U 8 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8AU3JM, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1007. rrrr xrt. Ill We Hope eueiA 6 g INCORPORATED o. to Start the Sale Monday, June 1 7 THE ADJUSTERS ARE STILL AT WORK AND WHEN THEY HAVE FINISHED WE WILL STRAIGHTEN OUT THE STOCK AND HE READY TO RECEIVE YOU. STOCK MUST RE DISPOSED OF IN FIFTEEN DAYS FROM PERSONALS. OPENING OF SALE. YOU WILL GET PLENTY OF BARGAINS IN UP-TO-DATE HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE. I J WILL PUSH ELECTRIC ROAD. CITY NEWS A Collodion of Important Par BgrapltH for Your Consideration ! W Souvenir PoHtals Now subjoin today, at Patton'B. Wanted Fifty moro womon nnd girls nt tho ennnory, to bogln work nt onco. All thoao boglnnlng now will bo rotnlnod va chorrlcs. C-10-3t Woodchoppern Wanted Inqulro of Wm. Brown & Co., No. 120 Conyhorclal Btroct. Location of woodlaniron Tumor road near city. C-7-lwk Big Crew Put on Royond Chenmwa This Morning. Work on tho electric road lias again been resumed. This morning ia largo crow was put at. work boyond Chemawa, and additional crows will bo put on as fast as laborers can bo accurod. Tho work will bo rushod na foot no men and monoy can do It, and tho tlmo scorn b no't far distant when Salctnltcs can go to Portland over tho now road. d PURCHASE COLEMAN TRACT. Calls for Hid Tho undorslgnod will rocolvo bids up tb C o'clock p. m., on Juno 17, 1 007, for mipplylng ono hundrod and twonty-flvo (12G) cords of grvon second growth flr wood, to bo dollv orod at tho city hall boforo Outobor lt, for tho uso of tho city of Siilom, Oregon. Tho successful blddor will be roqulrod to ontor undor bond to furnish tlio wood aa per agroomont. 1 W. A. MOORES, Rocordor. Dated Juno G, 1007. CB-dl0t-w2t Wanted Hoard Select Farm for Home for Feeble Minded. At a mooting of tho Stato Board of Building Commissioners hold TuoBdny aftornoon It was decided to purchaso tho Coloman tract as n slto for tho now Instltuto for tho fcoblo minded. Tho Coloman tract is mado up of various adjoining farms nnd Mrs. Lot L. Pearce went to Port land today. C. Baumann, of Portland, Is In tho city, tho guest of friends. Mrs. Thomas Kay, Sr., left this morning for a visit In Roseburg. MIsb Grace Cook loft this morning for a few days' visit In Marlon. Mrs. W. H. Dancy and Mrs. M. Mc Corkle went to Portland today. Dr. L. G. AKtnnn returned last evening from n visit In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fleming have returned from a trip, to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Gabrlelson loft today for Portland on business. Mrs. W. Carlton Smith left this morning for a visit in Portland. Miss Anna Wlprut and Mrs. L. D. westacott went to Portland this morning. Thomas Bruce arrived in tho city 0:1b morning from a business trip to Halsey. Richard Swnrtz returned today from an extended trip in Idnho and Washington. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Z. Irvln nnd son, Leonard, have returned from a visit in Portlnnd. Mrs. Freolnnd left this morning for Portland, whoro sho will visit relatives. Mrs. J. W. Lehman, after visiting Salem rolatlves, has returned to her homo In Brownsville. Charles Spauldlng, tho well-known lumber denier, loft this morning for Portlnnd on business. Mrs.' M. J. Crclghton and daugh ter, Miss Mabel, left this morning for. Portland, whoro they will reside. Mrs. J. A. Sellwood wont to Port land today to attend a convention of tho Indies of tho Episcopal church. John Van Laancn and Jacob Do Shnzor and family wont to Woodburn today to attend a rollglous conven tion which meets thoro tomorrow. Miss Addlo Reed loft today for Al bany, whoro Bho will attend tho wedding of Mlas Dora Ilackloman to Mr. Frnnk