Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 17, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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i I m
We hT no
thaforaulaiorall our preparation!.
Ihlrd Annual Report of Library As
sociation of Salens, Oregon.
jo members of the Salem Woman's
Tho following report of tho oper
itlon of tho library for thor year
jcdlng May 31, 1907, together with
the financial condition of tho Asso
ciation, is respectfully submitted::
Finauclnl Statement.
Cash on hand Juno 1,
1906 . $ 298.16
From City Council 1400.00
Prom Salem Woman's Club 20.00
From library board by do
nations in librarians sal
ary ' 63.75
Entertainments 57.20
Book rental 82.79
Flne9 and damages....... 128.34
Membership . . . 6.BO
Total .. w.. 2056.74
Deposits refunded . . . . r. . 3.00
Books and periodicals 760.72
Salaries 292.50
Freight and cartago 35.18
Furnlturo 92.15
Printing supplloj -34.43
Binding - 31.15
Janitor 3.85
Miscellaneous 2.75
Balnnco cash on hand.... " 801.01
Total .. 1255.73
Our contruct with tho city extends
from January 1st to Jnnunry 1st,
wbllo our library year runs from
Jono 1st to Juno 1st, so with tho
exceptions of donatlous balanco on
hind will liavo to aufllco until Janu
ary 1, 1908 , .
Hooks nml Menimbershlp.
Number using reading room
and library 29113
New members ,. . 828
Total membership 1028
New books by purchase... 1074
New books donated 516
Periodicals bound -3
Total number books on
shelves 2'67
Art 4H
Biography 5,9
Fiction 16133
Lltoraturo 819
Philology 4
Philosophy 79
Religion I20
Science C3C
Sociology C8C
History 9(H
Travel ., IS94
Total number In circulation. 21,938
Thero is 68 por cent fiction,
against 1st year 83 por cout fiction
and last year 74 por cent fiction.
Our circulation tho first year wns
C16C, last year 14025. Wo fool a
substantial gain baa been mado tho
present year.
Miss Sherman resigned as librar
ian August 1, and Miss Mary Par-
Tito Kind You Havo Always
In uso for over 30 years,
.. and has Been uindo under Jim por-'Jtf-f-jt-
Honal supervision slnco its Infancy.
7e6ccUli Allow no ono to deceive you In this.
Ail nnnrft,iffl. imitations
Experiments that trlflo with nnd endanger tho hc,i of
infanta and ciudicn Experience against Kxpori-ut.
tonat is CASTORIA
Castoria Is a harmless gubstitnto for Castor OH, Pare
goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago Is its guarantee It destroys WoriiM
ind allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhooa and Wind
Oolic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
ULd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
etuiajh and Bowels, gii Ing healthy and natural sleep.
'xV Children's Paiuicea-tho Mother's Friend.
9 Bears tat
r5 y j'4ii&fs
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
In Uh For Ovtr 30 Yr.
As now made, Aycr's Sarsaparilla does not con
tain the least particle of alcohol in any form what
ever. You get all the tonic and alterative effects,
without stimulation. When a stimulant is needed,
your doctor will know it, and will tell you of it.
Consult him freely about our remedies.
reoroti I We publish J. O.AyerOo
Lowell. Man.
monter, who has been at Miss Mar
monter, who has been at Miss aMr
vln's library training school at Eu
gene, accepted tho position.
Tho library board lost two valu
able members, Mrs. T. T. Geer and
Mrs. Irvin by removal from tho city.
Mrs. Cook Jones and Mrs. GUlingham
wero elected to fill their unexpired
Our librarian has spent six hours
I dally at cataloguing, so many now
books havo been received that wo
havo boon unablo to cornploto tho
card catalogue
Wo extend our thanks to Miss
Library GAL TWO
Cornelia Marvin of tho State Library
Commission for nsslstnnco both to
librarian and president of tho library
Wo feol that directors aro receiv
ing tho heavy support arid co-operation
of tho city council..
Wo appreciate tho aid and assist
ance of tho Woman's Club as a body
nnd of tho members thereof In par
ticular. Wo apprcclato tho courtesy of tho
city papers for frco spaco In their
columns and for flies In tho reading
Mr. W. H. Phillips of tho flro de
partment has dendcred Janitor Bor
vico and kindness in many ways.
