.Ji DAILX" CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1007. flf GROWING GIRLS NEED A SAFE TONIC Williams' Pink Pills Partlcular- , Adapted to Their Condition, from Opiates -or Harmful nnd Highly Recommended t Those AVlio Havo Tried Them. Lowing girls who show wcarl- ffant of strength, .languor, aro jnd perhaps short of breath, $, 10UIC d all tonics aro suited for their ,at this critical timo m xuoir .... r Wllllnmn1 Ollnlr TJII1.. I BUI " u iiimuia inn. "' ilea when tho girl Is devolop- Into tho woman thoy'lnBuro, as medlclno can, tho full flower romanhood, robust, strong and rthjr. feglcct of tho health at this tlmo a o. life of misery and is often loved by a short, dry cough . is the forerunner of consump- Us Louiso WcBtphal, of 233 Lo- iitrect, Dubuquo, Iowa, says: "A jrears ago I was In a very wcak- i condition, one that is common cjny growing girls. I was norv- sost of tho tlmo, lost weight, a poor complexion and no nppe I was completely run down had no ambition at all. For lbs I was undor a doctor's caro sothlng helped mo. My friends :jht I was going Into consump- and as my fathor died of that no th t'e scorned reason for tho it. I had bpon sick about a year when William's Pink Pills wcro rcc- sended to mo by a friend who r ot nnothor girl who had been 1 by thorn of a troublo similar sine. After taking threo boxes stained roller nnd Boveral moro n! mo. Tho sallow complexion ppearod, I had a good appotlto 9 moro and am still strong and Jthy In ovory way. I think It rpropor to mako this statomont tho benefit of thoso who suffer iuo thoy do not know tho real e of Dr. William's Pink Pills. towe pills aro peculiarly adapted dljoases duo to lmpuro blood nnd iered norvos. Thoy aro lnvalu j la anncmla, rhoumntism, aftor- :i ot tho grip nnd fovors and In headaches, dizziness, nervous- t and nouralglu. A valunblo Met entitled "Plain Talks to Wo- wlll bo sent freo, In a sealed Jkvpo, upon rouost, to any wo- Interested. t. William's Pink Pills aro sold til druggists, or sent, postpaid, tcelpt of prico, 5Q conts per box, tows for $2.50, by tho Dr. Wll- b Medlclno Company, Schonec- '. N. Y. o HAND CONCERT. A FOOL WITH A FAD A Laymen Expresses Ills Qplnlon of ' Another Opinion COTTAGE GROVE WILL ENTERTAIN Annual Convention of Valley Develop ment League Musicians Render Excellent WKnnlr Concert Last Evening. veral hundred pcopdo who nt tal the band concort glvon In torn avenuo last ovonlng received ulcal treat, and showod thoir latlon by liberal applauso. Tho enco was loth to leave after tho number bad boon given, still lag moro. Tho program was ns i. "on, two-stop, "Spuds". .O'Connor ore, "Raymond" Thomas eal comedy, "Sho Gun" Luders et boIo, by Lyle Lowls. W. "Kiss of Spring" Rolf per song, 'Hearts and FIow- ' , .TobanI rmoHo, "Flickering Flro t" Penn There Are Few 1J who know now to take cre oi9o1yob the majority do not t liver Is a moat important organ body. Hrblne will keep It la '"on. V. C. aUsBklas, Alba, . write: "I have used Hernlae Ballls and Fever and nd it the aedlclne I ever used. I would without IL It la as sroood for rfen aa R u for grown-up peonle I rocommoad " Tf u 1 for Grippe," gold hy D. J. Fry. i - . -e Odd. Poverty is very strange, strange as it caa be, though It lacks a cent of change f lways has a "V." Philadelphia Press Dr. A. P. Jonas, chief surgeon of tho Union Pacific systom says ono cause of trnfn wrecks Is tho ago of tho employes, and that tho railroad should havo no men in