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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1907)
""!V vmpvT fV"" f rr rsr--r ji -- ft i jgATHEIt: FAIR TONIGHT, TUESDAY PAIR AND WARMER; DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL h TOL. XVII. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1007. NO. 132. . m 'I v -ffp" ' POSTPONE ORCHARD TRIAL TO CALDWELL Hie General Impression Was That He Would Plead Guilty Dut This Was Not Part of the Plan of the Prosecution Boise, July 17. As tinder the liiho law it 1b necessary for the pendant In a capital case to bo (resent in count at the date tho trial i tct for, in order to sccuro nd Jmrnment, Orchard was taken on tie early train thiB morning and nr rtifned before Judgo Wood, at CkUwcll, for tho murder of Stoun- Wrp. Ho was closely guarded by ftnltentlary officers and Plnkorton's. Eeause Judgo Wood is in Caldwell iero Is no session of tho Haywood tial today. When court recon rcnea Tuesday, Stove Adams will bo ailed by tho state What ho will do is n closely iwded secret. It is generally un fcrstood he will refuso to bo sworn u all Tho first batch of tho do- feuca' itno3seo got In on tho ear ly tra'n today, most of them bolng ralJents of Donvcr and Cripplo Creek districts. Orchard will rcBiuno lie itnnJ tomorrow for tlio purpose M permitting tho dcfoiiBo to Intro-i-xti Impcnchlng wituessos, and per- titling his ro-dlrcct examination by it (state. Caldwoll, Juno 17. Orchard was X A brought from Boise today for trial, II Af I $ his case not having been transferred Ifcl J with those of Moyer, Haywood and Pettlbono. On stipulation by the attorneys tho case was put over for tho term, and until September. It was rumored that Orchard might plead guilty, but nothing occurrsd, the proceedings bolng puroly normal. Czar Plays Crooked. St. Petersburg, Juno 17. The Douma committee reported today that tho charges that the Democrats plotted to assasslnato tho czar wore unfounded, and that tho czar signed tho ukaso two weeks ago. This has augmonted tho popular resentment against tho government. Hurt by Earthquake. Valparaiso, Chili, Juno 17. Ad vices from valdlva say 35 porsonB were killed at that point in tho re cent earthquake. o ,- . TIMBER FRAUDS JURY SAYS GUILTY Alaskan-Yukon Commission. The Commission appointed by Oovornor Chamberlain to represent Oregon nt tho Alska-Yukon exposi tion, to bo held nt Seattle noxt year, held its first session today, and or ganized by electing tho following eillcers: W. II. Wohrung, IIIUb boro, proajdent; E. W. Rowo, Port laud, vice-presidont; M. D. Wisdom, Portland, secretary; J. O. Booth, Grants Pass, and W. T. Wright, Union, oxocutlvo committee. Theso gentlomon wdll have tho oxpondl turo of tho $100,000 appropriated by tho legislature for an exhibit at the northern exposition. Lcwiston Cankers Arc found Guilty of Conspiracy to Defraud the Gov- Hurt, in Automobile Wreck. &ni T.nlrn. .Tnnn 17. Tho wlfo of ernment In Sccuriiuj Timber Lands ox-Govemor iiefbcr m. woiis, of LABOR UNIONS AT WAR CERTAIN TO SPLIT Jury Out 34 Hours sr RXOHAKD BAttTHOLDT. 'Missouri congressman, a noted worker for international nrbitra tioH, ex-preaident of tho inter parliamentary union. CHICAGO STd PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Powerful Bargains Offered in Every s Department During This Sale Salem's greatest bargain giver, tho Chicago Store, is out with a nv lino o! specials Just received from our buyers in Now York. Wo W quoto a few prices on this season's JatcBt morchandiso lower tta manufacturer's cost. Our eastern buyor says slaughter prices, e can get you all tho bargains you want. Road en: How is this, bet standard Cull- ard , 5 H Moscow, Idaho, Juno 17. Tho Jury In tho North Idaho land con spiracy cases returned a verdict of of guilty on two of tho live counts of tho Indictment, tho defendants and co-consplrators, George II. Kostor, Wllllnm Deyer and