostlgo this year
of bond wjll bo Issued in tho next growers stating that tho total ship
two years for other purposes. No mnnic tM ..mm wm im,i . '
part of the now stock la to bo Issued, Ceed 500 cars. A remarkable fnllln I
Its authorization will bo asked to n in h. oo. i.i . .
comply with the Missouri lawa. sponsible for tho shortage, aa won
r. 7 i iR5 tho ""toward weather, Sorai, of
m pJ , t 4? ,. . tho forraer b,g0,,t P010 raiser
St. Petersburg. Juno 21. Forty-. im .,m. .!- .,- .... ....
ttt rj'T" Z L . Wck to raise hog.
, w.v. vju0y., jjecaueo of the ahortae, price for
aMM!n was eentenced to death atjpotatoee will bo much -better thl
Now York, Juno 21 At tho teleK-
rnpher'ft hoadquartors overvthlnir (a
"In tho nlr," caused by Small declar
ing ror a atrlko on tho coast. Tku
only oxplnnntlon Iu that Knonen-.
kninp'u mossago, stating tho troubl
was Bottled In Now York, had prob
nbly not reached Small boforo he
fixed tho hour for tho strike. Ciowry
Is puzzled, and said yostorday'a torina
covorcd tho country.
Hotfl CoiuiiMiiy Ilankrinit.
Loa Angolo,B, Juno 21. A potitloit.
In voluntary bankruptcy waa (lW
In tho United fltntoa district court to
day by tho creditors of tho magnifi
cent Hotol Wontworlh, at Pasndaua,
which is noarlng completion. Tho
petition states tho bonded' Indebted
ness Is $350,000 nnd iinsaoiirail
clalniB $100,000, nild thoro aro.nt.
taohmentB to tho extent of $75,000
on tho proporty by othor proiM.im.
H. 8. McICeo was nppolm'ed r9cover.
, Funeral This Af(croon.
Tho funeral of tho luto J. J. Mur
phy took plnco this afternoon from
tho Congregational church. It wa
largely attended, tho mombora of tka
supremo court and iho stato official
attending Tho circuit court in!,
Journed for tho aftornoou. Thw
long funoral train and abundance) of
flowers evldonccd tho esteom iu
which he was held. Tha fum.i
sorvlcps were conducted by Rr. ?,
. Don, tho Interment bolng in CHy
View cemctory. wltk u&ovi u.
' "V.-.V ,
Dr. J. F. COOK
op ,o 4 i jftMnnr irsmiv
W " - .-rwwwm rr
coo. commxAvt&K num.
r n