Its employ, over 40 years of ago. It scorns illko n wnsto of tlmo to tako puch drlvol seriously, and yot tho position ho is hoflding down compels some notlco to bo taken of his statomont. JuBt what ago Dr. Jonas has achieved is unknown, and it 13 difficult to dccldo whotHor his opinion Is tho spontan eous outburst of adolescent lgnor nnco, or tho pessimistic drivel of mumbling senility. If a man nbovo 40 years of ago Is too old to bo trusted to manngo an onglnc, to handlo a combination of steal and Iron Is ho not also too old at that ago to bo trusted with tho caro of such a complicated picco of mechanism as tho human body? If ho Is too old to sco an opon switch, recognize a danger signal, or ronvom- bor his orders at 40 Is ho not too old to dlagnoso a enso, prcscrlbo poisons, and pass Judgment on tho qualifications and capabilities of his follow man? If a man 1b too old to manngo nn onglno on n road nt 40, Isn't ho also too old to manngo tho road? Should not tho learned dls- clplo of EscuLaplus Insist on Presi dent Hnrrlman being1 fired? And if tho doctor has passed tho ago nt which ho thinks a man is no longer of use, should ho not bo compolled to resign nnd roturn tho monoy paid him sinco ho reached that ago? Has not what ho has rocnttfed slnco been obtnluod undor. fnlso pretention? Should not any member of tho board of directors; any head of any rail road dopartmont, who linn railroaded long enough to understand his busi ness, bo unceremoniously bouncd? Supposo tho managomont of tho railroads should adopt tho Idea of this, dtssomlnntor ot catnip tea, opo-f deldoc and arnica how long would tho railroads havo any omployes? What Inducomont would thoro bo to any young man to loam railroad ing? Ho would net havo tho busi ness moro than fairly learned when tho tlmo for his retirement came. And if ho married, as ovory good clti- zon should, what would becomo of him and 1Mb If ho was married at 2G, ho would havo fifteen years in which to provldo for his family and himself in his older years, or bo turned out without a trndo or a knowlodgo of any olhor business, with his oddest child at tho most, fourtcon years of ago. A man's ago Is not measured by years, and most mon aro not in thoir prime until thoy havo passed 40. iJat us look for a moment at a few mon living, who would havo boon down and out If Jonas theory Is cor rect. President Palmer o'f tho North western Mutual Llfo Insuranco Co. Id 87; John Blgolow, 89; Senator Pottus of Alabama, 85, and his fol low senator, Morgan, who dlod at his post a few days ago, 82; D. O. Mills, financlor, 81; Do Froyclnet ono of tho most nctivo of Fronch statesman Is,78; and Count Tolstoi and Clara Barton are of th same ago; Gonoral Booth of tho Salvation Army Is 77; Senator Allison and Cullora, both presidential possibilities, King Oscar of Sweden and Murat Holstead aro Programs havo boon issued for tho nnuual convention pf, tho Willamette Valley Dovolopmctat Leaguo to bo hold nt Cottago Grove nqxt Wednes day. Following is tho pregram: Form of Invitation. You aro cordially invited to attend tho regular annual meeting of th Wlllamotto Valloy; Development Leaguo at Cottago Grove,- Oregon, Wednesday, Juno tho 2Cth, 1907. Commorclnl Club of Cottago Grove, F. HINDS. President. O. P. JONES, Jr., Sec'y. Afternoon Session. Music Orchestra Call to Order Prosldorit Hinds Address of Wolconto on Behalf of Club C. J. Howard Address of Wodcomo on Behalf of City Mayor J. I. Jones Annaul