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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1907)
K' 1 I Hi! 4 DAIL CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, IPO? Motor Firo Engines for Neighbors. Following the example of Hanover tlio automobile lias been Introduced Into the Arts brigades of tho larger towns In Germany, and tho Flro de partment wIbuos to- rnnko the attto mobllo useful for nmall towns, vil lages and country districts. For these purposes nt presont only steam mo tor flro engines can bo takon into consideration, as vehicles driven by olectricity dopond ontiroly upon tho source of current, and tho reliability of oxploslon motors lonvcs much still to bo dosired. Tho steam motor flro ongine, in its nrosont construction, cannot bo used for tho purpose In viow, as its radius of action depends upon tho wntor and fuel. Tho quan tity carried on tho engines of Hnn ovor sufllcos for a secure sorvico within tho radius of a largo city ar Its nearest suburbs.but not for longer distances. Tho Idea of taking in water and fuol during tho trip would bo attended with dlfllcultlcs and causo considerable loss of tlmo. Tho following cxporlmonts wero irmdo In this directien: Tho qunnll ty of fuel and wator necessary for a distance or eighteen miles was as certained aproxlmatoly by short ruiiB. Tho load which tho engine could draw ovor paved and unpaved streets wan determined, nnd as a result of thono experiments a provisional Thon tho stack or chlmnoy of tho flro engino wns equipped with spark tender for fuel, otc., was provided, catchors, and tho back of tho ash plate, .to provont tho acnttoring of BpnrkB, was provided with u narrow mcBh flro netting, after which longer trial courses could bo undertaken. Tho trials, niiulo undor tho special dlroctlon of tho flro inspector of Han over, showed very satisfactory ro- BUlts. Tho onglno was drlvon bc twoon Ilnnovor and Noustndt-am-Itubonborgo, flftcon miles, In fifty six minutos; later, sixty miles from Ilnnovor, via- Noustndt-nni-Rubon-borgo, to Nlonburg on tho WoBor and bnck to Hanover. For tho run UboU 4 hours 41 minutos wero re quired, but tho onglno hnd to .travel against a heavy wind, tho streets and rondB woro nllppory, and bolwoon Noustadt nnd Nlenburg uumeroiis hills and elevations, somo of thorn considerable, had to bo climbed. Howovor, nrtor tho urrlynl or tho on glno In NIonburg tho Volunteer Flro Dopartmont was treated to an exhi bition of tho Btcnmer's power and utility by throwing wntor at u flro. Ah theso .trials took phico'wlthout nny accident to tho mnchluo, nnd as tho onglno also Bhowod no dofects, it was domoiifltratt'.l that It Is quito pOBBlblo to Bend stoma motor flro en gines to distant points to render as sistance Tho dlstnnco at which a steam mo tor flro onglno may render orfoctlvo ntfBliitnnco, ns rognrds extinguishing fires, Iiiih boon OHtnbllBhod as being nbout flftoen mllo; nnd such a dls tnnco can bo drlvon in an hour at moBt. Tho tondor nuiBt enrry, bo Bldcs .tho required hnso mntorialH, flulllclont wator nnd fuol bo that tho onglno can rnnko flftcon mllos with out stopping, and thou, upon arrlvnl nt -tho flro, etlll bo able to furnlHh wntor for nn hour without Interrup tion. It will doubtloHB not bo difficult to obtain within n hour, In tho neighborhood of tho flro, further fuol required, by locked coal boxos nnd korosono tanks In tho roapoctlvo on glno houses. o Our Friend "Hob White." It Is gratifying to note that tho Bo Yon Open Your Month Liko a young bird and gulp down what ever food or mcdlclno may bo offered you ? Or, do you want to know something of the composition and character of that which you tako Into your stomach whether M food or mcdlclno? Most lntolllgont and sensiblo people now-a-days Insist on knowing what thoy employ whether as food or as mcdlclno. Dr. Plerco bollovcs thoy havo a perfect right to Uinlat upon such knowledge. So he publlshcs,Ma&dcnst and on each bottle wrappcr, whatJj3TmKUplncs are made of anu veiyncsjjjTrnucr-eAUB inisno ippib hp can wrhiford to,rlo hMW'Mi tho. morn found any where. No harm would be done anyone by looking after tho welfare of our feather-friends. Gervais, Ore., Juno 3. J. E. C. in Gervais Star. -o Going Some. "Young Qailoy is a protty youth, isn't o?" "Well, I Bould say! Why, ho ex ceeds tho speed limit without tho aid of an automobile. Philadelphia Press. fast the IngnHllont'Tof which his mccllclnc3 arc i tnadc"arc studied nnd understood tho rnoro wiiTThelr superior curative virtue? tXiUflavcFutaC '. 