DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALTJM, OREGON- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1007. 5 (TT STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER JUNE wfrAJ rVj Each dopartmont of our Dtoro Is trying to outdo tho other by Its eco nomic offering for June. Today wo mention a few Items ih ncjw whjto dress skirts. Plain white dress skirts, eleven goro3, stylo just like cut, also in two other styles of plaits. I OTTER ROCK RESTFUL AND BEAUTIFUL hour of rest, praying that naturo's storehouse might portion them out a small share of tho fountain of health. All woro happy amid tho pleasures of their summer outing. SALE PRICES $1.22 $.34 $1.67 ! A hundred whito shirt walstB ranging from $1.00 to $2.00 reduced to 60 Cents Each The Most Delightful of Oregon's Many Seaside Resorts I The owners have decided to plnco this beautiful property on ho mar ket. Otter Rock, or by many known as tho "Punch Bowl," for a summer reBort has few equals on tho Pacific Coast. Seventy-five per cent of tho pcoplo who visit Newport pay their respects to Otter Rock boforo re turning from their summor vacation. In fact, a trip to Newport without Booing Otter Rock would bo llko go ing to Portland in tho summer timo without seeing the "Oaks," tho dif ference boing that tho hand of God has painted tho sconory nt Ottor Rock, whllo capital and man's In genuity has fashioned most of tho beauties at tho "Oaks." Naturo hns been very kind to tho advancing, The Hill interests havo surveyed a road from Seaside to Newport, which will bo built nnd opcrnting in eighteon months. This rond will pass through tho town of Otter Rode, and anothor local road will soon bo built from Otter Rock cast into tho vast timber bolt on tho Siletz. From tho fact that Otter Rock, which some claim was tho original Capo Foulwenthor, extends out for a long distance into tho ocean and an outer reef of rocks oxtotuls both north and south of Ottor Rock for sevoral miles and breaks tho ocean Bwell or rollers long boforo they reach tho shore lino, this is ono of tho most protect ed points on tho const, and Is a favor ite bathing plnco. From tho first of Juno until tho mlddlo of Octobor thoro Is hardly a day that a. small put now llfo Into tho Tillamook country. Thirty miles Is built from Forest Grove west. About 100 teams nro grading out of Tillamook. Tho tunnol just out of tho city Ib Ranches that could bo dwellers of this favored spot, who In tho past havo been mostly tho red mon of tho forests, tholr few wants being Bttppllod by tho gonorous hand of naturo; when tho tide Is out tho tnblo is set; tho tide obba and flows twico every twenty-four hours, nnd bought a year ago, boforo thoro was any certainty of tho railroad, for $2,000 to $3,000 nro soiling for $5,000 to $7,000. Ton now fnmllloB nro coming whoro thoro was ono formerly. Tho Oregon Electric from Portland COTTAGE GROVE DEVELOPMENT CONVENTION (Continued from pngo ouo). pie would bo justified In combining ilth any means in their powor to iwuro railroads. This is illuutratcd lj tho effect of building a railroad bto Tillamook county. Tho con duction of tho Lytic railroad has ! kit may not leavo tho beach and go ulely out and return, spending tho hr on tho bosom of tho old Pacific It perfect safety. The wrltor has cften seen women and smnll chll Jrtn leavo tho beach at Otter Rock ui go out for an hour's fishing. All llsda of salt wator fish may bo aught off tho rocks at tho Punch Bowl, and a mile's tramp to Sponcor crltock crooks will repay thoso who Bie good fly Ashing for mountain tiont. The county court of Lincoln coun ty, aided by her outorprlslng citi zens, has built a splendid wngon read from Newport to tho Siletz Bay ud to Salmon river, which affords cce ot the most beautiful scenic tires on the Pacific coast. Otter Hock Is no now plnco to cur ot Oregon's citizens, but has fw before boon placed on tho ulet, owing to tho