WFV DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1007. J. L. STOCKTOIN THE OLD WHITE CORNER JUNE SALES 1 vPB si, S f 'I A A n 1 Mam 41 I'll1 i 4 4 VJjI 111, Iff WVf'Vv jr1 Each department of our store Is trying to outdo the other by Its eco nomic offering for Juno. Today wo mention a few Itoma in new whlto dress skirts. Plain wbito dress skirts, olovon gores,, stylo Just like cut, also in two otlior styles of plaits. SALE PRICES $.22 $.34 $1.67 SOME WARM GAMES Knights of the Willow Put Up Somo Very Pretty Ball A hundred whlto shirtwaists ranging from $1.00 to $2.00 reduced to 60 Cents Each mtgimiMHiH CITY NEWS II A Collection of Important Tar- agraplw for Your Consideration HIHIHIMIWIHIMi Boarcnlr Postals- New subjects today, at Patton's. Derby & Wlllson Still havo somo very cheap lots, al io houses and lots In tho northern pirt of tho city, along tho Salem Portland electric lino. G-15-3t fSalcm'H Postal Shop Visit Patton's Book Store and ko their poMnl display now novel tics as published popular prices. Calls for Bid Tho undorslgnod will recoivo bidB up to C o'clock p. m., on Juno 17, 1907, for supplying onohundrod and twenty-flvo (125) cords of gron econd growth fir wood, to bo dollv tred at tho city hall beforo Octobor lit, for tho uso of tho city of Salem, Oregon. Tho successful blddor will U required to ontor Into contract vsder bond to furnish tho wood as Kr agroomont. W. A. MOORES, Rocordor. DaUd Juno 5, 1907. 6-5-dl0t-w2t For Sale 640-acro grain farm, located con Tenlont to railroad and rivor; worth MO, but can bo had for $25 por ncro. Derby & Wlllson. 6-15-3t Soutcnlr Postal Cards New subjects "Mrfxlms of Great Men" today at Patton's. Sow Train Schedule A. now Southern Paciflo passenger tain schedule went into effect yes terday. Three trains are affected by too change, as follews: No. 12, Mrth bound, will nrrlvo In Salem at p. m. instead of 2:45 p. m.; No. 11. smith tiniinii. will arrive at 11;03 a. m.. inBtead of 11:18, and So. 17, tho south bound local will "rlvo at 6:42 n, m., instead of 6:32 tinow 1i Mind All Right Again Johnny Frohmnder. who was In ured on tho ptoamboat recently. to l 111 In th hospital, has fully "Sained consciousness, and will bo lble to bo about In a week or two. H" father, G. A. Frohmader, Is qulto nt the family homo In South Sa- SOMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses t Ul show van a seat. n-tO-dat tha for near and far-swing. It U 3Ur as good as the expensive kind, lf the cost Oa't throw inv vnnr broke C BrlHK them to vs. We eaa "Hrtleue 1BT nr. wltk little ex- . " Chas. H. Hinges leni, largely tho result of oxcitomont and disturbance ovor tho condition of his son. Flno Sample; Tho Salem Board of Trndo is re ceiving somo flno specimens of strnwberrlcs and cherrios Just now for canning to placo in tho perma nent exhibit. Tho latest arrival is a pailful of Oregon Btrawborrles from tho ranch of Mnnngor Holder, of tho Western Union, in West Salem Secretary Polsoll Is canning all such cholco fruit in nn ovorlnsting formula, and thoy will bo on exhi bition in tho Board of Trndo rooms in tho Murphy block. Entertainment Tonight At tho First Christian church to night Mr. Everett Kemp, a rendor of marked ability, recognized through out tho Mlddlo West, will read that beautiful poom story of John O. Hol land, "Sovou OakB." Ho has ono oth er special number by McCarthy, "If I Woro King.' Mr. Komp is a mem ber of tho Y. M. C. A. and woll known to Secretnry Forbes, of this city. One-half of tho not proceeds of tho locturo this evening will bo given to tho local association. Tho pricos of sonts will bo 25, 35 and GO cents. For stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Many romarkablo cures havo been effected by thorn. Prlco 25 conts. Samples froo. For salo by Dr. Stono'a drug store. Light Voto Cast Tho school election today Is not creating any great excitement, and nn unusually -light voto is being polled. Votors aro not doing any talking, and It is Imposslblo to do anything more than guoss at what tho result will bo. In the Inst high school en mo of tho season for this city Portland won over Salem in nn 11-inning game by tho scoro of 5 to 3. Salem has no excuso for boing beaten, as it was Just a lack of the usual