DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALKM, QUKGON WEDNESDAY. JUNE 10, 1007. :.' J. L STO:CKTO,N THE OLD WHITE CORNER JUNE "A hundred whlto shirt waists ranging 60 Cents Each NEW BOARD SUPERSEDES OLD ONE Ibn, E. M. Crolsan Becomes Chair man and II, A. Johnson, Clerk The now school board hold its first moetlng last night In tho high tchool building, elected officers nnd gave tho oatn or. onico to tno iwo new members, W..P. Dabcock nnd A. N Moores, who will hold ofllco four and flvo years, respectively. Chnlrmnn Dyrd, tbo rotlrlng direc tor presided nt tho mooting, which vu harmonious nnd businesslike. II. A Johnson, Jr., wan unanimously re elected clerk, and E. M. Crolsan, be ing tho oldest director In ofllco, be came chdlrmnn. Tho board will moot next Monday Tcnlng, whon tho needed repairs to the various school buildings will bo dlsctiBaed. At tho annual meeting, which was held Monday ovonlng, tho following lhanclal report for tho year ondln June 17, 1907, was presentcd: Receipts. Money on hand Juno IS, 190G , 8,500.21 190'. taxes .. . . 3.G8G.80 19C6 taxes 22,784.80 County school fund . . .'. 1G.4G9.93 State school fund 4.89G.00 Prom J. C. Goodalo, Jr., to correct account ... 18.30 Rent ot hall for teachers' institute 18.00 Prom bank on notes .... 10,170.00 Prom J, M. Powers . .'. . 1.00 Prom Mrs. W. J. Webor for hall rent 10.00 Total $GG,C15.04 Disbursements. Superintendent, principals and teachers' salaries. ,$24,579.82 Janitors' salaries 2,483.75 Wood 1,107.82 Wrest on bonds 1.6G0.80 Interest on popular loan mrs 785.00 Principal and Interest on nots at bank 25,440.49 Iasuranco on school prop erty 812.75 Water 659.70 Elections 34.60 Clerks salary 75.00 skt-rtal, labor and build ing 1,531.30 SOMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses Let us show voa a sect. uD-to-dat teas for sear and far-eeelBg. It U tully as good as the expensive kiad, d half the eoL Doa't throw away year broken tttue. Briar thata te hi. We MB "Plicate amy Bart, with little ex- Has. Cbas. H. Hinges '"rwwemmWBmJ "JMmmnmt i SALES Each department of our Btoro la trying to outdo the other by Its oco nomle offoring for Juno. Today wo montlon a fow itoms la now whlto droes skirts. Plain whlto dress skirts, cloven gores, Btyle just ltko cut, also In two other styles of plaits. SALE PRICES $J.67 from $1.00 to $2.00 roduccd to Supplies 1,3G8.G9 Advertising Exporting books Phono rental Printing Piano Librarian Plumbing and soworngo.: Powor and lights Stamps 47.75 7.C0 79. GO G3.40 272.00 45.00 4,001.00 819.15 9.9G Total $G5,887.9S Dalanco on hand $ 727.0G o Tetter Cured, A lady customor of ours hod Buffer ed with totter for two or throo years. It got so bad on hor hands that she could not attend to hor household dutlos. Ono box of Ghafliborlain's Salvo curod hor. Charaborlaln'a mcdlclnoa give aplondld satisfaction In this community. M. H. Rodnoy & Co., Almond, Ala. Chamberlain's modlclnos aro for salcTby Dr. Stono's drug store. o NEEDED THE MONEY. Charged With Conspiracy mid Prop. erty Confiscated, j According to advices rccolvod In """ l" k"" '"'" uiu ,.ru.- lnga to confiscato tho proporty of tho ton men who hnvo boon sontonced to death for alleged complicity In tho alleged plot to assasslnato Estrado Cabrora, prosldont of Guatemala. Tho total wealth of tho men is esti mated at 115,000,000. Reports from Guatemnla state that tho national treasury bus boon practically dcplotcd for somo tlmo. o Tho "como nnd go" fool lnga that you experience after taking Hollls tor's Rocky Mountain Tea Id simply wonderful. Drugs Increase your weakness. This remedy does tho business. 35 cents, Toa or Tablets. Dr. Stono's Drug Storo. p- A first-class celebration Is to bo be hold In Condon on July 3 and 4. Purses amounting to $1000 aro offered for horse races, baseball games and othor sports. Tho citi zens havo subscribed liberally, and preparations for a big tlmo aro now under way. CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Checking accounts enable folks to deposit their money and re ceive a passbook, against theae accounts they are permitted to draw checks. Checks may be gives to parties for such sums as desired, thus nveldlng frequeat tripe te the haak. If latereeted call aad ee a. Salem State Bank TTtjT L.K.PJUUC, X.W. WARM MALL SUNDAY. Woodburn Tcnm to Meet the KcJso Tigers. Tho next Trl-Clty Lenguo gamo will bo played on tho Woodburn grounds botween tho Kelso Tigers nnd Woodburn on Saturday, Juno 23 and thero will evidently bo some thing vory