Business nnd Election of Ofllcors of tho Wlllamotto Val ley Development Long no. . . . Music by Malo Qunrtotto ...."Tho Lost Chord" Sullivan "Tho Public Land Policy of tho Futuro" Congressman W. C. Hawlcy "Tho Equities of Dovolopmont" ....J. U. Campbell, Oregon City "Oregon University and Stnto Prof. F. G. Young, Eugene Dovolopmont" Music by Malo Qunrtotto "Tho North Wind" Gntty "Bkmoflts of Wntor Transporta tion" Col. E. Hofor, Snlom Music Orchostra Tho dolcgntes and thoso attending tho meeting nro invited to mnko froo ubo of Club rooms as guests of tho Commorclnl Club.1 Evonlng session nt 8 o'clock. Evening Session . Music . Orchestra Roport of Committees nnd Con clusion of Business Music by Malo Quurtotto .."Bedouin Lovo Song" Plnsutl "Causo of Progress". ....Govornor Chamborlaln, Salem "Tho Battlo for an Opon River" ..Hon. B. F. Jonos, Independence Music by Malo Qunrtotto "Allco Wliero Art Thou" "Tho Railroad Commission nnd tho Industries of Orogon"... T. K. Campbell, . . . .T. K. Campbell, Oh'm It. R. Com., Cottago Grove "Tho Eloctrlo Spirit of Rose- burg nnd Coos Bay" ....Hon, Louis Barzoo, Roseburg o Better Than tlto nook. Natlvo (to tourlBt who had stop ped for a chat) Yes, sir; I says, God bless Mr. Carnegie' sir. Ho it was who gavo us that bootlfuljfroo public library sir. . Tourist "I'm glad to soo you ap preciate It. You don't look llko a reading man, either." Natlvo "No, sir, I nln't; but, bettor than that, my old woman gots tho Job of clonnlng It out." Phila delphia Enquirer. The New Oil Stove Different from other oil stoves. Superior because of its economy, cleanliitM, and easy operation. The NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove saves fuel expense and lessens the work. Produces a stroag "working flame instantly. Flame always under immediate control. Gives quick results without overheating the kitchen. Made in three sizes. Every stove warranted; If not at your dealer's, write our nearest agency for descriptive circular. RdgfQ Lamp li the beat lamp for all.rouad household use. Made of brail throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly coaitructsa; absolutely safe; unexcelled in light 'giving power; aa eraajaeat to aay room. Every lamp warranted. If aet at your dealer's, write to eur nearest ageaey. SVAAAX OH. COMPANY QXC9MTSMXVX) THB w Plotny of Wind. "What d'yo yo say yo wuz lookln for, mlstor?" "Local atmosphere." "You hit tho Ight placo. Wo'ro In tho henrt of tho oyclono bolt." Exchange Tears Not Idle, "My doctor tells mo a good cry is bonollclnl." t Tho second woman, opening hor, purse, displayed n flrst-clnsB roturn tlpkot to Europe "A good cry gnlnod ma this," alio Bald. Now York Press. USE mtf SELF RISING B. B. B. For Boston Brown Bread, Griddle Cakes, Muffins and Plum Pudding. ALLEN'S B. B. B. FLOUR CO., INC., SAN Jose, Cal. Rostein & Greenhaiim 240-246 Commercial St. Salem, Oregon The Tarmor'i "Wife U very careful about her churn. Ska scalds it thoroughly after using, and gives It a sun bath to aweeton It. Sho knows that If her chum Is sour It wll) taint thu butter that Is made In It. The stomach Is a churn. In the stomach and dlaeittva . -- . ri ,v. i ! tnd nutritive tracts are performed pro all 77; President Diaz of Mexico, a i cewo, whlch Rrf) a,moat eaCtl7llko tho TMlriiL fjou woui aajey tomorrow tak KWlata'a ftttmaca ui Llv toalght. Tkcvr nr4ia a la WxaUv . c4r k and riajJB Um sjtoisefc , 3S Msota. gtwyiss Ire at Dr mastoruful ruler, is 76, and