-iwnmww!Ti w 7 : DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1007. ln are eu Miner Fills Aycr's Pills are liver pills. They act directly on mc nver, mate more Dlle secreted. This is why they cure constipation, biliousness. dyspepsia, sick-headache. Ask your doctor u he knows a better laxative Dill. We cer tainly do not. If he docs, then use his kind. we ht no iteretsi wo publiia J.C.AyerCo., the formal of all our preparation. Lowtll. Mi. ... .v TT.T -vtirarrrvvrrs OLDS L XXf """" " X - It ch '0f imrrhnnn Rontl to South- nlctcd. . intio 12. Travelers to i r"ii"i ni lmne Park will soon havo a ., mare plcturesquo lino of Loach to this wonderland. Work f' - tlim nrrn nn nn ar. j begun suuiu umU b Mtios of tho Oregon Short Line fea St. Anthony, Idaho, to tho Mnd- riven entrance at mu ouum .. ,mPr of tho Park. It la now "re thnn half completed and tho " -..mImmaws nrtHotrllpf Itlf flirt ee gay' that track will bo laid this L on tho proportion remaining to inbuilt. Thoro is a gap of only i.ni fifteen miles between tho fln- $ti portion of tho Yellowstono Park idroad, as tho now nno is io ue -tied and its terminus at tho Mndl- fi rircr point of entry. Scenlcally tho now ranroau roiuo lflffh tho Colorado Rockies will k rerr attractive. Tho Continental Bride through Koa's 1'ass is crosscu us elevation of 7,000 foot, and for t long stretch in tho Warm RIvor Cutob, about 25 miles rrom at. An tony, tho engineers woro faced by Li nf tho heaviest pieces of railway aitructlon undertaken In tho west lice the first transcontinental linos isrt built. TourUt traffic will form tho larger Mrt of tho business of tho road. Prfrecn St. Anthony and Marysvillo tlj lino passes through a rich agrl- nltnral district. Northeastward (mm Marysvillo It travorsoo, for tho sort part, forest rcsorvo land of pit natural beauty, and a favorlto hntlng ground. To build this 70 itluof road will cont about $i;500,- I. Mr. Harrlman, It la said, plann- (j It after a trip with ono of tho Mest Yellowstono guides who polnt rf out tho advantages of a 'southern aflroad entrnnco to tho Park. Tho tort Lino's prosont routo ends at Koalda, from which It Is a day's aw ride to tho Park. How's This? J-We offer Ono Hundred-Dollars Re- nrd for any caso of Catarrh that acnot be curod by Hall's Catarrh Com. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, tho undorsignod, havo known P. J. Cheney for tho last IB yenra, ud bellevo him porfoctly honorablo ball business transactions and flnan etllr able to carry out any obliga te mado by him firm. Waldlng, Eaaia & Marvin, Wholosnla Drug- Hi, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Curo 1b takon Intor- my, actlug directly upon tho blood vA mucous surfa'cos of tho systom. Tstlmonlals sont froo. Prices, 75 U per bottlo. Sold by all Drug- I Take Hall's Family Pills for con dition. Opening Lands for Homcscckcrs. Chicago, Juno 12. How tho rail road revolutionizes socially and physically tho country through which It passes was never bettor shown than In tho changes wrought by a 50-mile stretch of track from Stock dalo to Cuoro, Texas. This lino traversing open prairie country, clos ed tho gap on tho Victoria division of tho Galveston, Hnrrlsburg and San Antonio Railway between San Antonio and Cuero, and with tho lino from Cuoro to Port Lavaca gives San Antonio a direct lino to tho gulf. It also opens up en additional lino between San Antonio and Houston by way of Stockdalo, providing an additional lncontlvo to tho develop ment of tho on tiro coast j country, which In tho past decado has mado wonderful progress. But tho chango that has como over tho country traversed by tho Stock-dalo-Cuero extension is tho most In teresting features of this sociological exhibit. Tho road oponcd for set tlement a wonderfully fertile and productlvo section of tho stnto, In cluding portions of four counties. Until very rocontly tho entlro section traversed by tho Victoria division of tho O. H. and S. A., controlled by tho Southorn Pacific, was dominated absolutely by tho cattlo