Por Borvlcos in typewriting, tho
president is indobtcd to Mr. and
Mrs. Percy V. Cottor, Miss Prlsblo,
Miss Dlancho Brown, Miss Chrlsslo
Clark. 4
Tho ofllclal term of trustees, Mrs.
F. A. Mooro and Mrs. P. H. Ray
mond, oxplro with this moetlng nnd
on you dovolvcs tho election of their
Tho year has boon a happy and
prosperous ono.
To tho board of trustees, I am In
debted for their novo; falling genor
oslty and co-opornllon.
KELLIHER, Prcsldont.
Salem, Juno 15, 1907.
. -o -
A Fortunato Toxan.
Mr. E. W. Goodloo, of 107 St.
Louis St., Dallas, Tex. says: "In tho
past year I havo becomo acquainted
with Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills, and
no laxatlvo I over boforo tried bo
effectually disposaes of malaria and
biliousnose." Thoy don't grind nor
grlpo. 25c at J. O. Porry'a drug
Reform School Supplies.
Sealed proposals aro horoby invit
ed for furnishlns tho Oregon Stat'o
Rofonn School with supplios for tho
noxt six montlM, ending Docombor
31, 1907. Lists, with specifications,
will bo furnished upon application to
tho superintendent.. All bids must
be In by Juno 26tl. All goods must
bo In strict accordnncp with Bamplo,
lu original packago when possible
6-14-llt Superintendent
Bought, and which has beaei
has horno tho sljjnatnre of
Rnd"Just - as - rood"ar bub
Biffnauir u
In Mnrion Squnro Suiulny Afternoon
An Excellent Program.
A good sized crowd of Salem's
music lovers was present In Marlon
Square- yesterday afternoon to enjoy
tho excellent open air concert ren
dered by tho Salem Military Band.
Owing to tho Inclemency of tho
weather during tho past week It was
not possible for tho band to glvo It's
mid-week entertainments but as tho
storm has passed and tho ovonings
will probably bo pleasant this wk
tho band will bo hoard noxt Wednes
day evening In Wilson avenue. Tho
band wn3 ably assisted In It's con
cert yesterday by Mr. Will Skinnor,
of Spokane, a former Salem boy,
who is visiting hia parents In this
city. Ho was a member of tho Sa
lem Military Band over a tiocado ago
and has since followed mUBlc ns a
profession. Among tho special num
bers on tho program yesterday was
a cornet solo which was beautifully
rendered by Slg. Lyle Lewis. In. tho
Inspiring climaxes of this numbor
tho instrument was taxed to it's ut
most capacity, throughout tho on
tlro selection tho phrasing wns ex
cellent and tho volco Hko tono of
his Instrument won tho admiration
of tho audience.
March Two Step "Needles"..
Overture "Stabat Mater" . . .
Cornot Solo "Somewhoro". .Harris
Mr. Lyle Lewis
Intermezzo "Nfppono" . . Lincoln
Walts-uAdlyn" - Hall
La Hebo do Castello Rolter
Medley Overture "Vaudovlllo
Favoritos" Jacobs
Characteristic March "Cowbay's
Patrol" Bufllngton
Indian Novelty "Big Chief Bnt-
tlo Axo" Allon
March "Tho Frcp Lanco" ..Sousa
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any caao of Catarrh that
cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Curo. P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho undorslgnod, havo known
P. J. Cheney for tho last16 years,
and bolloTO him porfoctly honorable
In all buBlnosa transactions and finan
cially ablo to carry out any obliga
tions mado by him firm. Waldlng,
'KInnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo la taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
nnd mucoun aurfacos of the syotom.
Testimonials sont free. 'Prices, 7G
cents por bottlo. Sold by all Drug
gists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. o
Cannery Heady for Fruit.
Tho BrownBVlllo Fruit Cannery
will bo ready to can fruit by tho
middlo of noxt weok, Chorrlo? will
como first and tho company want all
of thin kind of fruit thnt In fit for
canning that they can cot.
