I - " FAIR TON1GIIT, SUNDAY pair and warmer., I AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. 3-tnvc; SALGM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARtfH 15, 10U7. NO. 14. OW SCHMITZ TO JAIL Si GOES i chard Was At Denver in Haywood's Company (OTHER ORANGE IS DRY MAN DROPS IT Eighty Millions if Water to iStock, Robbed the .'Stockholm iif Nearly Sixty Millions and Jy Gave Read Hack. York, Juno IB. Tho agrce- ; between tho Harrlman lnter- ijjd the Rock IslnnQ Company, I Into In 1004, for tho control i Chicago & Alton railroad lins abrogated by mutual consent, king to an authoritative nn- itntnt mado Friday. In .future, litatcd, tho Chicago & Alton holders will manago tho prop Under tho ngroomont which but been abrogated tho Rock I Company and tho Ilnrrlninn alternately controlled tho & Alton, tho Rock Island sjr being In control -ono year, and tho Hnrrlmnn IntorOBtB tho next. Tho plan would havo expired In 1914 Tho financial management of tho Chicago & Alton road Ty tho Hnrrl ninn Interests, ns told "by E. H. Har riman before tho lnterstnto com merco commission some months ago, aroused much adverse criticism and discussion as to whether or not ac tion should bo taken to restrain Mr. Harrlman in tho management to pro tect the interests of tho smaller stockholders. The lnterstnto com merco commission 1ms ns yet mado no report on thlB matter, but a so vero criticism of the Harrlman man agement has been mado by tho com mission's counsel and by Attorney General Stead, of Illinois, In n re port to th"o governor of that state. HAYWOOD WAS WITH ORCHARD SO SAVS POLICEMAN Major Nnylor, assistant secretary of tho Mlno Owners' Association, told of Investigating tho explosion in tho Vindicator mine. Ho producod a partly demolished revolver, which was found near Dock's body, which 1b supposed to bo tho ouo "with which tho mlno was exploded. Hfo did not know anything about BOtuRng out four soldiers to shoot up the "Vlndlcntor shaft Iioubo, becauso tho -owners declined to pay their na BGsement to tho Mino Owners' Asso ciation. Witness hnd not hoard General Dell and Major McClollnn say, "to hew with tho constitution. Wo will glvo union mon post-mortem MAYOR REFUSED BAIL foro him and lectured him about tho Morality given, tho mnyor slnco his conviction. Tho sheriff enid ha' would glvo Schmltz no liberty not In nccordanco with law. Tho court granted tho request of Schmltz'tf counsel for permission to hold' a conversation with thoir client at 1' o'clock this afternoon, after which tho prisoner will bo taken to tha county ail. I SHERIFF LECTURED Orchards Record to Date. : : tiro lndobtednesB created by thlB syndicato upou tho proportlea of theso sovornl companies, was not created in furtherance of .any legit imate purpose for which a railroad company Is or can bo organised tin dor tho 'statutes of tho stato of Illinois." In his report Mr. Stead said that tho dobt of tho Alton system has been increased to a tonl of $80, 646,218 Blnco U enmo Into Mr. Har- rlman's hands. Of this amount only $22,500,000, according to-Mr. Har-I j'UHI I I i I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I II I rlman's owp testimony, said tho at tornoy-genornl was incurred for im provements betterments or cxten- OrclmrtTs testimony to Unto "Over 557,ooo,ouo or hub inuout- ' shows tluit: ednoss," said tho nttornoy-gonornl, ; jr0 nt tho fuso In tho Sulll- " .i . . i ii i' -or moro man iu per com oi wiu en- . . vu ,,, jiunkcr Hill mill at ' mTt .! I. !.- .......' Tirii --- .1 BOrah SetS Tiqp for Defense aild fitted deporting men and Bcnrchlng sLoSCS Chance ttO GO into tllC Mat-,t),olr 1oubos becauBo they woro 'tors nf Ihn .f.nfnraln TrmiKInc n 'unionists. RIchardBon grlllod Nay- V II VUUIW UMU 1 nivhftl Reasons fonDoclarlntj Martial Larfc lor sovornl timoa, causing him to ad mit ho did what tho Mino Ownors' Association wanted. It wns shown that Naylor's chief assistants woro 'Igun men," nnd that ono of thorn Is JIICAGOSTOH! PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Werful Bargains Offered in Every ipartment During This Sale 'a greatest bargain giver, tho Chicago Store, la oat with a r Has of sTipi'tnia luat riwntvfwi from our buyers in New York. Wo i 1 Wte a fow prices on this soasoa's latest merchandise lower BttJUfacturer'o cost. Our eastern buyer says slaughter prices, a EH you all tho bargains you want Read en: fa tWs, best standard Call- 5f Tat! . , jards wash Clilna Silk, lU colors, btandard 30c qual 'Reprice, yard 25 F lhow thousands of yards of 1 Silk fchowu at prices you 'feat. ( J0 la search of tmy kind 1 Drees Goods? If you'll tho Cldcara CIam .,! ' nth stock we carry. f" loaded dowa with Dress goods la Aswri. 