DAILY CAP! TAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON FIHDAV, JUNE 14, 1007. 8 "Wednesday 9 J Adjustment Has Been Completed and We Ate Now Cleaning Up JOS. MEYERS & SONS Watch foy Parties JUNE 19, 9 A. M. u mmmmm he tii i tmmimiMiwuMtHf tho briok ,vtina for olcllt vtmrB for assault with a (InngerouB wennon. and tho latter w'H servo a term of two and a half years for burglary. CITY NEWS A Collection of Important Par agraphs for Your Consideration mm PERSONALS. U Souvenir Postals Now BUbJocts today, nt Patton'a. Stamped mid Plain Art Linens A largo assortment of pillow topn. Tho Variety Store. Company Secures Ilulldlng Manager Haar ,of tho Hickory Bark Itomcdy Company, loft laBt ov onlng for Walla Walla, but before going ho closed a leaso for tho Schrolbor building on Stato otrcot for ono year. Tho company will movo Its ofilcca and plant into thlB largo storo room for tho tlmo being, and liopo to flecuro a building of I heir own by Iho tlmo tho loaso has oxplrod. This loaso haBtons tho com ing of tho concorn, which will add nnothor to Salom'a growing list of manufacturing establishments. CbIIm or Hide Tho undorsignod will rocolvo bids up to D o'clock p. m on Juno 17, 1007, for nupplylng ono hunt! rod and twonty-flvo (12C) cords of gn-on second growth fir wood, to bo dollv erod at tho city hall boforo Octobor Int. for tho uso of tho city of Salem, Oregon. Tho successful blddor will he roqulrcd to ontor into contract undor bond to furnish tho wood as tcr ngroomont. W. A. MOORES, Rocordor. Dnted Juno 5, 1007. C-5-dl0t-w2t Off for Gcnrliitit C. E. Crandall, Ross So ward, J. Johnson, Royal Blsbce, Hamlin Cole man and Austin Prlco will 1euvo to doy for Qearhart to attend tho Y. M. C. A. convention, which meets thero tomorrow, Saturday, morning. 4 Honor tho Flag to Miss Anna Jackson returned her homo in La Grando todny. Miss Evelyn Corlett has gone to her homo in The Dalles. Judge Scott waB among those go ing to Portlnnd today. , Miss Ruby Coryell left for her homo In Pendleton today. Jako Wengor went to Portland this morning on a short business trip. Miss Inez Bozorth, a University BMm ?S3 & A largo crowd is expected to bo student, left this morning for Bay presout thls.ovonlng at tho Flag Duy city. ball, which will bo given In tho Ar mory by tho committee of Company M. Refreshments, bnnd music and a delightful ovoning is promised. Library Tahlf Just rccclvod. Buron & Hamilton. Prof, von Jonnoii Chosen Dean Arthur von Johuoii, tho talented pianist has boon reappointed dean of tho piano department of Wlllum otto Unlvorslty for tho onBulng year, and has accoptod tho appointment. Ho loft yostordny for a fow wooks' bUBlnoBB trip to Now York City. XiiiccH anil Allover EmbrolderloB, fonthor stitch brnld, and fancy collars. Tho Varloty Store. Woodelioppern Wanted Inqulro of Wm. Brown & Co., No. 120 Commercial street. Locntlon of woodland on Turner road near city. 0-7-lwk Arrived Yes, those dolayod laco ourtatns nro hore, Thoy aro boautlos. Buron & Hamilton. Multnomah Roynl Arch Cliaptor No. 1 Regular convoon tlon thla ovoning In Elks' hall. Visit ing companions wuloome. o Idico Curtains Just reeolvod. Buron & Hamilton. To tho Pen Shorlff P. P. Olilldors, of Union county, wnu horo yostordny and de livered Prod K. Ileynor and Prank WIUIamH to the. statu prison authori ties. Tho former will remain behind To tho Publl Inasmuch as somo of my friends hnvo circulated arpotition asking mo to bo a enndidnto for school director, and having consontcd to do so, I deem It propor to stato to tho votors of tho district Just whero I stand. First of nil, I am In favor of good schools and of a businossliko man- ngomont of tho affairs of tho district. I lin.vo no speclnl Ideas to promul gate, but want to sco our schools koop pneo with 'tho times and tho needs of tho district. It has boon stated that I am not a taxpayer, nor n