kings. Tho cheap fcrtllo lands mado ncccsslblo by tho railroad, howovor, havo prov ed too strong an lncontlvo to bo resisted by tho homo seeker, and In plnco of tho .Bovoii towns thnt tho latest maps bIiow botweon Cuero and San Antonio, scores of prosperous communities nro now established, many of thorn rnpidly achlovlng modest distinction in trado. Melon and vogotnblo culturo and gonornl crop growing aro rapidly In creasing, and toward tho Gulf ond of tho lino tho sugar cano Industry la mnklng marked progress. Imme diately following tho opening of tho Cuoro-Stockdalo lino ono-tonth of tho country bordering upon It was thrown Into cultivation, chiefly cot ton. This agricultural development Is slowly but surely displacing tho cattlo Industry and making CO homes grow whoro ono existed in tho dayB vhen vast cattlo ranches occupied tho country. A Fortunate Tcxnn. Mr. E. W. Goodloo, of 107 St. Louis St., Dallas, Tox. saya: "In tho post year I havo becomo acquainted with Dr. King's Now LIfo Pills, and no laxatlvo I ovor boforo tried bo effectually dlsposses of malaria and biliousness." Thoy don't grind nor gripo. 2Gc at J, C. Forry's drug storo. Witch Hunting in Africa. A rcmnrkablo talo of native super stition and credulity was fold at tho magistrate's court yestordny morn ing, when eight Mnshona natives from the M'rewns district underwent preliminary examination for commit ting certain offenses under tho witch craft suppression ordinance. Tho eight natives were all relatives, and to father of somo of thorn died re cently. Not being qulto satisfied thnt death was due to natural catues, appeal was mado to n certain nntlvo named Chlbandn, who tho prosecu tor Btated was a well-known witch doctor, though this fact was not ollcltcd In ovldcnco. Tho outcomo of tho Incantations was that two of tho sons, Mnplrn and Kntlwn, visited n neighboring krnal and accused a native woman nnmed Kajlwa of hav ing bewitched their faUier and caused his death. Thoy domanded of tho husband of this lady that sho should undergo nn ordeal to test tho truth of tho al legations. Tho hUBband asked for three days' grace, saying ho wanted his wlfo'a undo to bo prosont at tho trial. When this spaco had elapsed Chltandaria, tho husband, accom panied by his wlfo and her uncle, a natlvo named Dent!, sot out for tho krnal at which tho ordeal was to tnko place. On arrival tho party was directed to a Bmall spruit below tho krnal, where tho eight natives sat In conclavo. Chlbandn was master of core monies, and Bat cooking somo liquid in a pot. Whon tho modlclno wnB cooked tho lady was told to tako a draught. It was explained that two draughts of this modlclno would act elthor as an ometlc or n purgattvo should tho women bo a witch. Two draughts woro administered, but loft tho lady undisturbed. Chlbanda thortupon again piled tho modlclno, ovldontly determined that tho oraclo should work, and after tho unfortunnto femnlo had tnkon twonty-ono dosos nnturo ro bollcd and tho modlclno acted In Us dual capacity. On this flvo of tho natives sprang up with nsscglaB and korrlos, crying: "Thoro Is tho witch who killed our fnthor. Lot us kill hor," But tho hUBband and undo camo to tho roscuo. Aftor somo dis cussion tho borenved boiib agrcod to bo compensated, and as a first Instnll mont tho undo hnndod ovor a Kafflr hoo, tolling them If thoy killed his niece ho would Inform on thorn. Tho lady and hpr relatives thon wont hnck to tholr, rospoctlvo kraals. Throo dayB afterwards tho two na tives, Maplra and Kntlwn, revisited tho, lady's hUBband and domnndod tho witch to bo handed ovor to thorn to bo killed. This ho rofusod to do, nnd later tho woman escaped to tho natlvo commissioner. Rhodealn Ilornld. A fow pieces of borax put In tho clstorn will rob the Boft water of tho objectlonablo smoll which so ofton characterizes It. ho borax simply kills tho bnctorla which kick up tho stink. !MmitininwmiiwmuiuiiiMti"!"u-e AN'cficlabJcPrcoaratiooror As similating iteToodandRctfula DDgihcSlomachs andBowcls of IWtesTCesUon,Cteerrvil