7. 7 For the cure of woman's peculiar weak nesses, irregularities and dorangemonts, giving rlso to frequent Iicadachos, back ache, dragglng-down pain or distress in lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom panied, ofttlmes, with a debilitating, pcivic, caiarrnai arnui anu Kiiuircu yniv toms of veaknoss, Dr. Plcrco's Favorite Prescription Is a most efficient remedy It Is equally effectlvo In curing painful periods, In giving strength to nurslna mothers and In preparing tho system ol tho expectant mother for baby's coming, thus rcndorlng childbirth afo and com paratively painless. Tho "Favorite Pr& scrlntlon" In a most potent, strengthening tonic to tho general system nnd to the organs distinctly femlnlno in particular. It Is also a soothing and Invigorating norvlno and euros nervous exhaustion, norvous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea or bt. Vitus's dance, and other distressing nervous symptoms at tendant upon functional and organic dis eases of tho distinctly femlnlno organs. A host of medical authorities of all the snvorul schools of practice, recommend each of tho several Ingredients of which "Favorlto Prescription" is mado for the curoof tho dlsonses for which Unclaimed to bo a cure. You may road what they sayor jouret by sending a postal card request for a free booklet of extract! from the loading nuthnritlos, to Dr. It. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In stitute. Iliiffnlo. N. Y., and It will couio to you by return jost. U!L Ik Jrarfcdi DO YOU GET UP WITH A IVAMU BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the ncwa papers is sure to knuw of the wonderful cures mane iy ur, Kilmcr'a Swamp J WJV III Koot u,c Kreat kUl 3 fflr .vl n der remedy, It Is the great med ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; discovered after years of scientific research 11.'- i-t b 1)r- KNHr. tmJimZ-' ' eminent kidney uud bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing luiuu back. irle add. catarrh of the bladder and Uright'a Disease, which is the worat form of kidney trouble, Dr. Kilmer'B SyampRoot h notccc omiucuded for everything but If you have kidney, liver or bladder found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work uud in private practice, uud has proved so successful In every case that a hpecial arrangement ha been made by which ull readers of thU jwpcr, who have not already tried It, may have n sample bottle sent free by mall, uImju look tell, lug more about Swamp-Root, and haw to find out if you have kidney or bladder trou We. When writing mention reading this generous oiler in tins paper unit semi your address to Dr. Kilmer Si Co., lliughumtou, N. Y, The regular fifty-cent and one- dollar size bottles are b-hmh-k kold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, lllughamtou, N, Y., on V4TY WoUk, "Bob Whllo" or common qunl of tho East is gaining a footing In Oregon in cortnln localities, Judging from tho froquoncy or Its peculiar call, which certainly strikes a Bympn thotlc chord In tho breasts or every lovo'r or nnturo. Tho purposo or this article Is to Btay, so far ns possible, tho slaugh ter of our rapidly disappearing gnmo birds, and If it should perchance bo tho menus or saving tho llfo or ov.u one little Dob White I will deem it better thnu to havo remained silent. Whllo our gnmo laws may or may not bo nil that Is deslrablo, a inoro popular feeling