DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALKM, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1007. W' n m m iv For the June Bride This is the month when ' many of us will be called upon to make some wed- ; . ding gifts. CUT GLASS and , ' ' i HAND PAINTED CHINA are among the first and best gift goods, A Water Jug and Tumblers, Berry Bowl or Vase would be right in season and up-to-date. We N also have many beautiful things in Hand-Painted China painted in Salem and Sterling Silver. You , are not doing justice to yourself if you buy wed ding presents without look ing over our stock. We have the big assortment and low prices,, and high grade goods v Barr's Jewelry Store 1ST 1 PEPPAR BUT NO SALT Indian Maiden's Spirit Tangles a Clairvoyant and a Millionaire Xir Protection of National HcoiUTy, Tho Second Chamber of tho Prus iilun I'arlliunont Iiiih Juut pnased u ltUl for tho protection of nut u nil tironory against dopravtitloiiH of any Kind. Former loglHlutlvo nets had ulromly authorized tho PruBBlun Gov urumont to Interfere whonovor tho IIoIui-oh(uo altos of u city woro like ly to hu Impaired. For this and not only tho destruction or thoughtless ultoratlon of historically vonornblo or artistically hut uvun tho Is loulug moro and tnoro of Its charma by lucoiiHldornto contttruc tlouH. ThoBO nro only tho best known liiHtancoH nmpng many, and It can bo no quostlou that In Germany tho tltno hau como fol' a Biiporlntondonco na Ruskln demanded It for England. Tho now bill affords Biilllclont moans for securing tho Important ob ject In vlow. It provides In tho first plnco that tho Govormnont may dls- Hrltlsh llulo in India. Tho truo vindication of British rulo In India is that for this con tury nnd moro during which tho Brlt IbIi hnvo ruled India, a garrison, In cluding nntlvo auxiliaries, of, Bay, fc per cont of tho millions to bo gov erned, has sufllced for tho govornor, Iiub suniced, evon with such tnctlcsa episodes of mls-govornmont as brought about tho groat mutiny. It allow tho construction of any build prominent buildings, ng or IndUBtrlal plant whorovor tho Mr h truo now as It was 2000 years construction of now notorious nttraetlvonoBB of a inn J- nco that "tho wolf does not count odlflces that might Impair the aoB- 8oapo was in danger to bo impaired, tho sheep." Thoro aro hlghor nnd thotlo offoot of time-honored monu- Moreovor, after tho conaont for a tlsoro nro lowor races. Truo, tliQ muuts or tho harmonious porapectlvo construction baa boon obtained, tho'mcoa auporlor in war and govorn- of ii squiuo or a Btioot may bo pro- Qovommont mny resorvo tho right of hlblted. This act worked well examining tho details of tho doalgns unough for works of nrchltec- 0f building ao as to secure tho ob tiiro and sculpture, but it did not np- Bcrvatlon of tho rules of good tnsto, ply to tho beauties of naturo and tho Btiupllclty and harmonious adjuat uoBtbotlo offool of landscapes. That ,nont to tho aesthetic features of tlioy also nood loglslatlvo protection, 'tno surrounding landscnpo. In tho vns Badly proved by somo Industrial ra pjaco, tho famous vlows of flno lubtnllatloiu on Borne beautiful spots sconory WU bo protected against tho of tho famous linnkB of tho Ithlno U8Uaj depravation by pretentions rlvor; tho naturally pretty vnlloy of bnrrnck-ltko hotels, that nro so fro Hhe Upper Sproo luunodlntoly abovo qMOntiy an oyo-soro on tho vory spot Berlin Iuik already been spoiled by or tll0 ,noat promlnont elevation, ononmohmonta of Industry beyond u K008 without saying that overy miy hopo of recovery, and tho lovoly u,nK depends upon tho cholco of country botwoon Drosdon and Moaaon pr0nor persona of antllclont artistic " - Itnsto for carrying tho Intontlons of tho legislator Into practice. If this condition is not fulfilled, tho now act may simply lnoroas,o tho powor of tho police authorities nnd a vexatious bureaucracy. Hod tapo and good tnsto novor ngroo with oaoh othor and tho keynote of most urgumonts against tho now law was tho dim culty of gottlug ovor this dllomma. In tho and, howovor, tho nrgont no cosslty of provoutlng further dotor lorntlonB, was ucknowlodged on all Btdos and tho bill was cnrrlod with nn overwhelming majority. Conti nental Correspondence. o- CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Chocking accounts onablo folks to doposlt their monoy nnd ro oolvo n passbook, against thoso accounts