tessandltest.ContaJns neither optumMorpbJne nor HtncraL &ot Narcotic. taftofoun-swaLKFcaui MxJtnna ifi Cogent StJ 4 lUmSttJ. Apcrfcct Remcdv FnrfViftdlna. llOn.SinilP tlnLvh rttnrrhruA uL v :-"""".; "j ui5,uonvutsKns,rcverjsn ss and Loss or Sleep. T Simile Signature of N?W YORK. icr cw or wAcrcB. GASTORIA For Infante and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Mb nH AW A X Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA TM MJITUM mAWt, MIMMf Don't! ! t ! Don't lot your child auffor with that cough whon you curo It with Ballard's Horohound Syrup, a suro curo for Coughs, Bronchitis, Influon zn, Croup and Pulmonary Diseases Duy a bottlo and try It. D. D. Laughtor, Byhalla, Miss., wrltes: "I havo two chlldron who had croup. I tried many dlfforont romo- dlos, but I must say your Horohound Syrup is tho best Croup and Cough modlclno I ovor usod." Sold by D. J. Fry. o Tho tiny spiders may bo romovod from tho roso bushes by washing them carofully In warm soapsuds. Every Mmi His Own Doctor. Tho average man cannot afford to omploy a physician for ovory slight allmont or Injury that may occur In bis family, nor can ho afford to neg loct thorn, as so alight an Injury as tho scratch of a pin has boon known to ctiuso tho loss of a limb. Henco ovory man must from necessity ho his own doctor for this class of ailments Success ofton dopends upon prompt troatmont, which can only bo had whon sultablo medicines aro kopt at hand. Chamborlaln'a Remedloa have beon In tho market for many years and enjoys a good reputation. Chamborlaln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowol com plaints. Chamborlaln'a Cough Remedy for coughB, colda( croup and whooping cough. Chamborlaln'a Pain Balm (an anti septic liniment) for cuts, bruises, burns, sprains, swellings, Iamo back and rhoumatlsm palps. Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets for constipation, blliousncM and stomach trouble. Chamberlain's Salvo for disease of the skin. One bottlo of each of theao five preparations cost but $1.25. For sale by Dr. Stand's drug store. ' Q 1 1 i i ITOK1A, Ik lm Ym Hm 11mm GZ&ffl&St ' COMMON SENSE Leads most intcllnjcnt pcoplo to uso only modiitncs of Known composition. Thcro fore (t Is .thai Dr. Plcrco's medicines, tho makcroT wHIch print every Ingredient cntcrlngmAo Ihera upon tho bottlo wrap pers and attusl Its correctness under oath, aro dally growing In favor. Tho com position of Dr Pierce's medicines Is open to ovcrybodyyDr. Plcrco Wing dcslrotij or linving tuc rnrrn light m invcsuga tion turncdfullv upon hU formulm, being conlidcntthat (he Vitrr the cofnutoltlon ol lhi"c"mctHclncs K'known tho moro will thfftr croat ciTratlvo, merits twi rccog- Uv nltod. . Being wholly made otlhe actlvn medicinal principles extracted from n live forest roots, by oxact processes original with Dr. Pierce, nntLwIthout tho uso of a drop of alcohol, trlplo-roflned and chemically puro glycorlno being usod In stead In extracting and prcsorvlng tho curatlvo vlrtnoa residing In tho roots employed, these medicines aro entirely frcfl from tho objection of doing harm by creating an appotlto for either al coholic beverages or habit forming drugs. Examine tho formula on tholr bottle wrappers tho samo as sworn to by Dr. Plcrco, and you will find that hit "Golden Mimical Discovery," tho great, blood-purlflcr, stomach tonlo and bowol regulator tho mcdlcino which, whllo not recomtnonded to curo consumption In lta advanced stagod(no rocdlctaowlll do that) yot does curo all thoso catarrhal condi tions of bond and throat, weak stomach, torpid liver and bronchial troubles, weak lungs and hang-on-coughs, which, If neff. looted or badly treated lead Up to and Dually tcrmlnnto In consumption. Tako th6 "Uoldan Medical Dlsoovery' n time and It Is not likely to disappoint you If only yon slvo It a thorough and cilr trial.' a)onrt expect miracles. It won't do supernatural things. You must oxorclso your pntlcnco aad porMvero In Its uso for a reaeonahlo lencth of tine to itot tut full bonotlto. Tho lugredlonta of