Dnlmon. Mrs. Lena Bauor, who has boon vlBltlng Snlom relatives, loft this morning for her homo In Onkland, Oregon. Mrs. W. W. Irwin, who hna beon A BIG LAW CLASS. Forty-one Embryo Blnckstonca Want to Practice. The graduating class of tho Uni versity of Oregon arrived here laJt night, nnd tho members thereof took their examination today, tho "exer cises" commencing at 0:30 a. m.: The members of the graduating class are: Robert Aistrop, Sold Beck, L. E. Carter, Mark E. Carter, Virgil L. Clark, Jntnes E. Cralb, Delia B. Crlg- ler, J. E. Cronan, H. L. DeArmond. H Daniels, G. L. Davis, C. W4 Do- Graff, F. L. Everson, F. L. Gronnort, W. M. Hart, T. A. Hayes, E. E. Hen- dershott, O. M. Hickey, C. V. How ard, E. L. Johnson, Victor M. Jorgen son, C. D. Livingstone, Elln Crlm Lynch, F. E. McGlnnin, Allen Mc- Curtnln, G. W. McArthur, T. M. Mor ris, T. A. O'Gormnn, E. M. Orth, W. L Prendegrnst, Alex. G. Riddell, Mil ton D. Schwartz, R. S. Searlo, W. B. Shlvely, J. K. Starr, C. A. Studobak cr, F. A. Sullivan, F. E. Swope, E. D. Williams, A. E. Whoolock. - o CAPTURED THE CHIEF. T 'TSmi. Put nn End to tho Lcyto. Rebellion in CORVALLIS Ji EASTERN SOLD. Hnrrlnian Will Tako Possession Within Two Weeks. Within two weeks tho Corvallls & Eastern railroad will bo formally tak en over by Oio Hnrrlman interests and operated by ofllcials chosen from tho Harrlman ranks. A. B. Ham mond, president of tho road, tendered his resignation nt a meeting of tho directors In Albany on Mondny. His successor has not yot been olcdcd, but It Is expected thnt J. P. O'Brien, gonornl manager of tho Harrlman lines In tho Pacific Northwest, will bo prosldont of tho road. It is said that tho Corvallls & Eattorn will bo opor ated ns a separato lino nnd retain its nnmo nnd individuality. Tho dato has not yot beon sot for a meeting of tho directors to chooso tho next prosident of tho road, but It is expected to tako placo within tho next two weeks. At that timo tho property will bo formnlly taken over. It Is understood that G. W. Tal Manila, June 12. Fausto Ablen, hend chief of tho Pulajnnes on tho Island of Leyte, was woundd and enp'tured yesterday by Lieutenant Jones with a detachment of eight in fantrymen and Philippine scouts. Undor-chiefs Uldnrice, Rota and Lucia were also captured. Tho mili tary and civil authorities delnro that tho capture of these chiefs ond3 Pulajanlsm on tho island of Leyte. For months 14 columns of troops with scouts nnd constabulary havo been campaigning around tho hiding place of tho Pulnjnne traders. Tho wife and family of Ablon were cap tured May 25. It will now bo possi ble to remove tho troops from Leyte, on which island tho campaign was begun June 10, 100G. The death of O'toy, the head chief of tho Pulajanes, on tho Island of Snmar, April 20, has been reported by bandits captured yesterday aftor noon by tho Santa Rita constabulary. TAKES ROTH siS Crawford SnroTTT"" -- urpgon Ho up iuve ,,ou - coi;;ia Astoria, Or., jUne12 cent session of thn n At tk re. a taw was en L ?? ,eC uso of ,,. ? ed Pbm ! "" ouinea in -. - lllr. 1. any Wr, Of this aintr. i. .. "w, in tho -!.. .. ii. o V-n Htmli- . mo Pacific ocean i Z a ,lT " of the mout 1 of " of the state. W. Btichlaw.nnd0 "?.S,llngtonhiUnn Paring to operate a p; Pre. lower harbor dl,H.:,S9!lne 'nth ng season, Pish WaZ v " requested Attorno!?" V?n Da ord for an opinio , aTto t ' Cra' Ity of the Oroeon .! 