' '' '- .-" DAILY CAPITAL JOUilNAIj, SALRAf, ORBGON TltUltSDAT, jyJrE 20, 1007. s i t , v rt. '"L V , ffl MOUNT DEMANDS AN OPEN ROSE CITY , SHY ON l sto:ckto:n ANGEL COLLEGE 9 M t I THE OLD WHITE CORNER k RIVER BUNTING v M NE SALES Holds Successful Closing Exercises On Wednesday Canncryman Hume of Curry Couniy At Salem Seventeen Bolts All Available For Dec orating tho City Each department of our Btoro is trying to outdo the othor by its oco nomic offering for Juno. Today wo mention a fow Item In now whlto dross skirts. Plain whlto dress skirts, olovon gores, style Just like cut, also In two other styles of plaits. SALE PRICES $J.22 $1.34 $1.67 M 'ff II " u w tela IIvl IlltVW tl J Bn'! wB T v- Lr ;.hj u I Njl Hi A hundred whlto shirt waists ranging from 1.00 to $2.00 reduced to 60 Cents Each TATE TEACHERS' CONVENTION Portland; treasurer, Prlnclpnl E. T. Marlatto, Snllem high school. City Superintendents' nnd Princi ples' Soction Loader, J. H. Stnnloy, principal Highland bcIioo), Portland; secretary, Mrs. A. E. Watson, prin cipal East 28th strcot school, Port land. Advance Section Lendor, Mls3 Mnry Bnnlow, Portland; secrotnry, iMccI At Salem First Three Days uTnTsSuS of July July 1, 2, 3, the Stato Teachers' luoclatlon wNl meot nt Salem, nnd tte Suporlntondent Ackerman has fopared olabornto programs for tho alons that nro to bo hold at tho blcm high school nnd tho now ChrlB i church. Intermediate Section Loader, M. II. Signs, superintendent of cltv schools, Mod ford; secretary, E. T. Fnlting, prlnclpnl Lincoln school, Sa 1cm. Primary Section Leader, Mrs. K. E. Sloan, Ladd school, Portland; socrotary, Mrs. L. D. Hoyo, Poris mouth school, Portland. Department of Music President, S. E. Hunter, suporvlBor of public secretary, Miss With an attondanco of visitors from nearly nil parts of tho stato, tho annual commencement exer cises of Mt. Angcrt CoHege, O. S. B., wero very successful Wednesday. The country about thro promises very heavy crops, nnd Mt. Angol, as a city, Is prospering. Sovoral new brick buildings aro going to bo built, nnd thoro Is some talk of putting In a browory thoro. Tho educational Institutions of th'o order of Saint uencuict nnvo boon very prosperous tho past year, and nro tho basis of tho prosperity and growth of tho community. A vory eloquent, ad dress was delivered to tho graduat ing class by Hon. W. M. Kaiser, of Salem, and tho closing remarks woro mndo byv Rev. Most Kov. Aloxandor ChrlBtlo, of Portland, who spoko elo quently. Tho valedictory was deliv ered by Karl Ilorbrlng, of Tho Dalles, nnd ho acquitted hlmsolf with groat credit. Sovoral gold medals wero awarded for oxcollonco in scholarships, nB fol lews: For general oxcollonco Karl Her- bring, donor, Most Rov. Archbishop A. Chrlstio, D. D. Proficiency in Amorlcnn History Umbort Do Mar tini, donors, Tho Knights of Colum bus, Portland, Oregon. Proficiency in Latin Frnnk Sander, donor, Rov. J. II. Dlnck. Junior department for general oxcollonco Noel Dolsch, donor, Rov. Arthur Lnno. Tho dogroos woro conferred by his draco tho Archbishop. Tho gradu ates from tho acadomic dppnrtmont woro Karl Herbrlng, of .Tho Dalles, who complotod tho scientific course, nnd Roy Konny, of Leono, Oregon, who finished tho classical course. Tho degroo of Master Of Accounts was conforrcd upon tho following Btudents: Norman A. Dablor, Ilwaco. Wash.; Jcromo Kllngor, Mt, Angol, Oregon; Theo. MoLornn, Wilholt, Oregon; Arthur Snook, Ilwaco, Wash. Tho program, ovory number of which was much appreciated, was as follews: Orchostra, "Pawnee Bill" ....Hoed Salutatory Umbort Do Martini Wolcomo song . . . .Junior GIoo Club Monday ovcnlng thoro will bo n iwtptlon glvon at tho Elks' hall bv'8cnools' Portland; I! Salem tenchers, with a musical Etho1 Pn8 Mt Tabor school, Port j4 