DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, ORBGOM TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1007. 1 " '!2im J. II. KIlUEGEIt, Pros, and Mgr. W. W. EMMONS, Scc'y. MARIONS i rucoDirc UIILMYILO Ofllco Suit 411 Commonwealth Building, Portland, Or. Lour Dislanco Tclcpliono Main 0733 Pacific Coast Sales Promoters INCORPORATED, i MERCHANDISE STOCKS PURCHASED AND SOLD We Employ None But Expert Sales Managers Special Sales Promoted and Managed. Stocks Closed Out Portland, Or., June 1, 1007. Messrs. Jo. Meyers & Sons, Salem, Or. Gentlemen : While In your city I looked over your stock very carefully and liavo no hesitancy In saying that for high class merchandise and Intrinsic values offered to the public your store stands without n peer on the Pacific Coast, and tlio people of your city havo Just reason to feel proud tliat such an enterprise has1 leen maintained in their midst. I hope 'when all traces of the disastrous firo havo been elmlnatcd your store will rise to a brighter and more prosperous future. Most Truly Yours, W. W. EMMONS, Secretary, Pacific Coast Sales Promoters, Inc. Tins LETTER IS THE STRONGEST INDORSEMENT OP WHAT WE'VE BEEN TELLING YOU FOR YEARS, AND, COMING FROM, THE ABOVE SOURCE, FROM PEOPLE WHO MAKE THE STUDYING OF STOCKS A BUSINESS, IS BEYOND ALL QUESTIONS A COMPLIMENT. OUR EVERY EFFORT IN nE FUTURE WILL BE TO MAKE OUR STORE BIGGER, BETTER AND STRONGER THAN EVER. WE HOPE TO RE-OPEN OUR STORE FOR THE BIG SALE MONDAY, THE 17TH, A COMPLETE INVENTORY IIAS BEEN TAKEN AND THE PACIFIC COAST SALES PROMOTERS, INC., OF PORTLAND, WILL HAVE CHARGE FOR 15 DAYS, WHEN WE WILL RESUME CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT. WATCH OUR ADDS DAILY. AND ROSES Arrangements Completed For a Splen did Display Next Month 14x?cJ. uleu&iA 6 zjxmA I jPK INCORPORATED J mmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 'MaMtl Arriml I Wnnt L1 to Sell. IV w CITY NEWS A Collection of Important Par Rgrophtt for Your Consideration Souvenir Postals New Hiibjocts today, nt Pntton's, Wanted Fifty moro womon nml RlrlB at tho cannory, to begin work at onco. All tliotio beginning now will bo rotnlnod on cherricu. 0-10-3t Fruit Inspector's Olllce County Fruit Inspector Armatrong hau now qunrtorB in tlio board of trndo rooms whoro litoraturo por tniulng to tlio work can bo obtained. Ijhcp Curtaiui Just recolved, Huron & Hamilton. Woodchoppom Wanted Yes, tlioHO delayed luco curtains nro horo. Thoy aro beauticB. Buron & Hamilton. Investlgato It Tlio lowest prices and .tho highest quality of godds nro tho reasons for tho rapidly increasing business of Farrlngton & Van Pntton, grocora and mnrketmon. Fell From Roof II. Cndwoll, whllo ongagod in shlng ling a porch of tho Strntton house, on East Stnto street, this morning, fell from tho roof to tho ground, a distance of about 1G feet, sustaining sovoral painful cuts about tho faco and a slight brulso on IiIb cheat. Tho Injuries nro not sorlouB, and ho will soon bo nblo to rosumo Ills work. Hurt in Gymnasium Robert NoIboh, a U. of 0. stiulout, who, got a slight hurt on IiIb foot In tho gymnuBlum nt tho unlvoralty Home tlmo ago, Is lying vory ill nt his homo in Albany from blood poison ing. Ills foot will probably havo to Inquire of Win. llrawn & Co., No. b0 nninHtnt0li JIo Wft8 a popu,n 129 Commercial stroot. Location of ,,.. t .., i i..i. ...i i.i Wnnt Lands to Sell. Tho Albnny Herald, in nn nrticlo concerning railroad lands in Linn county, inndvortently gives awny tho tor tho awnruB nro inndo ArrangomentB are being completed for the Cherry nnd Rosd Show, July 