In favor .,of game protection would bo n greater menus of saving our nutlvo birds. I noto with regret tho passing of tho3o noblo gamo birds, tho ruffled nnd blue groiiBo, wood duck, native phensant and qunll, and If tho mini bor of now guiiB bolug purchased by tho rising generation is nny cri terion to judge from It will bo but a few yours oro theso nnd othor Bpoclos will bo extinct. Thoro aro peoplo yot living who can toll of tho countless thousands or wild pigeons whoso flight obscurod tho sun nnd or tho roosting placos whoro nctunl ly tons or thorn woro killed with long polos, clubs, otc. Today it is con sidered by tho Knatorn dallies n worthy nows Itom, tho flight of a small band of 5 or ft. Tho bison not many years ngo roamed tho woatorn prnlrlcs by tho tliommnds nnd would bo oxtluct to day but for tho foresight or a fow men who preserved n fow bonis In parks. Tho mooso, oik nntolopo nnd doer a ro doomed by this sumo wolf ish instinct In man to Blaughtor bo foro tho othor follow gets u chance. To roturn to "Hob Whlto." Ow ing to tho mild winters nnd tho abundant covor, 1 soo no reason why II should not thrive auccosafully hero. Tho Bovoro wlntora of tho Hnat havo at times nearly extermin ated thorn. Somotlmos whon tho snow Is deep nnd tho weathor very cold a covey or thorn will dlvo undor tho snow for protection, whoro thoy nostlo to gether until tho weathor modoratos. Tho Hob Whlto Uvea more In tho open thnn docs tho Orogon qunll, frequenting fonco cornors, awnles, etc., and living principally upon BoedB and for this reason should re ceive tho protection of ovory farmer. The dopartmont of Agrlculturo sometime ngo recognised Its noxious seed destroying qualities and Issued n bulletin thoreon; ovon going so far ns to study tho amount or seed dlapoeed or In Virginia and North Carollnn whero thero la believed to bo rour to ovory equnro mtle, .unking nearly 400,000 In each of th- two states. According to tho figures tho quail or these two otatos consumed 1314 tons of the noxious soods. Thla fact alone would seom n autllclont rensou for protection. Farmers owning largo farms could add conslderublo revenue to their In come by stocking their farms with gnmo birds, soiling tho huuting priv ilege and looking after thoir Intor torosts, not by merolx posting no tlcos, but by waglug rolontlesa wnr upon tho orow, hawk, skunk, cats and other vorniln that destroy thoir nests and young. Thero Is. no reason why tho Wil lamette valley should not contain tke iwu tootii KrouRda to bo Ilnvo You a Cough. A doso of Ballard's Horohound Syrup will rollovo It. Havo you a cold? Try It for whooping cough, for a9tlma, for consumption, for bron chitis. Mrs. Joo McGrath, 327 E 1st Btroet, Hutchinson, Kan., writes: "I havo used Ballard's Horehound Syrup In my family for 5 years, and find It tho most palnt&blo mcdlclno I ovory used." Sold by D. J. Fry. r t . K C "A. . dena cne i amsiy Washing To Us and you'll never bother with having it dono at home again. Time was when every family could not afford to Bend tho washing to a laundry but times havo changed bo, too, havo tho methods and prlcoB. Today you can bettor afford to Bend the family washing horo than not to Ask about our prices on family wash ing, rough dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundry Phono 2rt. ISfl-lOfl S. Liberty Bl LITTLE BO-PEEP LOST HER SHEEP But no ono need worry nbout mutton this timo of tho year, if thoy can got dainty and dollcloua Spring lamb on an appetizing and nourishing Sum mor monl. Wo havo ovoryohlng in choice meats, nnd all tho dollcaclod of tho seaBon In both fresh and smoked meats that will please tho moat critical eplcuro. E. O. OHOSS, States Street Market Phono 201 FOR SALE! t Wo aro now In a position to mnkr prices on vncant lota, also houses and lots In Highland addition, along tho Salem-Portland now oloctrlo line This property has not boon offored for aalo boforo slnco tho complotloo of tho road, and wo havo some ox coptlonally good buys. Derby & Willson SEEDS FEKDS POULTRY SUPPLIES LAXI1 PLASTER HAY AND MILL FEEDS GARDEN SHEDS ' FIELD SEEDS And everything kopt at a first-class scod and 'feed concern. