DAILY OAPI TAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, MAUCH IP, 1007. i tWWWHWWIWWWWWWWWWMWHt iiMrtWiiiifcWttrtffliiiSwWiti WATCH GROW !gg US 1 5 THE WESTERN ELECTRIC AND MANUFACTURING CO. For Electric and Gas Supplies of All Kinds INCORPORATED BY BUSINESS MEN OP SALEM--CAPITALIZATION $25,000.00 $7,000.00 of This Is Held as Treasury Stock, Which Does Not Draw Dividends MADE IN OREGON I We make a specialty of the general electric business. The supplies will be manufactured in Salem and the following lines will be handled: Electric Wiring, r. stalling Electric and Gas Plants, Electric and Gas Supplies of All Kinds, City and Private-Fire Alarm Systems, Make Old Fixtures Look Like New, Electric Fans of All Sizes, Elec tric Hot Water Bottles, Electric Hot Plates, Electric Water Heaters, Gas StoveS. Tho now company Is .composed entirely of local business mon, of unquestionable stnntllng, nntl tho board of directors wore chosen owing to tholr recognized conservation in business. Tho firm has ordered machlnory, and a first-class plating and manufacturing plant will soon bo established. Tho field for tho eloctrlc and gai flxturo business Is unlimited. Thojincs will bo handled by tho traveling menn all orer tho Northwest This will moan much for Salem, both from nn advertising standpoint, and for tho money It will bring Into tho city. It will help glvo employment to many mon and will help to Inspire confidence la Sulom's Indu-trlal enterprises. As this stock is all owned by mon who aro In business horo, and nro arranging for tho purchaso of a buslnos'. location, tho company will bo pormnnontly located In Salcra, A LIMITED AMOUNT OF STOCK FOR SALE The corporation has only n small amount' of .non-nBHcssablo sto ck unsold, and Invito all who aro open to conviction to ct 11 and Investigate tho possibilities of tho 'enterprise boforo It is too lato to secure Htook. Tho company does not nood funds for prosont running oxponaes, as tho business Is on a paying basis. A small amount of stock will bo Bold Immediately for tho Bamo flguro as tho prosont stockholder! paid, which is ono dollar por Bharo, In ordor that a largo stock of raw material may bo purchased, which 'enables tho comp'any to. buy at a lower flguro, and thereby onlnrgo tho company's dividends. Tho Arm has purchasod i largo motor and plating mnchlnory, own a good stock of fixtures and other vnluablo property, and thoso who buy stock now nro getting In on tho Bamo ground ns tho Incorpora tor!!. Tho corporation rocontly closed n contract to wiro tho stato house, which 1b only ono of ninny contracts secured during tho past fow days. Bovornl out-of-town roprosontntlvos haw boon omployod nnd aro mooting with unqualified success. Tho ordors on hand now insuros succcsb. vTho amount of capital Invested is very small, small to the buil noHB trniiBactod. Tho opportunity Is yours for only a short tlmo. Don't bo too Into. Inquiro of any of tho following named ofljeora or directors, or at tho office. OFFICERS: AUGUST HUCKESTEIN, Pres.; HERMAN W. BARR, Vice President; C 0. HINDMAN, Secretary; E. C GAMBLE, Manager; L. S. HYDE, Assistant Manager DIRECTORS: Dr. H. C. Epley, H. W. Barr, A. Huckestein, D. Errett, I. G. Martin, J. W. Wilson, L. S. Hyde. I 245 Liberty Street Salem, Oregon IttWIrtbltoWIMWfcWfcWtetllWMI HAWOOD WAS WITH ORCHARD (Continued from pngo ono). nrdorud tho Hhorlff to perform his full duty. Ho uallod tho Hhorlff be modelling lilt Iioubo. Sheriff South orlnnd, of ShoHhono county, con tinued thlH Htory, and dcolared ho uulnndod tho bomb after It was turned ovor to him. C. T. Hoach, a Donvor plumber, told of making tho Poabndy bomb, at tho request of Or chard, who told htm ho wanted It to hold acids. "Whoa court roconvonod tho de fense throw a bombshell Into tho prosooutlou by announcing that It had no doslro to ornss-oxtimlno Pea body. Uuruli mild ho pnrposoly ro trained from an extended examina tion In tho hopu ho would bo quos tlouud at length by Richardson, and thou on r dlruit tho stato could lift tho lid on the eutlro Colorado troubles, tho roason for calling out tho mllltla, why martini law was do clarod. Tho dofonso rofuuod to fall Into tho trap. Tho Judge then an nounced that tlioro would bo no Bos nian of tho court Monday, as ho was going to Cnldwoll to contluuo tho tilnl of Orchard, which was set for that dato. Hnymond, a Donvor po liceman, was tho uoxt on, tho stand. Ho know Orchard as Hogan, nnd Baw him frcquontly with Haywood and Pottlbouo, uenr tho lattor's Iioubo, usually at night. THE 0. A. C. FOOTBALL SEASON CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Chocking accounts onablo folk to deposit tholr money and ro colvo a passbook, against thoso accouutd they aro ponnlttod to draw ckocka. ' Chooks may be glvon to partlM for such euiua as dealrod, thus Molding froquont trips to the bank. It intoroitod call and aoe us. Salem State Bant 1 Ii. K. PAGH, PrWat. H. W. HAKAKD, Oaakbr. LINEMEN ORDERED ' TO WORK Oakland, Juno 