12. Tho committees huvo tho matter well In hand, and that It will be ono of tho most attractive affairs ever held in Salem Is assured. Tho cherry crop is excellent, and advantage will be taken of tho cold storage plants, to preserve tho earlier varieties of cherries, so that a full rango of tho delicious fruit, from tho earliest to tho latest, will bo on exhibition. While tho dnte Is rathor an oft ono for the best display of rose3, still with the profusion of bloom always avail able In Salem tho exhibit will bo ono to m'nko oven Oregonlans sit up and tako notice. Tho rules governing tho contests aro as follews: Rules for Salem Cherry Fair. (1.) A pinto of chcrricB or ber ries should contain one pound. Stems must bo left on tho cherrloB in tact. , (2.) Carton exhibits muBt bo en tered and judged scpnrato from tho regular ten pound box. 1 (3.) All fruit entered for prizes must bo correctly labeled and must be in tho hands of tho exhibit com mit tco boforo ono o'clock of tho opening day. (1.) In collections duplication of varieties will not bo permitted. (5.) Exhibitors must file with tho sccrctnry, on or before tho first of tho fnlr, tho name of exhibitor with complete list of varieties entered by him. (G.) Entry cards furnished by tho sccrotnry must be placed with all ex hibits for tho guldanco of the judges. (7.) All exhibits must bo freo from any namo or address or any thing that would Indlcnto w.hero tho fruit wob grown or packed, until af- PERSONALS. liisldo of tho gnmo of filing on rail road lands. If tho lands nro to bo sold to nctual settlors tho applicants will probably lose: It cays: "Tho rallrond at present owns 80,000 acres In Linn county which woro grantod it by tho govornmont. Whllo muck of this land Is not of grent valuo thoro is still n largo amount which Ih hoavlly timbered nnd vory valu able, and should tho company bo compelled to soil nt tho prlco of $2. 50 an aero tho purchasers will re (S.) All articles placed upon tho tables for exhibition must romnin In charge of tho exhibit committee, and cannot bo removed boforo tho closo of tho fair without tho express por- julsston of tho committee. (9.) Threo judges shall bo ap pointed who shall Judgo all exhibits and in all cases their awards shall bo final. No Judgo shall bo allowed to enter fruit In competition. (10.) In plato exhibits judges Bhall consldor slzo, shape, color, free- nllzp a largo profit in disposing of tho'dom from ,,IonilBhc8 cnr0 '" arrange woodland on Tumor road near city. 0-7-lwk Calls for Bid Tho umloralgnod will recolvo bids HP to C o'clock p. m., - on Juno 17, 1907, for Kupplylng ono hundrod and twouty-llvo (126) cords of gron nocond growth llr wood, to bo deliv ered at tho city hall boforo October let, for tho uso of tho city of Salem, Oregon. Tho sucposstul blddor will be roqulred to enter Into contract under bond to furnish tho wood as per agroomont. W. A. MOORES, Rocordor. Dated Juno 5, 1007. G-5-dl0t-w2t Wanted Fifty moro womon and girls at tho cannery, to bogln work at onco. All thoso beginning now will be retained on chorrlos, G-10-3t member of tho gloo club, and loader ot tho mandolin tonm. Smlth'SiniphOu- Comity Clerk Allon this morning Issued a marriage license to Honry E. Smith, of Portland, aged 22, and BobbIo A. Simpson, of Snlom, aged 17. David Slmpdou, witness, In Circuit Court In tho F. J. Eldrldgo vs. John Hoofer, ot nl oqulty suit, tho plain tiff was glvon ton days in which to fllo a motion for a now trial. Library TabUvs Just tvcolvod, Duron & Hamilton. Cups to Bo Photographed A lottor wub recolved yeatorday by Fruit