0the athor- " """.erg to ARE FIGHTING AGAIN. Nicaragua and Salvador arc Again nt War. Mexico Cl'ty, Juno 12. Nicaragua nnd Salvador aro at war. Late Tues day afternoon Dr. Manuel Delgado, minister to Mexico from Salvador, re ceived tho following telegram from President FIgueren: "San Salvador, Juno fi. This morning tho revolutionists enptured tho port of Acnjulta. Thoy woro commanded by Gonornl Manuel Rl- vns nnd enmo from Corlnto on tho gunboat Momometombo, armed by tho prosident of Nicaragua. In this manner Zolaya complies with tho tronty of peace of Amnpnla, which was entered into with tho interven tion of 'tho American govornment. this law on the Wn.M nforce tho river, lul of holds tho cabio to i matter what may be the .J i,?'1 Washington. tatnt of tuo river. i his ' ' 0 of holds the laws of TJt Ct" cat, .10 to all sections of the J appii- SENATOR MORGAN DEAD. Venerable Democratic Lender plred Last Night. Ex- hot, now gcnornl manager and trcas- vlnltlng rolatlves and frlondB in this uror of tho C. & E., will bo mado city, returned todny to her homo In vice-president and gonornl manngor, Lebanon . Mrs. A. J. Dunn, of Walla Walla. contains about 1538 ncros, distributed who hns beon vloltlng In this city nB follews: Jnmos R. Coloman, 130 nnd at Dlxlo, loft today for a visit to flees acres at ?oo; Mrs. v.. Miller, 130 hor fnthor. Benlamin Kimsov. of succeeding J. K. Weatherford, of Al bany, ns vice-president. Mr. Talbot will probably retain his Portland of- tho Secretary of Joined. Stato En- ,.r A AnA. M . Ml - - I acres at ?au; u. i. uuaru, -id acres Molinmn. at r.5; M. P. Dennis, 41 ncres at ( Miss Francos Fitzgerald of Pon-iM0KB Ill,'pB"BXnUI TROUIIL1SS. iS31; WIlMnm IT. Slinnnnn. 10.1 nrrM ilinin nn.i mi r.. a u . - mto contracti:: .:":: ;';;:::::-; er: """" vu" jf., i ill uu. iLiiii liiu dunti iji i inui. a it inrvn a nfKiumi in ftr ! in .ah i -"-- ,,, . . viwifiiiH, HMMUU (11 LIIU MII.J IllQL UVUU acroH. Tho prlco of tho latter tract ing to attond tho Biimmor school. In hold at about $120 per aero. I William Schmidt, who hns boon nt o tending Willamette University, loft nbcrt L- StovonB vs. F. W. Bonson, Home OniH. ths mornInK for Port)nn,i, wll0rc ho as secretary of state. Is tho tltlo of Tho dopartment of ngrlculturo, , nccoto(1 n noRu,ni, fnP flm ,. an nctlon which was begun In tho among oinor mem, in n receni ropori, ,nor Fifty moro womon and girls at tho 'BayH that thoro aro in tho United on chorriea. C-10-3t I circuit court this morning, praying n n cinniAn.. ...i. i. i. for n decree enJoinlntr tho dofendnnt cannery, to bogln work nt onco. All states this year 31,101,000 acres of vlsltinc' Mao HofeV of thla cltv loft from submitting to tho votes of tho thoao beginning now will bo retained onta. Tho average mind docs not thlB ' Z ? ', ,," 1 n il Pooplo of tho stato and from placing get much Information from that stnto Jos0( Caijfornlft Mr IIofor nnil Mr upon tho olllclnl ballot tho ballot tltlo mom, uui wnon pui in oiner woras it SjnKiotftry woro collogo friends nt ;or "muor or votc fr or against tho Stanford University. ncc 0,ulIG( An act providing for MIbs Margaret Miller loft today ,tho custody and control of porsons for Hood Rlvor for an extended visit , confined in county jails providing to rolatlves and frlondB. Sho will for anpolntmonta and compensation spond a several weoka' outing In tho of iatton, otc," which act wns filed mountains noar Hood Rlvor before , February 1G, 1007, by tho govornor, Ina county, died nt hla homo at returning to hor homo In this city. "? nnving neunor npproveti or uisap Drnln Saturday night of gonornl do-1 MrB. John Sawyor, of Portland, Is Proved tho Bnmo. A protended potl blllty. HownB SO yoars of ago. Mr. ox poet ed to arrlvo in tho city today t,on BavB tho complaint was filed In Harlan loavoa two dnughtorB, Mrs to nttond tho commoncomont oxor- la' for tho roforrlng of tho act. and Mary Hollyfiold, of Drain, nnd MrB. cIbob of Wlllamotto Unlvorslty. Sho tlmt tno vol or l" I'copio bo tnkon Siullo Gnrdnor, of Monmouth, and wna formerly