which Dr. Pierce's medicines aro composed havo tho unquallncd endorsement of scores of medical leaders botl-er than any amount of lay, or non-profcwlonal, testimonials. Thoy aro not glvon away to bo expert mentod with hut aro fold or nil dealers la modlclnon at rensouabln prices. O C. T. Co. -STEAMERS POSIONA AND OREGONA LEAVK FOR PORTLAND DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY, AT 0 A. L FOR CORVALLIS TOES DAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT O P. M. P.M. BALDWIN, Agt. Putting In Modern Plumbing llHBIItllf In now houses and buildings, as woll aa roflttlng old houses, koops ua pretty busy in tho spring, whon building is at flood tide Our facili ties aro always equal to the occa sion, and wo would Invite builders and contractors to got estimates from us on plumbing, gaa fitting, steam fitting and roofing boforo going else whoro, as wo do export work at rea sonable prices. . A. L. FRASER 838 State Street. Phone 188. BUTTERNUT BREAD It la worth more than any other bread, yet the price Is no higher, For sale at your grocer's, CALIFORNIA IIAKKRY, Thomas & Cooley, Props. .-., -- iainiiiilllinilf laiaiaien j CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR 8AXS For Salt: Ono twonty-ton Champion balor, quick rollof, ono wator tank, ono onglno tondor on whools, ca pacity 400 gallons. Phono 154 Su burban, or address box 28C Salem, Or. T. F. Walker. C-12-lin DRAYMEN. For Snl5 A boautlful homo, corner of Lincoln and South Commorcial Btroots. Very chonp. Soo J. D. Bohannan. G-12-lw Tlirco Flrst-CIas Farms for Salo. For particulars Inquire of Dr. W. A. Cuslck, ovor Fry's drug store. . G-4-lmo Sovoral Dairy Ranches for salo at onco Prlcoa low, nil oqulpod ready for business, Baker Land Co., Turner, Oregon. D-30-lm For Salo Two light spring wagons (JuBt right to haul bqrrlos), two hoavy spring wagons, nnd threo second hand buggies. Worner Fonnoll, 803 Broadway. 5-28-lrao ForSaI(j Old papors, 10 centa per hundred. Inqulro Journal offlco. Why Pay RonU Whon you can buy a nico homo at S80 N. Llborty St., on torms to suit tho purchaser. Addross O. H. Burggraf, Albany, Ore. B-17-tf. -J FOR RENT For Rent Seven-room house, hot nnd cold water, electric light, hath room. Inqulro of Aug. Schrelb er, DC0 North High Btreet. 3-26-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Removed. Tho old Oregon .' Junk shop has boon romovod from 357 Court stroot lo 430 Curt street, whoro Olovor'o blacksmith ahop formorly was. M. Stonstrom.. G-10-lwk Romovcil. My shoo shop has boon romovod from Court streot to Stato etroot, Just north of Dill man's Bocohd-hand store. Bring your work to tho now shop aud got satisfaction. Chas. Zankor. 6-7-Gt Piano Tuner L. L, Woods, piano et port tuning, repairing and polish ing, Leave ordors at Geo. O. Wills' muBlo storo, Salem, 2- 9-lyr" Cummins Bros.' Transfer Company- All kinds of transfer work doM Furniture and pianos boxed ready for shipment. Prompt service fat' our motto. Stand and offlce at 253 South Commercial street. Phone 210. Residence Phone 968. SASH AND DOO rAOTOKUM. Prank H. Srowai Maaafaetnrer ash, doors, moulding. All klade i koue UnisJi aad hard wood werkj Front street, bet. State aad Ckmrt, Make all eomDlalaie at the eJle. LODQKQ. Foresters of America Court 8hu. wood Foresters, No. 19. Meets Tueeday In Hurst hall, State street Lee Abble, O. R.; A. L. Brown, f. a. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall In Holman block, cor ner Stato and Liberty streets. Tuesday of each week at 7: SO p. m, Oscar Johnson, O. C; H. H. ; Andoraon, K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5248. Meets every Thursday evening; at 8 o'clock in Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. O.: F. A. Turner, Clerk. i Woodmen of World Meet every FrJ day night at 7:30, In Holman hall. J. A. Dickey, O. S.; P. L. Fraalec, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity TjHloh.' Slok, aeel dent and uenslbn insurance; 2, 000,000 pledged; every claim paid Good agents wanted. J. H. O. Montgomery, supreme organiser, Box 432 Salem, Oregon. R. R. Ityan, secrectary, 546 State street. m m MTPBIOAL. Arthur .Von Jceson Teaoher of pi ano; touch, technlch, Interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory course Advanced students prepared fer public appearance. .Residence 6S8 Center St. Tel, Main 526. 