good support glvon to Kcono, who pitched a groat game, and generally succeed ed in eluding tho Portland stickers. It was said by many thnt Salem played in bnd luck, as thoy had two or throo bases full in a couplo of In stances, yot went out without scor ing. Word pitched a good gnmo, but It was freely said tnat no could not como up to Keono's work. With tho scoro 3 to 3 at tho beginning of tho 11th Inning a Portland man, who hnd not ovon found tho ball bo- fore, surprised ovoryono, nnd prob ably himself, with a two-bagger, and brought in two runs, making tho scoro 5 to 3. Salem's poor bnttora woro up in tho 11th, nnd wont down In one, two, thro oordor. Tho tenuis In batting ordor wore: Portland Huston, 3b; Word, p; Moore, lb; Onkes, 2b; Shcaror, c; McAlpln, cf; Dendy rf; Crlbbs, If; Jameson, fb. Salem Gnbrlolson, lb; Roberts, ss; Jones, c; Koonos, p; Mooros, rf; Porklns, cf; Kny, 3b; Cory, If; Farmer, 2b. Earned runB Portland, 2; Salem, 1. Struck out by Word, 8t by Kconos, 13. Bases on bnlls off Word, 2; off Keenos, 2. Throo-bnsq hit Shearor. Sacrifice hits Rob cits, Jones, Carey, Huston. Hit by pitched bnll Jameson, Carey, Farm or. First uaso on errors rortinnu, 3; Salem 3. Loft on bnsos Port land, C; Salem 9. Tlmo of gamo, two hours. Umpire Bishop. Scoror Allison. TO AM ND STREETCAR FRANCHISE Compromises to Expcdiate Differences About Paving tho ov- on car An effort will bo mndo at meeting of tho city council this cnlng to reach nn ngreomont some amendments to tho street frnnchlso of tho Qonoral Electric Co., b which obsolete provisions will bo cut out, nnd tho frnnchlso mado to correspond with tho paving ordi nances that havo been put through. It was found that tho old frnnchlso of tho compnny required tho corpor ntlon to plank tho tracks between tho rails, but mndo no provision tor UBing Belgian blocks or vitrified brick nnd tho heavy "T" rail. Thoro are- other features of tho charter that havo bocomo out-of-dnto, nnd Manager Page and Qonoral Counel IF. T. Griffith, of Oregon City, havo boon in conforonco with tho mayor and street committee this nftcrnoon. It Is hoped thnt nn ngreomont will bo renclwjd so that tho company will bo nblo to do Its part in making tho necessary changes In its trncks to comply with any form of hard street tho city mny ordor put down. tVtfT Tonight. If you woud enjoy tomorrow tak .Chamborlaln'o Stomach and Lira Tablots tonight. They produce a agrooablo laxative effect, clear the head and cleanse the stomach Price, 25 cents. Sample free at Dr Stono'a drug atoro. o Soldered on tho Lid. Tho lid was put pn tight in Mult nomah county Sunday, and thoro woro but fow violations of tho Sun day closing law. At St. Jobna ono saloon was kopt open for tho purpose of making n test case, and this will bo dono, as tho owners of the saloon were promptly arrested. . - o The Texas Weaker. Cures all kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble; sold by all drag- gists, or two moaths' treatment by mall for SI. Dr. B. W. Hall. 2918 Olive street, ft. LohU, Me. Sead for teetimoaJalJ . Sold by Bteae'a drag store. dw-ljrr e Coimetlca will ruin tho complex ion. There's no beauty practice equal to the effects of HollIstcr'J Rocky Mountain Tea. it Keeps tne entire body In perfect health. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. Dr. Stone's Drag Store. & Two (nines nt Woodburn. Woodburn won both games Sun dny nt Woodburn against tho N. P. Browors. Woodburn put up a gamo that tho Browors could not fully hnndlo, nlthough in tho first gamo it looked rather doubtful for Wood burn, when tho visitors tied tho scoro In tho sovonth inning, In tho first gamo Woodburn got Ave runs In the second, and thoro wns nothing doing until tho 6th, when thoy added ono moro. In tho sovonth tho Browors got busy, nnd, with tho basos full, ono of tho mon put tho bnll ovor tho fonco, Hcorlng four runs. In tho eighth thoy got two moro, tying tho Hcoro nnd mak ing things look a llttlo doubtful to tho Woodburn people, but in tho Inst of the eighth Woodburn became busy again for two moro mon wont ovor tho pinto and tho scoro wus 8 to C In their favor. Neither team scored in tho ninth. In tho second game tho samo teams hold tho scoring down closor than in tho llrst. Woodburn won