Mlau Grnco McConnoll, one son, Simeon Harlan, of Drain. !of this city. Homeopaths liUect Olllcors. Dr. Altmnii waH In attoudanco at tho thlrty-fii-Kt unuual mooting of tho Stnto Homeopathic Medical Society, It; Portland, yotrtorday, Ho roports a. vory Intoroatlng mooting. Tho olll cors choaon for 1007 are: ProHldont, ChurloB lUlllngtou, M. I)., of Port lnnd; first vlco-prosldont, L. G. Alt man, M. D., of Salem; second vlco pi'oaldont, J. 1). BlBhop, M. D,, of ForoBt Grovoj Boorotary, II. S. Nloh oIh, M. D., of Portland; troaauror, Emma J. Wolty, M. D., of Portland. Will Piny in Portland. Studonts of Pnolfio Unlvorslty aro going to proBont "Tho llrldgo of tho GodB" at tho Hotllg In Portland Sat urday. Tho Btoiy was dramatUod by tho Btiidonta undor tho direction of Professor Orr. can bo ronllzcd. It would mako n squaro Hold, tho sides of which would be 220 miles long. o James Harlan Dead. Jnmoa Harlan, a plonoor of Doug- Wnshlngton, Juno 12. United States Sonntor John Tylor Morgan of Alabama, died hero at 11:15 last night. Senator Morgan had beon In bad health for a numbor of years, but had moro or less regularly attended tho scBslona of congress. Ho suf forod from angina pectoris, which was tho caiiflo of his death. At tho deathbed woro his daugh ters, Miss Mary Morgan and Miss Cornelia Morgan, both of this city, and his socrotary, J. O. Jones. Mr. Morgan's homo In Alabama was at Selma, whoro tho funeral will tako placo, tho body probabjy being taken thoro Thursday. Pendleton FrarTjT. Pendleton, Or., Jun0 u JS, . farmers generally thrn..?0Dib country are rejoicing ,aV;1. ram wmch has fallen in the ir hours, and . which still J?'1 flomo apprehension Is felt ,n thK and by thoso living along the r and creek bottoms that there wiib' a recurrence of the floods of L! year ago. Loa baromcten J oven lower than at tho beglnahjo tho big storm last spring. SLUIRIED. SBMKB-MUMM At tho home of the brldo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joha Mumm, residing four mllos Mnth of this city, Miss Albortlna Cecelia Mumm was glvon In marriage te Mr. Henry Semke, Tuesday, Jane 11 1007, at 5 p. m Rev, Ezra Maurer ofllclntlng. Miss Mumm is known for her pleasing manner and makes friends easily. Tho groom has been a re.1 dent of Salem for 15 years, and hit tho osteom of all who know him. The nowly married couplo will reside at Market and Winter streets, North Snlom. Norwich Union Fife Insurance Society Frank Meredith, Resident Agent Office with Wm. Brown & Co., No. 120 Commercial street. Two American Cardinals. Rome, Juno 12. Bishop Starlha, of South Dakota, has been lnformod by tho popo that ono nnd perhaps two American cardinals will bo ap pointed at tho September consistory. I ...no ,.!.! no tuiw. Snlwu Firm Do Wiring. " Tho Wostorn Eloctrlo Mnnufactur- -O" Circuit Court. Tho following dockot entrlos have H. been mado by J ml go Galloway In do- Mandamus tho Secretary. Eugene Pnlmor and Cyrus lug Company hns beon awarded Oio Walker havo fllod an nctlon In de- pnrtmont N6. 2 of clroult ceurt: contract to placo tho oloctrlc wiring pnrtmont No. 2 of tho circuit court jn tho enso of Lulu Caso vs. J. B. In tho stnto Iioubo In good roimlr. asking tho usual nltornntlvo writ of pnen nm ,iofonrinn ,iafn,,n n.i'nr! ..... ... i . . . . . . :. w'w v.. .