Tho pcoplo of BrownBVlllo will bo
vory much plcnood that this valu
ablo addition to tho business Inter
est of tho city Is to commenco oper
ations so soon, for It wan loss than
six months ngo that tho project was
launched. Tho city wns fortunato,
howover, whon tho men who now
own tho cannory took hold of tho
proposition and havo pushed it to
completion In so short a tlmo. Wo
congratulato Messrs. Holloway,
Btratton and Lowls, and may tho
Brownsvlllo Fruit and Vogetablo
Cannery long Hvo and proBpor. Its
successful oporatlon menus a great
deal to this community. Browns
vlllo Tlmos.
There Are Few
People who know how to take care
of themselves the majority do not.
Tho liver Is a most Important orgaa
In tho body. Herblno will keep It in
condition, V. C. Slmpkins, Alba,
Texas, write: "I havo used Herblne
for Shllls and Fever nnd find it the
host medlclno I over used, I would
not bo without It. It U as goood for
children as It Is for grown-up pooplo
and I recommend It, It Is flno for
La Grlppo.'' Sold by D. J. Fry.
Jvfft'i-Mm Waterworks.
A numbor of Bmall wells, which
will bo conneotod togother, aro being
drovo for our water plant. Things
aro rapidly getting in shapo for both
tho light and water plant. Tho ditch
ing for the water mains Is virtually
completed and a fow weeks raoro
will 800 a great change In tho ap-
pearanco of our clty.Jefferson Re
view. He Fired te StJck.
"I have ftred the walklsg-etlck
I've carried over 40 years, o aeeeaat
of a sore that resisted every klad el
treatmaat, until I trie Bseklea's
Aralea Salve; that has healed the
sore a4 made m a ha maa,"
writes John OarreH, eJ Wartk Mills.
N. O. Oearaateed far Hies, Xura
u., Hr J. C. Perry eVafgiet.
Verdict for Dr. Pierce
Ladles' Home Journal.
Sending truth after a lie. It ts an old
maxim that "a Ho will travol sovon
leagues while truth is Rotting Its boots
on," and no doubt hundreds of thousands
of good pcoplo read tho unwarranted and
malicious attack upon Dr. R. V. Plcrco
and his "Favorite Proscription "published
In tho Mar (1004) numbor of tho Ladles'
N Home Journal, with Its groat black dis
play headings, who novor saw tho hum
bio, grovollmr rotractton, with its Incon
spicuous hoadlng, published two months
later. It was boldly charged in tho sland
erous and libelous artlclo that Dr. Plorco'fl
Favorlto Prescription, for the curo of
woman's weaknesses and ailments, con
tained alcohol nnd other harmful Ingredi
ents. Dr. Plorco promptly brought suit
against tho publishers of tho Ladles'
Home Journal, tor $200,000,00 damngos.
Dr. Plorce alleged that Mr. Bok, the
editor, maliciously published tho article
containing such falso and defamatory
matter wlpr the Intent of Injuring hit
buslncsxturthcrmore, that no alcohol, ot
other fyJurlouc or habit-forming, drugs
are, or
tvere, contained In his nFa
lotion": that said medicine
Is mad
m natlvo medicinal roots and
harmful Ingredients what
that Mr. Bok's malicious state-
were wholly and absolutely false.
Fin.M f!'iiwiiii nio nrarcn In tho lilni ti
tho action In tho Supremo Court. Dut tin
bustncM of Dr. I'lorco ws irrentlr Injured br
Die imbllcatlon ot tho llbolout artlclo vrltb
Its irroat dlsnlar hradlnirs. Tfhllo hundreds of
thousands who read tbowlckedlrdofnraa'ory
artlclo novtir saw tho humuto ffTOTellt.K r
traction, tot In small tyto and mad as incun
splcuoua as powlhlo. Tho matter vaa. how-
evor brousht before a Jury In tho Supremo
Court of New Yorlt Htato wiucn prompuy
rendered a verdict In the Doctor's. rayor.
Tliua his traducors camo to wrtot and tUoil
buo alaiidvrs vera rotutod.
Special Eastern Excursion rates.
May 20, 21, Juno G, 7, 8, July 3,
4, 5, August 8, 9, 10, Soptomber 11,
12, 13. To Chicago and return,
173.15. St. Louis and roturn, $00.15
St. Paul and roturn, Omaha, Council
BluffB, Sioux City, St. Joe, Kansas
City and roturn $01.05.