so Is Senator Teller and Justin McCarty. Field Marshal Lord Roberts of tho British Army, and Justice of tho Su premo Court Shineo aro 74; Chief Justlco Fuller oftho U. 8. Supremo Court is 73, so is Justlco Harlan, and Preaidont Elliott of Harvard, and Cardinal OlbbonB are 72; Popo Plus X, Rov. Lyman Abbott, Bishop Potter, "Mark Twain," Hattie Green, Andrew Carnegio, and Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, aro each 71; Undo Joe" Cannon who is not thought too old to run tho United States government as Its president, and who is now tho speaker of tho lowor houso of congress, Is 70. Howells. tho author; Archbishop Ireland, J. Plerpont Morgan, Justices E rower and Pockbam of tho Supreme Court, Swlnburno ,tho poet, and Ad miral Dovey are 69; and to take tho list down to the ago of 50, would put jnto print the narao ot almost ovory man of prominence In the country. Those and hundreds of more prominent In their chosen call- lags aro thoso this professional mi crobe would put upon the ahelf. Jo nas should hunt up hla fellow medi cated idiot, 0ler, aad chloroform him, and then the fool killer should try the effect ot this club on Jonas. churning of butter. Is It not apparent then that If this i torn ach-ch urn Is foul It mites loul all which Is put Into It? The evil of a foul stomach Is not alone the bad taste in tho mouth and the foul breath cauied by It, but tho corruption of the purp current of blood and the dUsem Inatlon of disease throughout the body. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dlicovery makej the sour and foul stomach sweoU It does for tho stomach what the washing and sun bath do for thechurualwolutely removes every tainting or corrupting do- eni. xn mis way it cures blotches, pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings, sores, or ouen eating ulcers and all humors or dlieases arising from bad blood. If you have bitter, nasty, foul taste la your saouta, aeated tongue, foul breath, are weak and easily tired, feel depressed and despondent, have frequent headaches, dluy attacks, gnawing or distress In stom ach, constipated or Irregular bowels, sour or bitter risings after eating and poor appetite, these symptoms, or any co lulder a Wo number of them. Indicate that you are suffering from biliousness, torpid or lazy Mver with the usual accompanying Indl Uon, or dypwi& and their attentat WMnugeweuu. LSHijrVuuATijons a a f ffaffHt'iSTTiTTfnHN "WfVT"rj..Kt "" ' Wttmv true wlU be re4lly proven toyoursaUsfiieUea tf you will but mall a postal card rqut Ul. It V. PJrc. Buffalo. N. Y.Hor a re copy of his booklet of extracts from tfct standard Medical authorities, firing laa name of all the IngmtlenU aUrlru; la to his wnr!d-famd JIc1im and show lac Waal h jruu eaiMot saedkal um siUMiwtMrot Ummb, Never Wear Out Hose for Children Wo havo handled this lino for ovor threo yenrs,, and havo built up a largo trado on this particular lino. Whon In need ot Children's IIoso, glvo our Novor-Woar-Out Hebo a trial nnd you will buy no othor. All sizes lSo a pair. Parasols Wo havo a very neat lino for you to chooso from at roasonablo prices. Plain Whito Linen Covor, 75c. Whlto Llnon Cover, with doop Flowored Border, only $1.35. Children's plain Blue, Pink, Rod or Whlto Parasols In two slzos, prico 15c and 20c. Record Breaking Bargains in Lace Curtains Wo do not hosltate to claim that tho value reproeoatod here aro tho greatest over shown the trado. Whou you oo the hnndsomo doslgn, the