literary-program. Thoro will bo mni1. alons forenoon and afternoon nt " lie Christian church. Cosmetics will ruin tho complex There will bo Blmllnr programs i100, Thoro's no beauty prnctlco Recitation, "Our Blggost Fish".. nesday and Wednesday, and Ma- 00ual t0 tho offects of Holllstor's Lloyd Homan on, Linn and Polk counties will UoY Mountain Tea. It koops tho Song, "Duo" d InBtltutos. ontiro body In perfoct hoalth. Tea Fred Brokaw and Francis Novlns Olllceni and CommitUw. or Tablota, 35 conts. Dr. Stono's .Recitation, "Tho Sound of tho Tho following Is a comploto lUt Drue 8toro ! tho officers, members of commit- H, leadors, etc.: VoOH ""' " - Station. Officers President. Anhtn r. nim. I o Southern Pacific Railroad Co. .-..., .,-... .. -- M; vice-president, R.F. Robinson; w,u mnko Co080 nay ,ts cn"nK - Kond vice-president, W. W. Wiley; t,on nnu w,u tlov"op mo mtunu cretary, Gcorgo W. Jones; treasur- . Carollno A. Barnes. Exeaitivo Commltteo J. H. Ack- Tnan, superintendent of public In- fnctlon, Salem; Aphla L. Dlmlck. 'Inclpal Brooklyn school, Portland; rwk Rlglor, city superintendent of oools, Portland; J. M. Powers, city Perlntendont of schools, Salem; P. Caniplxjil, president University of 'tson, Eugene. Committee on Resolution.! Geo. uenman, Corvallls, chairman; ' Luella Carson, Eugene; 8. U. tfwns, Portland; IL'F. Wilson, Mc- "nvllfe: T. b. Hamlin. Rosburff ' S. A. Wilson, Portland. Information and Hotel J. S. Gra- Kln. chairman; John E. Smith, Miss otna Kramer, Mis Laura Bean, a Anna Fischer. Superintendents' Convention Undent, L. R. Alderman. McMlnn- a'e; secretary. Justus T. Noff. Tho Ues Secondary and Richer Education -President, Dr. H. D. Sheldon, Unl- wilty of Oregon, Eugener vico-pres- " H M. Crooks, president Al lny cellege: secretary. Miss Jesslo dard, West Side high school, I0METHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses t bs show yen a neat, vp-te-date u for near aad far-seeiBB:. It 1 E'v M good as the expeasJre kind, hilt lb. oa't threw away year krekea Briar tkan L m. We aaa 7 jr aart, wltk HtUa Chas H. Hinges nous fields Into n supitly otatlon for a great pnrt of tho Pacific coaat, Tho Henry vlllo mlno, ldlo slnco '77, will bo worked' Into a mlno that will have an output of 1000 tons daily. Improvements will bo mado on tho Beaver Hill and South Port mines which will gh thorn a total capac ity of COO tons dally, making a grand total of 1,500 tona ovory day, or 9,000 tons that will bo mined oach week. Coos Bay TImos. r o A FortHJutfe Texas, Mr. E. W, Goodloe, of 107 St. Louis St., Dallas, Tex. says; "la the past year I have become acquainted with Dr. King' Now Life Pills, and no laxative I ever before tried so effectually dtaposaea of malaria and biliousness." They doat grlad nor grlpo. 25c at J. C. Perry's drug tore. Son" Theo. McLtfrnn Ancient Home Is now meroly a momory of the. past Ballard's Snow Llnlmont Is the fam ily llnlmont of tho twentieth century. A positlvo euro for Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Neuralgia, etc., Mr. C, H. Runyon, Stanborry, Mo., writes; "I havo used Snow Liniment for Rhoumatlsm and all palu. I can't say enough In Its pralso." Sold by D. J. Fry. Hon. R. D. Humo, of Wedderburn, la In tho city, making a fight for tho oponlng of tho Roguo river, so that tho salmon industry" will not be come oxtlnct. As nil know, for flvo years past water power dams havo boen constructed without flshwnys, nnd millions of flno fish, have .died In th'o rlvor on account of Inability to get to tho spnwnlng grounds, Tho result has boon fatal to tho industry. Tho catch on tho lower rlvor this year is reduced to almost nothing, and tho end Is not yet. Tho fnlluro to 'build I13li ways over tho dams, and tho wanton destruction of tho fish ery Imr boon carried