they nro pormlttod to draw checka; Chocks may bo gtvon to parties for such sums as desired, thus avoiding froquout trips to tho bank, v It Intoreatod call and oe us. WMHMHHMMHaiHMHMillMIWHMHnaMWM Salem State Bank U K. PAGH, PrwUUttt. K, W. HAXARD, Chafckr. mont may bo Inforlor In 8omo of tho ' arts nnd crafts," as Virgil also did not fall to point out that tho con quered Grooks woro superior to tho conquorlng Romans, And, to somo oxtont, that is tho caso in India, al though thoro, in fact, tho arts and crafts aro vory largoly tho posacm slon'and patrimony of the raco which would bo tho conquorlng raco if tho actual conquerors should withdraw or be expollod. Tho dangor In In dia , which Is ronlly not a dangor to Urltlah rule, is tho dangor that thoro should como to bo a gonornl British bellof, as thoro is a partial British belief, and, for that mnttor, a partial American belief, that literary educa tion is tho root of tho mnttor, and that n man who has shown his apti tude for passing competitive exam inations Is, therefore, skilled In tho art of governing nnd loading mon. It Is most omphntlcally not so. And whoovor, whothor by ponce congross ofa or by othor humanitarian mothods goos about to porsuado olovor but un warllko races or Individuals that tho battle is not to tho strong, or that it Is othor than tho fittest who survive, la doing, so far as in him llos, a mis ahlof to tho human raco. Ho Is. par ticularly doing harm to thoso un- IIkyo You a CoHgh. Iwarllko races, llko these prosont A doso of Ballard's Horohouna(Bongaleso. Tho sooner tho rising Syrup will rollovo It Havo you a Punjabis find out that fact distinctly, cold? tho beUer for thorn. Tho "Babu" ... . , .....t. f.'...Mt .1- .!. . ..- Try 11 lO WUOvllHUS luugu, .will uow fine uujiuiub wucn IU3 asthma, for consumption, for broa chltls. Mra. Joe McGrata, 387 1st street, Hutchinson, Kan., wrltM! I aava uwfd Ballard'a HoraaeHaa aupromnoy Is onco challenged by mon who nro prepared to spill blood In dofense of their challenge. That Is really 4he beginning and tho 'end of rising Svrun la r family for S years, aadtna present project of V fla4 it ta oH pUtla. asadtelae aalaut tho English riilb In India. I vry w4.M SoW ay D. J, Fry. New York TtaiW. r Tho recont marrlo.go of Edward Ward Vandorbilt has stirred upHho Vnndorbilt family. It is not because the guardian of old Cornelius Van dorbilt, who Btarted in llfo as a boat man and ended It'as a railroad p'irato simply married, but rathor for tho reason that tho fomalo ho tied to, Ij not 'up in tho social scalo high enough to suit the Vandorbilt fam ily. Cornelius, who founded tho family, had good ,rod, ovoryday blood In his veins, and was not abovo earning an honest penny by his la bor, until ho discovered ho could ac cumulate dishonest dollars with groator rapidity, by manipulating tho stock market. This business which tho old man understood thoroughly for thoso days, soon resulted In his transferring somo millions of dol lars from tho pockets of tho public at largo to his own. This gavo him great rcspoctablllty. It also caused tho blood of his chlldron to itako on a slightly cerulean hue, which in his grandchildren becamo decidedly blue and In tho last generation a royal purplo. Now Edward Ward, being married onco, Is at tho pres ent tlmo tho father of a young fo malo Vandorbilt, who Is appropriate ly named MInorva. It scorns that death, bolng no respector of persons, evon though that porson was a Van dorbilt, romovod Mrs. V. from tho contaminations of Gotham's social whirl, and transplanted hor whoro It does not mattor. TIiIb Is whro tho troublo bognn. Edward Ward In tho courso of tlmo folt thnt ho was lonesome. Ho needed somo ono to turn to, whero ho could forgot tho cold, cold world. Tho right porson showed up to assist him In forgot tlng, In tho porson of ono Mrs. Pop per. Mrs. Poppor was a clairvoyant, nlso red headed, a aort of Cayenno Poppor as it woro, and as aubsquont ovontB showod, sho was tho truo ar ticle bolng In tho somowhal vulgar, but dollghtfully oxpresslvo langungo of tho Bowory, "a hot tamalo," "Chill con came" or wordB to thht effect. MrB. Poppor Invaded tho spiritual world In Edward Ward's bohalf, ahd thoro sho found tho spirit of n beautiful Indian maiden, called "Bright Eyo3" In tho spirit world, but who, oro sho loft this, "Cultus Illlheo" for tho othor aldo, probably dug caman along with