slro and the quality you cannot holp soolug tho truth of our claim. Length Yds. 2 2 3 3 3 3 IVj 3 3 8 3 3 3 Width Ins. 30 30 '40 44 52 02 50 38 41 46 53 56 Color whlto white white white white whlto whKe ecru ecru ecru ecru ecru ecru Price Pair I .45 .75 1.00 1.25 1.60 2.00 2.25 .95 1.00 1.25 1,85 1.50 2.25 fiimiiMiniiinniimt THE MARKETS. Mnko Salem a Good Home X Market. x rl I II I milllllll M 1 1 1 l-t'c SALEM MARKET. Stcincr's Market, Donlera In fish, game and poultry. Highest cash price paid for egKs, Prompt delivery.' State street. Local Wholesale Market. ' Eggs 15. Buttor 25c; fat, 23. HonB 10c; young chlckons, lie. Ducks 10c; geese, 8c; turkey. t316c. Locnl wheat 80c. Oats 42.o Barloy $21. Flour Hard whont", $5.00; Valloy $3.85. Mill food Bran, $19.50; shorts, $21. Hay Cheat, $8.50 9, and' clo vor, $7,00 por ton; timothy, $11 Q $12 per ton. Onions $2.00 per cwt; potatoes, 80o, per owt. Hops Cholco, 10llo; prime to cholco, 80o; medium to prime. 80. Chittlm bark 56e. Tropical Fruits. , Bananas ;$6, 75. Orauges $3 Q $4. Lomons $5.75. Retail Market. Hardwood Floors IN -CANS Spread them on your old -floors with a good brush, aad have an up-to-dato roceptloa roew, dlHlng-rooai, hall or parlor. Nat ural wood flnlub, tough, etattlo and durable, VARNO-LAC Exactly Imitate, all JUe woodn, no matter how old the surface to bo stained. Tho only article made that requires ao skill to pro duce good results. Avoid dlwupolatBiont by retnewberlag to ask for Varao-Lack, Kade by Ace Whito Lead & Color Works. Da trolt, Michigan. GEO. B. JACOB FHOK AMD WXK BmutJWH, JfOHTK 0AL8H.PHOX8 4. Oata $30; whoat, 90c per bu.; rollod barloy, $27. Hgga 18c por doz, Applos$3.08. ' Buttor Country, 20c;' croam ory, 30. Whoat Club 80o; valloy 80p; liltio stem,. 89c. Flour Valloy, $1.15 $1,20 por sack; hard whoat, $1.35 $1.40. Bran GGo por (sack; $21 per1 ton, Hay Timothy. 75o per cwt.; choat, 55c; clovor, 50c per cwt.; shorts. 95c per cwt. Livestock. Hogs Tat, 6 He Cattle-1100 lilpO lb steer, 4o. Llghtor steers 3 HO 3 94 c, .. Cows and heifers 9001000 fr, 3H4o. Stock hogs 6 6 o. Lambs 4H5o. ' Veal Dressed, 6 7c. 86c; PORTLAND MARKHT. Whont Club 80c; valloy biuo atom, 88 89c. OtsCliolco whito, $27.50. Mlllstuff Bran, $17. Hay Timothy, $17; alfnlfn, $13$14. Votch $8.50. Poultry lions, 13o14; mlxod chlckons, 13 Ho; drossod chlckons, 10c 17c; turkoys, llvo, 10o12c; ducks, young, 13c14o; pigeons, $11.25. Pork Best, Co0Ho. Lambs Spring, 10o10Hc Mutton 5o7o. Beef Dressed, 66o, Hops 0e8o lb, according to quality. Wool Valloy, coarse to medium, 20c22c; onstorn Oregon, 10c 22o, BOUTIIRllN PACIFIC CO. 1 Time Canl No. 48 sWocllve Juno la. Toward PortlaHd Pawienger. No. 185:23 a. ra Oregon fix proas. No. 188:30 a. ra Cottage Grove Passongor. No. 12 4;25 p. m Shasta Kx proea. No. 149:38 p. in., Portlaad Kx- press. Toward Portland Freight, No. 222 10:65 a. si., departs 11:38 a. m Portland Fast Freight. No. 228 10:40 a. in,, departs 11:38 a, m Way Freight. Toward Huh IYhhc1so Paaseaver No. 1111:03 a, ax,, ghasta Kx- press. No, 17 6:42 p.w., Cottage Grove Passenger, No. 159:58 p. m., California Ex press, i No, 131:31 a. .. ga Fraacls- co Bxproas. . Towartl San Fi-ancleee Freight, No. 2213:33 a, ., San Fran Cisco Fast Freight. No. 835 11:66 a. is., arrive 11:25. 1 ' o COMING JCVJttttW. July 18-11 Iatwrntalonal Chrlr tlaa Sadetvor eonyesitteii, leattle. July 11-iO Graad Lode siht PUlladelphU, July i-11 KulghU TatHBUur eon. clav. Bwatoa, M, T. , ' I N l