fact that It wa3 a the Sllciz Reserve and owned by fcdlsns. Tho Compnny Is now nr- nngiag to build and havo In opera te a sawmill, so that parties dealr- fcj to build cottages at Otter Rock My have tho lumber on tho ground, K much lowor cost than If they ff forced to ship It In. A cool mountnin stream runs trough tho town Bito. It comes tor and pure from a mountain side fro hundred feet abovo, thus afford- f Plenty of wator for all purposes, i hotel will bo built and thero will Mother Improvements, a bath-houso, Wtofflco and chuto-the-chutea. A 'phono lino will bo In oneratlou ''July 1st, and tho company has al- r made arrangements to put on lfge automobile, which will make ps erery two hours from Newport Otter Rock. Thua it will bo seen hotter Rock will soon havo all conveniences of Newport and ifr well known summor resorts. The town Blto is laved out In lot. '. and aero tracts, and a public wre or park of several acres, fc Is nicely located, will bo ire- Wd this season. r further nnrMonlnrn nridrcsB B. I Jones Independence, Oro or Dr. R.Xeh-ba3, Otter Rock. THE HOP CROP IN . THE EAST In tho rough sands of tho Boa nro t0 s'om will doublo tho valuo of all flsh, clams and oysters, thero is drift mmlB cloBO to thnt 1,no- Proporty on tho lino will bo troblcd nnd quad rupled. Tho land will go into dair ies npd fruit tracts. Thoro will bo creameries, chcoso fnctorles nnd cnnncrlcs all ovor tho Wlllamotto volloy os fast as tho country gets SOMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses " 'or near and far-seeing. It U "' M KOOd as the erneaftlve kind. Ht the cost. "Wl thmw aro rm,a hrnVlU BA. -" twtmj ;ubi u.w IV. Brine tlnata tn XV a raa El1 any part' witi iutle ex ,Gias. H. Hinges Owihats Oytiebua. l KfttfelMl Tho Cherry Valley Gazotto, May 30th, says: Tho hop market romulns in about tho same condition ns It has for somo weeks past. As tho growing crop seems to bo doing woll thoro is llttlo prospects of any early advanco In tho prlco of old hops. Tho Cooporstown Farmer, May 31 says: Thoro has boon somo Inquiry lately In tho local market, but tho only Balo of which wo learn is ono of twenty bnlos at He. Tho rccont frosts havo not Injured tho now vino, but tho crop Is vory bnckward und thero nro many dead hills. Tho Coblosklll Indox, May 30th, snys: This section was visited by n sovoro frost on Frtdny night, and as It was qulto unexpected compar atively few had given any protection to early gnrdou stuff or flowor plnnts Tho full extent of tho Injuries result lng cannot now bo stated positively, but It unquostlonnbly did much dam ago. Hop vinos in many sections wero frozon off closo to tho ground. Thoy nro vory backward throughout tho country, having grown but a Tew Inches In length. Thoy should bo well on tholr way to tho top of tho poles. On tho morning of Tues day, May 28th, thero was a genuine snow squall. Wo aro In receipt of communica tion from a grower In Ontario coun ty, this Btate, In which ho says that growers aro experiencing tho samo troublo as horo, that tho vino is mnk lng an oxtromoly alow growth which oven under tho host weathor condi tions from now on, cannot produco more than half tho crop raised last year. Ho says whon ho grubbed his hops In March thoy opened up aa woll as ho ovor saw them, but tho cold weathor and hard frostB had set them back. Under tho ex isting conditions tbore ought to bo a good prlco for bops next fall, but if tho grower la unablo to produco tho goods ho will not gain anything by tho advance In prlco. Many grow orB In that county aro not putting much work In tholr yards this year, and this neglect, of course, will not Increase tho ylold of this stato, wlch Is bound to bo short. Tho Schobarlo Republican, May 30th, says: Growers agree that tho cold unseasonable woatner wnicn has prevailed throught tho month of May, with tho mercury hovorlng about tho freezing point constantly, baa resulted In tho most