warm doing In tho base ball line. Woodburn has been work ing up a nnmo this season, but they nre going to mcot tho real nrtlclo Sunday In tho Kelso Tigers, as that i ono of tho strongest teams In tho league. On tho largo postors scat tered around Woodburn It Is net'ed: "ThlB will bo tho first appearance ot tho Kelso team on tho Woodburn grounds. Tho Tigers was ono ot tho strongest teams In tho Northwest last season, and aro playing vory fast ball this season. Woodburn will havo to go somo to beat them." A number of Salem fans will prob ably go to see tho game. o A Fortunate Toxan. Mr. E. W. Goodloo, of 107 St. Louis St., Dallas, Tex. says: "In the past year I havo become acquainted with Dr. King's Now Life Pills, and no laxatlvo I ovor boforo trlod so effectually dlsposscs of malaria and biliousness." They don't grind nor grlpo. 2 Co at J. O. Perry's drug storo. o ' Woolen Mills Won. Tho City League Qamo Tuesday ovonlng between tho Woolen Mill team and tho Merchants resulted In a 4 to 2 victory for tho Woolen Mill men, In n fivo-lnntng gamo. Tho Wollon MIHb outplnyod tho Mor chnnts from tho start, but maybo their good playing was duo to tho now green suits that thoy appeared in for tho first tlmo last night. Tho Merchants couldn't put up tho right kind ot ball to keep tho other team from scoring, nor could thy got onto Dowoii'b swift throwing for n suffi cient number of hits. King pitched a nlco gamo, but his merchant broth ers didn't glvo him tho support ho desorved. For iitomach troubles, biliousness arid constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Llvor Tablets. Many remarkable cures have been effected by them. Prlco 25 conts. Samples free. For sale by Dr. Stone's drug storo. I A tiro which started from n burn ing rubbish pllo destroyed tho largo sawmill building formerly used by tho Orogon Lumbor Company, at Hood River, Monday. Tho building was partly ompty, as the machlnory, with tho oxcoptlon of tho largo on glno, boilers nnd n smnllor onglno for oporntlng. tho electric light plnnt had boon romoved to tho compnny'a big plant nt Dee. Tho loss Is esti mated nt sovoral thousand dollars. Tho rorent rains hnvo had a most beneficial effect upon tho grnBHCB of tbo ranges of Eastern Orogon. Al ready Hhoep and cattlemen nro be ginning to occupy tho localltlos thoy arranged for during tho stockman's convention last fall with tho forest rosorvo officials. Sovoral bands of nhoop aro on route to nnd expectod In' tho vicinity of Sumpter nny day. It Ib not thought thero will bo any ruthless slaughter of sheep llko that which has disgraced tho Htnte during past years, owing to tho satisfactory arrangements mado In allotlng ranges of tho rosorves, as each Indi vidual is protected by his agreomont with tho government, Cosmetics will ruin tho complex ion. Thero's ,no beauty practice equal to tho effects of Ilolllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. It koops tho entire body In perfect health. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents, Dr. Stono's Drug Store. ' o At the regular annual moetlng in Woodburn district Monday Colonel J. M. Poorman was re-elected direc tor for three yoars und George A. Landon was chosen clerk for ono year. Tho annual report shows a bonded Indebtedness of $6000, with $1400 In tho sinking fund; receipts during past year, $7287.95; disburse ments, $52G0.79; cash on hand, $2027.10. Tonight. If you woud enjoy tomorrow tak Chamberlain's Stomach and Live Tablets tonight. They produce m. agreeable laxative effect, clear the head aad cleanse the stomach Price, 25 cent. Samples free at Dr Stone' drug store. R. II. Greer wai re-elected director and Peter Bosco clerk of the Hills boro schools Monday, both without opposition. Tho clerk's report shows the teachers aro all paid, with over $700 la the treasury, and the ladebt- edaeea ot the district la about $3280, a great reduction la the laat few years. Total enrollment for the year was fill, -. The German Ocean Murine. A correspondent of tho London Chronicle, writing from Berlin un der dnto of May 2Gth, speaks of Gorman progress in the shipping in dustry as follews: In Gorman shipping and commer cial clrclos tho stxtloth anniversary of tho foundation of tho Hnmburg Amorlpnn lino, which takes placo to day, Is regarded as an event of tho greatest Importance. It Is proudly pointed out that this lino has becomo tho greatest In tho world, far surpassing tho nearest of Us British rivals In tho extent ot its opornttons nnd tho number nnd ton nage