tho othor "Klootchmon" under tho less euphonious namo of "Tar Fnco Liz." Bo that as it may, "Bright Eyes" with a knowlodgo of finance novor learned nt a native "potlath" sug gested that Edward sign up a fow checks for hor swcot snko, and got Mrs. Poppor to cash thorn. This Ed ward did. Then "Bright Eyes" who by tho way, after hor domlso, had learned to wrlto English in tlfo vorti cal stylo, wroto Edward a spiritual lottor on Just common earthly papor, suggesting that what ho nooded was moro Pepper, and so Induced Edward to marry that warm ono. Thon vhon tho family learned of It, thoy Individually and colloctlvoly "throw a M. his oroinor jnmos v., iub alBtor Sarah L., and his daughtor, tho proud Mlnorvn, nasortod ho was In sane, and today n commission In quired Into his sanity. Tho learned alienists making tho examination aro docldodly up against it, with a problem to which tho Thaw caso was llko shooting fish. 'Tho proposition rosolvos Itself Into this: If Edward was sano whon ho married Mrs. Pop por, ho was certainly insano or ho would not hnvo married hor. If ho was Insano whon ho married hor ho didn't marry hor at all becauso ho was unablo to give assont to tho con tract. In tho meanwhile Mrs. Pep par 8oom3 tb bo holding her own, and from nil accounts pretty much of ovorythlng that, was Edward's. ,T,ust what "Bright Eyos" Is dolug Isn't stated, but sho i3 probably laughing In hor spiritual sleeve as sho notes tho amount of troublo hor ghostly lottcrs hnvo stirred up. o The Iiir n Failure. v Elvln Crutchfleld arrived homo last night, and reports a splendid tlmo nTitho East. Tho Jamestown exposi tion, though, Is a flat failure, the Monitor nnd tho place whero tho Mer rlmac was sunk aro about all. An Oregon street carnlvnl is nearly equal to tho things to bo seen. Of courso, tho government exhibit, about like that at Portland, Is good, nnd a fow spates havo good exhibits, but every-' thing Is IncompwW 'idd unontsVe'd. STIWtED UP THE SPUING. Polk County Fountain Spouts About tho Earthquake, On ono of his farms near Perry- dalo Hon. D. L. Koyt has a spring that 'has for somo yoars been noted locally for Its health-mending prop erties. It has cured a number of cases of rheumatism and other ail ments, in fact tho water is an all round health provocative, but most particularly adapted for stomach allmonts and a blood purifier. Mr. Koyt had U analyzed by tho Corvallls college chemists, but when wo jaw him yesterday ho had forgotten the exact formula and Ingredients, but soda, slllcla and Iron aro of tho high est proportion. He is a firm believer in the curative properties, and men tioned a number of benefitted and cured cases to prove his claim. Somo day wo may sco a great health rocort established there. But to tho strange part of tho spring wo now come: It Is boarded up tho holght of somo two foot to koop It In clear and good con dition, and until after tho morning of tho San FranclBco earthquake always remained at tho samo level, tho water was found to bo In a Btato of violent eruption, bubbling and throw ing ItseJf to a holght of thrco and four feet. Tho water did not scorn to lncreaso In volume, b.ut becamo violently agitated, and has so con tinued to this day, although not qulto to tho oxtont of tljo first fow morn ings after tho earthquake. Tho spring undoubtedly tins a connection with some subtorancau cavorn or cur rent affected by tho earth's convul sions, and it is tho opinion of many that another earthquake may mako of it a gusher, and perhaps a hot one. Itemizor. o Negress in tho Pen. Tho Telegram last night ays: . Bcatrlco Lewis, a nogrcss, con victed Inst week of grnnd larceny by tho theft of moro than $500, was sentenced yostordny morning by Cir cuit J ml go Frnzor to sorvo threo years In tho ponltontlnry. Tho maxi mum penalty Ib 10 years. Sho cr)cd blttorly, and forco. had to ))o used to compel her to accompany Deputy Shorlff Harry Bulger to tho county Jail, whoro sho awaits transfer to Scilom. Judge Frnzor said: "It Is hard to sontonco a woman to tho ponltontlnry, but tho crlmo of which tho woman Is guilty Is ono of n sorlcs of similar offenses, nnd tlo' Eorvos tho punishment, provided by tho Btntutos." Bortrlco Lewis wns tho nccompltco of another nogross, Grnco Reed, In robbing Androw Johnson last April, whon ho ontored tholr rooms on Flan ders street. Grnco fled nftor convic tion, hor bondsmen forfeiting $1000 ball. .