backward condition of hop yards In many years, in low yaruu uo mo u been tied aa yet, and thoso Bhow a growth of only a foot or two. with the moat favorable conditions in Juno, tho vine cannot mao uum- clent progress up to tho timo when tho hop goes Into "blow" early in July, to mako more than a medium or light crop. This outlook has re sulted la aa Increased doraand for the few remaining crops of 1906 hops. Ersklno Borst made purchases in Seward last week. o wood to cook them nnd salt to sea son, fern and wild flowers to decornto tho tnblo, and tho wild waves fur nish music nnd song for ontortnln mont. A visitor thuB describes n summer ovonlng nt Ottor Reck: Tho summor skies woro rich with railroads. Irrigation would still fur sunset's rosy glow; tho shades of or multiply production. Wntor ovonlng woro casting tholr weird wo,,,1 nmko nrc0 crl)S r hny I1088'" shadows o'or tho Jnggod points of u whoro ono grows now. Rnll- old Ottor Rock, tho angry broakors rondH will put any ordinary land in woro rolling ahorownrd, cnBtlng out tho Wlllamotto vnlloy up to $100 nn great Bhcots of spray ovor tho gilt- acro- Irrigation will mako It worth torlng sandy bench; tho white bou-200 from tho standpoint of cropB gulls woro spreading tholr wings to nlono, In hops, fruit or grass. Trans tho ovonlng broozo, and tho harsh I'ortation, Irrigation, fruit, dairying, clank of tho lonoly shags wore heard ,nr tho Big Four that ndd to land ns thoy sought tholr lonoly roosts j values, mako tho country rich, proa high up on tho rocks overlooking Iorous, populous and productive tho grnnd Pacific. iThoso factors will mako wostorn Oro- Tho faint Btrcaks of tho rcccd- 8n a gold mine, lng day marked tho drift of tho sum- mor clouds, and low down on tho ' , Tho running timo of tho south western horizon, brilliant plcturos hound overland, dny train hns boon painted in rainbow colors tinted tho oxondod to 77 minutes for 20 rolling, rostless wnves. mllos, or about 20 mllos nn hour. An occasional roar romlndcd ono Tho avorngo apood of this train Is of tho presonco of tho ugly sea-lions, about 22 or 23 mllos an hour. But as thoy sported In tho ovonlng twi-'tc mnko this timo tho train has to light. All naturo noted tho dopnr- 'novo at about 35 mllos por hour bo turo of anothor day, tho groat orb tivcon Btntlons, as thoro aro 17 stops that warms mother earth had ro- between Portland nnd Albnny. tired, lonvlng in Its plnco night's Safoty In oporntion Ih tho greatest cool mantlo. ohnrnctorlstlc of tho Southorn Pn- Along tho ocean boach and nonr clflo railroad In Oregon. Fpr 400 tho toworlng cliffs could bo soon tho mllos of Its tortuous windings ovor dusky nntlvos landing their frail mountains, Its flashings nlong sllvor ennoos ns thoy returned from tholr rlvors, its dashlngs ovor vordant day of toll on tho billows of tho Plnlns, tho trnlnod omployos havo broad Pacific. Now and again might but a single thought, from tho mnn bo seen groups of hnppy children, mountod In tho cab of tho toworlng enro-freo nnd shouting tholr mirth .thundoror that pulls tho train, to tho to tho ocean breczo. aa thoy tracked humblest brldgo-tendor and that tho golden sands. Old mon and mid-thought is tho'socurlty nnd saroty of dlo agod matrons could bo soon arm .tho Hvos of passongorB, Tho tlonth in arm ns thoy stood at tho fountain rnt0 Is tho lowoBt or any American of health, vlowlnir tho wondora of railroad. The Real Live Buster Brown AND HIS DOG, TIGE, WILL BE WITH US Tuesday, June 1 8th THIS IS THE SAME nUSTER AND TIGE WHOSE DAILY RE CEPTIONS AT THE ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR WERE AT TENDED HIT THOUSANDS, AND AROUSED SO MUCH FAVOR ABLE COSEMENT. SINCE THEN THEY HAVE MADE A MXST SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISING TOUR THROUGH ALL THE EASTERN STATES AND HAVE ADDED GREATLY TO THEIR FUND OF EXPERI ENCE AND WIT, THE NOVELTY OF WHICH IS ENLIVENED BY DUSTER'S HUMOROUS