of Its ships. Tho capital of tho company oxecods 5,000,000, Its em ployes oxcecd 18,000, and Its ocean going fleet numbers 149 vessols, with a tonnage of ovor 725,000. In ad dition thero Is a swarm ot rlvor ves sols and tugs, wlh a tonnngo of nearly 150,000. Tho entire floot Is valuod at 7,000,000. Thero aro fifty regular pnBsongor nnd cargo liners, calling nt ovor 300 harbors. In the United Stntos alono tho company employs 2000 ngonts. Almost every Gorman Journnl do- votes a lengthy nrtlclo to tho extra ordinary prosperity of tho company, and In nil cases It la polntod out that tho success of tho company Is duo to Gorman enterprise nnd In competi tion with old-established British linos. Further, It Is romarkod that ships ot this Hamborg lino aro trad ing now in wntors which, until qulto recently, woro regarded as British prosorvos for oxamplo, In tho In dian, Chlnoso and Australian soas, and ovon In tho Porslnn gulf. Tho presont director of tho lino, Horr Bnllln who, by tho way, Ib a Jew Is tho Knlsor'B poraonnl frlond, nnd it Ib nn opon secret that much of tho ontorprlso which has ro contly distinguished tho company has boon duo to his majesty's por Bonal Initiative. Evory success of tho company Is rowardod with a tol- ogram ot congratulation to Horr Ballln. i o Effect of Our IiiNpcctlon Law. Following tho promulgation of tho now moat Inspection law in tho United States tho cannod moat trado 1h, according to latest advlcos, rap- Idly Incronslng, and It nppoarH llkoly that within a Bhort tlmo tho con- rfnmptlon will bo as largo us former ly. Tho regulations aro so rigid nnd tho pnekors, it would appoar, aro so oagor to carry them out to tho lot tor that thoy nro introducing many now Ideas nnd methods, which wilt entirely disarm advorso criticism In tho future PubllBhod figures show that tho growth of tho oxport trado In moats of various kinds from tho Unltod Stntos during the Inst twelve months hns boon wondorful. Apart from tho now Amorlcan in eat Inspocjlon and pure food laws, which for stringency nro moro bo voro than any yot onnctod by any othor nation in tho world, tho stock yards In nil tho groat packing con tors, llko Chicago, Omaha and Kan sas City, aro, wo learn, bolng trans formed Into modol cities, so that tho now conditions will appoal to ovon tho most fastidious visitor ns bolng of tho most wholosomo and up-to- dato character. Largo contracts for canned bcof for tho British Govern- in on t nro now bolng executed In Chi cago, and an Intorvlow given by tho officer rocontly dotallod to bo thoro on tho spot, watching ovory process, was to tho effect that ho was ox- tromoly pleased with everything ho ha'd eoeai. Grocers' Gazatto of London. EcaiuwiiioM Annual Marriage Fair. Twenty-Boven engagements are announced In consequence of tho annual "marriage fair" hold at Ecausslnes on Whit Monday. Thoro are indications that nl least a dozon othor bncholors who attondod tho fair will bo married In tho pear fu ture Tho marriageable maidons of Rcausslnes, dismayed at tho ten dency of tho young men of tho town to emigrate and find wives elso whoro, formed a guild nnd organized this annual entertainment, to which all bachelors aro invitod. Evory eligible bachelor who ar rived at Ecausslnes on Whit Monday had to sign tho gold-lottored regis ter at tho Town Hall, and to glvo an account of his parontago, presont position, and future prospects, Then thoy assembled in tho guyly decor ated market place, which was crowd ed with sympathetic spectators, somo of whom had chosen wives at former fairs. The local band played a languish ing "berceuse" from a platform In tbo center of tho square, after which the members of tbo guild, dreeeed la pretty eprlag costumes, ascended the platform, aad their president, Mile. Gleade, welcomed the bachelors la a graceful little epeeeh. Then the maiden aad the bahe- Icrs wet to luncheon at the Town T Hall, whoro thoy spout tho afternoon In chatting nnd dancing. In tho ovonlng tho streets woro Illumin ated. Brussels Correspondonco of London Expross. o Tim Native Brand of Socialists. Thoro Is a wldoly provnlont idoa that tho main strongth of tho vari ous Socialist groups in tho United Stntos comos from tho forolgn born. Tho notion Is'nn orror, and tho readiness of many Intelligent por Bons to accept it aa a mattor of courso shows how llttlo thoy under stand tho vnluo ot our Immigration. Charles Lovlno; In a letter to tho Times, commonta on tho uso ot "Tho Marsolllalso" and of bnnnors bear ing non-Engllah Inscriptions