-o Rattlesnakes. Tho hot wonthor during tho wook hns brought out tho rnttleBnnkea In goodly numbers. Up to tho rock qunrry a ratUo bIx foot long was killed by tho workmon. Tho work men say It was six foot long, and as tho writer ran across ono fully flvo feet long up Ochoco Sunday ho has no renson to doubt tholr statement, although tho roptllo's body was not brought to town to substantiate their word. Tho nvorago rattler la not moro than thirty Inches In length, rattle and all, and to gazo uppn ono flvo foot long gives ono a similar sonsatlon to that - brought about by looking upon a boa con strictor for tho first (tlmo. A snnko of thnt slzo looks wicked, nnd you don't want to cultlvnto hla ncqunlnt nnco. Prlnovlllo Rovlow. free Catarrh Cur ""oS"?.. -""' nil 0b( iL.1 Buffalo Shipped to Canada. Fred Parr, of tho Umatilla reserva tion has Just roturnod from tho Flat hend Indlnn rosorvntlon, nnd whllo thoro Baw the londlng of n shipment of buffalo sold by Mitchell Pablo, a Flathead Indian, to tho Canadian govornmont. Pablo sold about 100 head to tho Canadian govornmont, and retains about GO head for breed ing purposes. Pablo Is a halfbrood Flathead, and owns a flno herd of wild buffalo on his allotment on tho rosorvatton. East-Oregonlan. S. II. S. Graduating E.erclsc8. Tho second graduating class of tho Salem high school exorcises will bo hold Friday evening at 8 o'clock in tho First Christian church. Tho auditorium of tho church will be reserved for friends and relatives of tho graduating class. Tho bal cony and Sunday school rooms will be for nil those wishing to attend. o - ArtlsHn Meeting Postponed. Owing to a number of counter en tertainments tho regular monthly open meeting of tho United Artisans, which was to -have boon held Friday evening has been postponed. M if Catarrh Is nn ni. j.. uu'j uanerm if caugcs bad b death and decay of bone thinking and reasoning power U.....U.OU anu energy, often ev iubs oi appetite, Indigestion, dju sin, raw throat nnd menu in'. oral debility, Idiocy nnd Insanlt, needs attention at once. CurellJ .Gauss' Catarrh Curo. It la a o J radical, permanent cure, bocanjl rids tho Bystorn of tho poison geq tnai cnuso catarrh. In ordor to prove to all who suiroring from this dangerom loathsomo dlscaso that 0an' tarrh Curo will actually cure al caso of catarrh quickly, no mtfl how long Btnndlng or how bd, I Bend a trial packago by mall t;tt all cost. Send us your name and i dross today and tho treatment bo sont you by return mall. Try I It will positively cure so that yon bo welcomed Instead of shunned your friends. 0. E. GAUSS, 7?l Main St., Marshall, Mich. Fill coupon bolow. FREE. This coupon Is good for on trial packago of GausY Combine Catarrh Cure, mailed free la plal packago. Simply fill la your nami and address on dottci lines bcloM and mall to O. E. tiAUSS, 7785 Slain Stiff! Marshall, Mich. Horrors of the Sea. A torrlblo martyrdom wn inffd od by on Italian sailor named Veoei zo, on tho Italian sailing ship wna Fonlco, which arrived yesterday j Dunkirk from Chile. During th voyago a quarrel broko out bet somo Gormans and Italians formlp nnrt of the crow. The German eaj turod Veconzo and put Mm In Irosl Owing to the terrible barbarities i ij fllcted on him ho has become a run 1 unn it a Tho crow of tho vessel 1 turo of all nationalities. Fron i n. it,nM hni heen trouble bet i. nnrmanB and the Italian. wta ,min nhoad one day sft roanJ in rano Horn. It was Yeceawl .... whPfil. and a be Ktt l forecaatio he forgot to shot tMce Aa tho Italian refused to w- -close It, two of tho German. jW ed up revolvers r---ovor the deck, firing at him ... tnnv refuge i ran. vcwi w, captain's cabin. Tho ing reload their revo.---... .....! i.. onniher member on" wjo,"wi.;';.r.iif.uiittt crow armeu wn -- v piece of wood. bursUnott and demanded in . ; anouia ob 8uir'""'" .ifrt5 , .... ,i.ir .ipmeanor aoJ ,w I a general mutiny, handed 1 ovcr u The unfortunate Italian wi on dock and terribly -; he was placed In w . , his captors too a " ! ,MarCj ! deckhouse wnero tw - ,i with a wire rope - - tho dock. ls,UB"' ' Ml confined to walking lb.- f rone. WW ., two ana a --- .JU t0 in mis mm" -- - nis ww" -- - ... 0l n ora uu, - - rUJi, a. appoariuK, . Ia Tha non nuv--- havo Placed a niUUJ board pending an Inquiry u . vacrel' held, and noa - - i allowed to aiae-.-gkronlcle. -t-jIbaay Democrat, ifr. ' t i i- ('AWf.(Vv