by 3 to 0. Thoy mndo all tholr runs In tho second Inning, with two men out. King got a hit, bringing tho first man homo, Coleman scored two moro on a pretty single. Tho fea ture of tho gamo was Poland's pitch ing. Tho batteries yesterday were: Browors Pendor, p; King, a Wood burn Poland, p; Huddleson, c. Tho Salem team put up a hard gamo, ntul It wn9 only to tho heavy batting of tho homo team thnt their dofoat was due. In respect to this bnttlng Dnnlol'B work for Salem nt center Hold, should bo monttonod. Ho hnd u number of hard chancon nnd got thorn all. Keoton pitched a flno gamo, and West put up good bnckBtop work for him. Do Vor's pitching for Eugene wns tho special fcaturo of tho gamo. Ho struck out lj), nnd only gavo thorn two hits, Which wero mado. by West and Cnroy Tho Fnirmount llnoup wns: West c, Kooton p, Rasmussoit lb, Cnroy 9 li Aflllm .Til Ilntitiilirnvn ua rtnnn rf, Daniols, cf, Arnold If Sporting llrlofw. Tho Trunkmakors won ovor Tho Dallou at tho Dallos Sunday, 5 to 3, In an 11-lnnlng gamo botweon Grnnts Pass nnd Medford, nt Med ford, tho Bcoro resulted In a Mo. Coborg lost to Sprlngllold yostor- dny, nt Springfield, 7 to 2. Thia was tho opening of tho season for tho La no County Amateur Baseball Leaguo, -o- Don't! ! ! Don't lot your child sudor with that cough whon you euro It with Ballard's Horohound Syrup, a Buro euro for Coughs, Bronchitis, Influou za, Croup nnd Pulmonary Diseases Buy a bottlo and try it. B. B. Laughtor, Byhalla, Miss,, wrltes: "I havo two children who had croup. I trlod many dlfforont reme dies, but I must say your Horohound Syrup Is tho best Croup and Cough raodlcino I ovor UBod." Sold by D. J. Pry. Buster Brown g Tieg Will entertain their many friends at our store Tomorrow Afternoon At 3 O'clock Don't imagine that these receptions are for "chil dren only. While Buster is the children's idol, thousands of grown folks can testify to his ability to touch a re sponsive chord in the hearts of parents as well. His Entertainments Instruct As Well As Amuse Major Ray, who impersonates .Buster Brown, has the rare faculty of presenting the business part of his program in a pleasing manner. He demonstrates the Superior quality of BUSTER BROWN BLUE RIBBON SHOES to the satisfaction of every man, woman and child in the audience. You'll miss a treat if you fail to see Buster and Tige Tuesday afternoon at a Jgu WSZ&ds zdAJhe fzsst&k ',&cv. f ADDITIONAL PERSONALS HOTEL AHIUVALH. Automobile Mett at Portland. Barney Old field will drive his Poorless "Oreon Dragon" car In tho nutomobllo meet at Portland next Snturday and Sunday at tho Irving ton track. Old field holds tho world's record for all distances up to CO miles, on a circular track. Ho mado tho mllo in Seattlo Saturday In 57 3-5 seconds. Thoro la much onthuslam among tho auto men of Portland over this coming meet, and tho traok has boon put In porfect condition. Oldflold will not bo tho only noted driver in tho races, as thoro will bo a couplo of other Easterners, and also n local 70 horso-power Thomas Flyer will bo entered with a Portland driver. Willamette. Mayor J. C. Wolf, Sllvorton. J. Mlllor, San Francisco, F. J. Grinith, Oregon City. Chas. Whlto, Snn Francisco. Peter Schmidt. B. W. Baumbaugh, Portland. Louis Thong. A. A. Smith. H. Hanssman, San Francisco. C. It. Pfolfor, San Francisco. Geo. II. Fltzglbbon, Portland. HaU'Hi. J. B. Hutchlns, Now York, John Wilson, Portland. Harry Hayefl, Portland. 8. L. Jones und wlfo, Portland, A. Vjntlos, Portland. J. If. McLachlon, La Grando. A. F. Barnard, Eugene. T. B. ShorwooJ and wlfo, Wood burn, o County Clerk Allen wont to Port land tblH morning on business. Fred Talelsea went to Portland Kugvnu IlretM fttlcru. Tho "Falrmounts," of Salem lost to Jay McCormlck'8 team of Eu geno Sunday by 3 to 2. It looked as though Salem would get tho gamo for a time, as thoy had It a 2 to 0 shutout until the eighth, when Eu geno managed to get a hit Into the tall grass and lost tho ball, letting In two runs and tying the score. In the nlngtb they got one" more man over the plate, the only earaed run the gaaae, Making the iaal score Always Think OF HOSTETTER'S KfoHiach Illtlerit as soon as you no tlco tho first Blgn of any derange ment of tho Stomach, Llvor Kidneys or Bowels and tko a .Urn do fwowH'y. You will thus savo a lot of unnecessary Buffering becauso It has neror boon known to fall. HOSTETTER'S . STOMACH BITTERS will restore the appetite, aid diges tion and cure I)yi4, IniUti'iu m, Ct4rewee, Wfllnmneae, Mevul- acJMK, Fi'Htalo IK r Mjftlaria,. We Mrs. A. Gardner roturuod this morning from n vlBlt In Browusvlllo. Mrs. It. E. Harris wont to Port land to visit I'OlutlVOB. