p$ DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALBM, 6RaON THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1007. nnnnniHHuiiiiii nn m mmwuiii tiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiTiiriiiiiinmiiinoiriiii mnrnirn ",M,M'",,,',''",",''"'",M,'"M''la,',M,"n 111 CLOSING OUT AT UN i ;i ' rj ,'' A RAPID GAIT 1 AND YOU may neve get another chance to get yo home furnishings at the actual cost I again. EVERYTHING going fast in the line of CARPETS PILLOWS BUFFETS LINOLEUMS LACE CURTAINS DINING TABLES MATTING MATTRESSES REFRIGERATORS RUGS IRON BEDS GO-CARTS PORTIERS . SPRING BEDS CHINA CLOSETS, ETC. f Come Early and get your pick before your neighbor gets it at cost. You cannot aiiord to let this great opportunity go by. The House Furnishing Company iwwwwwwwymiwwwwwiw A TiCmlliiff Part. Spulrctto Mr. Boaator tolls mo that ho has tlio iiosttlon of leading man In that now drama. Star Yob, ho loadB tho cow ncrosa tho BtaBo In tho first act. Illustrat ed Dltfl. o GOOD N13W8. Many Halem RcndorH llnvo Heard It And Prolltotl Thereby. "Good nowfl travolo fnBt," and tho thousands of had hack tmfforors In Bulom aro t?lad to loam that prompt rollof 1b within tholr reach. Many a lamo, weak, and achltiK back la bal no moro, thanks to Doan'a Kldnoy PIIIb. Our clttzoiid aro tolling tho i;ood nowH of tholr oxporlonco with tho Old Quaker Homody. Horo Is an oxampo worth reading: 0. W. Vaughn of 3 Stnto Streot, 8alom, Oro., naye: "Doan's Kldnoy IMHb procurod nt Dr. Stone's drug atoro proved to bo a reliable romody for backaoho and all forms of kld noy complaint. I obtalnod tho best of results from tholr uno, and a child in our family who had boon nflllctcd with woakouod ktdnoys and noctur nal troublo got ontlroly well lu a abort thuo through tho uso of Doan's Jfldnpy I'llls. This should commond tl;o remedy to all parouts who havo children troubled In ") way with WiUipy compiulut." For sulo by nil dealers. Prlco 50 conts. Fostor-Mlllburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo agents for tho United States. Itumombor tho name Doan's and take no other, Oklahoma, not many years ago wont to bo considered tho homo of prarle dogs, worthless Indians and blistering southwost winds, has of late como to tho front In an agricul tural way that Is opening peoplo'u oyos. During tho year Just passed tho stnto produced, according to careful ostlmntas, 125,000,000 bush els of corn, not to mention cotton, whoat and othur stnplos, tho vnluo of tho (irst mantloned coroal bolng In the neighborhood of (37,600,000. mid Diarrhoea. Pains in tho stomach, collo and diarrhoea aro quickly rolloved by the uso pf Chamberlain's Colic, Cholor and Diarrhoea Homody. For sals by Dr. Stono'a drug store. Whoro tho chlol! purposo of tho wood lot is tho production of tho host quality of firewood In tho short est posBlblo timo tho soft maplo ox cola any othor variety. Tho soodo Bhould bo planted In Juno ns soon as they ripen In rows and tho following spring transplanted to tho plot whoro It Is tntonded thoy should grbw. o Tetter Cured. A lady cuutbtnor of ours had nuffor od with tottor for two or throo yoars. It got so bad on hor hands that sho could not attend to hor household duties. Ono box of Chnmborlnln's Salvo cured hor. Chnmborlnln's modlclnos glvo aplondld satisfaction In this community. M. II. Rodnoy & Co,, Almond, Ala, Chnmborlnln's medicines aro for sulo by Dr. Stono's drug Btoro. I On tho bnsls of oatimntos which lmvo boon mndo ovory porson In tho Unltod States should plant a troo nploco ovory year to keop tho lumber roHorvos of tho country from becom ing exhausted, o RptM'Inl EtiNtern Excursion rate. May 20, 21, Juno C, 7, 8, July 3, 4, 5, August 8, 9, 10, Sopterabor 11, 12, 13. To Chicago and roturn, 173.15. St. Louis and roturn, $09.15 St. Paul and return, Omaha, Council Bluffs, Sioux City, St. Joo, Kansas City and roturn $61,05. WM. M'MURRAY. 