for So cialist parados In Now York. Many Socialist loaders aro aliens. Tho only consldornblo phllosophors of tho propaganda nro Europeans, and whon ono of tholr dlsclplos has boon nblo to talk hlmsolf across tho aconn nothing Is llkoly to rondor him In nrtlculato aftor ho gots hero. Tho forolgn accent, no to speak, of tho Amorlcan Socialist movomont Is given to it by tho loudest volcos; and to tho Socialistic bnromotor a E,uro- ponn wind forocaats tho sovoroat lung-storm. Tho Socialist party hero sounds foreign, but la It? In the presidential contest of 1904 Now York stnto cast 2 per cont of Its total voto for Debs. In tho country ns a wholo Dobs got 3 por cont, Yot Now York atato had in 1900 only 73 por cont of Its Inhabitants natlvo born, whoroas tho United Stntos had 80 por cont nntlvo born. Nov York'a Immigrants scorn not to havo drag ged hor Into Socialism, but on tho contrnry, to havo dofonded hor against It. West Virginia with 97 por cont natlvo, gavo tho Socialists G por cont of hor voto; Florida, with 95 -por cont natlvo, 5 por cent. Il linois, whoro Dobs polled 0 por cont, or twlco tho rato tho nation throw to him, had proclooly tho national proportion of natlvo born 8G. Ida ho, with 85 por cont, ,uatlvo, rollod up 0 por cont for him, whllo Orogon, also with tho national porcontngo ot nntlvoB, 8G, ovon mndo It 8 por cont for Dobs. Tho truth Is thattho rank and fllo, tho "spoochloss" immigrants, havo oscnpod from Europo, not bo causo thoy don't wnnt to work, but becnuso thoy did, nnd hopod lu this country to Iny by Bomothlng to show for tholr toll. Thoy nro tho mpst ontorprlslng momboro of tho com munity from which thoy hall, or thoy would not havo pulled up stakoa. Thoy havo to becomo acquainted with our Institutions by studying thorn, as many of them must with our languago, and, llko a forolgnor learning English, thoy often discov er In thlngH Amorlcan oxcolloncos and shades of moaning which nntlvua aro too familiar with to upproclato. Amorlcans by adoption, thoy havo Bomothlng of tho zeal ot tho convert. Thoy lovo tlifs country becauso they have- tried others. With thorn pa triotism moans something moro than Hontlmout. To ohnrgo nuch an ele ment with a chlof Bhnro In tho ao called "Socialist" attack on mar riage, religion nnd tho responsibil ity nnd right of tho Individual to earn his broad In tho uwoat of his face for a proportlonnto roward Is to withhold appreciation from men who hnvodonoas much as any othors to safeguard llborty and proaorvo tut Jtopuuiic. No country, not ovon America, Is without Its iudlgonous vic tims of chronic fatlguo. Tho most Interesting things about Social ism In this country nro that thero aro plenty of natlvo born among its followers, and that thoro aro plouty of Immigrants who know It la all stuff and nonsonso. Now York Tlmos, A Plot. "You seemed anxious to pick a quarrol with him," said Knox. "Yes," roplled Fox, "he's to bo married next month and " "Oh I soo. Cut you out, oh?" Not at all, but I want him to cut mo out ot his list of frlonds. I want to save tho prlco of a presont." Philadelphia ProsB. IleggliiK Off. "Say, old man," Hold Dumloy, "you'd bettor tako somothng for that cold. Now " "Don't offer mo any more, plenso, I've taken too much ulroady," re plied Wiseman, "Too much what?" "Advlco." Exchange Cmum) of tho DUorder. "Why, Mary," said hor mistress, "I told you to tidy up my room an hour ago and thore It is la terrible disorder," "Ym, mam, aad I did." said Mary, "but the master eam la to put, on a clean collar, mum, and he to tt etni." Loadoa Taller. Spencer Hardware Company PHONE 19 Cherry Pitters 75c each Wo also liavo other style xd( prices. at Coal Oil and Gasoline Stoves Wo Imvo theso comfort for ihd liousckcopcTH for tho hot sewoa. u NO SMOKE NO DUST $ NO ASHES In one1, two and threes barno-ru. Ctrl each J& and up Ovens For Ghh and Oil Stoves 1 t1 .0 ach HP vJvr and up The Aluminum Coffee Percolator e Made of Puro Aluminum, Kbott IzihI Handle, opcratt'ti succcmHlljr on nny mngx, stovo or gas stove HKOTIONAL VIEW PEltCOLATOU Tlio "Universal" retains all tlie dollclous nromatlo frngranco ot the) cofft-o bean. No, 71 Empire Pattern 1 and OIU'-llHlf PlntN ,..,.,.& No. 7fl Empire. Pattern 8 , I'intH 4.9 IN ENAMELED WA1MS $2 and up Our stock of stoves, granite ware, Iron and tinware, livery complete,- and wo can supply your alatoefc every want In theso hh well aa Ih other lines of general lutrdware. , Spencer Hardware Company WONT. t SAUM, OK BnpjftBjesnvn v LsnsnnHr J ' i M