DELIVERY AND TIGE'S REMARK ABLE INTELLIGENCE WHICH RIVALS THAT OF ins COMIC SUPPLEMENT NAMESAKE. THE HOUR'S RECEPTION AT OUR STORE WILL BE ONE OF PURE ENJOYMENT TO ALL WHO ATTEND, WHETHER YOUNG OR OLD, AND HEREAFTER WHEN YOU SEE BUSTER AND TIGE IN THE COMIC PAVERS YOU WILL HAVE THE ADDI TIONAL PLEASURE OF HAVING MET THE TWO ORIGINALS. HUSTER WILL DISTRIBUTE RUSTER BROWN BUTTONS AMONG THE CHILDREN WHO ATTEND. HE WILL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT THE FAMOUS Buster Brown Blue Ribbon Shoes WHICH ARE RECOGNIZED AS THE MOST SATISFACTORY SHOES EVER BUILT FOR BOYS AND GIRLS WEAR. DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND Tin-3 RECEPTION JUNE 18TH. A2TSr&d' DZd& UsCOSe (2.3FJ&,assed, M"cfv, Jobs Ottes, formerly of taU city, but mw loat4 at He4 Rlvr, la vfeklg U . naturo, whllo falr-halred maidens In company with strong and sturdy manhood, all enjoying tholr summer outing, might bo seen in somo ohol torod covo, watching tho great orb of day, as it bathed its faco in tho clear blue waves and disappeared In tho fathor of waters. High up on tho ovorgroen hills amid smiling vorduro, Inhaling tho fragranco of wild flowers from na turo's own bower, and ovorBhadow lng the beach below, if ono porchanco should cast tholr oyos seaward, thoy could foast them on tho pictures painted on tho old Pacific, or to tho north look upon tho groen toreats and mosa covered hills, bordorlng tho shores of tho old ocean, and In sight of tho trackless waters that float tho commerce of tho world; while away to the south Foulweath- sr's cheory light marked tho moot westerly point of Undo Sam's broad domain, Tho smoke from a dozen enmp fires curled up toward high hoavon, whllo tho flickering flames wero chasing myriads of BparkB which woro caught upon tho ovenlng breezes and wafted to naught. Happy campers woro re turning from their day of recreation and pleasuro from over hill and dale, somo with long strings of trout, tho speckled beauty caight with tho art ful fly, others with flowers, rnosBes, ferns and other products of naturo's quiet woods, others with rocks and shells of many various colors, sea mosses and sparkling agates, while the tardy lovers still lingered behind, drlnkln In tho wonders of nature In this beautiful spot and pledging' faith with one another. Tho age4 and erip9l4 vera batklug thefr' lliBlNi la tb aaltjr tW bafora tb You need a tonic that will put tho snp of llfo into your syatom and for tify you from all dlsoasos. HolllJ tor's Rocky Mountnin Toa ia recog nized as tho greatest Btrongthonor known. Toa or Tablets, 35 cent. For salo at Stono's drug Btoro. Reform School Entertainment. Thoro will bo nn olocutlonary on tortnlnmont nt tho Roform School ThurHdny ovonlng, Juno 13th, at 7; 15: Slxtoon boys will doclalm against tho uno of clgarottos In n contest for two ollvor medals. Tho boys hnvo boon propnring for this event for a number of weolcs nnd aro vory onthuBlnBtlo nbout it. Tho Buform School bond will furnish tho mualo for tho occasion, and n rous ing timo Is oxpoctod. Aftor tho speaking tho boya of tho ontlro school will bo given nn opportunity to Blgn tho twofold plodgo against tho uso of tobacco and Intoxicating liquors, Friomla of tho school nro Invited to nttond thin ontortnlumont nnd thua oncourngo tho boyo by tholr presonco. A vory nnmll admission will bo chargod to defray nocossary oxpoubcs, MltS. W. J. WEBEU. Tho dedication aorvicoB of tlio new Mnccnboo tomplo will occur in Rose burg noxt Saturday nnd Sunday and will mnko a notablo ovont in the his tory of the ordor in Oregon. Gover nor Ghnmborlnln will bo thoro to mnko tho dodlcntory nddross, which will occur Sunday nt 2 o'clock p. m. Tho uniform rank, Knights of Mnc cabooB, 25 Btrong, will nttond from Portland, nnd tnko part In thoso Im proHsivo coromonlon, bosldos promi nent inombora of tho MnccnbooB from nil ovor tho state nro oxpoctod to bo proHcmt. Went Coqulllo