5-21-tf 0n Pas, Agt. Moro Substantial. Ilumano Ofllcor My man, do you feed your horsos with, punctuality? Cabby Oh, no, sir. I mostly feed thorn on oata and hay. Ex change. o For stomach troubles, blllousnoss nnd constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tnblots. Many romarkablo cures hnvo boon offoctod 'by thorn. Prlco 25 conts. Samploa froo. For sale by Dr. Stono's drug storo. o Shopping. A shop Is hard to undorstnnd,' Its wnys nro vory strango; A mlnuto for your purchnso and A half-hour Jor your chnngo. Washington Star. o Tonight., If you woud onjoy tomorrow talc Chnmborlnln's Stomach and Llvo Tablots tonight. Thoy produce at agrooablo laxatlvo offoct, clonr tho bond and cleanso tho stomach Prlco, 25 conts. Samploa freo at Dr Stono's drug storo. MMtU oufc.a?otjiL. w nWW IV WB nMK JPQ (&?& The Early ltlitl. Bishop Potter of Connecticut Is noto d for his funny storlos, and hit) latest is said to bo about an old rep robato who docldod to repont, and announced to overyouo that what ever wrong ho .had dona should bo mado rluht. So a mau whom ho had cheated out of a largo sum of money wont around at midnight to demand "nut what did you como at this hour for and wake mo up? Why not wait till tomorrow?" said tho old slunor crossly. "I camo now," ropllod tho man, "to avoid tho rush." Harper's Weekly. Notice to Contractors. Soalod bids will bo received by tho Hoard of Trustees of the Oregon In stltuto for tho Blind nt tho ofllco of tho Govornor, Salem, Orogon, until 1:30 o'clock Wednesday, Juno 19, 1907, for furnishing material and la bor lu constructing an Industrial building and performing othor work lu Accordance with the plans and specifications which mny bo aeen In tho ofllco of F. A. Legg, architect, room 6, Murphy building. A certified check In tho sum of ten (10 per cent) per cont of bid drawn to tho order of F. W. Bonsou, secretary of stnto, must bo enclosed with each bid; tho Bamo to bo for feited to tho Stato of Oregon In caso tho lowest or accepted bidder falls to qualify with accoptablo bond in tho full sum of tho contract prlco within ten days (10) after tho work is awarded. By ordor of tho Board of Trustoes. 0. W. JONES, 6-10-3t Suporlntendont, SOMETHING DOING EVERY MINUTE CASTOR I A Far lafurti and Children. Do Not Neglect tho Chlldww. At this season of tho yoar tho flrst ununtural loosonojs of a child's bowels should havo immediate atton- tltn Tho nat tlilnir final ran YitS given la Chamberlain's Colic. Caolora Tit KW YM HiYt AIWafS BW(t and Diarraoea uoiueuy xouowea oy etor oil aa directed with sack bot tle of tae remedy. Fore sale by Dr. itaaa'a drug ator. Sara taa SfflMatereef (ZMc 1 mini ii i ' ii i - i I July 4th AT SALEM CELEBRATE WITH US Five Bands Will Furnish Music. Base Ball on the Water. Relay Race. Baby Show. AND OTHER SrORTS WHICH WILL BE MENTIONED FROM TIME TO TLM1S IN TIIE DAILY PRESS NOTICES; SUCH AS CATCHING GREASED TIGS, AUTO RACES, BALLOON ASCEN SION, ETC. ' FIRE WORKS, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL EVER SEEN IN SALEM.