5-21-tf don. Pas. Agt.
And 'ovory thing kopt at a,
first-class seed and food con
corn. TILLSON & CO.
151 High St
whoro aro they? You want thorn
not only for breakfast, but for
lunch nnd dlnnor, with your soup.
But whero aro thoy to bo had?
Atmwor easy: At Ullom's bakery.
Cakes, pics and pastry, too.
yver ;
y ijo
IJ f r
Ifrthorplrnipt nn nrliuari hv.nlrt Journal
thjVwore forced to ackumvlcrige flTiiilMV
llJV Wai"MaTnr?Yffi "f " KavnrttfrFra.
Whom certmeTTTia t It dlQ-Jiaiciinlflln 1
iVfti pg-lvo' ll' ffllietThnTmTuiyfrgjn
1 11111 lll'II tVI'It IIMI HIIITL'll 111 1I1U kllDl Ul
Tke Aristocrat amoMK the I
Wkifrkie of the Old School I
Witheat Peer I
Fer sale by K
AUG. gCWXKislXR, lUUm, I
mmaiejiim iiiiittniiiiiH
For Rent Furnished and unfur
nished rooms. Inquire at 790
N Commercial street. M. A. Dice.
. ..
For Sale Ono twonty-ton Champion
bator, quick reliof, ono water tank,
' ono onglno tonder on wheels, ca
pacity 400 gallons. Phono 154 Su
burban, or address box 285 Salem,
Or. T. P. Walker. 0-12-lm
For Sale A beautiful homo, corner
of Lincoln and South Commercial
streets. Vor'y cheap. Soe J. D.
Bohannan. 6-12-lw
Threo Flret-Claee Farm for Sale.
For particulars Inquire of Dr. W.
A. Cuslck, over Fry's drug store.
Borcral Dairy RAaclice for BIo at
omco Prlcea low, all equlped
ready for buslnoM. Baker Land
Co., Turner, Oregon. l-30-lme
For SaleTwo light spring wagons
(just right to haul berries), two
heavy spring wagons, and three
socond band buggies, Worner
Fennell, 803 Broadway. 5-28-lrao
For Sale Old papers, 10 centa par
hundred. Inquire Journal office.
Why Py Kent When you can buy
a nice home at 580 N. Liberty St.,
on torma to suit the purchaser.
Address C. H, Burggraf, Albauy,
Ore. B-17-tf.
I -J
For Rent Seven-room house, hot
and cold water, electric light, bath
room. Inquire of Aug. Schrelb
er, 660 North High street.
Removed. Tho old Orogon Junk
shop had boon removed from 367
Court atroot to 430 Curt street,
whore Qlovor's blacksmith shop
formerly was. M. Qtonstrom..
Piano Tuner L. L. Woods, piano el
port tuning, repairing and polish
ing. Leave orders at Geo. O
Wills' music storo, Salem,
2- 9-lyr
Concrete! Work. Get my prices os
sidewalks, curbs, septio tanks and
cement work of any kind. All
work guaranteed first-class. If'
Ward, Highland add. Phone 509.
Butto t Wcndorotlt Fine wines,
liquors and cigars. We handle the
celebrated Kellogg and Castle
whlakie. Cool and refreshing beer
constantly on drougb. South
Commercial street 9-3-lyr
- i
Salem Iron Works. -Founders, ma
chinists and blacksmiths, Manu
facturers of all kinds of sawalll
machinery. Hop and fruit drying
stoves, etc. Manufacturers ot tks
Salem Iron Works Hop Press.
Salem Rex it Lumber Co. Removed
from South Salem to 14th street,
noar the S, P. depot. Boxes, Berry
Crates, Fruit Trays and Ferfectloa
Fruit Evaporators. Phone 201.