Inspector Armstrong from H. M. Williamson, editor of tho Oro gon Agriculturist, of Portland, ask ing that tho pictures of tho various cups to ho given na prizes during tho cherry fair bo sent him, that ho may publish thoiu. Tho twenty-ouo cups to bo given away nro now at tho Bnrr Jewelry sto'ro, and aro trophies which might well bo appreciated by tho fortunatu fruit growora who exhibit. Wanted " Fifty moro womon and girls nt tho cannery, to begin work at onco. All tko blHBl mw will be rUlu4 os cktrrlM. -10-St Paul Bowor, of Spokane, and King MaoDonald of Ellonsburg, WubIi., Students In tho Wlllamotto Univers ity, will Joavo In tho morning for an extended trip In tho ovorgreon stnto aftor whloh they will go to their homos to spend tho summer. ' o Mr, and Mrs. Louis Stluson .havo returned from Dallas whoro thoy at tended a social function, glvon by tho K. of P.'s. Thoy woro guests of Dr, Tonoy of Dallas, Salem to Play Portland. trncts bought to tho tlmbor companies." o Hop Buyers Busy. Tho Orogonlnn of today says: Tho big Now York firm of Bonjnmln Schwnrz & Sons evidently havo plen ty of faith In tho futuro of tho hop mnrkot, for Joo Harris, their Oregon roprosontatlvo, hns in tho pnst week or moro taken on for them nbout 1100 b.ilOB. This buying is regarded as wholly speculative, and would not do indulged In 'f tho firm did not think thoy woro going higher. meat. (11.) In commercial exhibits, judges shall tako Into consideration size, color, freedom from blemishes, and nentncBB of pnek. (12.) Each box of fruit receiv ing n premium must bo given to tho donor of tho cup. o Rural Carriers Meet. Tho Salem delegates to tho Rural Lottor Carrlors' convention hold lost week In Portland havo roturned and oxpross themselves as being well Two .flensed with tho mooting. Among yonrs ago Schwnrz was a heavy buy or when tho market waa In tho snmo condition as It la at proBont. Tho re sult did not Justify his expectations, but this does not prevent him from speculating In hops now. Saves a Scoro of Lives. Norfolk, Va., Juno 11. Tho fa mous Princess Anno Hotel at Vir ginia noach wns destroyed by fire, which had Its origin early Monday In tho kitchen. Thoro wero 110 per sons, guosts nnd omployos In tho ho tel. All nro thought to havo oscaped with tho excoptlon of a negro cham bermaid and John Eatou, the white steward. That a scoro or moro of porsons woro not lost Is nttrlbutod to the he roism of Carl noesohon, n young ser geant, with tho Richmond Light Ar ttllory Illuos, who, rushing from room to room, awakened tho sleep ing occupants until he foil from ex haustion. Tho loss upon the build ing la nS5,000, with only $83,000 Insurance. Tho safe in which tho henw rfwnl!ta nt vnclnnlm. o 1 ,.. A game has been scheduied by tho'saml8 of dolar8 ' - ' ""-; with pjacCli thoro jor gafejicenine bv tho guosts, was not locked, and tho con tents woro lost. uaiem nigu school managers tho Portland high school, to bo pinyod horo Saturday. Tho P. H. S. baseball team, so far this year, has tho Portland acndamlo championship, nnd if tho Snlcm high school beats Storm in Kentucky, Aahlnml Tv .Tnnn n t. I nex Saturday It will havo n good Wob n claim to ho Oregon championship. A 8tom ,ast n,gM w game will bo played hero between bllld f Chemawa and tho high scbool toraor- muoj. row, if tho weather pormlts. Australia baa arranged for tho re part rlat ion of a thousand discourag ed Australia now In Soutk Africa, BwiU apcaafcacA., IMMHYMHttAfctX S7( ,JJL JTj!?.j,.A. ?gj srv. ti.z4 the important biiBinoss transacted by tho association was tho adoption of a resolution