so far that if tho stato does not stop In and en fOrco tho Btnto laws tho oxpondlturos for hatcheries, cnnnorlos and tho homes and proporty of both fisher men and ownorB of tho ground will bo destroyed. Mr. Humo has dovolopcd a systom. of Deeding tho young spawn that has rosultcd In stocking tho rlvor ns fast as tho fish woro taken out,' but tho obstructions in tho streams for mlllB nnd powor plants has moro than ovorcomo tho bsnoflts of artificial propagation by private xjntorprlao, by tho Btnto nnd national government. Tho whdlo mnttor Is to bo gono ovor by the stato AbIi commission nnd Stato Warden Van Duson is to bo In vited to Salem to moot Mr. Humo nnd hoar his propositions. Tho gonornl public is deprived of Its fish supply from tho blocking nnd destruction of tho Roguo rlvor. It is to bo hoped, from tho standpoint of tho rest of tho i3oplo who do not llvo on tho rlvor, that tho salmon Industry will not bo allowed to bo destroyed by n fow grasping corporations on tho up por rlvor. Mr. Humo says If for two days in tho wcok thoro could bo un obstructed runs for tho fish tho wholo length of tho river tho fish would propagato thomsolvos, and tho Bitp- ply could nover bo exhausted, But tho groed of mnn will destroy ,tho richest gifts of nnturo, If loft unrestrained. Govornor Ohnmborhtln nnd tho fish wardon nro plnnnlng n trip to Curry county at an early day to mako a porsonnl Investigation. 1 . o THE SWEDE GOT MAI). Hunted Up nnd Licked tho Mnn Who Robbed Him. ex- fcHai CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Checking accounts eaable folks te deposit their aaoaey sad re ceive a passbook, against these accounts they are permitted to draw cheeks. Checks way be gtvea to parties for such sums as desired, thai avefdlag frequeat trips te the feaak. If tatereeted eaM as4 see as. P.O. 1000 1000 coo 000 Local Bull GanieH. Team Won. Lost. Y. M. C. A I 0 T. K. W. M 1 0 Falrrnount 1 1 Merchants ..... .0 2 In tho City League gamo last night botwosn tho Merchants and tho Fair mounts, the Falrmounts won by tho scoro of 4 to 3. The winning run was mado in tho last of tho fifth In ning. It was a hot gamo last night, only about one-third of tho players played ball, and it was a general succession of bad errors. Tho next gamo Is Friday night be tween tho Woolen Mills and tho Y. M, C. A. Salem State Bank LJCTAmm, Tetr Cared. A lady customer of ours had suffer ed with tetter for two or thrse years. It got so bad oa her hands that she could not attend to her household duties. One box of Chamberlain's Salve cured her. Chasaherlala's medicines give spleadid satisfaction la this commHHlty, M, H, Rodney k. Co., Alcaoad, A)a. Chamberlain's medicines are for sale by Dr. gtoae's drug store. e Catuto For Cemplalat. Manufacturer to chairman of a commltteo of workmen) -What now? Did I not raise your wages last month- Am I sot paying you wore than anybody else la the trade? Chairman Yes, sir. But what Is the use of having more moaey with oft more im to speed t? W waat another day a week o, Answers. J. Summer an o4capo from tho Canyon county Jail of Idaho, and who vas hold In that stato on tho chnrgo of ilarcony, arrived in this city somo timo Tuosday and immedi ately proceeded to got busy, nnr ratets tho Huntington Horald. Ho procoedod up tho track and hold up a Swedo taking IiIh watch and fcomo change Tho Swydo was ovldontly too surprised too offer nualstenco and gavo up without a murmur, Lator, o, tho Swedo ovldontly got to thinking tho mutter over and thought ho would go on a man hunt himself. Ho wont up tho rlvor and mado sovoral inquirlos about tho footpad, but could got no traco of him. The Swedo thon bega nto boat tho bruBh around wliqro ho was hold up, with tho result that ho ran across Summor, and thoro was, from all