14. Tho oxooutlvo commlttoo of tho Pnclflc Council of tho nrothorhood of Hloctrlcnl Work ora today ordered tho San Francisco telephone lincmon back to work, and gav thorn until nuxt Tuosday to comply with tho ordor. If they fall to return tholr plncos will bo filled by other union llnomon. Tho llno mon wont on a sympnthotlo strlko to Hitpport tho strlklug operators, Tho council dootdod that tho strlko of tho local union was umuthorlzod and In lolutlon of tho ngroomont with the tolophoao company. o ' Says Ho Xi'Vor Said It. . Osytor Day, Juno 15. Hoosovolt today rocolvyd n tomogram from Gov. Torroll, of Goorgln, denying tho story that Uoosovelt said "out It out" to spoakors at tho Georgia col obration at Jnmostown, o Count Is 111. St. Petersburg, Juno 15. Count Tolatoll is seriously 111. For atomach trouble, blllousaaM and coasUpatioB try Ckambarlala'a Stomach and' Liver Tablets. Maay rewarkabU eura have Ktd by thwa. FrU 25 at. 8m1m free, Fer aale hy Dr. aHaat'a (Urns Xer. Tho 0. A. C. fpotbnll prospects for tho coming season nro very favor ablo. A schedulo of about eight gamos has boon arranged by Manag orGrceuhaw, Including a Thanksgiv ing trip to Los Angolos, P. C. Nor- cross will bo in Corvallls by tho op onlng of tho term in Septombor, and will tako chargo of tho sqund. Ho will bo assisted by others, and tho collcgo will liavo ono of tho best coaching staffs In tho Nprthwvmt. A largo part of tho 190G team, includ ing Pbndorgrass, Wolff and Bennott, will bo back. Tho team will bo cap tained by Frnnk. Pondergrnss. CHICAGO THEATR BURNED Taft All Hlght Again. St. Paul, Juno 15. Taft Is hotter, and leaves tonight for Sioux Falls. o Special Eastern Excursion rates. May 20, 21, Juno G, 7, 8, July3, 4, 5, August 8, 0, 10, Soptombor 11, 12, 13. To Chicago nnd roturn, $73.15. St. Louis and roturn, $G9.15 St. Paul and return, Omaha, Council Bluffs, Sioux City, St. Joo, Kansas City and roturn $61. G5. TO M'MURRAY, 5-21-tf Gen. Pas. At. o Bend Call. Notico Ib horoby glvon that within thirty days from tho dato of this no tico I will redoom Bend No. 3, Sorioa No. 2, issued by school district No. 17, Grant County, Oregon. If not presonted within tho dato montionod interost on said bond shall cease. Dated at Canyon City, Oregon, this 13th day of Juno, 1907. N. II. BOLEY, C-14-5tFrl County Trcasuror. Tho London AHStirnnco Corporation -Pnld $7, GOO, 000 (gross) losses arising from tho San Francisco dis aster. This is n much grentor amount than paid by any other com pany, opornting undor a slnglo nnmo, In this or any othor conflagration, nnd Btnnds without a pnrallol In tho history of insurance. Incorporated A. D. 1720. In nctivo business 187 years. Dorby & Wlllson, resident agout, Snlom, Orogon. G-S-4tSnt. o Notico of Appointment of Adminis trator. Notico is horoby glvon that on tho 17th day of May, 1907, tho County Court of Marlon County, Oregon, duly appointed C. Marsh of Salem, Orogon, administrator of tho ostato of L. H. Rowland, deceased, and bav ink qualified as required by law, all porBons having claims against said estato aro hereby notified to present thom with proper vouchors, as by law required, to tho undorslgnod at the offlco of F. A. Turner, rooms 15 and , 1G, Now Broymnn Block, Stltm, CJ ogon, within six montni we dato of tho first publication ol notico. to-wlt: May 18, HOI, C. MARSH, Adnlnlitriter. F. A. Turner, Attorney for State. 5-lMt-Mt Iilcvnso to Mnrrr County Clerk Allen today Un n lnnrrlnco lloense to Georje U& nrl Fnlk. of Salem, aged , Miss Mary M. Brady, of Salem, P 25. H. D. "Watson wltncs. wTT.T.AMi.rrrrc ntUIT Wholesale dealors and cweaW" n.nt.n..o Poh nild lot aW"! EggB, Poultry, otc W. B. CsMhJ andi O. A. Wltcraft, uouw r lom, Or.; J. 0. Stapfetoa, ! U Avenuo, Portland , d r-""3KHS!a! Wgutua dZm& Chicago, Juno 15. Tho Olympic thoatro, ono of tho largest vaudovllle houses In tho West, was dostroyod l lire last night. Continued Until Friday. At n mooting of tho county com missioners this morning, at tho Ma rlon county court houso, tho peti tions, pro and con, of tho SUvorton Mnrquam road woro rocolvod. Tho mnttor was contlnuod until Friday, Juno 21, In ordor to Investigate tho conditions raoro thoroughly. This is tho road that was to have been con structed under tho Tuttlo road net and extonds a dlstanco of Ave miles, from Sllvorton to Marqunm. A pe tition, which was signed by 71 cltl x6us residing near Sllverton re Quested that their rospectlvo names be stricken from tho potltion object ing to tho road, ns they had signed tho first document before thorough ly understanding the situation. A DAILY ROAST Yes we toast coffee daily at out stote, and offc tie Salem public the Freshest, Cleanest, Putcsi flAl coffees the markets of the wold can ptoduce. We out different blends at these prices: J5c, J8c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c and 40c FH vale in each grade and fresh. The frtsaw" our coffees makes them worth one-half more. Yokohama Tea Stote E. C. HECKMAN, Prop. ?i