2-28-tf. WANTXD. luiivti a auy to do ham work In family of four. Call at 482 South High Htreot. G-12-3t Concrete Work. Got ray prices os sldowalkB, curbs, soptlo tanks and comont work of any kind. AD work guaranteed flrst-olass. M Ward, Highland add. Phone 560. 6-11-tf Butte Wondoroth Fine wines, liquors and cigars. We handle ths celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies, Cool and refreshing beer constantly on drough. South Commercial street 0-3-lyr DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE DOaOR Will treat jou with Oriental herlx and cure any disease without operation or pain. Dr. Kum is known everywhere is B&lem, and has cured many prominent people here. He has lived la Salem for 20 yeraa, and eaa be truMed. He aeee taasy medicines unknows to white doctors, and with them caa ears atarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rhea HStisa, stomaeh, liver, sad kidaey die-eases. Dr. Ks makes a speelalty of dropsy aad feaale troubles. His remedies eve private diseases when evsrythisf else fails. Be has huadrede f teeU SMsials, a4 gives eoassltstUa free. Prises for ssesMsiaes yrj nederats. PsrssM ia tks seaatry cast write fee UssJc Ss4 stssap. If yes was seats extra las tea, gt St frees bs. Dtt. XUK BOW WO OO.. Iff 8eih Xffe) ske, Sslsss, Osfe Salem Iron Works. Founders, mi- chlnlsts and blacksmiths. HanH facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tks Salem Iron Works Hop Press. Salem Box A Lumber Co. Removed from South Salem to 14th street, near the S. P. depot. Boxes, Berry Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfection Fruit Evaporators. Phone 201. Enlarged' Our meat market on East Stats street has been doubled In size and we are better prepared than ever to serve customers. Prompt service and the best or meats our motto, Call or phone 189. B. B. Edwards, Prop SaliMit Independence -Monmouth Stage line. Loavos Indopondonc dally (except Sunday) at 800 o'clock a. in. Returning, leaves Salem from Wlllamotto Ilotol at 1 p. m., arriving at Independence In tlmo for 0:15 motor for Mon mouth and Dallas. Phono Main 179. Wanted At Salem Hospital, a girl for ward-maid. Oood wages. Ap ply In porson. G-S-lwk. Wanted Thirty mon with teams. Call at Club Stablo, cornor Forry aud Llborty stroets. j0-6-lwk Wanted To borrow $1000 on the bcBt of real ostate security. Ap ply to "J. P.," caro Journal office. 4-20-tf Highest Canh Price Paid for chick ens at Willamette Hotel. 4-19-tf LOST. Lost On tho Hall's forry road, a la- dlos' hand satchel, containing a watch nnd chain, spoctaclos, pin and othor articles. Flndor will loavo samo at Tho Journal offlce aud got roward. 0-10-3t PLUlCMUUs, Theo, M. llarr Plumbing, hot water aud steam heating and UbbIs, 164 Commercial street. Phes Main 192, 9-1-ly Wo Aro Cash PurclMisers Of poul try, oggs, and all kinds of farm produco. Berry crates made up In unlimited quantities. Capital Commission Co., 1:07 South Com mercial street, Salem. Phone Mala 179. A. J. Anderson Contractor and builder, 415 Court streot. Phone 544. 6-1-tf Tins Highland Laundry Is still la the race for patronage. No white shirts or eollars. T. R. Waliase, 3349 Curraat aveave. Psoas Mala 493. -E-1m M. J. Petsel Plusabisg, steass ax4 gas fltting. Buceeor te Kaex eV Murphy, 226 Cottmereial street 'Psoas Mala 17. fll MM II I I I I II I I I 11 tin H- 6 20c Meals for I $1.00 ; and tho best tnoals In Salem, $ 1 1 at that. You can bank oa the r ; reputation of the WHITE HOU5E RESTAURANT OM Mill IMMM II MIMIIs yiMMiiieitgngmmig) I Gold Dust Flout Made by TUB gYDHST VOW- I I XX OOKPAWY, Woasy, Orefw, 1 Made fer faisJly use. Ask year I grooM- for it, Braa as4 skerts 1 ameys a aaad. P. B. Wallace AGENT mniiiiinnmimiiMii .ul