Our meat uarket on Kast State
street has been douDled In size aaA
we are better prepared than ever te
serve customers. Prompt service sad
the best of meats our motto. Call
or phone 199, B. H, Edwards, Prop
Balcm iHdepeHOkwce MohhiohUi
Stago Use. Leaves Independence
dally (except Sunday) at 8:00
o'clock a. m. Rottirnlng, leaves
Salem from Willamette Hotel at 8
p. m., arriving at Indopondone
In tlmo for 6:15 motor for Mon
mouth and Dallas, Phone Mala
Wo Ar ChjiIi Purclmikrs Of poul
try, oggs, and all kinds of farm
produco. Berry crates mado up
In unlimited quantities. Capital
Commission Co., 267 South Com
mercial atroot, Salem. Phone Mala
A. J. AnderbOH Contractor and
bulldor, 415 Court streot. Phone
544. -l-tf
TIm Highland Lnwadry Is still la
the raee for patreaage. No white
shirt or eollars. T. B. Wallaae,
2349 Curraat aveaue, Pkoae
Mala 482. 6-6-lm
Let-An uwbrella, creaked handle,
sickle RKWBted, wltk laltlals 1.
T. A. oa ead oC the haadle, Flader
please leave at SHsa's eaaiy store.
ORmmlne Bros.' Trimeter CotHjMUiy
All kinds qt transfer work doa.
Furniture and plamos boxed reaifft
for shipment. Prompt; gerrle
our motto. Stand and oee aC
258 South Commercial atreei.
Phone 210. Residence Phone 999.
irowa. MaoetBrr
mab, doom, meBldUce. AH kk4e 4
how lairii atd kwd wotd wwk,
Frot trt, bi. mU ad Oeeri,
Vake all eoatdalato at ik Mm.
Foresters of Aeck -Court Star
wood Foresters, No. 19. Meets
Tuesday In Hurst sail, State strwrtl
Lee Abble, O. R.; A. L. Brows
F 8.
Central Lodge No. 18, X. el P
Castle Hall In Hoi man block, eor
ner State and Liberty streets.
Tuesday of each week at 7:20 y.
m. Oscar Johnson, C. O.; X. X.
Anforson, K. of R. and 0.
Modern Woodmen of America--Orr
gon Cedar Camp No. 61 4 6. Meet
every Thursday evening at I
o'clock In Holman kail. W. W
Hill, V. O.; F. A. Tamer, Clerk.
Woodmen of World Moet every Fri
day night at 7:80, In Holntaa hall,
J. A. Dickey, O. S. P. L. Frailer,
Lincoln Annaity Union. SIek, aeeb
dent and pension Insurance; $3,
006,000 pledged; every claim pal
Good agents wanted. J. H. O.
Montgomery, supreme organiser,
Box 432 Salem, Oregon. X. X.
Ryan, secrectary, 546 State street.
1 3
trtnur von tieeseit Teacaer of
ano; touch, teohnlch,' interpreta
tion. Thorough pneparatory eourse
Advanced students prepared for
public appearauce. Residence 868
Center St. Tel. Main 628.
Theo. M. Ukrr PlumblBg, hot wates
and steam heating and tlaalajj
184 Comraerelal street Pkessj
Main 192.
M. J, Petsef Plumbing, steam as4
gas attlsg. Sueaeefior te Kaex I
, Murphy, 288 Coeamerelal street,
'Phoae Mala 17.
WrhUU To borrow $1000 bu the
beat of real estate security. A
ply to "J. P.," care Journal oMee.
Highest Cash Price Paid for eklek
ens at Willamette Hotel. 4-19-tfl
1 1 1 B 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 H I 1 1 I i I I
20c Meals for
; and the best meals In Salem,
at that. You can bank on the
; reputation of the
I I I I I M .W " " h ' ' "
t Gold Dust Flout
Xm OOMPAXY, fltdey, OrSfeti.
Made tot family um. Ask yew
frecM- fer H. Bran aad ekerU
always ea haml,
P. B. Wallace
Reopened June 15
Superior Restaurant
188 High Street, UjwUkti,
First-class In all aDDolatiaents. A
place for ladles aad gentlewea te aat
all klada of Chinese dishes aa4 tha
famous LI Huag Chusg Okay Suay,
aad Yakama.
Wholesale dealers aad sommlielea
merebaats. Cask ld far Xlierf
Xgge. Poultry, eta, W. X. - -'
aad) O. A. WUaraX, C4U kWesc, .
Uw, Or.; J. O. StaaleUa, 81 VJ
Aveaae, rerUaad,
I) u
WW MnHM p mw - .,1 MMMHHBB