Indications, ono of the most des porato battles that has ovor boon fought in this section. Alono, nnd with no wltnecHos, they went at It like two fiends, fighting for how long, no body knows, but long enough to trump! o out 20 yards of thb brush and mako It look llko n oyclono had lilt It and that it had afterwards boon usod for a slaugh ter pen, blood being all over tho batUo ground. Finally Summor sue cumod to tho poworJ of tho Swede, who boat and kicked his faco into a pulpv Tho Swedo In tho scrap got n bad lick ovor tho oyo and his thumb In tho othor fellow's mouth with dlsastrpus results. After tho Swedo had conquorcd his opponent Into submission ho started with him for town, arriving ho turned him loose. Later tboy wero both arrested and Placed In tho city Jail. How badly Summer was injury! It was not def initely known as the sheriff of Can yon county arrlvod the aext day and took the prisoner back oa th Peny, With only 17 bolts of pink and greon bunting, thd ofllcinl colors of tho roso fiesta, Portland 1b not mak ing as oxtonBlvo a showing In tho decorating lino ns tho occaBsion war rants, says a Portland papor. Tho lack of bruamontatlon is duo to tho wholcsnlo supply houses. Ovor a month ago tho commltteo announcod tho colors for decorating, thereby giving tho wholosalo mer chants timo In which to Becuro a stock of bunting. Ono storo'hnd 17 bolts, and this was all tho green nnd pink in tho blty, Tho largest Jobbing houso In tho Northwest Is Bo cntcd In Portland, nnd this cstnb dlshmont did not havo an Inch In Block. Although tho mnnagors of tho wholosalo Iioubcs know that thoiV) would bo n heavy, call for tho pink nnd greon bunting, each do pendod on tho other to Bitpply tho demand. This provod a pleco of misplaced confldonco all around, with tho unpleasant consequonco of robbing tho city of docoratlons. Compnrotlvoly fow Btoros and buildings hnvo been decorated with tho colors, nnd theso nro not espe cially olabornto, as tho 17 bolts of bunting woro mndo td go as far ns posslbflo. Tho eurlyMilrds, as usual, bought nil they cpuld, and tho pro- craBtlnator now finds that tho mar- kot la exhausted. Tho roRO carnlvnl promlBod to soo Portland decorated ns It has Biildom boon ornamented boforo on othor tes tlvo occasions; but through tho Inck of ontorprlBO on tho pnrt of tho Htip ply hoiiBOs only a fow decorations nro visible Fourth of July docora tlons. aro now bolng resorted to, and tho nbBonco of pink and groon Is bo lng romodlcd, In a moasuro, by rod, whlto and bluo, and somotlmvs yel low and rod. Whllo tho colors Boloctod by tho cnrnlvnl commltteo aro moat appro- priato and aro common, tho wholo- Balers do not carry them In stock. This Is n drawback to a certain ox- tent. Had tho market boon propor ly attondod to, nonrly ovory building and storo would todny bo gay with colors. At sovoral places tho decorations woih) completed boforo tho bunting supply was exhausted. Thoso nro Junt enough to Indlcato what could hnvo boon accomplished had tho supply been adequate It will touch n led- son, howJvor, for noxt yonr, when tho roso fiesta Is hold, tho merchants will sob that thoro Is enough bunt ing for ovory ono. o $ke caa leek eu t, tat: jr c'l leek &p UtrATCNTKB PORCHSHADES Buren & Hamilton SOLE AGENTS Salem, - Oregon uiiimiiiiiiimiHiiiiri :j Strawberry Shortcake 10c ; ; The Finest Yqu Ever Ate if j j White House Restaurant J I I i 1 I I I l-t'l'M H-I-l M 1 1 I i i I I 1 it.t Tho Postal Ctinl VmI. "Moving?" inquired n nolghbor, ns n furnituro van stopped hi front of KorfcctB houso, ' "No, indeed," ropliod Kbrfoct. "A frlond wnnts to borrow our collection of aouvonlr post cards." Judgo. Have Yon a Cough. A dose of Ballard's Horehound Syrup will relieve it Have you cold? Try It for whooping cough for asthma, for