-., . , ....v., M. This firm la tho now concern which was rocontly incorporated by business mon of Snlom, with a cnpltnl atock of $2I),000. mandamus bo Issued ngnlnst tho soc-er tostlmony was tnkon, n docroo of rotary of stato and sorvod upon him divorce was granted as praved for. requiring thnt ho do Immediately nf- Tno testimony in tho case of Maud tor receiving Bald writ file tho Uril- E Noaj va, Et Mt Nen, wns cosod oralty of Orogon referendum potl- yesterday aftornoon, and tho enso turns, or mat no appoar ueforo tho takou luulor ndvtsomont. THEY ARE COMING EVERY DAY Moiv of thoso line hliocs which wo purchased at huch low prices and wo can tit ami please you when every other htoro falls. THE LATEST ARRIVALS C. P. Ford Hand Turned Shoes for Ladies, Barcfool Sandals, White Canvas Shoes Our liable' Shoes aro coming. You don't havo to wait for tho fire nalo. Wo glvo you Just as great bargains every day. SALEM SHOE STORE O, W, KYKK court and show causa why ho has not filed Bald patulous. Itt-rt STATU ST, T, MAPLETHORPR Appeal Filed. An appeal from tho Marlon county court has beon fllod In dopnrtmont No. 2 of tho circuit court In tho mat ter of tho guardianship of Elizabeth Horron, a person incapable of con ducting hor own affairs. TUmon Ford and William KnUor appear as attor neys for tho petitioner and appel lant nnd Attorney John W. Reynolds represents tho respondent, o Two Licenses Issued. Carl Baumann, of Portland, aged 2S, and Tona do Vrles, of Salem, aged 24; Joseph Hopp witness. Gundalupo V. Bogga, of Salem, aged CO and Mnry A. Mnurer, of Sa lem, aged 30; Ezra Maurer wltnesj. No Uso for Tho Hague. St. Petersburg, Juno 12. A mes sage from Count Olstor says Tho Hnguo conferenco Is only n disgust ing manifestation of Christian hypoc-raey. ..MONEY TO LOAN.. THOMAS K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or. NEW TODAY For Rent Knabo piano. Also fur nlBhod liou80, closo In. For wle, $10 Washing machine for $5. In qulro nt 1212 Stato street. 3-10-Jt Carpets Ladles, havo your wor. dono by a sanitary process. The only way that can be done Is W steam, and by romoTlng cwpJ from tho houso, which we do i" n-suro you perfect wtlsf&ctloa. Phono 1154. Wesley Edwards. 4-30-eod-ltn To Dissolve tho Doumn, London, Juno 12. M. Burlshke" vltch, tho consorvatlvo leader, said today tho douma would bo dissolved within a fortnight. o Moro Japanese Fireworks. Dos Moines, la., Juno 12. Tnft In his speech today scoutod tho idea of tho United States and Japan going to war, ' ' ... a i a tirnAr For Sale A beautiful now, .- of Lincoln and South Commen streets. Very cheap. M Boha-nnan. 6A2'V Fr Sale Ono twenty-ton Champion .baler, quick relief, ono water tr. ono engine tender on wheel, paclty 400 gallon. Phone IMW burban, or addroea box 885 ! Sjb. Or. T. F, Wslhnjii bouse- do ... i., t InrlV tO work in family of four. Call .or. r...it. TIIr.ll CrfCh 6-1-'1 . tBZ DUUU1 ll'b" ",. WaHtetl Fifty moro womon and girls at tho ennnory, to beglu work at onco. All thoso boglnnlng now will bo retained B cherrle, 6-10-3t Tho foreelosuro suit of Oscar W. T Muellhaupt vs. tho Gorman Evan gelical church, demurror to com plaint argued and tnkon under nd vlsoment. o Some Fine Herries, Mr, Holdor is not only a fino tce giaph operator, but, for an amateur, n top-uotchor as a fruit grower. Tho borrles ho is sending In from his ranch across tho rlvor havo attracted so much attention, that tho secretary of tho board of trado has requested htm to send somo of them to tho board room for exhibit. As a result of tho rapid decrease In tho lumber Imports from tbo United States, a now Interest Is being felt in England In tho forestry question which Is likely to rssult In practical measures looking to a production of a portion of tho lumber supplies which sha annually consumes and which aro skipped In from foreign eovmtrlw. TODAY'S SPECIALS FRESn TOMATOES, MUSKMT2LONS, EXTRA FIXE WAX GREEN PEAS NEW POTATOES, LETTUCE, ASPAK YOUNG ONIONS. season trill he From tho present outlook tho strawberry uqw- a short one. Wo have on hand fino lot of borrles an not miss It If you order somo of them. MOIR GROCERY CO. Pfioae 456 State St.