rosldont of tho district. This Is n mistake, for I acquired a homo In Snlom, on East Court strcot, over n year ago, and havo lived In it moro tlinn a year. Tho property is owned by mo, and I pay tho taxos. Said property Is assessed nt $2000. I hnvo not hunted this ofllro, but since my friends havo been kind enough to bring my namo boforo tho public, I wish to thank them for tho honor, and If olected I shall dlBchnrgo tho duties of tho position to tho best of my ability. PRANK HOLMES. Wouinu'H Clul Thoro will bo a mooting of tho Sn lom Woman's- Club tomorrow nt 2:30 o'clock at tho public library for elec tion of ofllcors for tho ensuing ynr. A full nttondnnco is desired. Revoveml HIh Sight Johnnie Prohmndor, whoao oyo wns so badly injured in tho nccldent on tho bont at Newberg, had nn oper ation performed yostordny, which, It I& thought, will fully restoro hia Hlght, na ho regained perfect Bight this morning for tho first tlmo. Drs. l.nno and Glllls woro tho operating physicians Baring Stork Arrives Sam Llndfloy, who la In chnrgo of tho Commonwonlth Farm Btnbles, ownod by N. K. West, of La Grande, arrived nt tho fnlr grounds todny with Blx bond of moors. Among them U "Satin ltoynl," "Tho Common wealth," ontorod In tho $5000 rnco, and "ConsclouB Guy." Flag Day Dance ' Tho dnnco conunlttoo of Company M has ovory thing In rondluosa for tho grand ball, which will bo given In tho Armory this ovoning. Tho Snlom Military Band will furnish tho music, and an oxcollont tlmo is assured M Burgess Ford was among tho stu dents who left for Portland this morning. Bishop Barkley was among tho Portlnnd bound passengers this morning. L. Evans, a student of tho Univer sity, left this morning for hi J homo In Hood River. G. T. Brunk, tho woll-known Eoln farmer, wont totho metropolis this morning on business. Miss Bosslo Frogloy and Mlaa Bes- sio Sncll woro among tho students lenving for Astorln today. Miss Jennto Govor, n student of Wlllnmotto, has roturncd to her homo in Baker City. Miss Inez Wheeler, who has been attending collcgo here, loft for her homo In Bolso today. Miss Olara May was among tho students leaving for Eastern Oregon this morning. Her homo is in lone. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred ThlolBon wont to Portlnnd todny. Thoy will go to tho motropollB next wcok to locate. MIbs Hnzol Caldwell has gono to her homo in Bend, Ore., nftor finish ing a yenr's work In Willamette Unl-vorBlty. Miss Phoobo Oloon, tho populnr 'vnralty studont, who wns elected queen of May, loft this morning for her homo In Portlnnd. Commissioner O. P. Hoff loft to day for Portland on official business. Ho will probably visit Eastern Ore gon boforo returning homo. Miss Bertha Elllngson, of Oak land, Cal nftor a short vlBlt with frlonds In this city, loft this morning foo Chicago, whero aho will roslJo. Dr. R. A. Horltngo wont to Sllvor- ton this morning, whero ho will sing In tho commencement exorcised of tho Sllvorton high school tonight. Mrs. O. Royal loft this morning for Tualatin, whero sho will Join hor huBbnnd, who Is engaged as foromnn on tho now olcctrlo rond bolng con structed thoro. MIbb Sylva Jonos, nftor attenJIng tho commencement of Wlllnmotto Unlvoralty, returned to, hor homo In Brooks this morning. Sho Is a grad uato of tho cJnsalcal department. Mrs. Grace Sawyor returned to hor homo In Portlnnd today, after attend lug commencement. Sho wnB former ly Miss Grnco McConncll, of this city. Mrs. Lena Kapphahn, nftor a visit to Snlom rolntlvoa, returned to hor homo in Portland this morning. Sho was accompanied by Mrs. Mary Gll Btrap. The Mlssoa Ola and Phorna Miller, who havo boon visiting their aunt, i Hbusewift ith the )f CLEVELAND'S SUPERIOR BAFCINP. Pownco can bake delicious, healthful food. The essential requirement for pure cookery is a pure Cream of Tartar, baking powder. I he absolute purity and wholesomeness