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St. 3 J. M. LAWRENCE Formerly Raker, Lawrence & Baker. Reliable Grocer, At the Old Stand Salem Pence Wire Headquarters for Woven lre FfHClHg, Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shlngloa, P & B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doors and Adjustlblo Window Screens All at lowest price. Walter Morley 250 Court St Sal, Or THc Fashion Stables Formerly Simpson '0 Stables. Up-to-date llvory and; cab Una Funeral turnouts a spocialty. Tally ko for picnics and excursions, Phon' ii. CHAS. W. YANNKE, Pro 247 aad 240 nigh Street. 0 C. T. Co. -STEAMERS POMONA AND OREGONA LEAVE FOR PORTLAND DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY, AT 0 A. M. FOR CORVALLIS TUES DAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT 0 P. M. P. M. BALDWIN, Agt, Putting In Modern Plumbing 2- Ui-MMt.,- In now houses nnd buildings, na woll na roflttlng old houses, kcopa ub pretty busy In tbo spring, whon building is at flood tido. Our facili ties tiro always equal to the- occa sion, and wo would Invito builders nnd contractors to got estimates from us on plumbing, gas fitting, steam fitting and roofing boforo going olso whoro, as wo do export work at roa Bonablo prices. A. L. FRASER 288 State Street. Phono 185. innniaweMMMinnnn MEALS 15c AT THE Salem Restaurant 330 COURT STREET. Call and try them. Meals Board por week $2.75, furnUhod rooms very 15c. also -uninnnhlA foi eaa BUTTERNUTBREAD It Is worth rnoro than any other bread, yet the price is no higher For sale at your grocer's. OALDTORNIA BAKERY. Thomas & Cooloy, Props. HOLU3TEiV! Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buj MeJlelao for Buy Ptoplo. SrisgB GoUea Health ar4 Bentwed Vigor. A p-ino rorOonsitf..ui. ti. lu.lleertlon. LI-' in4 Kunicy Troulla. rimpl. Ecremii. Impure; tnd llackuoho. '1 et form SA ot-qtn u 'ltTHTfn naiM r v)ir' "Alir'U P0P luuiOK, nnipiM. Kcremii, Itnpur itn. nowt-u, Heuilaclie 'll' - .'(ouotAln Tea In tU (iilllllu" luada iv M Iii.n, Wis. R FRENCH FEMALE DPSLLS. w.'r' " " fcrSvrriLuuvUunn,.,,,-. rvm j. . ..11 c.. .. ".. mmamuilmmwlox1' u""'- j - . . 'Sow i Sakm by Dr. S. C Stout J CLASSIFIED liiiiiiiiaiin l I HalitliSH-frfr-! 1'OK HAL2 For Sale At rcasonablo prlco, four thoroughbred White Rock young chickens. Phono 1223. For Sale. Eighteen cowb. Good milkers. II. T. Mann, at Fashion stables. C-17-3t For Sale Ono twenty-ton Champion balor, quick relief, ono wator tank, ono onglno tondor on wheels, ca pacity 400 gallons. Phono 154 Su burban, or nddrcos box 285 Salem, Or. T. F. "Walk6r. 6-12-lm For Sale A Uoautlful homo, corner of Lincoln and South Commercial streets. Vory cheap. See J. D. Dohannnn. 6-l-lw Three First-Class1 Farms for Sale.- For particulars Inquire of Dr. W. A. Cusick, ovor Fry's drug atoro. C-4-lmo Sovernl Dairy Rnnclics for sale at once Prices low, all equlped ready for business. Baker Land Co., Tumor, Oregon. 5-30-lm For Sale Two light spring wagons (Just right to haul berries), two heavy spring wagons, and throo Bocond hand buggies. Worner Fonnoll, 803 Broadway. 5-28-lrao For Sale Old papers, 10 conta per hundred. Inqulro Journal ofllco. Why Pay Rout Whon you can buy a nico homo at 580 N. Liberty St., on terms to suit tho purchaser. Address C. H. Burggraf, Albany, Oro. 5-17-tf. FOR RENT For Rent Furniehod and unfur nished rooms. Inquiro at 700 N Commorclnl otroot, M. 'A. DIco. C-15-lwtf Getllappy You'll never miBs your corns until D. B. Irvln gets your qunrtor (25 cents). Process pain less nnd satisfaction guaranteed. , G-18-3t For Rent Sovon-room house, hot nnd cold wntor, electric light, bath room. Inquire of Aug. Schrolb or, 5 GO North High street. 