1 Tml up. Thousands of yards of all kinds of summer goods now going at slaughter prices. Best 8 l-3c,10c, 12 hie and 15c Lawns now soiling for 4c, 6Kc, 8 l-3c and 9. If you want the beat values you ever seen In Salem, visit our cloak, suit and millinery depart ments. Wo will astonish you with our low prices. SALEM'S FA8TB0T GROWING 0TOKK. McEVOY BROS. xaawcux, AX COURT iTfUUT. 0ALWC OR. Coeur d'Alene, two nieii being kill (Ml )iy the explosion. He exploded tho bomb hi the Vindicator mine, killing Super Inteudcnt McConnlck and-.. Shift -Boss Mel Reck. i; .Slipt Deputy Sherlft' Lyto Gro j . gory three times with a shot X gun kintng.hJm. ,, T pr Hlcw ap IndkvR6 dc- ' pot, kniiirg.1'1 non-union men Attcnijiti'd to poison Bradley , In San Prandsco, and after- wards exploded a bomb at Ids door, crippling him. Uradlcy lmd Ihm'u superintendent of tho Hunker THM and Siilllvnn mines Attempted to inurdvr Gov. TcalKHly, DaVid Modlt, Slicnimn Hell and others. PropoMMl kidnaping his friend's, ABgnst Paulsen's chil dren and holding them for run Roinv, mid this avIiIIo being nup ported by I'huIwch and living In his homo. x Among his minor crimes were: fitablMxl his brother-in-law with pitchfork. Kloped with another man's wlfo from Canada, a Mrs. Simp son. Married Mrs. Toney In Col orndo, committing bigamy. Htirnrd n saloon, getting iwrt of tho Insurance money for do ing so. Hetrayed his jwls to detec tives, being angry lernuso Jc wns not ghen the Job of wreck ing a train. Stole money from his part ner, nnd tho powder with which ho committed his crimes. Deserted Mrs. Toney, taking her money and leaving her pen ullewi m hlie had to tako in washing to support her family. Htala a sheep. Lied Indiscriminately to ev eryone, mid on nil occasions. 4 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M i 1 1 1 I i Ilolso, Juno 15. Tho early por tion of tho Haywood session was do voted to argument of tho admissi bility of tho contents of a telegram sent by Adams to Haywood, asking for money, when ho was arrested in Ogden. Tho court finally admitted tho testimony. Witness Pendor was recalled, and said tho telegram read: "Haywood, Denver. Am In trouble Send mo $75." Jos. C. Houston, as sistant cashier of tho First National Bank, produced the bank books, showing Haywood's financial trans actions, Houston identified Hay wood's signature on tho Now York hank drafts, and Jaraos Kerwan, act ing secretary and treasurer, and oth ers. Ono for I16C.35, was drawn January 15, 19Q, after Steuacnberg was killed, and cashed la Spokane by Jack Slsapklss' wife. Witness admitted the if aft were issued in the regular order of buslRMS, sad tbere wu bo Mcrecy about tha. i sflLBsY ssW 3&i Estw .cibbbw ' i JSA fn mmrjmmi V2B- JYSrTm M vCjL Y4iHLW t"X MB SHrIL menrU , Judije Dunne Thinks tho City Is Ablo to Get Along Without the Mayor's Services, and Remands lllm to tho Custody of the Sheriff. San Francisco, Juno 1G. Tho ap plication of Schmltz for ball waa do- nied this morning by Judgo Dunno, CHICAGO .MAY 1IAVI3 BTRIKC Tenmstetf) in tho Illg Stockyards to Go Out at Midnight, J. H. ILVWLEY. Ono of Idaho's 6hrewdest crimi nl Inw.yors nnd nssoclnted with Senator Borah nnd O. W. Vandino in tho prosecution of lluywooi, Moycr and Puttibono. tatak Cw i-r RibbbbbbbM Chicago, Juno 15. It seems cor tnln tho big stockyards toametors' strlko will bo d'oclnred at midnight. Tonmstora havo boon ordered to tako their proporty Into tho barn's home. Tho mon moot at 8 o'clock tonight. It hnsboon decided that If no word is heard from tho paokors by mid night a strlko will bo declared, In volving 1000 mon. At Its beginning It Ib llkoly