William F. Kot tvnbnch, bolng acquitted on tho throe remaining counts. Tho jury reached .tho verdict at 8:45, after tho court officials had given up hopo for tho night. J. W. Robinson, tho sick Juror, was carried into court on a cot at tended by n trained nurso, his head being wrapped in bnndngos and, his form covered with blankets. Aftor polling tho Jury Judgo Doitrlch ex amined tho verdict and ordorcd tho clerk to read it. Tho dofomlnnU woro acquitted on counts one, two and five, and found guilty on counts threo and four. Count threo is known as tho Corey indictment, and four as Ouy L. Wil son count, they acting with tho de fendants, each filing on a quarter section of timber land in 1004, for v hlch they received approximately ?5 an aero. Tho prosecution regards tho vor dict as a signal victory which paves tho way for tho prosecution of simi lar cases, which will bo tried at tho fall term of tho fedornl court. Utah, was badly injurod in an nuto mbbllo accident at 2 o'clock this morning. Ex-District Attorney Joo Richard and wlfo wero nlso injured. Richards lost control of tho machino and ran into a plnnr of tho Eaglo Gato whilo going 30 mllea an hour. Tho machino was wrecked. Mrs. Wolls was found undcrnenth It with i broken leg and Intornnl injuries. KILLED IN AUTO ACGIDENT tooo yards wish Chlnn Silk, In nil colors, standard 30c qunl J")! snlo price, yard 25 ' V"e show thousands of yards of 'Iatcf,t Silk fehown at prices you ot beat. Ar you in search of any kind thus of Dress Goods? If you'll Into the Chicago Store and the mammoth stock w o carry. be ihelves are loaded down with XeiTCKt ItztxLtt 1. In In.nrl. - w WVkW SA - ,ron 23c yard up. at ITBv Thousands of yards of all kinds of jiumroor goods now going at slaughter prices. Best 8 l-3c. 10c, 12 He and 15c Lawns now dolling for 4 c, 6c, S l-3c and 9. If you want tho best values you over seen In Salem, visit our cloak, suit and millinery depart ments. We will astonish you with our low prices. MALKM'g FASTEST GROWINO STORK. McEVOY BROS. ciaii ajto court Twrri. alm, or. WILLIAM COUPEK. Sculptor who modeled heroio stfttuo of Captain John Smith, to he placed on Jamestown island. c Hounds to Tntco Child. Rolso, Idaho, Juno 17. Blood hounds from tho ponltentlury have boon taken to Caldwoll to assist In tracing a child that has wandorod or been taken from tho homo of Its 'parents, two miles from that placo. Trncos of tho child woro found four 'miles away, or what aro supposed to be Its footprints. Tho child Is a boy only 2 years old. Nothing has been reported from tho soaroh slnco the hounds reached tho scene. San nornardlno, Cal,, Juno 17. DcshIo Dart was killod and Edna Dudley, of Rodlands; Thomas Jones, of Los Angolos, and Win, Taylor, of Monrovia, woro Injurod In nn auto accident last night, nt a sharp turn lu tho road between Rcdlands and, San Bernardino, thoy going ovor a high cliff. o Calhoun and l'nls to Plead. San Francisco, Juno 17. Schmltz was allowed to visit his attornoya this morning for sovornl hours. JudcaLawJor. granted ,tho cleslr.ed. permission In tho absenco of Judgo Dunno. Patrick Calhoun and tho United Railways will plead to tho bribery indictment this nftornoon, All arguments to quash tho Glass IndlctmontB woro put ovor until Wednesday. o Get h n Hllvei Service. Philadelphia, Juno 17. Governor Hoch, of Knnsns, today presented n ?5000 silver scrvlco to tho battle ship Kansas. Western Federation of Miners Refuse to Have Anything to Do With Independent Workers of World Jniw Still "SaBy." Toklo, Juno 17. Tho Yomlurl Slilmbun this morning published a stntoment that If tho "American au thorities would promlso they would holp .to secure redress for tho vic tims In San Francisco this would sat isfy Japan for tho present. Opinions, passing us public onos, aro unload ing and disturbing. Tho Japanoso possess romarkablo solf-rcstratnt. This vlrtuo is being tried now, and tho resolutions of