3-25-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Removed. Tho old Orogon Junk shop has boon romoved from 357 Court street to 430 Curt strcot, whero Glover's blncksmlth shop formerly was. M. Stonstrom,. ClO-lwk Piano Tuner L. L. Woods, piano 0. port tuning, ropalrlug and polish lng. Lonvo orders nt Qoo. C Wills' muBlc store, Salem. 2- 0-lyr Concrete Work. Got my prlcoa pi sidewalks, curba, soptlo tanks and comont work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M Ward, Highland add. Phone 56. 6-11-tf Rutto & Wendcroth Fine wines, liquors and cigars. We handle ths celebratod Kellogg and Caatls whiskies. Cool and refreahlngbeer constantly on drongh. South . Commercial street 9-3-lyr Salem Iron Works. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of alt kinds of sawmill ttinchinory. Hop and fruit drylnj stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tk Salem Iron Works Hop Press. Salem Box & Liimber Co. Remove frora South Salem to 14th street, near tho 8. P. depot, Boxos, Berry Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfecttoe Fruit Evaporators. Phone 201. DEPARTMENl DRAYMEN. Cununlnn nnZ?Z? ah lr.r.::'M"'R Sr.'25?..2i 2p" South CelecUl phono 210. R.i;:r?i """" "t 8ASH AND DOOft Wr. k3Tn?SSSvll sasb. door, M,MannfMt1 hoU8e firrr Front .trot, oci Z !??1 Make nil ,,.,' Btat0 "I Cj w.nt, al th) nWt lOnnEla FOfCt8oTrt CiJr.8, .. 3 LOO Ahliln n t, . .' lw' F. S. ' " "" L Ceiitrai iahIko Nn. in rT" CttStlo Hall In Hnlm.',. ' ' rilV.nd. r - -. ., ui cacn week at V.l "i. uscar Jonnson, Q. C "urson, it. of R. and 8. Modern Woodmen of A,ni. gon Cedar C.nmn M ro,. ovory Thursday ovsJtm' 1 .i"nk m noiman hall VW Hill, V.Q.;f. A. Turner,' Qte Woodmen or World-Meet orerjj u mButi :3o, in Ilolm&al o. a. uicnoy, 0. 8.; P. L. Fn VJIUIK, Lincoln Annuity Union hi.v dont and Donston 000,000 pledged; every clalai uoou agonts wanted. J. H. Montgomery, aupromo orgu!: Box 432 Salem, drecon. R. Ryan, Bocrectary, B46 State MUSICAL. Arthur Von Jwscn--Teaclioron ano; touch, technicb, Intenm tion. Thorough preparatory coJ Advancod studonta prepared 1 public appearance, ncaldcncifl Contor St. Tel. Main 626. 2-28-tf. PLUMBES3. Theo. M. Rttrr Plumbing, bot 1 and steam heating ssd U 104 Commercial atreet Main 102. M-bl M. J. Petrel Plumbing, tUm gas fitting, Sueectsor to Ks Murphy, 20 CommereUl tM 'Phone Main 17. WANTED. Wonted To borrow 1000 on best of real cstato security. M ply to "J. P.," caro Journal olw 4-SO-U Highest Cash rrice Paid for cMl ons at Wlllninetto Hotel, Mr HlillllMIHHHft Enlarged Our meat market on East State street has been doubled In size and we are better prepared than ever to serve customers. Prompt service and tho best of meats our motto. Call or phone 199. B. E. Edwards, Prop Wo Aro Cash Purchasers Of poul try, eggs, and all kinds of farm produce Berry crates made up in unlimited quantities. Capital Commission Co., 267 South Com mercial street, Salem. Phoae Male 179. 6 20c Meals for $1.00 and tho beat meala In Balea, ', at that. You can bank on tto roputatloa of tho WHITE HOUSE RESTAURANT . A. J. Anderson Contractor and builder, 415 Court street. Phoae 544. 6-l- CHICHESTER'S PILLS ffSI Lail! All. I'ki-ckM-MrV I'UU U N4 tout. (Mltvl Taka 4ker. ta tilua latk. T M.r VS-..L- V FniM I Ait tot V1ASW.N M.r VS-..L- Ofi.C.WVKB-rf ,nm riLULiw il 'lMi.Sil-it.AlgrRtatU3 SttllYIMriltSTSevmWNBIE The IIIgIilHd LaHHdry Is still U the race for patroaage. No white shirts or collars. T. B. Wallace, 2349 Currant Rteaue. Phoe Main 403. SS-lm SALEM WATER COMPAFO ornox omr kaxl. For water serriee sflgr at Bills pyW4 MktUj ki irtu I GoWJDostJFtej T.r.J- K- TTTR HYDXKT I"' XS OOMPANT, 8Vi 0cm- j Made for t junlly 1iT j cu for it. Braa xA , always en nL P. B. Wafl AGENt t Reopened June 1! AFTI:RTVUMvr- Qttmttnr Restaur T tti1. SrrtCt UN Ft-IaalUPPoi, place for aai u --- . all klads of cnmeo - m Jamous LI Hung Chung Cbo, m aBdYa?.&;,v-vnJ.C0.1 WUKX a&- "- n coisa1" merchants. tB , -. & Egg,, poultry. & vl km, or.; J. - 1THW. Pertlaaa- J.JV mm ,frtii..ia A jio.m-tg:Jifc- -t " J. J&. tH'.jt&l- .,