to paralyze tho yards. Tho packers aro ntnndlng pat. o ATTACK OF BRAIN STORM EUGENE E. SCITMITZ. after listening to tho reading of nf ildnvlts filed by Ciunpbpll, nttorney for tho mnyor, and Langdou, for tho stato. Campbell contended In hu ndilross, following tlto reading of tho nffldavltB, that tho moro verdict of now In tho penltentlury sorvlnir a life sontenco for murdor. Nnylor Called General vt. "n nnwnnnnnr soldlor." Said' ho not to tho indu. U, ury Wft'1 ,n uo 80nH0 fl,ml JudK- pendonco dopot shortly nftor tho ox ploslon, and recovered tho bodies of 14 victims. W. II. Schulenberg Indon tlflod tho Peabody bomb, which ho found in tho river at Wallace. - T"r tVXiiO'b w v w 1K-R-i vfai' Vikvji Ai--feV'f-Pn I tlwJ 5t Autorla, Juno 15. Clovo Jont nlngs, a young man whoso home was at North Wond, Coos county, was Hhot nnd bo badly Injured Friday -morning by John Rowlsby, also of. North Bend, that ho diod In tho hos- pltal about 2:30 this Afternoon, To shooting occurrod on tho Btea'nlbr 'AI linnco shortly after (J o'clock in tho morning. It 'was tho atitcomo of ono man nllonnllng the affections of another mnn'a wlfo, and wna tho ro- Buit or a man-hunt in which tha huntor flnnlly found his game BowlBby boardod tho atoamor at Portland, nnd wna on routo to North Bend. Ah the stuniuor wna lying at her wharf horo, JonnlngB camo downr and purchnsod a ticket for North? Bend and wont on hoard. JonnliiKO hnd boon on tlio atoamor but a flow mlnutos, and waa standing near tho main hatch watching tho londlng of tho cargo, whon Bowlsby dlscovorod' him. Without saying a word, Bowl, by Btoppod nlongBldo tho main cabin nnd took a cortnln aim at tho man b roatlng n 14-cnllbro Remington rovolvor ngalnst tho Hide of tho house, and fired, tho bullet utrlklhit' Jonnlnga In tho abdomen and- pnHS'r Ing clear through hl body. KPFKOT WILL WKAR A WAV. finu Fniuclsro Wl" Have GoikI Gov ernment for a UUI, While. OLARENOE S. DARROW. Leading lawyer retained for tho defense of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone, miners accuwd of tho murder of ex-Governor SUuuen- 'ABKAUAM RUEF. Miss Peabody, daughter of tho governor, tho last witness of tho morning told of weJng a man acting suspiciously about thoir homo In Denver, Rnd Ideatlfted Orchard as the man. Peabody waa then called to tell of the attempt on his life by Orchard. Ho saw him la Canyon City la M6, at tW. tine Orchard mM be was urdveated killing; Pea- body fcecauM the latUr waa r- mont, that tho mayor's bond for 1340,000 waa still good and In offoct until tho final stop was taken ami Jiidgmont entered. Ho doclarod th'o dictrlct attornoy'a nlldavltB prnc tlcally asked Dunno to dopoao tho mnyor and leavo tho city without an executive. Lnngdon denied that any adminis tratis mattora woro ponding re quiring tho porsonal attention of tho mayor. Ho quoted a clauso In tho charter providing for tho appoint ment of an acting mayor, whon tho mayor was unablo to attend to his dutloa. All that was necessary, ho declared, was for tho supervisors to meet and select an acting mayor. Dunno said tho fact that the prisouor I is tbo mayor had no particular ef fect on his mind. Ho would treat him the same as any other prfsoa er, and denied tWe application. He Now York, Juno IS.Pormor- Mayor Pholan, of Ban Francises aid teday: "San Francisco wJir hnvo good government for ten yonra ne tho result of tho graft cruando, op until tho lesson la forgotten. Some one said memory takes a vacation ov- ory ton yoarB. Wo hnvo shown tho rest of tho world that wo moan busi ness, Tho mornl effect on tho ontlro country will bo hoiiollolnl." KiiKluud AiIvIhch Japan. Birmingham, Eng., Juno 15. Sir Claudo Macdouald, British am bassador to Japan, Iiuh boon espe cially Instructed to tako Immediate. stops to bring about hotter relation betwoon Jnpan and tho United States These InstructlonB follow communi cations between Washington and London. Chicago Markets. Chicago, Juno 15. Wheat 089, corn 61 SSW, oats 43. 88 W Dr. J. F. COOK run BOTANICAL DOCTOR; HOVHD TO 844 UTHMMTY STHMWt 10 AX DUUttftll OAI OJf . cook. covwrusAvtox rwa. Mi t If It ff 4 f V It '$ m w . 1 I t'r J W- i. M 1 (CeftUnMa fr,)