tho Solyulcako party to prosccuto tho San Francisco cases do not roflcct tho national pol icy." . o Colorado Inwyor Drowned. Los Angeles, Juno 17. II. 1j. jja Lnlng, a prominent attorney of Col- orauo springs, uoiorauo, was tho Denver, Juno 17. .Tho Western Federation this morning llatoncd to numorouB resolutions rolatlvo to tho,01" coru Industrial Workers, from which tho 43 Fedorntlon Is now suspended for tho j non-payment of duos, tho result of ' u factional light. Tho resolutions wero referred to commlttoos, whoso reports will bo fought bitterly. As tho action Of tho Federation will do- tormlno tho future of this labor movoment, tho convention decided to furnish bonds for all offices of tho locals, and to keep tho promlums In tho Federation treasury, thus estab lishing a bonding department. drowned whilo bathing in the ocean I near Ocean Park this morning. Tho body was rocovorcd. o Chicago MnrkctH. - Chicago, Juno 17. Wheat 89 Cl G52Vj, oata 43 Telegraphers' Strike. Chicago, Juno 17. Dlspntchcs ftom tho tologrnphorH of GOOD MUSIC FIREWORKS AND PARADE Tho various committees on tho monstor Fourth of July colobrntton which will bo Hold In Salem aro on orgotlc, and aro getting, tho work Tacomn, woll In shapo for tho greatest day'B Salt Lake, Seattlo, Decatur, Poorla ontortnlnmont that haa ovor boon and illoomlngton, Illinois, assure tho given lu this city to commoorato tho telegraphors of support If a strike Is 'nation's birth. called. President, Small Bays tho Thero will bo somothlnK xloInK ov- sTtuatlon Ib unchanged. Ho Bays tho ory mlnuto from tho tlmo tlio morn rtottlomont of grievances will not ho lug anluto horaldH tho arrival of tho postponed to await action by tho ox- ovontfut dny until tho laHt rockot Is. ocutlvo commltteo, now In soBslon Indent skyward and tho echo of patrf- Now York. otlo aire and tho boom of tho can non have died away In tho Btlllneaq of tho night. Notwithstanding oth- Itt thorn ..will b from or colobratlons that will bo hold Died Prom Heat. Chicago, Juno 17. Tho coroner this morning roported 20 donthH, duo to yostorday's hot woathur. Appointed V. S. Senator. Birmingham, Juno 17. John Bnnkhead, formor congressman, was today appointed by tho governor to fliiccood tho late Uiiltdd Status Sunn tor Morgan. i I'rolialo ltiiNiiet.H. Washington, Juno 17. Commis sioner Nell today rocolvod Hoosovult- copies of many- roquests purroundlBg towns, for Interforonco on tho pnrt of tho thousands of pooplo who will com ndmlnlHtrntlon. Nolll wll) probably to Salem on tho Fourth to Join wltlu nnk tho compnnlos nnd telegraphers hor loyal cltUons in tho oxerclws for Information. which nro of common Interest to ail. o A military and spectacular parado Itetiimcil to Work. III bo headed by tho Salem Mlil- San Francisco, Juno. 17. Six tary Band and a hand of mountod thousand Iron workora wont to work "Amazons," who will rldo somo of this morning, at tho end of a lx tho finest steeds obtainable In tho, wook's strike. LAND FOR SETTLERS country. Tho parade will contain many at tiactlvo floats docoratod with Oro- gon'a finest rosea nnd Salom'a prot jtlost young ladles. Thero will bo jcoritlc fonturos, decorated automo- biles, brass bands, military dlsplayrt llirv ltrkllrf nn'1 tno Rn,om Hro department. All Anl) nOlYirN l,' loa(,,,1K "oxlucss Iiousoh will ho rMJ IIVITILAJ roprosontcd, and tho .various frntor- nnl organizations will all bo lu lino, Donvor, Juno 17. Commissioner Ilalllugcr, of tho United Status land o III no and a fow dulogatos to the public land couvoutlon arrived to- lay. Balllngtr unltl: "In consider- TWKNTY.THIiKi:, HKIDOO." Will Have the Time of Their Live for Tvo WeekN. Twonty-threo boys loft tho Y. Rf, anon or uiq aisposuion shown by ' "-- jn .u mu i. m, corpora Intorost Inimical to our ' A h,"lHnff this morning for tholr ToriHiIoMl tho Ijiuiich. Sevastopol, Russia', Juno 17. It U nAeged an attempt was mado to- In.. in. 1111 