of the ingredients of CLEVELAND'S insure the healthfulness and superior quality of your food. You can be sure of TTTT- F-5 " !. . . Ill IT -m-,r , - ii r.. IjTTrnK mM Cleveland's SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER lade, from a Superior rgrade. of Pure Cream of Tartar. CALL FOR CLEVELAND'S BAKING POWDER AND INSIST UPON HAVING IT Sold and Recommended by the Following Gfecets: weller I1ROS., commercial STREET. D. It. GILRERT CO., COMMERCIAL STREET. ROTH & GRARER, COMMERCIAL STREET. DAMON & FOSTER, COMMERCIAL STREET. J. M. LAWRENCE, COMMERCIAL STREET. W. A. IRVIN CO., COMMERCIAL STREET. A. DAUE, COMMERCIAL STREET. II. II. RAG AN, COURT STREET. A. L. HARVEY, COURT STREET. J. L. MOORE & SON, CAPITAL STREET. RUTHERFORD M DOE, FAIR GROUNDS. ROTH & GRADER, STATE STREET. J. W. IIAimiTT, STATE STREET. MOIR GROCERY CO., STATE STREET. II. M. BRANSON, STATE STREET. JOJIN HUGHES CO., STATE STREET. A. A. ENQLEHAHT, STATE STREET. F. G. BOWERSOX, YEW PARK. 11. L. SCHULTZ, ASYLUM AVENUE. W. D. WHEELER, NORTH SALEM. A. CHENOWETH, NORTH SALE5L Sold n Neighboring Towns by the Following Grocers CHAS. D. HEIN, AUMSVILLE. PETER COOK, RICKREAL. I.. ADRAMS CO., LINCOLN. E. W. SMITH, LIBERTY. G. L. PARSONS, FRUITLANI). RANSO.M & SON, TURNER. F. T; OTT, PRATUM. ? T. II. DRAKE, MAOLEAY. JOS. SCIIOMUS, SHAW. M. A. BARBER, 5LUHON. FORD & CO., MARION. PATRONIZE THESE GROCERS Tho Misses Ruth and Mario Whip ple and brother, Lloyd, who havo buon attending Willamette Unlversl- Mrs. John Hughes, loft this morning ,ty, left today for tholr homo In Vnn- for their homo in Sunuyslde, Washington. 1 couver, Washington. rwwwiiw THEY ARE COMING EVERY DAY Moro of thojio lino shoes which wo piuvliahod at Mich low prices and wo can lit niul please you when every other storo falls. THE LATEST ARRIVALS C. P. Ford Hand Turned Shoes for Ladies, Barefoot Sandals, White Canvas Shoes Our llablcs' Shoes aro coining. You don't havo to wait for tho Hit) mle. Wo give you Just as groat bargains every day. SALEM SHOE STORE Q, W. KYKR 1M STATE ST. T, MAPLETHOKPK TODAY'S SPECIALS FRESH TOLVTOKS, MUSKMELONS, EXTRA FINE WAX BEANS GREEN PEAS NEW YOUNG ONIONS. POTATOES, LETTUCE, ASPARAGUS, From tho prosont outlook tho strawberry season will be a short one. Wo havo on hand flno lot of berries and you will not miss it If you order somo of them. MOIR GROCERY CO. 456 State St. Pfiooe i 82 Home from Walla AVnlla Frank E. Shafer, tho thriving joung harness dealer, has Just re turned from Walla Walla, whoro ho haa been attondlng tho harness mak ers convention. Frank la enthusias tic In his pralso of tho fcaved streets of that thriving Washington city, and feels very much benefitted by hnvlng seen what la going on In oth er places. County Court In Country County Judge Scott, with Commis sioners Ncedham and Goulet, todny left for Sllvorton, where they will Inspect tho rond which It is pro posed to lmprovo under the Tuttlo law. Tho road running from Sliver ton to Marquam is to be fixed up to tho Intersection of tho Scotls Mills and Mt. Angel road, about flvo mlleo in all. Tho viewers appointed by tho county court reported favorably on tho proposition, and unless there l somo material objection not here tofore presented the work wIU B on forthwith. , Loss Adjusted - The loa of Joseph Meyers & Sobs, lu tho recent ftre, haa fee adjusted satlsfcltlly, th ,fI open fer business We4Bday. Norwich Union Fire Frank Meredith, B-Mjt Office with Wm. Brown 4 .. 129 Commercial street. 3TOEf2gi Ladd& Bush's Bat. '"" Over Ladd & NEW TODAY imp Eggs for Hatching-"0' .. ji.ot from U. a pUi Dir. direct from Iaymg strain of " , Rocks, now lsiL Board of Trade. H. i ' r" L-"tf' U iv mm. -Ladiea, Carpel-""' ocii. i done by a "? .PJ dMt h 1 only way that -- nd vy --:- .41 steam, a from the house, f assure yo phone 115. PeriCVk J, . TAsler "" rJAn umbrella, croo tolJ$ iliItawrtW"- l