that as soon as practicable all rural mall carrlors should wear unlformB. Tho following resolutions wero adepted: "Whorens, Tho King log drag has boon Bhown to bo of Inestimable val uo in tho construction and keeping in repair dirt roads, of which our re spective routes nro mostly comprised, therefore bo it "Resolved, That this association use all proper endeavor to secure tht adoption of tho King or split road drag ns ono of tho legal require ments by all road supervisors, and that Its constant uso bo mndo obliga tory by tho county courts In tho dif ferent counties throughout tho state, Ofilcors for tho ensuing year wero elected as follews: President, P, K. Loop, of McMInnvllle; first vice-pres ident, W. II. Boyd, of Beaverton; sec ond vlce-prcaldent, II. M. Cumraings, of Corvallls; secrotnry-treasurer, J. H. Coins, ot Corvallls; delegate to national convention, W. II. Boyd, of Beaverton; P. K. Loop, of McMInn vllle. Tho delegates attending tho con vention from Salem were J. W. Cox, W. H. Squlro and F. P. Litchflold. o Colic RHd Diarrhoea. Pains In the stomach, colic and diarrhoea are Quickly relieved by the uso ot Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Romedy. For sale by Dr. Stone's drug store. John Cnrmlchael went to Portland last evening. Dr. Z. M.'-Pnrvln of Portland Is In the city. Ralph Croniso went to Eugene thlB morning. P. N. Lathrop left this morning for a visit In Lebanon, Miss Inez Bozorth, of Eugene, la the guest of Salem friends. II. Pohlo went to Portland this morning on business. T. L. Pope, of Elkhorn, is in the city on business. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. H. Rice went to Aurora this morning. Mrs. Claud Gatch was among those who went to Portlnnd today. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray went to Portland this morning." D. Z. Irvln and little son have re turned from a visit in Portland. Attorney John Reynolds, of Port land, is In the city on legal business. Mrs. E. M. Crolsan has gone to Portland to visit friends for a few days. Attorney M. E. Poguo has re turned from a business trip to Port lnnd. Attorney Webster Holmes re turned this morning from a business trip to Portlnnd. Tho Misses Emma and Mario Muths have returned from an ovor Sunday visit in Portland. Mrs. Rhonoy, of Eugene, who has bean visiting Salem relatives and friends, returned to her homo today. Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Osborno havo returned from a two monthB visit in Wheeler county. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Carlton have returned from a wcokB visit to rela tives in Lebnnon. Miss Kittle Hnrbord wont to Port land last evening to nttond n meet ing of tho State Board ot Pharmacy. Superintendent James, of tho pen itentiary, went to Oregon City this morning for a short business trip. Miss Annn Parmenter, who has been vlsltbig relatives in this city, loft today for her homo in Portland. Miss Wlnnifrcd Sownrd, who haa been attending Wlllamotto Universi ty, left this morning for hen homo In Idaho. Miss Margaret Fisher left this morning for an extended visit in St. Joseph, Mo., after which sho will bo tho guest ot relatives in Nebraska. Miss Blnncho Underbill, of Cnstlo Rock, who has been visiting Salem rolatlves, left thla morning for her homo. Dan Arnold roturned this morning from a several days' business trip on tho Santlam, whore ho has a tlmbor claim, Scott Bozorth, of Portland, la in tho city to attend tho mooting of tho board of trustees of Wlllamotto Unl voralty. Mr8. J. B. Waldo loft today tor tho London mineral springs, "whoro