Prerlnrt Dry. In an opinion handed down by Attorney-General Crawford, In answer to a query from Hon. John F. Hall, county Judge of Cooa county, usklng whothor tho locnl option voto taken fn West Coqulllo precinct In 1000 holds thut precinct prohibition, not withstanding another voto was had In 1007, and resulted In n voto against prohibition, nnd ' also tho West Coqulllo precinct voted against prohibition. Tho opinion holds that tho precinct Is still dry, ns was voted In 100C, aa no voto can chango that decision for a term of two years. In tho thlrty-flvo yonrs that Wil liam J. Wheeler of South Paris, Mo has bcon an Insuranco ngont ho haa. mado Bottlomonts for damago dona by lightning In olovon out of tho twolvo months of tho year. , o Shipping stock from Orogon to tho Orient la becoming a regular lino of business. Recently, tho Nicomodln, from Portland, carried n hord of cat tle to Honk ICong, and several othor steamers havo takon ovor a largo number ot animals. Slnco tho traffic bogun from tho Columbia rlvor, about two yoara ago, it is tald half a dozen flno dairy hords havo boon started la tho Orient, B. B. Laughter, Byhalla, MIm writoa; "I havo two children who had croup. I triod many different rerue-' dies, but I must say your Uorehound Syrup ia tho host Croup and Cough modicino I ovor uaod," Sold by D, J. Fry. To Guard YOUR HEALTH You ought to take an occasional doso of tlio Bittern, R will provont tho stomach from becoming weak and tho liver Inactive. Btit If your health is poor, wo urge you to tnko It regu larly before meals. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS during the past S3 years has proven its ability to cure ILwdaclie, Bloat tog, Vowltlag, pood AwWt, Dyw . IfHllgMitkm t Malaria, Fever a4 Ague. Yea'll fed every bottle Flvo carloads ot brand now S0 pound atool rnllj nrrived In Eugene Sunday night for tho Wlllamotto Val ley Company's utroot car systom for Eugene nnd suburbs. Workman bo gan oarly Monday morning to unload thorn and tho rails woro strung down Wlllnmotto stroot during tlio day. Thoro nro now enough ralla In Eu eoeo to lay flvo miles of track, and by tho timo thoso aro In placo more ralla will bo horo for tho Springfield oxtonslou. -o- For stomach troubles, blllouBneas and constipation try Chamberlain's; Stomach and Llvor Tablets. Many remarkable euros havo been effected by thorn. Prlco 25 cents. Samples froe. For salo by Dr. Stono'a drug store. Mrs. Martha Fnto, ot Cnnyonvlllo, wna oerioualy hurt in nn accident which occurred six miles oust of that placo Thuroday, Tho lady was driv ing a young horso along tho road, whon tho animal became frlghtonod at somo hogs and backed tho rig ovor an embankment Into tho crook below. Mrs. Futo foil about 18 foot nnd suffered a broken arm and a fractured leg. " o ' , .. Dott't! 1 1 Don't lot your child suffer with that cough whea you cure It with Ballard's Horefeeuad lyrup, a sure enre for Cougha, Broacaltlu, Ialuea xa, Croup aad FulMoaary DUeaaea Buy a bettle aad try It, Tho number of namos scoured from each county on tho Unlvorslty of Orogon roforondum is as follows; Benton 353, Clackamas 001, Coos 40, Douglas 21, Grant 115, Lnno 120, Linn 2001, Lincoln 12, Marlon 1184, Multnomah 387, Polk 268, Umatilla. 304, Wnshlngton GO, Wasco 173, Yamhill 057. William Wonrn, who was aorlously cut two weeks ago at Ltbby mine by John Kolly, dlod Saturduy ovonlng at 7:30 at tho Marshiluld gonoral hospital. Colic and Diarrhoea. Pains in tho stomach, collo aad diarrhoea,, are quickly relieved by the use ot Chamborlaln'a Collo, Cholera and DIarrhooa Remedy. For sale by Dr. Stono'a drug store. "O Special Eastern Excursion rates. May 20, 21, June , 7, 8, July 3, 4, S, August 8, 9, 10, September 11, 12, IS. To Chicago asd retura, 973.16. St. Louis aad retura, $9.1K St. Paul aad retura, Owaba, Couaeil Blufs, Sioux City, St. Joe, Kaaaas City aad return fll.M. WM, ll'MURRAY, -l-tl o. Pa, Agi.