A1r.ilnl TUIvon nrtm- mander of tho Russian squadron at) SevaBtoiol. A blank torpodo shot from the torpedo boat commanded by Lieutenant Rlhaxek bored a hole through tho launch In which Wlren wa riding. Wlron had a narrow es cape from drowning. Ruhzek nnd all tho officers of tho torpedo boat bavo been arrested. To Teat Oood Faith. Concord, N. H., Juno 17. Attor neys for tho "next friends" In tho suit to uncover the secrets of Mrs. KUdy'a fortttao to4sy fle4 a meet 'Aug Hotlce, Mkla- the liTtlatoa of the defesse'i koo4 faltt. Tho following buslnees was trans acted by Judgo Koott In probato court this merning: Lizzie S. M. Wiggins, administra trix of tho ostato of Susan Smyth, deceased, has been glvon until July 1, 1907, to fllo an Inventory of tho aid estate. The final account of tho adminis tratrix of tho ostato of Adollne Qrath, deceased, will bo heard on Monday. July 22, 1907, nt 10 a. in. Hattlo K. MoQInnls Is administra trix. An order has boon given lu pro bato, sotting tho 27th of Juno, 1907, at 10 u. m., as tho tlmo to show scalp. oauso why N. L. Knighton Bhould not be appointed guardian of Mary T. Knighton, an Insniio person, Monday, July 22, 1907, at 10 a. m has been sot as tho tlmo for tho final hearing of the final account of W. F. Oholson, administratrix of tho ostate of J. B. Gholjon, deceased. polloy to abHorb large areas of laud, fl"'""" camp noar Marlon, whoro wo aro , dotormlnod to enforce tho they w,n "P01"1 n coIlo of wooki Inw t,o glvo tho land to tho peoplo u"(,or 0urgo of O. C. llntt, of tho for whom It wn Intended, nnd tho'v- M - A., nsslstod by floorotary government fostors tho Hottlomont of 'p,y"K ot "" Taooma Y. RI. C. A , now country by making now homos.", forniorl' of th'3 'y. I'nul Mlllor Tho antl-Roosovoltltos clnlm to bo nnd K(l- Knguhl will follow later to In control of tho land convention. .''P '""Ko tho boys. which moots tomorrow, and tho ro-1 A Btmeral good tlmo Is to bo had moval of Plnchot ns head of tho for-,0" tn,B t,i, Provisions In nhund ostry division Is demanded. Tho ad- nn woro kt. together with buso mlnlHtratlon'H opjmsltlon will bo ,ml1 owIi IlJMn tacklo nud plunty hoadoil by tho wool growors of Wy-ior '"'"'""K mattor. There will bo camp limits, whloh tho boys will not ho allowed to leave unlwt; nccom- ii i:d. DOHERTY, -At 40G North Cottago street, Monday, Juno 17, 1907, ' Joseph E, Dohorty, ogod 42 years, of catarrh of tho ttomooh. Tho deceafied was a resident of Rainier, Oregon, and camo to Salem a little over a week ago for medical treatment. He has no near relatives la the city, but bht brother, W. Doner ty, of Portland, Is a ere today, and will take the body tQ Katalvr for burial. omlng and tho cattle men of Colora do, who blamo Pluohot for with- drawing grazing lands. Wyoming's I,n",0l 'X ono of tho managers. Tho 225 dologatos will yoto for Plnohot'fl ,crnP '" on Iho Roform school, creek, and swimming will bo ono of tho spoclnl attractions for tho 'kids." No firearms wore takon along. Tho boya travojed on foot, tho distance being between six and seven miles,' and will no doubt have nppotltorf with thorn, ilnm thoy rsaeh camp. .p ' Two License InniiimI County Clork Allen this morning lesued marrlago llceusod to Wlllanl Davis, of Salem, aged 2G, and Sadie U Carpoutor, of Salem, agod 25; V. F, Kelly wltnoHS. Gregory Rolllajr, of Woodhurn, aged 26, nnd LU11 Boyer, of Woodhurn, aged 21; D. Boyer, wltnoss. SOUTHERN TAKES THE ROAD Albany, Juno 17. J, P. O'Brlon, of tho Harrlman lines was this noon olooted president of tho Corvallls & Eastern railroad. This links tho management of this lino positively, with tho Southorn Pacific, and leaves no doubt of Its ownership. Kinsley Succeed Orr. New York, Juno 17. Darwin Klngaloy wom today olncted Prvsl deat of the New York Life, succed lay Orr. Dr. J. f. COOK THM WOTANIOAL lKH?TOl, MOVBD TO 9 WHMRTY 'TMX WOm ANT IMSIUMI CALL OK Dj ooojc. oovmruxltio wnmm. ' ill E ' s