DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, "StARCH 15, 1007. mm J. L. STOICKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER JUNE SALES DUTCH RULE AT HAGUE Hague. Juno 15. Dr. Von Qoud- rlnnu, tho Dutch foreign minister, m jptt ! i a n il 4 n Am A ( ' i i A If; M. H - I' iiAV-fl JflJl( H w Rup.h flonnrtmntif of nitr nlnrn In trying to outdo tho other by its oco nomlo offering for Juno. Today wo mention a fow itoms in now whlto dross skirts. Plain whlto dress skirts, olovon goros, stylo Just ltko cut, also in two othor styles of plaits. SALE PRICES $J.22 $167 Jnps Aro All Right. Toklo, Juno 15. Minister Hny nshl, nt n conference of statesmen, nnnounccd that tho Inst Incident in connection wltho alleged attacks up on San Francisco Japs was too triv ial to warrant diplomatic action. Ho declared that Washington amlTokIo wero In complete accord. ij JL hundred whlto shirt waists ranging from $1.00 to (2.00 reduced to 60 Cents Each sr aSSKi m B VBJHHl m ts JLT-. JK v H KHlrr!!S0HlwSar WOO IS GIVEN A SHAKE ELEGTION GR0WIN6 WARMER Monterey, Mox., Juno 15. Ita lorts wero received hero Friday of ; general carthquako Bhock which felted tho states of Guorrero, Pueb- i and Oaxacs last night, but wlth- t loss to life, so far as known, ad without causing much property CHEAT NORTHERN WRECK. glncvr and Fireman Killed, Many Pnssciigvrs Hurt. 'Mlnot, S D Juno 15. Tho Great Northern Orlentnl Limited, running M miles an hour, was ditched 40 nllet from hero this morning by preadlag rails. Tho ilromnn and pjlnecr wono killed, and several jnwngera Injured. Tho carB aro fire IMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses Ut us show you a neat, up-to-date (or near and far-seeing. It 1 Hy as good as tho expensive kind, I b< tho coat. Don't throw away your broken Bring them to us. We can NUeato any part, with llttlo ex- Chas. H. Hinges Graduate OpUdaa. I Cetaincrclal Street, aert door to "Pltal NatloHal Baiik. Tho election for school director in this district promises to bo n trlflo moro Interesting thnn was nt first supposed. Slnco tho Inst report in this paper another petition hus beon fllod with tho clerk, that of W. II Dairy mplo, tho Englewood con ti actor. Mr. Dnlrymplo Is said to bo a Democrat, and ho Is, now busy at Newport, bulling tho now skating rink for George Meyers and Harry Albert. Ho has also takon tho.con trnct to build a cottago for Mayor Hodgcrs, on Court street. As was previously Btotod, W. P. Habcock Is tho candidnto from South Snlom, nnd, as manager of tho Salem Flour ing mills, has proven a popular business man. Frank Holmos, tho candldato from Enst Salem, has prnc ticed law in Salem for over ton years, and is vory popular with his frlondB. It is roportod that a peti tion is also out asking A. N. Macros to'bo a candidnto. Tho election will bo hold noxt Monday nt tho usual 'places, from 2 to 7 p. m. o NOT TO CONTROL CONVENTION. HORACE PORTER. Ex-ambassador to Franco and ono of Undo Sam's delegates to Tho Hague peace conference in June. today called tho congress to order, 225 plenipotentiaries, from 47 na tions, being present. Tho delegates aro excited ovor tho roport that an archists aro planning to blow up tho gnthorlng, and It Is not known what tlmo thoy may go through tho coll ing. Tho session was devoted to or ganization and olectcd President M. Nclldoff, Russian minister to Franco, honorary prosldont; Von Goudrlnan, prosldont, and M. Do- boaufort, vice-president. M. Do beaufort Is chlof of tho Dutch dele gates, and sccrctnry of tho Dutch foreign ofllco. Tho only address was made by Noilldoff, outlining. tho pro giam, and tho mooting adjourned for tho dny. ' o ChlulcH Whipped RebclH. Hong Kong, Juno 15. Govern ment reglmonts dofoatcd'a body of Insurgonts at Pats Zownn, forcing tho rcbols to flo encross tho river. ru,vr w VISCOUNT A OKI. Jnpnneso nmbnssndor to the United States, noted statesman and diplomat. Married a Gorman woman. o Siajul by tho Union. St. Louis, Juno 15. Tho local tolographors' union last' night adopt ed resolutions endorsing tho de mands upon tho WcBtorn Union nnd Postal In Now York, nnd UBSuro tholr finnnclnl support. Chicago, Juno 15. Tho rank nnd fllo of tho nowBmpcr In this city will Insist In a roforondum voto on tho strlko "boforo notion Is takon." It Ih declarod tho national ofllco in not allowed to doclaro a, strlko with out a voto. Secretary RubboIII Is re ported as bolng on tho way to Chica go to collect strlko assosmonts, o .... tutted Twonty ensh boyu betweon 14 and 10 years of ago. Roport at temporary ofllco. Room 10, McCornnck bldg., Tuesday morning, Jos. Meyers & SOtlB. Buster Brown g Tige Will entertain their many friends at our store Next Tuesday Afternoon At 3 O'clock Don't imagine that these receptions are for chil dren only. While Buster is the children's idol, thousands of grown folks can testify to his ability to- touch a re sponsive chord in the hearts of parents as well. His Fnforfammpnfc Instruct I As Well As Amuse Major Ray, who impersonates Buster Brown, has the rare faculty of presenting the business part of his program in a pleasing manner. He demonstrates the Superior quality of BUSTER BROWN BLUE RIBBON SHOES to the satisfaction of every man, woman and child in the audience. You'll miss a treat if you fail to see Buster and Tige Tuesday afternoon at Rut if Not, What Arc They Going There For? Denver, Juno 15. Delegates to tho land convention to be hold Tues day aro arriving. Senator Tollor, whp is In chnrgo of nrrnngomonts, lhas recolvod a letter from Senator Carter, of oMntana, saying that Roosevelt assurod him that Secretary Garflold, Forester Plnchot and other officials aro not going to tho conven tion to control its dollboratlonJ. In looking over that shopping list of yours be sure include a call on us for a tin of Eol ger's Golden Gate Cof fee. We are pleasing scores of best patron's nnrf we are sure to please you. 0lr Delicato Essen department is rapidly growing. Note tho following additions to our stoek: Umbumor Minn w - - w.wv Plokled pigs' feet. Pickled tripe, Pickled lambs' tonguo. Smoked tyeef tonguo. Sliced beof. Home boiled ham. Veal loaf. Raked beans. Cream brick cheese. acry rream cheeso, mes'ic Swiss cheeso. lBpcrtrd Swiss cheeso. McLa"a" s Swiss choose Breakfast cheeso, lBPerIal cheeso. rMW , II We bako homo bread twice a day;also beans and dougnnuta. OUR HOME-MADE Cakes are giving entire satisfaction. Try us. We aro dally getting the choicest strawberries on our street. our vegetable display. We eiT0 y(a proaipt delivery. Phone us your orders. We Have just received another carload of Clarke's Celebrated Buggies, Carriages, Surreys, and Spring Wagons This is probably one of the best lines manufactured in the United States, strictly up to date in style, finish and appearance We respectfully invite the public fo call and see these vehicles Wade, Pearce & Co. i V )i m ROTH k, GRABER 410 &TATS PTHKRT rmoam .