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Fondrlch left today for a vlBlt in Stnyton. Ooorgo Cox loft todny for an out ing at tho Broltonbush hot springs Mrs. R. B. WllllnniHOU loft todny for a two'inontliH visit In Portland. MIsh Gladys RIcIioh, of Tumor,' wan visiting In tho city this morn ing. Miss Mlnuotto Hydo, of Kansas, Is In tho city, visiting hor brothorn for n fow dnys. S. II. Cuttorlln, tho ronl estato man, roturuod todny from a short visit In Portland. Walter Worn or, tho sign pnlnter, now of Portland, Hpont Sunday In this city. County Survoyor Herrlck and M. A. McCorkJo wont to Woodburn to day on business, Ml Eva Fisher wont to Wood burn this morning, whoro sho will visit frlonds. Tho MIshos Mario and Roso Pratt nnd MIsh Anna Looto loft this morn ing for a visit In Albany, Mrs. K. E. Barton and Mrs. A. R. Barton havo gono to Newport for au outing on tho boach, Mrs. Mary Campbell started for Jordan, Linn county, this morning, und will visit rolatlvos. Judgo Whltnoy of Abany, af ter a visit In, this city, roturuod to his homo this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Joo Nusbnum loft lust overling for Wlnnomucca, No vada,, whoro thoy wilt locate. Miss Nolllo Albco, of Aumsvlllo, arrived this morning to attend tho summor normal, of this city, James Hydo, of Portland, was In Salem for an over-Sunduy visit to his brothers, L. H. and F. O. Hydo. Miss Eva Savago loft this morn ing for Portland, whoro sho will spend a week or so visiting friends. Mrs. J. Balklo, who has been vis iting Sulem relatives returned to hor homo In Portland this morning. Fred Legg, tho architect, cpont Sunday with bis family In this city, returning to his ortlca In Portland this morning. D. W. Fisher went to Brooks this morning to resume work In his saw mill, which Is located soar that placo. Mm, M. Mlcholbook west to Stay- ton today, where aha will visit ker Mother, Mrs, Oeerge Klbert, who to 111. nnd sister, Mrs. Fred Homer, of Dai Ins, wont to Mehama this morning to visit relatives. . Horry Board, tho popular band di rector and tenchor of tho Agrlcultur nl College spont Sunday with Salem fi'lomlii. Chostor Strirr, formerly of thl city, but now of Portlnnd, passed through Salem this morning, on routo for Eugene, whoro ho will at tend tho commencement oxorclsos oC thu University of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Park havo nr rlvod homo from tho Boat, where thoy havo boon visiting for tho past ton wooks. Whllo their vlfllt wa a very plonsnnt ono. tho groon hills ot Oregon nro bottor to look upon than anything tho East can produce. Contractor Young, who has charge of tho construction of tho now Odd Follows' building lu East Portland, spent Sunday with his family In thi city, l(o snyB that tho work on the now structure Is progressing nicely, nnd tbat tho maungemont Is now) figuring on adding another story. T O Tho "como and go" fooling that you oxporlonco after taking Hollis tor's Rocky Mountain Toa Id simply wondorful. Drugs Increase you weakness. This remedy does the buslnoss, 3G conts, Toa or Tablets. Dr. Stono's Drug Storo. ?'" - " a Norwich Union Fire Insurance Sockty Frank Meredith, Iteatdeat Agest. OMee with Win. Browa ft Co,, Ne. 139 Commereikl street. ..MONPVnrnYAnT THOMAS K. FORD Over Ladd ft Bush's Bank, galea, Or. NEW TODAY Carpet Ladles, have your werk doue by a sanitary proceee. The only way that can be doae Is y stoara, aad by removing carpets fro ra the house, which, we de a4 ajiure yo perfeet satlftto. Paoae 1164. Wesley Bdwarde. SS-eed-lM Por HkwAt reasonable price," tf thoroughbred White Rock yomf chickens. Phone 1223. Fw Bale--KlghteeR cows. Ck4 milkers. H. T. Mknu, at Fatal tables. 1-17-U Wasted Twa ! lod wtlbw. , at the Cott HoUI. tifttf i M ".a I ,fi s -is gwamatw? K UU 9rt. Mtee Jaette WKt, t tkU city, 3 to 2 tor Efe.