bIio will address a meeting of tho Grnngo. Miss Lillian Bodokor, who re cently graduated from tho Holmes BuBlne8B College of Portlnnd, Is ex pected to arrlvo in tho city today. Mrs. W. L. Rossltor, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. W. FvanB of this city loft this morn ing for her home in Sublimity. Superlntondont Ackerman loft yes terday for Weston, whoro ho will de liver an address to tho graduating class of tho State Normal at that place. Mrs. Harry Moyor roturned last evening from a visit In Portland. Sho was accompanied by hor mother, Mrs. D. W. Clearwater, who will visit hero for a few days. Mark Savage, who accompanied Mrs. Savage to Portland yesterday, roturned this morning. Mrs. Savage has gono to Bangor, Maine, for an ex tended visit with her parents. Dr. R. A. Heritage loft this morn ing for Oregon nt.. . henrnni t - . ' l0 Con.ln .. t u cnorllg -.-Vl a J. umnstone Pnrk Th7VU,llaS B,S at the The doci m ' m " V comencem- " JohnC. Pv I- h001 tonirt. Queen City F.;o,!l.mana8er ot tk. i.;rr arn local agent in tw. . lDe k r., .. """ T. Rainess relative' to ah,!!"5 lucnarason takln- .... .7'" T. uev. n. M i L ' . - ucern j Methom.t church ,.' Ftail SJSUWIU, i.iSH "tnu.ng tno Unlveraltv v r turned to his home "' H MV nml Tit ! ""u urs. E, A xr . sas, whohftvni,Dn;.:..M.ay'0lK-l here, loft this mornl ; n.g:elaU After visiting t, . .. rorlI"i sum ". """ouo 1'iey are f..i.,-. pressed with the Willamette i."" and may return n . e Tal!e " v"w,c8ontorcBi!nJ HOTEL AlmiVALS. Willntnette, F. R. Wagner, Eugene. J. Smith, Portland. E. V. Hameycr, Seattle. John II. Woodward, Portland Henry Teal, Portland. MIgb Elalo Martin, Portland H. Brash, Portland. Alonzo Morrison, Portland. Toll Thompson, Portland. E. T. Parsons, Portland. C. E. Relnhnrt, St. Louis. R. V. Polndextcr, 0. A. a E. C. Stewart, O. A. 0. D. R. Atkinson, Portland. C. V. Slater, Portland. L. O. Wrather, Portland. John O. Fox, Portland. B. L. Little, Portland. Dr. George Alnslco, Portland. Mrs. Robert Dleck, Portland. J. O. Kolloy, Portland. C. H. Woodruff, Salt Lake. R. R. Woodruff, Hastlngj, Mich. J. H. Reeves, Portland. Gcorgo Soronson, Portland. H. O. Van Duson, Astoria. Lou PIckard, city. Salem, N. A. Wilson, Portland. Mary E. Hampton, Jefferson. II. Hampton, Jefferson. Joromo Hone, Portland. Emma Bluhtn, Oregon City. W. A. Williams, Portland. J. L. Damon, cattle. John Palmer and wife, Monmouth! E. P. Morcom and dangbter, Woofl burn. Mrs. William Tagert, Aiplne, Cofo. j C. B. Garrison, Portland. John A. Brant, TilUmoox. BORN'. BARR. At tho family home on SUte atrcet, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Juno 10, 1007, to Mr, and Mm. H. W. Barr, a nine and a hall pound boy. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Sockry Frank Meredith, Resident Ajeat. Office with Win. Drown 4 Co., No, 129 Commercial street. ..MONEY TO LOAN.. THOMAS K. FORD Ovor Ladd & BuBh's Bank, Salem, or. NEW TODAY ... i I?,- T?n.,f Knnlio nlano. Al ' i nici,i imiiDA rlosa In. For ' ?10 Washing machine for 15, li j qulro at 1212 Stato street. 3-10-St o-i Cnvnrnl hOU8e I S and farm lands at a ' fjj Hal National Bang. , Wanted Twenty strawberry P era at once. Aufranco & .- mllo east of penitontlary. Farmers 193. ptoaB 6-1 1 Lmmmm00i TODAY'S SPECIALS o IMMIU .W3PC C&4& m FRESH TOMATOES, MTSIOIELOXS, EXTRA FIVE WAX - GREEX PEAS NEW POTATOES, LETTUCB, ASPAl YOUNG ONIONS. season 11! b From tho present outlook tho utrawbem 6v - a short ono. Wo havo on hand fine lot of berries a not miss it If you order some of them. MOIR GROCERY CO. Pfrtf 456 State St.