consumption, for bron chltls. Mrs, Joe McOrath, 327 B' 1st street, Hutchinson, Kan., writes: "I have used Ballard's Horehound Syrup In my family for 6 years, and And It the most palatable medlalav I every used," gold by D. J. Frjs. a i Studying Hconomy. Donrborn I seo it costs the same forji dog llconsi hs It doos for a mnrrlngo Jluens in, Chicago. "Wnbnsh Yo3, but tho dog llconse Is choapor In tho ond. Yonkers Statesman. MORE BATTLE SHIPS Ho Fired tho Stick. "I havo fired the walking-stick I'vo carried ovor 40 years, oa account of a soro that roalstod every kind oE treatment, until I tried Bueklen's Arnica Salve; that lias healed the soro and mado me a happy mas," writes John Oarrett, of North Mills, N. O, Guaranteed for Piles, Burns otc.j by J. O. Perry druggist. 26c. Washington, Juno 20, Bids woro ojvonod by the navy dopartmont thin attornopn for two now battleships of the DroadnnuBht typo, tholr spoud to bo 21 knots nnd displacement 20, 000 tons, .Ono will cost nearly ?4, 000,00 Oan'd tho othor S4, 600,000, 'i u MJhs Btalgor Improving Miss Emily Stalgor, who rccontly undorwont a serious oporatlon In tho Good Samaritan hospital, In Port land, has boen romovod to her moth er's homo In tho metropolis, and is roported to bo improving rapidly, Taft Has a Cold. Ottawn, Kan., Juno 20, Taft speaks at thb Chautauqua this -Afternoon, Ho has a cold and saw a doc tor this morniug at Kansas City bo foro leavlug. Not Quito. "Did young Cnshuntor got a foot ing In that rich faintly whoso daugh ter ho wanted to marry?" "I think It was moro what might bo called a booting." Baltimore Amorlcnn. Th- Texas WoaOer, Cures all kidney, bladder a ad rheamatlt trouble; sold by all drag, gists, or two moatks' treatmeat fcy mall fer ?1. Dr. 9. W. Kail, II2C Ollvs etreet, gi. Leala, He. lea for testimonials . geld by Sterne's drag store, 4w-lyr The "come aad go" feeHags tat you experieaee after taking Weill ta Reeky UoaataJa Tea U 4slr westferfal, Sfiw las yer weajcaes. This pewady d thai ftutaes. 31 eeats. Tea or TaalaO. Dr. ffcme's Drag JKor. May Try t Force Stub Service. A Salem special yostorday says; Tho mattor of poor passenger train sorvico on tho Southern Pacific, es pecially south to north, having boon taken up with tho company officials by tho raH road commission, after numerpus complaints had beon lodgod, and tho company having failed to remedy tho conditions com plained of within a reasonable timo, tho commission will lltoely set a hoar tng for the subject at att early date, with a view to compelling the com pany to put or a stub train service fioM Roseburg to Portland when scheduled paseea0er trains are re ported mora than one hour late. -'' rt i Th atfaoUto is ( great aeetet- He la iaereaetag the reeeipts under Um UttariUoet Ux law. Fairbanks hi Chicago. Chicago, Juno 20, Fairbanks ar rlvod In this city this morning, and spoaks at tho Northwostom Univer sity oxorclses tonight. o For stomach troubles, ellleuMses and eoastlpatioa try Chamherlala's gtomach and Llvsr Tablets. Uaay remarkable euree have beea effeeted by them, Prise 25 eeats. gamplee free. For sale by Dr. gtoae's drug; store. AJbort Ramm, a Qorman aged SI, committed sulcldo at his home at) Crabtree, near Albany, Tuesday morning. Ho got up aad built a nro, attondod his cows, wont Into tho barn, and, facing a looking glass, while sitting ou tho hay, pulfe the trlggor of an old 38-calibre Ger man rovolvor, aad the ball plowed through his brain and into the side of tho bulldlHg, I)e Net Negleet Um OtOMrem. At UU seaee of ike year Um Irs uaaatural leoeeaej ef a ekUd's kowels ahould have immediate attea Uoa. The beat tkwg that ea he ilT Is Cmketteta'a fjta, Otalef. m4 IHarrkea Remedy tolWwed ky Mtor U m d4reei4 with Mk ke. u C ressedy. J"ere wO ky Oc. AWIHCsteM. A h w -